AHicks Transcripts
AHicks Transcripts
AHicks Transcripts
All you got to do is find alignment with Source and Source will take
you on the path of nonresistance to the details that you have carved
out every single time. Alignment is the best word and let’s add more
words to it. Alignment, harmony. Path. Path. So, have we convinced
you that you were born on this path of well-being? And can you feel
how as you tune yourself to the path the easy way, the easy way, the
easy way you’re looking for good feelings, you’re looking for fun,
you’re looking for clarity? You’re not trying to change conditions over
in order to find that. You’re finding it early in the day before the
conditions have distracted you from that and you’ve practiced the
feeling of that until Law of Attraction has taken you into more and
more conditions and manifestations that support how you want to
feel. So now you’re mostly feeling pretty good, you’re just loving for
no good reason. You’re just feeling calm for no conditional reason.
You just are, because it feels better. So, you are on the same
vibrational wavelength with source, and then the things that you’ve
been asking for can be realized by you because you’re on the same
vibrational wavelength. And then the details of that, the realization of
that, is what causes the momentum to become more and more and
more. In other words, can you feel the momentum increasing from
these words: energy, vibration, thoughts, words, and action? In other
words, isn’t there more momentum in action than there is in a word?
And isn’t there more momentum in words than there is thought? So, if
you take the time to line up before you start talking and before you
start acting, then the momentum that you add will be on track. And
you’re going to right now, if this may just feel conceptual to you, but
we promise you it is the absolute fact of the vibrational universe and
how it works. So, as you focus there, it will prove itself to you over and
over and over again and feel in a really short time. We’re talking about
just a few days, you’ll know.
A H: Don’t tell him. It was perfect because they brought their own.
H S: Great.
A H: And as Jerry and Esther say frequently, “we don’t live it, we just
teach it.”
They are doing extremely well. Get out.
Hot Seat: How can I help myself to get to more of the receptive mode?
Even though I think it, I know it, I feel it.
Abraham Hicks: Isn’t the first thing to know whether you’re there or not.
H S: Yeah.
A H: We talked about this already too, but we really want to amplify it
here. It’s a wonderful, wonderful question. How can I more deliberately
and effectively get into the receptive mode? Here’s a very powerful
answer. Sometimes you can’t, so just give it a break. Sometimes
something happened and you just feel negative emotions. And the
harder you try, the worse it gets. The harder you try to solve a problem,
the bigger the problem gets. So, understanding how you feel is an
important component of this. But what we’ve noticed, as we’ve visited
with so many of you since the beginning of your existence is this: it
always gets better if you’ll just give it a minute. So, when you decide to
stop the struggle and stop trying so hard to prove your worthiness
and stop trying so hard to get it right, and start trusting that it’s on its
way to being the way you want it to be, if you could just settle down a
little bit and allow it to be, it’s the trying too hard that is dripping you
up. And most of that is because you care too much about how you
appear to the others around you. You care more about what others
think about how you’re doing than you do about how you feel in the
moment. And so, when you let your relationship between your inner
being and you be the thing that matters the most, then it’s just easier
and easier. The reason that we teach meditation and this is really for
you, this statement, it’s easier to teach almost everyone to have no
thought than to clean up a negative thought. Because you’re invested
in the negative thought. Law of Attraction already brought you a lot of
ammunition. Law of Attraction has already shored up your negative belief
that’s working against you, you see. And so, if you can just quiet your mind,
your vibration will rise and then you can come at it again . So, if you feel like
you’re in a struggle, take a nap. If you feel like you’re in a struggle, take a
walk. Do something to break the cycle of attraction, if you can. And
meditation is the most powerful tool that we know of for that.
How To Get Things Done When You Don’t Feel Like
Doing It Abraham Hicks | Transcript 06/10/2022
HOT SEAT: Hello. I’m here because in my business and so forth, I feel
I’m a procrastinator. And I know the answer is “just do it”.
ABRAHAM HICKS: Well, that’s not our answer. In fact, we want to
shake this up in a way that you’ll really understand it. Procrastination is
far more often a good thing than a bad thing. Write it down, because
when you don’t feel like doing something and you do it anyway,
you’re bucking a current and it’s a waste of time. And all you do is get
hold of those oars and then tell us the story of how valiant you are
and start insisting that you need monuments in your name. When you
take the time to line up energy, when you get vibrationally in sync with
an idea, procrastination doesn’t even enter in. You’re so full of
inspiration that nobody can keep you from doing it. Haven’t you ever
had something like that where you wanted it and you knew you
wanted it? And even though people who were reasonably wise around
you were trying to discourage you, what they said didn’t make any
difference because you knew that this was the direction for you to go.
