Perdev Q2 Module-5
Perdev Q2 Module-5
Perdev Q2 Module-5
At the end of the module, learners will:
1. Understand the basic concepts and perspectives in career development,
2. Identify the personal factors that can influence their career choices, and
3. Assess their traits and abilities that impact career and life goals.
terms of the job description, the skills required and market demand of the career. Then
match the description with your traits and then make a choice. Be aware that what you
like may not necessarily be a good fit for you.
Myth 5: If I wait long enough, luck will eventually bring me to the right career
Fact: Procrastination is no substitute for laziness
It is unlikely that you will just “bump into” the occupation that will perfectly match your
skills and interests. The more information you gather about yourself and the occupations
you are considering, the more likely it is you will make a wise career decision. It is true
that some things beyond your control will influence your life, but you must take an active
role to determine your own fate. Look around you – those people who are unhappy in
their careers most likely just “fell into” something without careful planning. Do you want
the same thing to happen to your career graph? So think wisely and plan the process.
Myth 6: Making a lot of money will make me happy
Fact: The ingredients of fulfilling career also includes passion and commitment to
While salary is important, it isn’t the only factor you should look at when choosing a
career. Countless surveys have shown that money doesn’t necessarily lead to job
satisfaction. For many people enjoying what they do at work is much more important.
Myth 10: I love this hobby, but I don’t think I can make money out of it
Fact: If you love what you do, you will not feel like you are working
An oft repeated line, it explains why part-time hobbies like cooking, photography and
design that were once pursued during weekends are now being pursued as full time
careers. And most of these hobby-turned vocations pay really well if pursued.
professionally. If your hobby becomes a career,
Source: -
about - career - planning -
My Career
ies All rights
Social and
1. How did you go about naming events, situations, needs and facts about yourself?
Were there challenges in doing this? If so, what are these challenges?
2. Looking at these many facets in your life, which among them do you think are
major considerations when deciding on future career options? Why would you consider
these as a source of great impact?
3. Which are the areas that will really work to your advantage in relation to the
career options that you are considering? How will these impact your choices?
A career is defined as the combination and sequence of roles played by a person during
the course of a lifetime ( Super,1980) . Your career basically dictates a lot of things in
your life – it can determine the kind of lifestyle that you will be leading, the quality of
relationships that you have with people around you like your family and friends, the kind
of balance you will be able to keep with your life and your responsibilities.
There are two other concepts that we often associate with the concept of career.
One is a job. A job is a position an individual holds doing specific duties. For example, if
you would look closely at the job of a lawyer, you can say that a lawyer’s job is working
as an associate in X Law Firm.
Another term is occupation. An occupation is defined as the similar work for
which people have similar responsibilities and for which they develop a common set of
skills and knowledge. For example, people who are in the mental health occupation
would include psychologists, clinical psychologists, counselors, and psychiatrists.
A lot of things can influence one’s career choice. A popular career development
model, the Trait and Factor model, believes that skills and abilities need to fit the
demands of a particular career field. This being said, it is then important that you take
stock of the skills, knowledge and abilities that you currently possess and those that you
still need to develop as these greatly impacts that kind of career that could be a good
match for you.
Another factor that could influence your success in a particular career field would
be your personality and interests. John Holland, a popular career counselor proposed
a theory that strongly believe that certain careers require certain personality traits and
must also fit our interests.
Our life roles are yet strong factors that influences our career choices. Your role
as a child, a sister, a student, and eventually if you choose it, that of a parent would have
an impact in the decisions that you would have to make as an adult. Donald Super,
another career development theorist believes that since we play an array of roles in our
lives, these roles are likely to change over time thus requirements, needs and other
external forces would come into play when we are trying to figure out or maintain a
One’s race and ethnicity could also impact our choices. The culture in which we
belong to shape our values and expectations. In the Philippines, our collectivist
orientation makes our family a strong influence in our career decisions. More often than
not, the choice of course to take in college, the location of our job, how strong-willed we
will be in achieving great heights in our career, would most likely be influenced by our
family roles, duties and obligations.
Our social identity, specifically our gender, also posses challenges and
opportunities for us when choosing a career. Although nowadays, the gender divide in
terms of careers have slowly narrowed, it is a known fact that men and women
experiences career-related stereotypes.
Lastly, we are so familiar with the question “What do you want to be when you
grow up?” It is highly probable that these childhood fantasies may have influenced how
you view yourself and your career.
