14 Money Book
14 Money Book
14 Money Book
The fact that you downloaded this e-book and are taking the time and energy to invest in
reading it, tells me one thing that’s super clear about you: Your financial future is bright AF.
You see, most people don’t know that things could be different. That they don’t have to
struggle for money. That they don’t have to settle for less. That they don’t have to keep re-
creating the same financial destiny as their parents and others around them. That how they
grew up and what they were programmed with is not their fate.
And that, at any point in time, they too, can choose to become millionaires.
My mission in this world is to empower more people (especially women) to choose to create
whatever life they want to create. My mission in this world is to show others that having lots
of money and feeling safe and secure financially is their divine birthright.
And this e-book is one of the many tools and resources that I have put out over the last 7
years to accomplish that mission.
Inside this e-book you will learn 14 of my beliefs/principles/practices that will forever shift the
way that you look at money. They have all contributed their part in making me a millionaire
and will help you become one too.
Keep in mind that each of the beliefs, principles and practices are in no particular order and
by no means an exhaustive list.
If I were to share everything I know, it would be a book of over 2,000 pages at least.
For brevity’s sake, look at this e-book as the start of your journey, equipping you with all that
you need to know for now, and more than enough to take action on at this juncture.
But for the hungry soul who wants to know it all and dive deeper into the art of manifesting
money than most are willing to go, I’ve created my all-in-one money manifestation program
launching very soon called Queen of Money.
If you already know that diving off the deep end is your style and you want access to all of my
money manifestation knowledge, you can get on the waitlist for Queen of Money right here.
In the meantime, enjoy the journey and let me know which of the 14 were your personal
favorite by sharing it on Instagram and tagging me via @manifestationbabe.
I can’t wait to watch you completely transform your financial reality this year!
Kathrin Zenkina
Table of Contents
Number One:
Money is a neutral resource (energy) that’s replenishable, limitless in nature, and accessible
to all...........................................................................................................................................................................................PAGE 04
Number Two:
God/Universe/Source is my sugar daddy........................................................................................................PAGE 06
Number Three:
Words/phrases I never use when it comes to money + what I say instead............................PAGE 07
Number Four:
“There’s always more where that came from.”...........................................................................................PAGE 08
Number Five:
“I can’t wait to have the same. Thank you for showing me what’s possible for me too.”....PAGE 08
Number Six:
Money can be made in infinite ways. Choose the avenues that are most in alignment with
you (aka most exciting, pleasurable, and soul-filling)...............................................................................PAGE 9
Number Seven:
Other people’s money stories are not mine to manifest......................................................................PAGE 10
Number Eight:
Depriving yourself on the way to wealth only manifests a miserable existence (and attracts
money issues later on)....................................................................................................................................................PAGE 11
Number Nine:
It’s not being “spent”, it’s being “circulated” or “invested.”.................................................................PAGE 13
Number Ten:
Pause before circulating your money and ask yourself, “when I look back on this purchase a
year from now, does it feel good to have done?”........................................................................................PAGE 13
Number Eleven:
F-words lead to money.................................................................................................................................................PAGE 15
Number Twelve:
Get in bed with money..................................................................................................................................................PAGE 16
Number Thirteen:
Date your money...............................................................................................................................................................PAGE 17
Number Fourteen:
BE the millionaire now..................................................................................................................................................PAGE 18
You were probably taught that money comes through hard work, hustle, blood, sweat,
and tears. Money is extremely hard to come by and is tied to a stroke of luck that some
people are born with, while others aren’t. You were probably taught that money isn’t
that important, it doesn’t make you happy, and it’s a selfish pursuit to want to have more
money in your life.
You may remember being told that those who have money are evil greedy people and
the reason why they have the money that they do is because they did something evil in
order to get it. They lied, cheated and stole from good hardworking people to get to the
financial position that they are in and if you want to have that kind of money, you’re
going to have to lie cheat and steal too.
You may also have been constantly reminded by your family that you didn’t come from
money and you shouldn’t expect to have money when you grow up. Money doesn’t
grow on trees, life is unfair, and your only chances of becoming extremely wealthy in an
“ethical” way is to maybe, someday, somehow, win the lottery.
As a Russian-Ukrainian immigrant who was brought to the United States by her family
to start a whole new life in a brand new country with no money, no work permit, and no
knowledge of the English language, you’d think that my financial destiny would
resemble one of poverty, struggle and strife.