That’s what inspired action is, you see? So, when people talk about
procrastination, they are trying to orient themselves in an action-
oriented world. Because everybody’s had the experience of, “I didn’t
really feel like doing it, but I made myself do it. And once I started
doing it, then I felt more like doing it.” And don’t disagree with that.
We know that you cannot feel like doing something and you can force
yourself to do it. And then you can sort of get focused on the idea of it
and then you line up your energy. We’re not saying that action cannot
sometimes lead to energy alignment, but we will always say action first
is always backward in moving through procrastination. By forcing
yourself to do something that you don’t feel like doing, you can go
through the motions, but you will not get the results, we promise you.
So, what you want to say is not, “oh, I’m just going to bask in my
feeling of procrastination forevermore. Nobody will ever make me do
something.” That’s not the point we’re wanting to make. What we
want you to say to yourself is, “when I feel like this, my action is going
to be hard. And sometimes I have to push through because I have a
commitment and I said I would, but my dominant intent is to give my
thoughts to my dreams so profoundly that I am coming so abundantly
and often into alignment with who I really am; that inspiration is the
order of my day.”
Can you imagine if Jerry and Esther had said to the river guide, “where
does this raft get out of the river?” And he would have said, “several
miles downstream in Fort Collins.” And can you imagine if Jerry and
Esther had said, “well, then we would like to put our raft back on the
bus and bus it down the canyon. And we’d like to put it in the river
about 50 yards from where we’re going to take it out because we like
instant manifestation.” And he would say, “whatever you want, crazy
lady, but I thought you wanted a ride on the river.” And what we want
you to get the feeling of is when you are deliberately turning
downstream, reaching for relief, when you are deliberately reaching
for better feeling thoughts, and consistently turning downstream so
that you’re going with the flow, the things that occur to you occur in a
timely manner. You rendezvous with circumstances and events. There
begins to get momentum going that carries you, and you begin to
understand that effort and action are irrelevant under those
conditions. But until you get lined up, you’re doing a lot of action to
make things happen. We want you to have action because action is a
delicious way that you enjoy a lifetime experience. We just want you to
use your action to enjoy what you’ve created through vibrational
alignment, not to try to create with the action. Your leverage is in
alignment, you see? So, when you say, “I don’t feel like doing that,” we
say “then it’s not the right time.” When you say, “well, I could do it, but
I’d have to really buck up and make myself do that,” then we would
say “we would do something else rather than buck up. We would
focus on the dream. We would do our best to get excited about the
dream. We would think about what we want and why we want it. We
would remember where we started. We would try to hook on to the
vibrational essence of where we’re going.” We’d line up the energy
and then we promise you the word procrastination would never come
out of your mouth. Tell us what you feel procrastinating about.
H S: Well, cold calls and expanding my business.
A H: All right, so I don’t feel like doing it, I don’t feel like doing it, I
don’t want to do it. So, you don’t do it. So, you say, well, the action
right now is not the best thing for me to do because I can feel that I
don’t want to do it, which must mean my energy is not in alignment.
So, then you step back from the determination to act, and instead, you
say, “what’s this about anyway? Why am I even doing this business?”
“Well, because I believe that it’s a value and I think that it adds value
to others and it certainly will add value to me. And when I first heard
about it, I remember feeling excited about it and I thought that it was
something that I could do. And I remember thinking that it is
something that I would like to apply myself to and that as I did apply
myself, it could net me a good return and it would provide me an
avenue to do less of some of the other things that I’m not enjoying so
much and more of the things that I am wanting. And I thought it felt
good, it felt so refreshing to me. And I remember that feeling of
wanting to do it.” And just in that much conversation, your feeling of
procrastination is gone. It was just that little bit of dialogue that lined
you up. And now not only did it line you up with being able to do the
action, but it also lined you up with an action that will be productive
when you do it. That’s the difference. When you make yourself do
something that you don’t want to do, you’re just banging around the
hard way. And that’s why next time you don’t want to do it either.
That’s why they call them cold calls. They’re hanging out. Nothing has
warmed them up. The energy is not in alignment. The universal fairies
of the universe haven’t set things into circumstances, or events. You’re
not inspired to the right action, you rendezvous with the wrong
person, you get the result that you don’t want and you say, “hey, I
don’t like that.” And we don’t blame you. That’s not who you are.
That’s not what it’s about. That’s not what you signed on for. You
signed on to a dream and expand and refresh and improve. That’s
what you signed up for. You see?
H S: Yes, well, thank you.
A H: Yes, indeed.
