Small Habit
Small Habit
Small Habit
One day, my friend came to me looking quite distressed, so I asked him what was
bothering him so much. He said, 'Bro, there's just one problem, and it's a big one – my life
is in shambles.' I inquired further, and he began to explain his troubles, much like the way
the lead character in 'Pyaar Ka Punchnama' would rant. He talked about having dreams,
courage, enthusiasm, and energy, but not knowing what to do in life. He was torn between
getting a job, starting a business, freelancing, or pursuing his passion. He said he thought
about it endlessly, and it kept him up at night, with his mind racing and unable to stop
He kept saying, 'What should I do?' He would occasionally get motivated and start taking
action, but like magic, after some time, he would find himself mindlessly scrolling through
videos and reels on his phone without realizing it. He couldn't focus on his goals and kept
procrastinating with important tasks. He desperately wanted to change himself, but
despite all his thoughts and intentions, he couldn't seem to make any real change. He felt
lost and didn't know what to do.
K - Well, do you know that this current time is considered one of the most challenging
periods to achieve something significant in life?
D - What are you talking about? I've heard in many videos that today is the easiest time to
become rich, and the majority of millionaires and billionaires are emerging in our time.
You also mentioned this in one of your videos, didn't you?
K - Haha, yes, both statements are true; it's just a matter of perspective. For example,
today is indeed the easiest time to achieve something significant in life for some people.
At the same time, it's the toughest time for most people.
D - Why is that?
K - Because the majority of people's minds have been overwhelmed. They have become
addicted and weakened due to various cheap dopamine triggers and distractions. They've
turned into puppets controlled by big companies. While only a few individuals are training
their minds to control them, and these are the ones performing exceptionally well in life
today because most people lack the discipline to compete with them. Unfortunately, you
are still struggling, primarily because you are part of the tough majority.
D - So, how can I become one of those special individuals? What's the solution?
K - The solution is simple. To become one of those special individuals, you need to
incorporate a few super habits within you, like the top 1%. These habits will discipline and
empower you.
D - Well, you know, I've watched a lot of videos about habits, but I'm having trouble
developing good ones.
K - Don't worry, I'll tell you the solution. But first, understand that today I won't talk about
seven to ten habits, but just one simple habit. If you can learn this one super habit, you'll
surely join the top 1%.
D - Hmm, let me guess, you're going to talk about the habit of reading, right? Because that
changed your life. Isn't that the most important habit?
K - Haha, surprisingly no. I recently read a book that made me realize that, while reading is
a crucial step, it wasn't the only essential habit for me. I already had a reading habit,
which allowed me to improve my life and achieve my goals.
D - So, what was this habit then? And could you explain the '7 kills' part?
K - I'll get to that, but first, understand that as long as I was just reading, I was primarily a
consumer, like most people. But when I started writing, specifically scripts, I transitioned
from being a consumer to a creator, and that's when the magic happened.
D - How did that happen, and could you clarify the '7 kills' aspect?
K - I'll do that, but first, let me explain. While I was only reading, I was just a consumer, like
most people. But as soon as I started writing, specifically scripts, I shifted from being a
consumer to a creator, and that's when all the magic happened.
D - Do you know Jordan Peterson, the author of '12 Rules for Life'?
K - One thing I've noticed is that people often read books and develop a mentality, but it
only enhances their potential, not their real power. Here's an example: Imagine you have a
bag in which you can keep money. The bag's size represents your potential, and the more
you read, the larger your bag becomes. However, writing and creating are like putting
actual money into that bag. The more you write, the more money you can earn. That's
what I recently realized.
D - I understand now. Writing is essential, but I think I might have difficulty turning it into a
habit. Do you have a solution for that?
K - Yes, you're right; it can be a challenge. See, we encounter about 70,000 thoughts and
various pieces of information daily. If we start taking all these things seriously, our brain
would struggle to keep up. So, our brain tends to forget things. That's why it's essential to
remind our brain what's important so it takes it seriously. Because until your brain takes
something seriously, it won't take action.
K - You need to provide it with emotional and logical reasons. The more critical the
reasons, the more likely your brain will consider it essential and help you work on it. I told
you earlier that writing is like hitting seven targets with one arrow. You need to remember
these seven problems to reinforce your habit.
