SP 1131 Rv.7
SP 1131 Rv.7
SP 1131 Rv.7
Document ID SP-1131
Security Restricted
Owner UEA
Revision 7.0
This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor any part of this document
may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 7.0
Effective: Nov-2020
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Effective: Nov-2020
II Revision History
The following are brief revision summary of this document. Details of all revisions prior to these
are held on file by the issuing department.
Revision 6.0 Apr-18 Kingsley Chime Maulana, Andre CTP34 Brockman, Anna Updated to
UEOI41 Chukwuma, Chinonso UOP21; incorporate
UEOI12 Patrick Liesker outcome of FRD2,
Morowei, Ebikpogba UEP5; Bulushi, address EORD
UEOI23 Yousuf UOI1; delivery, Tier1
Parthasarathy, Yahyaee, Ali UOI2; Dependency
Veeraraghavan UEOI14 Campbell, Ian Matrix and PLIP
Mistry, Daxesh UEOI13 UOP6 doctype
Paramasivan, Suresh rationalization
Kumar UEOI15
Patel, Amitkumar UEOI46;
Bhayani, Kaushikkumar
UEOI43; Lawatia, Ali
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Effective: Nov-2020
I Authorized For Issue – November 2020............................................................................ 2
II Revision History ................................................................................................................... 3
1 NTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Changes to this Specification ......................................................................................... 6
1.3 Step-out Approval ................................................................................................................ 6
1.4 Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 7
1.6 Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................... 7
1.7 Related CMF Business Control Documents ............................................................. 8
2 GENERAL REQUIREMENT ...................................................................................................... 9
3 PROJECT HANDOVER DELIVERABLES REQUIREMENT ......................................10
3.1 Master Information Deliverables ..................................................................................10
3.2 Critical Documents & Data .............................................................................................10
3.3 Manufacturers (Vendor) Record Book (MRB) ........................................................10
3.4 Plant Operating Manual ..................................................................................................12
3.5 Completion Dossiers ........................................................................................................13
3.6 Project Change Control ...................................................................................................14
3.7 Document Classification .................................................................................................14
3.8 Information Storage and Archiving .............................................................................14
3.9 Master Information Retrieval and Control ................................................................14
3.10 Pre-Start-up Audit (PSUA) Documentation .............................................................14
3.11 As-Building and TA Approval ........................................................................................14
3.12 Quality Assurance .............................................................................................................15
3.13 IM Kick-off Form .................................................................................................................15
3.14 Engineering and Operations Reference Document (EORD) ...........................15
3.15 Early Tie-in/Scope Handover ........................................................................................15
3.16 Critical Documentation Modification Dependency ................................................16
4 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.......................................................................................... 5
4.1 Project Engineer/Manager ............................................................................................... 5
4.2 Project Discipline Engineer .............................................................................................. 5
4.3 IM Delivery Lead .................................................................................................................. 5
4.4 Contractor ............................................................................................................................... 5
5 PLIP TEMPLATE DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................... 3
6 NAMES OF DISCIPLINE SUPPORT ENGINEER ............................................................ 6
7 APPENDICES .................................................................................................................................. 8
7.1 APPENDIX 1: Plant Lifecycle Information Plan (PLIP Template) .................... 8
7.2 Appendix 2: MRB Document Type Handover Format Definition ...................... 8
7.3 Appendix 3: IM Kick-off Form ......................................................................................... 8
7.4 Appendix 4: User Feedback Form ................................................................................ 8
7.5 Appendix 5: MRB Document/Drawing Hanover ...................................................... 8
7.6 Appendix 6: MRB File Handover Template ............................................................... 8
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Project records, documents, drawings and business process data (for CIMS, SAP, EDW, etc), are critical
to safe Operation and Maintenance of PDO’s Assets. This document brings the deliverable requirements
for Asset Lifecycle Information Management into one place. It is applicable for all PDO assets and
projects no matter which contracting strategy is pursued.
The Plant Lifecycle Information Plan (PLIP) is the standard PDO document reference library that
describes ‘What’ information shall be developed by a project and their distribution. It contains generic
listing of Information deliverables requirements (drawing, data, records and documents) to be developed
during project, and which to be handed over to support Operations. It provides means of ensuring
deliverables completeness of all Critical Documentation that are essential for Asset Operations lifecycle
as required in CP-115.
