User Guide For SHEAR7 Version 4.10a
User Guide For SHEAR7 Version 4.10a
User Guide For SHEAR7 Version 4.10a
User Guide for SHEAR7 Version 4.10a ii
User Guide for SHEAR7 Version 4.10a iii
User Guide for SHEAR7 Version 4.10a iv
7.5 ROOT-NAME.SCR..........................................................................................................66
7.6 ROOT-NAME.DMG........................................................................................................69
7.7 ROOT-NAME.FAT...........................................................................................................71
7.8 ROOT-NAME.OUT1.......................................................................................................72
7.9 ROOT-NAME.OUT2.......................................................................................................74
7.10 ROOT-NAME.STR..........................................................................................................76
8 .DAT FILE CONVERSION PROGRAM.........................................................................................78
9 AVAILABLE EXAMPLES.............................................................................................................79
10 MODELLING GUIDANCE..........................................................................................................86
User Guide for SHEAR7 Version 4.10a v
Table 1: Input Data Units...............................................................................................................................12
Table 2: SHEAR7 – Structure Models Available.............................................................................................14
Table 3: Example Of Iner5a, Mass And Submerged Weight.........................................................................21
Table 4: Example Of SHEAR7 Input Line For Iner5a, Mass And Submerged Weight....................................21
Table 5: CL Curves Available..........................................................................................................................24
Table 6: Mul5ple Zone Example....................................................................................................................26
Table 7: Current DeIni5on – Example 1.......................................................................................................28
Table 8: Current DeIni5on – Example 1 (x/L Conven5on Reversed)............................................................29
Table 9: Current DeIni5on – Example 2.......................................................................................................29
Table 10: Current DeIni5on – Example 3.....................................................................................................30
Table 11: Current DeIni5on – Example 4.....................................................................................................31
Table 12: Local SCF Example.........................................................................................................................34
Table 13: Block 5...........................................................................................................................................35
Table 14: Example....................................................................................................................41
Table 15: Supplemental Data Example..........................................................................................................45
Table 16: Required Inputs In Block 2 For Calcula5on Op5ons 2 And 3.........................................................46
Table 17: Command-Line Op5ons.................................................................................................................48
Table 18: PLT Columns...................................................................................................................................60
Table 19: .mds Example –Even Nodal Spacing..............................................................................................61
Table 20: MDS Block 3 Column Units............................................................................................................62
Table 21: .mds Example – Uneven Nodal Spacing........................................................................................63
Table 22: .scr Example – Segment Alloca5ons Into Zones............................................................................67
Table 23: .scr Preliminary Calcula5on Example............................................................................................68
Table 24: .scr Final Calcula5on Example.......................................................................................................68
Table 25: .dmg Example 1.............................................................................................................................69
Table 26: .dmg Example 2.............................................................................................................................70
Table 27: .fat Columns...................................................................................................................................71
Table 28: .out1 Example................................................................................................................................73
Table 29: .out2 Columns...............................................................................................................................74
Table 30: .out2 Example................................................................................................................................75
Table 31: .str Example 1................................................................................................................................76
Table 32: .str Example 2................................................................................................................................77
Table 33: Basic Modelling Examples.............................................................................................................80
Table 34: Riser System Examples..................................................................................................................81
Table 35: Time Sharing Func5on Examples...................................................................................................82
Table 36: Strake Modelling Examples............................................................................................................83
Table 37: Selected Benchmark Risers Examples...........................................................................................83
Table 38: Jumper VIV Modelling Examples...................................................................................................84
Table 39: SHEAR7 Parameters Used For Jumper Examples..........................................................................85
User Guide for SHEAR7 Version 4.10a vi
Figure 1: SHEAR7 Coordinate System..............................................................................................................6
Figure 2: Example Of Zone Start And End Point In X/L.................................................................................16
Figure 3: Example 1 Of Correct Segment Alloca5on.....................................................................................17
Figure 4: Example 2 Of Incorrect Segment Alloca5on..................................................................................18
Figure 5: Example Of Diameters In A Riser With Buoyancy Module Sec5ons..............................................19
Figure 6: Example Of Diameter In A Riser With Insula5on Sec5on..............................................................20
Figure 7: Example Of Structure Natural Frequencies....................................................................................22
Figure 8: Possible Excita5on Zones...............................................................................................................38
Figure 9: SHEAR7 DeInes A Smoothed LiO CoePcient Curve By FiQng Two Parabolas To Three DeIned By
Four User-speciIed Values.............................................................................................................2
Figure 10: Jumper Schema5c Highligh5ng Power-in And Damping Regions When Modelling Axial Flow.....2
Figure 11: Summary Of A/D At CL = 0 Limits From Ref [1], Along With Limits Of Common.CL Curves For
Common.CL Table 7........................................................................................................................2
Figure 12: Common.CL Curves For Common.CL Table 7.................................................................................3
Figure 13: Comparison Between SHEAR7 Using Common.CL Tables 7 & 8 And The Test 75 Series
Experimental Results A/D Vs Current Velocity...............................................................................5
User Guide for SHEAR7 Version 4.10a 1
○ When using non-orthogonal damping the beta control number (sec5on 5.6.7) should be
set to a non-zero value.
○ To ensure an adequate number of modes is used for the mode superposi5on, the number
of superposi5on modes was modiIed from 1.5 5mes the maximum vortex shedding
frequency to 4 5mes the maximum poten5ally excited mode number. Users may be
required to include more modes in any user generated .mds Iles used with previous
versions of SHEAR7.
● The deIni5on of A * has been revised based on recent research Indings. A* is deIned as the
spa5al RMS value of the temporal RMS response amplitudes in the power-in region,
normalized by the reference diameter.
● The minimum number of spa5al segments is based on the minimum excita5on wavelength
and the largest poten5ally excited mode. The .out Ile reported inconsistent results for the
minimum wavelength and the required number of spa5al segments.
● If SHEAR7 detected the mode shapes in a user supplied unique-name.mds Ile (calcula5on
op5on 3) were not normalised, SHEAR7 would automa5cally normalise the values. To be
consistent with calcula5on op5on 2 (sec5on 5.6.1) this func5on has been removed.
● Zones with large mass ra5os would cause format overVow errors in sec5on 4 of the .out Ile.
The mass ra5os are now reported in scien5Ic nota5on.
● All error messages are directed to standard error (stderr). Normal opera5on output are s5ll
direct to standard out (stdout).
● Users are no longer required to press ENTER to con5nue when a license dongle error is
raised, the program automa5cally exits.
● The input Ilename can be passed with or without the .dat extension. Previously the .dat
extension could not be included when calling SHEAR7.
● The input echoing to the .out and .scr Ile has been standardised to produce the same results.
● Raise an error if the structural model is 999 when trying to run calcula5on op5on 1.
● Raise an error if the inner strength diameter is greater than the outer strength diameter.
● Raise an error if there is no non-zero current supplied in the .dat Ile. Note: This check is not
performed if running calcula5on op5on zero [only calcula5ng natural frequencies].
● The regression suite has been separated into regression tests and fault inser5on tests.
○ Please note, the parameters Af*, cf* and Uf are part of ongoing research. These parameters
are intended to be interpreted in the context of being an ongoing Research and
Development ac5vity. Af* and cf* are calculated using the reference diameter which is
speciIed by the end user in Block 5.
● Fixed a bug in Sec5on 11 of the .out Ile where the Uf values were reported as Uf2.
● Resolu5on of a memory alloca5on bug when the number of modes was greater than the
number of nodes.
● SHEAR7 is now compiled as a 64 bit program to improve memory alloca5on and overall
○ A 32 bit version of the program is included as part of the standard installa5on to provide
compa5bility for users with 32 bit versions of Windows.
For most oGshore structures it is recommended that the user compute structural natural
frequencies and mode shapes in a separate program, such as OrcaFlex, Flexcom, Abaqus or another
Finite Element Analysis program and import them into SHEAR7 for VIV analysis. Alterna5vely, for
simple structures, SHEAR7 can internally evaluate natural frequencies and mode shapes of cables
and beams with linearly varying or slowly varying tension and with a variety of boundary condi5ons,
including can5levers and free hanging risers. The beam and cable models with constant or linearly
varying tension and pinned ends have been extensively tested. There may be bugs present,
especially for some of the less frequently used structural models. The program is capable of
evalua5ng the natural frequencies and mode shapes and VIV response of horizontal catenary cables,
and uses an approximate structural model for inclined catenary cables.
The SHEAR7 VIV response predic5on includes Root Mean Square (RMS) displacement, velocity,
accelera5on, RMS stress and fa5gue damage rate as well as local drag ampliIca5on coePcients.
Global and local stress concentra5on factors may be applied to the riser being modelled. Structures
are not required to be of constant cross-sec5on, if a structure is to be modelled with a non-constant
cross sec5on the user is required to import the .mds Ile from a Finite Element package. The user
may also model sec5ons of structures with VIV suppression devices, fairings or staggered buoyancy
SHEAR7 can be used to predict the cross Vow or pure in-line, vortex-induced vibra5on response of a
long cylinder with varying tension in a sheared Vow. The basic solu5on technique used is modal
analysis and power-balance itera5on (to account for the non-linear rela5onship between response
and liO coePcient). The physical assump5on is that the power input (by liO force) and power output
(through damping) for each mode should be in balance in a steady state response. From ini5al
values of liO and damping coePcients, the program Inds the liO and damping coePcients in a
balanced state through itera5on. The converged liO and damping coePcients are then used to
compute the structure's response.
SHEAR7 is a mode superposi5on program and is not well suited to structures with large numbers of
par5cipa5ng modes. Historically, there was a limit of no more than 100 par5cipa5ng modes be used.
However, recent tests indicate that for long, slender and lightly damped structures higher numbers
of modes may be used. In a previous release, SHEAR7 version 4.7, the maximum number of modes
was increased to 1000 to facilitate higher mode number par5cipa5on. The maximum number of
spa5al segments is limited by the users computer RAM capacity. The maximum allowable number of
structural zones and fa5gue curves deIned are unlimited. However the number of segments
deIning the fa5gue curve is limited to six, which for most applica5ons is more than adequate.
The program assumes that the coordinate system used to specify the axial posi5on along the
cylinder is non-dimensional, beginning at x/L = 0.0 and ending at x/L = 1.0. The current proIle values
in the input .dat Ile must be speciIed in terms of x/L coordinates and must begin with the lowest
x/L value and proceed to the highest.
The top end or the boZom end of the structure can be chosen to be x/L=0, as presented in Figure 1.
Typically, the minimum tension end is set to x/L=0.
Whichever orienta5on is selected, if the user is selec5ng the program to compute natural
frequencies and mode shapes, it is cri5cal that the sign of the submerged weight is posi5ve for
x/L=0 at the minimum tension end and nega5ve for x/L=0 at the higher tension end (see example in
Table 4).
This sec5on explains how to install and setup SHEAR7. This set of instruc5ons is also provided with
the SHEAR7 soOware in the Ile README.txt.
Please note, SHEAR7 no longer supports Windows XP as MicrosoO has ended extended support for
this Opera5ng System.
SHEAR7 is provided as both 64 bit and 32 bit versions of the executables. AOer installa5on these are
located within "<Installa5onDir>\Bin".
It is recommended to use the 64 bit version. The 32 bit version is provided to ensure compa5bility
for any users using a 32 bit system, as the 64 bit executable will not run on a 32 bit system.
A series of regression tests are also provided with the soOware to ensure it is installed and operates
correctly. The following steps outline the regression tes5ng procedure:
● Copy folder "Regression Tes5ng" to your working folder (e.g. Desktop or Scratch drive).
● Copy the SHEAR7 executable from “<Installa5onDir>\Bin” to this Regression Tes5ng folder.
● Double click on the s7regtester.exe Ile located within the new copied folder and following
the prompts.
Once the regression test is completed check the logIle.txt for the test result.
A typical input Ile (from example folder “basic_beam_3.dat”) is provided below to explain the input
data that is required by SHEAR7. Sec5ons 5.2 to 5.7 presents a line by line descrip5on of each block
and its input data required to build the SHEAR7 input Ile. It should be noted that the text aOer each
numerical entry is ignored. When more than one number must be speciIed on a line, the numbers
may be separated by spaces or spaces and commas only (do not use tabs). The informa5on shown
in red text below corresponds to changes required by version 4.10 as compared with version 4.9.
Dele5ons of exis5ng formats are shown as abcdefgh while new items added start with the word
SHEAR7 4.10 Data File For A Tensioned Beam With Boundary Rota5onal Spring
File Name: basic_beam_3.dat nmodel = 6 pinned w/spring beam.
