JTR20 en
JTR20 en
JTR20 en
Tomoyoshi SATO
Technical Report
Development of a torque converter for a new 9-speed automatic transmission for rear-wheel-
drive vehicles ……………………………………………………………………………… 75
Control techniques supporting fuel economy and driveability of a new 9-speed automatic
transmission for rear-wheel-drive vehicles ……………………………………………… 79
Development of a CVT without an electric oil pump to achive a start-stop system achived before
the vehicles stops ………………………………………………………………………………… 91
From macro to micro thermal performance design ̶Estimation of lubricant temperature inside a
CVT̶ …………………………………………………………………………………………… 97
Forming technology for integrated forging of parking gear with bottomless teeth and fixed pulley
half ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 101
Technological development for improving the cylindricity of the reaming process for CVT control
valve spool holes ………………………………………………………………………………… 107
Improvement of product quality by introducing the Quality Design Sheet …………………… 117
Accelerated product quality verification through real-world high-mileage driving in a short period
of time …………………………………………………………………………………………… 123
Hidetoshi ENDOU
Introduction on Products
Introducing the Jatco CVT7 (JF015E) for the Renault Samsung XM3 ………………………… 127
Introducing the Jatco CVT7 (JF015E) for the Nissan Magnite ………………………………… 128
Introducing the Jatco CVT8 (JF016E) for the Nissan Rogue …………………………………… 129
Introducing the Jatco CVT7 (JF015E) for the Changan EADO PLUS ………………………… 130
From DX to J.A.R.V.I.S.
Tomoyoshi SATO
Executive Vice President
My first encounter with digital technology goes back to my student days when I was using the
boundary element method to analyze the fracture mechanism of steel bars. At that time computers
ran FORTRAN programs and data were read into the machine using punch cards with perforated
holes representing the data. Entering data was an arduous task because it required an enormous
number of cards. It was really a nightmare if I happened to drop the cards while carrying them
because it was hard to rearrange them back into the correct order.
Nonetheless, one thing that I felt in those days was that computers could do anything and that
nothing was impossible if data were converted into information. Today even mobile phones have
vastly more computing power than computers did at that time. I feel that an era when anything is
possible is approaching.
Nowadays when I envision the future and hear the expression digital transformation (DX), I
imagine the Just A Rather Very Intelligent System (J.A.R.V.I.S.) from Iron Man from the well-
known Avengers movies. In response to requests from the protagonist, Tony Stark, this software
program promptly calls up knowledge from around the world, analyzes it immediately and presents
it as his own proposal. It sometimes makes Tony a cup of coffee to get in the mood and is scolded
by him on the other hand if it tastes bad. All of our actions are governed by information. Computers
are continually evolving with nothing being impossible for them in the world of information. I feel
that the J.A.R.V.I.S. world is not so far off. Just as an aside, in the end though J.A.R.V.I.S. will take
on a human-like form.
There are three major activities that I want to undertake now in aiming for that type of DX
The first one is to link digitization, which is changing the present, to digitalization that will
create the future. If the relationships and continuity of data can be seen, it will lead to signs
and predictions and the discovery of new wisdom. If digital twins can be achieved through the
correlation of 3D data with physical realities, it may enable the discovery of new value. It is vital to
continually review conventional wisdom and routine operations, enhance efficiency dramatically
and also find new value and new wisdom.
From DX to J.A.R.V.I.S.
The second one is to create our own technologies. Our very strengths at JATCO lie in the
concept of three actualities, i.e., the actual place, the actual object and the actual condition. We
are the only ones who can create new wisdom and value based on these three actualities. I believe
that is precisely the source of our competitiveness and it leads to value that is also valid outside
the company. For example, in the case of robotic process automation (RPA), we already have over
100 robots at work, all of which have been manufactured in-house. All of them are continuing to
produce new wisdom and value. I think they are capable of creating even higher value for the very
reason that we made them ourselves focusing on our own realities.
The third one is to develop the people and systems for supporting the first two activities.
This fiscal year we organized a Promotion Digital Innovation Department. However, its members
serve as assistants behind the scenes. The true principal actors are the divisions and departments
responsible for the actual workplaces, actual objects and actual conditions. The members of this
new department have large roles to play in supporting the DX of every division and department,
in making clear the tools to be unified internally, in assisting the implementation of new digital
technologies and in planning measures for improving the DX levels of the employees. Although few
in number, this team is responsible for leading the entire company as they outline our DX form for
the future.
Under the leadership of the Promotion Digital Innovation Department, I want to promote
digitalization on our own as much as possible through these three activities and discover new
wisdom and value befitting JATCO.
Everyone is well aware that the automotive industry is currently undergoing a profound
transformation that occurs once in 100 years. At JATCO, we see this transformation as an excellent
opportunity to provide new wisdom and value to our customers. This will involve the challenge of
making ourselves more thoroughly familiar not only with mechatronics but also with electronics
and pursuing digitalization of our products and services. As I mentioned earlier, by linking reality
to information as is done by J.A.R.V.I.S., we will continue to provide our customers with JATCO s
newly created value. This is what I want for our products that we put on the market. In the process
of envisioning and dreaming of the kind of future described here, I would like to direct JATCO s
digital transformation as we move forward.
Technical Report
JATCO launched production of a new 9-speed automatic transmission for rear-wheel-drive vehicles in September 2019.
Since 2008, JATCO had been supplying a 7-speed automatic transmission for use on rear-wheel-drive vehicles, but higher
environmental performance has been required of conventional transmissions in recent years. The new 9-speed automatic
transmission was developed with the aim of achieving ultimate efficiency and ultimate response. In addition to environmental
performance, driveability and vehicle mountability were also substantially improved.
Development of a new 9-speed automatic transmission for rear-wheel-drive vehicles
Table 1 Comparison of specifications inverter) and the parking brake actuator are built in.
7AT New 9AT
Figure 2 compares the ratio coverage of the 7AT and
Torque capacity 560 Nm 700 Nm the new 9AT, and Fig. 3 compares their step ratios. The ratio
Torque converter size UUF 260 mm dia. UF 260 mm dia. coverage of the new 9AT has been expanded on both the Low
Lock-up Torsional damper Torsional + Pendulum
and High gear ratio sides. The step ratio has been set with
Gear Ratio coverage 6.3 9.1
1st 4.887 5.425
smaller differences between the preceding and following
2nd 3.170 3.263 speeds than that of the 7AT and with close gear ratios on
3rd 2.027 2.250 the frequently-used Low gear ratio side. This achieves
delightfully rhythmical shifting during launch acceleration.
4th 1.412 1.649
5th 1.000 1.221
6th 0.864 1.000
7th 0.775 0.862 3. Technologies adopted to achieve the development concept
8th - 0.713
9th - 0.597
Rev 4.041 4.799
3.1 Contributions to higher efficiency
Shift control Mechanical Park/Shift by wire • Full bearing support structure
Oil pump Mechanical Mechanical + Electric All of the rotating elements are positioned on the long
Transmission case Aluminum Magnesium
input shaft. The support structure has been changed from
Oil pan Steel Plastic
Shift elements 7 Clutches/Brakes 6 Clutches/Brakes
the previous bushings to a full bearing support structure for
Planetary gear sets 4 4 reducing friction (Fig. 4).
Weight (wet) 109 kg 99.5 kg • Pendulum damper
A pendulum damper has been adopted inside the torque
Gearbox length 501.5 mm 439.5 mm
Gear ratios 0.775
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
7AT 1.54 1.56 1.44 1.41 1.16 1.11
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
5.425 0.597
Fig. 8
Diameter: for
Development of a new 9-speed automatic transmission 7mm Spool
rear-wheel-drive comparison
Weight: 2g
Fig. 8 Surface treatment:
Nickel plating
Diameter: 7mm Spool comparison
Weight: 2g
Surface treatment: Diameter: 13mm
Nickel plating Weight: 13.8g
Surface treatment
Diameter: 13mm
Hard alumite
Weight: 13.8g
New 9AT 7AT
Surface treatment:
Hard alumite
New 9AT 7AT
5 times faster
7AT5 times faster
Time [sec]
Time [sec]
Oil pressure [MPa] Speed [rpm]
This has improved noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) shaft. This enables efficient hydraulic pressure control from
performance and enabled expansion of the lockup region the low speed range, thereby improving response (Fig. 7).
(Fig. 5). • Improvement of clutch control pressure response and
• Waved drive plate stability
All shift elements adopt a waved drive plate that A lightweight, small-diameter nickel-plated spool was
reduces drag friction when pulled away from the driven adopted for each clutch valve to enable variable dither
plate during disengagement. It also ensures durability in the control in all pressure ranges. It also dramatically improves
high speed range owing to the optimum lubricant flow rate response and stability (Figs. 8 & 9).
setting described below.
• Optimum lubricant flow rate setting 3.3 Contributions to size and weight reductions
A lubricant pressure solenoid and a pressure regulator The technical measures noted below were among those
were adopted so that the lubricant f low rate can be adopted to reduce the size and weight of the new 9AT,
controlled unrelated to the line pressure. This makes it thereby suppressing increases in size and weight relative to
possible to regulate the necessary lubricant flow rate to the existing 7AT.
match the driving situation and achieves both a friction • Weight reduction through material substitution
reduction and durability (Fig. 6). • Magnesium alloy case
• Plastic oil pan
3.2 Contributions to improving response • Aluminum bolts
• Reduction of hydraulic circuit leakage • Use of high-density layout for shortening overall length
The clearance between the control valve bore and spools (Fig. 10)
was made smaller for the purpose of reducing the amount • Thin-walled, press-formed parts made of high tensile
of fluid flow leakage. The necessary level of hydraulic strength steel sheet
pressure is obtained at a low flow rate in combination with • Rotation detection by magnetic encoder
a small vane oil pump driven by a chain from the input
Fig. 10
Development of a new 9-speed automatic transmission for rear-wheel-drive vehicles
4. Conclusion
■ Authors ■
Technical Report
A torque converter was newly developed for a new 9-speed automatic transmission for use on rear-wheel-drive vehicles for the
purpose of improving the efficiency of the transmission. Various improvements were made compared with the torque converter
of an existing 7-speed automatic transmission used on the same vehicle type. A pendulum dynamic vibration absorber was
adopted as a damping mechanism in addition to the torsional damper. A hydraulic circuit structure for effectively cooling the
lockup clutch friction material was adopted along with a structure for reducing the surface pressure of the friction material.
