DNV GL-ST-F101 Combined Loading Criterion
DNV GL-ST-F101 Combined Loading Criterion
DNV GL-ST-F101 Combined Loading Criterion
June 19-24, 2016, Busan, South Korea
b bursting
c compressive
E Equivalent (von Mises) stress
Effective force The externally applied force, see S
h hoop
Local buckling “Buckling mode confined to a short length
l longitudinal
of the pipeline causing gross changes of the
m mean/middle
cross section; collapse, localized wall
p plastic
wrinkling and kinking are examples
r radial
thereof”. (DNV-OS-F101)
t tension
Pipe wall force, The integrated axial stress at a cross section,
y yield
see S. Also referred to as True force.
Specified Minimum Yield stress, fy as per DNV-OS-F101
The DNV pipeline code was a pioneer introducing the limit
A Cross sectional area
state based design for pipelines in 1996 [3]. The concept
As Cross sectional steel area,
implies that the object to be designed is checked versus relevant
failure modes and was not new as such, as it had been used for
D Nominal outside diameter
structural design of other objects for many years. Not only the
Mp Plastic moment capacity
limit state concept was new to pipeline design but also the use
= Dm ⋅ t ⋅ f y
of reliability based safety factors. The calibration of the safety
N Pipe wall force, or true force factors had been enabled through the SUPERB project where
qh Hoop stress to yield ratio
In the derivation of the combined loading criterion, the Figure 1 further illustrates that internal over pressure increase
following steps were performed. the deformation capacity (i.e. curvature) even if the moment
- Validate a FE model versus tests capacity is reduced.
- Use the FE model to establish a database of results
- Develop an analytical basis for the failure mode
- Adjust the analytical basis with the FE-database
results to derive the final criterion.
These will all be touched upon on in the paper while the main
focus will be on the analytical basis, adjusted for FE-results.
The comparison with the FE results is given in Fyrileiv [2].
4 f y
2 4 2 3 σ h
Aσ ⋅ f y ⋅ 1 − 4 ⋅ f
Bending stress The two terms in the numerator is the definition of the
In the following, a fully plastified cross section is effective axial force, S! By introduction of this effective force,
considered, see Figure 2. The compressive and tension yield the expression will be simplified. By also introducing the
stress will be given by the equation above. Assume that one plastic axial capacity, Sp, the formulation reads:
part yields in compression and one in tension, the
corresponding cross sectional properties then becomes:
Sinγ Sin(π − γ ) 1 −
= Dm ⋅ t ⋅ γ ⋅ σ y ,t − (π − γ ) ⋅ σ y ,c =
2 ⋅γ 2 ⋅ (π − γ )
This is the formulation that was given in DNV rules [3]
1 3 2
Eq. 12 (expressed in terms of the pipe wall force N and not the
= Dm ⋅ t ⋅ ⋅ 2 ⋅ f y − σ h ⋅ Sin(γ )
2 2
effective axial force, S).
2 4
Introducing the plastic bending moment Mp, it reads
2 Expansion
3 σ
M = M p ⋅ 1 − h ⋅ Sin(γ )
By Taylor expansion of the cosine term it reads
Eq. 13
4 f y
With γ equal to π/2 and no pressure, i.e. pure bending
moment, the bending moment becomes equal to the plastic
bending moment which is right. Another reflection to keep in
mind is that this is a derivation of the bending moment
capacity, and how the axial force and pressure influences the
bending moment capacity. It is therefore not an interaction
formulation between bending moment, pressure and axial force.
This is obvious as a γ equal to 0 or π only gives that the
α c = (1 − β ) + β ⋅ u
2 f
M 2 2 ∆p
⋅ ≤ 1 −
Eq. 25
+ fy
2 S Eq. 20
Mp ∆p p b
1 − α p = 1− β Eq. 26
pb Hence, the characteristic moment capacity is multiplied by
2 these correction factors to take benefit of strain hardening.
Figure 3 shows that αc allows higher moment for pipes that can
1 p
⋅ sustain higher strains, i.e. pipes with lower D/t’s and for
S ∆p
2 2
M + 2 2 ⋅ + ≤ 1 Eq. 21
materials with lower yield to strength ratios.
Mp S
∆p p
1 −
This give the fundamental form of the local buckling
criterion reflected in DNV-OS-F101: 2007 [17].
M S ∆p
2 2
M + k1 ⋅ S + p ≤ 1
Eq. 22
p p b
+ =1 Eq. 30
S p
p b
If Eq. 30 is solved for the effective axial load in presence
of no moment, the formulation will be similar except for that
the axial force fraction is in power of 4 instead of in power of 2.
The magnitude of the effective axial force in a pipeline is
normally small and close to buckles or bends is close to zero. A
restrained pipeline has a compressive effective axial force
corresponding to a hoop stress of about 20%, i.e. less than 20%
Figure 4 Comparison of the different derivation
of the plastic capacity. Temperature loads may increase the
compressive force further. The maximum compressive force is
further limited by the global buckling capacity, again limited by
All curves are plotted as the moment versus the plastic
the lateral resistance, which mostly will occur at lower values
(uniaxial) moment capacity on the left hand axis and the hoop
except for buried pipelines. Buried pipelines on the other hand
stress versus the yield stress on the lower axis.
are designed to stay in place and will have negligible moment.
Without internal over pressure all equations gives similar
The axial capacity may then be determined from e.g.
values with some minor benefit for lower D/t and higher strain
Suzuki[18] as recommended in DNV-RP-F110 [5].
Due to the above considerations, a limitation of the axial
The brown curve, giving the cosine formulation in eq. 16 is
capacity is required and was introduced in DNV-OS-F101:2012
completely covered by the truncated Taylor formulation from
[19] to avoid unintended application of the formula as:
Eq. 21 showing that the truncation has a negligible effect.
The difference between the previous two curves and the
final formulation is the influence of strain hardening and D/t. It Sd
shows that a higher strain hardening has some beneficial effect, ≤ 0.4 Eq. 31
as expected and that the effect of D/t is more pronounced
αc ⋅ S p
giving higher utilization for lower D/t as intended. For a ratio of the effective axial force to the plastic
Note that the allowable range on qh is less than 0.84 (safety capacity less than 0.4, the difference between Eq. 30 and Eq. 22
class normal) and that no safety factors are included. solved for axial capacity in presence of no moment will be in
the order of 6% and the limitation not very restrictive to
pipeline applications.
For axial load beyond this value, reference is made to
DNV-OS-F201 [20] in which the local buckling formulation is
derived from a different basis.