Operating Instructions Dusthunter Sp30 en Im0075517

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Dust Concentration Monitor


Described product
Product name: DUSTHUNTER SP30
DUSTHUNTER SP30 LM Leakage monitor for filter check
DUSTHUNTER SP30 DM Dust monitor for filter check

SICK Engineering GmbH
Bergener Ring 27 · D-01458 Ottendorf-Okrilla · Germany
Phone: +49 35205 524-10
Fax: +49 35205 524-50
E-mail: [email protected]

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This document is an original document of SICK Engineering GmbH.

2 O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | DUSTHUNTER SP30 8021994/ZWO2/V1-2/2018-04| SICK

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1 Important Information .............................................................................. 7
1.1 Main hazards................................................................................................... 7
1.1.1 Hazard through hot and/or aggressive gases and high pressure 7
1.1.2 Hazard through electrical equipment ............................................ 7
1.1.3 Hazards through laser beam.......................................................... 7
1.2 Symbols and document conventions ............................................................. 8
1.2.1 Warning symbols ............................................................................ 8
1.2.2 Warning levels and signal words.................................................... 8
1.2.3 Information symbols ....................................................................... 8
1.3 Intended use ................................................................................................... 8
1.4 Responsibility of user...................................................................................... 9
1.4.1 General information........................................................................ 9
1.4.2 Safety information and protective measures ................................ 9

2 Product Description.................................................................................11
2.1 Measuring principle, measured variables....................................................11
2.1.1 Functional principle ......................................................................11
2.1.2 Response time ..............................................................................12
2.1.3 Function check..............................................................................12
2.2 Device components ......................................................................................14
2.2.1 Sender/receiver unit ....................................................................16
2.2.2 Components for assembly of sender/receiver unit.....................21 Flange with tube........................................................21 Flange with quick-release fastener / 1" thread .......21
2.2.3 Optional integrated purge air unit................................................22
2.2.4 Optional external purge air unit ...................................................22
2.2.5 Adapter for instrument air supply ................................................23
2.2.6 Installation accessories................................................................23
2.2.7 Non-return valve ...........................................................................23
2.2.8 Test equipment for linearity test ..................................................23
2.3 Device configuration .....................................................................................24
2.3.1 Sender/receiver unit ....................................................................24
2.4 SOPAS ET (PC program) ................................................................................24

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3 Assembly and Installation...................................................................... 25

3.1 Project planning............................................................................................ 25
3.2 Assembly ....................................................................................................... 27
3.2.1 Fitting the flange with tube .......................................................... 27
3.2.2 Fitting Tri-Clamp welding clamps................................................. 28
3.2.3 Fitting 1" sleeve............................................................................ 28
3.2.4 Fitting dimensions in the duct .................................................... 29
3.2.5 Work to be performed .................................................................. 30
3.2.6 Adapting to the flow direction...................................................... 31
3.2.7 Fitting the components for the purge air supply......................... 32
3.2.8 Fitting to the measuring point ..................................................... 33
3.2.9 Fitting the weatherproof cover..................................................... 33
3.2.10 Fitting the optional MCU control unit .......................................... 34
3.2.11 Fitting the optional external purge air unit.................................. 35
3.2.12 Assembly work.............................................................................. 35
3.3 Electrical installation .................................................................................... 36
3.3.1 Electrical safety ............................................................................ 36 Properly installed power isolating switches............. 36 Lines with correct rating........................................... 36 Grounding the devices.............................................. 36 Responsibility for system safety .............................. 36
3.3.2 General information, prerequisites ............................................. 37
3.3.3 Electrical connection.................................................................... 37
3.3.4 Device displays / connections ..................................................... 38
3.3.5 Connecting the optional MCU control unit .................................. 39
3.3.6 Installing the purge air supply ..................................................... 39 Optional external purge air unit ............................... 39 Purging with instrument air ...................................... 40 Installing the non-return valve option...................... 42

4 Commissioning and Configuration ....................................................... 43

4.1 Basics ............................................................................................................ 43
4.1.1 General information ..................................................................... 43
4.1.2 Factory settings ............................................................................ 43
4.2 Simple commissioning (without SOPAS ET)................................................. 44
4.3 Checking the purge air unit .......................................................................... 47
4.3.1 Install SOPAS ET ........................................................................... 47 Password for SOPAS ET menus................................ 47
4.3.2 Connecting SOPAS to the device ................................................. 48
4.3.3 Connection to the device via USB line ........................................ 48 Finding the DUSTHUNTER COM port........................ 49

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4.4 Commissioning / configuring the sender/receiver unit ..............................50

4.4.1 Selecting maintenance.................................................................50
4.4.2 Setting application parameters....................................................51
4.4.3 Modbus configuration...................................................................52
4.4.4 Filter watch....................................................................................53
4.4.5 Protocols .......................................................................................55
4.4.6 Resetting parameters ...................................................................55
4.5 Measuring screen, diagnosis and control values ........................................56
4.5.1 Overview ........................................................................................56
4.5.2 Device information .......................................................................56
4.5.3 Measured value output and sensor information.........................57
4.5.4 Test outputs ..................................................................................59
4.5.5 Calibration for dust concentration measurement .......................60
4.5.6 Data backup in SOPAS ET ............................................................62

5 Maintenance.............................................................................................63
5.1 General information ......................................................................................63
5.2 Maintenance on the sender/receiver unit ...................................................65
5.2.1 Cleaning the optics of the sender/receiver unit..........................65
5.2.2 Checking laser alignment .............................................................66
5.3 Maintenance of the purge air supply ...........................................................68
5.3.1 Integrated purge air unit ..............................................................68
5.3.2 Optional external purge air unit ...................................................69
5.4 Shutdown.......................................................................................................70

6 Troubleshooting .......................................................................................71
6.1 General information ......................................................................................71
6.2 Warnings and failures of the sender/receiver unit .....................................72
6.2.1 Warnings .......................................................................................72
6.2.2 Failures..........................................................................................73
6.3 Repairs ..........................................................................................................74
6.3.1 Replacing the cover ......................................................................74
6.3.2 Replacing the protective tube for NL 180 and 280 ....................75
6.3.3 Replacing the protective tube for NL 435 and 735 ....................75
6.3.4 Replacing the mainboard .............................................................75
6.3.5 Setting the laser alignment ..........................................................77
6.3.6 Replacing the laser .......................................................................77

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7 Specifications........................................................................................... 80
7.1 Compliances ................................................................................................. 80
7.2 Approvals ...................................................................................................... 80
7.3 Technical Data .............................................................................................. 81
7.4 Dimensions, item numbers .......................................................................... 83
7.4.1 Sender/receiver unit .................................................................... 83
7.4.2 Fitting elements............................................................................ 89
7.4.3 Optional MCU control unit............................................................ 90
7.4.4 Optional external purge air unit ................................................... 91
7.4.5 Weatherproof covers .................................................................... 92
7.5 Accessories ................................................................................................... 93
7.5.1 Connections for sender/receiver unit ......................................... 93
7.5.2 Purge air supply............................................................................ 93
7.5.3 Assembly parts ............................................................................. 93
7.5.4 Accessories for linearity test........................................................ 93
7.6 Consumable parts for 2-year operation....................................................... 94
7.7 Spare parts ................................................................................................... 94
7.7.1 Sender/receiver unit .................................................................... 94
7.7.2 Purge air supply............................................................................ 94

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1 Important Information

1.1 Main hazards

1.1.1 Hazard through hot and/or aggressive gases and high pressure
The optical subassemblies are fitted directly on the gas-carrying duct. On equipment with
low hazard potential (no danger to health, ambient pressure, low temperatures), the
installation or removal can be performed while the equipment is in operation providing the
valid regulations and equipment safety notices are observed and suitable protective
measures are taken.

WARNING: Danger from exhaust gas

▸ On equipment with gases detrimental to health, high pressure or high
temperatures, the sender/receiver unit fitted on the duct may only be
installed/removed when the equipment is at a standstill.

1.1.2 Hazard through electrical equipment

WARNING: Danger through power voltage

The DUSTHUNTER SP30 measuring system is classified as electrical.
▸ Disconnect power supply lines before working on power connections or
parts carrying power voltage.
▸ Refit any contact protection removed before switching the power voltage
back on again.

1.1.3 Hazards through laser beam

WARNING: Hazards through laser beam

▸ Never look directly into the beam path.
▸ Do not point the laser beam at persons.
▸ Pay attention to laser beam reflections.

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1.2 Symbols and document conventions

1.2.1 Warning symbols

Symbol Significance

Hazard (general)

Hazard by voltage

1.2.2 Warning levels and signal words

Risk or hazardous situation which will result in severe personal injury or death.
Risk or hazardous situation which could result in severe personal injury or death.
Hazard or unsafe practice which could result in less severe or minor injuries.
Hazard which could result in property damage.

1.2.3 Information symbols

Symbol Significance

Important technical information for this product

Important information on electric or electronic functions

1.3 Intended use

Purpose of the device
The DUSTHUNTER SP30 measuring system only serves continuous measurement of dust
concentrations in exhaust gas and exhaust air plants.

Correct use
▸ Use the device only as described in these Operating Instructions. The manufacturer
bears no responsibility for any other use.
▸ Observe all measures necessary for conservation of value, e.g., for maintenance and
inspection and/or transport and storage.
● Do not remove, add or modify any components to or on the device unless described and
specified in the official manufacturer information. Otherwise
– the device could become dangerous
– the manufacturer’s warranty becomes void

Restrictions of use
● The DUSTHUNTER SP30 measuring system is not approved for use in potentially
explosive atmospheres.

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1.4 Responsibility of user

1.4.1 General information

Designated users
The DUSTHUNTER SP30 measuring system may only be installed and operated by skilled
technicians who, based on their technical training and knowledge as well as knowledge of
the relevant regulations, can assess the tasks given and recognize the hazards involved.

Special local conditions

▸ Observe the valid legal regulations as well as the technical rules deriving from
implementation of these regulations applicable for the respective equipment during work
preparation and performance.
▸ Carry out work according to the local conditions specific for the equipment as well as
operational hazards and regulations.

Keeping documents
Keep the Operating Instructions belonging to the measuring system as well as equipment
documentation onsite for reference at all times. Pass the respective documentation on to
any new owner of the measuring system.

1.4.2 Safety information and protective measures

Protection devices

Depending on the particular hazard potential, an adequate number of suitable
protection devices and personal safety equipment must be available and used
by the personnel.

Behavior during a purge air failure

The purge air supply serves to protect optical subassemblies fitted on the duct against hot
or aggressive gases. Leave the supply switched on when the equipment is at a standstill.
Optical subassemblies can be severely damaged in a short time if the purge air supply fails.

If no quick-release shutters are available:
The user must ensure that:
▸ The purge air supply runs reliably and continuously
▸ Failure of the purge air supply is immediately detected (e.g., by using
pressure monitors)
▸ Optical subassemblies are removed from the duct if the purge air supply
fails and the duct opening is closed off (e.g. with a flange cover).

Preventive measures for operating safety

The user must ensure that:
▸ Neither failures nor erroneous measurements can lead to operational states
that can cause damage or become dangerous
▸ The specified maintenance and inspection tasks are carried out regularly by
qualified, experienced personnel.

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Recognizing failures
Every deviation from normal operation is to be regarded as a serious indication of a
functional impairment. These are, amongst others:
● Warning indications
● Significant drifts in measured results
● Increased power consumption
● Higher temperatures of system components
● Monitoring devices triggering
● Smells or smoke emission
● Heavy contamination.

Avoiding damage

In order to avoid failures that can cause direct or indirect personal injury or
property damage, the operator must ensure:
▸ The responsible maintenance personnel are present at any time and as fast
as possible
▸ The maintenance personnel are adequately qualified to react correctly to
failures of the measuring system and any resulting operational interruptions
(e.g., when used for measurement and control purposes)
▸ The malfunctioning equipment is switched off immediately in case of doubt
and that switching off does not cause collateral failures.

Electric connection
Ensure the device can be switched off with a power isolating switch/circuit breaker in
accordance with EN 61010-1.

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2 Product Description

2.1 Measuring principle, measured variables

2.1.1 Functional principle

The measuring system works according to the scattered light measurement principle
(forward dispersion). A laser diode beams the dust particles in the gas flow with modulated
light in the visual range (wavelength approx. 650 nm). A highly sensitive detector registers
the light scattered by the particles, amplifies the light electrically and feeds it to the
measuring channel of a microprocessor as central part of the measuring, control and
evaluation electronics. The measuring volume in the gas duct is defined through the
intersection of the sender beam sent and the receive aperture.
Continuous monitoring of the sender output registers the smallest changes in brightness of
the light beam sent which then serves to determine the measurement signal.

Fig. 1: Measuring principle

   Sender/receiver unit
 Gas duct
 Receiver
 Measuring volume
 Sender

 

Approx. 15°

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Determining the dust concentration

Measured scattered light intensity (SI) is proportional to dust concentration (c). Scattered
light intensity not only depends on the number and size of particles but also on the optical
characteristics of the particles and therefore the measuring system must be calibrated
using a gravimetric comparison measurement for exact dust concentration measurement.
The calibration coefficients determined can be entered directly in the measuring system as

c = cc2 · SI² + cc1 · SI + cc0

(Entry, see “Calibration for dust concentration measurement”, page 60; standard factory
setting: cc2 = 0, cc1 = 1, cc0 = 0).