As a result, quietness and anti-shudder durability were improved while expanding the region of lockup operation. This article
describes the details of the newly developed torque converter.
30 貼り付けデータ
The engine speed for initiating LU operation of the
new 9AT was changed to 800 rpm from 1,200 rpm of the
ENG Torque fluctuation [dB]
20 Target:
reduction of 21.7 dB or more
existing 7-speed automatic transmission (7AT) for use on
rear-wheel-drive vehicles. The lower speed increases the
Lower LU speed Limit with existing damper level of drive shaft torque fluctuation as that of the existing
-10 unit. To accomplish that, the target set for drive shaft torque
700 800
800 900 100011001200130014001500160017001800
1,200 1,600 fluctuation at 800 rpm was to reduce it by 21.7 dB or more
EngineENG Rev.[rpm]
speed [rpm]
compared with the level of engine torque fluctuation (Fig. 1).
既存ダンパー限界値 ENGトルク変動 The measures taken previously for the existing TC
Fig. 1 Quietness target
included increasing the amount of inertia, lowering the
Development of a torque converter for a new 9-speed automatic transmission for rear-wheel-drive vehicles
Snap ring
Direction of piston
action for LU
Fig. 2 Effect of adding a pendulum damper Fig. 4 Structure of hydraulic circuits and LU clutch of
existing 7AT
ω: angular velocity
m: mass
R: distance from spindle rotation center to pendulum damper rotation center
L: distance from pendulum damper rotation center to mass center of gravity
Fig. 3 Principal pendulum damper parameters Fig. 5 Structure of hydraulic circuits and LU clutch of new 9AT
Development of a torque converter for a new 9-speed automatic transmission for rear-wheel-drive vehicles
The LU clutch structure was improved so as to enhance In the existing 7AT, the LU clutch is structured such that
the cooling performance of the LU clutch friction material. a snap ring receives the load applied by the LU piston. In the
The existing hydraulic circuit is structured such that ATF new 9AT, the piston and the TC cover both receive the load
heated in the fluid element section is supplied to the LU at the center of the inner and outer diameter of the LU clutch
clutch section. In contrast, the improved hydraulic circuit friction material. The LU clutch structure was improved so
supplies ATF directly to the LU clutch friction material that it equalizes the surface pressure on the sliding surface
from the cooled TC-in hydraulic circuit for supplying ATF of the LU clutch friction material (Figs. 4 and 5).
to the TC.
3. Effects of improvements
3.1 Quietness
As a result of adding a pendulum damper in addition
to the existing torsional damper, torque fluctuation was
effectively reduced by 32 dB, exceeding the reduction target
of 21.7 dB. This enabled the vehicle speed for LU operation
to be reduced, thus contributing to improving vehicle fuel
economy (Fig. 6).
Engine side
Cover side
Piston side
Development of a torque converter for a new 9-speed automatic transmission for rear-wheel-drive vehicles
4. Conclusion
■ Authors ■
Technical Report
The new 9-speed automatic transmission for rear-wheel-drive vehicles that went into production in September 2019 incorporates
numerous control techniques for eliciting the full benefits of additional speeds. Among them, this article describes control
techniques adopted for the first time that contribute to improving fuel economy and driveability. Two driving situations are
presented as examples to illustrate the shift control details and the issues that have been resolved.
The shift patterns of each gear are configured such that not FR/B
Control techniques supporting fuel economy and driveability of a new 9-speed automatic transmission for rear-wheel-drive vehicles
Fig. 2 Shift elements of the new 9AT Fig. 3 Single transition shift patterns
7 7
Actual gear Target gear Actual gear
5 5
4 4
Engine speed Estimated lag time Engine speed Estimated lag time
Engine speed begins to change at vehicle speed Vehicle speed after estimated time lag
A A' B B' lower than that resulting from 6-5 downshift + time for executing 1 downshift A A' In a 7-6-5 downshift, the vehicle speed
for initiating the engine speed change in
(look-ahead vehicle speed for gear
skipping) the 6-5 downshift is the predicted speed.
Time Time
fuel cut-off duration than before is required today during and the onset of the change in engine speed induced by
power-off deceleration. In order to continue fuel cut-off to downshifting. The control adopted this time for the 9AT
the low gear range, it is necessary to downshift before the also estimates whether the change in engine speed due to
engine speed reaches the level for resuming fuel supply. the next downshift can be achieved at the desired timing.
Adding more speeds, however, increases the number of If it is judged that it cannot be achieved at the desired
shifts executed during deceleration. Consequently, in the timing, the transmission is commanded to skip-downshift
conventional waveforms shown in Fig. 4, shifting cannot be aggressively such as by executing 9-7 and 7-5 shifts.
initiated at the desired timing B depending on the vehicle Skip-downshifting enables fuel cut-off to be continued
deceleration rate and shift time. There was concern that without the engine speed unintentionally dropping to the
fuel supply would be resumed, thus precluding any fuel level for resuming fuel supply. It also prevents worsening
economy improvement. There was also concern that shift of shift shock caused by interference between shifting and
shock might be worsened by an abrupt change in engine fuel supply resumption.
torque due to unintentional resumption of fuel supply The specific control method is explained here. As
during shifting. indicated by the conventional waveforms in Fig. 4, the
Therefore, a new shift control technique was adopted to conventional control technique calculates the estimated lag
obtain both continuation of fuel cut-off and resumption of time from a 7-6 shift command to the onset of the change
fuel supply at the desired timing, as explained below. in engine speed and also the vehicle speed (referred to here
as the look-ahead vehicle speed) after the estimated lag
3.1.2 Attainment of longer fuel cut-off duration during time based on the current rate of vehicle deceleration. The
deceleration start of the 7-6 downshift is commanded at timing A where
T he downsh if t ti m ing du r ing deceleration has the look-ahead vehicle speed drops below the speed that
previously been commanded taking into account the results from the 7-6 downshift. If the 7-6 downshift can
lag time between the issuance of the shift command be initiated at timing A as commanded, the engine speed
Control techniques supporting fuel economy and driveability of a new 9-speed automatic transmission for rear-wheel-drive vehicles
Control techniques supporting fuel economy and driveability of a new 9-speed automatic transmission for rear-wheel-drive vehicles
Fig. 7 Provision of smooth driving force with excellent response Fig. 8 Provision of smooth, fine-tuned driving force
Control techniques supporting fuel economy and driveability of a new 9-speed automatic transmission for rear-wheel-drive vehicles
■ Authors ■
Control techniques supporting fuel economy and driveability of a new 9-speed automatic transmission for rear-wheel-drive vehicles
Technical Report
The new 9-speed automatic transmission for use on rear-wheel-drive vehicles is fitted with a system that enables independent
control of the lubricant flow rate. Ascertaining the temperature of the oil flowing in the lubrication circuit is essential in order
to optimize the lubricant flow rate to match the driving situation. That requires an estimation of the oil temperature drop in
the air-cooled oil cooler. To do that, an engine intake air temperature sensor is used to estimate the external air temperature for
determining the oil temperature drop in the oil cooler, which enables variable lubrication control.
1. Introduction into account the magnitude of the oil temperature drop. For
the new 9AT, a method of controlling the lubricant flow
Automatic transmission fluid (ATF) serves various rate was developed that monitors the magnitude of the oil
purposes and one of its key functions is lubrication. The temperature drop in the air-cooled oil cooler based on an
existing 7-speed unit is not able to regulate the lubricant estimation of the external air temperature.
flow rate independently, which could become excessive
depending on the driving situation, resulting in increased 2. Targeted system
The new 9-speed automatic transmission (9AT) for The configuration of the lubrication system circuit that
rear-wheel-drive vehicles can control the lubricant flow was the focus of this study is explained first. As shown in
rate independently to reduce friction. The lubricant flow Fig. 1, after the ATF pressure is regulated by the control
rate is greatly affected by the pressure loss due to the oil valve, the oil flows to the torque converter and then to the
temperature drop that occurs in the air-cooled oil cooler. built-in oil cooler (BIOC). In the BIOC, heat exchange takes
That makes it necessary to control the flow rate by taking place between the ATF and the engine coolant. The BIOC
Application of external air temperature estimation to a variable lubrication control system for a new 9-speed automatic transmission for rear-wheel-drive vehicles
functions as a warmer to warm the ATF when the inlet oil 3. Issues in targeted system
temperature is low and as a cooler to cool the ATF when
inlet oil temperature becomes high. As explained in the preceding section, when the
A bypass circuit is provided right after the BIOC. A temperature of the ATF f lowing through the bypass
wax serves to open and close the bypass circuit by using circuit is low, the bypass circuit is open so the oil does
the characteristic that its volume changes according to not pass through the air-cooled oil cooler; when the ATF
the temperature. The bypass circuit is open when the temperature rises, the bypass circuit is closed so the oil
temperature of the oil flowing through it is low, and the begins to flow to the air-cooled oil cooler.
