A4 Club Tennis-Point Broschuere en
A4 Club Tennis-Point Broschuere en
A4 Club Tennis-Point Broschuere en
Indoor tennis center
modern clubhouse
Tenniscourts Gastronomy
Bike station
+E-bike charging station
The story of Tennis-Point began in 1999, when Christian
Miele opened the first tennis store of 30 square meters. This
was the beginning of a rapid rise to what is now the world‘s
largest tennis retailer.
This question permanently occupies our ters in Herzebrock-Clarholz - the (new)
team. One thing is certain: Something hub of the tennis world.
has to change in the partly outdated club
and association structures. These struc- Together with the club‘s board, emp-
tures are definitely not helping to revitali- loyees, tennis experts, suppliers of ten-
ze tennis and attract new players. Since nis-related products and also friends and
tennis in Germany is organized almost acquaintances, hot discussions, ideas
exclusively in clubs, Christian Miele qui- and rejections take place until finally the
ckly realized: „We have to take matters concept is launched:
into our own hands and build the club of
the future.
The visionary didn‘t hesitate and set out ENJOY YOUR LIFE
on his search. With the tennis depart-
ment of the Gütersloh gymnastics club We will take a closer look at what this
GTV, he found a solid, but currently low- tennis club of the future will look like in
membership tennis club in the immedia- the following.
te vicinity of the Tennis-Point headquar-
Without the support of a motivated team,
even Tennis-Point‘s latest vision cannot
be brought to life. In addition, investors
and sponsors are needed who believe in
the idea and support it. For this purpose,
there is a „Founders Club“, which already
includes well-known players in the tennis
The present concept of the tennis club of had only one main hobby in addition to
the future is being implemented in its pi- school, which was pursued intensively,
lot phase in Germany. Therefore, the ana- today‘s kids and teens hop from one acti-
lysis and further phases also refer to the vity to the next. And often these are digi-
German tennis landscape. tal activities. Which brings us to the next
factor, the age of the digital revolution of
If one follows the figures of the DTB, the- the mobile Internet.
re were 8,852 clubs with 45,936 tennis
courts in Germany in 2020. In the 80s, While we were able to play simple games
there was a tennis boom here, often re- and do rudimentary programming with
ferred to as the „Becker boom“. Steffi Graf datasettes and Commodore C64s, today
and Michael Stich certainly contributed every smartphone has many times the
to this, but the victory of the 17-year-old computing capacity of entire computer
from Leimen in Wimbledon in 1985 can systems of the 1980s. Of course, this is
definitely be described as trend-setting. nothing surprisingly new, but it does play
But what has happened in German tennis a serious role in analyzing the decline of
over the last 36 years? After the golden tennis in Germany. However, we should
years, the sport has been losing mem- not demonize the digital world, but on the
bers year after year; courts and in some contrary ask why the structure in tennis
cases entire clubs have been closed. In does not adapt to this development. We
2006, the trend is starting to become can‘t stop digitization, and it‘s difficult to
particularly clear; for the first time, there regulate (as some politicians are trying to
are fewer than 10,000 clubs in Germa- do). Instead, we should take advantage
ny again. The only things that may be of the benefits in order to better organize
remembered are the stickers „Tennis is positive forms of coexistence and revive
great“ and „Germany plays tennis“. Did the positive insights of the past.
we really not have more to offer in tennis
Germany? After all, what advantages did one have
as a child or teenager of the 80s in a ten-
Let‘s briefly try to find explanations toge- nis club? Playing, learning and romping
ther. Of course, the visibility of a sport by with a group of like-minded people in a
top athletes is mainly influenced by televi- safe environment! Sociologists, sports
sion. People cheer live when the athletes, scientists, pedagogues and, last but not
some of whom have already been eleva- least, experts in the health industry would
ted to the status of national heroes, reach be delighted if our upcoming generation
for major titles for their home country. could only come close to imitating our
These protagonists with the collar width leisure time behavior of yesteryear.
of a Becker and Co. have been missing
for quite some time. My thesis, however,
is based on a different phenomenon:
even most German tennis clubs have to
struggle with.
for in the immediate vicinity of the Ten-
nis-Point headquarters. Our pilot club will
be the tennis department of the Güters-
loh Turnverein GTV. A typical sports club
like there are thousands of them in Ger-
many. The tennis facility has six outdoor
active members, beginners and advan- courts, a three-field hall and a clubhouse;
ced players. The list could be continued the only special feature is the beach vol-
or simply summarized: The Club of the leyball courts. The GTV reflects the situ-
Future is a place for everyone who wants ation described in the analysis. Whereas
to enjoy life in their free time. years ago one could look at several hund-
red members, today there are only 84, 40
That‘s why we chose ENJOY YOUR LIFE of them inactive and 1 (!) youth.
as the claim for our concept. In view of
the international rollout of our „baby“, this Which association can find itself here?
