January 26, 2024

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Medina County Commissioners’ Newsletter


Stephen D. Hambley Aaron M. Harrison Colleen M. Swedyk

JANUARY 26, 2024

LMRE customers
receiving Lit Fiber
eligible for 3-month
50% discount
Residents living in western Me-
dina County within the Lorain-Me-
dina Rural Electric (LMRE) territo-
ry who are receiving fiber to the
home from Lit Fiber are eligible to
receive a 50% discount for the first
three months when signing with
Lit Fiber.
According to Me-
dina County Fiber
Network CEO David
Corrado, approxi-
mately 2,000 homes Group Sessions Available smart televisions;
are now ready for The DIAL program is now of- • SCAMS – Internet securi-
David connection. fering in-person group sessions ty and scams: how to recognize
Corrado “Residents re- where the instructors are available them. Parts 1 and 2.
ceive a 50% discount for the first to visit government buildings, as- For more information on group
three months when signing with sisted living and educational facil- sessions, contact Dave Corrado
Lit Fiber if they participate in an ities to teach any of the four cours- at 330-723-8028 or dcorrado@
online DIAL (Digital Inclusion and es being offered. fibercounty.com.
Literacy) course,” Corrado said. Courses available are as follows: DIAL available on YouTube
Residents who complete an on- • CAEMAIL – Creating a Gmail In addition to the DIAL online
line DIAL course receive a certifi- account and migrating your cur- courses available through the
cate upon completion. The certif- rent email; county’s website at www.medina-
icate can then be redeemed at Lit • CHRMBK – Chromebook ba- co.org, the same videos are now
Fiber for the 3-month discount. sics; available for viewing on YouTube.
Visit www.medinaco.org/dial/ to • STR – Content streaming Visit https://bit.ly/3U8DLuB and
register for DIAL program courses. for Roku-type devices and click on the Subscribe button.

Kiley Receives Award State of Medina County

Keynote Speaker

Photo provided
Congratulations to Job & Family Services Director Debbie Photo provided

Kiley (left) on receiving an award in honor of her “Support Commissioner Steve Hambley recently served as a State
and Dedication To Better The Lives of Families Within Our of Medina County Keynote Speaker at the Medina County
Community.” Kiley served as the Medina County Family Economic Development Corporation’s Member Breakfast
First Council Chair in 2023. Also pictured is Lauri Laribee Meeting. The event was held Thursday, Jan. 18 at the Gal-
of OhioGuidestone who presented Kiley with the award. axy Restaurant in Wadsworth.
Medina County Commissioners’ Newsletter January 26, 2024

What’s going on in Community Development at the OSU Extension?

Community Development is through some hoops such as
bringing Mike Rowe Works to the writing an essay, making a video,
classroom! having two solid references from
Kyle White, Community De- a teacher or boss and signing the
velopment Educator, is certified S.W.E.A.T. pledge.
to teach the 12-session series that The scholarships do not fund
earns a S.W.E.A.T. Ethic (Skills by Kyle White college, but rather provide fund-
and Work Ethic Aren’t Taboo) cer- Community Development Educator ing for apprenticeships and trade
tificate. those jobs. schools. To learn more about Me-
Students must participate in all Again, from the Mike Rowe dina County Apprenticeships con-
12 lessons and successfully com- Works Foundation website, “Ac- tact the Medina County Econom-
plete an essay to earn the certifi- cording to the Bureau of Labor ic Development Corporation at
cate which is helpful as a creden- Statistics, there are more than 7 https://www.medinacounty.org/.
tial when seeking employment million jobs available across the During the last two weeks of
and is one of the conditions to ap- country, the majority of which December, White taught the Mike
ply for a Mike Rowe Foundation don’t require a four-year degree.” Rowe Works curriculum at the
scholarship. We need those jobs filled. Juvenile Detention Center. At the
The course is designed for high Plumbers, electricians, CNC ma- conclusion of the class, one of the
school aged youth and focuses on chinists, positions that keep our students said, “The classes taught
four pillars — work ethic, personal country running. us a lot of things we don’t learn
responsibility, delayed gratifica- College is not for everyone but in school. I learned how to work
tion and a positive attitude. there is a mindset that the only hard with a smile on my face. This
The curriculum uses a combi- good job is one that requires a is going to be very helpful in my
nation of real-life stories and ac- college degree. future.”
tivities to teach each pledge and The Mike Rowe philosophy is White partners with others in
establish why it matters. that there is no such thing as a bad the county such as Medina Coun-
The Mike Rowe Works Foun- job, but there are bad attitudes. ty Economic Development and
dation website (https://mikerowe- The challenge is to see the job Cups Café to work with youth and
works.org/about/) says it this way as valuable and more importantly, introduce workforce related pro-
“How do we change the prevail- as a means of providing financial- gramming.
ing misperception of skilled labor? ly for a rewarding quality of life. She would like to talk to you if
Make work cool again.” The Mike Rowe Foundation are interested in bringing the se-
Our goal with this program is further supports the effort to en- ries to your group or classroom. If
to open the eyes of parents and you would like more information

