1.1. Background
Currently, renewable energy is becoming an essential part of life. However, most of the people in
developing countries are living without access to electricity. Especially, Ethiopia is one of these
developing countries, which have no sufficient power supply. The fact is that the demand for
energy is growing day by day. Urbanization and industrialization have created a huge demand for
energy or electricity. Today, the global energy industry has entered a new era called "smart
energy", which uses efficient, reliable, more sustainable, continuous and safe energy
production/transmission/distribution system. The microgrid is a partial component of the load and
the power, it operates in two modes in the mode connected to the network and disconnected mode
or in the off-grid mode with the traditional centralized network (microgrid), and works in an
autonomous. It is integrated with distributed energy sources (DER), such as renewable energy,
solar energy storage systems or batteries.
Microgrids, smart grids and smart homes are the main technological importance in the field of
smart energy today and in the future. Among these microgrid concepts, the energy management
system (EMS) is explained in the following sections of this paper. Now, at this time, mainly in
developed and developing countries, microgrids are being applied and used in university
campuses, residential areas, industrial parks, farms and military camps. This research focuses on
an off-grid microgrid energy management system, that can provide reliable and high-quality
energy for all communities in the information center and technology building. Due to the
increasing demand for energy and the increase in global greenhouse gas emissions and air
pollution, the microgrid system has been questioned. Microgrid is a small power system composed
of many distributed power generation equipment, which can meet the basic foundation of local
demand, reduce customer power outage costs, system losses, and improve the level of renewable
energy. Also, the significant environmental changes are considered in the design of energy
production and use of photovoltaic (PV) systems. However, energy is directly dependent on the
environment, for example, due to changes in sunlight and temperature, the radiation in the
photovoltaic system will change. The standalone photovoltaic system consists of a photovoltaic
system with MPPT, a bidirectional DC-DC converter, a controller, a battery, and an inverter. Due
to the increase of power sources in the power system, microgrids have received more attention. In
addition, it also utilizes renewable energy by optimizing the total cost of energy and stabilizing
energy. Generally, the energy management of microgrids is more efficient, saving energy by
eliminating energy surplus and insufficiency. The photovoltaic system is a solid semiconductor
that depends mainly on the technology, which converts the fraction of the incident solar radiation
(photons) from the DC electricity with empty emission of carbon. The photovoltaic system can
provide electrical energy to an electrical grid that supplies electric power to a particular device and
connected to an electrical network or a system outside the network. There are two types of
batteries: primary batteries or dry batteries and secondary batteries or rechargeable batteries.
Primary batteries are stored and provide electricity, but they cannot be recharged. But secondary
batteries can store and transport electrical energy, and can further charge and select solar
photovoltaic systems. In addition, the battery of the solar cell system has many advantages, such
as energy storage capacity, voltage, current stabilization and autonomy. It stores electric power
and then accumulates to supply power to the electrical charge according to the necessary
requirements. Charge controller is the basic requirement of photovoltaic system. The wires and
cables come from solar panels and batteries, and all loads pass through the charge controller. The
function of the charge controller is to prevent the battery from charging, control how the
photovoltaic panel charges the battery, send information about the change of the charge controller,
protect the battery from being discharged, and disconnect the load when the battery voltage is too
low. Also, due to changes in temperature and irradiance, the photovoltaic modules will also
change. This means that when the amount of solar radiation changes, the temperature of the
photovoltaic energy will change, the output of the photovoltaic voltage, and current will also
change. Therefore, to control this change, the MPPT control will extract the maximum power from
the photovoltaic module, according to the operating mode of the photovoltaic module.
