MATH2003: Subgroups and Generators
MATH2003: Subgroups and Generators
MATH2003: Subgroups and Generators
Denition 3.1
Let H be a non-empty subset of the group G . If H is a group, with the multiplication inherited from G , then we say that H is a subgroup of G . We write H G. If H G yet H = G , we write H < G and call H a proper subgroup of G .
Remark 3.2
1. Associativity for the multiplication for H is automatic, since associativity already holds in G . 2. The identity element of G must actually be in H and serve as the identity in H. 3. Similarly, inverses in H are simply the inverses in G .
Example 3.1
1. {1} G for any G and we call {1} the trivial subgroup of G . 2. For any group G , G G . 3. (Z, +) < (Q, +) < (R, +) < (C, +). 4. (Q , ) < (R , ) < (C , ). 5. (2Z, +) < (Z, +). More generally, (nZ, +) < (Z, +), where nZ = {nx | x Z}. 6. D6 < D12 . 7. D2n Sn . 8. An < Sn . 9. Sn < Sn+1 . 10. V = {1, (12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23)} < S4 . V is the symmetry group of the rectangle, also called Klein-4-group. Actually V < A4 . 11. {[0]6 , [2]6 , [4]6 } < Z6 .
MATH2003: Subgroups and Generators
Theorem 3.3
A non-empty subset H of a group G is a subgroup if and only if the following two conditions hold: (S1) a, b H implies ab H. (S2) For all a H, a1 H.
Example 3.2
1. Let GLn (C) denote the group of all invertible complex n n-matrices. Then H = {A GLn (C) | det(a) = 1} GLn (C). H = SLn (C), the special linear group. 2. Let G = D8 = {1, , 2 , 3 , , , 2 , 3 } be the dihedral group of order 8. Then H = {1, , 2 , 3 } < G .
Theorem 3.4
Let G be a group and a G . Then H = {an | n Z} is a subgroup of G . In fact it is an abelian group: hk = kh for all h, k H. H is the smallest subgroup containing a, i.e. every subgroup containing a also contains H.
Denition 3.5
Let G be a group and a G . 1. The group H of Theorem 3.11 is the cyclic subgroup of G generated by a, denoted H= a . 2. An element a G generates G , or is a generator for G , if a = G . 3. A group G is called cyclic if there is an element a G generating G . Note: The generator is generally not unique.
MATH2003: Subgroups and Generators
Example 3.3
Consider S5 . Then the element (12)(345) has order 6 in this group. If you calculate the rst 6 powers you get, (12)(345), (354), (12), (345), (12)(354), Id. From then on the powers repeat and it is easy to check that (12)(345) = {(12)(345), (354), (12), (345), (12)(354), Id.} Note that we also have (12)(345) = (12)(354) , demonstrating that the generator is not unique.
In fact, the behaviour above is typical for elements of nite order. Recall the following fact about the orders of elements:
Lemma 3.6
Let a G have order k. Then an = 1 if and only if n = qk for some q Z. That is, if and only if k divides n.
Proposition 3.7
1. Let a G be an element of order k. Then a = {1, a, . . . , ak1 } and a is a subgroup of order k. 2. If H G is a cyclic subgroup of order k, then H = a for some element of order k.
Example 3.4
Given any n, the group Zn is a cyclic group. The congruence class containing 1 is always a generator of Zn . However, there are other generators. In fact, these are precisely those congruence classes containing integers co-prime to n. For example, Z10 is generated by [1]. However, it is also generated by [3], [7] and [9]. Z10 is not generated by [4] since the cyclic subgroup generated by this element consists of: {[4], [8], [2], [6], [0]}, and this is not the whole of Z10 .
Let G be a group and a G . The points to remember are the following: The cyclic subgroup generated by a is the subgroup consisting of all powers of a. This is denoted a and a is called a generator for this subgroup. G itself is called cyclic if G = a for some a. This means that every element of G can be written as a power, an of a. In any case, generators are not unique. That is, we can get a = b even though a = b. Cyclic groups are abelian. Elements of order k generate subgroups of order k Subgroups of order k are generated by elements of order k.
