Chapter 04 - Design of Irrigation Canal

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Various Modes of Conveying Irrigation Water


Open Channels Closed Conduits Tunnels

(depending on soil type) (hilly terrain)

Free Flow Full/ partial


Lined Unlined Lined Unlined

(sandy soil) (relatively impervious soil)

Gross Command Area (G.C.A)

- Area between the extreme limits of irrigation for particular section and command of a
- It includes the cultivable as well as non-cultivable areas.

Cultivable Command Area (C.C.A)

Total area on which cultivation is possible.
C.C.A = G.C.A. – uncultivable area
*** uncultivable area (rocky, marshy ponds, roads, paved area, house etc. )

Intensity of Irrigation
Percentage of C.C.A which should be actually brought under irrigation in any season.

Crop Ratio
It is the ratio between the anticipated crop areas (under different crops) to be irrigated
during a year.
design of irrigation canal system

Distribution System for Canal Irrigation

Duty (D)
- The Duty is the relationship between the quantity of water and the area of the crop
irrigated with it during a given base period for a given crop in a given type of land.
- indicated by D hectare/cumec for B days.
(Base period, B= time interval from sowing to harvesting of a crop or time required for plant to seed)
- D hectare/cumec means that constant 1 m3/s discharge, flowing for the duration of base
period of the crop can irrigate D hactares of land.
- The duty at the head of the main canal is the minimum and that at the head of the field
channel is maximum (due to conveyance loss in canal).
- Duty depends on crop type (rice↓, wheat↑), soil type (sandy↓, clay↑) and season (rainy↑,

Delta (∆)
- Delta is the depth of water to be applied over a given base period for a particular crop.
- It is the total quantity of water required by crop for it’s full growth.
- generally represented by .
Rice => 120 cm
Wheat => 30 cm

Relationship between Duty and Delta

Duty = D hectares/cumec for a base period B days
Volume of water supplied in B days = (B×24×60×60) × 1 m3 = 86400 B m3

design of irrigation canal system

Depth of water applied

Canal Capacity Factor (CCF)

It is the ratio of mean supply to full supply capacity or design capacity of a canal.

Significance of CCF
- gives an idea of the utilization of the built-in-capacity.
- lower is the value, less will be utilization.
- higher is the value, less will be peak supply and capital cost of the project as cross-section
of the canal can be reduced.
CCF can be improved by i) proper choice of crop ii) proper choice of crop ratio, iii) intensity
of irrigation.
Design of Alluvial (Erodible) Channels
- An alluvial channel is defined as a channel in which the flow transports sediment having
the same characteristics of the material forming the channel bottom.
- Such a channel is said to be stable if the sediment inflow into a channel reach is equal to
the sediment outflow.
a. Regime Channel Concept
- A channel in which neither silting nor scouring takes place is called regime channel.
- Whatever silt will be entered the channel at it’s canal head, it will be kept in suspension
and not allowed to settle anywhere along it’s course. Simultaneously, velocity of water
will be such that it willn’t erode channel beds or sides.
i. Kennedy’s Theory
- Kennedy (1985) proposed the non-silting and non-scouring velocity of a channel,
Vc = 0.55 y0.64 m/s, y→ depth of flow (m)
- Kennedy claimed that sediment size is an important factor and defined non-silting and
non-scouring velocity as ,
V0 = 0.55m y0.64
Critical velocity Ratio (CVR), m = 0.7 (silt), 1.0 (for light sandy soil), 1.2 (sandy, loamy soil)

- Actual velocity is given by Kutter’s equation

V= √RS, n → Kutter’s roughsity coefficient

design of irrigation canal system

- Assume a trial depth, y and calculate V0.