2.1.2 Response time

The response time is the time required to attain 90% of the signal peak after a sudden
change in the measurement signal. It can be set anywhere between 0.1 and 600 s. As the
response time increases, transient measured value fluctuations and interruptions are
damped stronger and stronger which “smoothes out” the output signal.

Fig. 2: Response time

Measured value in %

98 90% of the signal peak

96 Measured value with response time

Process change


88 Response time

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 t in s

2.1.3 Function check

A function check can be triggered at fixed intervals as from a definable starting timepoint
for an automatic function check of the measuring system. The setting can be made using
the SOPAS ET operating program (see “Setting application parameters”, page 51). Any
unallowed deviations from normal behavior that may occur are signaled as errors. A
function check triggered manually can help localize possible error causes should a device
failure occur.
During the check cycle of the DUSTHUNTER SP30, the linearity of the measurement is
checked. The check cycle takes approx. 200 s and comprises:
● Approx. 20 s measurement of zero and control value
● Output of the determined values for 180 s (can be deactivated via SOPAS ET)

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Fig. 3: Function check output on a plotter

Check cycle

Control value output

Paper feed

Zero value output

(Live Zero) End of function check

Live zero Control value

(70% value, span)

● Activate the “Enable analog output check values” to output control values via the
analog output (see “Setting application parameters”, page 51).
● The value measured last is output on the analog output during control value
● If the control values are not output on the analog output, the current measured value
is output when control value determination has completed.
● A function check is not started automatically when the measuring system is in
“Maintenance” mode.
● Changes to the interval time are first effective after the next start timepoint.

Zero value measurement

The sender diode is switched off for zero point control so that no signal is received. This
means possible drifts or zero point deviations are detected reliably in the overall system
(e.g., due to an electronic defect). An error signal “Zero value” is generated when the “zero
value” is outside the specified range.

Control value measurement (span test)

Sender beam intensity changes between 70 and 100% during control value determination.
The light intensity received is compared against the standard value (70%). The measuring
system generates an error signal “Span test” for deviations greater than ±2%. The error
message is cleared again when the next function check runs successfully. The control
value is determined with high precision through statistical evaluation of a high number of
intensity changes.

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2.2 Device components

Device variants
● Measuring system DUSTHUNTER SP30 for use in ducts with a diameter larger than
150 mm. The DUSTHUNTER SP30 can be fitted to a flange with quick-release fastener
(Tri-Clamp®) or to the duct with a 1" thread.
● Measuring system DUSTHUNTER SP30 for use in ducts with a diameter larger than
250 mm. Fitting on the duct is done with a flange with tube.

Measuring system DUSTHUNTER SP30 comprises the components:

● Sender/receiver unit
● Connection line for connecting the sender/receiver unit to 24V voltage supply onsite and
output of data on the analog output and Modbus via RS485 interface
● Assembly components: Flange with tube, 1" thread or flange with quick-release fastener
● Option MCU control unit (see Section 3.3.4 in Operating Instructions SP100)
● Option Purge air unit:
Internal duct Connection and supply components
[hPa ] Purge air Voltage
-50 ... +10 Option with integrated purge air unit 24 V DC (from device)
-50 ... +30 Optional external purge air unit + purge air reduction Onsite[1]
-50 ... +100 Adapter for instrument air [2] ---
[1] External purge air available in various variants matching the respective local network, see “Installing the
purge air supply”, page 39
[2] Instrument air onsite (free of dust, oil, moisture, non-corrosive)

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Fig. 4: Device components DUSTHUNTER SP30 (flange version shown)

   

Analog output 
4 ... 20 mA

DI3 Calibration curve switching

DI1 Maintenance/operation DI4 Filter watch
DI2 Filter measurement/function check 
DO1 Operation/failure
DO2 Limit value

function check (selectable)

Connection on plug connector 1

Connection on plug connector 2
Connection on plug connector 3

Purge air hose

● DN25 with integrated blower
● DN40 to the external purge air unit
(and purge air reducer)

 External voltage supply*  Operating and parameter program SOPAS ET

 Sender/receiver unit  MCU (option)***
 Flange with tube **  Purge air hose
 Duct  Digital inputs
 External purge air unit (option)  Digital outputs, analog outputs

* Not required when optional MCU is present *** Information on request

** Tri-Clamp and 1" thread version not shown

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2.2.1 Sender/receiver unit

The sender/receiver unit comprises two main subassemblies:
● Electronics unit
It contains the optical and electronics subassemblies to send and receive the light beam
as well as to process and evaluate the signals.
● Measuring probe
The measuring probe is available in different versions and nominal lengths and defines
the device variant (see “Device configuration”, page 24).
Data transfer and voltage supply (24 V DC) of the sender/receiver unit run via a shielded
line with 7 wires with plug connector. A second connection with a RS485 interface is
available for service work or connection of an MCU. A third connection allows additional
functionality. Detailed information on assignment, see “Interfaces and I/O”, page 19.
Clean air to cool the probe and keep the optical surfaces clean is fed via a purge air
The current device state (operation/failure, maintenance/maintenance request) is signaled
on the rear side of the enclosure (green = operation, red = failure, yellow = maintenance)
and is available via Modbus and viewable in SOPAS.
The enclosure with fitted sender/receiver unit can be swiveled to the side after the quick-
release fasteners have been loosened. Optics, electronics and mechanical components
can then be easily accessed for maintenance work.

Basic variants

Type Description
DUSTHUNTER SP30 TÜV type examination
DUSTHUNTER SP30 LM Leakage monitor for filter check (according to DIN EN 15859)
DUSTHUNTER SP30 DM Dust monitor for filter check (according to DIN EN 15859)

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Type code
The various configuration options are defined by the basic variant and the type code which
is made up as follows:

Device identification type: DHSP30 - T 2 V 2 F NN NN NNXX S

DUSTHUNTER scattered light measurement probe
- T: Sender/receiver unit
Probe material resistance
- 2: 220°C
- 4: 400°C
- V: Probe + protective tube, stainless steel
- K: Probe + protective tube, non-corrosive coating
- X: Special version
Nominal length (NL)
- A: 180 mm
- B: 280 mm
- 1: 435 mm
- 2: 735 mm
- 3: 1035 mm
- X: Special version
- F: Flange with tube
- T: Tri-Clamp
- G: 1" thread
- X: Special version
Purge air supply
- N: Without
- P: With integrated purge air
- X: Special version
- N: Without
- D: With integrated display
- X: Special version
- NN: Without
- DM: Dust monitor for filter check
- LM: Leakage monitor for filter check
- SS: Special version
Ex identification
- NNXX: Without
Special and sample devices
- S: Standard
- X: Special device
- M: Sample device

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Interfaces of the sender/receiver unit

The following interfaces are available directly on the sender/receiver unit.
Analog output (1x) Relay outputs Digital input Service / MCU
0/2/4 ... 20 mA Contact load 48 V, 1 A; Interface
for output of the for output of the status e.g. for selecting for configuration via the
measured variable dust signals: maintenance, function operating program
concentration ● Operation/failure check, SOPAS ET or connection
● Limit value linearity test, calibration of an MCU
● Warning/ curve switching, filter
maintenance/ watch synchronizing
function check signal

Always use a weatherproof cover for use outdoors. This prevents rainwater
entering (see “Weatherproof covers”, page 92).

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I/O connections
(required when digital I/O
Plug connector 1 (7-pole) Plug connector 2 (7-pole)
Fig. 5: Interfaces and I/O

Plug connector 3 1-pole

(service 5-pole) DI3: Digital input 3
2-pole (2-calibration curve switching)
External power supply 24 V
(provided by customer)
RS485 SOPAS 1-pole DI4: Digital input 4
(Synchronizing signal for filter watch)
AO1: Analog output 4 ... 20 mA 2-pole 3-pole

Only ONE variant is always Relay 1: Failure / operation

2-pole connected, but changeable in 4-pole Relay 2: Limit value
Modbus RTU via RS485 for transferring Relay 3: Warning / maintenance /
measured values operation
function check
DI1: DI2: (selectable)
Digital input 1 Digital input 2 COM: Gnd

Service via RS485 MCU with and without

(adapter required) purge air supply

0 1 0 1
Operation Maintenance Operation Automatic function check
(operation must be active in DI1)
Virtual COM port
(USB) Linearity check (with reference filter)
(maintenance must be active in DI1)



Device variants
Fig. 6: Sender/receiver unit device variants

Sender/receiver unit, standard version Tri-Clamp, nominal length 180 / 280 mm

 Electronics unit
       Cleaning opening for sender optics
 Duct wall
 Measuring probe
 Measuring opening
 Probe head with receiver optics
 Voltage supply connections, digital
input and outputs, analog outputs,
Nominal length connection for connection cable to
MCU (option)
 Purge air connection
 Tri-Clamp
  
 1" thread
à Flange with tube
á Protective tube
Sender/receiver unit, standard version, 1" thread, nominal length 180 / 280 mm

     

Nominal length

  

Sender/receiver unit, standard version, flange with tube, nominal length 435 / 735 mm

  á   

Nominal length

   à

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2.2.2 Components for assembly of sender/receiver unit Flange with tube

The flange with tube is available in different steel grades and dimensions (see “Fitting ele-
ments”, page 89). Selection depends on the wall and isolation thickness of the duct wall
(→ nominal length) and the duct material.
Fig. 7: Flange with tube
Standard version


Material 1.0254
or 1.4571


 Marking for assembly position

 Securing bolt Flange with quick-release fastener / 1" thread

Fig. 8: Components for assembly

Flange with quick-release fastener (Tri-Clamp) 1" sleeve

 Seal
 Tri-Clamp flange
 Quick-release fastener

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2.2.3 Optional integrated purge air unit

The DUSTHUNTER SP30 with integrated purge air unit can be used up to 10 hPa
This version has the following characteristics:
● Automatic blower regulation of the purge air flow between 2 … 5 m³/ h
● LEDs on the rear side signal when the purge air flow is too low or high (see “Device dis-
plays / connections”, page 38) and via SOPAS ET (see “Warnings”, page 72).
● LEDs on the rear side signal “Warning” in case of contaminated air filter ( see “Device
displays / connections”, page 38) and via SOPAS ET (see “Warnings”, page 72).

2.2.4 Optional external purge air unit

Do not use the integrated purge air unit when the internal duct pressure exceeds +10 hPa
(see “Optional integrated purge air unit”, page 22). Use the optional external purge air unit
in this case (see “Optional external purge air unit”, page 91). It has a powerful blower and
can be used for excess pressure in the duct up to 30 hPa. The scope of delivery includes a
purge air hose with 40 mm nominal diameter (length 5 m or 10 m).

Fig. 9: Optional external purge air unit with purge air reduction

 

 Air filter  Purge air hose

 Blower (standard type 2BH13)  Purge air reduction
 Base plate  To purge air connection of sender/receiver unit
 Cover cap with opening
(part of the purge air reduction)

A weatherproof cover is required for use outdoors (see “Weatherproof covers”, page 92).

22 O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | DUSTHUNTER SP30 8021994/ZWO2/V1-2/2018-04| SICK

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2.2.5 Adapter for instrument air supply

The sender/receiver unit can also be operated with instrument air instead of the integrated
purge air or an external purge air unit. An adapter with G 1/4" thread and internal reducing
nozzle is available to connect the instrument air (fixing on purge air connection of the
sender/receiver unit).

Fig. 10: Adapter for instrument air supply

Purge air requirement approx. 3 ... 5 m³/h

(Ø 25) (depending on primary pressure)

Reducing Internal Primary

nozzle diameter pressure in bar
D3 3 mm 1 ... 3
G 1/4" D2 2 mm 3 ... 6

 Reducing nozzle

2.2.6 Installation accessories

Separate parts of the measuring system (order separately) are:
● Purge air reduction (see “Optional external purge air unit with purge air reduction”,
page 22) to connect the DN40 mm purge air hose when using the optional external
purge air unit.
● Weatherproof cover
A weatherproof cover is mandatory when using the sender/receiver unit outdoors (see
“Weatherproof covers”, page 92).

2.2.7 Non-return valve

When the measuring system is used in applications with overpressure in the duct, it is
possible to protect the sender/receiver unit, external purge air unit and the environment
against the consequences of purge air supply failure by installing a non-return valve on the
purge air connection of the sender/receiver unit (see “Installation of non-return valve”,
page 42).

2.2.8 Test equipment for linearity test

A linearity test can serve to check the correct measurement function. In this case, filter
glasses with defined transmission values are positioned in the beam path and the values
compared against those measured by the measuring system. Compliance within the
allowed tolerance means the measuring system is working correctly. The filter glasses with
holder required for the check are deliverable including a carrying case and instructions.

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2.3 Device configuration

The device components required for a measuring system depend on the respective
application conditions. The following Table should serve to assist you in your selection.