courage working in the trades by
youth alike to the vast number providing scholarships. or would like to partner, White
of jobs that are currently vacant, To be considered for a schol- can be reached at white.2811@
and the lack of skilled labor to fill arship candidates have to jump osu.edu.


Does your household earn less thanDoes $64,000 per year? If so, you’re
your household earn less than $64,000 per year? If so, you’re
eligible for FREE tax preparation services
eligible for from Unitedservices
FREE tax preparation Way’s Volunteer
from United
Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program!
Way’s Volunteer

Income Tax AssistanceIn-person

(VITA) program!
tax prep appointments are available on Mondays from
9am-1pm at our Medina County office, 23 Public Square, Suite L-1
In-person tax prep appointments are availableMedina, on Mondays
OH 44256. from
9am-1pm at our Medina County office, 23 Public Square, Suitebetween
Drop-offs accepted every other Friday starting on 2/9 L-19 a.m.
and 1 p.m.
Medina, OH 44256.
Drop-offs accepted every other Friday starting on 2/9 between 9 a.m. EZfare now accepting
Appointment Required
Apple Pay, Google Pay
As an additional method of Tran-

If your household makes less than $79,000, you are eligible to Self-
File. Please email [email protected] to receive access to
the no-cost tax software. Tax experts are ready to assist with tax
sit electronic fare payment, EZfare
questions if you are using the supplied tax software.
now offers both Apple Pay and
Google Pay as of January 2024.
Medina County Public Transit is
CALL 2-1-1 OR VISIT UWSUMMITMEDINA.ORG/FEC pleased to offer this widely popu-
Appointment Required lar payment method to further in-
crease the ease of payment while
If your household makes less than $79,000, you are eligible to Self- riding transit. No matter if you are
File. Please email [email protected] to receive access to an Android user or an Apple user,
the no-cost tax software. Tax experts are ready to assist with tax you can now leave your wallet
questions if you are using the supplied tax software.
and cash at home!
January 26, 2024 Medina County Commissioners’ Newsletter

Goal set to license 24 foster homes in 2024

The New Year is a time for resolutions and Directory
goals, so we wanted to share ours with you.
The number of children in Medina County’s BUILDING DEPARTMENT
foster care system has almost doubled over the 330-722-9220
last two years, but the number of licensed foster
homes has not kept up with that pace. COMMISSIONERS
by Layne Hedden www.medinaco.org/county-commissioners
There is an urgent need for foster parents right Foster Care Recruiter 330-722-9208
here in our cozy community. We would like to see
Medina County step up in a big way in 2024 to help meet this need. It COUNTY HOME
is our goal to license 24 foster homes in ’24!
Could you be one of the foster parents we need?
Are you willing to make some room in your heart and home for a DOG SHELTER
child who needs it for a time? www.medinaco.org/dog-shelter

Can you choose to help a child who did not choose to be in foster 330-725-9121
Will you help us reach our goal to meet the needs of children in Me- No website
dina County? 330-722-9205
We know there are already a lot of demands on you and your family. HUMAN RESOURCES
But ask yourself this: www.medinaco.org/hr
If I don’t step up to help care for these children, who will? 330-722-9209
So, here’s to 2024 and working together to strengthen our commu- JOB AND FAMILY SERVICES
nity from the children up. Will you be one of the 24 families we need www.mcjfs.us
in ’24 to help provide a safe and stable home for children? Will you at 330-722-9300
least find out a little more? You might be surprised at what you learn!
For more information, call/text 330-667-0167; email info@fosterme- www.mcooa.org
dina.com, or submit an inquiry at www.fostermedina.com. 330-723-9514