- Determine area, A=
- For a trapezoidal channel, assume a side slope (usually ½) and determine wetted
Trial perimeter, P and hydraulic radius, R.
- Calculate V (using Kutter’s formula).
- Compare V with V0. If, V> V0 → increase y; V< V0 →reduce y.

ii. Lacey’ theory

- Modified regime theory was developed by Lacey stating two regime conditions :
i. Initial Regime and ii. Final Regime.


slope increases

- Initial regime is attained after starting operation and channel begins to adjust it’s bed
slope either by silting or scouring without altering the x-section.
- Eventually continuous action of water overcomes the resistance of the banks and sets
a complete section of the channel attaining final regime conditioned.

design of irrigation canal system

- regime velocity, V = m/s ; Q→ discharge (cumec)

- silt factor, f = 1.76 ; d→ sediment size (mm)

- hydraulic radius, R = 2.5

- area, A =
- wetted perimeter, P = 4.75

- longitudinal slope, S =

b. Tractive Force Concept

- The drag force exerted by flowing water of a channel to transport sediment in the
direction of flow on the channel bed is called tractive force.
- In uniform flow, this force is equal to the component of weight of water acting in the
direction of flow.
- Unit tractive force (also known as avg. shear stress) is given by

R→ hydraulic radius , S→ Channel bed slope

For wide open channel, R ≈ y. So,
- The distribution of unit tractive force along the channel perimeter is not uniform except in
wide rectangular channel.

Fig: Typical distribution of Tractive force in a trapezoidal channel (y/B = ¼)

Expression Indicating Mechanism of Sediment Transport

On this study it is assumed that soil is incoherent or cohesionless (c = 0).
Let, Channel of length = L L
Cross-sectional area = A A
The volume of water stored in this channel reach = AL
Weight of water stored = AL
Where, = unit weight of water = g

design of irrigation canal system

Horizontal component of weight stored water

= × AL = AL S
Where, S = channel bed slope = ; (as θ is very small)
Average unit force per unit of wetted area or unit tractive force,

= RS
Where, R = hydraulic radius =

Critical Shear Stress on a Channel Bed

- Critical shear stress is the average shear stress acting on the bed of the channel, at
which the sediment particles just begin to move.
- Shield developed the formula of critical shear stress as a function of particle size.
= 0.056γwd (Ss - 1); for d > 6mm
where, Ss → specific gravity of the particle and d→ diameter of particle size.
- Average shear stress on the channel bed by flowing water, = RS
If , or, or,
This equation gives the minimum size of the bed material that will remain at rest in a
channel of a given R and S.
- A more generalized equation for critical shear stress,

(N/m2) = 0.155 +

Lining of Irrigation Canal

1. Seepage Control
2. Prevention of water logging
3. Increase of channel capacity
4. Decrease of channel area
5. Reduction of maintenance cost
6. Elimination of flood dangers

design of irrigation canal system

Types of Lining
A. Hard Surface Lining
1. Concrete
 durable and high quality of lining suitable for main canals.
 carry huge flow at high velocity.
 thickness → 5 - 12 cm, reinforcement → 5% long, 25% transverse

2. Brick tile/ concrete tile

 Can be laid in single layers or double layers.
 Laid by ordinary masons or no rigid quality control.
 No expansion occurs.

3. Shotcrete or plaster
 15 – 25 mm thick uneven surface of cement mortar (cement and sand = 1:4).
 Applied under pressure through a nozzle on the surface of the channel.

4. Asphaltic concrete
 mixture of asphalt and graded stone aggregate.
 roughness high, weed growth.
5. Boulder
 Depending upon the canal capacity, the thickness of boulder lining varies from
150 mm to 300 mm.

B. Earth Type
1. Compacted earth lining → 30- 90m
2. Soil cement lining → 2 – 8%

design of irrigation canal system

Design of lined Irrigation Canals

a. Cross-section

P = 2y (θ+cot θ)
A = y2 (θ+cot θ)
R = y/2

Fig: Lined Triangular Channel with rounded corner (Q < 55 m3/s)

P = B+ 2y (θ+cot θ)
A = By + y2 (θ+cot θ)

Fig: Lined Trapezoidal Channel with rounded corner (Q > 55 m3/s)

b. Permissible Velocity
CC Lining = 2 - 2.5 m/s
Burnt clay tile Lining = 1.8 m/s
Boulder Lining = 1.5 m/s

