The need for inverters with ever increasing power density and efficiency has
recently become the driving factor for research in various fields. Increasing the
operating voltage of the whole drive system and utilizing newly developed SiC
power switches can contribute towards this goal. Higher operating voltage allows
the design of drives with lower current, which leads to lower copper losses in cables
and machine, while SiC switches can drastically increase the inverter efficiency.
Offshore renewable power generation, such as tidal power, is a typical application
where the increase of operating voltage can be highly beneficial. The ongoing
electrification of transportation calls also for high power electric powertrains with
high power density, where SiC technology has key advantages.
In the first part of the thesis, suitable control schemes for inverters in synchronous
machine drive systems are derived. A properly designed Maximum Power Point
Tracking algorithm for kite-based tidal power systems is presented. The speed
and torque of this new tidal power generation system varies periodically and the
inverter control needs to be able to handle this variable power profile. Experimental
verification of the developed control is conducted on a 35 kVA laboratory emulator
of the tidal power generation unit.
Electric drives using multilevel inverters are studied afterwards. Multilevel inverters
use multiple low-voltage-rated switches and can operate at higher voltage than
standard two-level inverters. The Neutral Point Clamped (NPC) converter is a
commonly used multilevel inverter topology for medium voltage machine drives.
However, the voltage balancing of its dc-side capacitors and the complexity of
its control are still issues that have not been effectively solved. A new method
for the optimal utilization of the redundant states in Space Vector pulse-width-
Modulation (SVM) is proposed in this thesis in order to control its dc-link voltages.
Experimental verification on a 4-kV-rated prototype medium-voltage PMSM drive
with 5-level NPC converters is conducted in order to validate the effectiveness of
the proposed control technique.
Low switching and conduction losses are typical characteristics of SiC switches
that can be utilized to build inverters with high power density, due to the increased
efficiency and smaller form-factor. Due to the above, SiC power modules have been
particularly attractive for the automotive industry. The design approach of 2-level
automotive inverters has been studied in this project. Moreover, a new design
approach for the cooling system of automotive inverters has been developed in
this thesis, which fine-tunes the inverter heatsink utilizing standard legislated test
routines for electric vehicles. Multiple conjugate-heat-transfer (CHT) computation
results showcase the iterative optimization procedure on a test-case 250 kW (450 A)
automotive SiC inverter.
Finally, the experimental testing of high power machine drives in order to verify
the control and the hardware design is an important step of the development pro-
cess. Thus, the performance of the prototype 450 A SiC 2-level inverter has been
experimentally validated with a power hardware-in-the-loop (P-HIL) set-up that
emulates an automotive drive system. Several challenges have been addressed with
respect to the accurate modelling of the motor and the control of the circulating
power in the system. A new control technique utilizing the redundant states of the
SVM has been developed for this set-up to effectively suppress the zero-sequence
circulating current to 3.3% of the line current at rated power.
Index Terms: Common Mode Voltage, Electric Vehicle, Maximum Power Point
Tracking (MPPT), Medium Voltage Converters, Multilevel, Space Vector Modula-
tion, Neutral Point Clamped (NPC), Power Hardware-in-the-Loop, Silicon Carbide
(SiC), Tidal power, Voltage balancing.
Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Yujing Liu for
his guidance and support throughout the course of this PhD project. Thank you
very much for believing in my ideas and encouraging me to investigate the areas
that I enjoyed mostly and at the same time for providing me with comments that
helped me to improve myself as a person and as a future researcher. I thank also
my examiner Prof. Ola Carlson and my co-supervisor Dr. Stefan Lundberg for
planning my PhD studies and for their feedback on my thesis.
I am grateful for the support I received from my colleagues in the Electric Power
Engineering division. I would like to thank Nimananda Sharma, Dr. Raik Orbay
and Assoc. Prof. Peiyuan Chen for our collaboration and the fun time we spent
working together in our common projects. I thank also Junfei Tang who has
always been willing to provide support and help dedicating so much of his time.
Many thanks to Ankur, Christos, Kyriaki and Artem for the amazing time we
spent together all these years.
This work has been carried out within the PowerKite project during 2016-2019
(European Union’s Horizon 2020 - grand agreement No 654438) and within the
iTEM project during 2020-2021 (supported by the Swedish Energy Agency). Their
financial contribution is highly appreciated.
Finally, I would like to thank my partner Ioanna Teknetzi and my family for
always being by my side.
List of Acronyms
IGBT Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor
IM Induction Machine
IPMSM Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine
IUT Inverter-Under-Test
LPF Low-Pass-Filter
L2L Line-to-Line
MCU Microcontroller Unit
MMC Modular-Multilevel-Converter
MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
MPPT Maximum Power Point Tracking
MTPA Maximum Torque Per Ampere
NPC Neutral Point Clamped
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCC Point of Common Coupling
PI Proportional-plus-Integral
PLL Phase-Locked Loop
PMSG Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator
PMSM Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine
pu Per Unit
PWM Pulse-Width Modulation
RES Renewable Energy Sources
rms root mean square
rpm revolutions per minute
Si Silicon
SiC Silicon Carbide
SG Synchronous Generator
SMD Surface-Mount Device
STATCOM Static synchronous Compensator
SPWM Sinusoidal Pulse-Width Modulation
SVM Space Vector Modulation
THD Total Harmonic Distortion
TSR Tip Speed Ratio
TUSK Tethered UnderSea Kite
VSC Voltage Source Converter
WBG Wide-Bandgap
List of Symbols
Each variable symbol has italic font and is defined in the text where it is first
mentioned. Bold symbols in the thesis describe vectors.
The basic variables of the thesis defined below are sorted alphabetically:
reference signal
θ angle [°]
τ time constant [s]
ωr angular velocity of the electrical machine [rad/s]
ωturb rotational speed of the turbine [rad/s]
ac machine current controller bandwidth [rad/s]
aω generator speed controller bandwidth [rad/s]
acs grid current controller bandwidth [rad/s]
aP LL grid PLL bandwidth [rad/s]
aDClink grid dc-link controller bandwidth [rad/s]
Ba active damping term [Ω]
CP performance coefficient of the tidal turbine [%]
D altitude angle of the TUSK plant [deg] (only for Chapter 3)
dT duty cycle of the power switch T
fsw switching frequency [Hz]
i trajectory position of the kite (only for Chapter 3)
i0 zero-sequence current [A]
ibl ac current used for voltage balancing of the 5-level NPC drive [A]
Id1 ... Id5 dc currents at the clamping points of a 5-level NPC converter [A]
ie motor stator current [A]
igen generator stator current [A]
is grid current [A]
J moment of inertia [kg·m2 ]
KI integral gain of a PI controller
KP proportional gain of a PI controller
Ld stator inductance in the d-axis [H]
Lf grid filter inductance [H]
Lq stator inductance in the q-axis [H]
L1 ... L3 inductances of the balancing converter for the NPC drive [H]
m̂ modulation index [%]
N number of levels of the phase voltage of a VSC
p electrical machine’s pole pairs
~ x, y, z parametric equation of the Viviani’s Curve in space coordinates
Plossi power losses at the trajectory point i owed to the drag of the kite [W]
Pm turbine mechanical power [W]
Pgrid active power at the PCC [W]
Qgrid reactive power at the PCC [W]
r cylinder radium of the Viviani’s Curve [m] (only for Chapter 3)
R sphere radium of the Viviani’s Curve [m] (only for Chapter 3)
RS machine stator resistance [Ω]
RT turbine radius [m]
t time [s]
Te electromagnetic torque of the machine [Nm]
Tgrid electrical torque at the PCC [Nm]
Tm mechanical torque of the machine [Nm]
tr rise time [s]
Tsw switching period of a power converter [s]
tD ... tG dwell times of the switching states in the SVM [s]
v∗ normalized reference voltage of a VSC
v0 common mode voltage [V]
Va effective water speed [m/s]
VC1 ... VC4 dc capacitor voltages of a 5-level NPC converter [V]
VCC supply voltage for electronic circuits [V]
Vdc voltage of each dc-link capacitor bank [V]
Vdc tot total dc-link voltage of a drive [V]
VD ... VG space vectors of the SVM in (α0 , β 0 ) coordinates
VD0 ... VG0 three-phase switching vectors of the SVM
ve machine terminal voltage [V]
VGS MOSFET gate-source voltage [V]
vs grid voltage at the PCC [V]
Vtide tidal free stream speed [m/s]
Vtr voltage of the triangular carrier in SPWM [V]
V̂ph reference of the amplitude of the converter phase voltage [V]
Abstract v
Acknowledgements vii
Contents xiii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.1 Motor Drives in Battery Electric Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . 2
Electric Motor Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Inverter Design Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Wide-Bandgap Technology in Electromobility . . . . . . . . 5
1.1.2 Kite-based Tidal Power Generation System . . . . . . . . . 6
Optimal Control of Tidal Power Generator . . . . . . . . . 8
Medium Voltage Multilevel Machine Drives . . . . . . . . . 9
Wide-Bandgap Technology in Offshore Power Generation . 11
1.2 Aims of the Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.3 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.4 Thesis Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.5 List of Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3.1 Real-/Reactive-Power Control Design . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.3.2 Grid-side Current Controller Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
References 175
Appendices 194
Chapter 1
1.1 Background
Electrical machine drives with high efficiency and power density are currently
required in many applications and are under research by both the industry and
the academia. Electrification of ground transportation is seen nowadays as one of
the most viable solutions for sustainable transports. The electric drive, including
a motor and an inverter, is one of the main components of an electric vehicle. An
increase of the drive system efficiency is highly beneficial, since this could increase
the energy autonomy of battery-powered vehicles. At the same time, automotive
drive systems with higher power capabilities than in the past are now requested by
customers, while the industry strives to keep the volume, weight and cost of the
powertrain as low as possible. Therefore, there is a high demand towards electric
drives with high power density.
Exploitation of new renewable energy sources for electric power generation is
another application where further improvement of the efficiency and power density
of the generator drive has high importance. For example, harvesting electric power
from sea tides has seen growing research interest and, thus, the design of the power
conversion system is a highly important and challenging task.
The state of the art and the main challenges in designing machine drives for electric
vehicles and renewable energy source applications are presented in the following
two subsections.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Motor drive battery LV
gearbox auxiliary battery
exch. Pump
electrical connections DC + - Grid
liquid coolant flow charger (3ph or 1ph)
mechanical connections
Fig. 1.1: Schematic diagram of the powertrain in a battery electric vehicle and its basic
cooling system
1.1. Background
Variations of that system exist depending on the type of the coolant [8], which can
be oil, water with ethylene glucole or a combination of these two. The main cooling
loop studied in this thesis is shown in Fig. 1.1, where the power converters and
the electric motor are connected in series with the pump and the heat exchanger.
A secondary cooling loop can also cool down the battery pack, as suggested in [9].
The design of the electric motor is one of the main fields of study related with
electromobility. The final selection of the machine type is determined by the
specifications of the vehicle and the application where it is going to be used.
Electrical machines with permanent magnets are the dominant machine types in
electric vehicles and a list of common design solutions have been reported in [10].
The interior permanent magnet synchronous machine (IPMSM) is widely used
when high torque density and better efficiency at low and medium speeds are
required [11].
Alternative machines without permanent magnets have also been used in electric
vehicles [12]. The induction machine (IM) is a common machine type, which has
typically lower torque density and lower efficiency than the PMSM, especially at
high-torque low-speed operation [13]. The switched reluctance machine (SRM) is
also an alternative machine type, which is mostly suitable for high-speed operation
[11]. Permanent-magnet-free synchronous machines have recently seen research
interest for automotive applications, such as the electrically excited synchronous
machine (EESM) [14, 15], which has been studied in comparison with the IPMSM
during this PhD project. Many other design aspects of electric motors for traction
applications are currently under research, but are not further investigated here. For
example, there are studies related with the winding distribution type for IPMSM,
such as in [16, 17] where distributed windings are compared with fractional-slot
windings. The optimal stator winding types for automotive machines have also
been investigated in [18], where hairpin and random windings have been compared.
Therefore, it is not easy to draw a conclusion about the optimal machine design for
an electric vehicle, since many aspects need to be taken into consideration. The
speed range of the motor can also be selected in correlation with the transmission
system design [19, 20], which can be of single-gear or have multiple gears.
Powertrains with multiple motors have been suggested for heavy-duty vehicles,
such as dual-motor designs for buses [21] and large trucks [22] and can also be
found in passenger vehicles, such as in Tesla BEVs [23]. In-wheel direct-driven
Chapter 1. Introduction
motor drives have also been suggested for passenger BEVs with two-wheel drives
[24] or even four-wheel drives [25], where each drive has its individual motor and
inverter. Special design requirements exist for the motors of these vehicles.