Learning to lead 330-722-9293

MCBDD accepting have a voice in issues which affect SANITARY ENGINEER

applications for 2024 themselves and their neighbors. It
is an opportunity to learn to be a 330-723-9585
Leadership Academy part of creating positive changes SOLID WASTE DISTRICT
The Medina County Board in the world around them. http://recyclemedinacounty.com
of Developmental Disabilities “People with disabilities have a 330-769-0289
(MCBDD) is proud to announce wide variety of talents and opin-
the opening of the application ions and want to be more involved TRANSIT
process for its 2024 Leadership as valued citizens in community 330-723-9670
Academy to help people with de- decisions. They want opportuni-
velopmental disabilities learn the ties to contribute and participate in Click here to visit our
skills needed to take on local lead- decision making processes,” says website with the full
ership roles. MCBDD Superintendent Stacey
The Leadership Academy is a Maleckar. “Whether its serving on directory of public officials
six-month training opportunity a local non-profit board, partici- at www.medinaco.org
for people with developmental pating in committees, or making
disabilities to develop important their voices heard in local govern-
leadership and advocacy skills. ment, people with developmental Directory of Public Officials
The class meets once a month disabilities want the same chanc- Medina County, Ohio
and covers topics such as Under- es as everyone else to help shape
standing Leadership, Roles and their communities.”
Responsibilities, Personal Leader- Individuals interested in being
ship Profile, Communication and selected to participate in the 2024
Listening, Problem-Solving, Inter- Leadership Academy must fill out
view Skills, Types of Leadership and submit an application form by
Opportunities, and Goal Setting. Friday, March 1. Class size is limited. Provided by
The Medina County Board of Commissioners

The MCBDD Leadership Acad- For more information or an ap-

emy’s goal is to help people with plication form visit www.mcbdd.
disabilities develop skills and find org/advocacy/ or call the MCBDD Stephen D. Hambley Aaron M. Harrison Colleen M. Swedyk

ways to contribute their ideas, Advocacy Coordinator at 330-


opinions, and thoughts so they 725-7751 x119.

Medina County Commissioners’ Newsletter January 26, 2024

Dog license revenue helps Dog Shelter

Purchase by January 31 to avoid late fee penalties
If you haven’t already purchased your dog license for 2024, be sure
to do so by Wednesday, Jan. 31 to avoid paying a late fee penalty.
If you do not purchase your license during this renewal period, an
additional late penalty of $14 will be added to each dog.
Why buy a dog license in the first place? First, and foremost, it’s the
law in Medina County. If your dog is found without a license, you could
be subject to a $100 fine.
Buying a dog license also benefits the Medina County Dog Shelter as
all dog license revenue goes directly to the shelter.
Beware of A one-year license costs $14; a three-year license costs $42 and a
permanent tag is $140.
OPERS scam Dog licenses can be purchased online at www.doglicenses.us/OH/
The Office for Older Adults Medina/ or at a number of area locations including all Discount Drug
warns anyone who works or has Mart stores in the county.
worked in the public sector in Did you know:
Ohio to be aware of a new scam • All dogs more than three months of age must be licensed.
involving the Ohio Public Employ- • Licenses may not be transferred from one dog to another.
ees Retirement System (OPERS). • License purchases are non-refundable.
OPERS does not make out- More dogs are lost in winter than any other season. Make sure yours
bound calls to their members has its ticket home.

offering retirement counseling,
health insurance counseling or fi-
nancial advising.

If you receive a call from an in-
dividual offering these services on
behalf of OPERS or the “Federal

or State retirement system,” do
not provide this caller with your
personal information.
If you have a question about The deadline to purchase a dog license in Medina
your OPERS account or require
County without penalty fees is
retirement counseling, please con-
tact them directly at 1-800-222-
7377 or visit their website located
All dog license revenue supports the Medina County Dog Shelter!
at: https://www.opers.org/.

January 26, 2024 Medina County Commissioners’ Newsletter


Positions Featured Part-Time

Job Openings of
Please submit
information one applicatio
will n per position
sure to fill out be rejected. It is your to the
all sides of responsibility address indicated on
a governme this form. Also to assure that the
nt agency. please note your applicatio job posting. Applicatio
that this completed n is received ns lacking
Fill in the informati form will become by the closing sufficient
on in the area a public record date. Please
Job Title ________ below: when submitted be
________________ to

Postings current as of January 26, 2024

Department ________________
________________ _______________
________________ FT/PT ________
________________ ________________
____ Deadline Date __
In the area SUMMARY ________________
below, describe OF QUALIFI ___
which you are
applying. Refer
briefly the experienc CATIONS
to the Minimum e, education, training,
Qualifications and other
and any position-s factors that qualify

pecific qualificati you for the
ons posted position for
for this position.

