Demo 12 Angrymenevidenceloganswerkey
Demo 12 Angrymenevidenceloganswerkey
Demo 12 Angrymenevidenceloganswerkey
1: Summarize the details of the evidence as present during the trial.
2: Summarize the details after the jurors reviewed the evidence critically.
The angle of the knife was 5’8” tall could stab a person 6’ 2”
proven to have entered from a tall downward into the chest since
downward angle. the victim was a half a foot taller.
12:10 A.M she witnessed the wore bifocals and that it was highly
murder that occurred across the unlikely for her to have worn them
street from her bed next to the as she casually looked out the
window, which allowed her to window from her bed. It was also
see directly across the street. determined by Juror #11 that they
appeared to be very strong, casting
doubt to the credibility of what she
The old man testified that he It was agreed that the old man
heard the boy state that he was probably heard the boy make the
going to kill his father and a statement before, and that the old
second later he heard the body man could not have reached the
fall. He also stated that he door and open it from his bedroom
reached the door in 15 seconds in less than 31 seconds.
to observe the son leaving the Juror #9 believed the old man to be
apartment. lying to gain attention thus, casting
doubt on the credibility of the