*** BLOCK 1. unit system ***
1 Vag for units (English Units)
*** BLOCK 2. structural and hydrodynamic data ***
6 Vag for structural model (nmodel)
1500 total length of the structure (O)
100 number of spa5al segments
64.0 Vuid density (lb/O³)
0.0000140 kinema5c viscosity of the Vuid (O²/s)
0.00300 structural damping ra5o
224809.0 eGec5ve tension at origin (lbf)
1 no. of zones to deIne sec5onal property
0.0000 1.0000 zone start and end point in x/l
84.0 46.0 42.0 hydro, strength, inside diameter (in)
0.3233E+1 2296.140 166.870 iner5a(O4), mass(lbf/O), sbmg wt(lbf/O)
30022.8 1 modulus of elas5city (ksi), s-n curve i.d. no.
0.5 0.18 1.0 1 dVR, St No, Cl reduc5on factor, zoneCLtype
1.0 1 0.2 0.18 0.2 0 Ca, DampCoeG0, DampCoeG1, DampCoeG2, DampCoeG3,
*** BLOCK 3. current data ***
6 1.0 200 no. of proIle data pts probability proIle ID
0.04 4.3000 loca5on (x/L) and velocity (O/s)
0.133 4.2900 loca5on (x/L) and velocity (O/s)
0.267 2.4200 loca5on (x/L) and velocity (O/s)
0.500 1.4900 loca5on (x/L) and velocity (O/s)
0.973 1.0100 loca5on (x/L) and velocity (O/s)
Note: Version 4.9 .dat Iles may be converted to version 4.10 by using the program
convert_v49_to_v410.exe, which is provided with the program.
Example input Iles are included in the distribu5on download, in the examples folder. Provisions are
made so that SHEAR7 may be run in batch mode. See the sample dataIle.bat Ile within the
The example data Iles are also conveniently summarized in a pdf Ile, “EXAMPLES-v4.10_rev0.pdf”,
which is distributed with the program.
The Irst string of the Irst line within the input .dat Ile must be “SHEAR7 4.10”. This allows the user
to know exactly which version of input Ile they have, and ensures older version are not run by
accident. SHEAR7 version 4.10 will report an error if this is not present. The remainder of lines one
and two in the version control block can be used to give a brief descrip5on of the model as per
previous SHEAR7 versions.
Block 1 deInes the unit system to be used in the analysis. There are two op5ons for the user to
choose as follows:
● 0 for SI units
The selec5on of the unit system must be strictly adhered to for the en5re data set. Always use the
units consistent with the system designated in this line. For each input quan5ty the dimensions are
deIned according to Table 1.
● SI
○ m – meter
○ kg – kilogram
○ s – second
○ N – Newton
○ Pa – Pascal
● English
○ O – feet
○ lb – pound
○ s – second
○ in – inch
Block 2 deInes the structural and hydrodynamic data to be used in the analysis. The following
Sec5ons provide a descrip5on of the required inputs for Block 2.
Alterna5vely, for simple structures, SHEAR7 can internally evaluate natural frequencies and mode
shapes of cables and beams with linearly varying or slowly varying tension and with a variety of
boundary condi5ons, including can5levers and free hanging risers. Here, the Vag nmodel is used in
the program to specify the type of structure to be modelled.
The deIni5on of a simple structure, suitable for u5lising SHEAR7's internal structural computa5on of
natural frequencies and mode shapes includes:
● No tapered joints
● No distributed buoyancy.
The structural models presented in Table 2 may be selected by entering the appropriate integer at
this line in the input data Ile. Most applica5ons are for beams under varying tension and use
nmodel = 1. Models are grouped into four Categories, A to D. Not all integers in a group, such as
those in the group 0 to 9 have been used. This allows for addi5onal models to be added later in each
group. The names of example data Iles, which demonstrate some of the op5ons, are provided in
Table 2.
The choice of which model to use is leO to the user. In general, if the natural frequency, which is
closest to the maximum vortex shedding frequency, is governed dominantly by tension, one may use
Inite cable models. If bending s5Gness is important, use the Inite beam model. The SHEAR7
program will es5mate the rela5ve importance of EI and T and will suggest in the .out Ile whether a
beam or a cable model should be used. This is discussed further in Sec5on 7.1.
The inverse of NS is the dimensionless spa5al resolu5on, DELX. The total number of nodes is NS+1.
There used to be a limit of 2000 on NS, but that limit has been removed and accordingly the user
can specify NS of his or her choice. The following remarks should be noted:
● SHEAR7 requires ten nodes per minimum computed wave length in order to compute the
VIV response of the structure. If SHEAR7 iden5Ies that there is less than ten nodes per
computed wave length, the program will stop and the following error message will be
presented in the .out Ile.
○ “The number of spa0al segments is less than the es0mated minimum number required by
● Item 16 of the .out Ile provides a suggested minimum number of segments that should be
used, based on a requirement of ten nodes per minimum computed wave length.
It should be noted that Vexible risers and umbilicals have a higher structural damping due to fric5on
between the helically layered components, however, currently there is limited data and guidance on
structural damping coePcients for these structures.
When specifying the x/L coordinates of each zone the user should carefully choose the number and
loca5on of the nodes to represent the model. SHEAR7 assigns the nodes to each of the zones
speciIed in Block 2 and the following possibili5es are possible:
● Both ends in zone – both ends of a given segment is within the allocated zone. Segments 1, 3
and 4 of Figure 3.
● One end out of zone – one end of the segment is in the allocated zone while the other end
will be allocated to the previous zone. Segment 2 of Figure 3.
It should be noted that when using small zones to deIne the structure, cau5on should be used to
deIne the nodal segmenta5on. If a zone does not have a node allocated to it, as per Segment 2 of
Figure 4, the program will stop and return the following error message:
In all cases it is highly recommended to have zone sizes larger than segment sizes.
● Hydrodynamic diameter (HOD) - The outer diameter of the cylinder and is used to compute the
Strouhal frequency, added mass, hydrodynamic damping and liO force for this zone. It can be
the diameter of a buoyancy module, insula5on material, outer diameter of an umbilical, etc.
When modelling strakes the hydrodynamic diameter should be set as the strake sleeve not
the outer edge of the strake In.
● Strength outer diameter (SOD) – The outer diameter of the strength member which is used to
calculate the member stress. It aGects only the dynamic stresses and the fa5gue damage
values computed. Examples of its use include the outer diameter of an SCR inside of the
buoyancy module, steel tube outer diameter inside of an umbilical.
● Strength inner diameter (SID) – The inner diameter of the strength member and is needed for
compu5ng the cross sec5onal area of the strength material.
It should be noted that the outer strength diameter is not necessarily a structure's hydrodynamic
diameter, as in the case of a riser with Vota5on material surrounding the strength member. This is
presented in Figure 5, where the strength outer and inner diameter is constant throughout the
length, however the hydrodynamic diameter changes from riser only to riser with buoyancy module
Figure 6 presents an example of a riser with insula5on where the hydrodynamic, strength outer and
inner diameter is constant throughout the length of the riser with insula5on.
The example of insula5on modelling in Figure 6 could also be used to represent marine growth or
FBE (Fusion Bonded Epoxy).
In the case where the user wishes to compute fa5gue damage rate at the inside diameter, for
instance applica5ons with Sour Service, the user can specify the inside diameter as the strength
outer diameter, and it will not change the VIV response of the structure, but just the loca5on where
the fa5gue damage rate is computed.
● Iner5a (I) – It is the eGec5ve area moment of iner5a of the structure. This includes all tubular
structures for a Vexible riser and umbilical. The iner0a is used when SHEAR7 computes the
natural frequency of the structure. It is not calculated based on the S OD and SID provided in the
previous line. However, in Item 4 of the .out Ile, iner0a is computed based on the SOD and SID
as given. This is useful as a check for simple cylindrical structures, in which case the input
value and the computed values for iner0a in these cases should be the same. NOTE: When
impor5ng the .mds Ile from another program the iner0a value is not used in the SHEAR7
analysis. See Sec5on 5.8 for a complete list of input parameters not required when impor5ng
an .mds Ile.
● Mass – It is the mass per unit length in air of the structure including contents. The mass (or
weight) per unit length is used when SHEAR7 computes the natural frequencies and mode
shapes. When impor=ng the .mds Jle, the mass is used in a modal mass calcula=on.
● Submerged weight per unit length or tension varia5on – For sec5ons of a structure in the
water this is the weight in water per unit length including contents. For sec5ons of a structure
that are above water level this is the weight in air per unit length including contents. This
number eGec5vely speciIes the amount the tension changes per unit length along the
○ The tension varia5on is assumed to be of the form T(x) = TO+TLINCO*x with TO being the
tension at the beginning of the structural zone. TLINCO may be posi5ve or nega5ve. A
posi5ve sign indicates that the tension increases with increasing x/L. A nega5ve sign
means the tension decreases with increasing x/L. Therefore, the sign of the submerged
weight per unit length depends on how the user deInes the origin of the model. Table 3
provides an example of the structure's proper5es and Table 4 shows how it should be
entered in the input line for “Iner0a , Mass, Submerged Weight” in SHEAR7 for both
coordinate systems.
Table 4: Example Of SHEAR7 Input Line For Iner5a, Mass And Submerged Weight
X/L=0 Set at Top End Bare Joint 0.0008637 687.8 -4114.6
(Highest Tension) Buoyancy Joint 0.0008637 970.0 501.7483
iner5a(m4), mass (kg/m),
X/L=0 Set at BoZom Bare Joint 0.0008637 687.8 4114.6 sbmg wt(N/m)
End (Lowest
Tension) Buoyancy Joint 0.0008637 970.0 -501.7483
● Modulus of elas5city (E) – This is the modulus of elas5city of the strength member to be used
in the computa5on of the stress and damage rate. The modulus of elas5city is also used when
SHEAR7 computes the natural frequency and mode shape of the structure.
● S-N Curve Iden5Ica5on Number – This is the iden5Ica5on number of the S-N Curve that is
used in the fa5gue calcula5on for the structural zone in ques5on. The iden5Ica5on number
of any of the S-N Curves deIned in Block 4 can be used. See Sec5on 5.5.2 for further detail. Reduced Velocity Bandwidth, Strouhal Number, Li4 Coe5cient Reduc$on Factor, Zone
CL Type
This line deInes the zone speciIc reduced velocity bandwidth, the Strouhal number, the liO
coePcient reduc5on factor, and the CL table. These are used as follows:
● Reduced Velocity Bandwidth (dVR) – This is the width of the band, expressed as a frac5on of
Vrcrit that will be used to deIne which possible modes could lock-in. The bandwidth is
centered on a cri5cal reduced velocity which is deIned as, Vr crit = 1/St. Therefore, if the .dat
Ile speciIes 0.4 as the lock-in bandwidth, then the band extends plus and minus 20% either
side of Vrcrit. Figure 7 presents an example of how the bandwidth is applied to the structure's
response, where the bands show the poten5al lock in range limits for each mode.
In the Miami-DeepStar tests with a high mode number model, the observed reduced velocity
bandwidth was approximately 0.4. Other VIV model tests in uniform Vow on Vexible cylinders have
also shown that the reduced velocity bandwidth is typically 0.25 to 0.35.
A broader reduced velocity range increases the size and correla5on length for each mode's power-in
region. The bandwidth may be quite broad for low-density cylinders under low mode number lock-in
condi5ons in nearly uniform Vow.
● Strouhal Number (St) - The Strouhal number uniquely deInes the rela5onship of Vow velocity
and cylinder diameter to the local vortex shedding frequency. For vibra5ng cylinders at
subcri5cal Reynolds numbers, the Strouhal number varies between 0.14 and 0.18. Above
about 100,000 in Reynolds number the Strouhal number for sta5onary cylinders varies
erra5cally in published data from about 0.2 to 0.5. Recent model tests reveal that the
Strouhal number for freely vibra5ng cylinders varies from about 0.14 to 0.18 for Reynolds
numbers varying from 20,000 to over 1 million.
The Strouhal number must be speciIed as a number, such as 0.18. Code numbers 100, 200 and 300
that were used in earlier versions are now disabled. If any of those codes are used SHEAR7 will stop
and the following message will be displayed in the .out Ile:
○ “Strouhal code 200 is disabled in this version of Shear7. Fortran READ error: 999”
● LiO coePcient reduc5on factor – The program allows the user to modify the liO coePcient
itera5on scheme. The liO coePcient reduc5on factor is mul5plied by the Cl value in the Cl
tables. Thus a value less than one reduces the value of Cl at all A/D and frequency ra5o values
by the same factor. A value of greater than 1.0 may be used to enhance the liO coePcient in
the itera5on.
● LiO CoePcient Table – It speciIes which Cl table from the table. Table 5 presents
the liO coePcient tables available within SHEAR7. The user can also specify their own liO
coePcient curve and this process is described in Appendix B.
● Added mass coePcient – The added mass coePcient should be adjusted to account for
external added mass as well as for the mass trapped in Voodable voids in the cylinder, if not
already included in the in-air weight. A value of 1.0 implies an added mass equal to the mass
displaced by a solid cylinder of the speciIed external hydrodynamic diameter. Note, added
mass is known to be dependent on the reduced velocity. Therefore, no single value is known
to be the best for this applica5on.