2.3.1 Sender/receiver unit

DUSTHUNTER device version Nominal Duct Wall thickness Process tem- Process pressure
length diameter with insulation perature
180 mm
1" thread Max. 10 mm
-50 ... 10 hPa: Version
280 mm Max. 100 mm with integrated purge air
> 150 mm unit
180 mm
Tri-Clamp Max. 10 mm -50 ... 30 hPa: Version
≤ 220 °C with external purge air
280 mm Max. 100 mm unit

-50 ... 100 hPa: Version

DUSTHUNTER SP30 with instrument air
435 mm > 250 mm
Flange version Max. 150 mm (customer)
735 mm > 300 mm Max. 400 mm

Each version can be operated with an optional integrated purge air unit (see “Optional inte-
grated purge air unit”, page 22).

● The measuring opening (see “Sender/receiver unit device variants”, page 20) does
not have to be in the center of the duct.
● Limit values for corrosive gas composition (reference values, lower values should be
used for mixtures of several components):
– HCl: 10 mg/Nm³
– SO2: 800 mg/Nm³
– SO3: 300 mg/Nm³
– NOx: 1000 mg/Nm³
– HF: 10 mg/Nm³

2.4 SOPAS ET (PC program)

SOPAS ET is a SICK Software for easy operation and configuration of the DUSTHUNTER.
SOPAS ET runs on a laptop/PC connected to the DUSTHUNTER via a USB line (adapter, see
“Accessories for linearity test”, page 93) or Ethernet interface (option).
The menu structure simplifies changing settings. Further functions are also available (e.g.,
data storage, graphic displays).
SOPAS ET is delivered on the product CD. Alternatively, you can download SOPAS ET free of
charge from the SICK homepage (menu: “DOWNLOADS”).

24 O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | DUSTHUNTER SP30 8021994/ZWO2/V1-2/2018-04| SICK

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3 Assembly and Installation

3.1 Project planning

The following Table provides an overview of the project planning work necessary as
prerequisite for trouble-free assembly and subsequent device functionality. You can use
this Table as a Checklist and check off the completed steps.

Task Requirements Work step 

Inlet and outlet paths For round and square ducts: ● Follow specifications for new
according to DIN EN 13284- dh = duct diameter equipment
1 (inlet at least 5x hydraulic ● Select best possible location for
diameter dh, For rectangular ducts: existing equipment;
outlet at least 3x dh; dh = 4x cross-section divided by ● For too short inlet/outlet paths: Inlet
distance to stack opening at circumference path > outlet path
least 5x dh)
Homogeneous flow Whenever possible, no deflections,
If conditions cannot be ensured, define
distribution cross-section variations, feed and
flow profile according to DIN EN 13284-
Representative dust drain lines, flaps or fittings in the area
1 and select best possible location
distribution of the inlet and outlet paths
Do not fit vertically on horizontal or
slanted ducts;
max. measuring axis angle to
Determine horizontal 45°
location and
fitting Fitting position for the
locations for Select best possible location
sender/receiver unit
the device 45°

Accessibility, accident The device components must be Provide platforms or pedestals as

prevention easily and safely accessible required
Installation free of vibra- Avoid/reduce vibrations through
Acceleration < 1 g
tions adequate measures
Plan a weatherproof cover for use of
devices with integrated purge air unit
Limit values according to Technical outdoors.
Ambient conditions
Data If necessary:
● Provide sun protection
● Enclose or lag device components
Up to +10 hPa with integrated purge
air supply
Sufficient primary purge air
Above +10 hPa to +30 hPa, optional Select supply type
pressure depending on
external purge air unit
internal duct pressure
As from +30 hPa to +100 hPa, with
Select the instrument air
purge air ● Select best possible location for air
supply intake
Whenever possible, low amount of ● Determine required purge air hose
Clean intake air dust, no oil, moisture or corrosive length
gases ● If necessary, change the position of
the suction filter of the integrated
purge air to a more suitable location.

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Task Requirements Work step 

Nominal length of sender/receiver
Internal duct diameter, duct unit, flange with tube / flange with Select components according to
wall thickness with isolation quick-release fastener (Tri-Clamp) / 1" Configuration Table (see “Device config-
thread uration”, page 24); nominal length of
the sender/receiver unit only as long as
Select device Internal duct pressure Type of purge air supply
necessary (measurement in duct
components Sender/receiver unit type
Gas temperature center not required).
(up to 220 °C)
If necessary, plan additional measures
Probe with special coatings (on to fit the flange with tube (see “Fitting
Gas composition
request) for corrosive gases the flange with tube”, page 27)
Fitting locations Line and purge air hose lengths
Provide platforms or pedestals as
Access Easy and safe
Plan required
calibration No mutual interference between Plan sufficient distance between
openings Distances to measuring
calibration probe and measuring measuring and calibration level
system (approx. 500 mm)
Power requirements according to
Plan the Plan adequate cross-sections and
Plan external supply Technical Data (see “Technical Data”,
voltage supply fuses.
page 81)

26 O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | DUSTHUNTER SP30 8021994/ZWO2/V1-2/2018-04| SICK

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3.2 Assembly
Carry out all assembly work onsite. This includes:
▸ Fitting the flange with tube
▸ Fitting the optional MCU control unit
▸ Fitting the optional external purge air unit
▸ Observe the relevant safety regulations as well as the safety notices during all
assembly work: see “Important Information”, page 7.
▸ Consider the equipment weight specifications when planning the mounting brackets.
▸ Only carry out assembly work on equipment with hazard potential (hot or aggressive
gases, higher internal duct pressure) when the equipment is at a standstill.
▸ Take suitable protection measures against possible local hazards or hazards arising
from the equipment.

All undeclared dimensions are specified in mm.

3.2.1 Fitting the flange with tube

Fig. 11: Fitting the flange with tube (standard version shown)

Marking for assembly position Assembly on steel duct Assembly on brick stack Assembly on thin-walled duct




   

 Junction plate
 Anchor plate
Nominal length of sender/receiver unit D  Duct wall
435 mm, 735 mm Ø 76  Flange with tube

The tube length must suit the planned sender/receiver unit depending on the relation
between gas temperature and nominal length (see “Flange with tube”, page 21).
!▸ Do not shorten tubes.

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3.2.2 Fitting Tri-Clamp welding clamps

Fig. 12: Fitting Tri-Clamp welding clamps
Approx. 5
Assembly on brick stack or thin-
walled duct analog to flange with


(∅ 38.1)


 Welding seam
 Duct wall

 

3.2.3 Fitting 1" sleeve

Fig. 13: Fitting 1" sleeve
Assembly on brick stack or thin-
walled duct analog to flange with

Approx. 1°
∅ 35 ... 40

 Welding seam
 Duct wall

 

28 O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | DUSTHUNTER SP30 8021994/ZWO2/V1-2/2018-04| SICK

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3.2.4 Fitting dimensions in the duct

DUSTHUNTER SP30 Tri-Clamp / 1" thread, nominal length 180 mm

> 25

DUSTHUNTER SP30 Tri-Clamp / 1" thread, nominal length 280 mm

> 25

DUSTHUNTER SP30 Flange with tube, nominal length 435 mm

> 40 > 100

DUSTHUNTER SP30 Flange with tube, nominal length 735 mm

> 40 > 100

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3.2.5 Work to be performed

▸ Measure the fitting location and mark the assembly location and provide sufficient
clearance to fit and remove the sender/receiver unit.

Fig. 14: Clearance for the sender/receiver unit

 


NL + 400 400 400


 Flange with tube

 Duct wall

▸ Remove insulation (when fitted)

▸ Cut suitable openings in the duct wall; bore large enough hole in brick or concrete stacks
(pipe diameter, flange tube Fig. 11, pipe diameter, Tri-Clamp welding clamps Fig. 12,
pipe diameter, 1" sleeve Fig. 13)

!▸ Do not let separated pieces fall into the duct.
▸ Insert the fitting element in the opening and weld it on.
● Insert the fitting element in the opening slanting slightly downwards (1 to
3°, see Fig. 11 , Fig. 12, Fig. 13) (1" sleeve centered on the opening), so
that any condensate that may collect in the duct can drain off.
● Insert the flange with tube in the opening so that the “Top” marking
points upwards (see Fig. 11).
● Weld the fitting element on using an anchor plate for brick or concrete
stacks, insert junction plates for thin-walled ducts (see Fig. 11).
▸ Close off the flange opening after fitting to prevent gas escaping.

30 O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | DUSTHUNTER SP30 8021994/ZWO2/V1-2/2018-04| SICK

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3.2.6 Adapting to the flow direction

Prior to commissioning, adjust the device to the flow direction in the duct to ensure correct
Ensure the sample gas can flow freely through the measuring volume. Additionally, ensure
the connections and plug connectors are always on the underside of the installed device.

Fig. 15: Probe alignment

Vertical duct Horizontal duct

The gas loaded with
particles must flow freely
through the measuring

 Flow direction

The sender/receiver unit is delivered for vertical fitting as standard when the duct direction
(horizontal or vertical) is not specified in the order. Rotate the sender/receiver unit 90°
when fitting on a horizontal duct.

Modification variant DUSTHUNTER SP30 Tri-Clamp / 1" thread

▸ Loosen 2 flange screws, remove the other two (see Fig.).

▸ Turn the probe 90° to the left.

▸ Mount the 4 flange screws again.

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Modification variant DUSTHUNTER SP30 flange with tube

▸ Remove 4 flange screws.

▸ Turn the probe 90° to the right.

▸ Mount the 4 flange screws again.

3.2.7 Fitting the components for the purge air supply

Mount the air filter and hose connection prior to fitting and commissioning.
Feed the purge air directly into the DN25 purge air inlet of the device for operation without
integrated purge air unit. Use a purge air reducer DN40-25 when using the external purge
air unit 2BH1300 (Item no.: 7047538, see “Purge air supply”, page 93).

 Purge air inlet DN25 to the purge air

supply of the device
 Hose connection to the purge air supply
 Air filter
 Fitted purge air unit

▸ Tightly fit the hose connection to the purge air unit. Secure the purge air hose with strap
retainers on both sides.
Operation of the device without purge air supply (even for a short time) can lead to a
device defect.
▸ Secure the air filter with a strap retainer to the blower unit prior to commissioning.

32 O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | DUSTHUNTER SP30 8021994/ZWO2/V1-2/2018-04| SICK

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3.2.8 Fitting to the measuring point

Use the assembly kit 2018184 for fitting DHSP30 NL 435/735 mm. For DHSP NL180/
280, fit directly on the Tri-Clamp flange or the 1" sleeve.

Ensure the device is already supplied with purge air or the plant is out of operation
during fitting.
Connection to the 24V supply is necessary here for the integrated purge air blower.
Ensure all connections on the device point downwards after fitting.

▸ Install the sender/receiver unit on the duct of equipment with hazard potential (e.g.,
toxic, aggressive, explosive gases/dusts, danger to health, high pressure, high
temperatures) only when the equipment is at a standstill.

3.2.9 Fitting the weatherproof cover

Weatherproof cover for sender/receiver unit

This weatherproof cover protects the sender/receiver unit. Always use a weatherproof cover
for use outdoors. This prevents rainwater entering.
▸ Put the cover (1) on from above.
▸ Fit the fastening screws on the front of the enclosure.
Fig. 16: Weatherproof cover for sender/receiver unit (dimensions in mm)

233 mm 300 mm 200 mm

  310 mm 

 Cover  Fastening screws

Weatherproof cover for external purge air unit

The weatherproof cover (see “Weatherproof covers”, page 92) comprises a cover and
locking set.
▸ Fit the locking pins from the locking set on the base plate.
▸ Put the weatherproof cover on from above.
▸ Insert the holding catches into the counterpieces from the side, twist and lock in.

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3.2.10 Fitting the optional MCU control unit

Fit the MCU control unit in a protected location that is easily accessible (see “MCU assem-
bly dimensions (dimensions in mm)”, page 34). Observe the following points during
● Maintain the ambient temperature according to the Technical Data; take possible
radiant heat into consideration (shield when necessary).
● Protect against direct sunlight.
● Whenever possible, choose an installation location with minimum vibrations; dampen
any vibrations when necessary.
● Provide sufficient clearance for lines and opening the door.

Assembly dimensions

Fig. 17: MCU assembly dimensions (dimensions in mm)

210 340 M8

160 125
> 250

Clearance for cables > 350

Clearance to open door

Using a suitable line (see “General information, prerequisites”, page 37), the MCU-N
control unit (without integrated purge air supply) can be located up to 1000 m away from
the sender/receiver unit.
We therefore recommend fitting the MCU in a control room (measuring station or similar) to
ensure free access to the MCU. This considerably simplifies communication with the
measuring system in order to set parameters or to locate failure or error causes.

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3.2.11 Fitting the optional external purge air unit.

Consider the following points when selecting the installation location:
▸ Install the purge air unit at a location with clean air whenever possible. The air intake
temperature must correspond to specifications in the Technical data (see “Technical
Data”, page 81). In unfavorable conditions, lay an air intake hose or pipe to a location
with better conditions.
▸ The fitting location must be easily accessible and meet all safety regulations.
▸ Install the purge air unit only as far as necessary below the flange with tube for the
sender/receiver unit so that the purge air hoses can be laid downwards (avoids water
▸ Provide sufficient clearance to exchange the filter element.
▸ Provide sufficient space to attach and remove the weatherproof cover when installing
the purge air unit outdoors, see “Purge air unit layout and assembly dimensions (dimen-
sions in mm)”, page 35).