Click on any of the below job titles

the Week
for a full job description.
Home Address _________
_________ ___ First
_________ Name _________
City _________ _________ _________
_________ _________ _________
_________ _________ ___
_________ _________ Middle Initial
Phone: ( ________ ________ _________
_________ _____
) _________ State ________ _________
The following _________ Zip _________ _________
_________ ______ County ______

• Adult Probation Officer (FT) – Adult

_ c Cell
will be used Email _________ _________
only if it is directly _________ __
1. Are you related to the _________
willing and position for _________
able to secure which you are __
2. If the position an Ohio Driver’s applying:
requires travel, License, if a
3. Have you
ever been employed
can you supply license is required? YES NO
your own transporta c
If you are currently in the state tion? . . . . . c
a State employee or county service ..... c
If you answered : Job Title ________ of Ohio? . c

“YES” to question ________________ . . . c
#3, please explain ________
fully. Barg. Unit

• Attorney (FT) – Job & Family

• Bus Driver (PT) – Transit CLEANING TECHNICIAN GED and valid Ohio driver’s license and insurance
(PART-TIME) required. The successful candidate must pass
MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT a background check and drug screen. Submit
• Cleaning Technician (FT) –
Responsibilities: Receives direction from applications to: Medina County HR; Attn: OOA;
Maintenance 144 N Broadway Room 202, Medina, Ohio 44256.
and reports to the Cleaning Supervisor. Duties
• Cleaning Technician (PT) – include a routine cleaning of all common
Maintenance areas, restrooms, and office areas. Will include BUS DRIVER (PART-TIME)
sanitizing of restrooms, vacuum and/or mopping MEDINA COUNTY PUBLIC TRANSIT
• Correction Officer (FT) – Juvenile floors, dusting and/or removing of dirt for surfaces The Medina County Board of Commissioners
Detention Center such as furniture, tables, countertops, and seek part time Bus Drivers for Medina County
windows. Performing other duties as assigned by Public Transit.
• Court Mediator / Evaluator (FT) – Supervisor or Director Duties and Responsibilities: Operates a
Domestic Relations Court Qualifications: Experience in cleaning or passenger/paratransit bus on fixed route and/
custodial work preferred. Training and experience or demand response basis. Maintains records,
• Deputy Dog Warden (PT) – Dog that demonstrate the individual’s possession of logs, and reports. Will be required to operate
Shelter knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform the wheelchair lift and tie downs. Ensures safety of
duties listed above. Possess a valid Ohio driver’s bus and passengers by enforcing rules of conduct
• Design Engineer (FT) – Sanitary license with a good driving record. Proof of and operation. Performs pre- and post-trip vehicle
Engineer’s Office adequate vehicle insurance inspections to identify damaged or defective
Hours: Monday–Friday; 4 p.m.–8 p.m., additional equipment and cleans vehicle.
• Director of Emergency hours as needed. Qualifications: High School Diploma or
Management (FT) Rate: $14.00/hour equivalent. Valid Drivers License with desire to
Apply at or send application to: obtain Commercial Drivers License (CDL) Class C
• Dispatch/Scheduler (FT) – Transit Medina County HR, Attn: CT with passenger endorsement or valid CDL.
144 N Broadway, Room 202 The successful candidate must pass a background
• Driver – Meal Delivery (PT) – Office Medina, OH 44256 check, drivers abstract, ODOT physical and drug
for Older Adults Email: [email protected] screen.
Office for Older Adults Hours: Varied depending on need. Must
• File Clerk (Permanent PT) – Court of MEAL DELIVERY DRIVER be available Monday thru Saturday 5:15 a.m.–
Common Pleas, Probate & (PART-TIME) 7:45 p.m.
Juvenile Divisions OFFICE FOR OLDER ADULTS Wage: Starting at $14.50/hour
Medina County Commissioners seek position for Complete application between 8 a.m.– 4:30 p.m. at:
• Highway Maintenance Worker II the Office for Older Adults. Part-time meal delivery Medina County Human Resources
(PT) – County Engineer driver to work on routes within Medina County 144 N. Broadway St., Medina • Room 202
four days per week. High School Education or Medina, Ohio 44256
• Kennel Worker (Intermittent) – Dog
Shelter The successful candidates will be required to pass a background check and drug screen.