Influence Factors
Skills and Abilities - Considering your skills and abilities and how they may
fit a particular occupation comes out of one of the earliest career development fields,
Trait-Factor theories, and is still used today. These theories recommend creating
occupational profiles for specific jobs as well as identifying individual differences,
matching individuals to occupations based on these differences. You can identify
activities you enjoy and those in which you have a level of competency though a
formal assessment.
Interest and Personality Type - Holland's Career Typology is a widely used
to connect personality types and career fields. This theory establishes a classification
system that matches personality characteristics and personal preferences to job
characteristics. The Holland Codes are six personality/career types that help
describe a wide range of occupations.
Life Roles - Being a worker is just one of your life roles, in addition to others
such as, student, parent, and child. Super's Lifespan theory directly addresses the
fact that we each play multiple roles in our lives and that these roles change over the
course of our lives. How we think about ourselves in these roles, their requirements
of them, and the external forces that affect them, may influence how we look at
careers in general and how we make choices for ourselves.
Previous Experiences - Krumboltz's Social Learning and Planned
Happenstance theories address factors related to our experiences with others and in
previous work situations. Having positive experiences and role models working in
specific careers may influence the set of careers we consider as options for
ourselves. One aspect of Social Cognitive Career Theory addresses the fact that we
are likely to consider continuing a particular task if we have had a positive
experience doing it. In this way, we focus on areas in which we have had proven
success and achieved positive self-esteem.
Culture- Racial and ethnic background, as well as the culture of an
individual's regional area, local community, and extended family, may impact career
decisions. Our culture often shapes our values and expectations as they relate to
many parts of our lives, including jobs and careers. Multicultural career counseling
has emerged as a specialized field to take these influences into consideration when
counseling clients and students. We can't attribute the predominant characteristics of
a culture to any one of its individuals, but having an awareness of the values and
expectations of our culture may help us understand how we make our career
Gender - Both men and women have experienced career-related
stereotypes. Gender is a factor included in multiple career development theories and
approaches including, Social Learning and multicultural career counseling. How we
view ourselves as individuals may influence both the opportunities and barriers we
perceive as we make career decisions. Studies of gender and career development
are ongoing as roles of men and women in the workforce, and in higher education,
Social and Economic Conditions - All of our career choices take place
within the context of society and the economy. Several career theories, such as
Social Cognitive Career Theory and Social Learning, address this context in addition
to other factors. Events that take place in our lives may affect the choices available
to us and even dictate our choices to a certain degree. Changes in the economy and
resulting job market may also affect how our careers develop.
Childhood Fantasies - What do you want to be when you grow-up? You
may remember this question from your childhood, and it may have helped shape
how you thought about careers then, as well as later in life. Career counseling
theories are expanding as programs related to career choice are developed for all
ages, including the very young. Ginzberg proposed a theory that describes three life
stages related to career development. The first stage, fantasy, where early ideas
about careers are formed, takes place up to age 11.
Learning more
Finding desired Identifying new Finding a good
Exploration about
opportunity tasks to work on retirement place
Developing a Developing and
Learning to relate Accepting one's
Growth realistic self- valuing non-
to others own limitations
concept occupational roles
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- electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First
Edition, 2016.
1. Feel 2. Enjoy / 3. Would Like
Competent Favorites to Develop
Management and Self-Management Skills
Offering to help when it’s needed
Knowing how to take directions
Motivating myself to do what needs to get done
Helping motivate others to get the job done
Prioritizing tasks so that the larger goal is met on time
Following the rules
Presenting a neat and professional image
Checking your own work
Using courtesy when dealing with others
Seeking help when needed
Being eager to learn
Speaking up for yourself
Solving problems in a cooperative way
Number Skills
Compute, calculate, compare or record numbers
Forecast, appraise or estimate numerical information
Doing arithmetic correctly
Using percentages and decimals
Estimating costs and/or time needed to complete a job
Using a database program on a computer
Using a spreadsheet on a computer
Creating and managing a budget
Creative/Artistic Skills
Perceive intuitively, sense, show insight or have foresight
Use artistic ability, photograph, decorate, paint or sculpt
Use creativity, visualize, imagine, brainstorm or design
Use musical ability, sing, compose or play instruments
Presenting artistic ideas
Visualizing shapes
Drawing, illustrating, sketching
People and Social Skills
Care, treat, heal, nurse or rehabilitate others
Counsel, empower, coach, guide or listen to individuals
Host, comfort, please, make welcome or serve customers
Plan social, recreational or other group events
Problem-solve, mediate or network with people
Teach, train, instruct, inform or explain to groups
Caring for children responsibly
Caring for the sick and elderly
Calming people down
Helping people complete a task
Knowing how to get along with different people/personalities
1. Feel 2. Enjoy / 3. Would Like
Competent Favorites to Develop
Critical Thinking and Investigative Skills
Analyze, use logic, problem solve, examine
Conceptualize, adapt, develop, hypothesize or discover
Evaluate, assess, test, appraise, diagnose
Observe, reflect, study or notice
Research, investigate, read or interview
Synthesize, integrate, unify or conceptualize ideas
Business Skills
Working with computers
Using a business telephone
Working with budgets
Account, budget, program or systematize financial data
Attend to detail, copy, inspect or transcribe
Setting up and closing out a cash register
Managing money and bills
Organizing, filing, updating, categorizing or arranging information
Writing business documents
Coordinating events
4. From the list above, referring to column 2, list your top five favorite skills that you
would most enjoy utilizing in your work (even if you are not proficient at them
yet). Include the main skill category.