2.1. Theoretical Background of Microgrid Energy
Microgrid is a small power system close to consumers. The microgrid system is usually described
as a medium and low voltage distribution network containing several generations of power
sources, controllable loads, and storage devices or batteries. It especially plays a very important
role in the use of renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic arrays. After years of
development, the microgrid concept and its technology have fully exploited, its benefits by
providing optimized integration of renewable energy, saving energy costs and improving
reliability. Similarly, microgrid applications have evolved into commercial and industrial systems
with reliable power. The microgrid application is the embodiment of the smart grid concept. The
smart grid concept describes the integration of technologies, equipment and systems that provide
and use digital information and control to optimize energy efficiency, communication, reliability,
security and protection. Additionally, the microgrid provides flexibility and increased reliability
for power system protection and control. Microgrids are used to meet the energy needs of
universities, hospitals, factories, data centers, military bases, or entire communities. The following
Figure 2.1 shows the structure of the microgrid.
iii. Tertiary Control: It is the highest control and maintains the intelligence of the entire system
or the entire microgrid system. It involves the energy market and organizes energy producers from
an economic point of view considering the balance between consumers and energy generation.
Figure 2.2 below is the microgrid management system.
Figure 2.2. Microgrid energy management systems
× ×
= (2.1)
where: VOC is open circuit voltage, ISC is short circuit current,P is the incident light power on the device,
and FF is the fill factor.
FF≡ (2.2)
Figure 2.6. I-V Curve with a varying fill factor of solar cell
2.1.9. DC to DC Converters
A DC to DC converter is a power electronic circuit that converts DC voltage from one level to
another. There are many conversion methods, such as linear, electronic, magnetic, switch mode,
and capacitance. Among them, the circuit described in this paper is a switch-mode DC to DC
converter. This is an electronic device used, whenever there is a need to change DC power from
one voltage level to another. They basically just change the input power at various impedance
levels. There are various converters that can be used to change the voltage level to another level.
Some of them are discussed below.
i. The Buck converter
A buck converter is used in a circuit that reduces the voltage level of the output voltage according
to its requirements. The operation of a buck converter starts with an open switch, which means
that no current flows anywhere in the circuit. When the switch is closed, the current flows through
the inductor, which is slow at first, but gradually accumulates over time. When the switch is closed,
the inductor draws current through the diode, which means that the voltage at the output of the
inductor is lower than the first one.
ii. The Boost Converter
A boost converter is a power converter whose output DC voltage is greater than its input DC
voltage. This converter has the same components as the buck converter, but produces an output
voltage greater than the source voltage.
iii. Buck-boost converter
Another basic switch-mode converter is the buck-boost converter. The output of this buck-boost
converter will be lower or higher than the input voltage.
2.1.10. Energy Storage System
Energy storage systems are key components used in microgrids that rely on renewable energy
sources. It will provide voltage stability and smooth fluctuations that occur in renewable energy
power generation.
The energy storage system is a backup system that integrates with the photovoltaic array through
a bidirectional converter to provide reliability and energy stability by charging during off-peak
load and discharge during peak load conditions. The energy generated by renewable energy has
certain fluctuations. Energy storage systems allow energy to be used, when there is not enough
power to generate energy. The efficiency of the energy storage system will affect the performance
of the system, so it is necessary to conduct deep study on energy storage. There are different types
of energy storage systems, such as batteries, fuel cells, flywheels, compressed air, and super
capacitors. Among them, the battery is selected and discussed.
2.1.11. Battery
A battery is an electrochemical device that can directly convert the chemical energy contained in
its active material into electrical energy, and vice versa. Batteries are mainly used as storage
elements, because they store energy through an electrochemical process and have a fast response
during both discharging and charging. In addition, compared with other energy storage devices
such as super capacitors, fuel cells, compressed air systems, and flywheels, batteries have higher
energy density. In addition, they can provide flexible power management to improve the power
quality of the microgrid power generation system. Generally, batteries can be divided into two
categories: primary batteries and secondary batteries.
i. Primary batteries: These batteries are not rechargeable and cannot be charged, once expelled
and discarded. They are cheap, lightweight, and high energy density, and are used primarily in
portable electronic devices.
ii. Secondary batteries: This battery can store and transport electrical energy, which means that
it can be charged and recharged multiple times. It can be charged by passing it in the opposite
direction of the discharge current. They are more expensive than primary cells and are used in
applications that involve some discharge and charge cycles, such as solar photovoltaic systems.