The main inverter of the vehicle that drives the motor is another key component
of the powertrain. It is responsible for converting the dc voltage of the battery
into ac voltage with the correct frequency and amplitude for the motor. The
three-phase voltage source converter (VSC) is the standard inverter type used in
the automotive industry [26] and, therefore, it is selected for this study. The main
design requirements of the inverter is to have high power density and efficiency,
while the cost of the system is kept as low as possible and the vehicle specifications
in terms of maximum power, current and voltage are satisfied. Several design
aspects can be investigated to optimize the design based on these requirements.
The type of semiconductors used for the power switches and their rated voltage,
as well as the inverter topology are some of these research aspects.
Based on current industry trends, the majority of the motor drive ratings range
between 30 kW and 200 kW [1], while the majority of traction inverters in the
future will be in the 100-500 kW range judging from the ongoing research and
industry practices [27]. Newly released passenger BEVs with similar price such as
Volvo XC40 Recharge [28], Tesla Model 3 [23], Polestar 2 [29] and the expected
for 2021 BMW i4 concept car [30] have total power of their powertrain between
300 and 390 kW.
The rated operating voltage of the drive depends on the high-voltage battery,
which is currently rated to 400 V in the majority of the cases. However, the need
for fast-charging capabilities of the newer BEV models may also be accompanied
with a higher-voltage battery at 800 V increasing at the same time the rated
voltage of the motor drive [27, 31, 32]. The use of higher dc voltage will also reduce
of the current of the drive and, also, the copper losses of the motor.
Because of this trend towards higher voltage in automotive drives, multilevel
inverters and specifically 3-level NPC converters have been considered as an
alternative to the 2-level converter (2LC). As will be discussed later in this chapter,
these inverters have much lower Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) than the 2-level
topology for the same switching frequency [33], which will also have an impact on
the stator losses of the motor, and are capable of handling even higher voltages
than 800 V. However, since the current trend in the automotive industry is to have
1.1. Background
Chapter 1. Introduction
The main disadvantage of SiC power switches is their higher cost compared to
IGBTs, but this cost difference tends to reduce as SiC technology becomes more
widely used. The faster switching transients of WBG devices have as an additional
side-effect much higher dv/dt on their ac PWM voltage. This can impose an
additional stress on the insulation of the stator windings of the electrical machine,
in case the machine is driven by a SiC inverter [35]. Similar issue is observed at
the dc-link capacitors that need to filter current and voltage ripple with higher
Considerable research work has been conducted on the design of SiC inverters
suitable for motor drives, such as in [36]. However, there has not been any
comprehensive study about the design process of automotive SiC inverters with
high power density, where specific guidelines regarding the design of the whole
drive system are given. The design specifications of the vehicle should also be
considered and correct sizing of the inverter and its cooling circuit needs to be
properly implemented. Lastly, experimental testing of the drive in laboratory
conditions is necessary to validate the design.
1.1. Background
Fig. 1.2: TUSK plant schematic into the sea showing the tether connecting the kite to
the sea bed [Property of Minesto AB]
move freely inside the sea following the motions of the sea currents [43]. This
type of technology can increase the power production of a specific tidal turbine,
when compared to a traditional static tidal turbines of the same size. Therefore,
the potential resources of tidal power can be increased by using the TUSK-based
systems. Also, the environmental impact of the plant’s installation is limited. A
recent application of the TUSK system is the Deep Green [44, 45] concept which
has been developed by Minesto AB and is under development in various projects,
such as the PowerKite project [46]. The undersea kites can be installed either
standalone, as shown in Fig. 1.2, or they can build arrays.
The concept of using a moving kite for producing power has initially been proposed
for airborne systems that would increase the power density of existing wind power
turbines, as cited in [47–53]. As described there, the turbine is mounted on the kite,
which is attached to the ground through a tether. While the kite is travelling on
the air (in the case of airborne kites) or in the sea (for the undersea kites) following
a predefined trajectory, the relative speed of the air or water flowing through the
turbine becomes 5 to 8 times higher compared to a traditional static turbine. The
kite is moving fast following a trajectory that resembles to the "∞" symbol. Since
the power generated from the turbine is proportional to the third-power of the
relative wind/water speed, the electric power produced by the generator is highly
increased. Thus, the power density of the whole power generation system is also
The increase of the generated power density is a distinctive advantage for TUSK
systems compared to fixed marine turbine technologies [43] and this is one of the
Chapter 1. Introduction
characteristics that would make tidal power competitive against other renewable
energy sources. Additionally, the increased relative speed of the fluid flowing
through the plant’s turbine, allows TUSK-based tidal plants to operate at places
with medium or low tidal streams, which may not be cost-effective using the
traditional fixed tidal turbines that require high-speed tidal streams [44].
The TUSK-based plants, however, have some special requirements for the design
and control of the power generation subsystem, which are going to be further
analyzed in this thesis. Firstly, the speed of the water flowing through the kite’s
turbine experiences fluctuations, which depend on the trajectory of the TUSK in
the sea. These speed fluctuations are periodic and cause variations in the output
electrical torque of the plant’s generator and of the produced power at the grid
side of the system [54]. The speed and power variations can be estimated using
analytical calculations, if the trajectory of the kite is known. A proper design of
the controllers for the power conversion system should be made in order to ensure
stability under this highly dynamic operation. Verifying the effectiveness of the
power converters’ control in laboratory conditions is necessary and, therefore, a
laboratory emulator of the kite’s power generation system is needed which will
represent the dynamics of the kite’s tidal turbine. Laboratory emulators of wind
power systems have been presented in [55–59], where the wind turbine has been
emulated by a motor and the control of the real wind power generator has been
tested. A similar experimental set-up can be used in this thesis to emulate the
operation of the TUSK-based tidal generator.
The Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm of the kite’s tidal genera-
tor is another topic that has not been extensively investigated. Since the operating
conditions are similar to wind power plants, similar MPPT control strategies can
be applied for tidal power systems, as the ones investigated in [60–64]. However,
due to the highly dynamic operation of the kite and the constantly variating flow
speed of the water through its turbine, these methods should be studied and
their effectiveness should be experimentally evaluated. The turbine inertia is also
a factor that can influence the effectiveness of the MPPT control of the kite’s
generator. The inertia of the system creates an error between the actual rotational
speed of the generator and the reference speed, which is calculated by the MPPT
control. Therefore, improvements should be proposed to properly adjust the
generator speed control for the specific needs of the examined application.
1.1. Background
An additional constraint of the TUSK systems is the limited available space inside
the nacelle of the kite for the generator and the power converters which makes
the design of the power conversion system a challenging task. Therefore, power
equipment of high power density is a requirement for this application, similarly
with the automotive drive described before. Also, the tether of the kite provides
both mechanical coupling of the system with the sea bed and electrical connection
to the grid. The weight and the diameter of the electrical cables inside the tether
should be kept as low as possible in order to reduce the drag that the tether creates,
when the kite is moving inside the sea. This makes the efficient transportation of
the produced active power from the kite to the grid challenging, since the power
of the system is high.
Increasing the operating voltage of the kite’s power generation system from
commonly used low voltage to the medium-voltage range can increase the efficiency
of the power transportation through the subsea cables, since this results to reduced
current and ohmic losses. Alternatively, the diameter of the subsea cables and
the tether of the kite can be reduced, due to the lower current requirements.
Medium voltage is defined by IEEE Std 1623-2004 [65] as the ac rms voltage
between 1-35 kV. The 2LC can still be used in medium voltage applications by
having high-voltage semiconductors or multiple series-connected low-voltage power
switches in each switch position. However, problems with the voltage balancing of
these switches during the switching transient are the main disadvantages of this
solution [66, 67]. Therefore, the use of multilevel VSCs is a preferable solution for
this case.
The main advantage of multilevel converters is the capability to use power semi-
conductors of low voltage ratings, which have lower cost and good commercial
availability [68, 69]. Another important advantage is the reduction of the harmonic
distortion at the point of common coupling (PCC) of the kite, which eliminates the
need for large passive filters at the grid-side of the system [68] that contribute a lot
to the total weight and size of the drive mounted inside the kite. An improvement
of the converter’s efficiency has also been reported in [70], when using multilevel
converters compared to 2LC of the same operating voltage and power. Multilevel
converters can also reduce the voltage derivative dv/dt, which is caused by the
switching transients of the converters, as stated in [71]. This decreases significantly
the produced EMI that could normally cause lots of operating problems on the
low-voltage electronics of the system.
Chapter 1. Introduction
The available multilevel topologies need to be compared with each other in order to
select the most suitable converter for the power conversion system of the undersea
kite. A comparative study based on literature review for multilevel converters
suitable for drive applications is conducted in Section 4.2 of the thesis and the
5-level Neutral Point Clamped (NPC) converter is finally chosen. The 5-level
NPC converter can increase the operating voltage of the drive system up to 4
kV (peak), in case power switches with voltage rating of 1.2 kV are used. The
5-level converter has four series-connected capacitor banks at the dc side and a
well known problem of this topology is the imbalance of the individual capacitor
voltages. This imbalance would create overvoltage in some of the power switches
of the converter and low frequency harmonics at the ac side of the system. Special
control and/or hardware is required to balance the capacitor voltages, which may
increase the complexity and cost of the system. Thus, several methods have been
proposed to alleviate this drawback and they can be divided into two types, the
software and the hardware based techniques.
The software-based balancing method is based on the modification of the standard
space vector modulator of the NPC converter, as suggested in [72–80]. However,
most of the solutions proposed in these studies require some limitations in the
operation of the drive, such as the difficulty to operate under unity power factor,
which is usually the preferred operation mode for the grid-side converter of the
drive. Some studies propose also the operation of the 5-level converter in a quasi-
2-level [81] and quasi-3-level mode [82] only in order to avoid specific switching
combinations that create unbalances of the dc-link voltages. However, this method
may increase the harmonics at the ac side of the NPC converters and the need for
grid filters, which makes it less suitable for several generator drives, such as the
one designed for the TUSK where the available space for the drive is limited.
Another option for balancing the capacitor voltages of the dc-link is by employ-
ing dc/dc converters that can actively distribute the voltage across the four
series-connected capacitors, as proposed in [83–88]. This technique has several
advantages; however, the cost and the losses of the extra power devices for the
dc/dc converters are serious drawbacks. From the above it is concluded that
further investigation should be conducted to develop a new technique for the
capacitor voltage balancing in a drive with 5-level NPC converters without the
previously mentioned disadvantages.
1.2. Aims of the Thesis
WBG semiconductors and specifically SiC MOSFETs have been proposed for power
converters of future offshore power plants [89], since high-voltage capable SiC power
modules could help to increase the voltage rating of the power conversion system.
High-voltage SiC devices in 2LC topologies are also studied in [90] for active power
filters in offshore applications. However, as stated in [91], currently available
SiC power modules do not have large enough power capabilities to fulfil all the
requirements of large offshore power plants. Therefore, multilevel converters are
still the only solution to build systems with high voltage and high power. Further
development of the SiC technology in the future, with the commercialization of
high-voltage and high-power modules, might mean that converters for offshore
applications could be built using standard 2-level structure.
On the other hand, a power generation system that combines NPC-based machine
drive with the use of SiC power switches could benefit from the advantages of both
the multilevel converters (lower THD and utilization of low-cost low-voltage-rated
switches) and the WBG devices (low inverter losses). A reduction of the inverter
losses is highly beneficial for the TUSK-based tidal plant, since this would allow
the construction of more compact converters with less cooling requirements. This
concept will be investigated in this thesis.
Chapter 1. Introduction
A final goal of the project is to verify the research outcomes through simulations
of each system, as well as through experimental tests on laboratory prototypes.
1.3 Contributions
The key scientific contributions of the thesis can be identified as follows:
• MPPT generator control for TUSK power plants:
A properly designed MPPT controller for the generator of a TUSK tidal
power plant has been implemented that can follow effectively the power and
speed variations. The developed controller has been tested experimentally on
a 35 kVA laboratory set-up where the operation of the turbine is emulated
by an induction motor (IM).
• DC-link voltage balancing algorithms for 5-level NPC converter drive:
New voltage control techniques have been proposed that can balance the
capacitor voltages on the dc-link of a generator drive with 5-level NPC con-
verters. An optimized selection of the redundant states on the SVM-plane
has been utilized as the basic tool to regulate the capacitor voltages. This is
combined with hardware-based balancing using extra dc/dc converters in
order to ensure effective voltage control under every operating condition of
the drive, without any limitation in the operation of the converters. The de-
veloped control requires less components and can reduce the losses compared
to conventional techniques that utilize only hardware-based balancing.
