EXAM - Circular No - 70 - Recised Rates of Exam Pees - 211123
EXAM - Circular No - 70 - Recised Rates of Exam Pees - 211123
EXAM - Circular No - 70 - Recised Rates of Exam Pees - 211123
w ffi'fr Tts, r€s-sa, - 422004
Tel: (0253) 25391 1B
E-mail: examadm uhs .ac.in I Website: www.muhs.ac. in
(1) Fees for U.G. / P.G. / Ph.D. & Fellowship / Certificate Courses applicable with effect
from 01/1212023 z-
Rs" 2,8501- (for initial 7 sets 8{
Attestation Fee
Rs.750l- per set for additional set)
By Speed Post / Courier I Air Mail Rs.2,400/- (for initial 7 sets &,
t2. Postal Charges Rs.750l- per set for additional set)
By E-mail Rs.7 501-
Rs.750l- (Per Paper I Per Answer
Photo Copy of Answer Book
14. Photocopy of Only Mark-slips of Answer-book Rs.100/- (Per Paperl Per Answer
15 Ph. D. Open Viva Vo ce &, Defence of Thesis Fee Rs.44,000/-
L6. Ph. D. Re- Open Viva Voce & Defence of Thesis Fee Rs.44,000/-
(2) Exam Fee applicable with effect from Summer-2024 Examination and onwards :-
(2-A) Central Assessment Program charges (CAP) with Examination Form Fee
Sr. Revised Rates of fees
No. t
Q-C) Examination Fees for M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Medicine, M.B.A., M.P.H.(N), M.P.H. Diploma
in in thalmic Assistant & Para Medical Courses :-
Sr. Revised Rate Late Fee Additional Late
No. of Fees Fee
I For M.B.A. / M.P.H.(I\) / M.P.H.
For Fresh Student Rs.4,850/- Rs.5,05 0l- Rs. 5,3001-
For appearing in one subj ect Rs. 1,7 501- Rs.2,0001- Rs.2,200/-
For appearing in two subject Rs.2,000/- Pts.2,200/- Rs.2,400/-
For appearing more than two subjects Rs.4,850/- Rs.5,050/- Rs. 5,300/-
II For M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Medicine
For Fresh Student Rs.12,1 00/- Rs. 12,300/- Rs. 12,6501-
For appearing in one subject Rs.2,400/- Rs.2,850/- RS .3,6501-
For appearing in two subject RS .3,6501- Rs.4,100/- Rs.4,7 501-
For appearing more than two subjects Rs.12,1 00/- Rs. 12,300/- Rs. 12,6501-
III For M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Medicine 2017 (Lst Year I 2nd Year)
For Fresh Student Rs.6,0501- Rs.6,2501- Rs.6,800/-
For appearirrg in one subj ect Rs.2,4001- Rs.2,850/- RS .3,6501-
For appearing in two subject RS.3,6501- Rs.4,100/- Rs.4,7 501-
For appearing more than two subjects Rs.6,0501- Rs.6,2501- Rs.6,8 001-
w For Diploma In Optometry lDiploma In Ophthalmic Assistant (1st Year l2nd Year) and
Para Medical Courses
For Fresh Student Rs.2,850/- Rs.3,2001- Rs.3,8 501-
For appearing in one subj ect Rs, l,65Al- Rs.1,8 501- Rs.2,400/-
For appearing in two subject Rs.2,4001- Rs.2,7501- Rs.3,4001-
For appearing more than two subjects Rs.2,850/- Rs.3,2001- Rs.3,8 501-
Rs.7 00/- 8
b) With Late fee + Rs.100/- per day after 8 days of
(Rs .7 ,500/-) late submission of
application upto the date of submission of
Dental, Ayurved
Fresh Student
a) Without Late Fee Rs. L9,800/-
Rs. s0l- 8 S
b) With Late fee (Rs.20,3501-) + Rs.100/- per day after 8 days of late submission of
application upto the date of submission of application
Repe ater Student
a) Without Late Fee Rs.7,2501-
Rs.7 ,5001-(First 8 days)
b) With Late fee (Rs.7,500/-; + Rs.l00l- per day after 8 days of late submission of
application upto the date of submission of
