Learning Learning Style 2020

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Yoga Pamungkas Susani

Definisi Belajar
Learning vs studying
Adult learner
Gaya belajar (Learning style & learning approach)
Belajar sebagai proses
Learning is the process by which an activity originates or is changed through
reacting to an encountered situation, provided that the characteristics of the
change in activity can not be explained on the basis of the native response
tendencies, maturation or temporary states of organism (e.g. fatigue, drugs,
etc). (Hilgard, 1956)
Learning is an enduring change in behaviour, or in the capacity to behave in a
given fashion, which results from practice or other forms of experience (Shuell,
Learning as acquisition

“the act of gaining knowledge”

Knowledge, skills, concept
Learning as participation
Process of becoming a part of a
greater whole

Proses belajar sebagai partisipasi dalam konteks komunitas praktisi.

Belajar tidak terlepas dari konteks
Learning vs studying
To Learn – to gain knowledge or skill by studying, practicing, being taught, or
experiencing something. To Study – to read, memorize facts, attend school,
etc., in order to learn about a subject. This is why we can say “I studied but I
didn't learn anything”
Some tips
Spacing (berulang dengan jeda)
Retrieval practice (test your self)
Interleaving (ABC CBA BAC make links)
Elaboration (jelaskan kepada yang lain)
Concrete examples (cari contoh)
Dual coding (visual-word)
Retrieval practice
Collect examples
Learning style/approach
a preference about how a person likes to learn.

Student’s perception of task requirements, context of learning (e.g. the

curriculum, the teaching methods and the student assessment),
orientation to study and previous educational experiences may affect the
student learning approach.
(Rahayu, -)
Learning style
1. Visual, Auditory, Reading, Kinesthetic
(Fleming’s VARK Learning Style)

2. Honey and Mumford’s Learning Styles

Questionnaire (LSQ)

3. Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory (LSI)

Prefer to see information such as pictures,
diagrams, cartoons, demonstrations
Picture words and concepts they hear as images
Easily distracted in lecture with no visual aids
Overwhelmed with intense visuals accompanied
by lecture
Benefit from using charts, maps, notes, and flash
cards when studying
lecturers who use gestures and picturesque language
pictures, videos, posters, slides
underlining, different colours, highlighters
textbooks with diagrams and pictures
symbols @ and white space
Prefer to hear information spoken
Can absorb a lecture with little effort
May not need careful notes to learn.
Often avoid eye contact in order to concentrate
May read aloud to themselves
Like background music when they study
attend classes
attend discussions and tutorials
discuss topics with others
discuss topics with your teachers
explain new ideas to other people
use a tape recorder
remember the interesting examples, stories, jokes…
describe the overheads, pictures and other visuals to somebody
who was not there
leave spaces in your notes for later recall and ‘filling’
Write out the words again and again.
Read your notes (silently) again and again.
Rewrite the ideas and principles into other words.
Organize any diagrams, graphs … into statements, e.g.
“The trend is…”
Turn reactions, actions, diagrams, charts and flows into
Imagine your lists arranged in multiple choice
questions and distinguish each from each.
Lists, headings, dictionaries, glossaries, definitions, handouts,
textbooks, readings – library
notes (often verbatim)
teachers who use words well and have lots of information in sentences
and notes
manuals (computing and laboratory)
Prefer touch as their primary mode for taking in
In traditional lecture situations, they should write
out important facts
Create study sheets connected to vivid examples
Role-playing can help them learn and
remember important ideas
May benefit by using manipulatives
Put plenty of examples into your summary. Use
case studies and applications to help with
principles and abstract concepts.
Talk about your notes with another “K” person.
Use pictures and photographs that illustrate an
Go back to the laboratory or your lab manual.
Recall the experiments, field trip…
Peter Honey and Alan Mumford have identified four main learning
style preferences, namely:

1. Activist

2. Reflector

3. Theorist

4. Pragmatist
Like to be involved in new experiences and are enthusiastic about new
They enjoy doing things and tend to act first and consider the
implications afterwards.
They are unlikely to prepare for the learning experience or review their
learning afterwards.
involved in new listening to lectures or long
experiences, problems and explanations
reading, writing or thinking
working with others in on their own
team tasks or role-playing
absorbing and
being thrown in the deep understanding data
end with a difficult task
chairing meetings, leading following precise
discussions instruction to the letter
like to view the situation from different perspectives. They like to collect
data, review and think carefully before coming to any conclusions. They
enjoy observing others and will listen to their views before offering their

observing individuals or acting as leader or role-

groups at work playing in front of
reviewing what has others
happened and thinking
about what they have
doing things with no
learned time to prepare
producing analyses and being thrown in at the
reports doing tasks deep end
without tight deadlines
Theorists like to adapt and integrate observations into complex and
logically sound theories. They think problems through step- by-step.
They tend to be perfectionists who like to fit things into a rational

put in complex situations where they they have to participate in situations

have to use their skills and knowledge which emphasise emotion and
they are in structured situations with
clear purpose the activity is unstructured or briefing
is poor
they are offered interesting ideas or
concepts even though they are not they have to do things without
immediately relevant knowing the principles or concepts
they have the chance to question and
probe ideas they feel they're out of tune with the
other participants, for example
people with different learning styles
Pragmatists are eager to try things out. They like concepts that can be
applied to their job. They tend to be impatient with lengthy discussions
and are practical and down to earth.
there is a link between the topic there is no obvious or immediate
and job benefit that they can recognise
they have the chance to try out there is no practice or guidelines
techniques on how to do it
they are shown techniques with there is no apparent benefit to the
obvious advantages such as saving learning
the event or learning is 'all theory'
they are shown a model they can
Learning approach merupakan pendekatan yang dilakukan seorang
individu untuk belajar terhadap suatu mata pelajaran.
Learning approach Motivasi
Surface Lulus ujian
Belajar untuk bisa mengungkapkan kembali
(reproduce): misal untuk ujian.
Takut gagal
Gagal mengidentifikasi prinsip

Deep Tertarik dengan subjek yang

Mencari keterkaitan atau relevansi
subjek dengan bidang yang ditekuni
Mengintegrasikan berbagai materi, mencari
keterkaitan antar materi
Mencapai pemahaman personal
Menghubungkan pengetahuan baru dengan
pengetahuan sebelumnya (prior
Strategic Mencapai nilai yang tinggi

Mengatur waktu belajar untuk hasil


Memastikan kondisi dan materi belajar

telah sesuai untuk bisa mencapai nilai

Menggunakan soal-soal sebelumnya untuk

memprediksi soal ujian.

Untuk bersaing dengan yang lain.

Untuk mencapai sukses

2 7 1 5
4 13 3 9
6 15 8 11
10 16 12 19
17 25 14 21
23 28 18 27
24 29 20 35
32 31 22 37
34 33 26 44
38 36 30 49
40 39 42 50
43 41 47 53
45 46 51 54
48 52 57 56
58 55 61 59
64 60 63 65
71 62 68 69
72 66 75 70
74 67 77 73
79 76 78 80
Activist reflector theorist phragmatis

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