• Line Maintenance Worker (FT) –

Sanitary Engineer’s Office
• Operator (FT) – Solid Waste District
Commissioner Department
February Birthdays
• PRN LPN (PT) – County Home
• Protective Services Worker 2 (FT)
– Job & Family Services Building Melissa H. Sanitary
• Resident Care Aide (FT) – County Robert M. Marilyn P. Charles B.
Home William W. Laurie R. John C.
• Seasonal Steward (Natural Taylor R. Wendy D.
Resources) (PT) – Park District County Home
Hannah S. Andrew K.
Christina C.
• Senior Activities Coordinator – Mia W. Lindsay R.
Brunswick (PT) – Office for Older Cynthia D.
Adults Jennifer H. Maintenance Kayla S.
Annmarie S. Corey S.
• Wastewater Operator (FT) – Finance
Sanitary Engineer’s Office Kenneth Z. Alex T.
Brett T. Emily W.
• Water Reclamation Facility Shift Office for Older
Supervisor (FT) – Sanitary Job & Family Solid Waste
Engineer’s Office Services
Ted D. Rodney G.
Enjoy the BENEFITS of working for Bernadette D.
Medina County! Apply Today! Cloe D. Rochelle H. Transit
BALANCIF E Nichole G. Print Shop Thomas V.
12 PAID TEAM Alicia H. Sherry D. Michael V.
Commissioner Department
Milestone Work Anniversaries
(FT) = Full-Time • (PT) = Part-Time
2/19 – Michele W. – Transit
Click here to visit our
website for any updates:
www.medinaco.org/hr/ 2/22 – Christopher H. – Job & Family Services

Medina County Commissioners’ Newsletter January 26, 2024

Middle school students create books for residents

Kyle and Rachel from Cloverleaf We really appreciate all that Ac-
Middle School came to the Home cess the Arts does with the residents.
to drop off handmade Christmas Handmade Blankets
cards, decorations and specifically Judy Oster and her daughter,
themed, large print, word search Alaina, delivered seven hand-
books. made blankets to the Home on
The books were amazing and by Greg Brown Christmas
showed creativity and attention to Day. Each
detail. “We strongly believe that im- b l a n -
Each bound book contained a mersing yourself in word searches ket was
detailed message and were signed will be amusing and a great way w r a p p e d
by the students of the Cloverleaf to remember the past and em- into a hug,
Middle School’s 7th grade Green brace the future. We hope to bring p r a y e d
Arrow team. a smile to your face and let you over, and
Below is one of the letters the know that we’re in this together. a special verse attached to it.
Home’s residents received: “Additionally, we hope that The verses were written on in-
“Dear Residents of Medina you will share your fond memo- dex cards and inserted into hand
County Home, ries with us this holiday season. If sewn “pockets” that Alaina made
“Hello, we are the seventh-grade you would like to see a particular from the excess material cut off
Green Arrows team from Clover- topic or theme in future brain puz- the corners of the blankets before
leaf Middle School and we hope zles, please do not hesitate to let tying them.
that you are doing well. We have us know! We would like to make Christmas Cards &
been keeping you in our thoughts these moments as enjoyable as Candy Canes
and figured that since the holiday possible for you. Jen Hoover the owner/opera-
season is rapidly approaching, “We wish you a happy holiday tor of Jen’s Play N’ Learn stopped
we would reach out to you and season! We hope you can enjoy in today with some of her kids
spread some holiday cheer. the word searches! to hand out Christmas cards and
“We have created word search “7th Grade Green Arrows, Clo- candy canes to the residents.
puzzles to keep you busy! All word verleaf Middle School.” The visit brought smiles and
searches are themed around top- 4-H PetPALS laughter for our residents to enjoy.
ics we hope will bring up pleasant The 4-H PetPALS visited the Jen is also an intermittent 3rd shift
memories or provide an enter- residents to bring holiday cheer Resident Care Aide (RCA) at the
taining challenge. Some themes and homemade cards. Home. Thanks Jen!
include the fifties, sixties, seven- They also brought cookies for New Year’s Day Meal
ties, kindness, Ohio, animals, and the residents to decorate. A Litchfield resident gracious-
flowers. Thanks, 4-H PetPALS! ly provided the New Year’s Day
Access the Arts meal for the residents.
Janet George, and her team It consisted of roast beef with
from Access the Arts, assisted the gravy, pineapple ham, a side sal-
residents in making Christmas ad, green beans, and cupcakes for
gnomes. dessert.
They also brought Christmas The food was amazing and gen-
cookies and cards to share with erously served by our Aramark
the residents. staff. Thank you Ken!

Office: 330-722-9208
Medina County Commissioners
Toll Free: 844-722-3800
144 North Broadway St., Room 201,
Clerk: Rhonda Beck,
Medina, Ohio 44256 [email protected]

Commissioner Meetings are held every

Tuesday morning at 9:30 a.m.
Please join us at:
To be added to our mailing list, please contact Public Information Officer Brian Gallatin
at [email protected], or visit our website at www.medinaco.org/newsletter-sign-up/


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