Based on old outdated money beliefs that I shared with you above, there’s no way I’d be
writing this right now as a self-made multi-millionaire who isn’t an evil, greedy person,
did NOT lie, cheat or steal to get here, didn’t create the wealth she has through hustle
culture, and didn’t win the lottery to get here.
It takes one thought leader, one trailblazer, one brave soul to decide they don’t want to
be “realistic” anymore and question old belief systems.
I got here because I learned the “truth” about money. The truth being that what you
believe to be true about money is what becomes your reality. And that there is a
different belief available to you that will make you a millionaire if you choose to
subscribe to it.
Bear with me for just a teeny tiny bit of science to demonstrate my point: If you look at a
microscope that’s strong enough, you’ll see that any physical object that appears to be
100% solid in nature is actually just made up of a bunch of vibrating atoms (which are
made up of a bunch of vibrating subatomic particles). And the distance between each of
the subatomic particles in each of the objects makes it seem like they aren’t matter at all
— but made up of 99.9999% empty space.
Now, there is no such thing as “empty space” in nature. Why would anything in this
Universe be left empty? This empty space is actually not empty at all. It’s completely
made up of energy. And this energy is what makes up every single thing we see, feel and
experience in our physical 3D world.
Since everything is made up of vibrating subatomic particles that are just vibrating at
specific frequencies that give them the appearance they hold in the 3D world, and that
frequency can just be summarized as energy that’s vibrating…. that means money is just
energy too.
Money is energy.
Money is simply a physical representation of the energy (value) that we assign to the
things we exchange it for. Money is completely made up just like value is made up. No
diety came down from the sky and said “this is how much bread costs, and this is how
much a Macbook pro is worth.” Us, human beings, completely made it up based on the
value we just decided to assign to things that we pay for.
Since money is made up and it’s just energy, and energy is limitless, replenishable, and
accessible to all…. then so is money.
I choose to look at money as a neutral resource that I can utilize to make my life and the
world a better place. Money placed in the hands of good people creates the beautiful
world we all dream of living in. When money is seen for what it is and stops triggering
wounded people who were taught that money is the reason for their suffering, we
create mass financial healing.
Notice how you perceive other resources and sources of energy — like love, oxygen, and
sunlight. Do you project nearly as much stress, worry and frustration that only evil
greedy people love one another or deserve to be loved? Or that only those who win the
oxygen lottery get to breathe multiple times a minute? Or that only those who lie, cheat
and steal have access to sunlight and get to receive the Vitamin D that feels so good in
their bodies to function optimally?
You have to sit down and ask yourself… who taught me to think of money in this way?
Who programmed me to be so triggered by paper that grows on trees and numbers
that show up on my computer? Who hijacked my brain to repel so much abundance
and prosperity in my life? Why would someone want us to all be financially destitute
(and thus controllable)?
And the more important question, how can I tap back into my innate ability to manifest
Which begins by coming back to the beliefs about money that feel useful and
empowering in creating more of it.
I believe that money flows through conduits such as people deciding to make a
purchase in my business or pay me for my work/services, but they are not the sources of
the money flow. The source of my money is the Universe. The source of my money is
God. Source is my source.
I see God/Universe/Source as my sugar daddy who provides every single need of mine
and my only job is to open up my palms and receive. I am innately worthy of receiving
and it is my divine birthright to be as wealthy as I want to be. Since money is simply
energy and energy is limitless, I can have as much of it as I want. I just simply ask.
This is why I view money as a masculine energy (provider energy) that I attract into my
life via the Law of Polarity by embodying my feminine energy of receiving. The more I
lean into my feminine energy, the more I allow Source to be my provider. I never have to
stress about “how” the money is going to come in the same way I don’t stress about who
is going to be delivering my Amazon package when I order it and when. I just know it’s
going to show up at my door. And it always does.
Words carry frequencies and the words we use to describe money determine the reality
in which we experience money.
Think of our words like tinted glasses: you don’t see things as they are, only as they
appear through your lenses. Perception is our reality and the way to change our
perception is to put on a new pair of glasses. A.k.a. use new words.
Tell a new story. Change the narrative. Speak into existence only that which you’d want
to experience.
“I can’t afford this.” —> “I can’t wait to experience that as soon as it aligns with my
finances.” or “How can I afford it?”