• Medium voltage PCB design for NPC inverter with SiC switches:
A generator drive with two back-to-back (B2B) connected 5-level NPC
converters has been developed, which can be used at the power conversion of
a TUSK plant. A laboratory prototype of the generator drive with maximum
designed dc voltage up to 4 kV has been firstly simulated and then designed
and built during this project. The system is tested experimentally with
dc-link voltage up to 670 V.
The power converter PCBs, measurement devices and control platforms of
the prototype system have been specially designed for low EMI and ringing
on the power switches. Also, SiC MOSFETs and diodes have been used in the
NPC converters, which allows further reduction of the losses in the system.
Suitable gate driver boards for the SiC MOSFETs have been designed that
achieve high voltage insulation and low EMI on the control signals.
• Development of high power 49 kW/liter SiC automotive inverter:
1.4. Thesis Outline
The design procedure of a 450 A SiC automotive inverter has been studied
and a new iterative design approach for the liquid cooling components of
the inverter has been developed. Transient CFD computations are utilized
in combination with simulations of legislative testing procedures for electric
vehicles, such as acceleration tests and driving cycle analysis, in order to
fine-tune the inverter based on the needs of the specific vehicle. A special
design of the dc-link capacitor bank has also been developed in order to
further reduce the volume of the system.
• Zero-sequence control strategy for 2LC-based P-HIL systems:
A machine emulation testing platform for PMSM drives with reduced com-
ponent count has been proposed. The electrical machine has been emulated
by an additional VSC, which is connected to the ac side of the main inverter
of the drive and shares the same dc-link. A new control scheme of the
common mode voltage of the resultant loop has been developed, so that the
zero-sequence current which normally flows in this circuit can be suppressed
without the use of hardware filters. Instead, the redundant states of the
SVM have been utilized to regulate this current.
A P-HIL testing platform has been built with the previously mentioned
450 A SiC inverter in order to experimentally verify the functionality of the
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.5. List of Publications
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2
Electric drives with synchronous machines are studied in this thesis and vector
control is used for the three-phase voltage source converters (VSC). The definition
and the basic structure of the drive system are presented in this chapter, when it
is connected to the grid and when it is connected to a dc source. Vector control
theory for the converters in both cases is presented.
Chapter 2. Synchronous Machine Drives: Topologies and Control
power flow
load ac
M or +
converter source
power power
(+) Vdc tot (+) Grid (+)
Tm ie abc is abc Tm ie abc Battery
M Zf M +
vs abc -
(b) (c)
Fig. 2.1: Simple schematic diagram of (a) an electrical machine connected to a power
converter, (b) a grid-connected machine drive with two back-to-back connected
converters (typical for power generation systems) and (c) machine drive supplied
by a dc battery source (typical for electric vehicles)
2.2. Field Oriented Control
KP ω = aω J (2.1)
KIω = aω (b + Baω ) (2.2)
where aω is the closed-loop bandwidth of the speed controller, J is the inertia and
b is the friction constant of the machine drivetrain. The active damping term Baω
is selected as
Baω = aω J − b (2.3)
Speed Controller ie d ie q
KI ω 1/s Current ref.
+ + Saturation look-up-table Machine 3-phase
ωr - ve*
θr PLL KP ω + Current SVM machine
- Te* ie* dq Controller VSC
Βα ω ωr
Chapter 2. Synchronous Machine Drives: Topologies and Control
2.2. Field Oriented Control
A simple way to calculate the required reference current is by setting i∗ed = 0 A and
controlling the machine just with the synchronous torque. This gives the optimal
current reference of non-salient machines, since the term Te /ie is maximized and
the drive operates at MTPA with minimum stator copper losses.
However, a non-zero d-current needs to be applied for salient machines, in order
to utilize also the reluctance torque [95, 96]. MTPA operation can then be
implemented in salient machines. The current reference generation methods can
be classified into three general categories:
1. The current reference is generated using analytical equations for minimizing
the machine losses, as in [97]. These equations are based on the machine
parameters and the current reference is calculated online, while the drive
2. A search algorithm calculates offline the optimal dq-current combination for a
finite number of torque-speed points on the machine operating map utilizing
a detailed machine model. FEM computation results of the machine losses,
inductances or flux linkages and inverter losses are used. The calculated
current is stored in a look-up-table which is loaded on the control board
of the inverter. Then, the correct reference is obtained by the MCU with
interpolation in this look-up-table, where the inputs are the machine reference
torque and speed. The temperature can also be considered as an input
parameter of the table, as shown in [98].
3. MTPA point tracking is implemented by injecting an additional high-
frequency signal, as presented in [96, 99, 100].
The first two methods have been used for the electrical machine control of this
thesis. Analytical current reference generation is applied in the medium voltage
PMSM drive of Chapter 5, while look-up-tables of the optimal current reference
are used in Chapters 6-7.
Chapter 2. Synchronous Machine Drives: Topologies and Control
KI d 1/s
* + + ee* d + ve* d +
i ed KP d
- - -
ie d Βα d
ie q Lq x ve*
ieq·Lq·ωe ve* dq dq 3-phase
ωr p Vdc tot αβ SVM machine
θe VSC
ie d Ld x
ie q Βα q electrical
- + - angle
+ + ee* q ve* q +
ie* q KP q
+ +
KI q 1/s
The current control is the inner control loop of the machine-side converter and
calculates the reference voltage for the machine based on the above equations
(2.7)-(2.8). The block diagram of the controller is shown in Fig. 2.3. The current
controller split between the d- and q-axis control blocks. Inputs are the current
references i∗edq and actual current values iedq in both d- and q-axis. The gains and
the active damping term of the d-axis PI controller are selected based on the Loop
Shaping Method as follows
KP d = Ld ac (2.9)
KId = ac (Rs + Bad ) (2.10)
Bad = Ld ac − Rs (2.11)
where ac the bandwidth of the controller. Similar equations define the parameters
of the q-axis PI controller replacing in (2.9)-(2.11) the Ld inductance with Lq .
Common practice is to select the bandwidth of the current controller at least an
order of magnitude lower than the switching frequency, i.e. ac = 2π f10
, in order
to have a stable system during dynamic and steady-state operation.
A feed-forward of the calculated machine voltage is added to the output of the
2.3. Vector Control for Grid-Side Converter
In case the synchronous machine has permanent magnets, the back EMF is
calculated by
Ef P M = ψmd ωe (2.14)
where ψmd is the magnet flux linkage. In case we have a synchronous machine
with rotor windings
Ef = Lmd if ωe (2.15)
where Lmd is the d-axis magnetizing inductance and if the rotor field current.
The reference voltage v∗e dq , which is the output of the current control loop, is
limited by a saturation block in order to avoid overmodulation. This limits the
voltage amplitude, but does not modify the voltage angle. Anti-reset windup is
also implemented, which is not shown in the block diagram of Fig. 2.3.
Space vector modulation is finally used for generating the gate signals of the power
switches in the converter.
Chapter 2. Synchronous Machine Drives: Topologies and Control
The converter is synchronized with the grid voltage through the PLL shown in Fig.
2.4(a), which tracks the grid angle θe grid and frequency ωe grid . The PLL consists
of a PI controller that aligns the grid voltage vector with the d-axis. Therefore, if
the controller is in steady state, it can be assumed that vsq=0 . The gains of the
PLL controller are selected as described in [93, 101]
KP P LL = 2 aP LL (2.18)
KIP LL = a2P LL (2.19)
KI dc 1/s Limit within
Vdc2 tot + P* ± Is max
Vdc tot u2 KP dc + grid
+ ÷
Qgrid - 2/3 is*q
Vdc* tot u2
vs d
Fig. 2.4: Block diagram of the grid-side VSC (a) PLL and (b) dc-link controller
2.3. Vector Control for Grid-Side Converter
where Pmachine the power of the machine-side converter and Ploss the power losses
of the system. The left part of the above equation corresponds to the rate of
change in the energy of the dc-bus capacitors. Since both the Pmachine and the
Ploss cannot be directly controlled by the grid converter, it is clear that the dc-link
voltage dynamics Vdc2
tot depend on the Pgrid , which can be regulated by the isd
as seen in (2.20).
The dc-link controller, shown in Fig. 2.4(b), keeps the dc-link voltage close to its
reference value Vdc
tot . The proportional gain of the controller is selected as
KP dc
KI dc = (2.24)
Output of the dc-link control loop is the reference current of the grid converter.
KP s s + KIs 1
Hs (s) = HsP I (s) · Hf (s) = · (2.27)
s Lf s + Rf
Chapter 2. Synchronous Machine Drives: Topologies and Control
where HsP I (s) describes the PI control loop and Hf (s) the dynamics of the grid-
filter. The gains are selected based on the Loop Shaping Method, so that the
resultant closed-loop current dynamics of the converter have first-order response.
KP s d = KP s q = Lf acs (2.28)
KIs d = KIs q = acs (Rf + Bas ) (2.29)
Bas = Lf acs − Rf (2.30)
where acs is the controller bandwidth and Bas the current controller active damping.
Common practice is to select the current controller bandwidth at least an order of
magnitude lower than the switching frequency of the grid converter.
Feed-forward of the measured grid voltage vs for both axis is used, after being
filtered by an LPF. Feed-forward of the voltage drop across the grid filter inductance
is also applied, based on the voltage equations of (2.25)-(2.26)
The reference voltage of the grid converter v∗s dq is the output of the current
control loop, which is limited by a saturation block. The saturation block limits
the voltage amplitude, but does not modify the voltage angle. Anti-reset windup
is also implemented, which is not shown in the block diagram of Fig. 2.5.
Finally, the space vector modulation block generates the gate signals for the power
switches of the grid converter.
d-axis current controller vs d
(from dc-link KIs d 1/s
controller) + +
+ + +
vs* d +
is* d KPs d
- - -
is d Βα g
is q Lf x limiter vs*
isq·Lf·ωe grid vs*dq dq 3-phase
(from PLL) ωe grid Vdc tot αβ SVM Grid-side
isd·Lf·ωe grid θe grid VSC
is d Lf x
θe grid
is q Βα g
(from grid
- + - PLL)
+ + + vs* q +
is* q KPs q
KIs q 1/s LPF
Chapter 3
The inverter control of a generator drive for kite-based tidal power systems is
analyzed in this chapter. Firstly, the motion of the kite and the power generation
profile are modelled. Afterwards, the control scheme of the inverters is described
and tested on a low-scaled laboratory emulator of the real kite.
Chapter 3. Modelling and Control of Kite-based Tidal Power Generator Systems
3.2. Tidal Power Plant System Modeling
TUSK Plant
DC-link Filter
Gearbox PCC Grid
3-phase 3-phase L1 L2
Tidal Gen-side Grid-side
Turbine SG VSC VSC
Fig. 3.1: (a) Block diagram of the power conversion subsystem in a TUSK tidal plant;
(b) CAD-drawing of an early-concept kite for the DG500 project [106]: 1) tidal
turbine, 2) gearbox, 3) generator, 4) power conversion subsystem and grid
filters, 5) auxiliary equipment [Property of Minesto AB]
control the generator speed and the synchronization to the grid at the electrical
output of the topology. In order to calculate the produced electric power of the
topology, a mathematical model of the kite’s trajectory is needed.
A detailed analysis of the kite’s hydrodynamics can be found in the Master Thesis
report [54]. The model presented here is simplified and is utilized only for the
modelling of the electrical installation and the control of the power conversion
system. The exact geometry of the kite and its hydrodynamic performance have
not been modelled and the kite’s trajectory is considered to be unaffected by the
operation of the electrical generator. Also, the kite is considered to follow its
trajectory without error and the control mechanisms for that are not studied here.
Chapter 3. Modelling and Control of Kite-based Tidal Power Generator Systems
Fig. 3.2: Three-dimensional drawing of (a) the Viviani’s curve used as the trajectory of
the kite and (b) the TUSK plant following its trajectory P~r with the arrows
showing the direction of the kite’s movement after applying the rotation matrix
in (3.2)
3.2. Tidal Power Plant System Modeling
x(t) = (R − r) + r · cos(t)
~ (3.1)
P x(t), y(t), z(t) = y(t) = 2 · (R − r) · r · sin( 2t )
z(t) = r · sin(t)
where r is the cylinder radius, and R is the sphere radius. The parameter t varies
from 0 to 4π and some characteristic values of t on the Viviani’s curve can be seen
in Fig. 3.2(b). The x-axis of the graph is in-line with the tidal current flow.