Homoeopathy, Nursing & Allied
Fresh Student
a) Without Late Fee Rs. 13,2001-
Rs. 13,7 50/- (First 8 days)
b) With Late fee (Rs.13,750/-) + Rs.100l- pu day after 8 days of late submission of
application upto the date of submission of application
Repeater Student
a) Without Late Fee Rs.7,2501-
Rs.7,500/- (First 8 days)
b) With Late fee (Rs.7,500/-; + Rs.100l- per day after 8 days of late submission of
application upto the date of submission of application
(2-E) Examination Fees for Certilicate Courses (Other than CCMP / MMSPC) #r
b) With Late fee (Rs .7 ,500/-) + Rs.100/- per day after 8 days of late submission of
application upto the date of submission of application
Ayurved, Homoeopathy, Nursing & Allied
Fresh Student
a) Without Late Fee Rs.13,2001-
Rs. 13,7 50/- (First 8 days)
b) With Late fee (Rs.13,750/-) + Rs.l00/- per day after 8 days of late submission of ,l
application upto the date of submission of application 'l
Repeater Student l
(2-F) Examination X'ees for Certificate Course in Modern Pharmacology (CCMP), Modern
Mid-Ievel Service Provider Course a
a -
No. Particulars Revised Rates of fees
a) Without Late Fee Rs. 14,300/-
Rs. 14,850/- (First 8 days)
b) With Late fee (Rs.14,850/-) + Rs.l00l- per day after 8 days of late submission of
application upto the date of submission of application
c) Certificate Fee Rs.3,6501-
(2-G) M.Phil. :-
No. Particulars Revised Rates of fees t '$; I ,t-11;:t{"# $ ff=
a) Without Late Fee Rs.6,9501-
\. k i.mff-.*t$.ldl
Rs.7 ,1501-(First 8 days) \ -**";'l.' T/
b) With Late fee (Rs.7,150/-; + Rs.100l- per day after 8 days of late sulffrissio?i* of
application upto the date of,submission of application
c) Certificate F ee Rs.3 ,6501-
Dissertation fee including Late fee for submission of Rs.7 ,1001'Qt{ext 7 daYs)
Dissertation Its.8,600/- (Next 7 days)
Rs. 10,200/- (Next 7 days)
Dissertation fee including Additional Late fee for submission Rs. 10,2001- + Rs.3A0l- per week,
c) of Dissertation after above period mentioned in subclause b) subject to maximum of
Rs.21,2001- intotal.
d) Fee for Resubmission of Dissertation Rs.4,500/-
Illustrations -
1. Say normal Examination fee is. 1,5501-. Last date of receipt of examination form with additional
late fee is say 3OlO5l2OI5. The examination form fee shall be 2,000/-(with additional late fee). If,
as per Hon'ble Court order the examination form of any student is accepted say on 1010612015 (i.e.
after 10 days from the last day of additional late fee.) Then the examination fee in this case shall
be charged viz. 2,0001- + 3,0001- (300/- x 10 days) : 5,000/-.
2. Say normal Examination fee is. 1,5501-. Last date of receipt of examination form with additional
late fee is say 29103/2015. The examination forrn fee shall be 2,0001-(with additional late fee). If,
as per Hon'ble Court order the examination form of any student is accepted say on 0210512015 (i.e.
after 35 days from the last day of additional late'fee.) Then the examination fee in this case shall
be viz. 2,0001- + 10,500/- (300/- x 35 days) : 12,5001-. However, there is limit of 10,000/- actual
fee shall be charged as 2,000/- + 10,000 l- - 12,0001-
Controller of Examinations
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