“That’s too expensive.” —> “That’s quite a premium price point. I don’t value it at that
price, but I would totally buy it for $____.”
“Savings account” —> “Future self fund” (Because no one saved themselves to wealth,
but they DID invest in their future self)
“Emergency fund” —> “Opportunity fund” (Because why the F do we want to manifest
an emergency?)
“Debt” —> “Past self investments” (Thanking my past self for investing in herself to the
best of her ability and replenishing her energy as I pay it off)
“I can’t make $X” —> “I’m currently aligning with a salary/income of $X”
I borrowed this phrase from Marie Forleo back in 2015 when not only did I have just a few
dollars to my name, but I was also $25k in debt. I still use this mantra to this day as a
multi-millionaire. The mantra is: “There is always more where that came from!”
Say it to yourself every time you hand over cash or swipe your card and train your mind
to believe that there, in fact, is even more available to you beyond anything you could
ever circulate out into the world.
Notice that I italicized the word “believe.” It’s not that it *isn’t* possible for me, but the
error here is that something within me is feels like it isn’t. So instead of giving my power
away here and getting angry that someone else has what I want, which tends to end in
wishing ill upon that person, I remember the Law of Oneness & the Law of Cause and
The Law of Oneness states that what is possible for one is possible for all. The Law of
Cause and Effect states that what is given is eventually experienced. If someone else can
experience something that I desire for myself, that is automatic proof that I can
experience the same. It’s only a matter of manifestation.
So the next time you get frustrated that someone else out there is experiencing your
desire, say to yourself, “I can’t wait to have the same. Thank you for showing me what’s
possible for me too.”
Choose the path that is most in alignment with you and the path that brings you the
deepest sense of fulfillment. Choose the path of purpose, dharma, and true happiness.
Remember that God/Universe/Source is the source of your finances, and the energy is
provided in infinite ways. There is no limitation to how the money can come to you.
Instead of trying to figure out the next side hustle to dive into that you saw so-and-so
creating online, or debating whether to climb the corporate ladder or start a business or
become a stay-at-home mom, ask yourself instead…”If I already had all the money in the
world, what would I do with all my time?”
I ask myself this question all the time. And through deep inquiry I’ve come to the
conclusion that I would be doing the exact same that I am doing right now. That’s how I
know that I have chosen a path for myself with great longevity and prosperity. I would
be a spiritual teacher helping people raise their frequency, remove their blocks, and
manifest their wildest dreams regardless of the money I receive in exchange for it.
There’s no question about it for me which is why I believe that so much abundance has
come to me in this area of life. I am in the frequency of genuine enjoyment when I
engage in my career.
I used to believe it would be my fitness business that would one day be an 8-figure
empire. Even though I could’ve forced it to happen (because we’re so powerful and we
can truly create anything we want), I didn’t want it to be forced. Because I didn’t want to
build a business that’s built on the foundation of force frequency.
Your abundance will come to you in infinite ways. You don’t have to worry about the
money coming in. That’s beside the point.
Focus on the realm that would feel the BEST to receive money through. One of genuine
enjoyment. Because the energy in which you do something determines its outcome. If
you hustle and grind your way to millions, you only attract more reasons to keep
hustling and grinding. If you let it be easy, you attract more reasons to keep it easy.
It doesn’t matter what you grew up hearing, witnessing, and experiencing. It doesn’t
matter what you were told was possible or impossible… realistic or unrealistic.
Your childhood was a product of your caregivers’ mindsets at the time that they raised
you, not a product of what is ultimately true for you.
What is true for you is that you are a child of God/Universe/Source. What is true for you is
that the world is an abundant place and you have a birthright to riches beyond your
comprehension. What is true for you is that your worth isn’t even a thing that occurs to
God/Universe/Source to place on you — because the concept of whether or not you’re
worthy of money is like trying to debate whether or not you should’ve been born. You’re
infinitely worthy because you’re here. And you being here, right now, reading the words
on this page is proof of your innate worth of being here.
You can separate the words, phrases, stories, and experiences that you’ve previously had
with money from the reality that you get to manifest from a place of new awareness and
remembering of truth. Just because Mom and Dad experienced something, doesn’t
mean it’s mine to keep creating. Just because my teacher taught me my goals are
unrealistic, doesn’t mean it’s my story to manifest.