The TUSK plant is elevated from the sea floor. Also, the tether of the TUSK and
the sea floor have an altitude angle D, as can be observed in Fig. 1.2. Therefore,
the position vector P~r can be rotated by multiplying with the following matrix
cos(D) 0 − sin(D)
P~r = (3.2)
0 1 1 ·P
sin(D) 0 cos(D)
The partial derivative vector of the rotated position vector P~r can be defined as
where e~1i , e~2i , e~2i are the normalized direction vectors of the three axes. These
three vectors point towards the forward direction, the wing axis and the tether
axis, respectively.
The partial derivatives of the position vector in (3.3) and the plant frame of
reference (3.4) are used to define the angular velocity matrix γ˙i , which describes
the rate of change of the kite’s pitch, roll and yaw on each point i of the trajectory
Chapter 3. Modelling and Control of Kite-based Tidal Power Generator Systems
where ρ = 1025 kg/m3 is the salt water density, CP is the coefficient of performance
of the turbine, AT = πRT2 the swept area, RT is the turbine radius and Va the
effective linear water speed flowing through the turbine in m/s. The last term
Plossi describes the power losses at each trajectory point i owed to the motion of
the kite and can be calculated by
The torque coefficients depend mainly on the design and the physical dimensions
of the whole tidal kite system and the empirical choice of these parameters could
introduce some error, which is not considered during this study. The tip speed
ratio T SRi of the tidal turbine at each trajectory point i is defined as
ωturbi RT
T SRi = (3.9)
where ωturbi is the turbine rotational speed in rad/s. By using (3.6) and (3.9), the
resultant power is
ρCP πRT5 3
Pm i = ω − Plossi (3.10)
2 · T SRi3 turbi
The active power at the point of connection to the grid can also be expressed as
ρCP πRT5 3
Pgridi = ω − Plossi − Pe lossi (3.11)
2 · T SRi3 turbi
where Pe lossi is the power losses of the electric drive system (mechanical and
electrical) between the generator shaft and the connection to the grid. The turbine
torque Tmi and the electrical torque at the grid output of the kite Tgridi are
defined as
Pm i ρCP πRT5 2 Plossi
Tmi = = ω − (3.12)
ωturbi 2 · T SRi3 turbi ωturbi
Pgridi ρCP πRT5 2 Plossi Pe lossi
Tgridi = = 3 ωturbi − − (3.13)
ωturbi 2 · T SRi ωturbi ωturbi
The effective water speed Va depends on the lift and drag of the kite and varies
within one trajectory period. The kite’s speed is controlled with fixed angle of
attack and variable angle of inclination, which provides the optimum performance,
3.2. Tidal Power Plant System Modeling
based on the analysis presented in Sections 5.13 and 5.16 of [54]. Therefore, the
average value of the water speed Va can be calculated as follows [47]
2 L
Vamean = Vtide (3.14)
3 Dk
where L is the kite lift coefficient, Dk is the drag coefficient and Vtide is the free
stream speed of the tide, which is considered unaffected by the operation of the
kite. The Vtide varies based of the lunar cycle, as described in Section 2 of [54]. In
case the kite’s trajectory in the sea is controlled with fixed angle of attack and
variable angle of inclination, the optimal lift to drag ratio is equal to DLk = 6.512,
as stated in Fig. 36 of [54], and the water speed speed in (3.14) becomes
[54] 2
Vamean == · 6.512 · Vtide = 4.34 · Vtide (3.15)
The effective water speed Va varies periodically around its calculated mean value,
since the kite is moving at some time instants with or against the tidal current,
as shown in Fig. 3.3(a). These water speed fluctuations create a variation of
the extracted mechanical power, as well, since in (3.6) it can be seen that the
mechanical power is a function of the water speed. Therefore, the turbine rotational
speed ωturb and shaft torque vary also periodically based on (3.11) and (3.13),
when the turbine has constant T SR and CP .
Experimental measurements of the CP and the T SR for the turbine used in the
TUSK plant are not available. Therefore, the curve shown in Fig. 3.4(a) is
used for the analysis of this chapter, which is referenced from [107–109] where
Chapter 3. Modelling and Control of Kite-based Tidal Power Generator Systems
10 0.8
Vtide= 2 m/s
Vtide= 2 m/s
9 X: 0.5027
Y: 8.361 Vtide= 1.9 m/s
Va [m/s]
Pm [pu]
8 X: 12.57 Vtide= 1.9 m/s
Y: 7.942 0.4
X: 1.131
Y: 6.689 0.2
6 Vtide= 1.6 m/s
Vtide= 1.6 m/s
5 0
0 /2 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 /2 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Position Parameter t [rad] Position Parameter t [rad]
(a) (b)
Fig. 3.3: (a) Effective water speed in m/s and (b) turbine power in pu for maximum CP
as a function of the kite’s position on the Viviani’s curve
X: 6.3
0.5 Y: 0.45
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Maximum Power Pgrid [pu]
Vtide = 1.6 m/s
TSR = const.= 6.3
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Optimal Rotor speed turb
Fig. 3.4: (a) CP curve for marine current turbine as referenced from [107–109]; (b)
Grid power in pu as a function of the turbine rotational speed for optimal
T SRopt = 6.3 and maximum CP max = 0.45
marine current turbines are studied. When optimal T SRopt = 6.3 and maximum
CP max = 0.45 are considered, the equations (3.11) and (3.13) are converted into
3.2. Tidal Power Plant System Modeling
Pgrid maxi = k1 · ωturbi
− Plossi − Pe lossi
2 Plossi Pe lossi (3.16)
Tgrid maxi = k2 · ωturb − −
ωturbi ωturbi
The TUSK plant’s design characteristics of Table 3.1 are used as base model for
the power calculations of Fig. 3.3 and Fig. 3.4. A sample plant with 500 kW
nominal turbine power has been chosen for the analysis of this section. Fig. 3.3(a)
shows the fluctuation of Va and Fig. 3.3(b) shows Pm during one period of the
kite’s motion for tidal stream speeds equal to 1.6 m/s, 1.9 m/s and 2 m/s. The
dashed lines in Fig. 3.3(a) show the average effective water speed of the tidal
stream speed. The average extracted power is higher, when the tidal stream
increases; however, the ripple in the extracted power increases, as well. Fig. 3.4(b)
shows a graphic depiction of (3.16), the grid power. For a given tidal stream speed
Vtide the extracted power varies around a middle point, since the kite’s speed is
changing based on its periodic movement.
The operating region for turbine speed ωturb higher than the nominal value of
1pu has not been considered at this study, due to mechanical constraints of the
experimental set-up in Section 3.3. In the real-life kite system the turbine speed
would be limited by the pitch controllers, after it exceeds the nominal value.
Chapter 3. Modelling and Control of Kite-based Tidal Power Generator Systems
[Fig. 3.4(b)] LPF
Fig. 3.5: Block diagram of the synchronous generator FOC-based control system with
separate speed control loop
The T SRopt and CP max in (3.11) depend on the geometry of the turbine and are
obtained through experimental results in practical applications. In this study,
the tidal turbine optimal T SRopt and maximum CP max are equal to the values
provided in Table 3.1, which have been referenced from [107–109].
igen d igen q
MPPT Current ref. generation
(eq. 3.13) LPF Saturation v*gen
Tgrid + *
Tgen *
igen Generator 3-phase
ωgen 1/ψmd Current SVM Gen-side
+ Controller VSC
Plosses × *
igen d
[Fig. 3.9(c)] =0A
Fig. 3.6: Block diagram of the synchronous generator FOC-based control system with
generator torque control
3.3. Design of Tidal Power Laboratory Emulator
T SR = T SRopt and CP = CP max , so that the turbine can operate under MPPT.
The torque given by (3.13) is the electrical torque at the grid side of the kite
and, therefore, the losses of the system have to be added in order to calculate the
reference torque of the generator.
Pelectrical loss
Tgen ∗
= Tgrid + (3.17)
The losses Pelectrical loss include the stator losses of the generator, the B2B converter
and the grid filter losses and are shown in Fig. 3.9(c). The reference current Iq∗ is
calculated by dividing the reference torque with the flux of the generator and the
reference current is fed to the generator current controller. The block diagram of
the control system for the generator-side converter is shown in Fig. 3.6, when the
generator is controlled in torque control mode.
If DC-link
Filter DC-link Filter
Grid (+) Grid
3-phase SW3 3-phase 3-phase (+)
L1 L2 3-phase Lf Rinit
Cf Diode Motor- IM SG Gen-side
400V Rect. SW2 400V
igen is vs Pgrid
θgen ωgen Vdc tot
* (time)
IM Direct Torque Generator Grid Converter
Control ±1500 Control System Control System
Vtide Va(time) rpm (Fig. 3.5/3.6 and 2.3) (Fig. 2.4 and 2.5)
eq. * *
Pgrid (time) + PeIM (time) ×
TUSK Cp(TSR) (3.11)
RT Tidal (3.9) ωgen
(Fig. 3.4a) + ÷
Turbine Pe loss ωgen Pgrid MPPT
R Pm(ωturb)
Model (Fig. 3.9a)
Cp max , TSRopt (Fig. 3.5/3.6)
Cp max , TSRopt
r TUSK Emulator (Fig. 3.4b) Tidal Generator
(Fig. 3.4b)
Fig. 3.7: Power circuit and control system diagram of the TUSK tidal plant emulator
Chapter 3. Modelling and Control of Kite-based Tidal Power Generator Systems
Power converters of
the SG drive
Grid filter Lf
Flywheel SG
(turbine emulator)
Fig. 3.8: Laboratory set-up of a 35 kVA converter-driven TUSK tidal plant emulator:
(a) overview of the set-up and (b) the electrical machines test bench with the
flywheel installed
of the system. The dc-link of the generator drive is protected from overvoltage
with a braking chopper Rdc .
The IM is supplied by a VSC and a passive diode rectifier and emulates the behavior
of the TUSK tidal turbine. The control system of the SG power converters is
implemented on the dSPACE 1005 control board. The design parameters of the
experimental emulator and the base of the experimental analysis per-unit system
are presented in Table 3.2. An overview picture of the laboratory set-up is shown
in Fig. 3.8(a).
In order to emulate the turbine shaft inertia of a real TUSK tidal plant, a flywheel
3.3. Design of Tidal Power Laboratory Emulator
has been installed in the machine set-up as shown in Fig. 3.8(b). The flywheel has
the shape of a circular disc and a mass of approximately 90 kg. The additional
inertia that the flywheel adds on the shaft of the electrical machines is equal to
5.74 kg · m2 .
The IM of the experimental set-up is controlled in Direct Torque Control (DTC)
mode by an ACS600 ABB drive [113]. The rated rotational speed of the IM is
1445 rpm. The electromagnetic torque reference TeIM∗
is calculated by the tidal
turbine model, which has been previously presented in Section 3.2.
As seen in Fig. 3.7, inputs of the tidal turbine model are the design characteristics
of the TUSK trajectory and turbine geometry, while outputs of the model are the
optimal power-rotor speed curve (Fig. 3.4), the maximum CP max , optimal T SRopt
and a time series of the effective water speed Va . Then, the active power of the
TUSK plant is calculated based on (3.11). The losses of the laboratory emulator
are compensated by adding them to the reference grid power Pgrid ∗
(time). Finally,
the reference electromagnetic torque of the IM TeIM is calculated by dividing the
Chapter 3. Modelling and Control of Kite-based Tidal Power Generator Systems
5 0.2
Losses [kW]
Losses [pu]
4 18.21 Hz
30 Hz 0.1
3 35 Hz
40 Hz
2 45 Hz 0
50 Hz 1
0.8 1.2
1 0.6 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0.4 0.8
0.2 0.6
Grid power [kW] Grid power [pu] Rotor speed [pu]
(a) (b)
Losses [kW]
Losses [pu]
1.5 30 Hz 0.05
35 Hz
1 40 Hz
45 Hz 0
50 Hz 1.2
0.5 0.5 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0.8
Grid power [kW] Grid power [pu] Rotor speed [pu]
(c) (d)
Fig. 3.9: Curve-fitted diagram of the TUSK tidal power emulator losses including the
(a)-(b) total SG drive losses and the IM mechanical losses and (c)-(d) the
electrical losses of the power converters and grid filter in the SG drive
3.4. Experimental Results of the Laboratory Emulator
and 3.2.3 is made for different operating conditions of the TUSK. The flywheel is
installed in this case on the shaft of the machine system, in order to study also the
effect of the inertia on the response of the system and to point out any possible
problems that can arise.