In SHEAR7 the added mass primarily aGects the predicted natural frequencies. The results are most
sensi5ve to added mass when the density of the structure is low, such as neutrally buoyant risers.
SHEAR7 does not iterate to Ind the added mass for each mode and reduced velocity distribu5on; as
a consequence, the program is not ideally suited to replicate experimental results exactly at low
mode number within a uniform Vow.
The Ive values are represented as DampCoeG0, DampCoeG1, DampCoeG2, DampCoeG3 and
DampCoeG4 respec5vely.
When a sec5on of the structure is not part of the power-in region, then the program will use the
damping coePcients speciIed in that structural zone for the sec5onal damping calcula5ons.
● To enable purely axial Vow damping, the user can switch oG the Reynolds number dependent
s5ll water damping term by seQng it to 0.0. The damping terms appear in Appendix F. An
illustra5on of how they are used is shown in the example Iles.
● It is noted that the axial Kow damping capability now available since SHEAR7 version 4.9
remains as an experimental feature and is yet to be fully veriJed. Further tes=ng has been
planned for calibra=on against other model tests and Jeld data. Although Axial Damping
CoeLcients are available from regula=ons associated with oHshore analysis, these have not
been veriJed for VIV predic=ons in SHEAR7. It is recommended that users set this
parameter to 0.0 for their analyses, unless alternate experimental data is available.
Block 3 deInes the current proIle data to be used in the analysis. The following considera5ons
should be taken into account when deIning the current proIle:
● SHEAR7 does not account for varia5ons in current direc5on or for current reversal. It is
suggested to put in the absolute value of a proIle which has a current reversal. Do not input
nega5ve values of current.
● The velocity proIle is assumed to be from a single direc5on and to be perpendicular to the
axis of the structure. If the Vow is not perpendicular, the user may choose to resolve the
vector component perpendicular to the axis prior to inpuQng the current proIle. Recent
research suggests that the VIV excita5on diminishes rapidly with current angle greater than
45° to the riser.
(i) The number of points specifying the proIle. As a minimum two points are required to deIne
the current proIle along the structure.
(ii) Annual probability of occurrence. It deInes the probability of the occurrence of this current
proIle in one year. This quan5ty is mul5plied by the computed damage rate before it is given
in the output Ile. If one uses 1.0 in the input, the Inal damage rate is not aGected.
(iii) Current proIle iden5Ica5on. This number is reported in the output Ile to help users with
proIle bookkeeping and it is not used in the program.
5.4.2 Current ProJle Data – Line 2 Through End Of The Current ProJle
The second line onwards speciIes the current proIle throughout the structure length. A pair of
points is used to deIne the proIle. The current proIle is piecewise linear between the speciIed
points. Only one pair of numbers are allowed per line. The current proIle is speciIed as follows:
(i) x/L loca5on, star5ng with the minimum value of x/L, which is usually 0.0 and increases to the
maximum value of x/L for which the current is speciIed. If the ascending order of x/L is not
followed, the program will stop and the following message will be displayed in the .out Ile:
○ “To specify a current pro7le, x/L must be in ascending order. Your input is invalid. The
program stops.”
It should be noted that when specifying the current proIle within SHEAR7, three types of Vow
regions are available as follows:
● Sec5on in a Vow region, which has associated with it hydrodynamic damping and added
mass. Tables 7 and 8 present example of this case.
○ Table 7 presents the structure with both ends in the water and current applied to the
en5re structures length. This means that the en5re structure length will account for
hydrodynamic damping and added mass. Table 8 presents the same scenario, however the
x/L origin changed to be '0' at the boZom of the structure.
● Sec5on in s5ll water, which also has hydrodynamic damping and added mass associated with
it. Table 9 presents an example of this case.
● Sec5on not in the water, where there is neither hydrodynamic damping nor added mass.
Tables 10 and 11 present examples of this case.
In a region which the Vow is speciIed, including zero speed, there is hydrodynamic damping and
added mass. If a region is not speciIed at the top or boZom of the proIle, it is assumed to be out of
the water, and has no hydrodynamic damping or added mass.
In order to beZer understand the Vow regions above, four examples of current proIles are provided
Table 9 presents the structure with both ends in the water and current applied to 40% of the
structure length. This means that the en5re structure length will account for hydrodynamic damping
and added mass.
Sec5ons at one or both ends are assumed to be out of water if they are leO out of the velocity
proIle speciIca5on. All submerged regions must be speciIed in the velocity proIle whether in s5ll
or moving water.
Table 10 presents the structure with one end out of the water and current applied to 90% of the
structure length. This means that 90% of the structure length will account for hydrodynamic
damping and added mass. From x/L=0 to x/L=0.1 the structure is out of the water, therefore no
hydrodynamic damping or added mass is applied to this sec5on.
Table 11 presents the structure with one end out of the water and one end buried in the seabed
with current applied to 70% of the structure length. This means that 90% of the structure length will
account for hydrodynamic damping and added mass. From x/L=0 to x/L=0.1 the structure is out of
the water, therefore no hydrodynamic damping or added mass is applied to this sec5on. From
x/L=0.9 to x/L=1.0 the structure is buried in the seabed. The default method for structures buried in
the seabed is to specify zero current to its zone and the program will then use the s5ll water
hydrodynamic damping and added mass proper5es.
Block 4 deInes the S-N curves and SCF data to be used in the analysis.
● Note that not all of the curves deIned have to be assigned to any structural zone. This allows
the user to include redundant S-N curve deIni5ons.
● To see how mul5ple S-N curves are deIned see the Example Ile “basic_beam_mul5_sn” as
per Table 33.
The second number speciIes the number of segments deIning the S-N curve. The minimum
number of S-N curve segments is one, and therefore at least two S-N curve data points (with
coordinates of stress range and cycles to failure as deIned later in Block 4) are needed to specify
each S-N Curve line segment. The maximum number of segments for a given S-N curve segments is
● Global stress concentra5on factor – This deInes the stress concentra5on factor to be applied
to the en5re structure. The RMS stress computed by SHEAR7 for the en5re structure is
mul5plied by this value before the damage rate is computed.
● Flag for Bending Stress Curvature Load Factor (BSCLF) – This deInes whether the BSCLF is
required or not. Two possible values can be entered in this posi5on as follows:
○ 0 – SHEAR7 will calculate stress according to the input homogeneous pipe proper5es
● Bending Stress Curvature Load Factor (BSCLF) – This deInes the BSCLF to be applied to the
bending stress, where it will be directly mul5plied with the curvature. This approach has the
advantage that bending stress can be directly calculated, rather than being a product of a
number of diGerent variables. This is explained in further detail in Sec5on
Stress calculated using the BSCLF will be modiIed by Global and Local SCF’s exactly the
NOTE: same as stress results from the default SHEAR7 calcula5on as presented in Equa5on 1,
where the stress derived from BSCLF is calculated using Equa5on 3.
BSCLF = Equa5on 2
The Irst number is the loca5on in x/L along the structure where the local SCF will be applied and the
second is the local SCF to be applied.
● The local SCF is applied at node loca5ons only, therefore if the x/L loca5on of the local SCF
provided is not a node loca5on, SHEAR7 will move the local SCF of the speciIed loca5on to
the nearest node.
Table 12 presents the deIni5on of the global and local SCF for an example structure, the global SCF
of 2.0 will be applied to the all the nodes with excep5on of Nodes 10, 11, 12 and 13 (assuming even
node spacing of 0.01 m), where the local SCF of 3.0 will be applied.
Block 5 deInes how SHEAR7 will calculate VIV and deInes the output op5ons wriZen at the end of
the analysis.
● Op5on 0 – It will result in the natural frequencies and modes shapes being computed by
SHEAR7 and put in a root-name.mds Ile. The VIV response or fa5gue damage rate is not
calculated when this op5on is selected.
● Op5on 1 – For simplis5c structures (See Sec5on 5.3.1) SHEAR7 will calculate structural natural
frequencies and mode shapes (saved as root-name.mds) and then perform VIV analysis.
● Op5on 2 Uses externally prepared structural natural frequencies and mode shapes placed in
a Ile called common.mds. The VIV response is then calculated. The external prepared
structural natural frequencies are required to be “wet” natural frequencies.
● Op5on 3 uses externally prepared structural natural frequencies and mode shapes and allows
the user selec5on of any name for a .mds Ile. The root of the Ilename, minus the .mds suPx,
must be speciIed aOer selec5on of calcula5on Op5on 3. In the example above, the Ile
Mymodes.mds will be called by the program. The VIV response is then calculated. The
externally prepared structural natural frequencies are required to be “wet” natural
Instruc5ons on how to prepare the common.mds Ile for Op5on 2 and 3 are presented in Sec5on
7.3. It should be noted that if Op5on 2 or Op5on 3 are used, SHEAR7 does not use all the input Iles
speciIed in Block 2. A list of the SHEAR7 used inputs relied upon for calcula5on Op5on 2 and 3 is
presented in Sec5on 5.8.
When using calcula5on Op5on 2 and 3, SHEAR7 will use all the modes in the .mds Ile for the mode
superposi5on. This allows users to easily change the number of superposi5on modes by simply
changing the number of modes in the .mds Ile.
● Start x/L – This deInes the start point, in x/L, where the summary response in the .out Ile will
start from. It does not need to be 0.
● End x/L – This deInes the end point, in x/L, where the summary response in the .out Ile will
end. It does not need to be 1.
● Increment x/L – This deInes the segmenta5on, in x/L, that the summary result in the .out Ile
will be presented.
It should be noted that the loca5on for output summary does not aGect the .plt Ile which gives the
output at all node points.
● If 0 is entered in this line then gravity is not included in the es5mate of the RMS accelera5on.
● If equal to the accelera5on of gravity then the predicted RMS accelera5on will include the
eGect of 5lt at each point on the riser.
This feature is implemented in structural models (nmodels) 1 and 10 only, the beam or cable with
linearly varying tension. For all other nmodels the mode slope calculated in the .mds Ile will be
5.6.4 Power Ra=o CutoH Level And Primary Zone Amplitude Limit
This line deInes how many modes will be included in the VIV response and the distance within
excita5on zones that is required to have independent and simultaneous excita5on zones.
The cutoG level is a number, which should always be posi5ve and less than or equal to 1.0. When
this number is very small, nearly all modal frequencies, poten5ally excited, will be iden5Ied and
used in the response calcula5on. When set to 1.0, only the mode with the maximum available input
power from the Vuid will be included in the response calcula5on; in eGect forcing the program to a
single frequency lock-in calcula5on.
The higher the cutoG level, the fewer the modes remaining in the analysis. Fewer modes, means
that less smoothing will occur in the RMS predicted response over the length of the riser. A cutoG of
1.0 will result in a single frequency computa5on. The RMS response and fa5gue damage rate will
typically have pronounced peaks and zeros corresponding to the absolute value of the mode shape.
This has been found to not correspond to real data. Real measurements show some smoothing of
the peaks, which suggests several frequencies par5cipa5ng in the response.
In SHEAR7, the in-line fa5gue calcula5on Vag will result in the power cutoG being set
NOTE: to 1.0, which is the default value for in-line calcula5ons, regardless of the user entry
in the .dat Ile.
When the dynamic response from the power-in region of the dominant mode drops below a user-
selected limit, then it is assumed that the dynamic response is no longer large enough to disrupt the
forma5on of a new power-in region at a diGerent frequency.
This user-speciIed value for this amplitude limit must have a value between 0 and 1.0 the default
value is 0.3, for the present. The larger the value, the larger secondary zones will be, and more likely
secondary power-in regions will be allowed to exist at the same 5me as the modes in the primary
region. Hence, higher limits should es5mate greater response than lower limits.
This is a subject of current research, but a reasonable value to choose for this limit is 0.3, which is to
say that when the dynamic response from the dominant mode excita5on region decays to 30% of its
ini5al amplitude value, one has entered a secondary zone in which VIV at a diGerent frequency is
allowed to exist simultaneously.
● One independent excita5on zone – This happens when the amplitude of the dominant mode
is greater than the limit set in the .dat Ile everywhere on the riser.
● Two independent excita5on zones – This happens whenever the amplitude of the dynamic
response from the dominant mode is smaller than the limit on only one side of the dominant
power-in zone;
● Three independent excita5on zones – This happens when there are secondary zones on both
sides of the primary 5me sharing zone.
Power-in regions located close to that of the dominant mode will be associated with structural
dynamic response decay amplitudes that are close to 1.0 and will be in the primary zone. These
modes will 5me share their probability of occurrence with the primary mode.
Power-in regions where the amplitude has decayed to less than the PZAL will belong to one of the
two possible secondary 5me-sharing zones, determined by which side of the primary power-in
region it falls.
● 1 – the power ranking ra5os for the 5me sharing probabili5es are equal to the ra5o of modal
power to maximum modal power.
● 0 – all the power ranking ra5os for the 5me share probabili5es are set to 1.0. This means that
equal mode 5me sharing probabili5es will be assigned to each of the possible excited modes
for that excita5on zone.