ATF follows a return circuit back to the transmission Figure 3 shows the lubrication circuit and the change
without passing through the air-cooled oil cooler. The in the oil temperature after the ATF becomes hot and the
bypass circuit is closed when the oil temperature is high, bypass circuit is closed. The red line shows the condition
so the ATF flows into the air-cooled oil cooler. The ATF where the BIOC functions as a cooler under a high external
is cooled there by the heat exchange that occurs with the air temperature. The blue line shows the condition where
external air flowing through the air-cooled oil cooler. The the BIOC functions as a warmer under a low external air
new 9AT is expected to be used on large vehicles such temperature. Because the ATF is heated in the BIOC under
as pickup trucks for the U.S. market, so an air-cooled oil this condition, the bypass circuit is closed and the ATF
cooler with high cooling performance is necessary. flows to the air-cooled oil cooler.
As shown in Fig. 2, the source pressure for supplying The magnitude of the oil temperature drop in the air-
lubricant (i.e., lubricant pressure) is created by a lubricant cooled oil cooler is greatly influenced by the temperature
linear solenoid valve, which is activated by a control signal
from the controller, and by a lubricant regulator activated by
the output pressure of the solenoid valve. A larger lubricant
flow rate is needed to protect and cool the transmission
Oil pump
Pressure line
Fig. 3 Oil temperature fluctuation in lubrication circuit
Control signal
Lubricant Lubricant
Lubricant High High
solenoid flow rate pressure
Application of external air temperature estimation to a variable lubrication control system for a new 9-speed automatic transmission for rear-wheel-drive vehicles
of the external air f lowing through the cooler. The sensor to measure the outlet oil temperature directly.
oil temperature drop is larger with a low external air P roposa ls (2) a nd (3) i nvolved esti mati ng t he oi l
temperature than with a high external air temperature. That temperature at the air-cooled oil cooler outlet indirectly
tendency is especially pronounced with a large-capacity based on the temperature of the external air passing through
air-cooled oil cooler. the cooler. Table 1 presents the results of a decision analysis
In short, it was initially thought that only the driving (DA) that was conducted from the following perspectives:
load needed to be considered in the variable lubrication “accuracy”of calculating the outlet oil temperature,
control system. However, it was found that the effects of “relative difficulty of constructing a control system”using
the magnitude of the oil temperature drop in the air-cooled a sensor, and the“sensor installation rate”on vehicles for
oil cooler and the resultant pressure loss also have to be applying the system to all relevant vehicles.
considered. If the lubricant pressure is aligned with a low The results revealed it would be difficult to adopt
external air temperature condition where a large pressure proposal (1) from the standpoint of the“sensor installation
loss occurs, the lubricant flow rate will become excessive rate”and proposal (2) from the standpoint of the“relative
under a high external temperature condition. Accordingly, difficulty of constructing the control system . It was decided
this kind of situation must also be eliminated (Fig. 4). to proceed with proposal (3) involving the use of the engine
intake air temperature sensor to estimate the external air
4. Development of a solution temperature and then using the result to calculate the oil
temperature at the outlet of the air-cooled oil cooler. With
Using an estimated external air temperature value respect to accuracy, it will be noted that there are driving
would make it possible to ascertain the magnitude of the situations where the engine intake air temperature and the
oil temperature drop in the air-cooled oil cooler and also external air temperature diverge. That divergence has been
the resultant pressure loss. Reflecting the results in variable minimized by adding a temperature correction procedure
lubricant flow rate control would provide a countermeasure to the control system.
for the issues mentioned above.
4.2 Relationship between oil temperature drop in the air-
4.1 Estimation of external air temperature using engine cooled oil cooler and pressure loss
intake air temperature The method of estimating the external air temperature
The magnitude of the oil temperature drop in the was selected. However, in order to estimate the oil
air-cooled oil cooler must be reflected in the variable temperature at the outlet of the air-cooled oil cooler,
lubrication control procedure in order to optimize the it was necessary to estimate the effects of the external
lubricant flow rate. The oil temperature at the inlet of air temperature and oil flow rate in the cooler on the
the air-cooled oil cooler is estimated from the operating magnitude of the oil temperature drop and the resultant
temperature of the bypass circuit. Several proposed methods pressure loss. It will be noted that with the bypass circuit
were investigated for estimating the oil temperature at the closed, the oil flow rate in the oil cooler and the lubricant
outlet of the air-cooled oil cooler. flow rate are equal. The selected method involves two steps:
Proposal (1) involved newly installing a temperature (1) to estimate the oil temperature drop in the air-cooled oil
E(𝑇𝑇"$ ,Q%&' ,𝑇𝑇(") ,V*&+ )
𝑇𝑇!-. = 𝑇𝑇"$ −
η × 𝑄𝑄!"#
lubricant pressure
Low Low
Fig. 6 Estimated oil flow resistance Fig. 7 Controlled lubricant flow rate
Application of external air temperature estimation to a variable lubrication control system for a new 9-speed automatic transmission for rear-wheel-drive vehicles
𝑄𝑄!"# = 𝑅𝑅$ (𝑇𝑇"% , 𝑇𝑇!&' )𝑃𝑃#&( + 𝑅𝑅) (𝑇𝑇"% , 𝑇𝑇!&' )*𝑃𝑃#&( (4) 5. Conclusion
where R1 and R2 are coefficients of oil flow resistance in • A variable lubrication control system was built based
the lubrication circuit and are sensitive to TIN and TOUT. on the estimated value of the external air temperature. The
As was done in the case of Fig. 5, by setting T IN system optimally controls the lubricant flow rate by taking
constantly at the oil temperature for closing the bypass into account the oil temperature drop that occurs in the air-
circuit, Q OIL becomes a function of T OUT and PLUB. The cooled oil cooler depending on differences in the external
calculated results for Q OIL are shown in Fig. 6 on the air temperature. It thus achieves both durability and lower
same axis as in Fig. 5. It is seen that the pressure loss in friction.
the lubrication circuit increases when TOUT is low, so the • An engine intake air temperature sensor is used in
lubricant flow rate decreases at the same lubricant pressure. estimating the external air temperature. The use of this
As is clear by looking at Eqs. (3) and (4), QOIL and TOUT highly versatile, existing device will enable the new 9AT
calculated with these equations, respectively, are parameters transmission to be applied to a wide range of vehicle
of the other equations, which means that each one cannot be models in the future.
calculated independently. It is necessary to find a solution
as a set of QOIL and TOUT that satisfies both equations. In
this project, a solution under each set of conditions was
found by numerical calculation and mapped. The necessary
lubricant pressure was then derived by calculating back
from the desired lubricant flow rate.
■ Authors ■
Application of external air temperature estimation to a variable lubrication control system for a new 9-speed automatic transmission for rear-wheel-drive vehicles
Technical Report
For a mini-vehicle CVT without an auxiliary transmission, JATCO has developed a start-stop system that does not have an electric oil
pump and can be activated before the vehicle stops. The new start-stop system was achieved by discontinuing the electric oil pump
and improving CVT shift control in order to satisfy the requirements for vehicle fuel economy and re-acceleration performance. This
article describes the CVT technologies that contribute to ensuring re-acceleration performance.
LU Engaged
Conventional Engine
start-stop system speed
0 Engine stop
* System Development Office, JATCO Korea Engineering Corporation **** Control System Development Office, JATCO Korea Engineering Corporation
** Unit System Development Department ***** Vehicle application Development Department, JATCO Engineering Ltd
*** Innovative Technology Development Department
Development of a CVT without an electric oil pump to achive a start-stop system achived before the vehicles stops
Activation of
start-stop Engine stop Vehicle stop Engine start
Jatco CVT7 Jatco CVT-S 0 →Start-stop mode
Forward/reverse switchover mechanism Engine
positioned ahead of belt-pulley system
Pulley Time
Target pulley ratio of CVT-S
ratio Lowest pulley ratio of CVT-S
[-] Lowest pulley ratio of CVT7
Total Time
Lowest total ratio of CVT7 low gear of auxiliary transmission
Lowest total ratio of CVT-S
Auxiliary transmission positioned
behind belt-pulley system 0 Time
Fig. 3 Timing chart of the pulley ratio and through ratio of CVT7
and CVT-S
Turbine of CVT7 in
speed Lowest pulley ratio
of CVT-S high gear of auxiliary tranmission
Coasting line
The CVT-S was developed to fit the engine compartment
layout of mini-vehicles as a smaller, lighter unit than
the Jatco CVT7 (CVT7) and thereby improve interior Matching point and coasting line
roominess, comfort and safety. agree with lowest pulley ratio
Vehicle speed[km/h]
2.1 Structure and specifications of CVT-S for mini-vehicles
Fig. 4 Shift schedule of CVT-S and CVT7
The CVT-S specifications in Table 1 were determined
on the basis of the development concept.(2) After analyzing
the constituent elements of a CVT, a structure was selected The aim of the new start-stop system is to improve
that positions the forward/reverse switchover mechanism fuel economy by stopping the engine simultaneously with
ahead of the belt and pulley system as traditionally done the release of the LU clutch. The conditions for activating
in JATCO s midsize CVTs. In contrast, the CVT7 has the the system are shown in Table 2. In order to ensure re-
auxiliary transmission located behind the belt and pulley acceleration performance, the pulley ratio must return to a
system (Fig. 2). Moreover, the CVT-S was developed low gear ratio before the vehicle comes to a stop. However,
without an electric oil pump in order to reduce the cost. because the CVT-S does not have an auxiliary transmission,
it is necessary to continue shifting by means of the belt and
2.2 Application of start-stop system activated before the pulley system until a lower vehicle speed is reached than
vehicle stops with the CVT7 (Figs. 3 and 4).
