Saes K 400
Saes K 400
Saes K 400
1 Scope............................................................. 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations................................. 2
3 References..................................................... 2
4 Selection......................................................... 3
5 Life Cycle Cost Evaluation............................. 7
1 Scope
This Standard shall be used for selecting the compressor type based on the compressor’s
service gas and application. This Standard shall not be attached to or made part of
purchase orders.
Any conflicts between this Standard and other Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards
(SAESs), Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs) or Standard Drawings (SASDs)
shall be resolved in writing by the Company or Buyer Representative through the
Manager, Consulting Services Department, Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.
3 References
Material or equipment supplied to this Standard shall also comply with applicable sections
of the latest edition of the references listed below or in the body of this document:
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Document Responsibility: Compressors, Gears & Steam Turbines Standards Committee SAES-K-400
Issue Date: 25 March 2013
Next Planned Update: 13 November 2015 Basic Selection of Compressors
4 Selection
4.1 General
The tables in the sections below cover the compressor type selections under each
main area of applications within the Company; Upstream Separation, Gas
Processing, Refining and Common Applications. For specific compressor
applications not listed in the tables below, the appropriate type of compressor to
be used shall be obtained by contacting the Compressors, Gears & Steam
Turbines Standards Committee Chairman.
Also, alternative compressor types to the ones specified in the tables below may
be used, if supported by valid justification, with prior approval by the
Compressors, Gears & Steam Turbines Standards Committee Chairman.
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Document Responsibility: Compressors, Gears & Steam Turbines Standards Committee SAES-K-400
Issue Date: 25 March 2013
Next Planned Update: 13 November 2015 Basic Selection of Compressors
Service /
Compressor Type Notes
Gas Lift or Gas Barrel (radially- In accordance with 31-SAMSS-001 &
Injection split) Centrifugal SAES-K-402. The compressor shall be evaluated
as variable speed, per Section 5 of this Standard,
when 20% or higher variation in process flow or
head is expected annually or over the operating life
High Pressure Variable-Speed, In accordance with 31-SAMSS-001 &
(HP) or Pipeline Barrel (radially- SAES-K-402. Fixed speed compressors may be
split) Centrifugal used if supported by analysis per Section 5 of this
Intermediate Centrifugal or Type chosen depending on flow rate and head
Pressure (IP) or Dry-Screw requirements. Centrifugal compressor shall be in
Low Pressure (LP) accordance with 31-SAMSS-001 & SAES-K-402.
Screw compressors are limited to 2 MW
compressor shaft power and shall comply with
API STD 619 or ISO 10440-1.
Atmospheric Integrated (seal- Type chosen depending on flow rate and head
(ATM) less) Centrifugal requirements. Centrifugal compressor shall be in
or accordance with 31-SAMSS-001 & SAES-K-402.
Screw compressors are limited to 2 MW
compressor shaft power and shall comply with
API STD 619 or ISO 10440-1.
Spheroid/Trap gas Variable Speed Type chosen depending on flow rate and head
or Stabilizer Centrifugal or requirements. Centrifugal compressor shall be in
Overhead accordance with 31-SAMSS-001 & SAES-K-402.
Screw compressors are limited to 2 MW
Dry-Screw or
compressor shaft power and shall comply with
API STD 619 or ISO 10440-1. Ejectors, if used
and supported by LCC analysis, shall be of the
supercritical design.
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Document Responsibility: Compressors, Gears & Steam Turbines Standards Committee SAES-K-400
Issue Date: 25 March 2013
Next Planned Update: 13 November 2015 Basic Selection of Compressors
Service /
Compressor Type Notes
Feed gas or Barrel (radially- In accordance with 31-SAMSS-001 &
Sales/Residual gas split) Centrifugal SAES-K-402.
Booster or Centrifugal or Type chosen depending on flow rate and head
Regeneration gas Dry-Screw requirements. Centrifugal compressor shall be in
accordance with 31-SAMSS-001 & SAES-K-402.
Screw compressors are limited to 2 MW
compressor shaft power and shall comply with
API STD 619 or ISO 10440-1.
Vapor recovery Variable-Speed Type chosen depending on flow rate and head
(e.g., propane, Centrifugal or requirements and based on LCC. Centrifugal
butane) compressor shall be in accordance with
31-SAMSS-001 & SAES-K-402.
Screw compressors are limited to 2 MW
compressor shaft power and shall comply with
API STD 619 or ISO 10440-1.