X: 1.926
Y: -39.01
*gen [pu]
[pu] -50
X: 0.1372
0.6 Y: 0.64
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time [s] Time [s]
(a) (b)
1 I*gen q [A]
X: 0.05 50
Shaft Speed [pu]
X: 0.0506
0 Y: -7.988
X: 9.619
*gen [pu] Y: -38.51
[pu] -50
X: 0.2486
0.6 Y: 0.64
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time [s] Time [s]
(c) (d)
Fig. 3.10: Experimental results of the SG in a step-change of the reference speed from
0.9pu (900rpm) to 1pu (1500rpm) with speed controller bandwidth equal to
(a)-(b) aω = 2π rad/s and (c)-(d) aω = 2π · 0.1 rad/s
Chapter 3. Modelling and Control of Kite-based Tidal Power Generator Systems
the response time of the generator between 10% and 90% of the final value of the
reference speed.
The TUSK tidal plant model shown in Subsection 3.2.1 is tested experimentally on
the laboratory emulator and the power curves of Fig. 3.11 are imported into the
dSPACE control platform. The power and speed calculations have been converted
into the per-unit system in order to scale down the real 500 kW tidal turbine (Table
3.1) into the 35 kVA electric drive of the emulator (Table 3.2). Aim of this test
is to investigate if the generator speed controller can follow effectively the speed
reference given by the MPPT block. The MPPT control algorithm with separate
speed control loop of the generator (Fig. 3.5) is used in this subsection. As can be
seen in Fig. 3.11, a decrease of the Viviani’s curve r radius results to faster turbine
power variations and faster variations of the generator speed reference, since the
system is controlled with T SRopt and CP max . More specifically, r = 25 m results
to a power variation with period 22.9 s, while at r = 5 m the period of the power
is 4.6 s.
The experimental results of the emulator for Viviani’s curve radius equal to
r1 = 25 m and r2 = 5 m are shown in Fig. 3.12. The generator actual speed ωgen
follows the reference shaft speed given by the MPPT control block with small
error, when the bandwidth of the speed controller is equal to aw = 2π rad/s and
the radius of the trajectory is r1 = 25 m [Fig. 3.12(a)]. However, when the tidal
kite’s motion becomes faster at r2 = 5 m, the error between the reference speed
and the actual shaft speed becomes larger. This error increases even more when
the bandwidth of the speed controller is equal to aw = 0.2π rad/s.
The error between the reference rotor speed and the actual speed causes the
0.6 1
TUSK power P*grid [pu]
r = 25 m r = 25 m
0.5 r=5m 0.9 r=5m
*gen [pu]
0.1 0.6
5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Time [s] Time [s]
(a) (b)
Fig. 3.11: (a) Reference grid power and (b) shaft speed of the tidal power emulator for
modelling a TUSK tidal power plant with tidal stream speed Vtide = 1.9 m/s
and Viviani’s curve radius r1 = 25 m and r2 = 5 m.
3.4. Experimental Results of the Laboratory Emulator
25 30 35 40 45 50
Time [s]
(a) aω = 2π rad/s, r = 25 m
Shaft Speed [pu]
0.7 * [pu]
25 30 35 40 45 50
Time [s]
(b) aω = 2π rad/s, r = 5 m
Shaft Speed [pu]
25 30 35 40 45 50
Time [s]
(c) aω = 0.2π rad/s, r = 25 m
Shaft Speed [pu]
25 30 35 40 45 50
Time [s]
(d) aω = 0.2π rad/s, r = 5 m
Fig. 3.12: Experimental results of the tidal power emulator reference and actual shaft
speed with different profiles of the TUSK trajectory and different generator
speed controller bandwidths
Chapter 3. Modelling and Control of Kite-based Tidal Power Generator Systems
X: 26.12 P*gridOpt [pu]
Y: 0.3448
0.2 Pgrid [pu]
Pgrid mean [pu]
25 30 35 40 45 50
Time [s]
(a) aω = 2π rad/s, r = 25 m
Emulator power [pu]
X: 26.7 P*gridOpt [pu]
Y: 0.344
0.2 Pgrid [pu]
Pgrid mean [pu]
25 30 35 40 45 50
Time [s]
(c) aω = 0.2π rad/s, r = 25 m
Emulator power [pu]
3.4. Experimental Results of the Laboratory Emulator
emulated power plant to operate with T SR different from the optimal value, which
also results to a decrease in the produced power. Fig. 3.13 shows with dashed
blue line the active power at the grid side that the emulator would produce, if
it could always operate with optimal T SR and maximum Cp . The actual power
Pgrid produced by the emulated plant is also shown with red line and the average
actual power is shown with black dashed line. It can be seen that the produced
power of Fig. 3.13(a) is the closest to the optimal case, while in all the other cases
the actual power is a little lower than the optimal power. There is also a time
shift between the PgridOpt and Pgrid , which is more visible in Fig. 3.13(b) and
Fig. 3.13(d). This delay is introduced by the PI controller of the generator speed
control loop and by the LPF at the output of the MPPT block (Fig. 3.5).
Chapter 3. Modelling and Control of Kite-based Tidal Power Generator Systems
X: 0.3708 I*gen q [A]
X: 0.05 50 Y: 72.59
Shaft Speed [pu]
Igen [A]
0.8 X: 4.951
Y: -37.68
*gen [pu]
0.7 X: 0.2458
Y: 0.64 [pu] -50
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time [s] Time [s]
(a) (b)
X: 0.0636
Y: 60.28
1 I*gen q [A]
X: 0.05 50
Shaft Speed [pu]
Igen [A]
X: 9.856
Y: -38.19
*gen [pu]
0.7 X: 0.2652
Y: 0.64 [pu] -50
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time [s] Time [s]
(c) (d)
Fig. 3.14: Experimental results of the SG with the flywheel installed on the shaft in a
step-change of the reference speed from 0.9 pu (900 rpm) to 1 pu (1500 rpm)
with speed controller bandwidth equal to (a)-(b) aω = 2π rad/s and (c)-(d)
aω = 2π · 0.1 rad/s
the emulator would have if it operated with constant CP max = 0.45. Fig. 3.15(a)-
(b) show the experimental results of the generator when the speed controller is
used, while in Fig. 3.15(c)-(d) the torque control mode is used.
As can be seen in Fig. 3.15, there is a delay ∆t between the actual shaft speed
ωgen and the ωgenOpt
. The delay is higher in the case of the torque control mode
compared to the speed control mode by 0.7 s, when the Viviani’s curve radius is
equal to r1 = 25 m [Figs. 3.15(a) and 3.15(c)] and higher by 0.07 s when r2 = 5 m
[Figs. 3.15(b) and 3.15(d)]. Due to this delay ∆t the active power produced by
the emulated tidal turbine is expected to be lower in the case of the torque control
mode, as will be shown later. Fig. 3.16 shows the CP curves of the emulator for
all the four operating conditions. In all the graphs the CP curve reaches the peak
point of 0.45 when the shaft speed ωgen overlaps with the ωgenOpt
. However, the
slower response of the generator operating in torque control mode is also visible
Fig. 3.17 shows the generated active power at the grid side of the emulator. The
red solid line shows the actual power of the grid Pgrid , the dashed blue line is
the reference grid power Pgrid
and the dashed black line represents the optimal
3.4. Experimental Results of the Laboratory Emulator
1X: 27.44
X: 29.74
Y: 0.9294 * genOpt [pu]
Y: 0.9119
* gen [pu]
25 30 35 40 45 50
Time [s]
(a) aω = 0.2π rad/s, r = 25 m
* genOpt [pu]
X: 28.64
Y: 0.8732 X: 29.7 * gen [pu]
Shaft Speed [pu]
Y: 0.837
0.7 t
25 30 35 40 45 50
Time [s]
(b) aω = 0.2π rad/s, r = 5 m
1 X: 27.44
Y: 0.9293 * genOpt [pu]
Shaft Speed [pu]
0.9 gen
X: 30.44
Y: 0.8884
25 30 35 40 45 50
Time [s]
X: 29.77
Y: 0.8018
Chapter 3. Modelling and Control of Kite-based Tidal Power Generator Systems
0.44 0.44
0.42 0.42
Torque control Torque control
Speed control (a = 0.2 rad/s) Speed control (a = 0.2 rad/s)
0.4 0.4
25 30 35 40 45 50 25 30 35 40 45 50
Time [s] Time [s]
(a) r = 25 m (b) r = 5 m
Fig. 3.16: Experimental results of the tidal power emulator power coefficient CP with
different profiles of the TUSK trajectory and different MPPT methods.
τT ctrl = (3.18)
The time constant of the generator, when the speed controller is used, which is
described in Subsection 3.2.2, is equal to
KP ω J0
τSctrl = = (3.19)
KIω b + Baω
It is clear that τT ctrl > τSctrl , which explains the previously presented experimental
3.4. Experimental Results of the Laboratory Emulator
Emulator output power [pu]
X: 43.85
0.4 Y: 0.3872
X: 33.61
0.3 Y: 0.3393
0.25 P [pu]
P* [pu]
0.2 grid
P*gridOpt [pu]
Pgrid mean [pu]
25 30 35 40 45 50
Time [s]
0.4 X: 29.03
Y: 0.3507
Emulator output power [pu]
X: 43.9
0.4 Y: 0.3724
X: 33.83
Y: 0.336
0.25 Pgrid [pu]
P* [pu]
0.2 grid
P*gridOpt [pu]
Pgrid mean [pu]
25 30 35 40 45 50
Time [s]
Chapter 3. Modelling and Control of Kite-based Tidal Power Generator Systems
X: 27.92
X: 27.92
0.6 Y: 0.5868
Y: 0.5787
P*grid [pu] Torque control
0.4 P*grid [pu] Speed control at a = 0.2 rad/s
P*gridOpt [pu]
20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
Time [s]
(a) r = 25 m
0.5 X: 28.71
Y: 0.4841 X: 28.73
Emulator output power [pu]
0.48 Y: 0.4722
0.46 X: 28.73
Y: 0.4636
P* grid [pu] Torque control
0.4 P* grid [pu] Speed control at a = 0.2 rad/s
P* gridOpt [pu]
26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Time [s]
(b) r = 5 m
Fig. 3.18: Experimental results of the tidal power emulator reference grid power
3.5 Summary
Chapter 3 presents the model of a TUSK tidal power generator unit describing
the kite’s trajectory and the produced electric power. It has been shown that
the tidal turbine produces fluctuating electrical power due to the motion of the
TUSK into the sea. Two different algorithms of MPPT have also been presented,
one with closed loop speed control and the second method with torque control
of the generator. A laboratory emulator of the TUSK has been constructed for
reproducing the performance of the tidal system in laboratory conditions. The
accuracy of the shaft speed control has been evaluated with measurements on the
emulator for different trajectories of the TUSK and gains of the speed controller.
The experimental results are divided into two parts. The first part in Subsection
3.4.1 analyzes the effect of the speed controller bandwidth on the performance of
the MPPT. Specifically, Fig. 3.13 shows that an increase of 10 times of the PI
controller gains results to an increase of the average produced power of up to 1%,
since the speed controller of the generator converter can follow the reference rotor
speed with smaller error. Therefore, a better design of the PI controllers regulating
the converters and a fast speed controller can increase the power produced by the
TUSK tidal power system.
3.5. Summary
The second part of the experimental results in Subsection 3.4.2 compares two
MPPT control schemes, the MPPT with torque control of the generator which
is simpler and easier to design and the control scheme with active speed control.
The speed control method has advantageous dynamic response which results to
a higher power production of the tidal turbine, although the difference in the
performance of both methods is quite small in some cases. Specifically, the average
power production of the generator Pgrid mean is approximately 4% higher when
using active speed control compared to the MPPT with torque control, as shown
in the Figs. 3.17(a) and 3.17(c) where it increases from 0.3507 pu to 0.3652 pu.
The results of this chapter can be utilized to improve the power production
of tethered kites. The advantages and disadvantages of each MPPT control
scheme need to be considered in order to evaluate if the more efficient, but also
more complicated, speed control method should be used or the torque control
method is better due to its simplicity. The experimental set-up of the tidal
power emulator can also be used for modelling the power generation from other
renewable energy sources, such as the wind power. The wind speed variations are
stochastic, contrarily to the kite tidal speed variations which have been studied
here. Therefore, emulating wind speed variations with the IM of the current
experimental set-up could be of high value in order to investigate and optimize
the performance of the generator.
