Understanding The Quality of Data in Clinical Medicine
Understanding The Quality of Data in Clinical Medicine
Understanding The Quality of Data in Clinical Medicine
• Validity: Ability of a test to distinguish between WHO HAS a disease and WHO DOES NOT
• Screening test: is performed as a preventative measure – to detect a potential health problem or disease in someone that
• Two components:
o Cutoff point
• The cut-point determines how many subjects will be considered as having the disease
• The cut-point that identifies more true negatives will also identify more false negatives
• The cut-point that identifies more true positives will also identify more false positives
• The choice of a high or a low cut off level for screening therefore depends on the importance we attach to false positives
and false negatives
• Disease positives are identified as those who test positive by either one test or by both tests
• Goal: maximize probability that subjects with the disease (true positives) are identified
3. Take the number of positive people identified by both tests by multiplying Test B sensitivity to the positive cases of Test A
4. Calculate the portion of positives identified by Test A only by using this number and subtracting from Test A positive cases,
place in numerator
5. Calculate the portion of positives identified by Test B only by using this number and subtracting from Test B positive cases,
place in numerator
6. Take the net sensitivity by dividing all of these over total number of cases with disease, expressed as a percentage
160*0.90= 144
3. To be called negative in simultaneous tests, only people who test negative on both tests are considered to have true
negative results.
5. Calculate net specificity by dividing this number over the total number of people without the disease, express in percentage
• After the first (screening) test was conducted, those who tested positive were brought back for the second test to further
reduce false positives
• Consequently: the overall process will increase specificity but with reduced sensitivity
Prevalence of 5%= 10,000*.05=500 w diabetes net sensitivity= 315/orig pop (500)(1 st test)
• Sequential testing:
• Simultaneous testing:
• Depends on:
o Costs
o Degree of invasiveness
o Practical considerations
• Clinical medicine requires constant collection, evaluation, analysis, and use of quantitative and qualitative data
• Data is used for diagnosis, prognosis, and choosing and evaluating treatments
• Error:
o Mistakes in the diagnosis and treatment of patients
• Accuracy
o Close to the true value
o Ability of a measurement to be correct on the average
• Precision
o Also known as reproducibility or reliability
o Ability of a test to give the same result or a similar result with repeated measurement of the same factor
• Measurement bias: refers to any systematic error that may occur during the collection of baseline or follow-up data
• Examples:
o Blood pressure values
o measuring height with shoes on
o laboratories and the use of different methods
• Random error
o Variability and unpredictability
o results in lack of precision
o When data have only random errors, some observations are too high and some are too low
C. Predictive values
D. Likelihood ratios
Hypothesis Testing:
False-positive result (Type 1 error): Happens when we reject a null hypothesis that is actually true
False-negative result (Type 2 error): Happens when we fail to reject a false null hypothesis
• Very early in the course of almost any infection, a patient may have no immunologic evidence of infection, and tests done
during this time may yield false-negative results
• False-negative results may also occur late in infections such as tuberculosis, when the disease is severe and the immune
system is overwhelmed and unable to produce a positive skin test result (anergy)
Describe the probability of having actual disease given the results of a test
Negative predictive value (NPV)
o Indicates what proportion of the subjects with negative test results actually do not have the disease
• Positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) are best thought of as the clinical relevance of a test.
Why should we be concerned about the relationship between predictive value and disease prevalence?
Ratio of the sensitivity of a test to the false-positive error rate of the test
• Sensitivity and specificity assess how good a test is at diagnosis of disease while likelihood ratio predicts the risk of disease
for a particular test.
• Predictive value and likelihood both predict risk of disease, but, unlike predictive value which depends on the prevalence of
the disease, likelihood ratio does not.
Which test would be best to RULE OUT infection? LR- C reactive protein
NOTE: If the LR positive of a test is large and the LR negative is small, it is probably a good test
Obtain a measure of separation between the positive and the negative test
• Cutoff point
• Best cutoff point: Point closest to the upper left corner representing a sensitivity of 100% + false positive error rate of 0%
• use a statistical test of significance to decide if the area under one curve
differs significantly from the area under the other curve
• The greater the area under the curve, the better the test is
• Paired observation
• Multiple variables
• Drawbacks:
• How much better is the agreement between two observers’ readings than would be expected by chance alone?
• What is the most that the two observers could have improved their agreement over the agreement that would be expected
by chance alone?
Inference: Pathologist A and B have an almost perfect agreement on the results of the histologic classification by subtype of the
75 slides of non-small cell carcinoma with a kappa statistic of 0.81
a/(a+c) or TP/(TP+FN)