5. Which of the favorite skills listed above do you consider strengths or things that
you are very good at (both column 1 and 2 would probably be marked). Include
the main skill category.
6. Which (top five) skills would you like to develop, improve and/or learn (refer to
skills marked in column 3)? Include the main skill category.
E = 20+(1)___- (6)___+ (11)___- (16)___+(21)___-(26)___+(31) -(36) +(41) -(46) = _____
A = 14–(2)___+ (7)___ - (12)___+(17)___-(22)___+ (27)___- (32) +(37) +(42) +(47)= ____
C = 14+(3)___- (8)___+(13)___- (18)___+(23)___- (28)___ + (33) -(38) +(43) +(48) = ____
N = 38–(4)___+ (9)___ - (14)___+ (19)___-(24)___- (29)___- (34) -(39) -(44) -(49) = _____
O = 8+(5)___- (10)___+(15)___-(20)___+(25)___- (30)___ + (35) +(40) +(45) +(50) = _____
The scores you calculate should be between zero and forty. Below is a description of
each trait.
7. Extroversion (E) is the personality trait of seeking fulfillment from sources
outside the self or in community. High scorers tend to be very social while
low scorers prefer to work on their projects alone.
8. Agreeableness (A) reflects much individuals adjust their behavior to suit
others. High scorers are typically polite and like people. Low scorers tend to
‘tell it like it is’.
9. Conscientiousness (C) is the personality trait of being honest and
hardworking. High scorers tend to follow rules and prefer clean homes. Low
scorers may be messy and cheat others.
10. Neuroticism (N) is the personality trait of being emotional.
11. Openness to Experience (O) is the personality trait of seeking new
experience and intellectual pursuits. High scores may day dream a lot. Low
scorers may be very down to earth.
This activity helps you match your interests with types of careers. For each
of the 86 items below, choose the letter of the activity you would rather do and write
them down on a piece of paper. It doesn’t matter if you like both of them a lot or
dislike both of them a lot; just pick the one you would rather do, and circle that
A. Operate a printing press B. Figure out why
A. Choreograph a dance
1 B. Study the causes of 15 29 someone is sick
K. Lobby for a cause
earthquakes R. Fly an airplane
Step 3: Read the description of your top area of career interest below. Record
your interest and the Career Cluster it is listed under.
Review that “Always Important” values and choose your top five values. Write the
values on the lines below with the most important value first. Check the line which
indicates the section the value is from.
Careers that require similar skills and appeal to people with similar interests
have been grouped into clusters.
12. What were your thoughts while you were accomplishing the assessment
tools? Were there challenges/difficulties? If so, what were these
challenges? Did you find some of the tools/questions easy to answer? Why
was this so?
13. Hearing your classmates share their scores, what were the points where
you were alike? How did this make you feel about your own profile? Were
there interesting differences? How did this make you feel? What did you
realize while hearing your classmates share their scores?
14. What areas do you think you need improvement on? How do you think you
will go about improving them? Give concrete examples.
15. What realizations do you have after seeing the whole picture based on the
different areas where you were assessed? How do you think this
information will be relevant to your career decision?
Big Question: How do external factors influence career choices?
At the end of the module, learners will be able to:
1. discuss the external factors influencing career choices that may help
them in career decision making,
2. identify pros and cons of various career options with the
guidance of parent, teacher, or counselor, and
3. prepare a career plan based on their personal goal and external
factors influencing career choices.
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- electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First
Edition, 2016.
Which corner of the room would you instinctively be drawn to as the
group of people you would most enjoy being with for the longest time?
(Leave aside any shyness, or whether you would have to talk with
After fifteen minutes, everyone in the corner you have chosen leaves
for another party across town except you. Of the groups that still
remain now, which corner or group would you be drawn to the most?