Further parametric inves5ga5on can be carried out by examining the eGect of the power ra5o
The two parameters get applied in the code as per Equa5on 4 for each resonance modal response
where, σhh, rms is the modal RMS stress aOer the Higher Harmonic correc5on; and σrms is modal
RMS stress before the Higher Harmonic correc5on.
● Where:
○ A*threshold,rms is the Higher Harmonic A*rms threshold (where A*rms is the RMS A/D response of
each resonant mode), above which a Higher Harmonics AmpliIca5on Factor gets applied.
To run the program without ac5va5ng the Higher Harmonic correc5on the Higher Harmonics
AmpliIca5on Factor, α, should be set to zero (0).
● 0 – SHEAR7 will not complete any beta itera5ons. This will predict the same response as
SHEAR7 4.7c.
If the program does not reach convergence within the speciIed limit it is suggested that the user
increases the beta control number (up to the limit).
Please note that increasing the number of beta itera5ons will generally result in a less conserva5ve
● 0 – SHEAR7 will use the outer diameter speciIed in each zone for calcula5ng fa5gue.
● 1 – SHEAR7 will use the inner diameter speciIed in each zone for calcula5ng fa5gue.
This op5on should only be used when SHEAR7 is genera5ng the .mds Ile.
An excerpt from the Ile, provided to run example Ile scr_import_tension.dat, is
presented in Table 14.
The .out1 Ile include the lis5ngs of the liO coePcient, the non-dimensional frequency and the
reduced velocity in the power-in zones. The content of this Ile is iden5cal to sec5on 14 of the .out
Ile .See Sec5on 7.8 for further descrip5on of the .out1 Ile.
The zero crossing fa5gue calcula5on op5on allows users to select a zero crossing frequency
approach to calculate fa5gue damage, and outputs addi5onal informa5on that can be used for
alternate fa5gue calcula5ons.
In the default SHEAR7 fa5gue calcula5on in the presence of 5me-sharing modes, damage is directly
calculated from a sum of individual resonant modes, Srrms at resonant frequencies, weighted by
5me-sharing probability. In the zero crossing calcula5on, an equivalent zero crossing RMS stress is
calculated (as before, this is the output in the .out and .plt Iles) and an equivalent zero crossing
frequency is calculated. The damage is then directly calculated from the zero crossing RMS stress
and frequency. Note, both zero crossing and default fa5gue damage calcula5ons incorporate a
Rayleigh factor. Two possible values can be entered in this line as follows:
When using non-orthogonal damping the beta control number (Sec5on 5.6.7) should be set to a
non-zero value.
For simplis5c structures (see Sec5on 5.3.1) where the user selects to have SHEAR7 calculate
structural natural frequencies and mode shapes there may be supplemented data required. Several
structural models internal to SHEAR7 that when assigned in Block 2 require addi5onal data. Most of
them are cases with rota5onal or transla5onal springs aZached at one of the ends of the riser. When
one of these “nmodels”, 6, 9, 19, or 33 are speciIed in Block 2, Line 1, then one or more addi5onal
data lines are inserted immediately aOer the Block 6 Header.
The two lines as shown in Table 15 are rota5onal spring constants as used in example
basic_beam_3.dat which is a beam with rota5onal springs at the ends.
It should be noted that any text wriZen aOer the last item of data expected by the program will be
ignored. Hence the following lines are placed in many of the sample .dat Iles.
It should be noted that when Op5on 2 or Op5on 3 are used, SHEAR7 does not use all the input data
speciIed in Block 2, as some of these values are used with Op5on 1 for the purpose of calcula5ng
natural frequencies and mode shapes. However, it is s5ll required to have values on those Ields,
otherwise SHEAR7 will stop the program and return an error for incomplete input data.
A list of the SHEAR7 used inputs for calcula5on Op5on 2 and 3 is presented in Table 16.
Vag for structural model No Any number can be entered in this Ield
total length of the structure Yes
number of spa5al segments Yes
volume weight of the Vuid Yes
kinema5c viscosity of the Vuid Yes
structural damping coePcient Yes
eGec5ve tension at origin No If “0” or an inaccurate tension is input, SHEAR7 may return
a warning in the *.out Ile for “Nega0ve Tension”
N° of zones to deIne sec5onal property Yes
zone start and end point in x/L Yes
Hydrodynamic diameter Yes
Strength outer diameter Yes
Strength inner diameter Yes
Iner5a No Only used for check of beam or cable behaviour. Not
required for VIV response.
Mass Length Yes Used in a modal mass calcula5on.
Submerged Weight/Length No
Modulus of elas5city Yes
SN Curve I.D. No. Yes
dVR Yes
Strouhal number Yes
Cl reduc5on factor Yes
CL Table N° Yes
Added Mass Yes
Damping for Reynolds number dependent s5ll water Yes
Damping for A/D dependent s5ll water Yes
Damping for low reduced velocity regions Yes
Damping for high reduced velocity regions Yes
Damping for axial Vow regions Yes
The SHEAR7 program has been developed in Fortran and has been compiled to run as a Windows
executable Ile on PC's. SHEAR7 since version 4.3 will run in the command window under MicrosoO
Windows. There are several ways to execute the program, each is described below:
(i) Execu5on-Direct Method Individual File: Place the SHEAR7 executable Ile in the same
directory as the input data Iles (which include the Ile). Double click on the
executable and respond to the prompt to enter the root-name of the .dat Ile.
(ii) Execu5on-Direct Method Batch File: Create a batch Ile in the same directory of the SHEAR7
input Iles and save it with the .bat extension. On each line of the batch Ile insert the
instruc5on ‘shear7_4.10a.exe root-name’. If the SHEAR7 executable Ile is not in the
same directory with the data Iles, then the explicit path must be given to the SHEAR7
executable Ile in the batch Ile. Example of the batch Ile is provided below as well as in the
SHEAR7 Example directory.
REM Example SHEAR7_batch.bat
shear7_4.10a.exe basic_beam_1
shear7_4.10a.exe basic_beam_2
shear7_4.10a.exe basic_beam_3
(iii) Execu5on-Specify a Shortcut to the Executable: You may also place a shortcut on the desktop
and set the proper5es of the shortcut so that the proper paths to the executable and to the
input data may be found. They may be in separate directories. The,
and the common.mds Iles should be in the same directory as the rootname.dat Iles. The
output Iles always accumulate in the same directory as the input .dat Iles.
Addi5onally third party soOware, such as OrcaFlex and Flexcom have capabili5es to execute the
programs. Check for latest updates and capabili5es.
The installa5on package copies both 32 and 64 bit versions of the executables. The 64 bit executable
is named shear7_4.10a.exe and the 32 bit executable is named shear7_4.10a_x86.exe.
It is recommended to use the 64 bit version. The 32 bit version is provided to ensure compa5bility
for any users using a 32 bit system, as the 64 bit executable will not run on a 32 bit system.
A set of sample data Iles are provided for the user's convenience. These examples demonstrate a
variety of capabili5es of the program, such as calcula5on op5ons, VIV suppression simula5on,
diGerent boundary condi5ons and may be used as models for similar user deIned structures.
The program may use up to four user-provided input Iles. When the SHEAR7 program runs, it reads
in data from an input data Ile of the form root-name.dat. This Ile is always required.
A second mandatory input data Ile is the Ile. The Ile included with the
program distribu5on has several tables of liO coePcient. The user can add to the Ile
custom built tables of liO coePcients. This Ile is always required.
When calcula5on Op5on 2 is used the program expects to Ind a Ile named common.mds.
Prepara5on of this Ile is described in Sec5on 7.3.1. When calcula5on Op5on 3 is used, the name of
a user-speciIed .mds Ile must be included next in the .dat Ile (minus the .mds suPx). The program
expects to Ind the .mds Ile present in the directory. This Op5on 3 provides beZer quality control
over the naming and tracking of the structural Iles.
When the user speciIes in the input data Ile the use of externally provided tension and mass per
unit length data, as is only required under certain condi5ons when using Op5on 1, the program
expects to Ind a Ile named The prepara5on of this Ile is described in the discussion
of input data under Sec5on 5.6.10.
SHEAR7 provides command-line op5ons to provide addi5onal informa5on to the user. The available
op5ons and descrip5ons are provided in Table 17.
Compiler op5ons can appear in any order, however they must all appear aOer the .dat Ile name.
A Ile which reproduces the input data and summarizes the analysis results from the SHEAR7
The presenta5on method used below is to list the complete results of running the example case
“basic_beam_3.dat”. The output Ile “basic_beam_3.out” is listed below. Addi5onal explana5on is
given in a bold typeface and placed at appropriate points throughout the example output Ile. The
Ile begins with a nota5on, which includes the version number of SHEAR7 which was used to obtain
the Ile. Immediately following is a complete lis5ng taken from the input data Ile, which in this case
was “basic_beam_3.dat”
The top of the Jle is the SHEAR7 header logo, version informa=on and the name of the input Jle
that was used.
The Jrst part of the Jle is the echo of the input Jle, Blocks 1 to 6 and it is presented to conJrm the
inputs that SHEAR7 used to compute the VIV response.
Sec=on 2.2 is a result of one of the most important steps in the program’s VIV modelling. In this
step the program iden=Jes all possible excited modes within the Strouhal frequency range. In turn
each one is assigned the full length power-in region, based on the reduced velocity bandwidth
assigned in the input data Jle. Overlap with other power-in regions is ignored. Modal force, modal
damping and modal power are computed. The modal power ra=o is calculated as a ra=o of each
modal power to the maximum modal power. The last column lists the mode ranking ra=os and is
equal to the power ra=os raised to the exponent, which is used to compute the modal =me
sharing probabili=es.
In each zone, straked or bare, the maximum CL value, Clmax, for any liO curve selected is used to
compute the modal force and the modal power for each mode. The maximum mode amplitude
a/D = 0.5, the Strouhal Number and ‘the maximum zone bandwidth used in the preliminary
calcula=on’ are used for that purpose.
2.2.1 Results of the Mode Interac5on Analysis:
Based on the non-zero power-in lengths and the power cutoG value of: 0.05 the number of
modes above cutoG is: 2
These modes are: Time Share Excita5on Dominant Mode
Probabili5es: Zone # Amplitude:
3 0.2312 1 0.9548E+00
4 0.7688 1 0.1000E+01
-------- --------
Cumula5ve sum: 1.0000 Primary zone amplitude limit: 0.3000
Lowest And Highest Excited Mode Number
Nmmin= 3 Nmmax= 4
Sec=on 2.2.1 will apply the power cut of ra=o to the results of Sec=on 2.2 and presents the modes
excited and their probabili=es. These mode numbers are listed in Column 1. Their =me sharing
probabili=es, excita=on zone numbers, and amplitude ra=os values are listed in the remaining
The cumula=ve sum of the =me sharing probabili=es is listed at the boRom of the table. The dominant
mode amplitude limit is also printed under the table for easier cross-reference with the amplitude
The primary =me sharing modes are those, whose centers of ac=on fall close to that of the dominant
mode. In this zone the dominant mode amplitude is greater than or equal to the primary zone
amplitude limit. Wherever the dominant mode amplitude is smaller than the limit value, modal power-
in regions are assigned to secondary =me sharing zones. Zone number 1 in Table 2.2.1 is the primary
=me sharing zone. Secondary zones are numbered 2 or 3. The =me share probabili=es in each of the
independent =me sharing zones add up to 1.0.
Please note that when there are many modes above cutoH, and if the number of nodes is not large
enough, some of the modes that are above cutoH may not get any input power region, and therefore
they may also be dropped out. These modes are insigniJcant to Kuid input power.
The velocity ra=o in Sec=on 2.3 is the change in velocity in the proJle (V max-Vmin) divided by the
spa=al average velocity of the proJle. Zero velocity regions are excluded from the average. This is
a measure of the amount of shear in the proJle. Both very large shears (greater than 1.2) and very
small ones (less than 0.4) are known to provide par=cularly favorable condi=ons for single mode
dominance as is the case here.
2.4 Finite or inInite system behavior? Dominant mode amplitude exponents:
When the value n*zeta_n in the table is greater than 2, inInitely long structural behavior dominates.
When this value is less than 0.2, spa5al aZenua5on is small.
The dominant mode amplitude exponents listed are those used in the computa5ons of the amplitude
values listed in Table 2.2.1.
Please note, that for the dominant mode the |DelX|/L=0.0 and the mode amplitude value equals 1.0.
Similarly, in uniform currents all the mode centers of ac5on coincide, |DelX|/L=0.0 and the mode
amplitude values also equal 1.0.
n is the mode number and ζn (zeta_n) is the total modal damping including structural and
hydrodynamic sources. The product n·ζn (n*zeta_n) is a measure of the spa=al aRenua=on that
occurs as a wave travels along a structure. It is therefore a measure of the dynamic length of the
cable, independent of the real length. A cable is “long” in a dynamic sense when waves die out
before reaching the furthest end. It is “short” when very liRle decay occurs and the waves reKect
from the ends crea=ng a standing wave paRern from end to end.