Chapter 3. Modelling and Control of Kite-based Tidal Power Generator Systems
Chapter 4
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
copper losses through these undersea cables. Therefore, the efficiency of the power
transportation system can be highly increased, if the copper area of the cables is
kept constant. Otherwise, the cable size can be reduced making the kite system
more compact, if it is decided the efficiency of the cables to remain the same as
with a low-voltage system.
of Medium Voltage Electric Drives with Long Cables using Multilevel-Converters and Passive
Filters", in Proc. of the 21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications
(EPE’19 ECCE Europe), 2019, P.1-P.10.
4.2. Multilevel Converter Topologies & Capacitor Voltage Balancing
therefore, they are commonly used in grid applications for improving power flow
control and grid voltage stability, such as in parallel connection to the transmission
lines as STATCOMs [115] and in HVDC applications [116]. One disadvantage
of these topologies is the lack of a common dc-link at their dc-side, since each
converter module has its own capacitor. Therefore, they are used less frequently
in electric drives where two of these converters need to be connected back-to-back
(B2B), because disturbances at the machine-side can affect more easily other
control variables at the grid-side of the system and vice versa [117]. Also, the need
for many passive components, such as capacitors at each converter module and
inductors for each converter leg, can make the converter bulky.
The Neutral-Point-Clamped (NPC) (also known as Diode-Clamped) converter,
originally introduced in [118], and the Flying-Capacitor (FC) converter are two of
the main multilevel VSC types with a controllable dc-link at their dc-side. Their
3-level [Fig. 4.1(b)] variant has already been used in industrial applications, such
as in [119, 120] for the NPC converter. Both the FC and the NPC converters are
limited up to 5-levels in practical applications, because their structure becomes
too complicated for higher number of levels. The power switches used in these
converters are rated to 1/4 of the total dc-link voltage. Therefore, by using power
switches of 1.2 kV rated voltage, dc-link voltage of up to 4 kV can be obtained
in their 5-level version, depending on the safety voltage margin that we choose
to have for the power semiconductors. The schematics of 5-level FC and NPC
converters are shown in Fig. 4.1(c)-(d).
The main advantage of the FC converter compared to the NPC is the reduced
number of semiconductor components. They have equal number of power switches,
but the NPC converter has also got clamping diodes. This makes the structure
of the FC much simpler compared to the NPC. However, a large number of
capacitors are needed for the FC converter, which becomes even larger in the
5-level version and increases a lot the size of the power conversion system. Proper
balancing of these flying capacitor voltages and precharging them during the system
initialization is needed making the operation of the converter more complicated
On the other hand, the NPC converter requires the highest number of semiconduc-
tors due to the extra clamping diodes that it has, which also do not have equal
reverse voltage rating. For this reason, series connection of two diodes are needed
in some points, as can be seen in Fig. 4.1(d). However, the NPC converter has
the lowest number of capacitors [122], which keeps the volume of the converter
small, if a high-power-density design is implemented with low loss semiconductor
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
devices. Since the size of the power conversion system is of high importance for
the TUSK application, the 5-level NPC inverter is chosen as the preferred VSC
topology studied in the rest of this chapter.
Another serious issue of the NPC converter is the control of its dc-link capacitors.
In general, an N -level NPC converter uses a single dc-bus which is subdivided
into (N − 1) series connected capacitors, whose voltages should be monitored and
properly controlled in order to be balanced in every operating condition.
More specifically, the 3-level NPC converter has two dc-link capacitors which have
normally balanced voltages, when a symmetrical three-phase load is connected at
Phase c Phase c
Phase b Phase b
Phase a Phase a
C2 T1 VC2
0 b 0
Vdc tot
a Vdc tot
C1 D2
C1 T2 VC1
(a) (b)
Phase c
Phase b
Phase a
Phase c Phase c C1
Phase b Phase b
Phase a Phase a T2
T1 T1
T3 Submodule
C4 C4 VC4
T2 T2 C2
T3 T3
D3a c
C3 C3 VC3 L1
T4 c D3b T4 c Vdc tot b
Cc3 Cc2 Cc1 b D5a b a
Vdc tot 0 a
0 D5b a T5
T5 Vdc tot D2a T5 C3 L2
C2 C2 VC2 D2b
T6 D4a T6 T6
T7 T7 T7
C1 C1 V
C1 D6 C4
T8 T8
4.2. Multilevel Converter Topologies & Capacitor Voltage Balancing
the ac side. They tend to unbalance only at asymmetrical loads and faults. Many
control techniques have been proposed in the technical literature for alleviating
successfully the above drawback of the 3-level NPC converter and the majority
uses zero-sequence voltage for balancing these voltages [80, 102]. The 5-level NPC
converter, shown in Fig. 4.1(d), may be used with higher operating voltage and the
harmonic distortion at the ac output is lower compared to that of the 3-level NPC.
However, the dc capacitor voltage drift is more apparent here, due to the voltage
unbalance in the four capacitors that may be observed even with symmetrical
three-phase loads. Therefore, a more advanced control method of the dc-link
capacitor voltages needs to be implemented as will be shown in the following
Unequal loss distribution among the switches of the NPC converter is also a serious
drawback of the NPC converter. This problem can result to asymmetrical loss
distribution and junction temperatures of the semiconductors [121, 123]. The
semiconductor losses can be balanced by replacing the clamping diodes with active
switches and this modified NPC converter is called active NPC (ANPC) [124].
However, the loss distribution issue has not been covered in this thesis.
This chapter introduces the SVM technique properly adjusted for N -level multilevel
converters. Afterwards, simulation results are presented from grid-connected
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
generator drives with 3-level converters and with 5-level NPC converters for the
same operating voltage. The generator of the system is a PMSG, which is controlled
with field-oriented control, while a back-to-back connected grid converter uses the
voltage-oriented control scheme, as described in Chapter 2. The available methods
for balancing the dc-link capacitor voltage in the 5-level drives are also presented.
A comparison of the performance of the different designs of the generator drives
is made in terms of simulated efficiency and voltage-current quality, as well as
number of components required for manufacturing the power converters in each
The design characteristics of the two converters and a list of the minimum number
of components, so that both converter types can operate with the same dc-link
voltage, are shown in Table 4.1.
4.3. Multilevel PWM Modulation Strategies
and Vdc tot is the total dc-link voltage of the N -level NPC converter.
It is possible to extend the range of the voltage and utilize better the dc-link
by injecting third-harmonic components in the voltage reference. Then, the
modulation signal for phase A is defined as [102]
3 2 3
m0a (t) =
m̂ · cos (ωt) − m̂ · cos (ωt) (4.6)
2 3
The term at the right side of the above equation is the third-harmonic component
of the voltage, which is cancelled out in the L2L voltage. However, the maximum
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
ma ma
-0.5 -0.5 mb
mc -1 mc
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Time [s] Time [s]
(a) (b)
Fig. 4.2: Modulating signals corresponding to (a) conventional 5-level SPWM and (b)
third-harmonic injected 5-level SPWM
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
amplitude of the voltage is now extended by almost 15% and the modulation
index in (4.6) can get values within m̂ ∈ [0, √23 ] without reaching overmodulation.
Therefore, the maximum amplitude of the reference phase voltage of the converter
Vdc (N − 1)
V̂phmax = √ (4.7)
The switching sequence for the switches of the 5-level NPC converter shown in
Fig. 4.1(d) can be generated based on the algorithm in Table 4.2.
The multicarrier SPWM has the main advantage of being simple and easy to use.
However, the main issue with this modulation strategy is the difficulty to obtain
the multiple carriers with this specific amplitude shift using a regular MCU. It
might be necessary to have an external customized control board which creates
the required carriers and generates the suitable switching signal for each power
switch of the converter. Also, the Space Vector Modulation (SVM) shown in the
next subsection allows more freedom in choosing the switching states, than the
SPWM, which can be utilized for control purposes.
Table 4.2: Switching States for phase A of 5-level NPC Converter with SPWM
4.3. Multilevel PWM Modulation Strategies
The switching states can be translated into switching pulses and the conversion
is unique for each converter topology. The conversion table for the 5-level NPC
converter has been shown in Table 4.2.
The modulation index of the space vector modulation m̂ is defined as follows
√ ∗
V̂ph 3 N =5 V̂ph 3
m̂ = =⇒ m̂ = (4.8)
(N − 1)Vdc 4Vdc
It can be seen from the above equation that the maximum voltage obtained by
the SVM without overmodulation (for m̂ = 1) is equal to the voltage calculated
by (4.7), where SPWM with third-harmonic injection is used. Fig. 4.3(c) shows
the vector plane of the SPWM without third-harmonic injection (with green color)
and SVM (with red color), as well as the overmodulation region for m̂ > 1 (marked
with yellow color) [128]. However, the overmodulation region of the SVM has not
been studied in this thesis.
The space vector plane is divided into six sectors depending on the angle θ ∈ [0, 2π]
of the reference voltage V̂ph
, as seen in Figs. 4.3(b)-(c). The sector number is
determined by
Sector = ceil(θ · 3/π) (4.9)
The angle θ is rotated based on the sector number as described in Table 4.3, so
that the voltage vector is converted into an equivalent vector of Sector 1.
The normalized value of the voltage V̂ph
can be calculated by
v∗ = (4.10)
and then it can be transformed into a 60°-coordinate system (α0 β 0 ), as can be seen
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
2nd Sector
040 140 240 340 440
3 141 241 341 441
041 430
Sector 030 130 230 330 Sector
242 342 442
142 431
042 131 231 331 420
031 320
020 120 220
343 443
243 432 410
143 232 332 421
043 132 321
032 121 221 310
344 010
444 110 433
210 θ
244 333 422
144 233 322 411
133 222 311 400
033 122 211 300
022 111 200
011 334 434 100
234 000 423
134 223 323 412
034 123 312 401
023 112 212 301
012 201
001 101
224 324 424
124 413
024 113 213 313 402
010 110 013 302
002 102 202
4th 014
114 214 314 414
111 003 103 203 303
011 100 Sector Sector
V N 1
SPWM Vˆph max dc
Vˆph V N 1
Vˆph max dc
2 Vdc N 1
Fig. 4.3: Space vector plane for (a) 2LC and for (b) 5-level VSC; (c) voltage vector plane
indicating the maximum voltage reference for SPWM without third-harmonic
injection (marked in green) and SVM (marked in red)
4.3. Multilevel PWM Modulation Strategies
The space vector vα∗ 0 vβ∗ 0 is now decomposed into the following vectors
floor(vα∗ 0 ) floor(vβ∗ 0 )
VE ceil(vα∗ 0 ) floor(vβ∗ 0 )
= (4.12)
floor(vα∗ 0 ) ceil(vβ∗ 0 )
VG ceil(vα∗ 0 ) ceil(vβ∗ 0 )
The vectors of (4.12) are multiplied with the basic vectors [ua ub ] of Table 4.3 in
order to convert them back into their original sector
VD VD " #
V0 V ua
0 = · (4.13)
VF VF ub
Each edge of the triangles on the space vector plane seen in Fig. 4.3 corresponds
to a switching state of the converter in the format [P haseA P haseB P haseC ].
The triangles can be divided into lower triangles and upper triangles depending
on their orientation and their switching sequence, as shown in Fig. 4.4 where the
4 4
lower triangle DEF is marked with "L" and the upper triangle DEF is marked
with "U". During each switching period Tsw , the triangle within which the voltage
vector is located, as defined by the α0 β 0 -coordinates in (4.11), becomes active.
β' 220
332 432
F G 321
110 U 210
444 L
333 433 422
222 322 311
111 D E a' 200
000 100
Fig. 4.4: First sector of regions 0 and I indicating the switching states of the lower and
upper triangles
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
Then, its switching states vary in the sequence which is marked with red arrows in
Fig. 4.4. More specifically, for the upper triangles the switching sequence will be
t1 TF/2 TG/2 t2 t2 TG/2 TF/2 t1
+[1 1 1] +[1 1 1] (4.14)
+[1 1 1] +[1 1 1] (4.15)
SVM - Version 1:
There are now two ways to continue with the generation of the PWM pulses for
the switches of the N -level converter. The first way is to calculate the the dwell
times of each switching state (which is the percentage during the switching period
when the specific state is active). For the upper triangle, the dwell times are given
by [127]
TE = ceil(vβ∗ 0 ) − vβ∗ 0 Tsw
TG = Tsw − TE − TF
and for the lower triangles they are
TE = vα∗ 0 − f loor(vα∗ 0 ) Tsw
TD = Tsw − TE − TF
ceil(x) and f loor(x) are mathematical operators for rounding towards up and
down, respectively. The dwell times t1 and t2 in (4.14) and (4.15) are distributed
among the redundant states VE0 for the upper and VD0 for the lower triangles
t1 + t2 = TE (for upper triangles)
t1 + t2 = TD (for lower triangles)
The standard method is to distribute the dwell times t1 and t2 equally as follows
t1 = t2 = (for upper triangles)
4 (4.19)
t1 = t2 = (for lower triangles)
4.3. Multilevel PWM Modulation Strategies
SVM - Version 2:
Another version of the N-level SVM is to calculate the duty cycle of the switches
instead of the dwell times of each voltage vector. The duty cycles for the switching
states of the upper triangles are
dE = ceil(vβ∗ 0 ) − vβ∗ 0
dF = ceil(vα∗ 0 ) − vα∗ 0 (4.20)
dG = 1 − dE − dF
d1 dF dG d2
d1+d2=dE (4.21)
and for the lower triangles
dE = vα∗ 0 − f loor(vα∗ 0 )
dF = vβ∗ 0 − f loor(vβ∗ 0 ) (4.22)
dD = 1 − dE − dF
d1 dE dF d2
d1+d2=dD (4.23)
Similarly to SVM - version 1, the standard distribution of the duty cycles d1 and
d2 is the following
d1 = d2 = (for upper triangles)
2 (4.24)
d1 = d2 = (for lower triangles)
Different distributions of the duty cycles of these redundant states will be proposed
in the following sections.