Development of a CVT without an electric oil pump to achive a start-stop system achived before the vehicles stops
Activation of
start-stop Engine stop Vehicle stop
0 →Start-stop mode
Pulley Time
CVT-S without electric oil_pump
ratio Lowest pulley ratio of CVT-S before improvement measures
Lowest pulley ratio of CVT7
With electric oil_pump
Fig. 5 Shift schedule timing chart of the belt-pulley system during vehicle deceleration
Activation of
start-stop Engine stop Engine start
Accel pedal /
Brake on Accel on
Brake pedal
Re-acceleration response
Accel off Brake off
0 →Start-stop mode
CVT7 Time
CVT-S before
improbement measures
Generate Time
Development of a CVT without an electric oil pump to achive a start-stop system achived before the vehicles stops
3. Concerns about re-acceleration performance hydraulic pressure circuit. In addition, the forward clutch
pressure chamber of the CVT-S has a larger volume than
One concern about re-acceleration performance was that of the CVT7 (Table 3). Consequently, after engine
that the pulley ratio would not return to a low gear ratio restart, it takes longer for the mechanical oil pump to supply
before the vehicle came to a stop. Another concern was a a sufficient quantity of fluid to fill the pulley pressure
possible response lag in generating hydraulic pressure after chamber (Fig. 6).
engine restart.
4. CVT technologies contributing to re-acceleration
3.1 Concern about shift controllability of belt-pulley system performance
during deceleration
The pulley ratio must return to a low gear ratio before The adoption of the technologies described below
the vehicle stops moving. However, because the CVT-S does has contributed to ensuring the desired re-acceleration
not have an electric oil pump, if the engine was stopped performance.
while the vehicle was still in motion, the mechanical oil
pump could not discharge any pressure. This would mean 4.1 Shifting to a low gear ratio before the engine stops
that no pulley pressure could be generated, making it I n order to ensu re t he desi red re-acceleration
difficult to return the pulley ratio to a low gear ratio (Fig. 5). performance, the pulley ratio must shift to a low gear ratio
before the vehicle comes to a stop. In general, the ways of
3.2 Hydraulic pressure response after engine restart shifting to a low gear ratio include raising the hydraulic
Because the CVT-S does not have an electric oil pump, pressure of the secondary pulley or lowering the hydraulic
CVT fluid flows out of the pulley pressure chamber while pressure of the primary pulley. The hydraulic pressure of
the engine is stopped and it leaks internally from the the primary pulley could not be reduced below the limit
Low deceleration
0G line
Deceleration G[-]
LU clutch release at
high vehicle speed→
→LU clutch release at
Time_[sec] low vehicle speed
Fig. 7 Simulation results for deceleration feeling by changing vehicle speed for LU clutch release
Low deceleration
Development of a CVT without an electric oil pump to achive a start-stop system achived before the vehicles stops
0 →Start-stop mode
LU Engaged Time
clutch Disengaged
LU clutch release condition for high coasting line
LU clutch release condition for low coasting line
Matching point of lowest pulley ratio
Lowest pulley ratio of CVT-S
Fig. 9 Timing chart for changing LU clutch release condition to satisfy both deceleration feeling and shift control
Development of a CVT without an electric oil pump to achive a start-stop system achived before the vehicles stops
5. Conclusion
6. References
■ Authors ■
Chadol KIM Tomohiro UTAGAWA Koutarou TAGAMI Masumi FUJIKAWA Jonghwan LEE Tatsuo SATO
Technical Report
In the process of lubricating internal transmission parts, the lubricant is heated and then partially cooled by the oil cooler before
being returned and recirculated through the transmission. The lubricant temperature has traditionally been estimated at the oil
cooler exit, but heat is transferred to the lubricant inside the transmission, presumably raising its temperature from the cooler exit
before it is supplied to the parts. This article describes a method of modeling heat transfer and estimating the lubricant temperature
in the passage from the oil cooler exit to the lubricated parts. Experimental results validating this method are also presented.
Oil cooler
Fig. 1 Flow of lubricant in a side view of the transmission Fig. 2 Lubricant passage of CVT8
* Unit System Development Department ** System Development Office, JATCO Korea Engineering Corporation
From macro to micro thermal performance design —Estimation of lubricant temperature inside a CVT—
In order to estimate the lubricant temperature, the II. Heat transfer due to temperature difference between
change in the temperature in each section, dT, is found with passage inner wall and lubricant
the following equation. Assuming the f low in the lubricant passage was
turbulent, heat transfer was defined using the Dittus-Boelter
equation (Eq. (5)) for heat transfer of turbulent pipe flow.
From macro to micro thermal performance design —Estimation of lubricant temperature inside a CVT—
Fig. 6 Comparison of passage outer wall temperature and oil pan lubricant temperature
From macro to micro thermal performance design —Estimation of lubricant temperature inside a CVT—
oil pump, the lubricant temperature in the oil pan and lubricant temperature. However, it was found that the wall
the lubricant flow rate. These factors were varied as the temperature was actually lower than the oil pan lubricant
experimental conditions in the validation exercise in order temperature. That difference was applied to Eqs. (1) to (5)
to make a comparison with the estimated temperatures. The and converted to the change in the lubricant temperature.
amount of heat generated by the oil pump is influenced by The effect was found to be approximately 1 C. Accordingly,
its rotational speed and discharge pressure. if the inner wall temperature was separately defined, it
could further improve estimation accuracy. However,
5. Validation results considering the resultant effect on durable quality, it was
decided that the current level of accuracy within ±1.0 C
The difference between the estimated and measured was sufficient. Moreover, increasing the complexity of the
temperatures for each part was a maximum of 2.4 C and a estimation method would not be a good idea for its future
mean of ±1.0 C under each section. The oil pump displayed use, so it was concluded that the present definition of the
large heat generation in the validation exercise and the oil inner wall temperature should be left as it is.
temperature in the oil pan was high. Figure 5 presents the
experimental and estimated results for the highest rise in 7. Conclusion
the lubricant temperature from the oil cooler exit to the
variator under such conditions. Previously, macro temperature estimations were made
using the overall heat generated and radiated by an entire
6. Discussion CVT. In this study, a micro approach was taken to estimate
the temperature of the lubricant supplied and the validity
A comparison of the measured and estimated results of this method was verified. This was undertaken as one
revealed that the lubricant temperature was often estimated activity for estimating the lubricant temperature at each
higher than the actual measured temperature. As mentioned part for the purpose of improving durable quality.
earlier, there are many places in the lubricant passage Modeling heat transfer to the lubricant made it possible
where heat is transferred to the lubricant from the passage to estimate the lubricant temperature to within a mean
inner wall. Among the variables in Eqs. (3) to (5) defined accuracy of ±1.0 C of the measured values, taking into
for heat transfer, the inner wall temperature (Ts) was account the passage inner wall temperature and heat-
assumed to be the same as the oil temperature in the oil generating parts. Simplifying the equations and concept
pan. Therefore, the relationship between the passage inner suppressed the additional volume to be studied, resulting in
wall temperature and the oil temperature in the oil pan was a method fully capable of practical application.
investigated. Because it was difficult to measure the inner Since the estimation concept does not pertain uniquely
wall temperature without blocking the lubricant flow, the to the CVT8, it can also be applied to estimate the lubricant
temperature of the passage outer wall was measured. The temperature in other transmissions.
results showed that the outer wall temperature tended to be
lower than the oil pan lubricant temperature (Fig. 6).
It was thought that even places on the inner wall
that were not submerged in the lubricant because of
churning would have a temperature close to the oil pan
■ Authors ■
従来より, 無段変速機の固定側プーリでは, 部品重量削減のためパー
本稿では鍛造シミュレーションを活用し, 変形抵抗をコントロールするこ
Technical Report
Fig. 1 Integrated parking gear Integrated
and fixed parking gear and Fig.
pulley half fixed pulley
2 Pulley assemblyhalf
Fig.2 Pulley assembly Fig.4 F
* Forging Process Engineering Section ** System Development Office, JATCO Korea Engineering Corporation
Forming technology for integrated forging of parking gear with bottomless teeth and fixed pulley half
Forming technology for integrated forging of parking gear with bottomless teeth and fixed pulley half
Fig. 9 Integrated parking gear with bottomless teeth and Fig. 10 Results of defect analysis by simulation
fixed pulley half
2.4 Degree of difficulty in forming integrated parking gear material temperature, die temperature and the force and
and fixed pulley half speed applied by the press in the compression direction
Figure 7 shows the degree of difficulty involved in were defined as the parameters for conducting the forging
forming the integrated parking gear and fixed pulley half. simulation.
The horizontal axis shows the ratio of the parking gear The forming load, forming flow and die stress are
outer diameter d to the part outer diameter D (d/D). The among the principal judgment criteria for determining the
vertical axis shows the volume ratio of the parking gear (V1/ die geometry in each process for a forged part. A more
(V1+V2)) as indicated in Fig. 8. It is seen that the parking excellent part shape can be expected as the forming load in
gear is positioned more to the outside as the diameter ratio the simulation decreases.
d/D becomes larger. That makes it necessary to apportion An ideal material flow is to fill the long and short shafts
more material volume to the outer side, which complicates of the fixed pulley half, the parking gear and the outer
the forming of the parking gear. In addition, as V1 becomes diameter of the part in that order. A simulation is therefore
larger, it signifies a bigger difference in the convex and conducted to determine the optimal die geometry. If the
concave portions of the parking gear, making the gear more die geometry is unsuitable, the forming timing can differ,
difficult to form. resulting in cases where the parking gear is underfilled
The integrated parking gear with bottomless teeth and or reverse material flow occurs. Reverse flow can cause
the fixed pulley half adopted in this project is shown in marks or depressions in the product that become quality
Fig. 9. Because this part shape is a top-level benchmark defects. This means that the die geometry is an extremely
in the automotive industry, it was expected to be highly critical factor in the forging process. It is also necessary
difficult to form and that problems like underfill, seizure to determine the die geometry so that stress is below the
and shortening of die life, among other things, might occur. threshold level because high stress can damage the die.