Use These Tools To Raise Your Vibration
Abraham Hicks | Transcript 06/10/2022
HOT SEAT: I’m so happy to be here. And on my drive in at 05:00 this
morning, I was thinking, “what could I ask you?” And feeling really
tired, I was wondering that “I love creating my reality, and I know I get
what I want, but sometimes”
ABRAHAM HICKS: You get what you think about.
H S: Yeah, but sometimes when I’m so sure of it and it doesn’t
happen, I often think, “is that because something greater is going to
A H: Maybe.
H S: Or because I wasn’t ready?
A H: Well, it means either that you’re not ready for it or it’s not ready
for you. It means that there’s not a vibrational match or it means that
what you think it is and what it is aren’t quite the same. But if you start
with the premise that things are always working out for you, and you
start with the premise that you are worthy and that you are good and
that things are always working out for you, and then you watch for the
evidence of things working out for you, then that all clears up pretty fast.
H S: So, I don’t have to focus on a specific thing I want and just have
A H: Sometimes that’s fun. This is the way we would play that if we
were standing in your physical shoes. If you know for sure, because
you can tell by the way you feel that you’re tuned in, tapped in, turned
on, then focusing on it adds more fun to it, doesn’t it? Isn’t it fun to
get more specific when you’re really in alignment? But if you’re not
tuned in, tap, tint, turned on, and you’re trying to be specific in order
to make it happen, that feels grueling, that feels hard, that feels like
effort. That isn’t fun. So just try to figure out as best you can how
tuned in you are. So, the rule of thumb is if you’re in the receptive
mode of vulnerable or victim or anger or overwhelming, be more
general, not more specific. Back off from the specifics to try to slow
that momentum down. Because of the more attention, the more
momentum. And the more momentum, the more you move toward
whatever it is you’ve got going on. So, if you’re moving toward
something that you don’t want, slow it down by becoming more
general. If something unpleasant has happened to you, rather than
explaining all the specifics to someone about it, get real general about
it. “Oh, yeah, that happened.” “How do you feel about it?” “Not good.”
“What do you mean? Give me more detail.” “Not good.” “Well, I want
to know what you mean.” “Not good.” “Well, give me more specifics.”
“Don’t know how.” In other words, if you get more detailed about it,
then they’ll go, “oh, yeah.” And then you say, “oh, yeah.” And then off
you go into more and more and more of the same. So more general
slows it down. If you’re tuned in, tapped in, turned on, and you’re
really feeling good about it, then the more specific you are, the more
fun it is. The more ideas flow, the more the universe answers your
ideas, and the more birds fly in to punctuate, “That was a good idea,
and that was a good idea.” The more evidence you have that you’re
rolling, the more fun it is. So, the better it feels, the more specific. The
worse it feels, the more general.
H S: You did mention that when we sleep, we slow down momentum,
or that it stops.
A H: yeah.
H S: Sometimes I find myself dreaming of things unwanted. And I
would just like some clarification on dreams. And if there is no
momentum, do we dream because that’s foreseeing where our
vibration is?
A H: Well, understand the difference between momentum and
vibration. The thoughts that you’ve been thinking have caused
activation of vibration that equals your point of attraction. So, we’ve
been saying for a long time that what you think and how you feel and
what manifests always match. The same is true of your dream state.
What you’ve been thinking and how you feel about it and what
manifests in your dream state always match. So, when you go to sleep,
while you’re sleeping, you are not adding any more momentum to
what’s been going on. So, when you awaken, your vibration is where it
has been. But because there’s no active momentum happening right
now, that’s your best opportunity to set it off on a different foot. To
get out of bed on the right side, to reach for a thought that feels
better. See what we’re getting at? When you awaken from a really
good dream, say to yourself, “I like that.” And then replay it and try to
get the feeling of it and increase that momentum. Get the vibration of
that more practiced in your vibration. Make that a stronger part of
your point of attraction. But if you’re awakened from an unsettling
dream, then don’t express it to someone. Don’t try to figure it out,
don’t reactivate it, don’t keep it active. And you’ll begin to notice that
the good dreams become more frequent, and the bad dreams
dissipate altogether. And the same is true of what’s happening in your
wake state. It just happens faster in your dream state because you are
resistance free while you sleep. Also, it’s important to know about your
dreams. You didn’t dream it all night long. You downloaded it when
you woke up and you downloaded it in accordance with the vibration
that was active within you when you woke up. So, if you went to bed
worried, you’re going to wake up less worried than you were when
you went to bed. But you still most likely are going to wake up
worried. And if you catch a glimpse of that and then you go back and
regurgitate what you’ve been worried about, then nothing much
changes, you see? So, sleeping is the opportunity to slow down the
momentum of unwanted things.
Also, appreciation is the most powerful tool for shifting vibration.