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
By using (4.12) and (4.20)-(4.23) the following matrices can be generated for the
duty cycle of each converter state
dP haseA State1 dP haseB State1 dP haseC State1
dP haseA State2 dP haseB State1 dP haseC
dstate = dP haseA State3
dP haseB State1 dP haseC State1
... ... ...
dP haseA State(N −1) dP haseB State(N −1) dP haseC State(N −1)
and for the duty cycle of each switch for the upper-leg of an N -level NPC converter
dP haseA switch1 dP haseB switch1 dP haseC switch1
dP haseA switch2 dP haseB switch2 dP haseC switch2
dsw = dP haseA switch3
dP haseB switch3 dP haseC switch3
... ... ...
dP haseA switch(N −1) dP haseB switch(N −1) dP haseC switch(N −1)
The switches of the lower-leg of each converter phase are complimentary to the
upper switches. The detailed code for generating (4.25) and (4.26) is included in
Appendix A.
The duty cycle dsw of (4.26) is sent to the ePWM module of the MCU, as shown
in Fig. 4.5, which generates the corresponding PWM signal by comparing the duty
cycle with a triangular carrier. For a 3-phase N-level NPC converter 3 · (N − 1)
ePWM modules are needed.
Vˆph* dsw (1,1)
ePWM2 Gate
SVM dsw (1,2) Driver
θ -
Fig. 4.5: Block diagram of the N -level SVM and the ePWM module of the MCU
4.4. Electric Drive Design using 3-level NPC Converters
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
(a) (b)
Fig. 4.7: (a) Turn-on losses, (b) turn-off losses and (c) conduction losses of the MOSFET
SCH2080KE, as modelled on PLECS
The harmonics of the PMSG terminal voltage and current are analyzed in Fig. 4.9,
while the system operates at rated power (operating point 3). The total harmonic
distortion of the PMSG current (T HDIGen ) is equal to 1.8% and the THD of the
phase voltage T HDV phGen is 54.7%.
The efficiency of the two 3-level VSCs is evaluated on PLECS and the simulation
result can be seen in Fig. 4.10. The system efficiency is simulated at these three
operating points and the efficiency plot is extracted through curve-fitting.
4.4. Electric Drive Design using 3-level NPC Converters
2005 10
IgenA [A]
2000 0 0
1995 VC1 Vgen a -10
VC2 -2000 Igen a
1990 -20
1.45 1.46 1.47 1.48 1.49 1.5 1.47 1.471 1.472 1.473 1.474
Time [s] Time [s]
(c) (d)
Fig. 4.8: Simulation results of the 3-level generator drive: (a) rotor speed and generator
power, (b) total dc-link voltage, (c) dc-link capacitor voltages and (d) phase
voltage and current at the generator-side converter
Generator Current IgenA [A]
VgenA [V]
500 0.1
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Frequency [kHz] Frequency [kHz]
(a) (b)
Fig. 4.9: Simulation results of the 3-level generator drive at rated power (4000rpm/46kW):
(a) FFT of the PMSG phase voltage and (b) current
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
THDIGen [%]
Y: 98.61 6 Y: 5.405
X: 10.99
4 Y: 3.287
X: 46.93
97 Y: 1.81
X: 1.479 2
Y: 96.81
96 0
0 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40
Pgen [kW] Pgen [kW]
(a) (b)
Fig. 4.10: Simulation results of the 3-level (a) power converters’ efficiency and (b) THD
of the stator current
4.5. Electric Drive Design using 5-level NPC Converters
1.5 0.5
VLL [pu]
Vdc [pu]
1 0
Vc2 Vab
0.5 Vc3 -0.5 Vbc
Vc4 -1 Vca
0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18
Time [s] Time [s]
(a) (b)
Fig. 4.11: 5-Level NPC converter without dc-link balancing control: (a) the four dc-link
capacitor voltages and (b) the L2L output voltages
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
4.5.1 SVM-based DC-Link Voltage Balancing
The multilevel SVM has got redundant states at many points of the space vector
plane. These redundant states create the same L2L voltage at the ac side of the
converter. However, each state has different effect on the capacitor voltages of the
dc-side, which can be utilized to balance their voltages. The 5-level SVM diagram
of Fig. 4.3 can be divided into three regions depending on the modulation index
• Region 0 (0 ≤ m̂ < 0.25): The modulation index at this region is low and
the 5-level NPC converter generates 2-level L2L voltage at the ac side. There
are four different redundant states that can control the voltage level of the
four dc-link capacitors.
• Region I (0.25 ≤ m̂ < 0.5): The 5-level NPC converter has 3-level L2L
voltage at the ac side. As can be seen in Fig. 4.4, there are four different
redundant states to be chosen for controlling the switches.
• Region II (0.5 ≤ m̂ ≤ 1): The converter has 4-level voltage between 0.5 ≤
m̂ < 0.75 and 5-level voltage for m̂ ≥ 0.75. The redundant states in this
region are not enough to ensure balanced condition with every load of the
converter [129]. Therefore, the switching sequence of the SVM will be
modified, as described later in this section.
The structure of an generator drive with two 5-level NPC converters and a PMSG is
illustrated in Fig. 4.12. In this subsection a fully software-based voltage balancing
technique is shown and the first step is to split the dc-link capacitors between the
two converters, as shown in Fig. 4.12. The NPC converters are connected to each
other only at the top and the bottom joint-points (points 5 and 1, respectively)
2 More details can be found:
G. Mademlis and Y. Liu, "DC Link Voltage Balancing Technique Utilizing Space Vector Control
in SiC-based Five-Level Back-to-Back-Connected NPC Converters", in Proc. of the IEEE Energy
Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), September 23-27, 2018.
4.5. Electric Drive Design using 5-level NPC Converters
Phase c Phase c
Generator Phase b DC-link Phase b
Id 5a Id 5b Converter
Phase a Phase a
T1 T1
C4b C4a
T2 D1 T2
D1 Id 4a Id 4b
T3 T3
D3 D3
Generator C3a
Tm (+) T4
Id 3a 3. Id 3b T4 (+) Grid
D5 D5 Grid ZS
PMSG Filter
T5 D2 D2 T5
C2b C2a is vs
igen vgen T6 T6
D4 Id 2a Id 2b D4
T7 T7
D6 C1b C1a D6
igen vgen
T8 Id 1a 1. Id 1b T8
Fig. 4.12: Structure of a generator drive with two 5-level NPC converters connected B2B
using modified SVM for voltage balancing of the dc-link
of the dc-link. The parallel connection of the two groups of capacitors (Ca and
Cb ) will ensure that they will have the same voltage. The middle point of the
two converters can be connected to the ground or the neutral point of the system.
The two converters operate at different modulation indexes and a common dc-link
capacitor bank would have caused interferences that would have affected the
balancing of the dc-link voltages. The configuration presented here decouples
the generator-side converter of the drive from the grid-side converter allowing
individual voltage balancing of the two groups Ca and Cb of the dc capacitors. The
total dc-link voltage of the drive Vdc tot is still controlled by the dc-link controller
of the grid converter (Subsection 2.3.1).
The SVM diagram for a 5-level converter can be seen in Fig. 4.13(a) and the
modulation strategy described in this section is identical for controlling both
NPC converters of the electrical machine drive. The grid-side converter operates
at an almost constant modulation index m̂grid ≤ 1 in region II, whereas, the
generator-side converter has variable modulation index m̂gen , since the speed and
the voltage of the generator are changing. The variable v ∗ in Fig. 4.13 is the
normalized reference voltage of the converter, as calculated by (4.10), and for a
5-level converter it varies from 0 to 4.
Voltage balancing algorithm for regions 0 & I: The switching states and
the switching sequence of the SVM on the triangles of the space vector plane
are indicated with arrows in Fig. 4.13(b). When the NPC converter operates
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
ib -ic
2nd Sector 442
040 140 240 340 440
θο Regions 0 & I: 220
(a) (b)
Fig. 4.13: Five-level SVM diagram: (a) space vector plane indicating the regions and
sectors; (b) first sector of of the SVM plane indicating the switching sequence
in regions 0 and I, there are four available redundant switching states in each
switching cycle that can easily be assigned to each of the four dc-link capacitors
in order to charge them or discharge them whenever it is necessary.
An example is shown in Fig. 4.14, where the effect of the redundant states on the
state of charge of the dc-link capacitors is demonstrated. The circuit diagram of the
NPC converter is shown there, when the redundant states {100}/{211}/{322}/{433}
from Sector 1 of the SVM plane are active. The switches which are active in each
case are shown with thick black lines, while the inactive switches are marked with
grey line. Specifically, when the instantaneous phase A current ia is positive in Fig.
4.14(a), the state {100} discharges the capacitor C1 . Oppositely, if the current
ia is negative, the capacitor C1 gets charged. Similarly, in Fig. 4.14(b) the state
{211} discharges the capacitor C2 when ia > 0. In Fig. 4.14(c) the state {322}
discharges the capacitor C3 and in Fig. 4.14(d) the state {433} discharges the
capacitor C4 . The L2L voltage at the ac side of the NPC converter is the same in
all the four cases.
The three-phase current at the ac side of the NPC converters and the four capacitor
voltages are measured and compared with each other in order to choose the correct
redundant states from the space vector diagram. The sign of the ac current affects
also the charging state of the dc-link capacitors, as has been shown in Fig. 4.14.
The current that affects the capacitor voltages at each time instant depends on the
4.5. Electric Drive Design using 5-level NPC Converters
C4 C4
C3 TA4 C3 TA4 TB4 TC4
0 0
TA5 TB5 TC5 iC2 TA5 TB5 TC5
C2 TA6 TC6
C2 TA6 TC6
iC1 TA7 TC7 TB7 TC7
C1 ia TB8 TC8 C1 ia ib ic
ib ic
a b c a b c
(a) (b)
iC4 TA1
C4 TA2 C4 TA2 TB2 TC2
iC3 TA3 TB3 TC3 TA3 TB3 TC3
C3 TA4 TB4 TC4
C3 TA4 TB4 TC4
0 0
C2 TB6
C1 ia ib ic C1 ia ib ic
a b c a b c
(c) (d)
Fig. 4.14: Circuit diagram of the 5-level NPC converter when the switching state (a)
{100}, (b) {211}, (c) {322} and (d) {433} is active
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
Table 4.6: Voltage balancing algorithm for region I (lower triangles) [72]
angle θ of the reference voltage v ∗ and the proper balancing current ibl is chosen
according to Table 4.4, as referenced from [78].
It was mentioned in (4.18) that the dwell times t1 and t2 are distributed among the
redundant states VE0 for the upper and VD0 for the lower triangles. The standard
way is to distribute them evenly, in order to minimize the switching losses of the
converter and this method from now on will be called as "standard SVM" [127].
However, it is possible by varying these variables to control the capacitor voltages,
as shown in Table 4.5 for the lower triangles of region 0 and in Table 4.6 for region
4.5. Electric Drive Design using 5-level NPC Converters
I (which is referenced from [72]). Similar methodology is followed for deriving the
switching states for the upper triangles.
Voltage balancing algorithm for region II: The redundant states in the
triangles of region II are not enough to keep all the capacitor voltages balanced,
as can be seen in Fig. 4.13(b). More specifically, there are only two available
redundant states on the D edge of the outer lower triangles in region II, the {300}
and {411}, and three redundant states on the D edge of the inner lower triangles,
the {200}, {311} and {422}.