The formulae used to calculate all the numbers listed in Table 2.4 are quoted in the headings of
each column. n·ζn is used to compute the amplitude ra=os listed in Table 2.2.1.
The last column lists the exponent for compu=ng the amplitude aRenua=on factor between each
mode and the dominant power-in mode. The aRenua=on is calculated based on the center
loca=ons of the power-in regions.
3. The ra5o of the change of tension to the average tension: 0.7152
The bigger the ra5o, the larger the varia5on in tension.
4. Structural Proper5es
zone air mass mass total mass iner5a steel hydro
slugs/O ra5o slugs/O O**4 area area
O**2 O**2
1 0.714E+02 7.730E-01 0.148E+03 0.323E+01 0.192E+01 0.385E+02
In the above table, if mass ra5o is zero, it means that this zone is out of water.
Sec=on 4. is a useful summary of the proper=es of a sec=on, as computed internally using the
data provided by the user. For example the iner=a provided here is the area moment of iner=a, I,
as used to compute bending s=Hness, EI. It is computed from the inside and outside diameters of
the strength material for the zone. It is not necessarily the same as the I value provided by the
user, which may account for other contribu=ons such as internal tubulars. The steel area is the
area deJned by the strength diameters. The hydro area is the area of the cross-sec=on with the
speciJed hydrodynamic diameter. The total mass per unit length includes the computed added
mass plus the mass per unit length given in the input data Jle and repeated here as the Jrst
column. The mass ra=o is according to the deJni=on in the literature: m / D 2 , where m does not
include the added mass. However, structural mass, including trapped internal Kuid mass is
included if it was included in the mass/length in the input Jle.
Sec=on 5 lists the fundamental natural frequency of the structure (frequency of the Jrst mode) based
on either the internally calculated natural frequencies or the externally provided .mds Jle.
Sec=on 6 lists the maximum and minimum currents provided in Block 3 of the input .dat Jle. For a
uniform Kow, the maximum and minimum current will be equal.
Sec=on 7 presents the maximum and minimum Strouhal frequencies found in the structure. All
the possible excited modes should have its excita=on frequency within this range.
8. Minimum wavelength corresponding to the maximum Vow velocity= 750.00(O).
The minimum wavelength is computed based on the average tension in the structure and the
maximum VIV frequency.
9. Modal damping ra5o "zeta", modal mass, and modal frequency for the mainly excited modes.
Mode no. zeta n*zeta modal mass(slug) frequency (Hz)
3 0.04592 0.13775 107301.07 0.07878
4 0.03163 0.12652 107434.28 0.12769
The modal damping ra=o is the sum of the hydrodynamic damping (computed in the program)
and the structural damping (from the input data Jle). n*zeta is the product of Mode no. and the
modal damping ra=o, see explana=on of Sec=on 2.4 of .out for further informa=on.
10. Informa5on on mode overlap. There is mode overlap; the overlap part(s).
Sec=on 10 tells the user if the reduced velocity bandwidth selected has resulted in overlapping
power-in regions. Power-in regions normally overlap, when more than one mode is above the
11. Modal Displacement Amplitude
Please note, the parameters of A*, c* and Uf are part of ongoing research. These parameters are
intended to be interpreted in the context of being an ongoing R&D ac5vity.
A* and c* have been calculated using the reference diameter which is speciIed by the end user.
SHEAR7 is a mode superposi=on program. Item 11 gives the maximum magnitude of each
resonant mode’s contribu=on to the Jnal sum. It is the peak value and not an RMS value. In
general this value will not exactly agree with the Jnal response amplitude reported in Item 15.3 of
the .out Jle. This is because the Jnal response amplitude, even if at only one frequency, includes
the contribu=ons of resonant and non-resonant modes.
A*, c* and Uf were added in version 4.9. A * is the spa=al RMS value of the temporal RMS response
amplitudes in the power-in region, normalized by the reference diameter. The diameter is the
reference diameter that is speciJed by the user in the .dat Jle. A * includes the resonant and non-
resonant modal contribu=ons.
The parameter c* is a dimensionless damping parameter which is based on the equilibrium between
power into the system from liO forces to the power out of the system due to damping. In general as
damping is increased the response amplitude will fall. Also, it is generally true that even if the damping
is constant, the response will increase with current speed. c * is a damping parameter that includes the
eHects of both damping coeLcient as well as current speed on the response.
Uf is the RMS current velocity in the power-in region.
For an in-depth descrip=on of A *, c* and Uf along with equa=ons and plot examples, refer to Appendix
The beta values reported are the values calculated aOer the Jnal itera=on. When the beta control
value is set to 0 in the input .dat, the beta values reported are calculated aOer the response is
Sec=on 12 presents the number of nodes for each modal excita=on region gives a direct measure
of what frac=on of the total length is used by that mode for power-in.
The exact loca=on of those nodes is found by seeing where the liO is applied in Item 14. If equally
spaced nodes were speciJed this informa=on is in the .scr Jle.
13. Beta itera5on for each mode.
Sec=on 13 presents the beta values calculated aOer each beta itera=on. The beta values for a par=cular
mode should be converging as the itera=ons progress. For mul= mode cases, SHEAR7 stops the
itera=ons when the all the excited mode beta's become less than the convergence criteria, some
modes may have converged more than other modes. If the beta itera=ons cause instability within the
predicted response, the beta control value in the input .dat should be set to zero.
mode number: 4
The reported liO coeLcients are those values which result from the liO coeLcient itera=on as a
func=on of A/D and the frequency ra=o. They include all applied factors such as the liO coeLcient
reduc=on factor. Also tabulated in the third column is the normalized frequency ra=o, as used in
the .CL table. The fourth column gives the local reduced velocity at each node.
Whenever the user redirects Item 14 lis=ng to the op=onal .out1 Jle, the above lis=ng is printed in
that Jle and Item 14 of the .out Jle list the following instead:
“User requested that the contents of this item be redirected to an op=onally generated Jle .out1.”
15.1 x/L RMS displ RMS A/D RMS acc RMS stress damage(1/years)
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000E+00 0.777E-01 0.144E-05
0.100 2.155 0.308 0.131E+01 0.863E+01 0.714E+02
0.200 1.503 0.215 0.805E+00 0.524E+01 0.939E+01
0.300 1.390 0.199 0.875E+00 0.561E+01 0.152E+02
0.400 2.018 0.288 0.124E+01 0.797E+01 0.544E+02
0.500 0.970 0.139 0.292E+00 0.240E+01 0.742E+00
0.600 2.068 0.295 0.130E+01 0.811E+01 0.595E+02
0.700 1.166 0.167 0.719E+00 0.445E+01 0.615E+01
0.800 1.581 0.226 0.865E+00 0.545E+01 0.113E+02
0.900 2.084 0.298 0.127E+01 0.772E+01 0.476E+02
1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000E+00 0.375E-01 0.785E-07
Sec=on 15 is the summary of the VIV computa=on. Column 1 in the table speciJes sample output
points as speciJed by the user in the .dat Jle. Column 2 is the RMS response amplitude in real
displacement units. Column 3 is Column 2 divided by the local diameter. If diameters change along
the length one must beware as to the interpreta=on of this column. Columns 4, 5 and 6 are the
RMS accelera=on, stress and the fa=gue damage rate. The fa=gue damage rate is based on the
RMS stress and the Rayleigh formula for damage rate, which assumes the stress comes from a
narrow band random process.
The damage rate shown in the last column above has been mul=plied by the probability of
occurrence of the current proJle.
15.2 Maximum damage rate & its posi5on for each excited mode
Mode No. Loca5on (x/L) damage rate mode frequency (Hz)
3 0.160 0.894E+00 0.07878
4 0.120 0.817E+02 0.12769
The individual maximum modal damage rates given above have not been mul=plied by the
probability of occurrence of the current proJle. In addi=on these individual rates will not be
exactly the same as that shown in the .plt Jles or given in the response table above. The reason is
that these rates are only for the individual resonant mode and do not include the non-resonant
contribu=ons of other modes at the same frequency. These modal maximum damage rates and
their loca=ons are given only to assist the engineer in determining poten=al trouble spots
associated with par=cular modes. This may be useful in determining which regions are candidates
for VIV suppression.
In the table, Cf is the drag ampliIca5on factor due to VIV response. The product of Cf and drag coePcient
gives VIV ampliIed drag coePcient. T is eGec5ve tension.
Sec=on 16 is a useful check for a variety of items. One may also verify that the eHec=ve tension
varia=on has been modelled correctly by checking the second column in item 16.
The local mean drag ampliJca=on factor, Cf, accounts for response caused ampliJca=on. This
should be mul=plied by the user chosen sta=onary cylinder CD value. The ampliJca=on factor
depends on the rms A/D. This ampliJed CD value is a reasonable one to use in sta=c conJgura=on
calcula=ons which require an es=mate of the mean drag coeLcient, including the eHects of VIV. It
should be noted that if the pure in-line Kag is set then no cross-Kow drag ampliJca=on is
The .plt Ile lists the calculated VIV response at each node of the structure. The .plt Ile is necessary
when compu5ng the fa5gue damage accumula5on for a given fa5gue sea-state environment.
There are seven columns in the .plt Ile and they are described in Table 18. The units are also
included in Table 18.
When selec5ng the program to execute pure in-line VIV calcula5ons the Inal column, drag
coePcient ampliIca5on factor is not produced.
The .mds is a Ile for the modal response of the structure which includes the natural frequency,
mode shape, mode slope and mode curvature of the structure at each node loca5on.
When calcula5on Op5on 2 or 3 is selected, then this Ile must be provided. This Ile is alterna5vely
created by the program when the internal eigen solver is used in calcula5on Op5on 0 or 1. When
the user chooses to provide the natural frequency, mode shape, slope and curvature, the same
format must be followed.
The ".mds" Ile consists of three blocks. The structure of the .mds Ile can be obtained by running
one of the example .dat Iles and opening the created .mds Ile. An .mds Ile has three blocks of data
as described below. An excerpt from the common.mds Ile, provided to run example Ile
drill_riser_ext_modes.dat, is presented in Table 19, including the complete data for Blocks 1 and 2
and the Irst few lines of Block 3.
● Block 1 – This block has one line with two numbers, the number of modes (in this example, 5)
and the number of nodes (in this example, 201) used to specify the mode shape. The number
of nodes is always the number of segments plus 1.
● Block 2 – This block has a number of lines equal to the number of modes speciIed in the Irst
block. Each line has two numbers, the Irst is the mode number and the second is the natural
frequency (in radians/second). The mode numbers and natural frequencies are presented in
ascending order.
● Block 3 – This block normally has Ive columns of numbers. The descrip5on and units of each
of these columns are presented in Table 20. A sixth column of x/L values is added for mode 1
only, when uneven nodal spacing is desired. The order of the columns are as follows:
7.3.1 Common.mds Files For Op=on 2 Or Any .mds File For Op=on 3:
The number of modes required by SHEAR7 was modiIed in version v4.10 from 1.5
NOTE: 5mes the maximum vortex shedding frequency to 4 5mes the maximum poten5ally
excited mode number.
The .mds Ile prepared by FEA programs should follow the same conven5on as it is presented in
Table 19 for even nodal spacing and Table 21 for uneven nodal spacing.
The modal range deIned in the .mds Ile should be large enough so that it covers all possible excited
modes in all current states to be used plus at least a mul5ple of 4.0 5mes higher mode numbers. If
not enough modes are supplied in the .mds Ile the program will stop and the following error
message will be presented in the .out Ile:
One way to determine the number of modes for the maximum current case is to Irst run the
program with calcula5on Op5on 1 and with a trial current proIle which has the maximum current
intended in all proIles to be used. SHEAR7 will use its internal model of, for example a beam with
linearly varying tension to compute the required natural frequencies and mode shape informa5on.
By checking the root-name.mds Ile the user can determine the natural frequency (in rad/sec) of the
highest mode used in the run. The user then prepares a common.mds Ile, typically using a Inite
element program. The FEA modes must have natural frequencies which are at least as large as the
largest one found in the root-name.mds Ile aOer running under Op5on 1.
It is noted, that when genera5ng common.mds or .mds Iles from FEA, it is advisable to use slope
and curvature values computed by the FEA programs and NOT TO USE simple deVec5on or/and
slope numerical diGeren5a5on schemes from spreadsheets. The laZer can lead to signiIcant errors
or even cause the program to stop, in par5cular when high mode numbers are excited. It is noted
that, for example, both ABAQUS and ANSYS programs compute all the values required for the
genera5on of the common.mds or .mds Ile.
When using certain 3rd party FEA programs to generate the common.mds or .mds, it is suggested
that a current of a small magnitude be applied for iden5Ica5on of the environmental direc5on (e.g.,
cross-Vow or in-line Vow). It is recommended that a sensi5vity study be carried out to ensure the
current does not substan5ally change the mean shape of the structure. If the mean shape changes
substan5ally you should create diGerent structural models represen5ng each mean shapes.