K - To help you remember, I'll give you an acronym, SCRIPTS. If you notice, it's made up of
seven letters, and these seven letters correspond to the seven problems that writing will
help you overcome. I'll now go through each one of these logical and emotional reasons,
so your brain will perceive the importance and help you build the habit.
Have you ever argued with someone, and after the argument, you realized you should
have said something else? It happens to the best of us.
Let me ask you a question: What's your dream car? My dream car is a Ferrari. Okay, great!
But which Ferrari? Well, I don't know. See, this is the problem. I'm not making fun of you,
but the truth is, most people don't know exactly what they want in life. And guess what?
When we lack clarity about our desires, our brain tends to take us down the path of least
So, if I write down the specific name of a Ferrari, will I get that Ferrari? No, of course not.
But at least you'll have clarity in your mind about what you want. You can then reverse-
engineer a plan to achieve your dream. But if you don't have clarity, your brain will
probably steer you towards mindless activities like watching videos because it prefers the
path of least resistance.
I watched a TEDx talk where they mentioned that the number one reason people
procrastinate is a lack of clarity. That's why authors suggest that if, for example, you want
to win a gold medal in the Olympics, don't think about winning the Olympics. Instead, be
specific, like saying, "I want to run the 100 meters in 9.7 seconds." This way, your brain is
more likely to assist you because it enjoys solving specific problems.
Authors also suggest that it's essential to write down exactly what you want so that it
engraves deep in your brain's synapses.
Do you know who Lou Holtz is? No. Well, he was a famous football player with an
inspiring story. In 1966, he decided to accomplish 107 goals in his lifetime. Some of his
goals were audacious, like appearing on the famous television show 'The Tonight Show,'
having dinner at the White House, landing a plane on an aircraft carrier, coaching the
Notre Dame football team, winning a national championship, and meeting the Pope,
which was very challenging at the time. He set these ambitious goals when he was
unemployed and expecting his third child. He learned to set goals and write them down
after reading the book 'The Magic of Thinking Big,' and he achieved 102 out of those 107
goals before he passed away.
Start small - if there are 10 tasks, start with the smallest, then move to the bigger ones.
I - Insight: Writing provides insight into and helps in dealing with fears.
K - That's not possible; we all have some fears. Tell me what you're afraid of.
K - Fear the unknown is why the problem exists; if you know, there is no problem.
K - I'll tell you about ten common fears that often stand between people and success.
Many famous authors faced rejection by publishing houses, and some videos were
rejected by publishers. Recognizing the fear of rejection is crucial. For example, J.K.
Rowling faced numerous rejections before her work was accepted, and Mr. Beast had
many videos rejected.
Have you heard Jim Carrey's story about the law of attraction? It's the one where Jim
Carrey wrote himself a check for 1 million dollars, dated it for 1994, and eventually
received that amount, right?
Yes, but this story isn't limited to just Jim Carrey. Many celebrities, and even people I've
spoken to on podcasts, have shared a similar experience. They mentioned that when they
started writing down their goals, those goals gradually began turning into reality.
Alright, but at the very least, you must believe in science, correct?
Good, so according to science, there's something called the RAS, which stands for the
Reticular Activating System.
Have you ever had the experience where you bought a new car or researched a specific
vehicle, and suddenly, you started seeing that car everywhere on the road? For instance, a
relative of mine bought an SUV, and after doing some research on it, I started noticing
SUVs everywhere on the road. Now, I'm not suggesting that some magical force made
more cars appear. The number of cars remained the same, but what happened was that
my RAS became activated. It's a part of the brain that started focusing on that particular
car. Similarly, when we start writing down our goals and dreams, our brain begins to focus
more on those desires. As you've probably heard before, "Wherever attention goes, energy
flows, and results show."
S - Self-Reflection: Writing promotes self-reflection and self-improvement.
Arguments that can't be won with disorganized and illogical reasoning can make you look
like a fool. One of the most powerful tools we have is reading, writing, and speaking.
These are the most effective weapons to win the battle of life. It's one way to prevent
Anne Frank said in her diary, "I can shake off everything as I write. My sorrows disappear,
my courage is reborn."
Robert Kiyosaki, in his book, mentions that writing changes the world. Books are written,
and these books have the power to transform the world. All the shows you watch have
scripts and a plot.
This document condenses the conversation and highlights the key points on the
importance of writing as a habit to transform one's life.