3.2.12 Assembly work

▸ Prepare holder (see “Purge air unit layout and assembly dimensions (dimensions in
mm)”, page 35).
▸ Fasten purge air unit with 4 M8 screws.
▸ Check the filter element is in the filter housing; fit when necessary.
Fig. 18: Purge air unit layout and assembly dimensions (dimensions in mm)

 Flange with tube

   Clearance to exchange filter
 Alternative: Mounting bracket
 Steel pipe 50 x 5 DIN 2391
> 140

 Duct

Clearance to fit weatherproof cover




(550) > 160

 


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3.3 Electrical installation

3.3.1 Electrical safety

▸ Observe the relevant safety regulations as well as the safety, see “Important Informa-
tion”, page 7 during all installation work.
▸ Take suitable protection measures against possible local hazards or hazards arising
from the equipment. Properly installed power isolating switches

Endangerment of electrical safety during installation and maintenance work when the
voltage supply is not switched off.
An electrical accident can occur during installation and maintenance work when the
power supply to the device or lines is not switched off using a power isolating switch/
circuit breaker.
▸ Before starting work on the device, ensure the power supply can be switched off
using a power isolating switch/circuit breaker in accordance with DIN EN 61010.
▸ Make sure the power isolating switch is easily accessible.
▸ An additional disconnecting device is mandatory when the power isolating switch
cannot be accessed or only with difficulty after installation.
▸ The voltage supply may only be activated again after the work or for test purposes by
personnel carrying out the work under consideration of valid safety regulations. Lines with correct rating

Endangerment of electrical safety through power line with incorrect rating.
Electrical accidents can occur when the specifications for replacement of a removable
power line have not been adequately observed.
▸ Always observe the exact specifications in the Operating Instructions (Technical Data
Section) when replacing a removable power line. Grounding the devices

Device damage through incorrect or missing grounding.
▸ During installation and maintenance work, it must be ensured that the protective
grounding to the devices and/or lines involved is effective in accordance with
EN 61010-1. Responsibility for system safety

Responsibility for the safety of a system.
▸ The person setting the system up is responsible for the safety of the system in which
the device is integrated.

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3.3.2 General information, prerequisites

All assembly work previously described must be completed (as far as applicable) before
starting installation work.
Carry out all installation work onsite unless otherwise explicitly agreed with SICK or
authorized representatives. This includes laying and connecting the power supply and
signal lines, installing switches and power fuses and connecting the purge air supply.

● Plan adequate line cross-sections (see “Technical Data”, page 81).

● Line ends with plugs to connect the sender/receiver unit must have sufficient free

3.3.3 Electrical connection

● Provide a 24V DC power supply via plug connector 1 for operating the device.
● Plan LiYCY (TP) 3 x 2 x 0.5 mm² as connection cable for plug connectors 1 and 2.
Plan the cross-section of the supply cable adequately for integrated purge air supply.
● The standard cable cross-section of 0.5 mm² is suitable up to approx. 15m line length to
limit the voltage drop on the device to max. 10%. Without integrated purge air, the
maximum line length is approx. 100 m.
● Plug connector 3 (service) is designed for device operation via RS485 with SOPAS ET
and for activating further device functions (maintenance, automatic function check,
linearity check). Plan a LiYCY (TP) 2 x 2 x 0.5 as connection cable for plug connector 3.
A service adapter is additionally required for SOPAS application.
All other signals can be used as required. Suitable plug connectors and cables are
available as accessories (see “Accessories”, page 93).
● Use the respective protective caps to close plug connector connections on the device
which are not used.

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Pin assignment Pin assignment Pin assignment

Plug connector 1 (plug 7-pole) Plug connector 3 (plug 5-pole) Plug connector 2 (socket 7-pole)
(supply) (service) (DI and relay)

1 +24V DC 1 DI1 maintenance 1 DI3 (calibration curve

2 Analog output / -20mA 2 DI2 function check/linearity switching)
3 RS485 (B) Modbus Slave measurement 2 DI4 (filter synchronizing)
4 RS485 (A) Modbus Slave 3 RS485 B (service, MCU) 3 Relay 1 N/O contact
5 Analog output / +20mA 4 RS485 A (service, MCU) 4 Relay 2 N/O contact
6 -24V DC 5 Gnd 5 Relay 3 N/O contact
7 Shield 6 COM relay
7 Gnd and shield

3.3.4 Device displays / connections

DUSTHUNTER SP30 without integrated purge air

Status indicator:
Red: Failure
Yellow: Warning
Green: Operation

DUSTHUNTER SP30 with integrated purge air

Status display purge air: Status indicator:

Red: Purge air flow too low Red: Failure
Green: Purge air flow OK Yellow: Warning
(In range between Green: Operation
OK and too low)
Green: Purge air flow OK
(In range between
OK and too high)
Yellow: Purge air flow too high

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3.3.5 Connecting the optional MCU control unit

See Operating Instructions of DHSP100, Section 3.3.4 for connecting the MCU.
Observe the connector pin assignment for connecting the DUSTHUNTER SP30.

NOTE: Connect the power supply to plug connector 1 and the RS485 bus line to plug
connector 3.

3.3.6 Installing the purge air supply

▸ Lay the purge air hoses with shortest paths and free of bends, shorten as required.
▸ Maintain sufficient distance from hot duct walls. Optional external purge air unit

Connect the purge air hose

▸ Connect the DN 40 purge air hose to the Y-distributor of the purge air unit and on the
purge air reduction and secure with D32-52 hose clamps.
▸ Close off the second outlet opening on the Y-distributor with the cover cap.

Fig. 19: Connecting the optional external purge air unit

Optional external purge air unit

1 Purge air connection of sender/receiver unit 3 Cover cap with opening

2 Purge air reduction (part of the purge air reduction)

Electric connection
▸ Compare power voltage and frequency with the specifications on the type plate on the
purge air motor.

▸ Only connect when these match!

▸ Connect the power supply line to the purge air motor terminals (refer to the
supplementary sheet on the purge air motor and lid of the motor terminal box for
terminal allocation).

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Fig. 20: Electrical connection of the external purge air unit

Low-pressure monitor

U2 V1
V2 W2 W1
U1 V2 U2

W2 W1 U1

W2 U2 V2 W2 U2 V2

U1 V1 W1 PE U1 V1 W1 PE

Energy supply
4 x 1.5 mm2

L1 L2 L3 PE L1 L2 L3 PE + 24 V

▸ Connect protective conductor to terminal.

▸ Set motor circuit breakers according to the blower connection data (see Technical Data
for purge air unit) to a value 10% above the rated current.
In case of doubt or when using a special motor version, the operating instructions
supplied with the motor have priority over any other information.
▸ Check the function and running direction of the blower (purge air flow direction must
match the arrows on the inlet and outlet openings on the blower). For wrong direction on
3-phase motors: Swap power connections L1 and L2.
▸ Connect the pressure controller (option) to monitor purge air feed.

▸ Use a fail-safe voltage supply (standby unit, rails with redundant supply).
▸ Fuse the purge air unit separate from the other system components. The fuse type
must match the rated current (see technical details of purge air unit). Fuse each
phase separately.
Use circuit breakers to prevent phase failures on one side. Purging with instrument air

The purge air available onsite must be free from dust, oil and condensate.
▸ Select the reducing nozzle (scope of delivery) matching the primary pressure and screw it
into the adapter for instrument air supply.
▸ Connect the instrument air hose to the adapter thread.
The adapter for instrument air supply can be supplied with a reducing nipple for other
adapter threads on request.

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Fig. 21: Adapter connection for instrument air supply

Purge air requirement approx. 3... 5 m³/h

Reducing nozzle Internal diameter Primary pressure in bar

D3 3 mm 1 ... 3
D2 2 mm 3 ... 6

G 1/4"

1 Purge air connection of sender/receiver unit

2 Reducing nozzle

Fig. 22: Instrument air connection of sender/receiver unit for internal duct pressure up to +100 kPa

Purge air requirement approx. 3... 5m³/h
(depending on primary pressure)

 Instrument air connection

 Marking for flow direction

The manufacturer recommends using a float flowmeter and a pressure reducer to set and
control the purge gas requirement.

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3 ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION Installing the non-return valve option

Fig. 23: Installation of non-return valve

  Sender-receiver unit
 Non-return valve
 External purge air unit
 Purge air hose

A non-return valve (Item no.: 2042278, see “Purge air supply”, page 93) is recommended
for protecting the device for a short time during a purge air failure, especially in case of
overpressure in the duct.
It prevents the process gas from flowing back inside the device to the purge air unit. In case
of purge air failure, immediately remove the device from the duct or establish the purge gas
supply again, even when a non-return valve is installed.

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4 Commissioning and Configuration

4.1 Basics

4.1.1 General information

Prerequisite for work described in the following is completion of the assembly and
installation as described in Section 3.
Commissioning and parameter setting comprise:
● Fitting and connecting the sender/receiver unit,
● Customizing parameter settings according to the respective requirements.

There are two possibilities for customer-specific configuration and commissioning:

1 Simple commissioning with pre-configured selectable settings without laptop
(only limited functional range usable) (see “Simple commissioning (without SOPAS ET)”,
page 44).
2 Complete configuration via SOPAS ET possible, complete functional range usable (see
“Commissioning / configuring the sender/receiver unit”, page 50).
To achieve exact measurement, the measuring system must first be calibrated using a
gravimetric comparison measurement (see “Calibration for dust concentration measure-
ment”, page 60) before being used for continuous measurement of dust content.

4.1.2 Factory settings

All factory parameters are saved in the device and can be re-set in case of wrong
configuration (see “Resetting parameters”, page 55).
Import the SOPAS parameter file or perform configuration on the device after repairs or
device changes at the factory (see “Data backup in SOPAS ET”, page 62).
After delivery, customer parameters are always set to basic settings, which are saved in the
following Table.
Table of basic settings for delivery:
Dust concentration mg/m3 is only valid after calibration as measured value in mg/m3.
(see “Calibration for dust concentration measurement”, page 60).

Entry field Parameter Default value

AO measuring range
Measuring range 1 AO 4 ... 20 mA 0 ... 75 mg/m3 (active when DI3 opened, standard)
Measuring range 2 AO 4 ... 20 mA 0 ... 750 mg/m3 (can be activated via NO contact on DI3)
Set of calibration coefficients 1 cc2/cc1/cc0 0 / 1 / 0 (active when DI3 opened, standard)
Set of calibration coefficients 2 cc2/cc1/cc0 0 / 1 / 0 (can be activated via NO contact on DI3)
Live zero 4 mA
Current during maintenance 4 mA
Current during failure 2 mA
Output interference current on AO Yes

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Entry field Parameter Default value

Function check Control value output on AO Yes
Note: The last value measured is output during control value
Interval 8h
Output duration 90 s for each control value
Response time measured value T90 60 s
Relay use Relay 1 (NO contact) Failure / operation
Relay 2 (NO contact) Limit value (exceeded)
Relay 3 (NO contact) Maintenance
Modbus RTU Address 1
Baud rate 19200 / 8e1
Byte sequence ABCD => ABCD
RS485 SOPAS / MCU Baud rate 57600 / 8n1
Address 1

4.2 Simple commissioning (without SOPAS ET)

Simple commissioning is performed directly on the device. Already existing factory settings
can be changed.
▸ Open the enclosure and swivel the cover or purge air unit to the side.

 Enclosure lock

▸ Make the settings, described in the Figure, on the opened device.

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Fig. 24: View of process card on the opened device

 Rotary switch for measuring

 Addressing for connecting an
optional MCU (Multi Control Unit)
 Termination for Modbus
 Activating the analog current
  Termination for service interface
 Supply plug connector to the
integrated purge air unit
 

Measuring ranges
DUSTHUNTER SP30 supports up to eleven different measuring ranges for analog output on
plug connector 1:
– 2 freely configurable with SOPAS ET and
– 9 fixed by hardware.

● Variable measuring ranges

Ensure the rotary switch is in position 0 (see small Figure in Fig. 24). Then, select
between 2 different measuring ranges via digital input 3 (plug connector 2, see “Electri-
cal connection”, page 37). Use SOPAS ET to freely configure these two measuring ranges
(see configuration – application parameters measuring ranges and calibration function).

DI3 inactive (+5V): Measuring range 1 (and calibration curve 1) is used.

DI3 active (gnd): Measuring range 2 (and calibration curve 2) is used.

When the calibration coefficients for curve 1 and curve 2 are the same, use DI3 to
switch between two measuring ranges.

The default values for the two free measuring ranges are:
– Variable measuring range 1: 0 … 75 mg/m³ Limit value 1 : 50 mg/m³
– Variable measuring range 2: 0 … 750 mg/m³ Limit value 1 : 500 mg/m³

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● Fix measuring ranges

Select the fix measuring ranges via the rotary switch with positions from 1 to 9 (see
small Figure in Fig. 24). For the fix measuring ranges, the limit value is 2/3 of the upper
measuring range value.