The following sections describe the closed-die forging
methodology proposed for the difficult-to-form shape of 3.2 Issues in developing a parking gear with bottomless
this integrated parking gear with bottomless teeth and fixed teeth
pulley half. The first step toward developing a parking gear with
bottomless teeth was to conduct a simulation of part
3. Forging process design forming in the forging process. Eliminating the tooth
bottom would reduce the volume of the parking gear,
3.1 Forging simulation thus quickening the filling timing of the outer diameter.
The finite element method was used to conduct a Consequently, using the previous die geometry could
forming simulation in order to predict the material flow and worsen the underfill defect of the parking gear mentioned
forming timing in the forming process for this forged part. above or cause depressions in the back side of the sheave.
In the simulation, the dies were treated as rigid bodies and These potential problems were revealed in a prior
the material as an elastic body. The coefficient of friction, simulation.
Forming technology for integrated forging of parking gear with bottomless teeth and fixed pulley half
■ Authors ■
Forming technology for integrated forging of parking gear with bottomless teeth and fixed pulley half
Technical Report
It is necessary to reduce the amount of internal leakage in the control valve of continuously variable transmissions in order to
improve vehicle fuel economy. That requires the use of high-accuracy machining. This article describes technical measures
undertaken to improve the cylindricity of the reaming process for spool holes that require especially high accuracy.
1. Introduction pilot holes are first drilled in (b) and then reamed in
(c). A single-blade reamer is used to suppress polygonal
There are demands to improve the fuel economy shape error of reamed holes(1) the accuracy of which is
obtained with continuously variable transmissions (CVTs). problematic. A hydraulic chuck holder with high rigidity,
One effective measure for doing that is to reduce the excellent r unout accuracy and outstanding ease of
amount of internal leakage in the control valve (Fig. 1). attaching/releasing is used for chucking the tool. There are
The control valve uses the hydraulic pressure generated three main issues in spool hole reaming: cylindricity, finish
by the oil pump to control the pressure level needed for surface roughness and tool life. Among them, improving
shifting. The spool holes that were the focus of this work cylindricity is the most difficult issue.
function as the fitting holes of the spool valves that regulate
the hydraulic pressure. To reduce the amount of leakage, (a) Casting
Spool holes are machined on a vertical machining Fig. 2 Conventional tooling layout
center in two processes. In the rough casting in Fig. 2(a),
Spool hole
Fig. 3 Roundness profile of reamed spool hole
Control valve
Technological development for improving the cylindricity of the reaming process for CVT control valve spool holes
0 0.05 0.1
Feed rate fz [mm/tooth]
4. Overview of cutting tests End
4.1 Inf luence of feed rate of pilot hole drilling on Start
cylindricity 0
Depth of spool hole
Machining tests were conducted with the equipment
shown in Fig. 5 to confirm the influence of the feed rate of Fig. 8 Variable feed control of drilling
Technological development for improving the cylindricity of the reaming process for CVT control valve spool holes
pilot hole drilling on the cylindricity of reamed holes. The Table 2 Improved specifications
cutting conditions are shown in Table 1. Pilot holes were
drilled using three feed rate levels and the workpiece was
then removed from the machine to measure cylindricity.
The workpiece was then mounted on the machine again,
and the holes were reamed using a single set of conditions.
Since high-accuracy positioning was possible with this
machine, it was assumed that position deviation between the
50 50 50 50
pilot hole and the reamed hole due to removing/remounting
was presumably caused by unstable tool behavior at the Fig. 10 Measured bending stiffness of drill and holder
time the tool cut into the workpiece. It was reported that
using a highly rigid tool and cutting with tiny feeds in the
initial phase of machining are effective in preventing such
deterioration. Therefore, variable feed control was adopted
in order to obtain both high accuracy and high machining
efficiency. With this approach, a low feed rate is applied in
the initial phase of pilot hole drilling and the feed rate is
Chip collection jig
gradually raised as the drilling depth increases.
Metal mesh
4.2 Improvement of tool bending stiffness
The bending stiffness of the tool and holder was Chip
② ⑦⑥
measured with the method shown in Fig. 9 to confirm the
amount of tool displacement(5) relative to the bending load
⑪ ⑩⑧ ④③
of the tool when held in the holder. The measured results ⑨
Back side Left side Front side
for the existing drill and holder specifications are shown
in Fig. 10(a). Sharp displacement gradients are seen from Fig. 11 Chip collection jig
Fig. 11 Chip collection jig
the fulcrum where the shank is held by the holder to the
tool tip, suggesting that high stiffness at the place where
the shank is gripped is important. Therefore, as indicated ②
in Table 2, an effort was made to reduce the amount of ③
Hole No.
0 10 20 30 40 50
Chip collection rate [%]
Fig. 9 Method of measuring bending stiffness of tool and holder Fig. 12 Chip collection results
Technological development for improving the cylindricity of the reaming process for CVT control valve spool holes
Technological development for improving the cylindricity of the reaming process for CVT control valve spool holes
cylindricity, it is seen that the cylindricity of both the (3) Keizo Sakuma and Hiroshi Kiyota,“Hole Accuracy
pilot hole and the reamed hole was improved, thereby with Carbide-tipped Reamers (5th report): Tool Behavior
confirming the effectiveness of these specifications. and Effects of Entrance Geometry in Pre-bored Hole on
Stability in High Speed Reaming,”Journal of the Japan
6. Conclusions Society for Precision Engineering, Vol. 48, No. 11, pp. 1496-
1501, (1982) (in Japanese).
Optimizing the tool and holder specifications used in (4) Keizo Sakuma, Hiroshi Kiyota and Hidenori Morita,
machining the control valve spool holes improved hole “Positional Accuracy of Holes in Drilling : Behavior of
cylindricity by 24% over the existing dimension. The Tool and the Effect of Its Rigidity and Point Geometry,”
following insights were gained in this study. Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
(1) The cylindr icity of reamed holes is greatly (JSME), Vol. 48, No. 432, pp. 1275-1283 (1982) (in
influenced by that of pilot holes. Reducing the feed rate Japanese).
for drilling pilot holes is effective in improving their (5) Haruhisa Sakamoto, Shuichiro Taguchi and Shinji
cylindricity. Shimizu,“Quantitative Evaluation Method of Bending
(2) Shortening the tool overhang length, increasing the Stiffness Characteristics of Milling Chucks,”Transactions
shank diameter and minimizing the fit clearance between of JSME Series C, Vol. 77, No. 782, pp. 3552-3561 (2011) (in
the shank and holder are effective measures for suppressing Japanese).
tool displacement.
(3) The tool flute length can be shortened by optimizing
the positions and angles of the coolant discharge holes in
the tool so as to promote chip evacuation from the spool
hole mouth toward the bottom of the hole.
(4) Tool tip runout at high rotational speeds can be
reduced by designing a single-blade reamer with high
stiffness and excellent rotational balance.
7. References
■ Authors ■
Technological development for improving the cylindricity of the reaming process for CVT control valve spool holes
Technical Report
For the production of a new transmission, it was necessary to transport parts between separated buildings. In order to reduce
logistics and transport costs, an outdoor Automated Guided Vehicle system was constructed based on a towing Automated
Guided Vehicle and implemented to handle the transporting and loading/unloading of cargo fully automatically. This article
describes the measures developed and adopted to deal with transport issues and safety issues so as to achieve fully automated
parts supply with this new towing Automated Guided Vehicle system.
Practical application of an outdoor AGV system
and rain. The cover was opened and closed manually and the entire cart onto hoist rollers for raising the cart. Figure
a forklift was used to handle the parts. In order to achieve 4(a) shows the cart before it is positioned on the hoist
fully automated parts supply, it was necessary to have the rollers. Because the casters are still in contact with the
same level of functionality for keeping out wind and rain floor, the cart tilts along the slope of the floor. Figure 4(b)
as that provided by previous truck transport in an outdoor shows the cart positioned on the hoist rollers. Because the
environment. In addition, the cart had to be fitted with cart casters are off the floor, the cart is not affected even if
a mechanism for automatically opening and closing the the floor has a slope. Moreover, this system ensures stable
cargo door. To do that, a framework was constructed using automated parts supply even if the cart casters are worn.
aluminum frames. It was covered with a 3D molded tarp
made of the same quality of material as that of the truck
bed tarp and fastened. A gull-wing structure was adopted
for automatically opening/closing the cargo door. The cart
is equipped with two actuators to which air is supplied from
the conveyor via an automatic coupling, making it possible
to open/close the cargo door automatically (Fig. 3).
Practical application of an outdoor AGV system
3. Outdoor AGV monitoring system purpose of analyzing the uptime rate of the AGV. No
system had been implemented previously for the purpose of
In this project, the AGV travels along an outdoor path notifying employees of an AGV problem like the function
out of sight of the employees and, in addition, there are needed in the present project. Therefore, it was necessary to
few employees at the relay point in the path. There was newly investigate an AGV monitoring system.
concern that if some problem occurred in the AGV system, The requests of the shop floor employees who would be
it might not be discovered immediately. In case a problem using the system are summarized below.
was not discovered right away, it might delay the transport (1) A function for notifying employees in real time of
of parts, thus causing a supply delay that could possibly an AGV problem
stop production. To avoid that situation, it was considered (2) A function for showing the AGV s position
necessary to continuously convey information on the A study was then undertaken of a system for satisfying
condition of the outdoor AGV to the employees. these requests.
