Sputum Smear Negative
Sputum Smear Negative
Sputum Smear Negative
Diagnostic Study Appraisal Worksheet
patients in the study. In some situations where reliable method for diagnosing pulmonary
the reference standard is invasive or expensive tuberculosis. The reference standard was
there may be reservations about subjecting applied to all patients in the study, regardless of
patients with a negative index test result (and the index test result. The index test was the
thus a low probability of disease) to the diagnostic algorithm recommended by the
reference standard. An alternative reference National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Programme,
standard is to follow-up people for an which uses symptoms, signs, and laboratory
appropriate period of time (dependent on results to diagnose smear negative pulmonary
disease in question) to see if they are truly tuberculosis. The authors stated that "all
negative. patients were subjected to sputum culture
irrespective of the outcome of the diagnostic
This paper: Yes
The reference standard was applied regardless of the index test result in this study.
Was there an independent, blind comparison between the index test and an
appropriate reference ('gold') standard of diagnosis?
What is best? Where do I find the information?
There are two issues here. First the reference The article there was an independent, blind
standard should be appropriate - as close to comparison between the index test and the
the 'truth' as possible. Sometimes there may reference standard. The authors stated that "the
not be a single reference test that is suitable results of the diagnostic algorithm were not
and a combination of tests may be used to known to the laboratory personnel who
indicate the presence of disease. performed the sputum culture and vice versa".
Second, the reference standard and the index
test being assessed should be applied to each
patient independently and blindly. Those who
interpreted the results of one test should not be
aware of the results of the other test.
This paper: Yes
The study met this criterion for a valid diagnostic test study.
Diagnostic Study Appraisal Worksheet
Diagnostic Study Appraisal Worksheet
Were the methods for performing the test described in sufficient detail to permit
What is best? Where do I find the information?
The article should have sufficient description of The article describes the methods for
the test to allow its replication and also performing the sputum smear test and the
interpretation of the results. sputum culture test for diagnosing pulmonary
tuberculosis (PTB) in patients with or without
HIV infection. The article provides the following
details about the tests:
- Sputum smear test: The patients were asked
to produce three sputum samples (one spot,
one early morning and one spot) within two
days. The samples were stained with Ziehl-
Neelsen stain and examined under a light
microscope for acid-fast bacilli (AFB). A positive
result was defined as the presence of at least
one AFB per 100 fields.
- Sputum culture test: The patients with sputum
smear negative were enrolled into the study.
Their sputum samples were decontaminated
with N-acetyl-L-cysteine-sodium hydroxide
(NALC-NaOH) and inoculated on Lowenstein-
Jensen (LJ) medium. The cultures were
incubated at 37°C for up to eight weeks and
checked weekly for growth. A positive result
was defined as the presence of colonies with
typical morphology of Mycobacterium
This paper: Yes
Based on these details, I think the methods for performing the test are described in sufficient detail
to permit replication by other researchers. However, the article does not mention the quality
control measures or the sources of potential errors or biases in the tests. These aspects could
also be important for ensuring the validity and reliability of the test results.