2.1.12. Specifying Batteries
When specifying suitable batteries for microgrid power management systems and standalone
photovoltaic systems, the following factors need to be considered.
i. Temperature correction: Most batteries are sensitive to extreme temperatures, and cold
batteries cannot provide as much power as hot batteries.
ii. Depth of discharge: Compared to the total charge capacity, the percentage of the battery
capacity (Ah) drawn from the battery is called the depth of discharge.
iii. Rated battery capacity: Represents the maximum energy the battery can produce in a single
discharge under specified discharge rate and temperature conditions.
iv. State of charge (SOC): The state of charge is the remaining capacity of the battery at any time.
It is equal to 1 minus the Depth of Discharge (DOD) given as a percentage.
v. Battery life cycles: The life span of any type of battery is difficult to determine, because it
depends on many factors, such as depth of discharge, charge and discharge rate, operating
temperature, and number of cycles.
vi. Days of autonomy: It refers to the number of days that the battery system continuously releases
power under a given load without being charged by the photovoltaic system.
2.1.14. Inverter
It is a device that converts direct current into alternating current. As we all know, photovoltaic
panels generate direct current and standalone photovoltaic systems have alternating current loads,
so an inverter must be required to convert DC into AC power.
2.1.15. Charge Controllers
The charge controller is used to manage the current to and from the battery in the microgrid system.
They are used to protect the battery and manage the DC bus voltage. In a microgrid independent
photovoltaic system, the charge controller will control the bidirectional converter by reducing the
photovoltaic output voltage to reach the level required by the battery. When the photovoltaic output
drops to zero, the charge controller will activate the bidirectional converter The charge controller
is usually a current and/or voltage regulator to prevent the battery from overcharging. It regulates
the current and voltage from the photovoltaic panel and delivered to the battery. The main
application of the charge controller is to provide the battery with the highest possible state of
charge. In addition, it can also protect the battery from overcharging and disconnect the load to
prevent over-discharge. If there is no charge control, regardless of whether the battery needs to be
charged, the current from the photovoltaic module will flow to the battery in proportion to the
irradiance. If the battery is fully charged, improper charging will bring the risk of battery voltage
rising to an extremely high level, resulting in internal heating of the battery, strong gas generation,
accelerated network corrosion and electrolyte loss, so that the charge controller can provide health
and increase battery life.
2.1.16. PID Controller
The PID controller is used to obtain better system dynamic constraints and reduce errors. For the
work of this paper, the PID controller is combined with the fuzzy logic controller, which finds the
error value and calculates the output value according to the error characteristic. There is a detailed
description at the end ofchapter three. The control variable will operate the bidirectional converter
to control the energy flow between the battery and the microgrid to stabilize the autonomous
photovoltaic voltage. PID controller contains three elements, such as P, I and D.
i. Proportional term: It makes a change to the output that is proportional to the current error
value. It can be adjusted by multiplying the error by Kp, which is known as proportionalgain.
ii. Derivative term: The derivative of the process error is founded by determining the slope
of the error over time and multiplying this rate of change by the derivative gain value.
iii. Integral term: Integral is proportional to both the magnitude of the error and the duration
of the error.
f( ) = exp − (2.17)
Where, Vj is the median velocity in class j and fj is the frequency of occurrence in the same class.
For k = 2 the Weibull PDF is commonly known as the Rayleigh density function in which case
equation 2.17 may be rewritten as in equation 2.19.
fu= exp − (2.19)
Pw= (2.20)
Energy conversion from free-flowing fluid streams is limited because full energy extraction
implies a decrease of fluid velocity (decrease of kinetic energy of the stream), down to zero
which is impossible. Some fluid may not pass through the turbine and may simply flow around it
(bypass it). This limitation is expressed in terms of Betz limit defined by the power coefficient
Cpas given by equation 2.21.
Cp= (2.21)
The power coefficient, Cp, is a function of the axial induction factor. The optimum of this
function (which is a maximum value for Cp) is 0.5926 (=16/27). Thus the electrical power output
from the wind turbine can be expressed by equation 2.22
The power coefficient and efficiency of wind turbines vary greatly from the manufactures to the
manufacturers. As a result, the power output of wind turbines varies from turbine to turbine and
is given by power curve, which plots the output power of a turbine against wind speed (see
Figure 2.13).