Systems for monitoring indoor AGVs have already been The parts to be used in the system were then selected.
implemented at other JATCO production plants. However, Because the necessary input/output pins were on hand, it
one monitoring system is ancillary to an AGV acceleration was decided to adopt a single board computer that allows
control system and another system was adopted for the easy control and is inexpensive. For the first function, a
local area network was built between plant buildings so that
a trouble signal issued by the AGV could be transferred
Employees’ side Display monitor close to the vicinity of the employees. This achieves real-
time notification of a problem. For the second request, a
small GPS module is used to enable position information to
be obtained and displayed. The monitoring system for the
Relay device Base unit
Outdoor AGV
outdoor AGV was constructed in this way (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5Fig.
5 Configuration ofof AGV
AGV monitoring
monitoring system system
All rights reserved “JATCO Ltd”;
We reserve all distribution rights such as copying and sharing with third parties.
Practical application of an outdoor AGV system
5. Conclusion
■ Authors ■
Technical Report
In order to deliver products of the highest quality to customers, JATCO has regularly improved its quality assurance tools and
endeavored to apply the optimal processes at all times. These efforts have markedly improved both R&D and manufacturing
quality. However, various problems have remained such as rework caused by poor communication between departments and not
identifying all quality risks in the early stages of the development process.
This article describes the Quality Design Sheet that has been created for the purpose of promoting“active communication”
and“early visualization of quality risks”in order to solve these issues. The introduction of the Quality Design Sheet is
contributing to the formation of a powerful quality assurance system throughout the entire company.
1. Motivation for creating QDS the manufacturing department has often been one-way.
When manufacturing issues occurred, depending on the
In order to put products of higher quality and schedule, there was not enough time to feed them back
performance on the market, it is essential that the to the R&D department. There were not a few instances
intentions of product planners and development engineers when manufacturing engineers had to resign themselves to
are transmitted accurately to manufacturing engineers, proceeding without getting issues resolved.
including suppliers, and made into definite realities. One In order to solve such problems, it was necessary to
commonly used method to accomplish that is quality develop some tool to facilitate sufficient communication on
function deployment (QFD), and one of the tools used in both sides and to enable all issues, including ones related
this process is a quality assurance (QA) table. to manufacturing, to be identified and resolved in the early
Like other companies, JATCO has used QA tables to stages of the development process. The Quality Design
improve product quality. In handing over the responsibility Sheet (QDS) described here was thus created as a tool that
for a product from the 2. previous
process to the next one, Fig.1
further expanded QA tables.
problems have sometimes occurred when intentions Figure 1 presents examples of issues that occurred
were not fully and accurately conveyed owing to poor due to poor communication. Gear damage is listed as
communication on both sides,
【Example】 among other factors. In an example of a potential quality risk that can occur due
addition, communication from the
Damage on R&D
piniondepartment to
gear of CVT7 to exceptionally
(Grain Growth) high surface pressure caused by a large
Defects occurred due to lack of communication
Pinion gear
Grain growth
Understood how ・Inappropriate heat treatment pattern
High pressure
important grain ・Poor control of metal structure
⇒Gear damage
control is 【JATCO】
・Poor audit
Poor communication
Improvement of product quality by introducing the Quality Design Sheet
torque input. R&D engineers understood the importance of were expanded to include all aspects of concern regarding
crystal grain controlFig.2
as a crucial
を挿入下such さ い。a R&D and manufacturing. It was decided to call items that
risk. However, that information was not correctly conveyed were newly identified as a result of this expansion of areas
to the manufacturing department so the metallographic for identifying risks as quasi-QA characteristics.
structure was not properly controlled by applying an
appropriate heat treatment pattern nor was sufficient care 2) System for promoting recognition of the importance of
taken when conducting a process audit. communication and agreement
In order to avoid quality risks, it is necessary for
2. Aim of QDS and improvement all processes to have the same awareness
JATCO by accurately
Internal 2
Improvement of product quality by introducing the Quality Design Sheet
transition to the manufacturing stage. The QA table to customers. Here, we will explain the role that each
alone was then used in the processes from manufacturing department plays in this process.
This made it possible for all processes to share 3.1 Role and responsibility of R&D department (in blue
quality risks. However, mistakes occurred in transferring framework on left side of Fig. 2)
information to the QA table, and both the QDS and the QA This department identifies the quality risks of all parts,
table were used together at the transition stages from R&D assesses the degree of influence of the risks in terms of
to manufacturing, making it difficult to manage the latest functional characteristics, and determines the categories of
information on quality risks. These and other new issues characteristics according to their level of importance. The
occurred because of double management of the two forms. categories of characteristics are classified into three levels:
Therefore, an improvement was made by combining the QA characteristics, quasi-QA characteristics and general
best points of the QDS and QA table into one integrated characteristics.
form (Fig. 3). How these characteristics are related to risks pertaining
This created a comprehensive QDS that incorporated to the vehicle and the AT/CVT is communicated to
the function of the QA table in a new form. Internally, the the production engineering department along with the
name of this form is officially registered as“QA Table intentions and concerns of the R&D department.
(Quality Design Sheet) , but QDS will be used as the Discussions are held until both the R&D department
unified designation from section 3 below. and the production engineering department are satisfied.
At the stage where an agreement is reached, the production
3. Composition of QDS engineering department signs the agreement column of the
QDS (Red letter in Fig. 2).
Monoz u k u r i m a i n ly c on sist s of t he st ages of
R&D, production engineer ing and manufactur ing. 3.2 Role and responsibility of production engineering
The departments responsible for each stage bear the department (yellow center frame in Fig. 2)
responsibility for delivering products of excellent quality A fter receiving a nd agreeing to the intentions
★ Old QA table ★ Old Quality Design Sheet
Q A 表 (品 質 設 計 書 ): [ ]( プ ロ ジ ェ ク ト コ ー ド ) 様式1
QA 項 目 : (選定:別紙3参照) 機 能区分: 発行 区分:A 発 行区分:B 新 規 性 ラ ン ク :1~5 記録紙
○:QA特性 [A]機能特性 ①重大クレームに結びつく特性 ⑥システム構想DR Safty#2でISO26262要求から ①新規性3点以上の時にDRで決めた特性 故 障 ク ゙ レー ト ゙ 区 分 :A、B、C、D 管理図:「管理図管理運用基準」
△:準QA特性 [S]保安特性 ②重点部品・重点部位の重点特性 決められた特性 ②開発段階で問題となった不具合 「新規性・故障グレード評価マニュアル」 チェックシート:「チェックシート作成運用基準」
③ベース部品でQA特性を持つ部品と同じ部位の同じ特性 ⑦客先組み立て部位の外観特性(エンジン、 ③技術的ネック課題とされる重要な特性(ギアノイズ他)
④重大納入クレーム,市場クレーム等から要求される特性 マウント、クーラーパイプ取付部、センサー取付部等)※ 標準作業書 作業者 の納得度
⑤過去の類似ユニットで発生した不具合について [S]IATF16949で要求されるS特性 「標準作業書作成・運用基準」 「QA特性納得度評価運用要領」
「市場/重大・重要不具合再発防止チェックリスト」 [F]DFMEAで「Q」と指定された特性 プロジェクトコード
から重要と判断される特性 ※客先組み立て部位の図解(別紙5参照)を添付すること 変番(00~)
製品安全の該当項目:(1)機能区分-[S]保安特性 (2)故障グレード区分-A (3)重点部品(重点部品・重点特性取扱い基準(JEM-1-310260-D)の「7.対象重点部品」参照)
外 製部 品
①開発部門 ②購入品品質保証担当部署 ③取引先(「取引先のための品質管理基準」参照)
内 製部 品
発行区分 工程能力
工順 開発⇔生産技術,購入品品証 ・QA特性以外の重要特性が抽出された場合 基準・帳票類との整合性確認 作業者の
変 品質リスク
(内製品/購入品) 合意 ・QA特性としての管理は不適切の場合 (○:完了 -:必要なし) 納得度
更 A B ⇒設計部門へ特性の追加、削除を依頼 Ppk Cpk
部品 故障
履 QA 図示化 機能 新規性
NO ブロック 部品名称 部品番号 生産品質管理特性 特性値 グレード
歴 特性 (済/未) 区分 ランク 内製品 合意先 工 標 <a> <b>
名称 区分 工程上の管理特性値 確認方法 検
記 <a> <b> or ・内製品:部署コード ・部署コード、担当者名 工 程 作 準 記 の の
(規格) ・測定上ポイント 査 量産
特性値の達成が必要な理由 達成できない場合に起こりうる ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ [S] [F] ① ② ③ 購入品 ・購入品:取引先名 (内製部品) 合意 程 管 業 合意 作 録 納 納 VC PT1 PT2 SOP
号 (ユニット内部不具合モード) 不具合現象(車両故障モード) or ・支給品:取引先名 ・取引先名、担当者名
※QA特性値と異なる場合 ・測定箇所,方法
FMEA 理 表
業 紙 得 得
は代用特性値を記入 ・管理上ポイント 格
支給品 (外製部品) 票 書 度 度
製品安全の該当項目:(1)機能区分-[S]保安特性 (2)故障グレード区分-A (3)重点部品(重点部品・重点管理特性取扱い基準 KLX-D-066 8.対象重点部品 参照)
①開発部門 ②購入品品質保証担当部署 ③取引先(「取引先のための品質管理基準」参照)
※客先組み立て部位の図解(別紙2参照)を添付すること 内製部品
②生産部門(技術部署) ④生産部門(製造部署) ⑤生産部門(検査部署)
A: Risk
B: Characteristics/Value JATCO Internal 3
Improvement of product quality by introducing the Quality Design Sheet
and concerns of the R&D department, the production the measurements are concluded (measurement of QA
eng i ne e r i ng d epa r t m ent st ud ie s p r o c e ss d e sig n s characteristics continues until the end of production).