Requirement for Good Lining

 economy
 structural stability
 durability
 reparability
 impermeability
 hydraulic efficiency
 resistance to erosion

Factors Responsible For Selection

1. size and importance of canal
2. canal slopes and alignment
3. climate
4. availability of material
5. initial cost

design of irrigation canal system

Cross Section of an Irrigation Canal

Components of cross-section:
 Side slopes
 Berms
 Freeboard
 Banks
 Back Berm or Counter Berms
 Spoil Banks
 Borrow Pits
Side Slope
The side slopes should be such that they are stable, depending upon the type of the soil. A
comparatively steeper slope can be provided in cutting rather than in filling, as the soil in the
former case shall be more stable.

In cutting ------- 1H : 1V to 1.5 H : 1V

In filling ------1.5 H : 1V to 2H : 1V

Berm is the horizontal distance left at the ground level between the toe of the bank and the
top edge of cutting. The berm is provided in such a way that the bed line and the bank line
remains parallel.
Berm = ( - )d
) Filling

Bank Bank

d Natural surface level (NSL)


design of irrigation canal system

Purposes of Berms
 To help the channel to attain regime conditions.
 To give additional strength to the banks and provide protection against erosion and
 To protect the banks from erosion due to wave action.
 To provide a scope for future widening of the canal.

Balancing Depth
- the depth at which cutting and filling area of the cross-section of the channel are equal.
- maximum economy in construction at this depth.
Free Board
The margin between FSL and bank level is known as freeboard. The amount of freeboard
depends upon the size of the channel.

The primary purpose of banks in to remain water. This can be used as means of
communication and as inspection paths. They should be wide enough, so that a minimum
cover of 0.50 m is available above the saturation line.

Back Berms or Counter Berms

Even after providing sufficient section for bank embankment, the saturation gradient line may
cut the downstream end of the bank. In such a case, the saturation line can be kept covered at
least by 0.5 m with the help of counter berms as shown in figure below.

design of irrigation canal system

Spoil Banks
When the earthwork in excavation exceeds earthworks in filling, even after providing
maximum width of bank embankments, the extra earth has to be disposed of economically.
To dispose of this earth by mechanical transport, etc. may become very costly, and an
economical mode of its disposal may be found in the form of collecting this soil on the edge
of the bank embankment itself.

Borrow Pits
When earthwork in filling exceeds the earthwork in excavation, the earth has to be brought
from somewhere. The pits, which are dug for bringing earth, are known as Borrow Pits.

Requirements for Construction of Borrow Pits

 The borrow pits should start from a point at a distance more than 5 m from the toe for
small channels, and 10 m for large channels.
 The width of these pits b, should be less than half the width of the canal B, and should
be dug in the entire.
 The depth of these pits should be equal to or less than 1 m.
 Longitudinally, these pits should not run continuous, but a minimum space of L/2
should be left between two consecutive pits, (where L is the length of one pits).

Q1: If rice requires 10 cm depth of water on an average interval of 10 days and the crop
period for rice is 120 days. Find the delta of rice.

Solution: Water will be applied ꞊ ꞊ 12 times (during crop period)

Total depth of water ꞊ 12 × 10 ꞊ 120 cm

So, Δ ꞊ 120 cm

Q2: Wheat requires 40 cm depth of irrigation in a period of 120 days. Find the duty of wheat


Δ꞊ 40 cm; B꞊ 120 days

Duty, D꞊ 864

꞊ 864

꞊ 2592 hectares/cumec
Q3: A gross command area of 112500 hectares of which 80 % is cultivable has to be irrigated
by a proposed reservoir system with the help of a canal system. Crop to be grown during
a year are rice, wheat and sugarcane with a crop ratio of 3:2:1. The intensity of irrigation
for rice is 80%, for wheat is 70% and for sugarcane is 60%. Find the area under irrigation
of rice, wheat and sugarcane.