1.1 Purpose
Every new or modified Asset will either produce new information deliverables or modify existing ones.
The purpose of this specification is to specify information requirements (records, drawings, business
process data and documents), that may be developed or modified and delivered at the end of a project.
It shall be used to set project deliverable expectation in SELECT (Basis for Design), DEFINE (FEED),
EXECUTE (Detailed Design and Construction) and OPERATE (modifications) phases.
The PCAP (DCAF) deliverables requirement is mapped in the PLIP so that it serves as the primary
source of information deliverables that shall be scaled by the project delivery team to produce a project
specific DDR.
This requirements is aligned with DEP Engineering Information Specification (EIS),
section 3.3 Classification of Documents.
1.2 Changes to this Specification
The Owner of this document is the CFDH, Engineering and Operations Data Management and the
custodian is the Head of Business Improvement (UOI4). Users of this Document who identify inaccuracy
or ambiguity should utilize the “User Feedback Page” provided in the Appendix 4 to notify the Custodian
or his/her delegate, and request changes be initiated.
1.3 Step-out Approval
Should compliance be considered inappropriate, then step out approval must be obtained from the
Document Custodian in accordance with approved Change Control system prior to any changes or
activities associated with the specification being carried out.
1.4 Scope
The reference Information set contained in appendix 1 is a generic list of Information requirements from
which a project specific DDR shall be developed. The PLIP template readily filters into PDO deliverables
distribution requirement (DDM), final handover deliverables, and Critical Documentation requirement
(required for Operating Integrity).
All Operations activities that change the plant shall also modify corresponding Information in line with the
modification Dependency Matrix of section 3.15 to reflect the change. The "default values" in the template
came originally from 3 sources:
Reference tables in DEP Engineering Information Specifications,
Data from previous projects
Existing discipline documents
These have been validated by the respective discipline CFDHs.
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1.5 Definitions
Deliverable(s) Product(s) of an activity (ies) or undertaking(s). The product can be a
document, data, drawing, record or just an activity.
DCAF Discipline Control and Assurance Framework: specifies the TA level
required to review and approve discipline control deliverables.
Electronic Electronic file created by scanning or direct rendition through software.
Document Manuals, drawing, reports, datasheet, etc
Information Documents, 3D Model, Engineering Data and Business process data
deliverables (E-SPIR; SAP-PM, CIMS, EDW, etc)
IM Kickoff Form Template populated to request existing data to be issued for a project
work. It contains concurrent modification and dependency declaration
by the PE.
Livelink PDO corporate EDMS.
Compound Multiple files (maybe containing independent files), which are delivered
Document as a single document, e.g. MRBs
Contractor A party to a Contract with PDO.
1.6 Abbreviations
AFC Approved for Construction
AFD Approved for Design
AIC Asset Information Center
AI-PSM Asset Integrity – Process Safety Management
CCMS Certification and Completion Management System
CMMS Computerized Maintenance Management System
DDR Document Deliverables Register
DDM Document Distribution Matrix
EDS Engineering Design System
EDMS Electronic Document Management System
EIS Engineering Information Specification
EOIM Engineering and Operations Information Management
FCP Facility Change Proposal
IFR Issued for Review
IM Information Management
IOM Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
ITT Invitation To Tender
MRB Manufacturers Record Book
PCAP Project Control and Assurance Plan
PCC Project Close-out Certificate
PE Project Engineer
PLIP Plant Lifecycle Information Plan
PLN SP-2065 document status that indicates a document is planned for
development in project, will change to IFR document is created.
SoF Statement of Fitness
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Plant Lifecycle Information Plan (PLIP) appendix 1 is the PDO’s information reference library (document,
drawings and data) of all information that could be generated in projects. It shall be referenced by project
delivery team to select information deliverables scope for the project. The deliverables selected becomes
the project specific DDR.
The PLIP has predefined distribution list for each deliverable, which may be customized for a project
specific scope. The project shall produce a project specific DDM from the predefined list in PLIP.