and management methods corresponding to the QA
characteristics, quasi-QA characteristics and general 3.4 Role of corporate quality assurance department (green
characteristics. Management methods are specified peripheral frame in Fig. 2)
according to the respective categories of characteristics. In order to proceed with monozukuri based on the
The production engineering department provides feedback QDS, it is necessary to monitor the overall progress and to
to the R&D department about concerns raised by the promote the smooth transfer of information and agreements
manufacturing department in cases where the methods of between departments.
measuring dimensions or strength are difficult to apply or That is the role of the corporate quality assurance
the values set for characteristics are stricter than before. department. When difficult-to-solve issues occur or
In the course of repeating these studies, the items agreed agreements cannot be reached between departments, the
with the R&D department are incorporated in a process corporate quality assurance department clarifies the factors
failure mode and effects analysis (PFMEA) and reflected in involved and works together with the person in charge of
process designs. In addition, process management aspects each issue to propose methods of promoting solutions; it
with regard to concrete methods of measuring and assuring leads this activity until the issues are closed.
each characteristic are determined, and the intentions and This department assures the quality of products by
concerns of the production engineering department are conducting confirmation activities at various places
communicated to the manufacturing department. throughout the company after issues have been closed at the
The manufacturing department and the production R&D, production engineering and manufacturing stages,
engineering department hold discussions until the former respectively. That is done to confirm that quality is being
understands and accepts the latter s ideas. At the stage assured as agreed by the departments involved and that all
where an agreement is reached, the manufacturing the concerns have been solved, among other things.
department signs the agreement column of the QDS (Red
letter in Fig. 2). 4. Effects of QDS
3.3 Role and responsibility of manufacturing department This section presents specific examples of the effects
(right red frame in Fig. 2) obtained at each stage from the quality improvements made
After receiving and agreeing to the intentions and by using the QDS.
concerns of the production engineering department, the 1) Expansion of the perspective for identifying quality risks
manufacturing department aligns the forms of the former As explained earlier, previously, the R&D department
department, including the PFMEA results, with its own was mainly responsible for identifying quality risks.
forms such as process management charts, work procedure Consequently, quality risks in production engineering and
charts and others. It also evaluates the level of acceptance in manufacturing were not completely identified, and risks
among manufacturing workplace employees and describes appeared after production trials were initiated.
the results on the QDS. The introduction of the QDS provides opportunities for
Moreover, after all the production preparations are the production engineering and manufacturing departments
completed and production trials begin at the plant, the to confirm early on the quality risks identified by the R&D
manufacturing department inspects the values of each department and for both departments to provide feedback to
characteristic using the assurance methods agreed with R&D. Accordingly, quality risks in production engineering
the production engineering department. Manufacturing and manufacturing can now be included from the early
processes and methods are continuously improved until stage of R&D activities.
the process capability for each characteristic satisfies the Moreover, feedback is also possible from the cost
specific standard. It is confirmed that the quality risks planning department, after-sales service department and
communicated by the R&D and production engineering others, enabling risks to be identified that take into account
departments do not occur. cost attainment, field serviceability and other aspects. The
Process capability values are also measured in the expanded perspective for identifying risks has therefore
initial production control phase following the launch of been greatly effective in improving quality.
mass production, the results are recorded on the QDS and
Improvement of product quality by introducing the Quality Design Sheet Fig.4
Part name
No. Model Quality characteristic Reason Possible defects
2) Improvement of understanding and awareness in their employee ID card, enabling them to confirm risks at
manufacturing workplaces through communication of any time. This activity has heightened all the employees’
information and agreements awareness of quality and has served to improve quality
Quality risks are now communicated from the R&D significantly.
department to the production engineering and manufacturing It has also enabled preceding and following processes
departments in the early stages of R&D for the purpose of to thoroughly discuss quality risks that might occur
reaching agreements on the items, categories and values of and to reach agreements on their respective roles and
characteristics. As a result, the production engineering and measures for solving them. That has worked to heighten
manufacturing departments can now provide feedback to the awareness of responsibilities in each process. For example,
R&D department approximately one year earlier than before. responsibilities are handed off to the next process like
In addition, the R&D department now explains the a baton in a relay race, so the locus of responsibility is
meaning and importance of the values of the various clearly defined. Not only the R&D, production engineering
characteristics directly to the production engineering and manufacturing departments, but also other related
a nd ma nu fact u r i ng depa r t ment s. T h is el i m i nat es departments are able to become involved in resolving issues
any discrepancies between them and has improved while cooperating constructively.
understanding on the part of the production engineering It has also led to more active daily communication not
and manufacturing departments and raised awareness of only about items on the QDS, but also about the production
the importance of workplace management. schedule, costs and other work procedures. Thus, it also has
An activity undertaken to improve quality at JATCO a secondary effect of enabling smooth consultations.
MEXICO S.A.DE C.V. is explained here as one example.
After receiving a detailed explanation of quality risks 3) Visualization of the whole picture and progress of quality
from the R&D department, the production engineering risks
and manufacturing departments created a quality risk card Information is entered on the QDS from left to right
(Fig. 4) based on the QDS. This card has made it possible as a project proceeds, making it easy to see the progress
for employees to know at a glance what types of risks might being made in dealing with each issue. It is now possible
occur in the event that the processes they are responsible to understand at a glance at which stage and in what way
for do not satisfy the required characteristics. Employees quality has been assured against the risks identified by the
always carry this quality risk card around together with R&D department.
Improvement of product quality by introducing the Quality Design Sheet
As a result, the whole picture of which specific parts Persons responsible for these issues were determined
are unfinished in which processes can now be seen, and working groups were formed to solve them. The
enabling action to be taken immediately. This includes results of studies undertaken by the working groups were
dealing with tiny issues that tend to be obscured by much incorporated in criteria for applying the QDS and in other
larger ones and avoiding putting off action on risks deemed related standards and are already being put to practical use.
to have a low rate of occurrence, as well as matters lacking They will also be reflected in new projects in the future.
an agreement such as the values of characteristics, methods
of assuring quality and process capabilities not yet attained. 2) Company-wide penetration including overseas production
plants and suppliers
5. Future efforts Regular meetings and educational activities are
continuously being undertaken so that overseas production
We want to undertake efforts to deal with the following plants and suppliers also understand the importance and
two points as specific issues. practical application methods of the QDS. It is also planned
1) Incorporating this process in related departments and to include explanations of the QDS in new employee
continuous improvement training programs so as to improve quality awareness on a
The corporate quality assurance department regularly company-wide basis.
holds meetings to explain the QDS to related internal
departments and suppliers for the purpose of promoting the 6. Conclusion
penetration of the QDS. Questions and opinions expressed
at such meetings are gathered for promoting further As explained here, the QDS is a tool for smoothly
improvements. connecting the entirety of monozukuri from the most
A company-wide improvement activity was launched upstream process to the final process. It contributes to
in fiscal 2019 in which efforts were undertaken to improving quality by strengthening the ties between the R&D,
improve the R&D process and manufacturing process in production engineering and manufacturing departments.
cooperation with related departments. This activity revealed The products to which the QDS has been applied in
certain problems in the operation of the QDS as well as R&D and manufacturing processes have attained even
many points requiring improvement, which have been better quality, confirming that this tool has produced
consolidated into the following six issues. significant results. The corporate quality assurance
(1) Reduction of variation in the extraction level of department naturally takes measures against issues that
quality risks occur in the process of creating the QDS. It is also actively
(2) Clearly defining the methods for validating involved in dealing with any issues that occur as the various
characteristics and their values departments proceed with their studies. Not only does
(3) Method of agreeing on how to classify the categories it create standards for the QDS, it also works vigorously
of characteristics to help with the revision of standards issued by each
(4) Clearly defining the rules for issuing standards department.
(5) Method of agreeing on process management Going forward, we aim to further improve quality by
characteristics and quality assurance procedures penetrating the QDS thoroughly throughout the company.
(6) Penetration of rules for deploying the results of
identifying process capabilities
■ Authors ■
Technical Report
The model cycle of JATCO s transmissions has been shortened in recent years in order to cope with rapid changes in customers
vehicle requirements and in the environment surrounding vehicles. Consequently, it has been necessary to shorten the period for
verifying the real-world quality of our new products and ones that incorporate new technologies. We have so been investigating
high-mileage transmissions recovered from customers. However, that method alone requires considerable time to verify the real-
world quality of our products in the field. Consequently, it has become necessary to recover high-mileage products more quickly
in order to cope with the need for a shorter model cycle.
To ensure that we supply products that satisfy customers, it is absolutely essential to eliminate any dissatisfaction with
the transmission perceived by customers while driving. Toward that end, we initiated an activity to install our new products
and ones featuring new technologies in vehicles that undergo high-mileage driving in a short period of time in real-world
environments. This approach enables quicker verification of product quality in the field than the previous method. Data
are constantly collected during driving in a wide range of environments and situations for subsequent analysis, enabling
confirmation of the degree of customer satisfaction with the transmission and the occurrence of high input loads that might lead
to transmission failure. This article describes the market fleet activity that enables high-mileage driving in the real world in a
short period of time and presents typical results obtained with this method.