Meditation is a powerful tool too. So, of all the tools, sleeping or
meditation or appreciation, because they all improve vibration and
they all decrease resistance, sleeping is not as effective as meditation.
Meditation is not as effective as appreciation. When you sleep, you’re
not actively thinking. But when you wake up, you could remember
what you were thinking. When you meditate, you stop thought; so
your vibration raises. When you appreciate, you specifically guide the
thought. Do you see what we’re getting at? And so just use whatever tool
is the path of least resistance from where you are. If we were standing in
your physical shoes, every day we would sleep more than you do.
H S: I take frequent naps every day.
A H: Every day we would meditate more than you do. We would
meditate for 15 or 20 minutes every day. And every day, we would
appreciate it more than you do. And if you just do those things
deliberately, your cork is going to float. Your cork is going to float.
Your cork is going to float. And since you’ve already done all the other
work, you’ve sifted and sorted, and you’ve filled your vortex, and your
vortex is ripe and ready for you. And now you’re in the receptive
mode, and now you can get on with what you came for. You see, you
have put enough in your vortex to keep yourselves busy for 20 or 30
lifetimes. It’s time for you to start cashing in your chips. Enough?
H S: Thank you.
A H: Really good.
How To Practice Good Feeling Thoughts All The
Abraham Hicks| Transcript 06/10/2022
H S: Yeah. Pointless.
A H: Yeah.
H S: Is there an easier way to affect the emotion part a little bit?
A H: The easiest thing we know is to catch the momentum in the early
stages and to be aware. Being aware matters most and not beating up
on yourself when you’re in the middle of negative emotion. Just try to
talk yourself off the ledge. Do your best to give yourself the benefit of
the doubt. Be nice to yourself. That helps a lot. But the easiest way to
get here and stay here or to be consistently there is to realize that
when you wake up in the morning, that’s your best shot. Because while
you slept, the momentum subsided. And so, it’s much more likely for
you to get hold of something that feels good and carry it out. And
sometimes, Esther and friends had about eleven days together a few
days back and for eleven days they were riding right here. And it was
so interesting to watch everything yield to them. Parking place. They
were all over San Diego County, all over the place, and they never
went anywhere. And they went to 100 places that they didn’t park,
right in front of where they wanted to be. It’s like the universe
cooperates. And how does that happen? Your impulse to go this way,
your impulse to go this way, the amount of time you take moving
through. Your timing is everything. And since the source within you
knows where you want to be and where you are, and where everything
else in the universe is in relation and knows what things are active and
what things have to do with you and what things don’t have anything
to do with you, there is this universal orchestration on the biggest
things and the smallest things that have to do with you. And once you
get tuned into that, you will become addicted to connection.
You will become addicted to being in the receptive mode and nothing
else will do. And after a while, after a few hours or minutes or days or
weeks of experiencing life treating you that way in response to what
you’ve got going on vibrationally, after that happens, the first time you
have a little negative thought, you go “oh You are the enemy. You will
take me down. I know you will. If I allow myself to focus on you.”
because Law of Attraction is so not choosing sides. Any thought you
activate Law of Attraction will jump right in and make it more. So, it
really is about thinking and feeling and thinking and feeling and
noticing what comes and saying, “hey, I like that.” And after a while,
you’ll gather around you those who only want to talk about good
things, who want to talk about the good things in life, until most
people who are listening in are gagging. They just can’t believe they’re
sitting next to you in the restaurant and they heard a bunch of you
talking about how good this food is so many times that they want to
kill you, each and every one of you. You’re talking about the light.
You’re talking about the twinkles. You’re talking about the sunset.
You’re talking about the air. You’re talking about the fragrance. You’re
talking about how comfortable the seat is. You’re talking about how
much you love each other. There’s so much to talk about that most
people never talk about or rarely talk about because they want to talk
about real things like problems. That’s how. And you never run out of
good things to talk about. And then there is the repeat factor.
“Remember that time? Remember that time when you said that and
we all laughed?” and then everybody laughs again. It’s like it just
happened for the first time. Just reactivate that wonderful moment
when everyone was brilliant and everyone was right on key. Yes. That’s
how it’s supposed to be. And you know when you get your own little
merry band of one or two or three or four or five or ten going around
like that, the entire universe of Merry bands joins you and you all
become brilliant, your timing all becomes good, and you just have this
wonderful time. That’s the way it is supposed to be. And if we were
standing in your physical shoes or sitting in your physical fannies,
probably a bad word somewhere, we would only talk about what we
want. Get up. We enjoyed this. Very helpful. Very helpful.