G.C.A ꞊ 112500 ha

C.C.A ꞊ 112500 × 80% ꞊ 90,000 ha

Area under rice, Arice ꞊ 90000 × ꞊ 45000 ha

Area under wheat, Awheat ꞊ 90000 × ꞊ 30000 ha

Area under sugarcane, Asugarcane ꞊ 90000 × ꞊ 15000 ha

Area under irrigation

Arice ꞊ 45000 × IIrice ꞊ 45000 × 0.8 ꞊ 36000 ha

Awheat ꞊ 30000 × IIwheat ꞊ 30000 × 0.7 ꞊ 21000 ha

Asugarcane ꞊ 15000 × IIsugarcane ꞊ 15000 × 0.6 ꞊ 9000 ha

Q4: The gross command area for a distributary is 18750 hectares. 80% of which is cultivable.
The intensity of irrigation for Rabi (wheat) season is 40% and for Kharif (rice) is 15%. If
the average duty at the head of the distributary is 3686 hectares/cumec & 1008
hectares/cumec for Rabi and Kharif season respectively.

i) Determine the discharge required at the head the head of the distributary from
average demand considerations.
ii) Also determine the peak demand discharge, assuming the kor water depths for two
crops are13.5 cm and 19 cm and their kor periods are 4 and 2 weeks respectively



G.C.A ꞊ 18750 ha

C.C.A ꞊ 18750 × 0.8 ꞊ 15000 ha

Areas to be irrigated in Rabi season, ARabi ꞊ C.C.A × II

꞊ 15000 × 0.4 ꞊ 6000 ha

Areas to be irrigated in Kharif season, AKharif ꞊ 15000 × 0.15 ꞊ 2250 ha

Discharge required at the head of the distributary to irrigate in rabi season

꞊ 1.63 cumec

Discharge required at the head of the distributary to irrigate in kharif season

꞊ 2.23 cumec

So, Discharge required at the head of the distributary ꞊ 2.23 cumec


Kor water depth for wheat, ꞊ 13.5 cm

Kor water depth for rice, ꞊ 19 cm

Kor period for wheat, ꞊ 28 days

Kor period for rice, ꞊ 14 days

Duty for wheat, ꞊ 864 ꞊ 864 ꞊ 1792 ha/cumec

Duty for rice, ꞊ 864 ꞊ 864 ꞊ 636 ha/cumec

Discharge required at the head of the distributary to irrigate wheat ꞊

꞊ 3.35 cumec

Discharge required at the head of the distributary to irrigate rice ꞊

꞊ 3.54 cumec

Required discharge at the head of distributary ꞊ 3.54 cumec

Q5: A cultivable command area of 90000 ha has to be irrigated by a proposed reservoir with
the help of a canal system crops to be grown during a year are rice, wheat and sugarcane
with crop ratio of 3:2:1. Intensities of irrigation are IIrice - 80% IIwheat -70% IIsugarcane -
60%. Field irrigation requirements after considering various local factors, have been
found to be-

Rice: July- 25 cm, Aug- 30 cm, Sep- 15 cm, Oct- 15 cm

Wheat: Dec to Mar- 10 cm every month

Sugarcane: Nov- 5 cm, Dec to April- 10 cm/month, May- 15 cm

What should be the design capacity of the main canal and its head near the point of off
take? Assume 20% loss of water in conveyance. Also determine the canal capacity factor.


CCA꞊ 90000 ha

Area under rice, Arice ꞊ 90000 × ꞊ 45000 ha

Area under wheat, Awheat ꞊ 90000 × ꞊ 30000 ha

Area under sugarcane, Asugarcane ꞊ 90000 × ꞊ 15000 ha

Area under irrigation

Arice ꞊ 45000 × IIrice ꞊ 45000 × 0.8 ꞊ 36000 ha

Awheat ꞊ 30000 × IIwheat ꞊ 30000 × 0.7 ꞊ 21000 ha

Asugarcane ꞊ 15000 × IIsugarcane ꞊ 15000 × 0.6 ꞊ 9000 ha

Duty, D ꞊ ha/cumec (B꞊30 days)