The project engineer/manager shall notify the IM team, with the discipline resources, who will carry out
the discipline review/approval and the IM team will update DDM.
The project will develop/modify deliverables in line with PR-1666 - Engineering and Operations
Document, Drawing and Data Control Procedure, and on completion of project, handover the IM
deliverables electronically to the project IM focal point.
The project shall follow SP-2122: E&O IM Specifications, for deliverables handover and assurance
requirements. The IM team shall deliver the Business process data to application owners for publishing
as required by SP-2142: Engineering Project Data Specification.
The project IM team shall follow PR-1150: Project Close-out Procedure for a successful IM deliverables
handover and closeout.
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POM Addendum: For On plot Brownfield project outside the current Plot Plan, for example adding a
Greenfield facility, which belongs to the overall Plant Operation, addendum to existing iPOM shall be
created in line with SP 1074. For example RMS, Test Separators, Remote Manifold, etc; POM numbering
shall be as shown below:
Main iPOM MAR-24-104332-OA-4811-00001-0000
POM Input File MAR-24-104332-OA-4811-00002-0000
PRODUCTION STATION PLAN (Installation of Gas Compressor)
POM Input File MAR-24-104332-OA-4811-00003-0000
PRODUCTION STATION PLAN (Flare Ignition Improvement)
POM Addendum MAR-24-104332-OA-4811-00004-0000
STATION PLAN (Installation of Test Separator)
POM Input File MAR-24-104332-OA-4811-00005-0000
PRODUCTION STATION PLAN (16” Piping Bypass installation)
POM Addendum MAR-24-104332-OA-4811-00006-0000
STATION PLAN (Installation of Remote Manifold System)
The POM Input File or POM Addendum created in project shall be delivered and accessible to Field
Operations staff as part of RFSU documents, before SoF will be signed.
PDO approach to POM Sustainability is to maintain the POM real-time with Plant modification, such that
changes to Plant is incorporated directly in the Main POM. The concept presented above is best
scenario, the discipline TA discretion will be required to determine approach when below cases are
presented in Plant modification:
BGS with infill RGMS outside the Plot Plan may not require a new iPOM as it has several inter
references with the BGS hence POM Input File approach will be considered
Adding a new flare by extending the plot should not call for new iPOM Addendum
Adding ANR MGI facility should not call for new iPOM but to be part of same iPOM.. Please
consider this examples and justifications.
3.5 Completion Dossiers
On completion of the construction, pre-commissioning / commissioning and handover of the project, all
Construction, Fabrication and Commissioning deliverables (CCMS punch lists, check sheets, test sheets,
quality dossier, handover certificates, etc), associated with works on the facilities shall be assembled,
delivered and archived electronically in AIC, in the appropriate work parks. The work packs shall be
signed off by all parties as detailed on the individual sheets and certificates. For more details refer to:
SP-2113: Specification for Commissioning and Start-Up (Key Principles)
PR-2366: Project Certification and Completion Management
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At the end of commissioning, the RLMU drawings shall be signed by both the contractor and the PDO
commissioning engineer (or representative at site), to confirm consistency of RLMU with the actual
constructed work, refer to PR-1666.
During projects, information deliverables scope shall be selected from the PLIP of appendix 1, confirmed
at project initiation, and included as part project deliverable scope in the DDR.
3.15 Early Tie-in/Scope Handover
When a project needs to deliver and put in Operations, part of the overall scope like early Tie-in scope,
etc, they shall also deliver associated handover information. Where any of the information delivered from
the early scope is required to continue the project work, they shall retrieve it from AIC for reference and
Reserve/checkout for As-Building accordingly.
When early scope delivery is identified, a ePAD-RAMZ subproject ID shall be created to support:
Delivery of information deliverables associated with the scope to AIC
ePAD-AutoPCC deliverables approval and closeout of early scope
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For example, a project modification that changes existing asset documentation like PEFS shall evaluate
other existing documentation for impact (HAZOP Report, Operation HSSE Case, MRB, POM
Safeguarding Memorandum, Variable Table, etc), in line with the Dependency Matrix below (even with no
impact). The IM Delivery team will verify compliance as part of Information Deliverables Handover
Assurance Review.
