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Job Interview

1) What was your first job interview like?

2) How should you dress for a job interview?

3) Can you give some examples of interview etiquette?

4) What are some do’s and don'ts at a job interview?

5) What are some typical questions asked at a job interview?

Do you have any tips how to prepare for a job interview?

Watch the video and find out more.

Top 50 interview questions


Tell me a little bit about yourself

How would your previous employer describe you
What are your greatest strengths
What are your greatest weaknesses
How did you get into this field
What are your hobbies or interests
Are you particularly passionate about anything
What does success look like to you
What is your favorite book
What is your greatest life lesson so far?
Professional experience and background

Why are you qualified for this position

What skills would help you succeed in this role
Why are you looking for a new job
What experience do you have in this industry
What computer programs are you familiar with
What did you like the most about your most recent role
What did you dislike the most about your most recent role
Tell me about your biggest achievement
Tell me about your biggest failure
Why do you have a gap in your job history?
Work preferences and habits

What is your ideal work environment

What management style is your favorite
Are you someone who can stay focused for long
periods of time
How do you stay on top of tight deadlines
How do you stay motivated
How do you stay organized
Talk about your work ethic
What do you look for in a company
What does your dream job look like
What are your compensation requirements for this
Interpersonal skills

Do you find that you like working on a team or

independently more
Tell me about a time when you had to work with a difficult
Tell me about a time when you had to work with a difficult
customer or client
How do you communicate your ideas during a meeting
Do you tend to get along with others
How do you deal with conflict in the workplace
Do you find that you make friendships with your coworkers
What does your ideal employer look like
What are some obstacles you have overcome
Why is collaboration important for success?
Career path

What do you hope to accomplish in the next five years

How long do you plan to work for our company
Do you have any current professional goals
Are you currently interviewing for any other roles
Are you ready to take on more responsibilities
Do you find that the money you make or the work you do is more important
Do you see yourself working toward any promotions in the future
Do you see yourself in a leadership role
Can you explain your career change
Do you see yourself ever going back to school?

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