Global market
General user
5 - 6 years
〇〇〇〇〇 miles
Highway Suburban
City Mountain
Market fleet
About 1 year
〇〇〇〇〇 miles
Accelerated product quality verification through real-world high-mileage driving in a short period of time
order to cope with the shorter model cycle, it has become highways, mountain roads and others so as to reproduce the
necessary to recover high-mileage products in a shorter driving environments and ways of driving vehicles actually
period of time and to provide immediate feedback. experienced by customers. This approach achieves highly
Moreover, what drivers demand of transmissions accurate verification of product quality in the field (Fig. 1
while driving has also become more rigorous owing to and Table 1).
diversification of driving environments and the ways In addition, data on the vehicle and transmission are
vehicles are being driven nowadays. To solve these issues, constantly collected during driving for subsequent analysis.
we decided to initiate a market fleet activity in order to This enables verification of the accuracy of the input loads
recover and investigate high-mileage transmissions quicker that were assumed in the product development process.
than with the previous method and thereby accelerate The transmissions of market fleet vehicles that have
verification of product quality in the field. reached the mileage target are then recovered from the
field, disassembled and analyzed. If the results show
2. Overview of market fleet activity and driving conditions that the component parts have deteriorated more than
was expected or reveal deterioration suggestive of a
This section gives an overview of the market fleet potential cause of a failure, the input loads inducing such
activity and the driving conditions. Market fleet refers to a deterioration are analyzed based on the driving data
method of shortening the period for recovering high-mileage recorded for the vehicle and transmission. This makes it
transmissions by having a staff of local professionals drive possible to verify the progression of such deterioration and
fleet cars approximately 500-1,000 km a day. In this way, to make improvements so as to prevent potential problems.
the high mileage that ordinary users would accumulate in Fleet vehicle drivers are also asked to comment on
5-6 years can be reached in approximately one year. vehicle behavior from a customer s perspective. Vehicle
The routes driven include city roads, suburban roads, operating conditions relevant to their comments are
analysis Judgment
Fleet driving
Data logger Driving
data Data ! Other issue
server Detection CVT issue
CVT issue
Driver OK
Extraction of OK or
comments Not OK
Not OK
Known Known
Data visual check or
Unsettled issue
Accelerated product quality verification through real-world high-mileage driving in a short period of time
Settled issues
Other issues CVT issues
39 28
Fig. 4 Analysis results for drivers comments (example for one vehicle)
analyzed based on vehicle and transmission data. This All the data collected during driving pertaining to the
enables comments concerning the transmission to be vehicle, location and mileage target were automatically
separated from others pertaining to the vehicle itself. analyzed and also analyzed in detail. The results showed
Comments can thus be divided into those at a level that there were no high input loads to the transmission
that customers might perceive as unsatisfactory vehicle as described in the following example. The automatic
behavior, already known phenomena that are not a problem, analysis system detected approximately 4,000 cases of data
and unknown phenomena for which improvement is suspected of indicating high input loads that might lead
necessary, among others. This leads to the development and to acceleration failure or inability to drive. However, the
manufacturing of products satisfactory to customers (Fig. 2). results of the detailed analysis revealed that there was no
problem with regard to any of the data (Fig. 3).
3. Results of market fleet implementation
3.2 Analysis results for drivers comments
3.1 Results of automatic analysis of driving data Concerns expressed by the f leet vehicle drivers
Data on the vehicle and transmission collected during about vehicle behavior from a customer s perspective
driving are analyzed by an automatic analysis system. This were analyzed and the results revealed that there were
enhances detection sensitivity for extracting data without no unknown phenomena requiring improvement. As one
omitting or overlooking anything with respect to high example, there were 28 cases of concern about the shifting
input loads that might cause a transmission to fail during of the transmission and other aspects. However, as a result
customer use. The staff then analyze the extracted data in of comparing the drivers comments with the phenomena
detail in order to judge whether or not high input loads were in question, it was found that all cases involved known
actually applied. phenomena that did not require any improvement (Fig. 4).
Accelerated product quality verification through real-world high-mileage driving in a short period of time
3.3 Results of disassembly and inspection Accordingly, the market fleet activity described here is
Transmissions were recovered from vehicles that an extremely effective method of assuring product quality
reached the mileage ta rget in each region and the in the real world.
degree of deterioration was confirmed quantitatively by
disassembling the units for a visual inspection and precision
measurements. The results of the visual inspection of
the appearance of disassembled parts confirmed that the
gears, clutches and other components were not broken or
damaged. No deterioration was found that would lead to
transmission failure (Fig. 5).
Precision measurements were made of wear and other
conditions. The data were compared with the results of
previous investigations of high-mileage transmissions
recovered from the field. It was confirmed that there was
no abnormal deterioration (Fig. 6). Fig. 5 Disassembly and visual confirmation
As described here, for transmissions that completed the
mileage target without any problem, the level of deterioration
of the component parts was within the expected range.
There were no signs of anything that might become the
cause of transmission failure. The results thus verified that
the investigated transmissions possessed sufficiently high
quality for high-mileage driving in the real world.
4. Conclusion
■ Authors ■
Introduction on Products
The Jatco CVT7 (JF015E) is equipped on the new-generation XM3 that Renault Samsung Motors Co., Ltd. released in South
Korea in March 2020. Mated to Renault Samsung s third-generation 1.6L 4-cylinder engine, the JF015E is distinguished by
low friction and wide ratio coverage achieved with its auxiliary transmission. In addition, a thorough review of the control
system has contributed to outstanding fuel economy and driveability. A notable feature of the XM3 is the application of a
new electrical/electronic (E/E) architecture shared by Renault and Nissan. The JF015E has been optimally tuned to match the
crossover vehicle concept that reflects the needs of the South Korean market. As a result, the XM3 delivers both the dynamic
performance of an SUV and the interior quietness of a sedan, making the vehicle highly popular with customers.
Introduction on Products
The Jatco CVT7 (JF015E) is equipped on the new-generation Nissan Magnite that Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. released in India in
December 2020. The JF015E is distinguished by wide ratio coverage achieved with its auxiliary transmission and low friction.
These features combine with a 1.0L 3-cylinder turbo engine to provide improved driveability, including launch and acceleration
performance with excellent response, along with class-leading fuel economy and compliance with India s Bharat Stage VI-1
exhaust emissions standards.
Nissan Magnite
Introduction on Products
The Jatco CVT8 (JF016E) is equipped on the new-generation Rogue that Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. released in North America
in October 2020 for the 2021 model year. The JF016E incorporates a newly designed control valve that dramatically improves
shift response and also further reduces friction. These improvements help to elicit the full performance of the newly developed
PR25 engine and contribute to improved power performance, an enhanced feeling of driveability and higher fuel economy. The
adoption of shift-by-wire also contributes to improved interior roominess.
Nissan Rogue
Introduction on Products
The Jatco CVT7 (JF015E) is installed on the Changan EADO PLUS that Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. released in China
in September 2020. This marks the first application of a JATCO CVT on Changan vehicles. The combination of the JF015E,
featuring wide ratio coverage thanks to its auxiliary transmission, and Changans Bluecore 1.6L GDI 4-cylinder engine delivers
high fuel economy. Moreover, the JF015E provides the smooth driveability that distinguishes a CVT as well as dynamic driving
performance achieved with its 8-speed manual shift mode, qualities that are highly popular with customers.
Highlights of 2020
Two technical presentations in total were given at A ceremony to celebrate JATCO s 50th anniversary was
the annual spring and autumn conferences sponsored by held on January 28 at Fujisanmesse in the city of Fuji, where
the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers (KSAE). the company originated and the headquarters is still located
Owing to the impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic, today. Approximately 2,000 people, including present and
the annual spring conference was convened from July 1-4, former employees and other related persons, attended the
approximately one month later than the original schedule. ceremony to mark the half-century since Japan Automatic
An employee of JATCO Korea Engineering Corporation Transmission Co., Ltd. was founded in January 1970. Four
presented a technical paper entitled,“Development of a representative company officers gave presentations about
Continuously Variable Transmission without electric oil JATCO s history and future. Following an opening message
pump for Start and stop system,”in which he explained by President Teruaki Nakatsuka, historical talks were
start-stop coasting. At the annual autumn conference given by successive presidents and the current chairman.
that was held from November 18-21, a JATCO Korea In addition, Yoshikatsu Kawaguchi, a native of Fuji and the
Engineering Corporation employee presented a technical former goalkeeper of Japan s national soccer team, gave a
paper entitled,“A Study on Bolt Fastening Structure for message to JATCO about going forward toward the future
Plastic Valve Body of CVT,”in which he explained a new based on his own personal experience. After the conclusion
bolt fastening structure designed for plastic valve bodies. of a gigantic balloon relay in which everyone participated,
JATCO s new employees made a powerful declaration for
the future, and the ceremony closed with a commemorative
photograph of all the attendees.
Highlights of 2020
Highlights of 2020
Highlights of 2020
(Fig. 1)
Application Number : 2015-63701
Application Date : 26.3,2015
Patent Number : 6381469
Registration Date : 10.8,2018
Title : OIL PUMP
Inventors : Atsuyuki Ide
発行人 (Issuer)
大 曽 根 竜 也 VP
Tatsuya OSONE Vice President
日 比 利 文 イノベーション技術開発部 矢 部 康 志 グローバル広報部
Innovative Technology
Toshifumi HIBI Yasushi YABE Global Communications Department
Development Department
杉 本 正 毅 技術統括部 鈴 木 義 友 技術統括部
Masaki SUGIMOTO Engineering Management Department Yoshitomo SUZUKI Engineering Management Department
道 岡 浩 文 開発部門 荒 巻 孝 開発部門
Hirofumi MICHIOKA R&D Division Takashi ARAMAKI R&D Division
梅 里 和 生 開発部門 疋 田 義 人 調達管理部
Kazuo UMESATO R&D Division Yoshito HIKIDA Purchasing Administration Department
中 野 晴 久 コーポレート品質保証部 大 石 公 崇 法務知財部
Haruhisa NAKANO Corporate Quality Assurance Department Kimitaka OOISHI Legal & Intellectual Property Department
西 村 美 穂 グローバル広報部
Miho NISHIMURA Global Communications Department
© 禁無断転載
発 行 2021 年 3 月 March, 2021
発 行 所 ジヤトコ株式会社 Distributor Global Communications Department
グローバル広報部 JATCO Ltd
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静岡県富士市今泉 700-1 417-8585, Japan
T E L: 0545-51-0368
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