What others have told you about money up until this point is simply information & data
that they are sharing about themselves. They are saying nothing objective here. They are
teaching you nothing about you. They’re simply giving you an inside scoop into how
their minds process the world around them.
I became a millionaire the moment I stopped doing what everyone else was, and started
doing the complete opposite.
You can’t create an unconventional life without unconventional beliefs and ways of
I once had a client who came to me because she was deep in debt and wanted to figure
out how to manifest her way out of it. Upon diving into more of her financial situation,
we uncovered that this wasn’t the first time she’s ever been in debt. In fact, she once had
the same debt previously, and paid it off successfully.
Her problem wasn’t in not knowing how to pay off debt, but in how to break the
energetic pattern that has now created the debt multiple times.
When I asked her to describe in detail how she paid off the debt the first time, she said
to me, “oh Kathrin, it was miserable. I didn’t spend a single penny on anything else. All of
my money went straight to the credit card bills and I lived a miserable existence until
they were paid off. I didn’t have any fun doing it.”
“And how did you feel upon paying it off? What did you do with your money once it was
no longer going toward the credit cards?” I inquired.
“I spent every single penny on random shit because I felt SO deprived. I went overboard
and bought myself every single thing I ever wanted for the last few years. And now I’m in
debt again because I overspent my money.”
This client validated for me why the 10/10/10 rule (something I created when I was first
seriously diving into the money manifestation realm) had worked so well for me and
why I’ve been able to stay out of debt for over 7 years now.
The 10/10/10 rule worked like this: 10% of every penny I earned went to my
opportunities/future self fund (aka savings account). 10% of every penny I earned went
into purchasing something for myself that made me feel abundant (like a coffee at my
favorite coffee shop, a brand new sweater, or a meal out with my friends). And 10% of
every penny I earned went toward a cause I cared about to train my mind that it was
safe to give money away (commonly known as a tithe). The rest went toward my
expenses and paying off $25,000 of debt.
And no, I didn’t wait until I saw how much money was left over at the end of the month
before I did this. I did it up front because I created the expectation that 70% of my
income would be more than enough to pay for everything else.
The reason why I believe the 10/10/10 rule worked so well for me at this stage in my life
was that 10% of my income I splurged on non-necessities that made me happy and
brought me joy. I never once felt deprived paying off that debt and I genuinely
ENJOYED it. I paid it off in the energy of abundance. Which is why since paying it off, I’ve
only been able to manifest more abundance for myself.
My point is… you can’t manifest abundance from scarcity. You can’t manifest freedom
from deprivation. I don’t believe in being a penny pincher or saving myself to millions. I
believe in circulating money in a way that feels good to me. A way that is smart
financially, but also fulfills my desire to buy random shit that I don’t “need.”
I don’t “need” a new phone or new laptop or some other device that makes my business
more seamless and enjoyable to run.
Circulation and investment implies that not only will money only temporarily leave my
bank account but it will multiply itself as it comes back my way.
It also implies that I empower the economy by temporarily parting with my money, fuel
energy into other people, businesses, and services, and my karmic gift for doing so is
receiving even more money in return.
When people look at the things they buy as a “price” or something that will have a “cost”
or something that cause their money to be “spent,” it’s no wonder they feel anxiety
about parting with their money.
And once again, I repeat: the energy in which you do something determines its
So if you’re parting with your money feeling anxious that the money will never come
back, guess what? Even if it does, you’ll find yourself manifesting new reasons to keep
parting with it. Like attracting a financial emergency or an unexpected bill or something
of the sort.
And if you’re parting with your money knowing you’re empowering the economy and
giving a gift to the world, and the money is going to come back multiplied, you actually
get excited to temporarily part ways. And this energy is going to create even more
money in your hands rather than less.
“When I look back on this purchase a year from now, does it feel good to have done?”
A.k.a., am I still positively reminiscing on this purchase?
Instead of being “responsible,” I’m focused on alignment. I’m focused on making moves
that my future self is thanking me for. I’m focused on being financially smart and
abundant. Which is what being responsible is for me.
When I’m shopping for something new, I’m checking in with my future self. She is the
one I check in with when making a purchase, not Dave Ramsey or the next financial
“expert” who thinks they know what’s best for me. I allow my values to dictate where my
money goes.
When I check in to see if my future self is still enjoying that purchase I made one year
later, I know it’s a financially aligned investment.