Rice Wheat Sugarcane
A Δ D Q꞊ A Δ D Q꞊ A Δ D Q꞊ (cumcec)
(ha) (m) (ha/cu) (ha) (m) (ha/cu) (ha) (m) (ha/cu)
(cumec) (cumec) (cumec)
Jan 21000 0.10 2592 8.10 9000 0.10 2592 3.47 11.57
Feb 21000 0.10 2592 8.10 9000 0.10 2592 3.47 11.57
March 21000 0.10 2592 8.10 9000 0.10 2592 3.47 11.57
April 9000 0.10 2592 3.47 3.47
May 9000 0.15 728 5.21 5.21
June 0
July 36000 0.25 1036 34.75 34.75
Aug 36000 0.30 864 41.67 41.67
Sep 36000 0.15 1728 20.83 20.83
Oct 36000 0.15 1728 20.83 20.83
Nov 9000 0.05 5184 1.74 1.74
Dec 21000 0.10 2592 8.10 9000 0.10 2592 3.47 11.57
∑Δ꞊0.85 ∑Δ꞊0.4 ∑Δ꞊0.7 ∑Q꞊ 174.78

Qmean ꞊

꞊ 14.56 cumec

CCF꞊ ꞊ 0.35

Canal will be designed for 41.67 cumec

Design capacity of canal at head reach ꞊ ꞊ 52.08 cumec

Q6: Design an irrigation channel to carry 50 cumec of discharge. The channel is to be laid at
a slope of 1 in 4000. The critical ratio is 1.1. Use kutler’s rugosity coefficient as 0.023.


Here, Q꞊ 50 m3/s; S꞊ ; m꞊1.1 ; n꞊ 0.023

V0 ꞊ 0.55 my0.64

꞊ 0.55× 20.64× 1.1 ꞊ 0.942 m/s

A꞊ ꞊ ꞊ 53.1 m2

A꞊ (b+zy) y [assume z= 0.5]

꞊> 53.1 ꞊ (b+0.52×2) 2

꞊> b ꞊ 25.55 m

Again, P ꞊ b+2× ×2 R꞊ ꞊ 1.77 m

꞊ 30.02 m

Actual velocity of channel,

V꞊ ;

꞊ 1.016 m/s > V0

So, y needs to be increased. V ꞊ 1.16 m/s < V0

Let, y ꞊ 3m Reduce y

V0 ꞊ 0.55 × 1.1 × 30.64 ꞊ 1.22 m/s Let y ꞊ 2.5 m

V0 ꞊1.087 m/s
A꞊ ꞊ 40.9 m2
A ꞊ 46 m2
A꞊ (b+zy) y
b ꞊ 17.15 m
꞊> 40.9 ꞊ (b+ 0.5×3)×3
P ꞊ 22.73 m
꞊> b ꞊ 12.13 m
V ꞊ 1.1 m/s > V0
P ꞊ b+ 2 × y ꞊ 18.845 m
Increase y
R = 2.17 m
Let y ꞊ 2.7 m

V0 ꞊1.147 m/s

A ꞊ 43.5 m2

b ꞊ 14.14 m

P ꞊ 20.40 m

V ꞊ 1.148 m/s V0

Depth of flow ꞊ 2.7 m

Base width =14.14 m

Assuming, 0.5m freeboard, total depth of channel ꞊ 3.2 m

Q7: Design a regime channel to carry a discharge of 15 cumec and average particle size of
channel is 1 mm. (use Lacey’s Theory)