Position Measuring range mg/m³ Limit value mg/m³

1 0 ... 7.5 5
2 0 ... 15 10
3 0 ... 45 30
4 0 ... 75 50
5 0... 150 100
6 0 ... 225 150
7 0 ... 375 250
8 0 ...1000 666.7
9 0 ... 3000 2000

Addressing for connecting an optional MCU (Multi Control Unit)

Addressing according to the following Table is only necessary when an optional MCU (plug
connector 3) is connected.

add1 add2 add4 add8 Address RS485

0 0 0 0 1 (default)
0 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 2
0 0 1 1 3
0 1 0 0 4
0 1 0 1 5
0 1 1 0 6
0 1 1 1 7
1 0 0 0 8

Termination for Modbus

Termination for Modbus on plug connector 1. Plug the termination jumpers for terminating

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Activating for analog current output

Set all 3 jumpers for correct analog output (20 mA). These are set at the factory.

Termination for service interface

Termination for service interface on plug connector 3. Plug the termination jumpers for
terminating RS485 (e.g. for connecting the Service Kit Adapter or the MCU).

Supply plug connector to the integrated purge air unit

Supply plug connectors for power supply and pressure difference monitoring for the
integrated purge air unit (if existing).

4.3 Checking the purge air unit

Check the optional purge air unit for completeness prior to commissioning.
1 Check the suction filter is firmly fitted and check for cleanness.
2 Check the purge air hose is firmly connected from the purge air unit to the device.
3 If required, plan a weatherproof cover for use outside and/or prevent suctioning in of
All other operating parameters are preset and allow immediate use of the unit.

4.3.1 Install SOPAS ET

▸ Install SOPAS ET on a laptop/PC.
▸ Start SOPAS ET.
▸ Follow the installation information of SOPAS ET. Password for SOPAS ET menus

Certain device functions are first accessible after a password has been entered.

User level Access to

Displays measured values and system states.
0 Operator
No password required.
Displays, inquiries as well as start-up or adjustment to customer-
1 Authorized operator specific demands and diagnosis of necessary parameters.
Preset password: sickoptic

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4.3.2 Connecting SOPAS to the device

An adapter is required for connecting SOPAS to the device without MCU.
2097408 Adapter kit SOPAS SP30
Creating a connection to the device:
▸ Connect adapter cable to socket 3.
▸ Connect computer via USB cable.
Fig. 25: Adapter-Kit
 

 VConnection cable adapter – SP30 plug 3

 USB connection cable

4.3.3 Connection to the device via USB line

Plug connector 3 (plug 5-pole)


Recommended procedure:
1 Connect service adapter and connection cable to plug connector 3 for device
configuration (2097408).
2 Switch the device on.
3 Start SOPAS ET.
4 “Search settings”
5 “Device family oriented search”.
6 Click the desired DUSTHUNTER SP30.
7 Make settings:
– Ethernet communication: not required / deactivate
– USB communication: not required / deactivate
– Serial communication: Click / activate
8 A list of COM ports appears.
Enter COM port of the DUSTHUNTER.
If you do not know the COM port: see “Finding the DUSTHUNTER COM port”, page 49
9 Assign a name for this search.
10 “Finish”.

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If you don't know the COM port: Use the Windows Device Manager to find the COM port (no
administrator rights are needed).
1 Disconnect the connection of the DUSTHUNTER and your laptop/PC.
2 Input: devmgmt.msc

3 This message is shown:

4 “OK”
5 The Device Manager opens.
See: “Ports (COM & LPT)”

6 Connect the MCU with the laptop/PC.

A new COM port is shown.

Use this COM port for communication.

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4.4 Commissioning / configuring the sender/receiver unit

The steps required to modify the preset factory settings are described in the following
Sections. For this purpose, the devices must be connected in SOPAS ET (see “Connection
to the device via USB line”, page 48).

▸ Connect the measuring system to the SOPAS ET program.

▸ Enter the level 1 password (see “Password for SOPAS ET menus”, page 47).

4.4.1 Selecting maintenance

▸ Select maintenance in register tab “Maintenance operation”

▸ Deselect “Maintenance” again after configuration.

Measuring operation is now active again.

Alternatively, use digital input 1 (DI1 on plug connector 3 service) to set the
maintenance state. As long as a maintenance state is signaled on DI1,
deactivation is not possible in the software menu (function with priority).

Reaction of the measured value output during change of the operating state from
“Operation” to “Maintenance” is partly adjustable (see “Setting application parameters”,
page 51) and/or described in (see “Factory settings”, page 43).

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4.4.2 Setting application parameters

▸ Switch to project directory Configuration => “Application parameters” and set the
desired parameters.

Entry field Parameter Explanation

Mounting location Name of the measuring location Only serves as information field
Relay 3 signals Warning, function check, Relay is activated, when predetermined event takes place. Relay
maintenance serves as NO contact.
Response time (T90) 0.1 … 600 seconds Setting the response time of the main measured value
(SI, mg/m3)
Automatic control cycle 1 min to 7 days Adjustable interval time between two function checks. First
starting timepoint is always time of device start.
Note: The last measured value measured is output during control
value determination (when “Control value output on analog
output” is inactive).
Fix blower power Active / inactive Inactive in normal operation.
(only viewable for integrated purge Significance :
air blower) Blower control is active and required purge air flow is set
Note: Only use as service function, serves to manually set the
blower with fixed value.
Set value diff. pressure 10 hPa Differential pressure on purge air measuring orifice.
Adjustable as nominal value for required purge air flow. Do not
change the standard of 10hPa.
Enable analog output check Inactive / active Control values measured in function check are output
values successively on the analog output. (First zero point measurement,
then control value measurement (span test).)
Variable meas. range 1 Free entry of upper and lower limit in Measuring range 1 and calibration function 1 are active at the
Calibration function 1 the measuring range of the analog same time, when DI3 is inactive.
output. Yellow display shows which measuring range is active at the
Free entry of coefficients for moment.
calibration function 1. Calibration, see “Calibration for dust concentration
measurement”, page 60

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Entry field Parameter Explanation

Variable meas. range 2 Measuring range 2 and calibration function 2 are active at the
Calibration function 2 same time, when DI3 (plug connector 2) is active. (DI3 requires
Free entry of upper and lower limit in potential-free NO contact to gnd).
the measuring range of the analog Yellow display shows which measuring range is active at the
output. moment.
Free entry of coefficients for Calibration, see “Calibration for dust concentration
calibration function 2. measurement”, page 60
Fixed meas. range Position Measuring range mg/m 3 Use the rotary switch to activate the fixed/free measuring ranges
0 Freely adjustable via SOPAS (see “Simple commissioning (without SOPAS ET)”, page 44)
1 0 ... 7.5 Position 0 freely adjustable measuring ranges via SOPAS
2 0 ... 15 Position 1-9 are fixed measuring ranges which can not be
3 0 ... 45 changed. They serve for easy commissioning via laptop.
4 0 ... 75
5 0 ... 150
6 0 ... 225
7 0 ... 375
8 0 ... 1000
9 0 ... 3000
Enable active / inactive Self-monitoring serves to signal a too high contamination, also
without active contamination control.
Threshold value Concentration value in mg/m3 This concentration value must be reached at least once in the
stated time interval. When this value is not reached, the error
message “Self-monitoring” is activated
Time interval Time interval in hours Time interval where the threshold has to be exceeded. When the
threshold is exceeded in this time interval, the timer is reset and
the time interval started anew.

4.4.3 Modbus configuration

▸ Switch to project directory => “Modbus” and set the desired parameters.

Entry field Parameter Explanation

Protocol RTU Modbus Remote Terminal Unit (binary)
When switching from RTU <--> ASCII, intentionally set the
selection of data, parity and stop bits anew!
Byte order ABCD -> ABCD Setting of the byte sequence for transfer from real numbers and
ABCD -> CDBA integers (32bit) via 2 registers.
ABCD -> BADC Example: Numeric value 123456789 (decimal) = 0x075bcd15
ABCD -> DABC See example below Table.
Bus address 1 … 247 Address range
Baudrate 9600 Adjustable bus speed
Byte 7e1 Interface settings for: Data bits/parity/stop bits

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The exact specifications for using Modbus in DHSP30 are described in document:

4.4.4 Filter watch

The SP30 can be used in cyclically cleaned hose plants or other filter plants with several
individual filters (filter bags) to detect defective filter bags.
Continuous evaluation of cleaning peaks of all filter bags in a cleaning cycle in connection
with an internal counter determines the limit value violations of the responsible filter bag.
The following prerequisites must be met to allow use:
● Debounced synchronizing signal with a duration of 100 ... 900 ms for triggering a
measuring cycle.
Provide this synchronizing signal on the plant on digital input 4 (DI4, plug connector 2)
● The period between dedusting two consecutive filter bags must be higher than the
double T90 time (trigger concentration) of the SP30, but at least 0.5 s.

▸ Switch to project directory Configuration => “Filter watch” and set the desired

Entry field Parameter Explanation

Enable active / inactive Activates filter watch
Using limit relay active / inactive Relay 2 can be used to signalize a filter break.
Numbers of filter bags Number of filter groups to be cleaned within a cycle. Required for
recognizing the end of a cleaning cycle.
Time interval Period of time between dedusting two consecutive filter bags
within a cycle.
Delay Period of time between the synchronizing signal and arrival of the
dust cloud at the measuring location.
Limit value Limit value where a filter break is signaled.
Response time (T90) T90 time for filter concentration Separately adjustable T90 time, only used for filter watch to damp
the concentration.
Concentration value in “Sensor values” is not affected by this.
Waiting for start cleaning Synchronizing signal on DI4 (plug Waiting for a start signal for filter watch.
cycle connector 2)
Filter cleaning cycle active Filter watch running
Number cleaning cycles Total number of cleaning cycles Set to 0 for every device restart.
measured to this point
Concentration Concentration for filter watch Separate concentration measured value damped by the
“Response time”.

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Entry field Parameter Explanation

Filter number Current filter number Shows which filter number is currently measured
Filter break Display for filter break On
Read filter watch result Button to show currently defective
Wrong filter Display for defective filter numbers Defective filters are displayed as number, divided by a semicolon,
e.g.: 3;9;15….
Start signal on DI4 resets the last measuring result.

Fig. 26: Filter watch

4 ... 20 mA
0 ... 20 mg/m3

Analog output

Time (t)

 Synchronizing signal (DI4)  Impulse interval

 Delay  Filter break
 Normal dedusting impulses  Limit value

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4.4.5 Protocols
The protocol function allows immediately viewing all relevant device parameters or
archiving them as PDF file.
The PDF export function is especially intended for documentation and proof of linearity
Press “Update values” to also read in current values prior to creating protocols.

4.4.6 Resetting parameters

It is possible to reset the device to factory settings after parameter changes. Due to an
automatic backup created by the device after each restart, parameter changes can be

Entry field Parameter Explanation

Set to last backup Parameters are reset to the state Modbus Remote Terminal Unit (binary)
after last restart Modbus ASCII
When switching from RTU <--> ASCII, intentionally set the
selection of data, parity and stop bits anew!
Set to factory settings Device is reset to factory settings Customer configuration is lost and reset to default values, see
“Factory settings”, page 43.
ResetParaUser Selected backup is used. The device is reset and started anew; connect the device with
SOPAS and read in all parameters again.

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4.5 Measuring screen, diagnosis and control values

4.5.1 Overview
Menu Overview serves to graphically display the scattered light value and the
concentration value in the currently valid calibration function.
Use this menu to graphically display the measured value.

4.5.2 Device information

Important device information for service and support purposes can be viewed here. Always
have these data ready for inquiries for this product.

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4.5.3 Measured value output and sensor information

Menu Sensor values serves to read and evaluate current measured values and internal
device information. This page also serves to diagnose errors and/or allows drawing
conclusions on the device state.
Some menus are only viewable when an integrated purge air unit is connected and are
masked out on the standard device.