When I check in to see that purchase lying around behind another cabinet in my
kitchen underneath the counter, or piled up in a corner causing more clutter in my
home, I know that it’s not a worthwhile investment for me.
It doesn’t matter what it is. It could be a book, a water bottle, jewelry, underwear,
silverware, or a new computer. Am I glad to have bought it?
This could even pertain to purchases that wouldn’t even technically last a year— a trip, a
date night, an experience, a cooking class, etc.
Technically, some of these things only last one night or a week or two at most. I still
check in to see if this is a positive reminisce for my future self one year later. Is she
thankful she did it? Is she looking back on that trip with appreciation and a “holy shit I
can’t believe I did that” or is she looking back at it with regret? Or even neutrality? “Meh”
energy is also a sign that there’s no need to circulate my money in that direction.
Remember that saying again? That the energy in which you do something determines
its outcome?
I want my outcome to remain being a magnet for more. A “no” or a “meh” is not what’s
going to create more “fuck yes” in my bank account.
Most of us desire to have more money because we think it’ll make us a feel pleasurable
feelings when we have it. However, at the same time, we associate money with a lot of
pain from our past, which ultimately confuses the subconscious. We desire money, but
have a hard time actually manifesting it. We “stop” the flow of money by subconsciously
associating pain with it. That’s why there’s no “action” in the money realms.
The key here is to remember that money is inherently neutral and it alone can’t “make
us” feel any particular way. It’s not good or bad. It doesn’t have morals or ethics or a
mind of its own. It just IS.
Chasing money to feel pleasurable feelings once we have it, only leaves us feeling empty
and wondering “is this really it?” Because in the end, we are responsible for generating
our own feelings— not money.
Think about why you want more money. What feeling are you desiring to feel that you
think you will feel once you have the money you want?
It’s by causing these feelings RIGHT NOW, in your body, that you spring yourself into the
action of manifesting more money.
Ask yourself, “Aside from money, what makes me feel free? What makes me feel safe in
my body? What gives me a sense of accomplishment? What brings me pleasure when I
engage in it?”
Even if you simply engage in those activities through the mind via the 5 senses, you’ll
instantly tap yourself into the frequency of those feelings—which helps you tap into the
frequency of money. Since money=those feelings for you.
Simply imagining myself walking through nature and noticing the abundance of all the
resources out in nature (like sunshine, oxygen, rain, leaves, flowers) allows me to tap into
the feeling of abundance. Seeing what I would see, smelling what I would smell, hearing
what I would hear, feeling what I would feel taps me right in.
You feel at peace whether you have money or not — you just do. That is the energy of
true detachment. “I want you but I don’t need you energy.”
I want more people to understand that money is a BYPRODUCT. The energy work
comes first. The mental shifts come first. Accessing new frequencies come first.
What I mean is, get intimate with your money. Know your money. Know how much you
have in your bank account. Know how much you owe on your credit cards. Know your
rent/mortgage payment. Know your car payment. Know your 401k. Know your crypto.
Know how much would make the most sense to leave inside your opportunity fund for
the next opportunity that comes along. And know how much money you need to invest
to create even more millions passively through the market (making money work for you,
not the other way around).
When I started my money journey, this is where I began. I simply opened up 15 different
tabs on my computer and went on a money date (next point will share more about this).
I got to know my money on an intimate level because that’s what would be expected of
me if I were getting to know my partner and deciding if he was worthy of my hand in
marriage. If this were someone I had the intent of spending a lifetime with, of course I’m
going to get in bed with them — meaning INTIMATE with them.
Pretending you don’t know how much money you have isn’t cute anymore. And money
doesn’t feel appreciated through ignorance.
How can I do my due diligence in making them feel the most appreciated in my hands?
The most welcomed in my life?
This kind of way of looking at money will take you so much further than the societal
conditioning that most of us grew up with which is looking at money as something that
we really want, but are wrong for wanting it.
That’s like saying you’re wrong for wanting a healthy, happy relationship in life.
That’s an innate desire within all of us just like it’s an innate desire for all of us to feel safe
and secure. And in this world, money is one way of creating that safety and security in
On this date, I would light a candle, fill up a glass with a sparkling beverage, diffuse my
favorite essential oils, dim the lights, get dressed up, turn on some sexy tunes, and open
up all of my financial accounts.