When you ask from a step five moment, what you ask, you’re up to
speed with it. And that’s when, and only when, you get to experience
the conscious hands in the clay feeling of expansion. It’s not so much
fun to expand and not go there. That sort of sucks on lots of different
levels. And that’s why you begin to call yourself ineffective, inept, or
not good at it. Because when you keep asking and you don’t go, when
you keep asking and you don’t go, or when you ask from a step one
moment and then later you allow the answer to come, you are not as
easily able to make the association between what you asked for and
the answer that came because there’s so much time distance between
them. But when you’re having step five moments, which means now
you’re tuned in and now you’re asking and in real time you’re
receiving, and you have experienced that every one of you has. That’s
when you feel passion, that’s when you are fascinated. That’s when
you feel that feeling of energy, that’s that feeling of exhilaration. That’s
what it is. And it doesn’t have to be as fleeting for you as it is. It is
something that you can deliberately accomplish because you now
understand how the laws of the universe work. And more importantly,
you are figuring it out a little better every day.
From what point of attraction did you set your tuner? Who sets my
tuner? Somebody who’s mad at me and now my knee-jerk response to
them is how I set my tuner today. Well, this is going to be one hell of a
day, isn’t it? I set my tuner like that, and now is everybody in a bad
mood? No, but everybody you meet is going to be pretty much. What
are you fascinated with? problems, struggles, and things like that? Or
are you fascinated with movement? Are you fascinated with the
intricacies of your daydream? Are you fascinated by the powerful
universe? Are you fascinated with the content of your vortex, all of the
ingredients that you’ve put there? Are you fascinated with the way in
which those ingredients can come together in a never-ending pleasing
and yet most satisfying way?
In other words, we would not try to solve issues, we would not get into
debates with people who are trying to solve issues, we would not talk
about the problems of others with them, and we would not talk about
our own problems with anyone else. We would spend our time
looking for that central place that feels good, even if it’s something as
central and basic as the “sun came up this morning and that helped
me, and the food keeps growing and that helps all of us, and the
world keeps turning because it is right that it does. And source keeps
flowing because nothing other than that is natural and well-being
abounds. ” No matter how hard you try to find dark corners of the
world, they are small and puny in comparison with the brilliance and
beauty of the world. Well-being is dominant no matter what anybody
is focused upon at the moment. That’s just a fact of the way that it is.
Well-being is dominant. And as you start focusing yourself in those
ways, then the details, those winks from the universe, the details, the
specific details, will begin flooding into your experience. And you will
notice that you have a cadre, a group of nonphysical intelligence who
understands the specific and intimate details of your desire, and who
is inspiring you to a path of least resistance, not just for the outcome
that you think you want, but for the pleasure of the unfolding along
the way. And then you’re going to start making these associations, and
then something’s going to shift for you. It’s going to be like a fault
from shift. It’s going to be like a paradigm shift. And it will feel like
this. The details of your life will cause you to feel worthy. Because
suddenly you’ll be reacting to the core of what is good rather than to
the anomaly that feels bad. When you set aside proving any
worthiness, that takes away a lot of responsibility, and you might as
well give it up because there’s nobody standing in counsel for that. So,
no matter how hard you try to show your worthiness, you’re not
getting any brownie points with anybody because there’s not that kind
of thing going on. When you are trying to explain yourself, when
you’re trying to explain how you got into this place that you really
don’t want to be, you’re practicing the wrong vibrational dynamic and
you’re just going to get more of that till, after a while, now that you’ve
heard this conversation, you will grow weary of that repetition. And it
is our expectation that you will begin to focus at the moment where all
of your power is more deliberately on things that you can do
something about.
We would encourage you, as soon as you can get off by yourself and
get a piece of paper and something to write within your hand, that
you would begin identifying for yourself what things you really like to
do, what feels good when you do it, and what feels good when you
think about it. And let that be the thing that you focus upon for as
long as it takes for the universe to deliver to you a whole bunch of
stuff that’s just like that because it is our promise to you. If you will
take the time to make that list, the universe will deliver to you a whole
bunch of stuff that’s just like that list. And through that experience, not
through the words that we’ve been offering here today, but through
the universe’s universal response to your focused understanding, you
will prove to yourself that you are the creator of your own reality and
that life is supposed to be good for you.
Now, imagine this screenplay writer who has written this scenario but
now wants to tell the audience who the characters are so that the
audience will understand why the characters behave as they do. So,
you would begin by identifying the characters. Now, Esther would say
the character known as Esther is rather than I or me. The character
known as Esther is a deliberate creator, and she’s very good at what
she does. She is full of fun and full of life. It’s like a party going on
wherever she is. She likes to have fun; it seems to be her dominant
intention, although she can be very serious. She is someone who is in
love with life, and it is evident every day and everywhere she goes.