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Entry field Parameter Explanation

Concentration Measuring screen Current measuring screen in mg/m3. When (not calibrated) is
displayed, no calibration function (0/1/0) is saved and the
displayed measured value = scattered light value
Analog input Internal control measured value Only for service purposes, conclusions can be drawn on
malfunctions on the device.
Physical value Current measured value Displays the currently determined measured value of the
respective measured variable.
Scattered light (AI0) Scattered light value Scattered light value which is calculated to the dust concentration
via calibration function.
Monitor value laser Voltage value Should be between 1-4 V. Serves to control the laser brightness
and is automatically monitored internally.
Laser current Current value Displays the current laser current. Information on laser state. For
> 60 mA and/or 100 mA an automatic warning and failure is
output. An increasing laser current in the same conditions can be a
sign for aging.
Difference pressure hPa Displays the current pressure on the purge air measuring orifice.
This controls the required purge air flow in the optional purge air
Nominal value is 10 hPa.
Device temperature Displays the internal device temperature in the enclosure.
Power supply (24V) V Displays the current supply voltage on plug connector 1. Voltage is
internally monitored.
Din2 (Ain7) /DI2 V and/or inactive/active Serves to read the state of DI2. DI2 serves as input for manually
activating the check cycle (switched off for maintenance) and/or
filter measurement (switched on for maintenance)
Current output mA Current current output value on analog output (plug connector 1)
AO signals Status Displays the current output value on the analog output. (Measured
value/control value/test value)
Laser byte 0...250 Displays the currently set laser brightness (3 levels possible)
Monitor factor Calculation factor for scattered light due to reduced laser
Blower power Currently set blower power. The remaining available reserve power
is also viewable.
Purge air flow ok too low / ok / too high Shows whether the purge air flow is in the allowable range.
Too low = Device cooling possibly no longer sufficient (early
contamination and device failure possible)
Ok = Nominal state
Too high = Too much purge air is blown in, measured value might
be influenced.
Digital inputs 1 - 4 active / inactive Displays the current state of all digital inputs.
Blower detected Blower is recognized and can be activated.
Measuring range select free / fixed Displays the current measuring range
Span 70% 70% Result of the 70% span value from the last function check.
Zero point 0% Result of the 0% zero point value from the last function check.
Drift Deviation to the last control value determination.
Determine check values Active when control value is currently determined
Analog output Displays the output of the relevant control value on the analog
Next automatic start Time until the next automatic start of the function check. Timer is
restarted during device restart.

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Entry field Parameter Explanation

Start function check manual Allows to manually start a function check.
It can also be manually started on DI2 when the device is in
measuring operation.

4.5.4 Test outputs

Test outputs are designed for simple device commissioning as well as checking internal
device functions for correct functioning.

Entry field Parameter Explanation

Fix output active / inactive The field Fix output serves to output defined measured values on
the measured value interfaces on the device.
Analog output 0 … 24 mA adjustable in steps Serves for testing the analog output and can be used as test
current output during commissioning.
Malfunction (=/Operation) Relay 1 failure Serves to switch relay 1 failure on/off. (NO contact)
Limit Relay 2 limit value Serves to switch relay 2 limit value on/off. (NO contact)
Maintenance Relay 3 maintenance Serves to switch relay 3 maintenance on/off. (NO contact)
Test EEPROM1 Content is written in the memory for This serves to test the three internal device memories. A
Test EEPROM2 test purposes (see cell Test writing) successful test is confirmed with “Test ok”. When “ok” is not
and then read out again (cell Test displayed, writing or reading was not successful. Reading result is
Test Flash reading). viewable in the field Test reading.
In case of a negative test, replacing the circuit board of the
process card is necessary and/or contact SICK Service.

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4.5.5 Calibration for dust concentration measurement

For exact dust concentration measurement, the relation between the primary measured
variable scattered light intensity and the actual dust concentration in the duct must be
established. To do this, the dust concentration must be determined through a gravimetric
comparison measurement according to DIN EN 13284-1 and set in relation to the values
measured at the same time by the measuring system.

Carrying out a gravimetric comparison measurement demands special knowledge that
cannot be described in detail here.

Steps to be carried out

▸ Select device file “SP30”, set the measuring system to “Maintenance” mode
▸ Enter the level 1 password (see “Password for SOPAS ET menus”, page 47)
▸ Call up the “Configuration / Application parameter” directory.
▸ Estimate the measuring range required for the dust concentration in operational state
and enter this in the “Analog Output (2/3) Scaling” field assigned to the selected analog
output assigned to the scattered light intensity.
▸ Deactivate “Maintenance” mode.
▸ Carry out the gravimetric comparison measurement in accordance with
DIN EN 13284-1.
▸ Determine regression coefficients from the mA values of the analog output for
“Scattered light intensity” and the actual dust concentrations measured gravimetrically.

c = K2 ⋅ I out + K1 ⋅ I out + K0 (1)

c: Dust concentration in mg/m³

K2, K1, K0: Regression coefficients of the function c = f (Iout )
Iout: Current output value in mA
20mA – LZ
I out = LZ + SL ⋅ ----------------------------- (2)
SI: Measured scattered light intensity
LZ: Live zero
MBE: Defined upper range limit (value entered for 20 mA; normally 2.5 x fixed
limit value)

▸ Enter the regression coefficients

There are two options:
– Direct input of K2, K1, K0 in a measured value computer
In this case, the regression coefficients set in the sender/receiver unit and the
measuring range set in the MCU may not be changed anymore. On the optional LC
Display (when used), the dust concentration is displayed as uncalibrated value in

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– Use of the regression function of the measuring system (use without measured value
In this case, the correlation to the scattered light intensity has to be determined. To do
this, calculate the regression coefficients cc2, cc1, cc0 to be entered in the
measuring system from K2, K1, K0.
c = cc2 ⋅ SL + cc1 ⋅ SL + cc0 (3)

Using (2) in (1), the result is as follows:

20mA – LZ 2 20mA – LZ
c = K2 ⋅  LZ + SL ⋅ ----------------------------- + K1 ⋅  LZ + SL ⋅ ----------------------------- + K0
 MBE   MBE 

Using (3), the result is as follows:

cc0 = K2 ⋅ LZ + K1 ⋅ LZ + K0

20mA – LZ
cc1 = ( 2 ⋅ K2 ⋅ LZ + K1 ) ⋅  -----------------------------
 MBE 
20mA – LZ 2
cc2 = K2 ⋅  -----------------------------
 MBE 

Now enter the regression coefficients cc2, cc1 and cc0 determined in directory
“Configuration/Application parameters” (see “Setting application parameters”, page 51)
(set sender/receiver unit to “Maintenance” state and enter the Level 1 password).
Reset the sender/receiver unit back to “Measurement” state afterwards).

This method allows changing the parameters for the selected measuring range as

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4.5.6 Data backup in SOPAS ET

All parameters relevant for recording, processing and input/output of measured values as
well as current measured values can be saved in SOPAS ET and printed. This allows easy
reentering of set device parameters as needed or registering device data and states for
diagnostic purposes.
The following options are available:
● Saving as a project
Not only device parameters but also data logs can be saved.
Best variant for diagnosis purposes and service requests.
● Saving as a device file
Saved parameters can be processed without a device connected and transferred to the
device again later.

Description, see SOPAS ET help menu and DUSTHUNTER Service Manual.

● Saving as a protocol
Device data and parameters are registered in the Parameter protocol.
A Diagnosis protocol can be created for analysis of the device function and recognition
of possible failures.

Parameter protocol example

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5 Maintenance

5.1 General information

The maintenance work to be carried out is limited to cleaning work and securing the purge
air supply function.
Take the following steps to set the measuring system to “Maintenance” mode before
starting maintenance work. This is possible via digital input DI1=1 (see “Interfaces of the
sender/receiver unit”, page 18) or operating program SOPAS ET.

Activating maintenance with SOPAS ET

▸ Connect the sensor to the laptop/PC using the USB module and start SOPAS ET.
▸ Connect to the sensor (see “Connection to the device via USB line”, page 48).
▸ Enter the level 1 password (see “Password for SOPAS ET menus”, page 47).
▸ Set the measuring system to “Maintenance” mode: Click “Maintenance sensor”.

Observe the relevant safety regulations as well as the safety notices (see “Responsibility
of user”, page 9) during all work.

Resuming measuring operation

Resume measuring operation after completing the work by deactivating the “Maintenance
on/off” checkbox in the “Maintenance / Operation” window and click “Set State” or set

● No automatic function check is carried out during “Maintenance”.

● The value set for “Maintenance” is output on the analog output (see “Factory set-
tings”, page 43). This is also applicable when a failure is present (signaled on relay
● The “Maintenance” mode is reset when there is a voltage failure. In this case, the
measuring system switches automatically to “Measurement” after the operating
voltage is switched on again.

Maintenance intervals
The plant operator must specify the maintenance intervals. The period depends on existing
operating parameters such as dust content and state, gas temperature, how the
equipment is run and ambient conditions.
The work to be performed by the operator and execution must be documented in a
Maintenance Manual.
Adhere to at least the following intervals:
● Cleaning optics -> 3 months
● Checking laser alignment -> 3 months
● Maintenance of purge air supply -> 6 months

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Maintenance contract
Scheduled maintenance work can be carried out by the equipment operator. Only qualified
personnel according to Section 1 should be allowed to do the work. If requested, all
maintenance activities can also be performed by SICK Service or an authorized Service
partner. Any repairs will be made by specialists onsite whenever possible.

Auxiliary means required

● Brush, cleaning cloth, cotton swabs
● Water
● Replacement air filter, preliminary filter (for suction)
● 7 mm jaw wrench for controlling laser alignment

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5.2 Maintenance on the sender/receiver unit

▸ Do not damage any device parts during maintenance work.
▸ Do not interrupt the purge air supply.

Clean the outside of the sender/receiver unit in regular intervals. Remove deposits with
water or mechanically using suitable auxiliary means.
Clean the optical interfaces when deposits are viewable or the measured value is no longer
plausible. Only clean the optical interfaces with cotton swabs and water, aggressive
detergents can damage the coating of the lens.
Additionally, check the laser alignment during each maintenance.

5.2.1 Cleaning the optics of the sender/receiver unit

Sender/receiver unit with nominal length of 180 and 280 mm

▸ Remove the sender/receiver unit from the duct.
▸ Close off the flange with tube with a blind flange (see “Fitting elements”, page 89).
▸ Remove cover (1) of cleaning opening (2).
▸ Clean the lens in probe opening (2).
▸ Fit the cover of cleaning opening (1) again.
▸ Clean receiver lens (3).

Fig. 27: Cleaning the optical interfaces, nominal lengths 180/280 mm

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Sender/receiver unit with nominal length of 435 and 735 mm

▸ Remove the sender/receiver unit from the duct.
▸ Close off the flange with tube with a blind flange (see “Fitting elements”, page 89).
▸ Unscrew fastening screws (1) of cover (2) and take cover off.
▸ Unscrew fastening screw (3) of protective tube (4) and remove protective tube.
▸ Clean receiver optics (6) and check light trap (5) for contamination and clean if
▸ Clean lens (7) in lens opening.

Fig. 28: Cleaning the optical interfaces

 Fastening screws
 Cover
 Fastening screws
 Protective tube
 Light trap
 Receiver optic 
 Lens

  

5.2.2 Checking laser alignment

Checking the laser alignment serves to ensure the measuring function and should be per-
formed during each maintenance.
▸ Remove the device from the duct and close the duct off.
▸ Remove the cover (see “Cleaning the optics of the sender/receiver unit”, page 65).
▸ Check the alignment of the light trap with a suitable item or finger, as shown in the
following Figure, the laser must be exactly in the middle, deviations can influence
▸ Adjust laser alignment, if necessary (see “Setting the laser alignment”, page 77).

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Fig. 29: Checking laser alignment

DHSP30 flanges with tube DHSP30 Tri-Clamp or 1" thread

Opening for light trap

Laser beam

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5.3 Maintenance of the purge air supply

For maintenance of the purge air supply, differentiate between integrated purge air supply
(see “Optional integrated purge air unit”, page 22) and external purge air unit (see
“Optional external purge air unit”, page 22).

5.3.1 Integrated purge air unit

Check the filter for contamination when an integrated purge air unit is installed. Replace
the filter when viewable contaminations are present, however, at least every 12 months.
A blinking warning LED lights (1 second) and signals a warning state when the purge air
filter is contaminated too soon. Replace the air filter in this case.

Fig. 30: Spare part filter

▸ Remove the device from the duct and close the duct off.
Do not perform replacement directly on the duct, as the purge air supply is interrupted
▸ Remove the clamp of the purge air hose from the filter box.
▸ Loosen the clamp of the filter box on the device.
▸ Remove the filter box from the device and open the cover.
▸ Remove the filter and check, replace if necessary and clean the inside of the filter box.

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5.3.2 Optional external purge air unit

The purge air unit must be serviced at the latest when the low-pressure monitor (7) at
the filter outlet triggers (see “Replacing the filter element”, page 69).

Replacing the filter element

Fig. 31: Replacing the filter element

   

 Low-pressure monitor  Quick-release lock

 Filter housing  Purge air hose
 Filter element  Strap retainer
 Filter housing cover

▸ Switch the blower off for a short time.

▸ Clean outside of filter housing (2).
▸ Loosen strap retainer (7) and clamp purge air hose (6) to a clean location.
▸ Place the end of the hose in a safe place so that foreign objects cannot be
sucked in (this will cause irreparable damage to the blower), but do not close the
end of the hose! During this time, the purge air entering the purge air connection
pieces is unfiltered.
▸ Press snap locks (5) together and take off filter housing cover (4).
▸ Remove filter element (3) with twisting-pulling movements.
▸ Clean the inside of the filter housing and the filter housing cover with a cloth and brush.

▸ For wet cleaning, use only a water-soaked cloth and then dry the parts well.
▸ Insert the new filter element with twisting-pressing movements.
Spare part : Filter element Micro-Topelement C11 100, Part No. 5306091
▸ Mount the filter housing cover, ensuring that it is aligned correctly with the housing, and
snap the snap locks into place.
▸ Reconnect the purge air hose on the filter outlet using the hose clamp.
▸ Switch the blower on again.

