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German Grammar

Overview APRIL 2018

Reference Book
for the
"Complete German Beginner's Course"
from Youtube.
Join the course. Start speaking German.
About this grammar book

German Grammar is not easy. This is why I am not trying to explain it in a book.
Watch the videos for the full explana<ons.

This book is meant as a reference book to accompany the Youtube course "Complete
German Beginner’s Course.“

How to use this grammar book

1. Watch the videos on Youtube.

2. Repeat all the dialogues on your own.
3. Do the excercises in the video on your own.
4. Join the Course for exercises, podcasts and flashcards.
5. While doing the exercises, look up conjuga<ons, endings and all other grammar points
with this book.

Found a mistake? Let me know! [email protected]

Copyright © 2018 by Janine Wolf-Schindler (Pseudonym: Anna Müller)

All rights reserved. No part of this publicaBon may be reproduced, distributed, or transmiDed in any form or by any
means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior wriDen
permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotaBons embodied in criBcal reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permiDed by copyright law. For permission requests, contact me.

Copyright Deutsch:
Das Werk, einschließlich seiner Teile, ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Verwertung ist ohne ZusBmmung des
Verlages und des Autors unzulässig. Dies gilt insbesondere für die elektronische oder sonsBge VervielfälBgung,
Übersetzung, Verbreitung und öffentliche Zugänglichmachung. 1
I. Verb Conjuga/on 4
1. Regular Verbs 4
2. Verbs with vowel change | starke Verben 5
3. Irregular Verbs: to be, to have 6
a. Present Tense | Präsens 6
b. Simple past | Präteritum 6

4. Verbs with seperable prefixes | trennbare Verben 6

5. Verbs with inseperable prefixes | untrennbare Verben 7
6. Modal verbs | Modalverben 7
7. Impera<ve | Impera<v 8
VIII. Ques/ons | Fragen 8
1. Ques<on words | Fragewörter 8
2. Yes/no-ques<ons | Ja/Nein-Fragen 8
III. Ar/cle Rules | Ar/kelregeln 9
IV. Cases | Kasus 12
1. General | Allgemein 12
2. Nomina<ve case | Nomina<v 13
a. Verbs 13
b. Articles in nominative 13
c. Pronouns in nominative 13

3. Accusa<ve case | Akkusa<v 14

a. Verbs 14
b. Articles in accusative 15
c. Pronouns in accusative 15
d. Adjective endings for accusative 16

4. Da<ve Case | Da<v 17

a. Verbs 17
b. articles in dative 17
c. Pronouns in dative 18
d. Adjective endings 18

5. Geni<ve Case | Geni<v 19

VI. Possessive ar/cles | Possessivar/kel 20
1. my = mein 20
2. your = dein 20
3. sein / ihr = his / her 20
4. unser / euer / ihr = our / your (plural) / their 20
VII. Nega/on 21 2
1. Nouns 21
1. Verbs 21
VIII. Preposi/ons | Präposi/onen 22
1. nach/in/an/zu (to) 22
2. Preposi<ons with accusa<ve | Präposi<onen mit Akkusa<v 23
3. Preposi<ons with da<ve | Präposi<onen mit Da<v 24
4. Preposi<ons with da<ve and accusa<ve | Wechselpräposi<onen 25
IX. Past Tense | Vergangenheit 26
1. Ich war + Infin<ve 26
2. Simple past | Präteritum 26
3. Past perfect | Perfekt 27
a. Past Participles 27
b. auxiliary verb: haben or sein 28

III. Future | Futur 29

IV.Word order | Satzstellung 30
1. Main sentences | Hauptsätze 30
a. Basic rules 30
b. Conjunctions for main sentences 31

2. Subordinate sentences | Nebensätze 31

a. Word order 31
b. Examples for subordinate conjunctions 32
c. Subordinate sentences - How to translate "when“ 33
d. Subordinate sentences - How to translate "if“ 33

V. Compera/ve and Superla/ve | Kompara/v und Superla/v 34

1. Example 34
2. Forms 34
3. than = als 35
4. as… as = so…wie 35
XII. Numbers | die Zahlen 36
XIII. Alphabet | das Alphabet 37 3
I. Verb Conjuga<on
1. Regular Verbs

machen to make

ich mache I make

du machst you make

er, sie macht he, she make

wir machen we make

ihr macht you (plural) make
sie machen they make / you (formal) make

heißen (stem end on s, -ss, -ß, -z) > no "s“ for 2. person singular (du)

heißen to be called other verbs:

reisen, du reist to travel
ich heiße I am called tanzen, du tanzt to dance
du heißt you are called

er, sie heißt he, she is called

wir heißen we are called Welche Sprachen sprichst du?
Which languages do you speak?
ihr heißt you (plural) are called
sie heißen they / you (formal) are
arbeiten (stem end on -t,-d) > addi<onal "e“ for 2. person singular and plural (du/ihr)

other verbs:
arbeiten to work warten, du wartest to wait
reden, du redest to speak
ich arbeite I work
du arbeitest you work

er, sie arbeitet he, she works

wir arbeiten we work

ihr arbeitet you (plural) work

sie arbeiten they / you (formal) work 4

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