Example 3.5
1. (Z, +) =< 1 >=< 1 >=< 2 > . This is a cyclic group. 2. V = {1, a, b, c | a2 = b 2 = c 2 = 1, ab = c} is not cyclic, even though it is abelian. 3. D2n is also not cyclic, but can be generated by two elements, and , i.e. every element can be expressed as a product of powers of these two elements. We can generalise being generated by a single element to the property of being generated by a set of elements.
Denition 3.8
Let G be a group, and let X G . Then we write G = X if every element of G can be obtained by taking products and inverses of elements of X . Equivalently, the smallest subgroup of G containing X is G itself. If X = G , we say G is generated by X and that X is a generating set for G . If there is a nite set X generating G , we say G is nitely generated.
Example 3.6
We already know that any permutation can be written as a product of transpositions. Another way to say this is that Sn is generated by the set of all transpositions.
Example 3.7
S4 is generated by {(12), (23), (34)}. Note that there are exactly 6 transpositions in S4 and each of the remaining 3 of these can be written as products of the elements above. (13) (24) (14) = = = (23)(12)(23) (34)(23)(34) (24)(12)(24) (34)(23)(34)(12)(34)(23)(34)
Hence, the smallest subgroup containing {(12), (23), (34)} contains all the transpositions, and so must be equal to S4 . In other words, {(12), (23), (34)} generates S4 .
Example 3.8
1. D2n is generated by and . 2. The Klein-4-group V = {1, a, b, c | a2 = b 2 = c 2 = 1, ab = c} is generated by a and b (or b and c, or a and c.) 3. (Q, +) is not nitely generated. 4. An is generated by all the 3-cycles.
Cyclic Groups Our nal aim here is to classify cyclic groups. We need to start with a denition of when two groups are the same:
Denition 3.9
Let (G , ) and (H, ) be two groups. An isomorphism from G to H is a bijection : G H. such that for all a, b G : (a b) = (a) (b). We say H and G are isomorphic, H G. = Isomorphic groups have the same order, but groups of the same order need not be isomorphic!!
Example 3.9
Let G = D8 = {1, , 2 , 3 , , , 2 , 3 } Then 1. {1, } = Z2 . = 2. {1, , 2 , 3 } = Z4 . =
Proposition 3.10
Let G and H be two isomorphic groups, i.e. there exists : G H. Then = 1. (1G ) = 1H 2. Let g G have order k. Then (g ) also has order k.
Theorem 3.11 tells us what dierent cyclic groups exist. We can also say everything there is to say about their subgroup structure.
Proposition 3.12
A subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic.
Theorem 3.13
Let Zn be the cyclic group of order n. Then the order of any subgroup of Zn is a divisor of n. Moreover, for each divisor of n there is exactly one subgroup of that order. More precisely, if n = qd, then Zn has a subgroup isomorphic to Zd which is generated by [q]n .
In fact, we can draw a picture of the collection of subgroups inside a group. Since we understand cyclic groups completely, it is easy in this case. Concretely, you write down a list of all the subgroups of a given group G . If H, K G , we then draw a line upwards from H to K if H K and there are no subgroups in between. In fact, this picture is a lattice, called the Subgroup Lattice. The lattice property just means that any two elements have a least upper bound and a greatest lower bound. The greatest lower bound is due to the following.
Proposition 3.14
Let H and K be subgroups of G . Then H K is a subgroup of G .
Example 3.10
Lets determine the subgroups of Z24 . First list all the divisors of 24. These are, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24. So we get subgroups of Z24 isomorphic to Zd for each d listed above. However, generators for each of the subgroups (in the orders listed above) would be [0], [12], [8], [6], [4], [3], [2], [1].
Example 3.11
Lets continue with Z24 and draw the subgroup lattice.
Z24 = [1]
Z12 = [2]
Z4 = [6]
Z = [4]
Z2 = [12]
Z1 = [0]