Research Article
Research Article
Research Article
Research Article
Effect of Cavitation with Vibration on the Powerhouse Structure of
Bulb Turbines Installed in Hydropower Stations
Received 8 July 2022; Revised 3 August 2022; Accepted 13 August 2022; Published 3 October 2022
Copyright © 2022 Praveen S et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Hydro energy is one of the world’s most abundant and valuable renewable electricity sources. Hydropower is an important source since
it is a clean, sustainable, and cost-effective source of energy. The most perilous characteristic that affects the performance of the hydraulic
turbine and its allied parts is the cavitation phenomenon, which is clear as the increase of vapor bubbles in the liquid through any
hydraulic turbine. Cavitation causes vibration, which is very harmful to turbine guide bearings and their supporting structures.
Sometimes heavy vibration causes cracks in the civil structure of the powerhouse where the bulb turbines are installed. The performance
of the bulb turbine and the stability of the powerhouse structure are studied with the effect of cavitation, vibration, and deformation of
the turbine casing. Experimental measurements are used to determine at what force the shape of cavitation is very destructive and crucial
when the local pressure is less than the vapor pressure of the flowing water, at which static pressure cavities begin to breed and ruin. This
paper focuses on small hydropower stations with bulb turbine installations, which emphasized the performance improvement of these
turbines by avoiding cavitation on the runner blades. Allowing some cavitation on these machines is also recommended, which is within
repairable condition, and the cavitation pitting can be repaired during annual maintenance.
swiftness, and flow rate may be accustomed. It is possible to disintegrate when they enlarge and increase following the
enhance performance in nondesign circumstances [6]. general fluid motion and then unexpectedly disappear [12].
Cavitation is one of the most essential issues since it causes
erosion and lowers the efficiency of hydro turbines. 2. Cavitation in Hydro Turbines
Pressure and temperature distress a liquid’s thermody-
namic phase. The tensile tension that occurs among the Cavitation in hydraulic machinery has objectionable effects,
molecules of water is affected by its peaks and valleys in the for instance flow instabilities, excessive vibrations, material
above parameters. During cavitation, which happens when surface damage, and machine performance loss. Inappro-
the tensile pressure is superior to the leaping force, mole- priately, these problems are fetching added seriousness as
cules breakdown apart and the water converts into a vapor, the intensity of cavitation rises. The first and primary re-
creating a cavity [7]. The cavitation formation may be quirement for increasing the output power of a turbine is
uniform or mixed, liable to the existing environment. For based on shrinking its size to diminish the cost of its
example, in hydro turbines, nuclei progress on the other side components. Hence, the cavitation number is decreased and
of the runner vane or at the borderline between liquid and the speeds are increased.
inner particles, representing mostly heterogeneous nucle- Subsequently, due to the deregulation of the hydropower
ation. Hydro turbine cavitations consist of transit bubble generation sector, there is a good trend to run turbines in
formation and it continues until it bursts at the higher- settings away from the finest competence position, and
pressure region [8]. Many experts have researched turbine cavitation events are most likely brought beneath away from
cavitation during the last two decades. For example, cavi- setting values. As a result, the combined effect of these el-
tation-caused erosion and the creation of nuclei, high-fre- ements increases the likelihood of cavitation issues in hy-
quency vibrations, and noise were all examined in the draulic machinery. Because correction methods are not easy
investigations. Adjustable speed and starting-stopping to implement in operating units, observation and operating
cavitation are significantly unlike cavitation under stable methods that detect cavitation during operation and help to
circumstances of the runner or added simpler situations, overcome dangerous circumstances are the finest option.
such as hydrofoils [9]. As a result of less environmental value The methods for detecting cavitation are based on the
and low operating and maintenance charges for the world’s machine’s caused vibrations and pressures. Because hy-
electricity source, hydroelectric power plants are the utmost dropower generation is unaffected, this strategy is advan-
important renewable energy source. Hydraulic power has a tageous. These detection approaches are created using a basic
lot of promise that has yet to be realized. Hydroelectricity is understanding of the cavitation phenomenon and will be
one of the most environmentally friendly and long-term employed in actual prototypes. As a result, due to cavitation,
clean energy sources available. Because hydroelectric power it can take many forms and ascend in innumerable areas
facilities do not consume fuel and do not contaminate the depending on the machine’s working circumstances, and
air, they do not emit greenhouse gases. They help to avert hence its proper application becomes more complicated
global warming by taking preventative measures. Hydro- [13].
electric power accounts for roughly 16% of global electricity Cavitation happens when vapor bubbles form in a liquid
output. Thermal power facilities harm the environment as a result of a hydraulic turbine. Dynamic pressure fluc-
more than hydroelectric power plants. The quantity of en- tuations can occur in hydro turbines. When the local
ergy produced by a water source in a hydropower plant is pressure drops below a certain level, vapor pressure cavities
determined by the amount of water and the water head. The form as well as grow. Formation and expansion are the two
turbine type to be employed is decided by these two primary phases of such a hollow. When the pressure rises, the
characteristics. The different types of turbines are separated bubble’s growth is reversed, and it suddenly bursts. Refer-
into two classes: impulse turbines and reaction turbines [10]. ence [14].