The externally prepared .mds Ile must be for “wet” natural frequencies and modal shapes.
If performing many runs using calcula5on Op5on 1 (where SHEAR7 calculates natural frequencies
and modal shapes) it may be advantageous to run the maximum current case Irst, rename the
resul5ng root-name.mds Ile to common.mds, and then switch the calcula5on op5on to Op5on 2 for
all remaining computa5ons. This saves the computa5on 5me of repeatedly compu5ng the modal
frequency and shape informa5on. For a riser with high mode number this can be a signiIcant
frac5on of the total computa5on 5me.
To enable crea5on of the .anm Ile a ‘1’ should be entered next to “Vag for MATLAB anima5on data
output 1=yes;0=no)”. .anm Iles can be used to create a 5me domain anima5on of the response of
the system.
The user should normally not need to request that the program create this Ile.
The .scr Ile generated by SHEAR7 assists in debugging program execu5on problems.
The data is wriZen to the .scr Ile as soon as it is computed by the program. In the case the program
execu5on stops the user can determine where the problem occurs by how far through the execu5on
the program has proceeded as reported in the .scr Ile.
The Irst blocks of the .scr Ile contain an echo of the input data. The input echoes are wriZen to the
.scr Ile almost immediately aOer the input has been read by SHEAR7. When the program stops
before wri5ng anything in the .out Ile, the error may be iden5Ied by seeing at what point the input
data echo stops in the .scr Ile. The problem is usually in the speciIca5on of the input data at that
AOer the input echo, SHEAR7 will assign the nodes from the .mds Ile to the zones deIned in Block
2. The following describes the procedure used by SHEAR7 in assigning nodes to zones:
● First SHEAR7 iden5Ies in which zone each segment lies. The posi5on of the mid-point is taken
as deIning the zone containing the segment. If the segment lies wholly in the zone containing
its midpoint, then it is given the proper5es of that zone.
● However, for compa5bility with prior versions of SHEAR7 if one end of the segment lies in an
adjacent zone, the segment is given a combina5on of the proper5es of the two zones, in
propor5on to the length of the segment lying in each of the two zones.
● If both ends of a segment are determined to be in adjacent zones to the zone containing the
midpoint of the segment, or a zone is found which contains no segments then a warning that
the zone size is too small is issued and the program is halted.
● Having iden5Ied the zones containing the start, midpoint and end of the segment, proper5es
associated with the containing zones are allocated to the segment.
The .scr Ile also gives tabular summaries of preliminary and Inal computa5ons. An example excerpt
from execu5on of an example Ile is shown in Table 23. The table showing preliminary calcula5ons
pertains to the power-in regions, computed before the power cut-oG is applied.
A similar table pertaining to the Inal calcula5on stage corresponds to the Inal set of results is
presented in Table 24. Please note that in the example shown, only Modes 2 and 4 are above the
power cut-oG, and accordingly the table reports zeros in the Mode 3 column for all nodes, including
those, where Mode 3 was excited in the preliminary calcula5on.
Both tables have been designed for scrolling and/or for easy export to a spreadsheet or other
programs for ploQng.
This Ile includes the unfactored (not mul5plied by the 5me shared probability) Rayleigh fa5gue
damage rate per year for each excited mode and its 5me sharing probabili5es. This Ile can be used
for independently summing the fa5gue damage using alterna5ve techniques to the in-built SHEAR7
● Block 1 – This block includes three columns. The Irst column includes each of the excited
modes for which Rayleigh fa5gue damage per year is listed in Block 2. Column 2 lists the
frequency in Hertz of each of the excited modes. Column 3 lists the 5me sharing probabili5es
for each of the listed modes.
● Block 2 – This block includes the lis5ng of unfactored (not mul5plied by the 5me shared
probability) Rayleigh fa5gue damage per year computed for each of the above modes at each
riser node. x/L node loca5ons are listed in Column 1 of Block 2, the Rayleigh damage results
are listed in the remaining columns, with the mode number corresponding to that column
listed in the Irst row. Whenever there are interrup5ons in the mode sequence numbers that
make it above the power cut-oG, zero 5me sharing probabili5es are wriZen to Column 3 of
Block 1 in the mode number corresponding.
● An example of the .dmg Ile is presented in Table 25. In this example Modes 2 and 4 are above
the power cut-oG and this is why the 5me sharing probability and fa5gue damage rate is 0.0
for Mode 3, as Mode 3 did not make the power cut-oG. Also, in this example the 5me sharing
probabili5es listed for Modes 2 and 4 are each equal to 1.0, because these modes belong to
diGerent independent 5me sharing zones.
● It should be noted that for the fa5gue damage calcula5ons that are used by SHEAR7 and
reported in the .out and the .plt Iles the fa5gue damage is mul5plied by the 5me sharing
probabili5es listed in Line 2 of Block 1 of the .dmg Ile (same as those listed in Table 2.2.1 of
the .out Ile). The results listed in Block 2 of .dmg are unfactored, so that the user can do
independent post-processing.
● If zero-crossing fa5gue calcula5on is used, the .dmg Ile speciIes this as the Irst line. The
second line notes that the using the zero-crossing method the 5me sharing ra5o will be 1.0.
The remainder of the Ile has three columns: respec5vely node x/L value, zero-crossing
damage rate, and zero-crossing frequency (radians/second). It should be noted that the zero-
crossing fa5gue damage presented in this Ile is exactly the same as the damage reported in
the .plt.
● An example of the .dmg Ile when the zero-crossing fa5gue calcula5on is used is presented in
Table 26.
This Ile is intended to be used externally to calculate fa5gue damage by user-deIned techniques. It
contains the modal par5cipa5on and frequency response characteris5cs of each mode and the
probability of occurrence.
The seven columns in the .fat Ile and the respec5ve units are presented in Table 27.
The usefulness of the this Ile has diminished with the availability of the .str Ile.
The reason for crea5ng this Ile is to decrease the size of the .out Ile, in par5cular for high aspect
ra5o models, where many modes can be present. With the above Vag set to default zero no .out1
Ile is generated. With the Vag set to ‘1’ or to ‘2’ the printout of the l iO coePcient for each mode is
redirected to the .out1 Ile. The .out1 Ile include the lis5ngs of the liO coePcient, the non-
dimensional frequency and the reduced velocity in the power-in zones.
Below is an example of the .out1 Ile output. The format is iden5cal to that used in Item 14 of the
.out Ile, whenever the .out1 or the .out1 and .out2 Iles are not generated.
With the Vag Op5on ‘2’ both the .out1 & the .out2 are generated and the contents of Item 13 of the
.out Ile is redirected to the .out1 Ile, as described in Sec5on 7.8.
The .out2 Ile includes only numbers and it contains entries per5nent to all the resonant modes for
all nodes of the structure. The format of the .out2 Ile resembles those of the .mds and the .dmg
There are six columns in the .out2 Ile and they are presented in Table 29. The units for each are also
shown in Table 29.
The liO coePcient values, the non dimensional frequency and the reduced velocity are the same as
those listed in the .out1 Ile for all the power-in nodes of the resonant modes.
Table 30 presents an example of the .out2 Ile. In the example it should be observed that:
● Nodes 26 through 34 are submerged, but they are outside the power-in region; code 99 in
Column 3 is interpreted as a zero value of the liO coePcient.
It is noted that reques5ng the prin5ng of the .out2 Ile is a convenient way of obtaining a lis5ng of
the non-dimensional frequencies and those of the reduced veloci5es outside the power-in regions.
Cross-checking those values would usually be of an op5onal interest.
This Ile includes the lis5ng of RMS stress (SrRMS) computed for each resonant mode at each
structural node. User's can use the results within the .str Ile to calculate fa5gue.
● Block 1 – This block lists the mode numbers for which Sr RMS is listed in Block 2 as well as the
mode corresponding frequency in Hertz and the 5me sharing probability.
● Block 2 – This block includes the lis5ng of RMS stress computed for each resonant mode
(SrRMS) at each riser node. x/L node loca5ons are listed in column 1 of Block 2, Sr RMS are listed
in the remaining columns under the corresponding mode number. Whenever there are
interrup5ons in the mode sequence numbers that make it above the power cut-oG, zero 5me
sharing probabili5es are wriZen to Column 3 of Block 1 in the rows corresponding.
● An example of the .str Ile is presented in Table 31. In this example Modes 2 and 4 are above
the power cut-oG and this is why the 5me sharing probability and RMS stress is 0.0 for Mode
3, as Mode 3 did not make the power cut-oG. Also, in this example the 5me sharing
probabili5es listed for Modes 2 and 4 are each equal to 1.0, because these modes belong to
diGerent independent 5me sharing zones.
● If zero-crossing fa5gue calcula5on is used the format of the .str changes. The Irst line of
the .str Ile speciIes that the zero-crossing method has been used. The second line indicates
that the using the zero-crossing method the 5me sharing ra5o will be 1.0. The remainder of
the Ile has three columns: respec5vely node x/L value, RMS stress, and zero-crossing
frequency (radians/second).
● An example of the .str Ile when the zero-crossing fa5gue calcula5on is used is presented in
Table 32.
This program will convert all of the .dat Iles in a directory from version 4.9 .dat Iles to 4.10 .dat
Iles. The names of the Iles are not changed. Therefore, if you want to retain the original version 4.9
.dat Iles then put a copy in a separate directory.
To use the program, the required .dat Iles should be dragged over the top of the
convert_v49_to_v410.exe program then release.
The conversion program sets the non-orthogonal damping Kag as 1 (on). The user needs to check
the converted Jle to ensure the values used are appropriate for their modelling situa=on.
The available SHEAR7 examples are presented in Tables 33 to 37. The SHEAR7 example .dat Iles are
located in the “<Installa5onDir>\Example Files” directory of SHEAR7 upon installa5on. The
implementa5on of one of the example Iles from design data is presented in Appendix D.
It is noted that the axial Kow damping capability available since SHEAR7 version 4.9 remains as an
experimental feature and is yet to be fully veriJed. Further tes=ng has been planned for
calibra=on against other model tests and Jeld data. Although Axial Damping CoeLcients are
available from regula=ons associated with oHshore analysis, these have not been veriJed for VIV
predic=ons in SHEAR7. It is recommended that users set this parameter to 0.0 for their analyses.
Beta Itera=on
Structural Model
Units Calcula=on SN-
File Name Descrip=on SCF Orthogonal
(Kag) Op=on Code Type B.C Tension Curve
basic_cable cable response English (1) 1 0 string varying ASME 1.0 no 4 1
response of tensioned pinned-
basic_beam_1 English (1) 1 1 beam varying API-X 1.0 no 4 1
beam pinned
response of tensioned pinned-
basic_beam_2 SI (0) 1 1 beam varying API-X 1.0 no 4 1
beam pinned
response of tensioned
basic_beam_3 beam with boundary English (1) 1 6 beam varying API-X' 1.0 no 4 1
rot spring
mul5ple S-N data pinned- API-X and
basic_beam_mul5_sn English (1) 1 1 beam varying 1.0 no 4 1
speciIed example pinned ASME
Beta Itera=on
Units Calcula=on SN-
File Name Descrip=on SCF Orthogonal
(Kag) Op=on Code Type B.C Tension Curve
Beta Itera=on
Units Calcula=on SN-
File Name Descrip=on SCF Orthogonal
(Kag) Op=on Code Type B.C Tension Curve
Beta Itera=on
Units Calcula=on SN-
File Name Descrip=on SCF Orthogonal
(Kag) Op=on Code Type B.C Tension Curve
Beta Itera=ons
Units Calcula=on SN-
File Name Descrip=on SCF Orthogonal
(Kag) Op=on Code Type B.C Tension Curve
NDP38m model test riser pinned-
benchmark_ndp_bare SI (0) 1 1 beam varying (single 1.0 no 4 1
bare shear current pinned
NDP38m model test riser DNV F2
benchmark_ndp_strake with 50% strake coverage SI (0) 1 1 beam varying (single 1.0 yes 4 1
benchmark case slope)
Long Vexible DeepStar English pinned-
benchmark_miami2_bare 1 1 beam varying API-X' 1.0 no 4 1
Ield test riser - bare (1) pinned
1. The axial damping term is experimental and remains to be calibrated by comparison to model tests.
The regions that are horizontal for the jumper examples are between the following x/L values;
● If parameters are missing from the input conIgura5on Ile SHEAR7 provides the user with the
parameters it has failed to read. If unsure use the supplied .dat conversion program (Sec5on
8) which will u5lise the default values listed in Appendix A.