Pitch Control: Another type of control is pitch control, where the blades can be turned out
or into the wind as the power output becomes too high or too low, respectively. Generally, the
advantages of this type of control are good power control, increased energy capture, assisted
startup and emergency stop. The pitch change system has to act rapidly. From an electrical point
of view, good power control means that at high wind speeds the mean value of the power output
is kept close to the rated power of the generator. The extra complexity arising from the pitch
mechanism and the higher power fluctuations at high wind speeds can be mentioned as the
demerits of this control scheme.
Active stall regulation: The third possible control strategy is the active stall control, in
which the stall of the blade is actively controlled by pitching the blades. At low wind speeds, the
blades are pitched similar to a pitch-controlled wind turbine, in order to achieve maximum
efficiency. At high wind speeds, the blades go into a deeper stall by being pitched slightly in the
direction opposite to that of a pitch-controlled turbine. The active stall wind turbine achieves a
smoother limited power, without high power fluctuations as in the case of pitch-controlled wind
turbines. This control type has the advantage of being able to compensate variation in air density
and inherits the advantages of both pitch and stall control mechanisms.
If the density, ρair, is defined from the number of molecules in a certain volume, n/V=ρ, then the
density may now be expressed from the perfect gas law as:
Air Density = (2.26)
Where, Rair = molecular weight of air (J/kg*K) and is given by: Rair = R/M air = 287.05J/kg*K
R= universal gas constant (J/kg*K) = 8.31432 J/kg*K
Mair=molar mass of air (kg/mol) = 28.9644*10-3kg/mol (assumed constant up to
approximately 86km altitude)
P = atmospheric pressure (Pa)
T = temperature (K)
Swept area of the turbine
The larger the swept area (the size of the area through which the rotor spins), the more power the
turbine can capture from the wind. Since swept area is , where D = diameter of the rotor, a
small increase in blade length results in a larger increase in the power available to the turbine.
Figure 2.12: Wind turbine model
The below equation is used to calculate the power production from the wind turbine.
Power(watts)= (2.27)
∗ (2.28)
T= − 6.5 (2.29)
T= − 1.98 (2.30)
In [23], the modeling and simulation of DC microgrid. It was proposed that DC microgrid
technology is based on renewable energy and system components such as photovoltaic panels,
wind, maximum power point tracking, charge controllers and inverters. The author of this article
takes the energy management and control of the DC microgrid system as an objective, and uses
MATLAB / Simulink to establish a simulation model of the DC microgrid system, which is used
for the electrification of small towns, and demonstrates the viability of the DC microgrid. Also,
energy management control to improve the loading and unloading operations of the microgrid
discussed. The DC microgrid uses a logic-based PI controller. In [24], proposed the energy
management of a DC microgrid with hybrid energy sources. The proposed work is to effectively
and reliably manage the energy requirements of the system. The author's goal is to use a microgrid
with unconventional energy sources such as solar energy to increase its productivity. In addition,
the author uses diesel generators in the system. However, the use of diesel generators is not
economical. In [25], The modeling, design and analysis of independent photovoltaic DC microgrid
systems are proposed. The proposed components of the system are solar photovoltaic systems,
converters, incremental conductance, maximum power point tracking, bidirectional converters,
batteries and DC to AC inverters. An intelligent control method using fuzzy logic control is
proposed for MPPT control. The stability and analysis of DC microgrid system adopts step-up
converter and bi-directional converter. It is recommended to use a standalone PV system with a
DC microgrid to power both DC and AC loads. However, it is better to use fuzzy-PID controller
rather than fuzzy-MPPT controller, in order to stabilize the system. Also, according to in [26], the
modeling, design and analysis of independent photovoltaic DC microgrid systems are discussed.
The author's motivation is growing concern about global warming, rising natural gas prices, and
oil energy pollution. In [27], the control algorithm of the solar energy village micro-grid system is
proposed. Based on the battery monitoring of the village solar microgrid system in Missouri, the
author studied grid-connected mode and standalone mode. The solar village microgrid system
design uses MATLAB/Simulink and the energy management algorithm is completed. In addition,
the load control algorithm also plays a very important role in the system control algorithm.