Where change impacted the following information deliverables: HAZOP Report, POM, and Safeguarding
Memorandum, the master file shall be retrieved from AIC and updated directly, as part of the project
delivery activities. Addendum shall not be generated in line with section 3.4.1 and agreed with OR focal
point in project, addendum numbering will be same with main On-Plot master POM as shown below:
STATION PLAN (Installation of Gas Compressor)
Follow PR-1666: Engineering and Operations Document, Drawing and Data Control procedure during
Information development, modification or field hardcopy management.
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Lighting Lay-out(emergency)
Arrangement Drawings
Operations Philosophy
No. Change Driver: DCAF Discipline
1 Control System Block Diagrams 0901 IN - Instrumentation. D x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Functional Logic diagrams (DCS and
IN - Instrumentation. x D x x x x x x x x x x x
2 Safeguarding) 4780
Telecommunications General Arrangement
TA - Telecommunication D x x x x
3 Diagrams 4018
4 Instrument cable terminations 8804 IN - Instrumentation. x x D x x x x x x
5 Instrument Signal Loop Diagrams 2347 IN - Instrumentation. x x x D x x x x x
Panel Lay-outs (alarm display and F&G
IN - Instrumentation. x x x x D x X x x x
6 detection display) 4024
Earthing General Arrangement Diagrams
x X D x x x x x x x x
7 (Power and Instruments) 8809 EA - Electrical.
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Ensure adequate internal checking and approval of information before delivering to PDO.
Deliver information deliverables to IM Delivery Lead as contained in DDR.
Ensure that where project modifies existing asset documentation like PEFS, the impact on
other existing documentation is assessed in line with the modification dependency matrix
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Additional description of document types No action
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Document Security Classification per PDO guidelines Discipline Lead to verify the
SECURITY_CLASSIFICATION (Unrestricted, Restricted, Confidential, Most Confidential) --- default value (specified by IM
various handling procedures are required team).
Related objects of the Document to facilitate navigation from the
Discipline Lead to verify the
object to the documents. An object can be an Asset type (in
RELATED_OBJECTS default value (specified by IM
Plant Asset Hierarchy --- Site, Plant, Process_Unit, Equipment,
Tag, Model_Parts) or other Document such as a Purchase Order.
Format of the Information (Document or Data) to be delivered Discipline Lead to verify the
BASIC DURING_PROJECT_FORMAT during the project for eview/approval/information (Paper, MS default value (specified by IM
DOCUMENT Word, MS Excel, MS Access, Adobe Acrobat, AutoCAD, etc.) team).
PROPERTIES Format of the Information (Document or Data) to be delivered Discipline Lead to verify the
AFTER_PROJECT_FORMAT during handover to Operation (Paper, MS Word, MS Excel, MS default value (specified by IM
Access, Adobe Acrobat, AutoCAD, etc.) team).
With respect to project scope, identify from the Critical
REQUIRE_FIELD_CONTROLLE PE verifies from Operations,
Documentation list of CP-115, which Information is required to be
D_HARDCOPY default values (Yes or No).
physically available in the field for Operations of the facility.
Categorization/value of the Information (Document or Data) for Discipline Lead to verify the
AFTER_PROJECT_CATEGORY PDO after handover from project to operation (Essential, Legal, default value (specified by IM
Desirable) --- different requirements on repository and retention team).
Discipline Lead to verify the
Based on PDO document group retention guidelines (asset life, 2
RETENTION_PERIOD default value (specified by IM
yrs, etc).
Critical Information (document and data) deliverables as defined Discipline Lead to verify the
CRITICAL_ DOCUMENTATION in CP-115: Operation of Surface Product Flow Asset. This is default value (specified by IM
the minimum deliverables that is required for Operating Integrity. Team).
Discipline Lead to verify the
Document is a deliverable of PCAP (Project Control and
DCAF Control (Identification default value (specified by IM
Assurance Plan). Those "Yes" deliverables subject to PCAP
DOCUMENT Number) team) against the latest signed
PCAP-discipline list.