is in English. Unfortunately, probably all too many. But
of course there are clubs that have de-
So what should this place of encounter veloped good concepts for the future on
look like? We believe that different to- their own. We would therefore like to call
pics are important for each individual, on everyone who wants to contribute to
depending on their preferences or focus the positive development of tennis. Share
in their own leisure behavior. Our founder your ideas with us. Only with a joint effort
and managing director Christian Miele can we revive our favorite sport.
has therefore put together a focus group
that is working on the overall concept, Innovations for your club
bringing all the ideas to the table, sorting
them and, if possible, reconciling them. In this context, we would like to point out
This was supplemented by discussions again that we offer a bouquet of possi-
with a number of experts and players in bilities with the Club Tennis-Point con-
the tennis market, such as representa- cept. Not every club can and must select
tives from the association, industry and all service packages from it. Even small
sports facility construction, former pro- things can have a big impact. If a semi-
fessional players and amateurs, officials, professional video camera cost 3,500 DM
investors and many others. in the 90s, nowadays a camera for a few
hundred euros can deliver razor-sharp
An important goal was that the whole 4K videos from the tennis court. If you‘re
topic should not be aloof. No one should looking for even more affordable options,
think something like: „you with your net- let‘s talk about a mini table tennis table
work and financial possibilities can im- for 99 EUR. The fun effect is enormous!
plement the future club, but what are we Does your clubhouse have a free Power-
Wifi? If not, this circumstance has to be once: Every question has already been
carefully described as negligent. When it answered once, every application has
comes to innovations, let‘s not just talk already been submitted once and the di-
about investments and expenditures. gital club portal with online booking sys-
How do things look on the revenue side? tem has already been programmed once.
How many of you ever had the embar- We go into more detail in the Strategy
rassment of playing tennis with a friend and Implementation chapters.
or acquaintance in the summer at a place
away from home?
A place for the post-pandemic
We couldn‘t do that because two non-
members are not allowed to buy a guest Let‘s return to the topic of vision. What do
pass. There was no one in the clubhouse we want to achieve with our future model
who could have sold guest tickets at all. Club Tennis-Point, Enjoy your Life?
One did not know at which club one could
even have asked, let alone where a free We believe that our leisure behavior will
court would have been available. This cir- change drastically in the „post-pandemic“
cumstance can be solved with a nation- era. Issues such as hygiene, caution, be-
wide digital online booking system. And havior in groups, traveling, partying and
you may already have guessed, Tennis- playing sports will be viewed differently
Point has programmed such a system than before. Although we cannot predict
and will make it available to all tennis every detail, we are very sure that we will
clubs in Germany. It is, of course, part of increasingly need places for local recrea-
the Club Tennis-Point concept and ge- tion. Places where we are kept with a cer-
nerates revenue without effort, because tain safety using standards in a reasona-
the entire booking process is mapped di- bly controllable group of people. Sound
gitally. One only has to look at the club terrible?
account from time to time and book the
revenue from innovations. The introduc- Maybe, but we think it‘s becoming part of
tion of such a national booking offer for the so-called new normal and we should
tennis clubs was long overdue and every make the most of it. So we want to create
club can start with it immediately without a place where we can enjoy our lives with
any fuss. Are you with us? our loved ones, friends and acquaintan-
ces. How we can achieve this and what
Strong partner with experience we need to tackle in detail will be descri-
bed in the next chapter.
Our goal is to develop a scalable con-
cept. The start-up financing and the enor-
mous organizational effort behind it will
be taken over by Tennis-Point. Our sup-
porting partners and sponsors will be or-
ganized in the founder fund „Tennis-Point
& Friends“.
means for tennis coaches, but also for dard as the electronic control of access
players who are committed to self-coa- to the court, locker rooms or club room
ching. by means of RFID chip. Some people will
certainly think „brave new world“ and per-
The tennis club of the future will also pro- haps doubt whether this is a positive or
vide a platform for other professions in negative development. Let‘s take a look
the leisure industry. We assume that vo- at the result together: If this development
lunteerism will continue to play a signifi- can revitalize the sport of tennis and bu-
cant role in the management of a tennis ild up the sport of paddle tennis to provi-
club/association in the future. However, it de athletes and their families with a gre-
is also becoming apparent that more and at way to spend their free time, then the
more club management tasks will be per- answer should be quite clear.
formed by full-time staff. This topic has
certainly been discussed many times in Finally, let‘s move on to the chapter on
the past, but developments in recent ye- implementation.
ars indicate that the organization of ten-
nis clubs, or rather racket sports clubs in
the future, can only be maintained with
digital support and permanently installed
club managers.
[email protected]
and we will send you further information
material. Many steps will then explain
themselves. Further we go together to
establish a Club Tennis-Point in your ten-
nis club. If you decide to implement the
future concept with us, you will be ac-
companied by a team of dedicated em-
ployees who will be there to help you in
word and deed.