The turbine type to be employed is decided by these two The succeeding effects on hydraulic machinery are
primary characteristics. The different types of turbines are caused by the cavitating flow: Low-pressure cavities formed
divided into two categories: impulse turbines and reaction amongst the guiding vane blades and the turbine runner
turbines. In comparison to the reaction turbine, the mod- lowered the cross-sectional area. As the discharge and power
ification of the runner blades in the bulb turbine is adjustable shrink, so does the cross section area shrink. The efficiency of
and able to be moved about the pivots fixed to the runner the turbine declines from 5% to 10% when the bubbles break.
boss. Hydraulic machinery Cavitation causes undesirable The inner surface of the turbine casing will be eroded by
outcomes such as water disturbances, severe vibrations, cavitation erosion. Such damaged surfaces grow as a result of
surface quality damage, and machine performance loss [11]. continuous cavitation. When erosion rates increase, material
If the vigor in any region of a hydraulic turbine’s hydraulic particles come out from the inner surface. Cavitation causes
flow, which is in the way of travel amidst the governing unstable radial hydraulic forces on the turbine runner and in
blades or the turbine blades, falls underneath the water’s turbine-generator guide bearings. Vibration and oscillation
evaporation pressure, the water in that region will evaporate, are caused by these instabilities, which are harmful to the
resulting in the development of vacuum volumes occupied above bearings [15]. With partial load, large vortex cavita-
with saturated water vapor inside. High volume impacts tion occurs in the draught tube, which lowers the compe-
induced by the influence of water droplets on the surface at a tence of the draught tube and hence the turbine extends
very great speed degrade the material surface by creating it to from 2% to 5%.
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 3
(a) (b)
Figure 1: 2D hydrofoil cavitation: (a) travelling bubbles; (b) unstable attached sheet.
PB (t) − P∞ (t) d2 R 3 dR 4v dRB 2c
� RB 2B + B + + .
ρ dt 2 dt RB dt ρRB
Figure 2: Travelling bubble cavitation.
In the form of separated bubbles, these bubbles are damage in the case of a natural frequency coupling
related to the vacuum side of the blade in the middle of the phenomenon.
runner vane adjacent to the trailing edge. Due to the low To progress in the channels between the blades, which in
Thomas number, these traveling bubbles begin to progress, turn produces the vortex, the flow separation is caused by the
and they expand in size when the machine is overloaded and occurrence of dissimilarities from the hub to the band, which
operating at its greatest flow rate [17]. According to Figure 2, causes secondary vortices. It is possible to fix them at the
(a) kind of cavitation causes substantial machine downtime junction of the runner’s top edge or midway between blades
and even leads to blade erosion. near the suction side of the crown [18]. When the tips of the
runner vane are in contact with the blade area, they are
capable of damaging the track. At low loads, these vortices
2.2. Vortex Cavitation. Vortices advances in water-flowing emerge and provide a high amount of wideband noise. It is
areas with cavitation formation due to the vacuum. The promising for them to look and cavitate at exceptionally high
vortices make a potentially erosive atmosphere since the head operation ranges. This causes them to become un-
cavity’s bursting of bubbles occurs on them when the tips of balanced, resulting in a significant quantity of shaking.
these vortices with vapor content come into touch with a Compared to Francis turbines, Kaplan turbines have a
solid face. This sort of cavitation can form if Von Karman lower risk of leading-edge cavitation. When running in on-
vortex-shedding happens at the end of the hydrofoil where cam mode, the machine’s runner vanes have a changeable
the pressure becomes a vacuum, as shown in Figure 3. This dimension. As a result, the draught tube swirl is more than in
results in lift fluctuations in lockstep with the frequency of Francis turbines as well. Due to the greater blade loading,
shedding. When hydraulic equipment is functioning at part traveling bubble cavitation may also occur on the vacuum
load, cavitation due to vortex can happen in the water path. side of the runner vane. Tip vortex cavitation is a kind of
Vortices advance in water-flowing areas with cavitation Kaplan turbine cavitation that is all its own. The gap between
formation due to the vacuum. This can cause exhaustion the tip of the blade and the case is where the cavitation
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