Everywhere she goes, people brighten up. Everything she does, she
makes fun around it. Everything that comes to her is satisfying and
fulfilling. This is a character of deliberate creation.
The character known as Esther has a partner who is known as Jerry. He,
too, is a deliberate creator. Now, you can be and you can go into as
much detail describing your characters as you feel inspired to do.
Don’t make work of it. Just speak, whatever comes. Now, you could
begin to weave them together into a script. In other words, the
characters of Esther and Jerry are in the process of living happily ever
after. They are happy wherever they are. They travel immensely and
find that doors open for them everywhere. If there is a flight, an airline
flight, it is always perfect in every way. Their baggage always arrives.
Usually, it’s one of the first three bags off the conveyor belt, and it is
always in perfect condition. They go to their rental car agency and pick
up their car with the greatest of ease and always find themselves
moving about the city with great ease. As they move from hotel to
hotel, they find each experience new and exciting. And they always
anticipate the deliciousness of the people that will gather with them.
Do you see what we’re getting at? You tell it like you want it to be, and
the entire universe complies. That’s what script writing is.
ABRAHAM HICKS: Now, in this case, the reality and the script were
almost identical. That was not always the case. In other words, Esther
wrote lots of scripts about lots of airplane rides; lots of scripts about
lots of encounters with those like you; and lots of scripts about lots of
drives through traffic. In other words, in the beginning, Esther wrote a
lot of scripts because her reality proved to be less than what she
wanted. Now, she hardly ever writes a script like that. She can just
acknowledge what is. The well-being is now self-perpetuating in many
ways. Do you see what we’re getting at? But if the well-being is not
self-perpetuating, that’s where the creative license comes in. That’s
where you write the script. So, what we would say about script writing
is, because there is so much in your joy now to appreciate, of course,
give your full attention to that part of your reality, but then fill in the
gaps with statements that empower the universe to deliver to you.
Now, that part of it is what gets your car moving fast. Then the other
part of it is to soften your fire hose whenever you feel negative
emotions, and you’ll begin quantum leaping all over the place. We
told Jerry and Esther two years ago that within two years they would
have ten times the activity in every aspect of their experience than
they were having at that time. And Esther said that it would be
interesting to see, and indeed, it has been interesting to see. In other
words, we could tell by the momentum of the scripts that they had
been writing that we knew what the future held for them. Do you see
what we’re getting at? And so, you can’t write a script without the
future being full of it. But what trips most of you up is that you write a
script, but then you say, “Where is it?” Which produces resistance that
doesn’t allow the fruition of the script. You say, “This is what I’d like,
but it’s not here.” Which causes resistance, which doesn’t allow the
fruition of the script. Or you say, “Life is really good for me relative to
this, but did you see that jerk on the highway?” And as you give your
negative attention to something, you feel yourself with resistance that
does not allow the fulfillment of the script. Do you see what we’re
getting at?
So, as you decide that there is nothing more important than keeping
the valve open, you begin to learn all kinds of ways of doing that. And
one of them is script writing, and the other is lowering resistance.
Now, for the script writing part you’ve all been doing, in other words,
that’s what goal setting is. That’s what affirmations are. That’s what we
are calling scripting. In other words, you’ve been doing lots of that. In
fact, you all have been doing so much of that that you have enough
out there to keep you busy for 20 or 30 lifetimes. You’re not really
short on that part of it. What you’re really wanting to work on is
lowering the resistance and allowing the fruition of these things that
you’ve been setting into motion. How do you lower resistance? There
are lots of ways. Appreciating lowers resistance, basking lowers
resistance, applauding lowers resistance, complimenting lowers
resistance, meditating lowers resistance, sleeping lowers resistance,
laughing lowers resistance, and going to a good movie lowers
resistance. Having a great meal lowers resistance. Basking in the
deliciousness of life lowers resistance. There are so many things that
you do that lower resistance. We see you beating up on yourself. You
say, “I shouldn’t have eaten that.” We say “you were lowering
resistance. Relax, and your body will maintain its balance. ” You say, “I
shouldn’t have wasted the time and gone to the movie. I should have
kept my nose to the grindstone. ” We say, “You are following your
intuition. You are lowering resistance. Why ruin it all by beating up on
yourself now? ” Are you getting a sense of what we’re talking about?
Lighten up. Be easy about all of this. Follow your heart. Let your
dominant intent be to let the joy that is natural to you flow and find all
of the wonderful, creative ways that you can find, even in one day, to
let it flow. During one of the segments of refreshment, Jerry and Esther
went back to their room, and they were basking in the deliciousness of
the beautiful day. And Jerry said, “Do you see how pretty it is out
there?” The sun was shining very bright on the patio, on the sidewalk,
and as they sat there, a beautiful little bird came right down and
walked right up to the window and looked right in at them. In other
words, he was in vibrational harmony with their appreciation of this
beautiful day. The closest proximity, in other words, the thing in all of
the universe that was most in sync with their vibration at that moment
came immediately and directly to them. And Esther said, “turn around
and look.” And Jerry turned around and saw the beautiful little bird. In
other words, three little birds, all basking in the pure, positive
appreciation of the moment. See what we’re getting at? Very good.