However, due to the lack of electricity in public services, the grid connection is very difficult to
use. According to in [28], the author studied the power management system controller of an
isolated microgrid system located in a remote area of Papumpare in north eastern India to achieve
power access. The author recommends using the system controller method developed in
MATLAB/Simulink and integrating with HOMER PRO. The result obtained is to manage the
energy flow from the power source to the load in a cost-effective and reliable way. The author did
not include a bidirectional converter to stabilize the system. In [29], a fuzzy logic control of a
standalone system for photovoltaic energy conversion and renewable energy innovation is
proposed. This study uses the maximum power point tracking function to maximize the power,
adjust the charging power and control the battery operation. The improved fuzzy logic controller
is used to adjust the battery operation method. The regulation of charging voltage is realized by PI
controller. However, in order to further stabilize the system, a fuzzy-PID controller is better. The
author in [30], proposed a control and energy management strategy of standalone DC microgrid
cluster using PV and battery storage for rural application. In this study, the operation of the DC
microgrid and the behavior of the system at different operating conditions were evaluated under
different conditions of the solar radiation and temperature changes for specific periods. The
maximum power point trucking incremental conductance (MPPT-IC) algorithm was applied to
maximize the efficiency and regulate the output voltage of the PV system to the desired DC bus
voltage. The difficulty in this paper is the incremental conductance algorithm is reaching slowly
the maximum power point for rapid change of irradiance. The system makes a lot of time to get
the maximum power which leads to disturbance of power. To overcome this problem, using
perturb and observe algorithm is reached first the maximum point rapidly than incremental
conductance algorithm. In [31], proposed the design, analysis and sizing of the PV/diesel/battery
standalone hybrid power system using HOMER. The purpose of this proposed work is to simulate
and optimize hybrid solar/diesel engine/residential energy storage. The components used in this
article are photovoltaic solar energy, batteries, converters, diesel generators and inverters. In
addition, the author also demonstrated the use of HOMER software to reduce Total Net Present
Cost (TNPC), Cost of Energy (COE), unsatisfied power load, and other cost parameters. The
author demonstrated that the use of available solar energy resources can optimize dispatch and
meet the energy demand curve. The difficulty of this work is that the use of diesel generators is
costly and uneconomical. In addition, it will produce more smoke. Instead of using diesel
generators, it is better to maximize the use of solar panels and choose the battery with the best
capacity and efficiency. In [32], a bidirectional DC to DC converter for solar battery backup
applications is proposed. In this proposed work, a photovoltaic solar system with energy storage
is realized with the help of a bidirectional converter. By using a PI controller, the output load is
controlled. However fuzzy-PID is best controller than PI controller. In [33], proposed the design
of a standalone photovoltaic system for a typical household around Dessie city Ethiopia. The
components used were PV array, charge controller, inverter, and battery storage. The size of the
PV panel, inverter, battery, and cable is selected. Cost analysis of the system in US dollar’s/kWh
also calculated. But, the work of this author did not carry out the issue of modeling and no
controller parts are applied. In [34], proposed the design and optimization of the standalone
photovoltaic system based on MPPT-FLC controller for electric bikes charging station. This author
focuses on modeling, sizing, control, and simulation of PV off-grid system for Maadi region,
Cairo, Egypt. The goal of the proposed PV system was to reduce the grid energy consumption and
properly use renewable energy. HOMER software was applied for sizing and optimizing the PV
system. Maximum power point tracking technique, based on the perturb and observe and fuzzy
logic controller were applied for the controller. MATLAB/Simulink software was used for the
modeling ofthe system. But compared with FLC and P and O controllers, Fuzzy-PID has better
and faster response and steady-state output. Generally, some papers are reviewed, which is related
to this thesis work. Also, for each of papers reviewed, its limitations were tried to discussed. The
drawbacks of this reviewed papers were: the use of diesel generators is not economical,
bidirectional converter is not included, some modeling and controller parts are not applied, and the
system are unstable, the incremental conductance algorithm is reaching slowly the maximum
power point for rapid change of irradiance, which makes a lot of time to get the maximum power,
and leads to disturbance of power. However, this thesis work is tried to solve the limitation of
papers reviewed. The stable power system is provided, instead of using diesel generators, the solar
panels and battery is selected which have best efficiency. Also, instead of using incremental
conductance, the perturb and observe algorithm is selected, which is reached first at the maximum
point rapidly than incremental conductance algorithm.