On this date, I would pay bills that were due, make payments on my credit cards,
allocate my money into various accounts that were used for certain goals, donate a
chunk to a cause that inspired me that week, and set new financial goals. If I had
everything already paid for from the week before (since most of the time these are
monthly payments), I would just simply BE with my money. Check in, tune in, see what’s
up, and also visualize what I wanted my bank accounts to look like in the future.
This was my time to be intimate with money in a way that anchored in positive
emotions instead of the dread so many people feel when handling money. I found that it
was really difficult to be in a poor headspace when you have set such a light, romantic
vibe for the activity.
If you have a partner that you share finances with, like I do now, do these dates together!
This is how I do my money dates these days—threesome style. My husband and I
regularly have money dates (sometimes part of our date night) where we check in with
where our finances are — he reads off our net worth to me, how much he’s invested over
the last period of time, how much cash we have in the bank, where we might need to
hold off on circulating money, where we can maximize our tax benefits by circulating
more, how much our business is requiring in cash flow, etc.
Being on the same page financially as your partner is key to manifesting more of it
together, even if one partner doesn’t believe in manifestation like I see in SO many
relationships of my students. Understanding what your goals are and where you’re
currently at in relation to them in a fun date-like environment, opens up the channels
and the pathways for more to come in.
Because like I have said before and will always say again: the energy in which you do
something determines its outcome. If you feel anxious and stressed while handling
money, that’s going to become the frequency foundation of your bank account. From
that frequency, the only possibility is to attract money in ways that feel anxious and
stressful. If you feel light and uplifted while handling money, then that’s going to
become the new frequency of your bank account. Which will attract money in ways that
feel light and uplifted.
If I asked you to go outside and look for you, last year, bringing in the New Year with your
friends or family (or maybe you were already sleeping), how long would it take for you to
find them? You wouldn’t, right?
If I asked you to go outside and look for you, next year, celebrating your next birthday
whether its your 25th or 56th or 40th, how long would it take for you to find them? You
would be hard pressed to find them, right?
That’s because the only time that actually exists is right now. And any other time in the
future is going to feel the same way that time feels for you right now —it’s going to feel
like present moment.
So the idea that there’s some future version of you far out there who’s a millionaire that
you may or may not become someday (depending on how lucky you get, or how life’s
circumstances turn out) is false. That version is already here, living within you, existing in
the now. The only way to access her is to recognize this spiritual principle and be her
There is a version of you on an alternate timeline (that’s happening RIGHT NOW) who is
already a millionaire. She exists right now, just living a parallel life. She is embodying a
particular frequency that allows her to be the millionaire she is, while you’re embodying
a particular frequency that causes you to be wherever you are financially now.
The way to shift timelines is to shift frequencies. And since time doesn’t exist in the
spiritual plane, that frequency can be shifted instantaneously. And by shifting that
frequency, reality eventually catches up in the 3D (where time IS experienced as a
human construct ) and you will inevitably see the results of the millions of dollars in your
own bank account.
And the list goes on.. and on… helping you get crystal clear on this version of you who is
already existing, already within, and already living the kind of life that you want to live.
Your sole goal now is to BE that version of you. Act like them. Think like them. Decide
like them.
And watch how fast your money reality shifts in the direction that you desire.
Loved this ebook? Wish you could get more? Well, the good news is… I got more.
WAYYYYYYYY MORE. See the next page for the next steps.
Queen of Money
Rewire archaic money beliefs,
Expand your capacity to receive,
Reclaim your birthright to
infinite wealth,
and manifest money on your
Get money to respond to YOU, not the Manifest money on command (step-by-
other way around step process that can be forever rinse +
repeated with ANY amount of money)
Create a financial queendom that creates
generational wealth for lifetimes Reframe debt & financial hardships to
become the best thing that ever
Neutralize, clear and rewire any trigger or happened to you financially
limiting belief around money that’s
keeping you playing small financially Never doubt your innate worthiness to
have everything you want + more
Understand how masculine/feminine
energetics play into money attraction Rewire your nervous system to always
believe there is more than enough
Hack the money game using the spiritual money + more will always be available
laws of money manifestation Become recession-proof and boom in ANY
Be feminine AF, rich AF, and still provided
for (Female breadwinners, this one’s for Create a secure and supportive
you) relationship with money
Become a master receiver (that everyone Get on the same page financially with your
wants to provide for) partner
Clear guilt around creating abundance in a world of lack, scarcity & suffering