12re Vocabulary List 1 Term 1

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Year 12 Religion and Ethics Unit: Ethics and Morality - How do you know what the right decision

he right decision is?

12 R&E Vocabulary List 1, Term 1

1. Create a Crossword using the word list above
(To do this you will need to copy and paste the link below into your address bar)

(snippy an image of your crossword below).

Altruism Selfless concern for the well-being of others.

Conscience For the New Testament writers, it is the awareness of the difference
between moral good and evil and how a person’s basic outlook on
life influences all her/his actions. Making moral choices involves a
rigorous assessment of each situation in the light of the teachings of
Dilemma A situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or
more alternatives, often equally undesirable.

Egalitarianism The belief that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and

Empathy The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Ethics Principles that govern a person's behaviour or conducting of an


Integrity The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.

Kohlberg's A theory proposed by psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg that suggests

Theory of Moral moral reasoning develops in six distinct stages grouped into three
Development levels: pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional. Each
stage represents a different level of moral understanding that
increases in complexity as individuals grow.
Morality Beliefs about what is right behaviour and what is wrong behaviour.

Pragmatism A philosophical approach that assesses the truth of meaning of

theories or beliefs in terms of the success of their practical
Relativism The doctrine that knowledge, truth, and morality exist in relation to
culture, society, or historical context, and are not absolute.

Utilitarianism The doctrine that actions are right if they are useful or for the benefit
of a majority.

Values Core beliefs or ideals that guide or motivate attitudes and actions.

See, Judge, Act A method of ethical decision-making that involves three steps: 'See'
Model refers to observing and understanding the context or situation;
'Judge' involves analysing and discerning the ethical dimensions of
the situation, often using moral and ethical principles; 'Act' means
deciding on a course of action that responds appropriately to the

Emmaus College, Park Avenue

Year 12 Religion and Ethics Unit: Ethics and Morality - How do you know what the right decision is?

situation, guided by informed judgment. This model is widely used in

Catholic social teaching and various ethical frameworks.
Catholic Social A rich tradition of doctrine developed by the Catholic Church on
Teaching matters of social justice, intended to guide how people live in
society. It includes principles like: Human Dignity, Solidarity, The
Common Good, Preferential Option for the Poor, Subsidiarity,
Participation and Care for our Common Home.
Human Dignity A fundamental principle of Catholic Social Teaching, believing every
person is created in God’s image and that all human life is sacred.
As such, each person is valuable and worthy of respect and
protection, regardless of their actions or beliefs.
The Common Humans have responsibility for one another and make sure that
Good what we do helps everyone in the community and not just a few
Care for our The responsible management and care for the environment and
Common Home natural resources that are God given. Often referred to as
Stewardship of Creation.
Option for the A preferential care for the less fortunate in society, reflecting Jesus’s
Poor and concern for the marginalised and oppressed.
Solidarity The commitment to the well-being of others and to stand with them,
regardless of national, racial, ethnic, economic and other
Subsidiarity and The principle stating that decisions should be made at the lowest
Participation possible level, allowing individuals and communities to have a say in
decisions that affect them.

Emmaus College, Park Avenue

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