The study [20] presents the result of techno-economic analysis of hybrid system comprising
of solar and wind energy for powering a specific remote mobile base transceiver (BTS) in
Kaduna state, Nigeria. But the optimal system configurations obtained through simulation
in HOMER. Two best optimal system configurations namely PV-Diesel-Battery and PVwind-
diesel-battery system are compared with the conventional stand-alone diesel generator
(DG) system. Finding indicated that PV array (10KW)-DG (5.5KW)-Battery (64 units
Trojan L16P) is the most economically viable option with the total net present cost of
$69,811 and per unit cost of electricity of $0.409. The simulations indicate that a hybrid
system option, compared to a diesel only system, is feasible for each of the three villages.
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Kwh/m2/day 5.76 5.89 6.18 5.7 5.77 5.65 5.15 5.21 5.62 5.94 6.10 5.85
It can be seen from Table 3.1; the minimum radiation is 5.15kWh/m 2 /day in July and the maximum
average radiation is 6.18kWh/m2 /day is gained in March. Haramaya University areas are getting
enough sun and it is suitable for microgrid standalone PV-based energy generation systems. The
site location for the Haramaya University ICT center building is found from NASA and it is shown
in Figure 3.1 below.
Figure 3.1. Haramaya University, Eastern Hararghe, Ethiopia, source (Google map)
Table 3.2 above describes all the appliances, their energy consumption and the number of
operations. In addition, the total energy consumption of the electrical service of the ICT center
building is described. The energy capacity of the total load is 200kWh.
The following constant parameters are taken for sizing the photovoltaic system.
Add the Watt-hours required for all appliances to get total watt-hours per day.
Epv = (3.5)
, ⁄
= 294,118wh⁄day
Ppv= ∗ 1000
Ipv= = 174A
Np= = 22.33 ≈ 25
Ns= = 12.98 ≈ 13
N = N ∗ N = 25 ∗ 13 = 325 modules
L = 1640mm, W = 990mm
Eb = (3.9)
∗ ∗
E 615,148.02
C = = = 1538Ah
V 400
Select the battery, which is any kind, 12V nominal and 200Ah rating from the specification of
deep cycle battery.
B =
B =
= = 4.4 ≈ 5
Description Value
Length of Cable 12m
Conductivity of Copper 58*10-6s/m
Resistivity of Copper 1.72*10-8Type equation here.
The maximum current of the charge controller is defined as 125% times the rated short-circuit
current ( from PV specification.
Generally, the cross-sectional area of the cable is given by the following formula
A= (3.13)
where: is the resistivity of copper wire
A is the cross-sectional area
Vd is the maximum allowable voltage drops
l is the length of the cable
I is the maximum current that can be carried by the cable or the conductor.
∗ ∗ .
A= = 8.66mm
∗ ∗ . ∗
To calculate the cable size between load and charge controller, the given voltage losses are 5%,
length 10m, and 90A.
∗ ∗
A= = 1.55mm
∗ ∗ . ∗
I = (3.15)
√ ∗
I = (3.16)
where: A1 is the initial cost of the battery, inverter, charge controller, and converter.
n is a lifetime in years
i is a inflation rate of 4%
d is a discount rate of 8%
Table 3.5. Cost of microgrid component
No. Component Capital Replacement O&M Lifetime
Cost($) Cost($) Cost($/years) (years)
1 PV panel 162,500$ 76392 3130 20
2 Converter 3907$ 2679 100 10
3 Battery 21760$ 25150 420 10
4 Inverter 21392$ 10057 100 20
5 Charge Controller 1475$ 1011.32 - 10
6 Wind Turbine 18000.00$ 12509.00 200 15
Replacement cost of inverter= 21392$ =10057$
Replacement cost of charge controller= 1475$ =1011.32$
The annual operation and maintenance costs of photovoltaic panels can be calculated based on the
initial capital cost, considering the discount rate and the inflation rate as follows:
O & M=0.02× 162500$ × × .