4.4 Refining
Service /
Compressor Type Notes
Hydrogen-rich gas Barrel (radially- Type shall be chosen based on flow rate and head
(60%+ H2) such as split) Variable- requirements, and based on LCC analysis
Recycle Speed Centrifugal, comparing between alternatives. Centrifugals shall
compressors Variable-Speed be per 31-SAMSS-001 & SAES-K-402.
Dry-Screw, or Screw compressors are limited to 2 MW
Reciprocating compressor shaft power and shall comply with
API STD 619 or ISO 10440-1.
Reciprocating compressors shall be per
31-SAMSS-003 & SAES-K-403.
Wet Gas Centrifugal or Type shall be chosen based on flow rate and head
Compressor Dry-Screw requirements. Centrifugal in accordance with
31-SAMSS-001 & SAES-K-402.
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Document Responsibility: Compressors, Gears & Steam Turbines Standards Committee SAES-K-400
Issue Date: 25 March 2013
Next Planned Update: 13 November 2015 Basic Selection of Compressors
Service /
Compressor Type Notes
Screw compressors are limited to 2 MW
compressor shaft power and shall comply with
API STD 619 or ISO 10440-1.
Natural gas Barrel (radially- Type shall be chosen depending on flow rate and
split) Centrifugal head requirements. Centrifugal in accordance with
or Dry-Screw 31-SAMSS-001 & SAES-K-402.
Screw compressors are limited to 2 MW
compressor shaft power and shall comply with
API STD 619 or ISO 10440-1.
The table below pertains to compression applications common to more than one
of the above mentioned areas, such as utility, refrigeration…etc.
Service /
Compressor Type Notes
Plant/Instrument Integrally-Geared Depending on flow rate. Integrally-Geared
air or Utility Centrifugal or Centrifugals shall be per 31-SAMSS-006.
Nitrogen Dry-Screw Screw compressors shall be per 31-SAMSS-002.
Process Air or Integrally-Geared Type shall be chosen based on flow rate, head
Nitrogen Centrifugal or requirements and LCC analysis. Integrally-Geared
Dry-Screw centrifugal process compressors shall be per
SAES-K-402 & 31-SAMSS-001 with variable inlet
guide vanes (IGVs). Process screw compressors
are limited to 2 MW compressor shaft power and
shall be per API STD 619 or ISO 10440-1.
Ethane, Propane Centrifugal In accordance with 31-SAMSS-001 &
or other industrial SAES-K-402. Barrel (radially-split) designs shall
refrigeration be used unless the compressor arrangement
(closed-loop) requires (e.g., center casing) or favors (bottom
services main connections) a horizontally-split casing
CO2 (Non-Sour) Integrally-Geared In accordance with 31-SAMSS-001 &
or Variable-Speed, SAES-K-402. Type shall be chosen based on LCC
Barrel (radially- analysis, including Total Installed Costs.
split) Centrifugal Integrally-Geared compressors shall be equipped
with variable inlet guide vanes (IGVs).
Acid gas (Sour) Barrel (radially- Type shall be chosen based on flow rate, head
split) Centrifugal requirements and LCC analysis. Centrifugal shall
or Dry-Screw be per 31-SAMSS-001 & SAES-K-402.
Page 6 of 7
Document Responsibility: Compressors, Gears & Steam Turbines Standards Committee SAES-K-400
Issue Date: 25 March 2013
Next Planned Update: 13 November 2015 Basic Selection of Compressors
Service /
Compressor Type Notes
Screw compressors are limited to 2 MW
compressor shaft power and shall be per
API STD 619 or ISO10440-1.
Flare Gas, Off- Dry-Screw or Depending on flow rate, head requirements and
Gas or Tail/Vent Ejector based on LCC analysis per Section 5. Screw
gas compressor shall be Dry-type per API STD 619 or
ISO 10440-1. Ejectors, if supported by LCC
analysis, shall be of the supercritical design.
Fuel gas Centrifugal or Depending on flow rate and head requirements,
Dry-Screw and based on LCC analysis. Centrifugals shall be
per 31-SAMSS-001. Screw compressors are
limited to 2 MW compressor shaft power and shall
be per API STD 619 or ISO 10440-1.
When more than one choice of the compressor types specified in the above tables are
available for the duty required by a specific application, selection of the compressor
type shall be based on the lowest Life Cycle Cost (LCC). This cost is composed of the
initial Total Installed Cost of the compressor system plus the cost of consumed power
over an operating period of 20 years. The power calculation shall account for annual
process variations as well as production or process changes over the entire operating life
Revision Summary
13 November 2010 Re-instated as per the need for such document existed based on experience with several
25 March 2013 Editorial revision.
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