Job Safety Site
Job Safety Site
Job Safety Site
2.2. Prepare the PPE required for the • Incompetent person allowed to select • Serious injuries due to the • Only competent person must be allowed to select the PPE.
task. the PPE. selection of improper PPE. • Defective PPE must be discarded properly.
• Selecting defective PPE. • Injuries due to the • Storage of PPE must be in proper condition to prevent damage.
• Poor storage of PPE. selection of defective PPE. • Proper storage and segregation of all PPE must be observed at all
Lack of training on how to use. times.
• Storage racks must be properly labeled for easy identification.
2.3. Transport test equipment • The collision between pedestrian and • Serious accident that may • Traffic routes, loading, and storage areas need to be well designed
(generator) & testing kits via vehicles. result to severe injury/fatality or with enforced speed limits, good visibility and the separation of
vehicle to the site. • Reversing of vehicles, especially in property damage vehicles and pedestrians whenever reasonably practicable.
OHS Forms Procedure Reference Revision Number Revision Date
Page |2 JOB SAFE PROCEDURE OHS-PR-09-03-F07 (A) 0 MAY 2021
3.3 Assign responsible personnel for • Incompetent personnel • Physical Injury from poor • Competent Commissioning Engineer shall inform the safety
switching, monitoring, and safety • Lack of information safety awareness engineer to do the proper safety arrangements in place.
3.4 Identify locations that safety • Lack of knowledge. • Serious injuries due to • Only competent person should be allowed to identify which
warnings be posted. • Lack of Supervision. improper work procedure warning to be posted and where to be posted.
followed. • Supervision must ensure that the review is correct before startup
the work.
3.5 Identify locations where LOTO • Lack of knowledge. • Electrocution/Electric Shock • Competent person appointed to carry-out work activity which
must be placed • Unauthorized personnel using LOTO. due to improper placement of requires isolation.
• Improper location LOTO placed. LOTO. • Unauthorized personnel must not be allowed to enter the workplace.
• Appointed LOTO operator must be present during the whole
• Supervision must ensure that the LOTO is placed correctly before
startup the work.
4 Providing connection between Generator and the Injection Point of the Electrical Equipment (GIS)
4.1 Laying cables from the generator • Poorly laid out cables. • Physical Injury from slip, • Proper coordination with other working teams in the area to avoid
to the injection point of the GIS. • Area congestion trip & fall any conflicts.
• Defective/damaged cables • Physical Injury from poor • Pre-inspection for the entire length of the cable to ensure that no
• Stressed out cables safety awareness frayed parts or portion.
• Joint cables • Accident from using • Ensure cables are laid out in a manner that will not create tripping
• Overloaded electrical sockets defective /damage hazards to pedestrians.
equipment or tools • Where a temporary situation requires a cable to be run over a
• Electric shock due to walkway or roadway, a suitable sound cable bridge or ramp should
contact with energized be provided and maintained for the duration of work.
electricity • Cables must not be stressed-out to avoid damaging the conducting
• Fire & explosion wires.
• No overloading or overcrowding of electrical sockets.
• Ensure no joint cables along the line.