. = 3130
The battery’s operation and maintenance are calculated as O and M cost of PV panel. Battery life
is estimated at 10 years, so it should be replaced twice during the life of the system. The cost of
battery replacement is calculated for the first time after 10 years, and the cost for the second
replacement after 20 years is calculated as follows.
= (3.19)
= 21760$ = 14920$
= 21760$ = 10230$
×( )
CRF= ( )
COE= ,
COE= = 0.349/ ℎ
× /
Here, the cost of the proposed for this standalone microgrid energy system is higher than the cost
set by the Ethiopian electric utility company. However, this may be an acceptable alternative,
because of its efficiency, reliability, and other areas where power is not available.
Figure 3.2. Equivalent circuit of PV model using single diode along with series and parallel
The mathematical model of a PV cell can be described in the following equations. From an
equivalent circuit diagram Figure, 3.2 using Kirchhoff’s current law is applied.
I=I −I − (3.23)
= ( −1 (3.24)
× ×
= (3.25)
By applying Equations (3.24), (3.25) into (3.23) the equivalent circuit is found.
I=I −I exp(q −1 − (3.26)
× ×
From Equation (3.26), also light generated current Ipv and Io are found as:
= + ( − (3.27)
I = ∆
PV module model consists of modules connected in series (Ns) and parallel (Np).
Therefore, Equation (3.26) is replaced by the following Equation (3.29):
I = ((NpIpv – NpIo) [exp[(V+IRs*(Ns)/(Np))/(aVtNs)]-1])) (3.29)
= (3.30)
= (3.31)
= (3.32)
. .
R = =0.847 Ω
( . ×. .
R = = 43.15 Ω
. .
A PV array is modeled based on the mathematical Equation of the solar system using
MATLAB/Simulink blocks. The necessary parameters used in PV array modeling such as
V ,I ,N ,N ,K ,T and G are taken from the specification of the PV array.
Figure 3.3. Subsystem simulink of light generated current
= or D= 1 − ()
= ()
=− ()
( )× ×
= ()
= ()
× ×
∆ ( )
Where: = , and R=
In this thesis, the reference DC link voltage is 400V, the DC link voltage ripple is taken as 1% of
DC link voltage, so 1% of 400V is 4V and the switching frequency is 10 kHz and 5% deviation
from the nominal output voltage to get the duty cycle. The boost converter circuit is shown in
Figure 3.9. Main parameters such as inductance, capacitance, diode and resistance are designed.
Diodes are used to protect the photovoltaic array from negative currents. The capacitor is placed
here to limit high frequency harmonics.
= =0.94V
( . × . × .
= = 4.5 H
400 × 0.05
= = 1.12
1.89 × 10000 × 0.94
It is necessary to use a control energy storage to provide its lifespan. So, the state of charge is a
basic parameter used in battery charging and discharging. SOC is the criterion for determining the
charging or discharging of the battery, and it is shown in Equation 3.39.
= × 100% (3.40)
where: Pbat is battery power delivered to the load
Rbat is the internal resistance of the battery bank
Ibat is battery current to the load
Qc is remain capacity of the battery (Ah)
Qr is rated capacity of the battery (Ah)
The battery or energy storage is modeled as a non-linear voltage source, the output voltage of
which depends on the state of charge, and the current, voltage and internal resistance also depend
on the state of charge.
3.9.5. Bidirectional DC to DC Converter Modeling
A system includes a battery with a bidirectional DC-DC converter that is used to interconnect
battery power to the DC system. The main function of the bidirectional DC-DC converter is to
control the power and voltage requirements of the DC link and to control the amount and direction
of the power supplied to/from the battery.
= (3.41)
= = 0.51
= (1 − 0.51) = 82.6A
where D =D1=D2
Taking into account the worst-case safety of the converter, the current ripple rate is 200%.
The critical value of inductance (L) becomes:
L = ×D (3.43)
= 1000 × 0.51 = 1.14
200 × 86
L = 1.5 ×Lc = 1.71 H
= (3.44)
= = 29
0.05 × 10000 × 0.35
Furthermore, the transfer function of the bidirectional converter is shown in the following equation
= ( − 1)
( )
( ) ( )
Note that during charging and discharging, the output voltage ripple is set to 5%. The DC voltage
system is controlled by managing the duty cycle through the bi-directional converter. It also
keeps up as a steady voltage at the required side for both buck and boost modes.