Silt factor, f ꞊ 1.76 ꞊ 1.76

Regime velocity, V ꞊

꞊ ꞊ 0.832 m/s

A꞊ ꞊ ꞊18.03 m2

R ꞊ 2.5 ꞊ 2.5 ꞊ 0.983 m

P ꞊ 4.75 ꞊ 18.39 m

A ꞊ (b+zy) y P ꞊ b+ 2 ×y

꞊> 18.03 ꞊ (b+0.5y) y ꞊> 18.39 ꞊ b+1.118 y

꞊> 18.03 ꞊ (18.39-1.118y+0.5y) y ꞊> b ꞊ 18.39 -1.118 y

꞊> 18.03 ꞊ 18.39 y-0.618y2

꞊> 0.618y2-18.39y+18.03 = 0
So, y ꞊ 28.74 m or 1.01 m

If y is 28.74 m b would be negative.

y = 1.01 m

b ꞊ 18.9-1.118×1.01 ꞊ 17.26 m

Assuming FB ꞊ 0.3 m , depth of channel = 1.31 m

Longitudinal slope, S ꞊ ꞊ 0.0049

Q8: An irrigation channel is to be constructed is to be constructed in coarse alluvial gravel

with D-75 size of 5 cm. The channel has to carry 3 cumec of discharge and the
longitudinal slope is 0.01. The banks of the channel will be protected by grass against
scouring. Find the minimum width of channel


Particle size, d ꞊ 5 cm ꞊ 0.05 m (>6mm)

Mannings roughness coefficient, n ꞊ ꞊ 0.0258

If [To prevent scouring]

Now, d RS

꞊> R ꞊ 0.455 m

Rmax ꞊ 0.455 m

Maximum velocity of flow, Vmax ꞊

꞊ 2.29 m/s

Assuming wide open channel, R

Q ꞊ AV ꞊ byV

꞊> 3 ꞊ b Rmax Vmax

꞊> bmin ꞊ 2.88 m

Q9: Water flows at a depth of 0.6 m in a wide stream having a bed slope 1 in 2500. The
median diameter of the sand bed is 1.0 mm. Determine whether the soil grains are
stationary or moving and comment as to whether the stream bed is scouring or non-


The size of bed material, d ꞊ 1 mm (<6mm)

Critical shear stress, ꞊ 0.155 +

꞊ 0.53 N/m2

Average shear stress acting on channel, ꞊ ꞊ [Wide channel, R

꞊ 9.81× 0.6 × [ ꞊ 9.81 KN/m2]

꞊ 0.00235 KN/m2

꞊ 2.35 N/m2 >


So, soil grains will not be stationary and scouring and sedimentation transport will

Q10: Design a concrete lined channel to carry a discharge of 350 cumec at slope 1 in 5000.
The side slopes may be taken as 1.5:1. The value of n for lining is 0.014. Limiting
velocity in the channel is 2 m/s.


Here, Q ꞊ 350 m3/s > 55 m3/s

Design trapezoidal channel


꞊> 2 ꞊ × ×

꞊> R ꞊ 2.79 m

A꞊ ꞊ ꞊ 175 m2
P=b+2y ( ) z ꞊1.5

꞊> 62.72 ꞊ b+2y (0.59+ 1.5)

cotθ ꞊ ꞊1.5
꞊> 62.72 ꞊ b + 4.18y
꞊> b ꞊ 62.72 – 4.18y 1

A = by + y2 ( )

꞊> 175 ꞊ (62.72 – 4.18y) y + y2 (0.59+ 1.5) [from eqn. (1)]

꞊> 2.09 y2 -62.72y+175 ꞊ 0

꞊> y ꞊3

b ꞊ 49.76 m

Q11: Calculate the balancing depth for a channel section having a bed width equal to 18 m
and side slopes of 1:1 in cutting and 2:1 in filling. The bank embankments are kept 3m
higher than the ground level and crest width of bank is kept as 2m.

1 3m

18 m

Area of cutting, Acutting ꞊ (b+zy) y

꞊ (18+d) d m2

Area of filling, Afilling ꞊ [(2+2×3)×3]×2 ꞊ 48 m2

Now, Acutting ꞊ Afilling

꞊> (18+d) d ꞊ 48

꞊> d2 + 18d- 48 ꞊ 0

꞊> d =2.35 m or -20.35 m

balancing depth ꞊2.35 m

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