(SELECT) REQ_FOR_ Will the Information (documents & data) be delivered as part of Discipline Lead to verify the
REQUIRED CONCEPT SELECTION the concept selection? default values (Yes or No).
(DEFINE) REQ_FOR_ PROJECT Will the Information (documents & data) be delivered as part of Discipline Lead to verify the
PHASE _ SPECIFICATION/FEED the project specification package (FEED)? default values (Yes or No).
Will the Information (documents & data) be delivered as part of Discipline Lead to verify the
the detailed design package? default values (Yes or No).
(OPERATE) REQ_FOR_ PSUA_ Will the Information (documents & data) be required to support Discipline Lead to verify the
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COMMISIONING AND RFSU PSUA, Pre-commissioning and Commissioning/Start-up default values (Yes or No).
(Flawless start-up initiative)?
REQUIRED_FOR_FINAL_HAND Will the Information (documents & data) be required as part of the Discipline Lead to verify the
OVER handover package to PDO? default values (Yes or No).
Will the Information (documents & data) deliver as As-built (ASB) Discipline Lead to verify the
or Certified FINAL (revision of information not requiring As- default values (ASB, FINAL or
Building)? If value is no, then information not required. No).
This field was left blank to allow project customization in line with
project strategy. It should be populated as part of MDR
REQUIRE_PDO_REVIEW/APPR development, to capture PDO's review requirements on Discipline Lead to specify or
OVAL documents produced by others (contractor / suppliers) per the verify the default values.
Document Type: IFR=Issue For Review; IFA=Issue For
Approval; IFI=Issue For Information; No=No review required.
Resource typically a
Highlights document types in which RLMUs may be generated. At
commissioning Engineer but
the end of project, PDO focal point shall check As-Built produced
OTHERS FINAL RED-LINE CHECKING the Project Engineer to agree
against “RLMU”, to confirm that As-Built produced is a true
resource with Operations if
reflection of constructed works.
Who is the final owner/status of the deliverable after handover?
Typically, ownership of Critical Documentations is with the Asset Discipline Lead to specify or
Manager, while other deliverables are stored electronically in a verify the default values.
secured EDMS location for future reference.
COMMENT General comments from IM team or Discipline Lead
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LA Pipelines Line pipe, stability, hydraulics, installation, commissioning.
MP Piping Pipe, flanges, fittings, valves, pipe supports, stress analysis.
MH HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning.
MR Rotating Equipment Compressors, pumps turbines, etc.
MS Mechanical - Static Vessels, furnaces, boilers, tanks, etc.
MX Mechanical Other Use only when the other Mechanical disciplines cannot be used (i.e.
not HVAC, Mechanical - Static, Piping, Rotating Equipment)
NA Engineering The branch of engineering that deals with equipment reliability.
OA Operations Surface Readiness for production, marine, subsea, logistics, supply base,
Production. shutdown, etc.
PX Process Other Use only when the other Process disciplines cannot be used (i.e. not
Fluid Flow and Assurance, Process Operational Turnaround Support,
Process Technology)
QA Quality Assurance Includes formal review of designs, problem identification, corrective
actions to remedy any deficiencies and evaluation of actions taken.
RA Materials and Materials, corrosion and coating issues across multiple disciplines.
TA Telecommunication Radio communication, satellite and Cable communication, etc.
VA Contracting and Everything related to procurement and contracting documentation
ZT Production Everything related to Production Technology
ZP Petrophysics. Everything related to Petrophysics
ZR Reservoir Everything related to Reservoir Engineering
ZV Vendor All equipment deliverables
ZW Well Engineering Everything related to oil and gas wells.
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7.1 APPENDIX 1: Plant Lifecycle Information Plan (PLIP Template)
7.2 Appendix 2: MRB Document Type Handover Format Definition
7.3 Appendix 3: IM Kick-off Form
7.4 Appendix 4: User Feedback Form
7.5 Appendix 5: MRB Document/Drawing Hanover
7.6 Appendix 6: MRB File Handover Template
7.7 Appendix 7: MRB Quality Check List (QC)
7.8 Appendix 8: MRB Delivery SOP
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