Figure 3.13. Modeling of battery with bi-directional DC to DC converter.
This microgrid system uses IGBT/diode as the switching device in the circuit [57]. The main
function of the bi-directional converter is to keep the system voltage at a certain reference value
during charging or discharging.
The bidirectional converter contains two choppers (IGBT) connected to the circuit. They work in
a complementary way, when one IGBT is on, the other IGBT is off [58]. This converter
configuration can provide positive or negative current to the battery charging or discharging
battery, respectively; however, the voltage level is positive.
ΔSOC = − (3.47)
The control is applied by controlling the power and current input of the battery. The power, state
of charge, and output are categorized into different regions which are negative, positive, and zero
regions. Also, each region has sub-regions such as Negative Small (NS), Negative Big, (NB),
Positive Big (PB), Zero (Z), and Positive Small (PS). Each input variable has members function
of fuzzy set and it obtains 25 possible rules. These rules are described in Table 3.7.
Table 3.7. Rule base for fuzzy logic controller for battery management system.
Current NB NS Z PS PB
Table 3.7 shows the fuzzy logic control rules of the microgrid battery management system. For
example, when the power input variable is NB and the change in state of charge is NB, the output
current is PB. If the power is negative, the power generation system does not provide enough
power to meet the load demand and the fuzzy logic controller is forced to discharge the battery to
meet the load demand. If the state of charge is greater than the current state of charge, the change
in the state of charge is negative and the battery should operate in discharge mode. The input
variables, change of state of charge, change of power and control of current output of FLC are
shown in Figure 3.16 to 3.18.
3.9.4. Fuzzy-PID Controller
The combination of these two controller structures is one of the best ways to control the output
voltage of the system. In this thesis work, the fuzzy- PID controller is used to control the overall
microgrid system and the charge and discharge operation of the battery. Using a fuzzy-PID
controller utilizes both the operation of the fuzzy controller and the simplicity of the PID
controllers at the same time. Figure 3.19 shows the fuzzy-PID controller.
Δe(n) = ( ) − ( − 1) (3.49)
The e (n), ∆e (n), and output are categorized into different regions which are negative, positive,
and zero regions. Each input variable has members function of fuzzy set, and it obtains 25 possible
rules. These rules are described in Table 3.8.
Table 3.8. Rule base for fuzzy logic controller for DC link voltage
Output Change in error
Where the parameters used in the rule are NB, NS, PS, PB, and Z are negative big, negative small,
positive small, positive big, and zero respectively. Also, N, Z, and P are chosen for output which
represents negative, zero, and positive respectively. In fuzzy-PID controller system, the applied
rules are: i. When the output voltage is much higher than the reference voltage, the controller must
be very high, so that the DC link voltage approaches the value of the reference voltage. ii. A small
change of controller value is needed as the DC link of voltage is approaching the reference voltage.
iii. The controller must remain constant, when the output voltage of the system is near the reference
voltage. iv. The controller needs to be changed slightly to prevent the DC link voltage from
deviating from the system reference voltage. The input variables, error, change in error, and output
controller of the fuzzy-PID controller are shown in Figures 3.20
Fuzzy interface designer for DC link voltage controller.
may Jun jul aug sep oct nov de jan feb mar
1 Problem Identification X
2 Review Literatures X
4 Proposal Defense X
6 investigating,simulating, X
and interpreting the data
8 Collecting Data X
No of Total
No. Purpose No. of Days Rate
Person Expense
1 Data Collector 10 4 150 6000
2 Software Assistance 9 3 200 5400
3 Labour 8 5 117.5 4700
4 Supervision fee 3000
Sub-total ETB 19100
Table5.2. Perdiem Expense
Number of Number of Total
No. Item Rate
person Days Cost
1 Researcher 1 25 200 5000.00
Sub-total 5000.00
Unit price
No. Items Unit Quantity Total Cost
1 Binding No 15 400 400
Photocopy and
2 No 15 500 500
Total 900.00
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