● Cau5on: Do not aZempt to model too much detail in the zones: The zone capability in
SHEAR7 should not be used to include small structural details of the riser, such as the BOP,
the LMRP, the Vex joint and the slip joint. It is not yet known how to hydrodynamically model
many of these structures and SHEAR7 does not model them dynamically. Hence, including
such details in a SHEAR7 model only increases the likelihood of modelling and computa5on
errors. A suggested approach is to include such structural details in the FEM calcula5ons used
to compute the mode shapes and natural frequencies of the structure. Only include zones in
SHEAR7 that are needed to model the important hydrodynamics. Typically, zones should be
used to dis5nguish between long segments, which have signiIcant changes in diameter,
damping, or require diGerent liO coePcient tables, such as zones with strakes or fairings. Very
short length features, which will not signiIcantly alter the overall hydrodynamics, should be
● Use Cau5on when using the internal eigen solver and mul5ple structural zones. The mul5ple
zone feature in SHEAR7 may not give accurate natural frequency and mode shape
informa5on, especially at high mode number, when sudden changes in mass or s5Gness
occur in the riser model. This is because SHEAR7‘s internal eigen solver uses the WKB
approxima5on, which assumes slowly varying proper5es, such as mass per unit length and
moment of iner5a, to es5mate the natural frequencies and mode shapes. For example,
buoyancy modules cause large jumps in mass and sudden changes in eGec5ve tension. Wave
reVec5ons at these boundaries are not modelled correctly by the WKB method. It is
recommended that the natural frequencies and mode shapes of complex structures be
computed using an external Inite element program. The results can then be used to prepare
a common.mds Ile for use with calcula5on Op5on 2, or any .mds Ile for use with calcula5on
Op5on 3.
● When an externally generated .mds Ile op5on is used, the tension distribu5on, obtained
from the structural zone data, is not used in the SHEAR7 computa5ons. However, the mass
distribu5on does inVuence the modal mass computa5on, which in turn is used to compute
damping ra5o. Similarly, the hydrodynamic diameter distribu5on inVuences the
hydrodynamic liO and damping calcula5ons. These liO and damping values are used in
compu5ng the modal response amplitude.
● The published experimental results have been obtained from mostly low Reynolds number
● For straked risers, the experiments have a speciIc geometry (strake height = 25% of diameter;
Strake pitch = 17.5 diameters).
● All the straked experiments considered the straked region clean (do not have marine fouling)
and are undamaged.
● Typical response of a riser with par5al strake/fairings coverage, will be driven mostly by the
unprotected region, with the straked region providing damping.
● The default value for the beta control number is 4; however, if the response is not converging
this value can be increased up to 10.
● The beta func5on is generally only important for VIV excita5on of high mode numbers (Mode
5 and above), therefore, for ePcient run 5mes, the beta control number should be set to zero
if modelling the following structures:
● The Higher Harmonics ampliIca5on factor and threshold can be important when modelling
systems that result in Higher mode number excita5on. When using the Higher Harmonics
feature, the default threshold value is 0.4 and the default Higher Harmonics ampliIca5on
factor is 3.33. Otherwise Higher Harmonics ampliIca5on can be deac5vated by seQng the
ampliIca5on factor, α, to 0.0.
● It is noted that the axial Vow damping capability now available since SHEAR7 version 4.9
remains as an experimental feature and is yet to be fully veriIed. Further tes5ng has been
planned for calibra5on against other model tests and Ield data. Although Axial Damping
CoePcients are available from regula5ons associated with oGshore analysis, these have not
been veriIed for VIV predic5ons in SHEAR7. It is recommended that users set this parameter
to 0.0 for their analyses.
LiO CoePcient Methodology in versions since 4.3. The value of the liO coePcient (designated CL) in
versions since 4.3 is a func5on of the value of the non-dimensional response amplitude (A/D).
Figure 9: SHEAR7 deInes a smoothed liO coePcient curve by IQng two parabolas to three deIned
by four user-speciIed values.
However, rather than using a piecewise linear table (as done in version 4.2), versions since 4.3
generate a func5on-based, smooth liO coePcient vs. A/D curve, as shown in Figure 9.
A property of the liO coePcient tables are that for each reduced velocity (implemented in the CL
tables as a normalized reduced frequency) there is a value of the response amplitude at which the
liO coePcient becomes nega5ve and provides damping.
Since version 4.4 a IOh parameter CL,Voor is added that limits the maximum nega5ve value of the liO
coePcient. In version 4.3 this value was set at -1.0. In versions since 4.5, the user must specify in the table the desired value of the maximum nega5ve liO coePcient. This IOh parameter is
called CL,Voor. This parameter can be quite important in strake modelling. Tables 3 through 6 are
examples. Two new tables appeared in version 4.7
● Instead of having a look up table, CL is determined from a smooth curve constructed by IQng
two parabolas through three points (as per 9), deIned by the following four values:
5. CL,Voor – The minimum value of CL (used in SHEAR7 since version 4.4). This limits the minimum
allowed CL value to a Voor shown as 5 in the plot.
In SHEAR7 version 4.3 CL,Voor was not described because it was set at CL,Voor = -1.0 internally by the
● Using this method, CL curves are easily deIned; thus, mul5ple curves can be used to make C L a
func5on of the non-dimensional frequency ra5o, a quan5ty related to the inverse of the
reduced velocity.
● The six values are speciIed in an input Ile called ‘’ that contains the following sets
of curves:
○ CL table1:
A single curve, independent of frequency ra5o, which approximates the SHEAR7 v4.2
lookup table.
○ CL table2:
○ CL table3:
○ CL table4:
○ CL table5:
A conserva5ve model of strakes that can be used with strakes designs other than those
speciIed above. This model is more conserva5ve than C L table4 or CL table6 are, but it is
less conserva5ve than CL table3 is.
○ CL table6:
This is reserved for a table for ideal, clean (no marine growth), undamaged strakes based
on 25% high, 17.5 pitch ra5o. Please use with cau5on.
○ CL table7:
○ CL table8:
● The user can deIne mul5ple structural zones in a .dat Ile, and assign a diGerent C L table for
each region.
● The Ile must be in the same directory as the SHEAR7 program.
● The Irst block of the .cl Ile gives the number of C L tables contained in the Ile. Each ensuing
block contains the data for one CL table.
● Within a CL table block, the Irst line indicates the number of non-dimensional frequency ra5o
points for which the CL curves will be deIned. The non-dimensional frequency, fn / fvo, is the
ra5o of the vibra5on frequency of the riser, fn, to the most favourable local shedding
frequency, fvo. The most favourable shedding frequency is simply the selected Strouhal
number 5mes the local Vow speed, divided by diameter. The non-dimensional frequency is
given in Equa5on 5. At the centre of the power-in region the natural frequency and the most
favourable shedding frequency are equal.
fn fn
= Equa5on 5
f vo z S t U z / D
● For subcri5cal Reynolds numbers, the most favourable reduced velocity is approximately
5.88, which has an inverse value of 0.17. In SHEAR7 the most favourable shedding frequency
is computed from a user-provided Strouhal number. The Strouhal number is speciIed by the
user for each structural zone. It can be in the form of a speciIc number or taken from a
Reynolds number dependent table. In either case at every loca5on on the riser there is a
most favourable vortex shedding frequency, f vo(z), which may be computed using the Strouhal
number, the local Vow velocity and the diameter. The liO coePcient table is tabulated in
terms of the ra5o of the natural frequency in each power-in zone to the most favourable
shedding frequency at every node inside the power-in region according to the above
● This ra5o has a maximum value of 1.0 at the value the user wants to be the centre of a lock-in
range. This is usually at or near the peak in the liO coePcient curve.
● The CL table block contains Ive columns, giving the following data:
○ Column 1:
The non-dimensional frequency ra5o, fn / fvo, which SHEAR7 uses to automa5cally centre
the power-in region at or near the peak liO coePcient in the CL table, which is deIned at
fn / fvo(z) = 1.0.
○ fn / fvo(z) is shown in the equa5on above, where fn is the frequency of the mode being
considered and fvo(z) is the local Strouhal frequency. fn / fvo does not provide any
informa5on about the eGect of mass ra5o on natural frequency, but reVects only the
ability of the Vuid to synchronize with the mo5on of the cylinder.
○ In a sheared Vow the local Strouhal frequency, f vo, varies with the Vow velocity, but each
mode has only one natural frequency fn. When the parameter fn / fvo =1.0, the vibra5on
frequency matches the Strouhal frequency. Looking at a par5cular power-in region for a
given mode and assuming a constant St number, it is seen that for the faster Vow region
the local Strouhal frequency will be larger than the natural frequency, and thus fn / fvo <
1.0. Similarly, for the slower Vow region fn / fvo > 1.0. As long as the peak liO coePcient in
the CL table is centered on fn / fvo =1.0, then the peak liO coePcient will automa5cally be at
the center of the power-in region, whatever the Strouhal frequency, or Strouhal number
that has been speciIed in the input data.
○ Column 2 -5:
Each column (2-5) is one of the four values deIned in Figure 1 that give SHEAR7 the
necessary informa5on to construct the liO coePcient curves. Column 2 corresponds to the
normalized amplitude corresponding to zero liO coePcient, column 3 to the amplitude at
the maximum liO coePcient, column 4 to the maximum liO coePcient, and column 5 to
the liO coePcient at zero amplitude.
○ Column 6:
Each column (6) deInes the straight, horizontal line segment trunca5ng the parabolic
approxima5on of CL as the func5on of (A/D). It is shown in blue on Figure 1. It is the most
nega5ve allowed Cl.
● A single-line CL table (such as tables 1, 3, 5 and 6 in the Ile which is provided)
indicates a single liO coePcient vs. A/D curve that is applied at all frequency ra5o values. This
represents a liO coePcient model that is independent of the frequency ra5o, and thus looks
like a constant ridge in 3 dimensions.
Material Proper5es for the example beam are given in Table D2.
S5Gness proper5es for the example beam are given in Table D3.
The current proIle to be applied to the example beam is given in Table D4.
Addi5onal miscellaneous proper5es to be used in the example are listed in Table D6.
The completed and example Ile is reproduced below for the example data provided.
SHEAR7 4.10: Data Ile for a tensioned beam with boundary rota5onal spring
1.0 1.0 0.20 0.18 0.20 0.00 Ca, DampCoeG0, DampCoeG1, DampCoeG2, DampCoeG3, DampCoeG4
1.00 0 1.00 global scf, Vag for bs-curv factor, bs-curv loading factor
1 calcula5on op5on
2. Jauv5s, N., Williamson, C.H.K. (2004). “The eGect of two degrees of freedom on vortex-induced
vibra5on at low mass ra5o”. J. Fluid Mech. (2004), vol. 509, pp. 23-62.
3. Jhingran, V., Vandiver, J.K. (2007). "Incorpora5ng the Higher Harmonics in VIV Fa5gue
Predic5ons". San Diego, CA. Proceedings of OMAE2007, OMAE2007-29352.
4. Marcollo, H., Vandiver, J.K. & Chaurasia, H. (2007). “Phenomena Observed in VIV Bare Riser Field
Tests“. San Diego, CA. Proceedings of OMAE 2007, OMAE2007-29562.
5. Swithenbank, S., Vandiver, J.K. (2007). "Iden5fying the Power-in Region for Vortex-Induced
Vibra5on on Long Flexible Cylinders". San Diego, CA. Proceedings of OMAE 2007, OMAE2007-29156.
8. Vandiver, J.K., Gonzalez, E. (1997). "Fa5gue Life of Catenary Risers Excited by Vortex Shedding".
DelO, Netherlands. Behavior of OGshore Structures Conference, July 1997.
9. Vandiver, J.K., Marcollo, H. (2003). "High Mode Number VIV Experiments". Rutgers University.
IUTAM Symposium On Integrated Modelling of Fully Coupled Fluid-Structure Interac5ons Using
Analysis, Computa5ons, and Experiments, pp. 211-231.
10. Vandiver, J.K., Chung, T.Y. (1988). “Predicted and Measured Response of Flexible Cylinders in
Sheared Flow”. Chicago. Proceedings of ASME Winter Annual Mee5ng Symposium on Flow-Induced
11. Vandiver, J.K., Peoples, W. (2003). “The EGect of Staggered Buoyancy Modules on Flow-Induced
Vibra5on of Marine Risers”. Houston, TX. Proceeding of OGshore Technology Conference, OTC-
12. Vandiver, J.K., Swithenbank, S.B., Jaiswal, V. & Jhingran, V. (2006). “Fa5gue Damage From High
Mode Number Vortex-Induced Vibra5on”. Hamburg, Germany. Proceedings of OMAE 2006,
13. Vandiver, J.K., Marcollo, H., Swithenbank, S. & Jhingran, V. (2005). “High Mode Number Vortex-
Induced Vibra5on Field Experiments”. Houston, TX. Proceedings of OGshore Technology Conference,
14. Vandiver, J.K., Swithenbank, S., Jaiswal, V. & Marcollo, H. (2006). “The EGec5veness of Helical
Strakes in the Suppression of High-Mode-Number VIV”. Houston, TX. Proceedings of OGshore
Technology Conference, OTC-18276.