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5.4 Shutdown
The measuring system must be shut down:
● Immediately when the purge air supply fails
● If the equipment is to be put out of operation for a longer period of time (as from
approx. 1 week)

Never switch off or interrupt the purge air supply when the sender/receiver unit is fitted
on the duct.

Work to be performed
▸ Loosen the connection line to the MCU if necessary.
▸ Dismantle the sender/receiver unit from the duct.
WARNING: Hazard through gas and hot parts
▸ Observe the relevant safety regulations as well as the safety notices in Section 1
during all disassembly work.
▸ Only remove the sender/receiver unit on equipment with hazard potential (higher
internal duct pressure, hot or aggressive gases) when the equipment is at a
▸ Take suitable protection measures against possible local hazards or hazards
arising from the equipment.
▸ Secure switches that should not be switched on again for safety reasons with
signs and safeguards to prevent unintentional switching.
▸ Close off the flange with tube, Tri-Clamp and/or 1" sleeve with a blind plug.
▸ Switch off the purge air supply.
▸ Loosen the hose clamps and pull the purge air hose off the connections and secure the
hose ends against dirt and moisture.
▸ Disconnect the MCU control unit from the supply voltage if necessary.

▸ Store dismantled device parts in a clean, dry location.
▸ Use suitable auxiliary means to protect the connection line plug connectors against dirt
and moisture.
▸ Secure purge air hoses against penetration by dirt and moisture.

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6 Troubleshooting

6.1 General information

Warning or error messages are output as follows:
● The yellow LED on the device lights.
● Relay 3 (NO contact, plug 2) is active (see “Interfaces of the sender/receiver unit”,
page 18) when configured.
The device can still be used when warnings are present, the measured values are still valid.
However, immediately clear the cause as failures can occur otherwise.

Device failures are output as follows:

● The red LED on the device lights (see “Device displays / connections”, page 38).
● Relay 3 (NO contact, plug 2) is active.
When a failure is present in the device, the measured values are no longer valid. Clear the
failure to continue measuring.

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6.2 Warnings and failures of the sender/receiver unit

The sender/receiver unit comfortably displays warnings and failures in the SOPAS ET
operating program. These are described in the following Section. We recommend using
SOPAS ET for troubleshooting.

6.2.1 Warnings
Fig. 32: Overview of warnings

Message Significance Possible cause Action

Parameter restored Parameters could not or not Interruption of the SOPAS ▸ Check the device data, the warning is
completely be written, the device connection to the device or voltage deleted after a restart.
loaded a backup of the last valid failure during writing.
Parameter factory Parameters have been set to factory Parameters have been reset to the ▸ Load device configuration via SOPAS or
settings setting. delivery state in SOPAS. repeat commissioning.

Parameter default All parameters are on default. Due to Parameters have been reset and ▸ Contact SICK Service.
CRC error, the parameters could not factory settings deleted.
be restored.
Test mode active Relay and current output are set Test mode has been activated in ▸ Terminate test mode or deactivate
manually. SOPAS. warning.

Power supply (24V) Monitoring of power supply, voltage Line length to the device too long or ▸ Check line length or cross-section, see
too low between 18 and 19V line incorrectly dimensioned. Power “Electrical connection”, page 37.
▸ Measure the power supply unit with a
supply unit defective.
multimeter when the device is ready for
Power supply (24V) Monitoring of power supply, voltage Defective or incorrect power supply ▸ Measure the power supply unit with a
too high between 29 and 30V unit multimeter when the device is ready for
Laser current too high Laser current > 60mA Laser defective. ▸ Laser current above warning limit, plan
replacing the laser soon.
CRC factory parameter Error when reading the EEPROM Device could not load the factory ▸ Load the saved project (see “Data
settings from EEPROM. EEPROM backup in SOPAS ET”, page 62).
▸ Replace the mainboard (see “Replacing
the mainboard”, page 75).
▸ Contact SICK Service.

Passwords restored Passwords have been restored with Interruption of the SOPAS ▸ Check the passwords, the warning is
the backup copy. connection to the device or voltage deleted after a restart.
failure during writing the
Passwords default Passwords correspond to the factory Passwords have been reset or not ▸ Assign own passwords (see “Password
settings yet assigned. for SOPAS ET menus”, page 47).

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Message Significance Possible cause Action

Only active for integrated purge air:
Purge air too high Purge air flow exceeded the Partial vacuum in duct > 10 hPa, ▸ Check hosing (see “Fitting the compo-
recommended value, measurement hosing of pressure sensor incorrect. nents for the purge air supply”,
error increased. page 32).
▸ Replace purge air circuit board.
▸ Contact SICK Service.

Air filter contaminated Purge air flow drops below warning Filter contaminated, ▸ Check air filter (see “Integrated purge
limit. counterpressure in duct too high. air unit”, page 68).
▸ Check the specifications of the device and
the fitting location.

6.2.2 Failures
Fig. 33: Overview of failures

Message Significance Possible cause Action

EEPROM Error when reading the permanent Voltage failure during writing to the ▸ Load saved project (see “Data backup in
memory memory, EEPROM defective SOPAS ET”, page 62).
▸ Replace the mainboard (see “Replacing
the mainboard”, page 75).
▸ Contact SICK Service.

Simulation error Simulation error active System has been set to error state
by Modbus
Overflow measured Scattered light is above the Reflections or contamination ▸ Clean (see “Cleaning the optics of the
value maximum measurable value sender/receiver unit”, page 65).
▸ Check laser beam for free passage (see
“Cleaning the optics of the sender/
receiver unit”, page 65).
▸ Check laser alignment (see “Checking
laser alignment”, page 66).
Signal too low Filter measurement not possible, Filter glass holder with scattering ▸ Insert filter according to Manual, check
signal too low (< 50mV) screen not correctly fitted, filter filter for damage and replace if necessary.
Laser current too high Laser current > 100mA Laser electronics defective ▸ Replace laser (see “Replacing the
laser”, page 77).
Span test Deviation from nominal value above Scattered light too low or laser too ▸ Clean (see “Cleaning the optics of the
2% weak sender/receiver unit”, page 65).
▸ Check laser beam for free passage (see
Scattered light too low or laser too
“Checking laser alignment”, page 66).
weak ▸ Check laser alignment (see “Checking
laser alignment”, page 66).

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Message Significance Possible cause Action

Monitor signal The current monitor value of the laser Laser failure ▸ Check connection cable to the laser circuit
is below 0.1V board.
▸ Replace laser (see “Replacing the
Laser failure
laser”, page 77).
Zero point Zero point error > 2% Electronics problem ▸ Replace the mainboard.

Power supply (24 V) < Power supply monitoring, voltage too Line length to the device too long or ▸ Check line length or cross-section, see
18 V low to operate the device line incorrectly dimensioned, power “Electrical connection”, page 37.
▸ Measure the power supply unit with a
supply unit defective, mainboard
multimeter when the device is ready for
defective operation.
Power supply (24V) Power supply monitoring, voltage too Defective or incorrect power supply ▸ Measure the power supply unit with a
> 30V high to operate the device unit, mainboard defective multimeter when the device is ready for
Power supply control Voltage < 16.5V (4.5V hysteresis)
(by hardware) All EEPROM write accesses are
Self control Self control has been activated and Device is contaminated, laser is ▸ Clean (see “Cleaning the optics of the
limit value has not been reached in disadjusted or blocked sender/receiver unit”, page 65).
▸ Check laser beam for free passage (see
the selected time
“Checking laser alignment”, page 66).
▸ Check laser alignment (see “Checking
laser alignment”, page 66).
Only active for integrated purge air:
Purge air too low Purge air has underflown Too much overpressure in the duct, ▸ Check the specifications of the device and
interference threshold, damage on air filter blocked, blower failed. the fitting location.
▸ Check air filter (see “Integrated purge
the device possible.
air unit”, page 68).
▸ Check blower.

6.3 Repairs
Bring the device to a suitable workshop for all repair work. Close off the duct with a blind
flange when the device is removed from the duct (see “Assembly parts”, page 93).

6.3.1 Replacing the cover

Replace the cover when it is corroded or damaged. Refer to Section “Maintenance” for
removal of the cover (see “Cleaning the optics of the sender/receiver unit”, page 65 ).
Spare part for nominal length 180 mm / 280 mm: Cover
Item no.: 7047786
Spare part for nominal length 435 mm / 735 mm: Cover DHSP TXVX
Item no.: 4052222
Fig. 34: Cover

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6.3.2 Replacing the protective tube for NL 180 and 280

Replace the protective tube when it is severely corroded or damaged. When holes in the
protective tube appear due to corrosion, further severe damage on the device can occur.
Replacement for nominal length 180 mm and 280 mm is not possible. Contact the SICK
Customer Service in case of damage on the protective tube for these nominal lengths.

6.3.3 Replacing the protective tube for NL 435 and 735

Replace the protective tube when it is severely corroded or damaged. When holes in the
protective tube appear due to corrosion, further severe damage on the device can occur.

Replacing the protective tube for 435mm / 735 mm:

▸ Remove the cover (see “Replacing the cover”, page 74).
▸ Remove the purge air hose.
▸ Remove the lower screw of the protective tube (see “Cleaning the optical interfaces”,
page 66).
▸ Remove the protective tube.
▸ Check optical interfaces and clean if necessary.
▸ Push new protective tube on probe opening.
▸ Tighten lower screw again.

6.3.4 Replacing the mainboard

Replacement of the mainboard is possible, however, the precision stated in the
specifications can no longer be guaranteed after replacement.
Spare part : Mainboard SP30 (see “Sender/receiver unit”, page 94)

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Fig. 35: Mainboard SP30

    

   

▸ If still possible, connect the device to SOPAS and save the project to keep the settings,
(see “Data backup in SOPAS ET”, page 62).
▸ Remove the device from the fitting location and transfer to a suitable location for repair
▸ Pull out all plugs (1).
▸ Loosen 4 fastening screws (2) of circuit board.
▸ Carefully remove the circuit board a few centimeters, the fiber optics are on the rear side
and may not be bent.
▸ Loosen screws of fiber optics (3) and pull the fiber optics out.
▸ Remove the circuit board completely.
▸ Fit the new circuit board in reverse sequence.
▸ Set the selection switch for measuring range (4) to the same settings as on the defective
circuit board.
▸ Put the device into operation, connect to SOPAS and load the saved project, (see “Data
backup in SOPAS ET”, page 62)
▸ Check the measured values for plausibility and whether the settings meet your

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6.3.5 Setting the laser alignment

In case the laser is no longer correctly aligned when checking the laser alignment (see
“Checking laser alignment”, page 66), adjust the laser alignment anew. The laser
alignment is especially important as the device does not have a contamination
measurement and thus deviations directly affect the measured value.
▸ Open the enclosure and tighten three screws (2) so that the springs are strained (see
“Laser carrier when fitted”, page 78).
▸ Now loosen the screws a whole turn.
▸ Check alignment of the laser and use the screws to adjust it so that the laser goes
through the center of the opening of the light trap.
▸ Check that the laser also goes through the center of the opening of the orifice, if
necessary, adjust the orifice to the laser.

Adhere to the sequence! Do not align the laser to the orifice, but always to the
opening of the light trap.

6.3.6 Replacing the laser

Replacement of the laser is possible, however, the precision stated in the specifications
can no longer be guaranteed after replacement.
Laser DHSP spare part
Nominal length 180 and 280 mm -> 2095385
Nominal length 435 mm -> 2095386
Nominal length 735 mm -> 2095387

▸ Remove the mainboard (see “Replacing the mainboard”, page 75).

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Fig. 36: Laser carrier when fitted

 

▸ Loosen three fastening screws (1) of the laser circuit board and remove laser carrier.
Fig. 37: Laser carrier when removed

▸ Loosen counter nuts (3) on the rear side and turn out three retaining screws (2) of the
laser circuit board.
▸ Replace the laser circuit board and tighten fastening screws again until springs (4) are
▸ Fit counter nuts (3) as shown in the Figure.

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▸ Fit and fasten the laser carrier again, ensure the fiber optics are not crimped or bent.
▸ Fit the mainboard.
▸ Adjust the laser (see “Setting the laser alignment”, page 77).
▸ Put the device into operation again.

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7 Specifications

7.1 Compliances
The technical version of this device complies with the following EU directives and EN
● EC Directive: LVD (Low Voltage Directive)
● EC Directive: EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility)
Applied EN standards:
● EN 61010-1, Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control
and laboratory use
● EN 61326, Electrical equipment for measurement technology, control technology and
laboratory use - EMC requirements

Electrical protection
● Contamination: The device operates safely in an environment up to contamination level
2 according to EN 61010-1 (usual, non-conductive contamination and temporary
conductivity by occasional moisture condensation).
● Electrical power: The wiring system to the power voltage supply of the system must be
installed and fused according to the relevant regulations.