After fifteen minutes, this group too leaves for another party, except
you. Of the corners and groups which remain now, which one would
you most enjoy being with?
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Edition, 2016.
If our interest patterns are ESA (i.e., Enterprising, Social and Artistic) we will
be attracted to a job/career in which the work activities are ESA.
Look at the letters listed with each party group and their corresponding
descriptions below. Think about how much you would or would not enjoy working in
the types of situations discussed and how the characteristics mentioned relate to
your own personality and interests.
As a further note, these themes can be combined to produce several hundred
job personality types, each of which has something different to say about the match
between an individual and an occupation. For example, a person who is primarily
“realistic” (R) might also be “artistic” (A) and “enterprising” (E) and would probably
find a job doing public relations layouts for the Department of Environment and
Natural Resources satisfying. Consider your examination of these areas, here, as a
good first step in further career and self-understanding.
R = Realistic. People high on the realistic theme tend to enjoy creating things with
their hands and working with tools and objects rather than working with people and
ideas. Realistic people tend to be rugged and practical, enjoying work outdoors.
Example of occupations that are primarily realistic in nature are: forester,
industrial arts teacher, radio operator, auto engineer, mechanical engineer, mining
engineer, vocational agriculture teacher, civil engineer, industrial engineering
technician, aircraft mechanic, mechanical engineer technician, fish and game
warden, surveyor, dental technician, architectural draftsman, electrician, jeweler,
powerhouse repairman, tool and die maker, machinist, mechanic, stone cutter,
locksmith, nuclear reactor technician, tree surgeon, piano tuner, typesetter, air
conditioning engineer, ship pilot, instrument mechanic, motion picture projectionist,
carpenter, tailor, machine repairer.
A = Artistic. People who score high on the artistic theme are artistically inclined, and
usually describe themselves as independent, imaginative, creative, and
unconventional, They enjoy situations that allow them freedom to be original, prefer
to work in an unstructured environment, and are usually dissatisfied if they are forced
to follow many rules and procedures. They enjoy activities related to language, art,
music, drama, writing, etc.
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Some primarily artistic jobs include drama coach, language teacher,
journalist-reporter, drama teacher, foreign language interpreter, philosopher, art
teacher, literature teacher, music teacher, musician, orchestra conductor, advertising
manager, entertainer, public relations person, fashion model, writer, editor, radio
program writer, dramatist, actor/actress, designer, interior decorator, critic, fashion
illustrator, furniture designer, jewelry designer, furrier, garment designer, decorator,
architect, artist, photographer, photograph retouched, photo lithographer (printer),
music arranger, composer.
S = Social. People high on the social theme are usually seen by others as sociable,
popular, and responsible. They prefer social interaction and social presence. They
are often interested in the problems and concerns of others, and like activities that
allow them to teach, inform, train, develop, cure and help others.
Jobs that involve these personality aspects include education, teaching,
social welfare, human development, counseling, health professions (medicine,
nursing, etc.), social service, compensation advising, etc. In addition, dorm director,
interviewer, employment representative, funeral director, chamber of commerce
executive, employee benefits approver, food service manager, claim adjuster,
production expediter, health and welfare coordinator, educational administrator,
training director, historian, environmental health engineer, home service rep.,
community recreation administrator, business agent, extension agent, physical
education teacher, building superintendent, therapist, political scientist, sociologist,
social and group worker, personnel director, food and drug inspector, teacher,
minister, librarian, foreign service officer, history teacher are in jobs in this interest
C = Conventional. High conventional people tend to prefer jobs where they are
given firm structure and know exactly what is expected of them. People who rank
high on this theme often describe themselves as conscientious, efficient, and calm.
They enjoy activities that involve the precise, ordered use of data such as keeping
and filing records, organizing data, computing, printing, etc.
They enjoy words and numbers and systematic and structured jobs such as
clerical, administrative, time study analyst, business (commercial) teacher, finance
expert, accountant, credit manager, timekeeper, auto writing machine operator,
bookkeeping machine operator, estimator, foreign trade clerk, office worker, payroll
clerk, accounting machine operator, personnel clerk, sales correspondent,
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Edition, 2016.
reservations agent, bookkeeper, cashier, secretary, medical secretary, library
assistant, data processing worker, mail clerk, personnel secretary, proofreader, and
the like.
Source: Santamaria, Josefina O. (2006). Career planning workbook, 4thEd. Pp. 38-41
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- electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First
Edition, 2016.
Topic: Piecing the Career Puzzle Together