So, the reason that we explode into your faces in this way with our
enthusiasm for you accepting the relationship between you and you is
that unless you know that this vibrational version of you and all that
you’ve asked for exists, you cannot for a moment begin to understand
why you would have any negative emotion. A woman said to us one
day, “Abraham, my lover left, and now I am sad.” And we said, “No,
you’re not.” She said, “Abraham, I thought you were infinite
intelligence. I wasn’t sad. My lover left, and now I’m sad. I’m sad
because my lover left. ” And we said, “You are sad because, in your
relationship with that person, you have created a version of a
relationship that really reflects and represents who you are, what you
want, and what you deserve. You are using the behavior of some other
person and the reality of the current status of your relationship as your
excuse to focus in complete opposition to who you are. And that’s
why you’re sad. You’re sad. Your emotions are always and only ever
about you disallowing who you are. ” And we know this person was
right in the sense that this is my current reason, the current reaction
that I’m having to life. But we want to suggest to you that while it is
the most normal thing in the world to live in your world and interact
with those around you, and react or respond to what is happening.
That if you decide rather than to be reactive, to be proactive instead.
Rather than react to what’s happening. To let what happened cause
you, and it will automatically take the bounce. Because when you
know what you don’t want, you know what you do want every single
time. There is this vibrational law that says to the degree that you
don’t want it, there is an equal degree to which you do want it. If you
sort of don’t like that, you sort of want something. But if you really
don’t like that, then you really want something. It is always an equal
and proportionate vibrational bounce. And if we can convince you
today that the larger part of you took the bounce, became rich.
Became clear. Became healthy. Became loved. Became a lover. Became
clear-minded. Became responsive to life. Became valuable to your world.
If you can hear us when we say, that did happen and that every bit of
negative emotion that you feel is because you didn’t let it happen for
you yet. Then you’ll know what your guidance system is telling you.
Then you’ll bless negative emotion in the same way that Jerry blesses
the bumps along the edge of the road that let him know that Esther is
driving off of it. The bumps don’t bother Esther. She sort of thinks of
them as a friend. A friend who will respond to her at every moment.
Jerry sometimes gets lost back in the back of the bus and Esther’s up
there all alone. But she’s always got her bumps. We’ll always say, “yes,
Esther, we are aware of you as you are driving off into the bear pit.”
You have this guidance that is letting you know where you stand in
every moment in relationship to who you have become. And those are
the words that we really want you to hear. To who you have become.
Not to a standard that someone else has set. Not even to the standard
that you held when you decided to come because it has evolved much
further since you got here. To the standard of who you have become.
And anything less than that will not feel good to you.
And so, because you create your own reality and because you have an
inner being who is so beneficial to you and so aware of who you are,
and rooting for you to have the things that this life has shown you that
you want, you have a tremendous advantage because this is a really
important thing to get hold of.
one who is connected to the stream of who you really are. one who’s
in vibrational sync, in alignment with the energy of your source, that
ever-expanding energy, expanding because of the choices that you
are making. One who is in alignment with that is more powerful than
millions who are not. There is no comparison between the point of
attraction that your inner being holds and is, and that of most humans
because your inner being does not split energy. Your inner being
doesn’t say, “well, they want this, but they think about that.” Your inner
being simply says, “they want this and therefore it is. Therefore, it is.”
So, when we say to you, “ask and it is given,” we’re not kidding even a
little bit. when your life causes you to ask, there is a vibrational
response to that asking that is immediate and magnificent. You just
got to find a way of tuning to the frequency of that.
And we know it’s a little tricky because your life has caused you to
know what you don’t want. In fact, that’s the whole reason you’re
asking for this. So, it is logical that what you don’t want would be a
stronger, more active vibration. After all, it’s something that you’re
witnessing, it’s something that you’re experiencing. It’s something that
people are talking about. We get it, while it feels bigger, it isn’t. We
get it, while it feels more real, it isn’t. We get why it feels more
powerful to you, but it is not. It is flimsy and weak and nothing more
than the bouncing off place to who you really are and where you’re
really going.