7.2 Approvals
Variant DUSTHUNTER SP30 is TÜV type-tested.
Variant DUSTHUNTER SP30 LM is TÜV-type-tested and TÜV certified according to
DIN EN 15859 for use as leakage monitor for filter check behind fabric filters in plants
requiring approval and plants of the 27th Blm SchV.
Variant DUSTHUNTER SP30 DM is TÜV-type-tested and TÜV certified according to
DIN EN 15859 for use as dust monitor for filter check behind fabric filters in plants
requiring approval and plants of the 27th Blm SchV.

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7.3 Technical Data

Measuring Parameters
Measured variable Scattered light intensity (SI)
Dust concentration output in mg/m³ after gravimetric comparison measurement
Measuring range Adjustable with Measuring range 1 0 ... 7.5 SI
selection switch Measuring range 2 0 ... 15 SI
on the device Measuring range 3 0 ... 45 SI
Measuring range 4 0 ... 75 SI
Measuring range 5 0 ... 150 SI
Measuring range 6 0 ... 225 SI
Measuring range 7 0 ... 375 SI
Measuring range 8 0 ... 1 000 SI
Measuring range 9 0 ... 3 000 SI
2 measuring ranges, freely adjustable via 0 ... 3000 SI
Measurement uncertainty 1) ± 2% of the upper measuring range value
Response time 0.1...600 s, freely selectable via program SOPAS ET
Measuring Conditions
Gas temperature 2) -40 °C ... +220 °C
Sample gas pressure -50 hPa... +10 hPa with integrated purge air unit
-50 hPa... +30 hPa with external purge air unit
-50 hPa... +100 hPa with instrument air (onsite)
Internal duct diameter ≥ 150 mm with Tri-Clamp version, 1" thread version
≥ 250 mm with flange version
Ambient temperature -40...+60 °C Sender/receiver unit
-40...+45 °C Intake temperature for integrated purge air unit
Function Check
Automatic self-test Linearity, drift, aging
Manual linearity check Using a reference filter
Output Signals
Analog output 4 ... 20 mA, max. load 750 Ω; resolution 12 bits; electrically isolated
Relay output 3 potential-free outputs (NO contacts) for status signals; contact load 48 V, 1 A;
Input signals
Digital input 4 inputs for connecting potential-free contacts (e.g. for external maintenance switch, automatic
function check, linearity measurement, calibration curve switching or filter watch)
RS-485 ColaB SOPAS operation via service adapter or connection of optional MCU
Modbus RTU for transferring measured values
Energy supply
Sender/receiver unit Voltage supply: 24 V DC ± 10% from external voltage supply or optional MCU
max. 4 W without integrated purge air unit
Power consumption: max. 30 W with integrated purge air unit
Optional MCU control unit Voltage supply: 90 ... 250 V AC, 47...63 Hz; opt. 24 V DC ± 2 V
Power consumption: MCU-N: Max. 15 W
Optional external purge air unit Voltage supply (3 ph): 200...240 V/345...415 V at 50 Hz
(with blower 2BH13) 220...275 V/380...480 V at 60 Hz
Rated current: 2.6 A/Y 1.5 A
Motor rating: 0.37 kW at 50 Hz; 0.45 kW at 60 Hz
Sender/receiver unit Max. 8.5 kg with integrated purge air unit and 735 mm length
MCU installed 3.7 kg Optional MCU-N control unit
Optional external purge air unit 14 kg

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Protection class IP 66 Sender/receiver unit DHSP30 without integrated purge air
IP 54 Sender/receiver unit DHSP30 with integrated or external purge air
Laser Protection class 2; power < 1 mW; wavelength between 640 nm and 660 nm
1): In temperature range - 20 °C ... +50 °C
2): Above dew point

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7.4 Dimensions, item numbers

All undeclared dimensions are specified in mm.

7.4.1 Sender/receiver unit

Fig. 38: Sender/receiver unit with 1" thread

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Fig. 39: Sender/receiver unit with 1" thread with integrated purge air unit

Designation Item number

Sender/receiver unit DHSP30, for fitting with 1" thread, 1077738
NL180 mm, up to 220°C, without integrated purge air unit
Sender/receiver unit DHSP30, for fitting with 1" thread, 1077739
NL280 mm, up to 220°C, without integrated purge air unit
Sender/receiver unit DHSP30, for fitting with 1" thread, 1089200
NL180 mm, up to 220°C, with integrated purge air unit
Sender/receiver unit DHSP30, for fitting with 1" thread, 1089201
NL280 mm, up to 220°C, with integrated purge air unit

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Fig. 40: Sender/receiver unit with Tri-Clamp

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Fig. 41: Sender/receiver unit with Tri-Clamp with integrated purge air unit

Designation Item number

Sender/receiver unit DHSP30, for fitting with Tri-Clamp, 1077736
NL180 mm, up to 220°C, without integrated purge air unit
Sender/receiver unit DHSP30, for fitting with Tri-Clamp, 1077737
NL280 mm, up to 220°C, without integrated purge air unit
Sender/receiver unit DHSP30, for fitting with Tri-Clamp, 1089198
NL180 mm, up to 220°C, with integrated purge air unit
Sender/receiver unit DHSP30, for fitting with Tri-Clamp, 1089199
NL280 mm, up to 220°C, with integrated purge air unit

86 O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | DUSTHUNTER SP30 8021994/ZWO2/V1-2/2018-04| SICK

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Fig. 42: Sender/receiver unit with flange

Fig. 43: Sender/receiver unit with flange with integrated purge air unit

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Designation Item number

Sender/receiver unit DHSP30, for fitting with flange with tube, 1074327
NL435 mm, up to 220°C, without integrated purge air unit
Sender/receiver unit DHSP30, for fitting with flange with tube, 1077751
NL735 mm, up to 220°C, without integrated purge air unit
Sender/receiver unit DHSP30, for fitting with flange with tube, 1089197
NL435 mm, up to 220°C, with integrated purge air unit
Sender/receiver unit DHSP30, for fitting with flange with tube, 1089203
NL735 mm, up to 220°C, with integrated purge air unit

88 O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | DUSTHUNTER SP30 8021994/ZWO2/V1-2/2018-04| SICK

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7.4.2 Fitting elements

Fig. 44: Flange with tube
45° 45°


Ø 70.2 inner
Ø 76 outer

L = 130 / 240 / 500

Ø 100 L

Ø 130

Fig. 45: Tri-Clamp welding nozzle

Designation Item number Usage on

Flange with tube
Flange with tube, K100, length 130 mm, material: 1.0254 2017845 DHSP30 flange with tube NL435/735
Flange with tube, K100, length 240 mm, material: 1.0254 2017847 DHSP30 flange with tube NL435/735
Flange with tube, K100, length 500 mm, material: 1.0254 2017849 DHSP30 flange with tube NL735
Flange with tube, K100, length 130 mm, material: 1.4571 2017846 DHSP30 flange with tube NL435/735
Flange with tube, K100, length 240 mm, material: 1.4571 2017848 DHSP30 flange with tube NL435/735
Flange with tube, K100, length 500 mm, material: 1.4571 2017850 DHSP30 flange with tube NL735
Tri-Clamp flange
Quick-release fastener with flange 1.5" Tri-Clamp 7047520 DHSP30 Tri-Clamp NL180/280
with nozzle TLS14AM length 44.5 mm,
fitting 1.5" 13 MHLA and seal
1" thread flange
1" sleeve 7047526 DHSP30 1" thread NL180/280
Flange cover
Flange cover material: 1.4571 5320851 DHSP30 1" thread NL180/280
Flange cover 1.4571 5321370 DHSP30 Tri-Clamp NL180/280
Flange cover 1.4571 7047593 DHSP30 flange with tube NL435 and

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7.4.3 Optional MCU control unit

Fig. 46: MCU-N control unit

160 120




Designation Item number

MCU-N control unit
Control unit MCU-NWONN00000NNNE in wall enclosure (orange), 1040667
supply voltage 90 ... 250 V AC, without purge air unit, without display
Control unit MCU-N2ONN00000NNNE in wall enclosure (orange), 1040669
supply voltage 24 V DC, without purge air unit, without display
Control unit MCU-NWONN00000NNNE in wall enclosure (orange), supply 1080506
voltage 90...250 VAC, without purge air unit, with display
Control unit MCU-N2ONN00000NNNE in wall enclosure (orange), supply 1040677
voltage 24 VDC, without purge air unit, with display
Further control units on request.

90 O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | DUSTHUNTER SP30 8021994/ZWO2/V1-2/2018-04| SICK

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7.4.4 Optional external purge air unit

Fig. 47: Optional external purge air unit

ø 14




40 470

Designation Item number

Purge air unit with blower 2BH13 and purge air hose, length 10 m 1012409

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7.4.5 Weatherproof covers

Weatherproof cover for external purge air unit

Fig. 48: Weatherproof cover for external purge air unit


550 350


Designation Item number

Weatherproof cover for external purge air unit 2BH13 2084180

Weatherproof cover for sender/receiver unit

Fig. 49: Weatherproof cover for sender/receiver unit

215 mm 233 mm
320 mm

316 mm

Designation Item number

Weatherproof cover for DHSP30 (with and without integrated purge air unit) 2095539

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7.5 Accessories

7.5.1 Connections for sender/receiver unit

Designation Item number

Connection cable 1 for connection AO, Modbus and voltage supply 24V DC
7-pole socket 6049886
Connection cable, length 5 m 2043678
Connection cable, length 10 m 2043679
Connection cable, length 25 m 2096251
Connection cable, length 50 m 2047179
Connection cable 2 for relay and DI connection
7-pole plug 6049036
Connection cable, length 5 m 2096285
Connection cable, length 10 m 2096286
Connection cable, length 25 m 2096287
Connection cable, length 50 m 2096288
Connection cable 3 for connecting MCU or SOPAS ET and DI
5-pole socket 6009719
SOPAS service kit (RS485 adapter, USB 2.0 cable, connection cable 3) 2097408

7.5.2 Purge air supply

Designation Item number

Purge air hose DN25, length 5m 2046091
Purge air hose DN25, length 10m 7047536
Purge air reducer 7047538
Purge air adapter for instrument air 7047539
Non-return valve DN25 2042278
Hose clamp D20-32 7045039
Hose clamp D32-52 5300809
Purge air hose DN40, per meter 5304683

7.5.3 Assembly parts

Designation Item number

Assembly kit for DHSP30 NL 435/735 mm 2018184

7.5.4 Accessories for linearity test

Designation Item number

Filter measuring set, complete with transport case, filter holder and 5
different scattered light filters

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7.6 Consumable parts for 2-year operation

Designation Number Item number

O-ring set, contains all O-rings for protective tube and 2095442
probe opening
Optics cloth 4 4003353
Filter element for integrated purge air unit 4 5324368
Sintered metal filter 4 7047714
Filter element Micro-Topelement C11 100 (for optional 5306091
external purge air unit)

7.7 Spare parts

7.7.1 Sender/receiver unit

Designation Replacement for Item number

Protective tube DHSP30 NL435 mm 2080018
Protective tube DHSP30 NL735 mm 2083425
Cover DHSP30 NL 435/735 mm 4052222
Laser DHSP30 NL180/280 mm 2095385
Laser DHSP30 NL435 mm 2095386
Laser DHSP30 NL735 mm 2095387
Mainboard All DHSP30 variants 2083008
Flange seal k100 DHSP30 NL 435/735 mm 7047036
Connection cable, 7-pole, plug-plug
All DHSP30 variants 2093560
Connection cable, 7-pole, socket-plug
All DHSP30 variants 2093561
Connection cable, 5-pole, plug-plug
All DHSP30 variants 2061405
Quick-release fastener All DHSP30 variants 5336941

7.7.2 Purge air supply

Designation Item number

Filter housing with filter for DHSP30 with integrated purge air unit 5337164
Blower motor Micronel with plug and seal for DHSP30 with integrated 2095699
purge air unit
Hose DN25 for DHSP30 with external purge air unit and integrated purge 7047755
air unit
Hose clamp D20-32 for DHSP30 with external purge air unit and 7045039
integrated purge air unit

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8 Index
Additional documentation (information) ............................................ 9

Calibration .......................................................................................... 60
Check cycle ......................................................................................... 12
COM port ............................................................................................. 49
Configuration ...................................................................................... 43
Connecting to SOPAS ET ................................................................... 48
Control unit ......................................................................................... 14
Creating an USB connection ............................................................. 48

Data backup ....................................................................................... 62

Flange with tube ................................................................................. 21
Function check ................................................................................... 12
Functional principle ........................................................................... 11

Important Information ......................................................................... 7
Installation location ............................................................................. 8
Intended use ........................................................................................ 8

MCU .................................................................................................... 14
Measured values ................................................................................. 8
Measuring function (general) .............................................................. 8

Parameter protocol ............................................................................ 62
Password for SOPAS ET ..................................................................... 47
Potentially explosive atmospheres ..................................................... 8
Product description ............................................................................ 11
Purge air unit ...................................................................................... 22

Reset maintenance ............................................................................ 63
Response time ................................................................................... 12
Responsibility of user .......................................................................... 9
Restrictions of use ............................................................................... 8
Resuming measuring operation ........................................................ 63

SOPAS ET ............................................................................................ 24
SOPAS ET data backup ...................................................................... 62
Symbols in this document ................................................................... 8

- Responsibility of user ....................................................................... 9

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