15. Vikestad, K., Larsen, C.M., & Vandiver, J.K. (2000). “Norwegian Deepwater Program: Damping of
Vortex-Induced Vibra5on”. Houston, TX. Proceedings of OGshore Technology Conference, OTC-
16. Marcollo, H.; Vandiver, J.K. (2009). “Par5al Strake Coverage Vortex-Induced Vibra5on
Benchmarking Using Shear7v4.5”. Honolulu, HI. Proceedings of OMAE 2009, OMAE2009-80028.
17. Resvanis, T., Vandiver, J.K. (2011). “Modelling Risers with Par5al Strake Coverage”. RoZerdam,
The Netherlands. Proceeding of OMAE, OMAE2011-49817.
18. Chung, T.Y. (1989). “Vortex-induced Vibra5on of Flexible Cylinders Having DiGerent Mass Ra5os”.
19. Cornut, S.F.A., Vandiver, J.K. (2000). “OGshore VIV Monitoring at Schiehallion – Analysis of Riser
VIV Response”. New Orleans, LA. Proceedings of OMAE 2000, OMAE2000-005022.
20. Fei, C.Y., Vandiver, J.K. (1995). “A Gaussian Model for Predic5ng the EGect of Unsteady
Windspeed on the Vortex-Induced Vibra5on Response of Structural Members”. Copenhagen,
Denmark. Proceedings of OMAE 1995, pp. 57-65.
21. Gorvardhan, R. N., Wiliamson, C. H. K. (2006). “DeIning the ‘ModiIed GriPn Plot’ in Vortex-
Induced Vibra5on: Revealing the EGect of Reynolds Number Using Controlled Damping”.Cambridge,
UK. J. Fluid Mech. (2006), vol. 561, pp. 147–180.
22. Jong, J.Y. Vandiver, J.K. (1983). “Response Analysis of the Flow-Induced Vibra5on of Cylinders
Tested at Cas5ne, Maine in July and August of 1981.” Cambridge, MA. Department of Ocean
Engineering, MassachuseZs Ins5tute of Technology, pp. 1-81.
23. Kaasen, K.E., Lie, H., Solaas, F. & Vandiver, J.K. (2000). “Norwegian Deepwater Program: Analysis
of Vortex-Induced Vibra5ons of Marine Risers Based on Full-Scale Measurements”. Houston, TX.
Proceedings of OGshore Technology Conference, OTC-11997.
24. Kim, Y.H., Vandiver, J.K., Holler, R. (1985). “Vortex-Induced Vibra5on and Drag CoePcients of
Long Cables Subjected to Sheared Flows”. Dallas, TX. Proceedings of OMAE 1985, vol. 1, pp. 584-592.
25. Pantazopoulos, M.S. (1994). “Vortex-Induced Vibra5on Parameters: Cri5cal Review”. Houston,
TX. Proceedings of OMAE 1994, vol. 1, pp. 199-255
26. Roveri, F.E., Vandiver, J.K. (2001). “Slenderex: Using Shear7 for Assessment of Fa5gue Damage
Caused by Current-Induced Vibra5ons”. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Proceedings of OMAE 2001, OMAE 01-
27. Vandiver, J.K. (2000). “A New Interpreta5on of the Response Parameter Sg”. Cambridge, MA.
Department of Ocean Engineering, MassachuseZs Ins5tute of Technology.
28. Vandiver, J.K., Allen, D. & Li, L. (1996). “The Occurrence of Lock-in Under Highly Sheared
Condi5ons”. Journal of Fluids and Structures (1996), vol. 10, pp. 555-561.
29. Vandiver, J.K., Fei, C.Y., Campbell, R.B. & Rudge, D. (1996). “A Procedure for Predic5ng the Fa5gue
Damage of Structural Members in Unsteady Winds”. Houston, TX. Proceedings of OGshore
Technology Conference, OTC Paper 8081.
30. Vandiver, J.K. (2000). “Predic5ng Lock-in on Drilling Risers in Sheared Flows”. Cambridge, MA.
Department of Ocean Engineering, MassachuseZs Ins5tute of Technology.
31. Vandiver, J.K., Jong, J.Y. (1987). “The Rela5onship Between In-Line and Cross-Flow Vortex-
Induced Vibra5on of Cylinders”. Journal of Fluids and Structures (1987), vol. 1, pp. 381-399.
32. Vandiver, J.K., Li, L. (1994). “Suppression of Cable Vibra5on by Means of Wave Absorbing
Termina5ons”. Cambridge, MA. Department of Ocean Engineering, MassachuseZs Ins5tute of
33. Vandiver, J.K., Li, L., Venugopal, M. (1994). “SHEAR7 Calibra5on with Shell Data: Appendix:
Comparison of Predicted and Measured Response, Data Reports 1 through 6”. Cambridge, MA.
Department of Ocean Engineering, MassachuseZs Ins5tute of Technology.
34. Vandiver, J.K., Mazel, C.H. (1976). “A Field Study of Vortex-Induced Vibra5ons of Marine Cables”.
Dallas, TX. Proceedings of OGshore Technology Conference, OTC 2491.
35. Vandiver, J.K. (1998). “Research Challenges in the Vortex-Induced Vibra5on Predic5on of Marine
Risers”. Houston, TX. Proceedings of OGshore Technology Conference, OTC 8698.
36. Vandiver, J.K. (1998). “Drag CoePcients of Long Flexible Cylinders”. Houston, TX. Proceedings of
OGshore Technology Conference, OTC 4490.
37. Vandiver, J.K. (1998). “The Predic5on of Lock-in Vibra5on on Flexible Cylinders in a Sheared
Flow”.Houston, TX. Proceedings of OGshore Technology Conference, OTC 5006.
38. Vandiver, J.K., Peoples, W. (2003). “The EGect of Staggered Buoyancy Modules on Flow-Induced
Vibra5on of Marine Risers”. Houston, TX. Proceedings of OGshore Technology Conference, OTC
39. Vikestad, K., Larsen, C.M., Vandiver, J.K. (1997). “Experimental Study of Excited Circular Cylinder
in Current”. Yokohama, Japan. Proceedings of OMAE 1997.
40. Vandiver, J. K. (2012). “Damping Parameters for Vow-induced vibra5on”. Journal of Fluids and
Structures, 35, 105-119.
Figure 10: Jumper schema5c highligh5ng power-in and damping regions when modelling axial Vow
n = structural
∫ r h z Y n zdz
Equa5on 7
2 n M n
The previous SHEAR7 hydrodynamic damping model had three hydrodynamic damping coePcients
as per Equa5on 8 and 9.
D 2 2 A
If Vr 7, then r h z = [ C CD1 ]C D2 DV Equa5on 8
2 Re D
If Vr 7, then r h z =C D3 Equa5on 9
The new damping model included in SHEAR7 version 4.8 has two addi5onal damping coePcients to
“turn oG” the s5ll water damping and add in axial Vow damping as per Equa5on 10 and 11.
2 2
D 2 2 A
If Vr 7, then r h z = [C D0 C ] Equa5on
2 Re D1 D 10
C D2 DV C D4 DV 2
V 2
If Vr 7, then r h z =C D3 C D4 DV Equa5on 11
To model axial Vow damping in a speciIc zone, the input data would be as follows:
● Specify input Vow velocity to map onto a straight line equivalent to the jumper.
● Determine the type of damping appropriate to each zone and specify the 5 input coePcients,
zone by zone.
● Pay aZen5on to new research and model tests to obtain latest on calibra5on and lessons
● It is noted that the axial Kow damping capability available from SHEAR7 version 4.8 remains
as an experimental feature and is yet to be fully veriJed. Further tes=ng has been planned
for calibra=on against other model tests and Jeld data. Although Axial Damping
CoeLcients are available from regula=ons associated with oHshore analysis, these have not
been veriJed for VIV predic=ons in SHEAR7. It is recommended that users set this
parameter to 0.0 for their analyses.
Figure 11: Summary of A/D at CL = 0 limits from Ref [1], along with limits of common.CL curves for
common.CL Table 7
The liO coePcient values take the form of two diGerent curves shown in Figure 12. Choices of the
values of CL come from a conserva5ve es5mate of those found from the model test experiments
where the highest CL value measured was 0.1.
As shown in Figure 11 these curves are applied at four (4) diGerent values of Normalized frequency.
Similarly, for a vibra5ng structure, normalized frequency can be described in terms of reduced
velocity or by the parameter Fn/Fvo. The values of all these parameters for the applica5on of the
new curves is shown in Table G1.
Common.CL Table
0.64 0.15 0.1 0.07 0.05 -1 ndfreq(), aCL0, aCLmax, CLmax, CLa0,
0.64 0.125 0.075 0.07 0.05 -1 ndfreq(), aCL0, aCLmax, CLmax, CLa0,
Summary of changes
1. St Number à 0.33
2. Bandwidth à 1.15
4. Common.CL Ile à Add the new common.CL table to the common.CL Ile.
Addi=onal notes
Note: Sensi5vity to added mass is important to consider when doing inline VIV predic5on. The
added mass will reduce through the inline lock-in region resul5ng in a slightly higher natural
frequency. Sensi5vity could involve running the analysis with Ca=0.5 to produce the modes. The liO
curves have been inten5onally made conserva5ve in their amplitude of response so that curvatures
which are raised to a power when compu5ng fa5gue compensate for a changing frequency of
vibra5on on the fa5gue damage predic5ons. An example is that a 30% over-predic5on of curvature,
raised to a power of 3, will lead to a 2.2 5mes larger fa5gue damage rate.
OMAE2010-20330 was a paper produced to summarise and explain a series of Vexible riser
experiments including pure in-line VIV response. The data was taken from a VIV Model Test program
of a free span using a long elas5c pipe model.
For the example, the third and Inal experimental test series, Test series 75 has been used which
produces the greatest range of response for Mode 1 in-line.
The peak A/D response along the span length is shown for predic5ons and experiments in Figure 13
common.CL Table 7 is the dashed line, common.CL Table 8 the solid line and experiments are marked
with crosses.
Figure 13: Comparison between SHEAR7 using common.CL Tables 7 & 8 and the Test 75 Series
Experimental Results A/D vs Current Velocity
In using SHEAR7, the parameter sets shown in the below were used to achieve the results stated.
[1] OMAE2005-67393 [Aronsen, et. al. “Hydrodynamic CoePcients from in-line VIV experiments”];
as well as Aronsen PhD thesis.
[2] Passano E, Larsen C.M. et al (2010). “OMAE2010-20330 VIV of Free Spanning Pipelines:
Comparison of Response from Semi-Empirical Code to Model Tests”. Marintek & Dep. Of Marine
Technology, NTNU Norway.
A* is deIned as:
A* = =
Dref Dref 1
Lin L
y 2rms x dx Equa5on 12
A* is the spa5al RMS value of the temporal RMS response amplitudes in the power-in region,
normalized by the reference diameter that is speciIed by the user in the .dat Ile. A * includes the
contribu5ons from the resonant and non-resonant modes.
Uf is deIned as the RMS current velocity in the power-in region, as per Equa5on 13.
∫ U2 x dx
Lin Lin
Equa5on 13
The parameter c* is a dimensionless damping parameter which is based on the equilibrium between
power into the system from liO forces to the power out of the system due to damping. In general as
damping is increased the response amplitude will fall. Also, it is generally true that even if the
damping is constant, the response will increase with current speed. c * is a damping parameter that
includes the eGects of both damping coePcient as well as current speed on the response.
The deIni5on of c* is deIned in Equa5on 14, where cequiv is the total equivalent damping constant
for the system. cequiv is deIned in Equa5on 15.
c equiv
c *=
1 Equa5on 14
U 2f
c equiv= Equa5on 15
Lin A2f 2
cequiv makes use of the fact that at steady state in= out . In words, cequiv is the equivalent
damping per unit length that if it were applied over a length of cylinder equal to the length of the
power-in region, it would dissipate the same amount of power as the actual damping distributed
over the en5re riser.
Figure H1: A* versus c* for a wide range of top tension, SCR and lazy wave risers with and without
A plot such as this allows a direct comparison of cases with widely varying input parameters.
Another use of these plots is to detect problems in program execu5on or theory. Figure H2 shows
the same cases run with a development version of SHEAR7 while tes5ng out the recent
improvement to the program, known as the beta correc5on. In this Igure there is an odd looking
branch of data points that curve upward from the main body of data points; upon closer inspec5on
revealed that the liO coePcient itera5on that is part of the beta correc5on was not converging
correctly. It was this plot that drew our aZen5on to it, allowing us to Ix the bug quickly. It is
recommended when running a large number of cases, one should get in the habit of seeing how the
data looks in such a plot.
It should be noted that when using liO coePcient Table 2, an A * versus c* plot will not reveal a
smooth curve. Rather there will be considerable scaZer, because the liO coePcient varies with A/D
as well as reduced velocity.
Figure H2: A* versus c* for a wide range of top tension, SCR and lazy wave risers with and without
strakes. The branch on the top side of the curve revealed a program bug during development
tes5ng that was subsequently resolved prior to release.