So, you’ve got choices all day, every day, in every moment of every
day, in every waking moment, you have the choice of focusing in the
direction of what you have manifested in your vortex or what is
manifested around you in the physical. And we got to say to you
what’s manifested in the physical, thoughts that have turned to things,
that’s old news. that’s like gum that you’ve chewed the flavor out of. It
isn’t really what you want to give your attention to. It isn’t where
you’re going. It’s where you have been. It’s where maybe you might
think that you’re. But when you take the whole of who you are, when
you see the whole of who you are, you are way more than what’s
manifested so far. In fact, you are so much more than what you think
has manifested so far that your inner being spends no time focused on
what you think you are. Your inner being only focuses upon who your
inner being knows you to be, and the component of what you are
asking for, the component of your continuing fresh new desires is the
largest part of all that.
We have just described to you the evolution of all species. We’ve just
described to you what puts eternalness in eternity. We’ve just
described to you who you are as a creator. You just have some choices
to make and this is a wonderful opportunity. While we’re all together
chewing with each other, you get to decide whether you are a creator
by default, which means you’re observing and regurgitating and
achieving a point of attraction just based upon what you’re observing
with very little attention to how it feels when you observe it or whether
you are a creator. A deliberate creator.
So, step one happens without you knowing it does, because the
contrast surrounds you, causes you to ask, ask, ask, ask, ask.
Step two is, as we just described, when you ask your inner being and
all those cohorts that hang around there, a cadre of pure positive
energy, you want to call it God, we want to call it source. You want to
call it God, we want to call it inner being. You can call it whatever you
want, but it is source energy and it is all over what you care about.
Step two. you ask, and it has been given. It is given in the moment of
the asking. Step three, that’s where you get more intentional. That’s
where you choose thoughts that match what you want rather than
thoughts that justify why you don’t want what you don’t want. Pretty
interesting how you’ve come to that. We think your mother trained
you away from your inner being. We think that sometimes you were
led to believe that you had to plead a needy case, that you had to
plead a justifying case, that you had to defend, and that you had to
fight for the scraps of well-being.
You picked that up along your physical trail. We promise it is not what
you knew when you came into this body and it’s not what the larger
part of you knows because there is no shortage of consciousness in
non-physical. That’s something humans make up and fight with each
other about. You pretend that there isn’t enough of something so that
if somebody gets something that you want, then you decide that you
don’t like them for getting it when what you really want to do is to be
thrilled that they are offering the example of what it’s like to live
something that you might want.
So, step one is you ask, step two is source answers. And step three is
you find a way to find vibrational alignment with what you want rather
than defending what you don’t want. It’s what we call the receiving
mode. It’s what the art of allowing is. It’s allowing into your
experience, not just right now in this red-hot minute, but allowing into
your experience a steady habit of expecting good things to come to
you because things are always working out for you. You often cannot
stand back in broad enough view to understand how much well-being
is all queued up on your behalf. And because you are inconsistent in
the way you let it flow into your experience, you as humans have made
up all kinds of ridiculous rules about why sometimes it gets in and why
sometimes it doesn’t. Why the blessings flow to some and why the
blessings don’t flow to others. And we want to say to you that as well-
meaning as people are, that’s not how it works. There is not some
arbitrator who is deciding to dole out the good stuff and holding you
accountable for who gets the good stuff and who doesn’t. It is a
vibrational experience. It is a You syncing up with the goodness that is
you. It is you finding vibrational harmony with your own desire. It
really is as simple as that.
There is a steady stream of well-being flowing to you at all times. It’s
raining down all around you and you get to decide how open and
receptive to that pure positive energy you are or how resistant you
are. This means you get to decide whether you are worthy enough to
let it in or you get to make up stuff that helps you to convince yourself
that you’re not worthy. But we promise you every bit of that, you
picked up along your physical trail from somebody else who picked it
up along their physical trail from somebody else, who for whatever
reason, figured out a way to pinch off the wellbeing and then acted as
a demonstrator of no wellbeing and then made-up stories to scare
you about your own wellbeing.
Negative emotion every single time is you asking for something with
the source energy part of you and denying yourself of it with the
physical part of you. it’s you facing a reality of some sort that you
don’t want and speaking of it in order to convince someone that
somebody should do something so that you can get more of what you
want. that we don’t disagree with, somebody should do something
and that’s somebody that should or the only one who can, is you.
you’re the only one who can come into vibrational alignment with
your own inner being.
We know it’s nice when there are lovelies around you who stand on
their head, you think it’s nice to please you, but in the long run, it
doesn’t really help you because they train you away from your own
ability to focus yourself into the alignment that you want. In other
words, if someone’s always behaving in a way and all you have to do is
observe them, then you get pretty lazy in your observation. And when
you’re lazy in your observation, then you are most often full of
vibrational resistance that is holding apart from you things that you
want and then you make up stories about why that is so.