One way to overcome this issue is to treat the 5-level NPC converter as if it was
a 3-level converter. In this case, the capacitor voltages are controlled in pairs,
VC1 + VC2 and VC3 + VC4 , and the redundant states are enough to balance them
effectively. This control strategy has been proposed in [72, 82] for single NPC
converters and it is applied here for a drive with two B2B NPC converters. The
switching states that generate current at the clamping points 2 and 4 of the NPC
converters (Fig. 4.12) are not used in this SVM scheme (such as the states {300},
{311} and {411}) and the currents Id2a , Id4a , Id2b and Id4b are zero. Therefore,
there is no voltage drift between the capacitor voltages of each pair. The resultant
redundant states marked with a red box in Fig. 4.13(b) are utilized to keep the
average current of the middle point 3 equal to zero, in order to balance the two
pairs of the capacitor voltages. A more detailed view of the effect of these switching
states on the charging state of the dc-link capacitors and the dc-side currents can
be seen in Fig. 4.15.
The conversion from 5-level operation into 3-level operation is implemented by
converting the large triangle on the bottom side of Fig. 4.13(b) into the equivalent
triangle on the left side. Therefore, the reference voltage vector of the SVM in
(4.10) is now modified as follows
0 v∗ 3V̂ph
v∗ = = (4.27)
2 4Vdc
The modified reference voltage v ∗ is now used in the rest of the equations (4.11)-
(4.13) in order to calculate the space vectors and the dwell times. It can be seen in
Fig. 4.13(b) that there are two available redundant states in each triangle, which
are selected as shown in Table 4.7.
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
id5 TA1
C4 TA2 C4 TA2
C3 TA4 C3 TA4 TB4 TC4
0 0
C2 TC6
C2 TC6
C1 ia TB8 TC8 C1 ia ib ic
ib ic
a b c a b c
(a) (b)
C4 C4 TA2
a b c a b c
(c) (d)
Fig. 4.15: Circuit diagram of the 5-level NPC converter when the following switching
states are active: (a) {300}, (b) {411}, (c) {200} (⇒ the C1 and C2 are getting
discharged) and (d) {422} (⇒ the C3 and C4 are getting discharged)
Simulation results: The generator drive of Fig. 4.12 has been simulated on
Matlab/Simulink. The parameters of the system are the same with the ones
for the 3-level drive reported in Table 4.1. The grid-side converter operates at
4.5. Electric Drive Design using 5-level NPC Converters
Voltage [V]
1000 VC3a
0.27 0.275 0.28 0.285 0.29 0.295 0.3
Time [s]
Voltage [V]
1000 VC3b
0.27 0.275 0.28 0.285 0.29 0.295 0.3
Time [s]
Voltage [V]
1000 VC3a
0.5 0.505 0.51 0.515 0.52 0.525 0.53 0.535 0.54 0.545 0.55
Time [s]
Voltage [V]
0.5 0.505 0.51 0.515 0.52 0.525 0.53 0.535 0.54 0.545 0.55
Time [s]
Voltage [V]
1.05 1.055 1.06 1.065 1.07 1.075 1.08 1.085 1.09 1.095 1.1
Time [s]
Voltage [V]
1.05 1.055 1.06 1.065 1.07 1.075 1.08 1.085 1.09 1.095 1.1
Time [s]
Fig. 4.16: Simulation results of the dc-link voltages when the generator-side 5-level NPC
converter operates in (a) region 0, (b) region I and (c) region II of the SVM
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
Vgen AB [kV]
Vgen AB [kV]
-2 -2
-4 -4
0.27 0.275 0.28 0.285 0.29 0.295 0.3 0.5 0.505 0.51 0.515 0.52 0.525 0.53
Time [s] Time [s]
(a) (b)
Vgen AB [kV]
1.05 1.055 1.06 1.065 1.07 1.075 1.08
Time [s]
Fig. 4.17: Simulation results of the PMSG L2L voltage when the generator-side 5-level
NPC converter operates in (a) region 0, (b) region I and (c) region II of the
SVM plane
4.5. Electric Drive Design using 5-level NPC Converters
X: 1.246
Y: 0.9592
0 10 20 30 40
Pgen [kW]
Fig. 4.18: Simulation results of the 5-level power converters’ efficiency when SVM-based
dc-link voltage balancing is used
levels, due to the voltage balancing algorithm described previously. This is also
the main disadvantage of the SVM-based voltage balancing method, because the
converters are not possible to generate 5-level voltage, although the voltage stress
on each MOSFET is still equal to Vdc tot /4.
4.5.2 Hardware-based DC-Link Voltage Balancing
The dc-link voltage balancing of NPC-based electric drives can be implemented
with specially designed dc/dc converters placed in parallel to the dc-link, as
described in [84, 88, 130, 131] and shown in Fig. 4.19. The dc/dc converters can be
controlled with constant duty cycle in open-loop mode or they can have a closed
loop control system. Both ways are described in this subsection.
The dc/dc converter balances the capacitor voltages in pairs and, therefore, three
stages are needed for a 5-level drive. Each converter stage consists of two power
switches with antiparallel diode and an inductor. The maximum instantaneous
voltage applied across each switch is equal to
which is two times the rated voltage of the switches of the NPC converter. As
can been seen in Fig. 4.19, the dc/dc converter has been modelled here with
two series-connected switches in each switch position. Instantaneous currents and
3 More details can be found:
G. Mademlis and Y. Liu, "Feed-forward Control of Active Voltage Balancing Converter in Electric
Drive with Five-Level NPC Converters", in Proc. of the 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress
and Exposition (ECCE), September 23-27, 2018.
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
VC4 Tb3'
Id 4aStage 2 Id 4b
Three-phase Tb2 C3 VC3 Tb3 Grid
PMSG 5-level NPC Id 3a Id 3b Grid
5-level NPC
Generator- Filter
side L2
Tb2' C2 VC2 Tb1
Id 2a Id 2b
C1 VC1 Tb1'
Id 1a Id 1b
Stage 1
VC 1÷4
Fig. 4.19: Power circuit of the the dc/dc converter that balances the dc-link of a 5-level
drive when only hardware balancing is used
voltages are symbolized here with lowercase letters (i and v respectively), while
average quantities are shown with capital letters (I and V ).
The two switches Tbk and Tbk0 are complimentary to each other and the duty
cycle of the k-stage power switch is defined as [132]
d0k = 1 − dk = (4.29)
vCk + vC(k+1)
Therefore, by applying a constant duty cycle equal to 0.5 on all the power switches,
the capacitor voltages will have the same voltage.
The operation of the converter can be explained by the graphs in Fig. 4.20. The
first stage of the balancing converter is shown as an example and the other two
stages operate similarly:
• When VC1 > VC2 [Fig. 4.20(a)]
1. the capacitor C1 charges the inductor and the current flows through
the switch Tb1
during half of the switching period.
4.5. Electric Drive Design using 5-level NPC Converters
IT B1 = IL1 db1
IT B10 = IL1 (1 − db1 )
The following current and voltage equations exist in the circuit of Fig. 4.20
Since the antiparallel diodes of the switches conduct almost half of the time, it
is recommended to use power MOSFETs for this converter, due to their ability
to have reverse conduction current [133]. MOSFETs allow positive, as well as
negative current to flow through their N -channel, when the gate-source voltage
is positive. The N -channel of the MOSFET has lower conduction and switching
VC 1 > VC 2 VC 1 < VC 2
IC 2
IC 2
C2 Tb1 C2 1
2 Tb1
Id 2a ITb1 I Id 2a ITb1 Id 2b
d 2b
IL 1 L1 IL 1 L1
C1 Tb1' C1 Tb1'
1 2
Id 1a IC 1 ITb1' Id 1b Id 1a IC 1 ITb1' Id 1b
(a) (b)
Fig. 4.20: Power circuit of the first stage of the dc-link balancing converter when (a) the
capacitor C2 and (b) when C1 are being charged
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
losses compared to the antiparallel diode or the body diode. Therefore, by forcing
the current to flow always through the switch even when it is negative, the losses
of the balancing converter can be reduced.
It is very important to define a large enough dead-time between the two compli-
mentary switches of each stage of the balancing converter. Otherwise, there is the
danger of short-circuiting the dc-link capacitors and creating large current spikes
which could destroy the switches.
The open-loop control of the balancing converter offers a simple and effective way
of balancing the dc-link capacitor voltages of the 5-level drive. However, since
there is no feedback of the actual voltage of the capacitors, there will be steady
state error between the four voltages due to the losses and the voltage drop of
the system. The most serious drawback of this control method is that there is no
active control of the current that flows through the dc inductors and it is actually
the resultant of the voltage difference between the capacitors. Therefore, in the
case of a step-change of the load of the NPC converters, high current overshoots
and oscillations are expected on the inductors, which cannot be suppressed, as
seen in Fig. 4.21.
190 50
Inductor current IL3 [A]
Capacitor Voltage [V]
VC4 X: 0.4907
170 Y: -2.8
160 VC2
X: 0.5325
150 -100 Y: -83.2
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Time [s] Time [s]
(a) (b)
Vgen AB [V]
Igen [A]
0 0
-5 I
-500 genq
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Time [s] Time [s]
(c) (d)
Fig. 4.21: Experimental results of the 5-level generator drive with a step-change of the
PMSG speed from 450 rpm to 650 rpm when the dc-link is balanced with
open-loop controlled balancing converter and with Vdc tot = 670 V
4.5. Electric Drive Design using 5-level NPC Converters
Experimental results of the generator drive, which will be presented in the next
Chapter 5, are shown in Fig. 4.21. Specifically, the total dc-link voltage of the
system Vdc tot is 670 V and a step-change of the generator’s reference speed is
applied at 0.49 s. The current of the NPC converter Igen increases due to the
acceleration of the machine and the sudden current increase creates a larger drift
of the capacitor voltages in Fig. 4.21(a). The current of the dc-inductors increases
as well trying to eliminate the voltage drift and can reach high values as shown in
Fig. 4.21(b) for the IL3 which has peak of 83 A. In that particular case, the IL3
became so high, because the inductor core got saturated.
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
1st stage
Voltage Controller Current Controller
Id1a V C1
VC2 db1* + PWM
+ + V L1* VTb1* ÷÷ Gate Tb1
Ver IC1 * + ITB1'* IL 1* + Ier - +
PV1 x P I1 -
- - - + +
V C1 Id1b 1/(1-db1) VC2 VC1
2 stage
Voltage Controller Current Controller
Id2a VC2
VC3 db2* + PWM
+ + V L2 * UTb2* ÷÷ Gate Tb2
Ver IC2* + ITB2'* IL2* + Ier - +
PV2 x P I2 -
- - - + +
VC2 Id2b 1/(1-db2) VC3 V C2
3rd stage
Voltage Controller Current Controller
Id5a VC4
VC3 db3* + PWM
+ + VL3* UTb3* ÷÷ Gate Tb3
Ver IC4* + ITB3'* IL3* + Ier - +
P V3 x PI3 -
- - - + +
V C4 Id5b 1/(1-db3) VC3 VC4
IL 3
Fig. 4.22: Block diagram of the feed-forward control system of the dc-link balancing
The reference duty cycle of switches in the fist stage of the converter are calculated
with (4.29) and (4.34) as
d∗b1 ≈ ∗ (4.35)
VT B1 + VC1
4.5. Electric Drive Design using 5-level NPC Converters
where ISα is the grid line current of phase α and dG1α is the duty cycle of the
switch TG1 at the phase α of the grid-side NPC converter. The current estimation
of the other two phases, b and c, can be obtained by similarly utilizing the (4.36).
It should be noted that the currents given by (4.36) are the average values and
not the instantaneous currents. The final values of the dc currents are calculated
by summing the contributions of the three phases
The dc currents of the machine-side NPC converter Id1a up to Id5a are calculated
similarly to equations (4.36) and (4.37) by using the machine-side line currents
Igen instead of the grid current IS in (4.36).
The system shown in Fig. 4.19 has been simulated using Matlab/Simulink and the
simulation results are shown in the following figures. The variation of the dc-link
capacitor voltages is shown in Fig. 4.23(a) and they are balanced with small steady
state error. This verifies the effectiveness of the control system described in the
previous section. The total dc-link voltage is controlled by the grid-side converter
and has mainly remained unaffected by the individual capacitor voltages, as can
be seen in Fig. 4.23(b). The estimated and measured currents at the dc side of
the grid NPC converter are presented in Fig. 4.24. The estimated currents are
calculated by (4.36)-(4.37) and are the average values of the measured currents.
The harmonic analysis of the generator phase voltage and current is shown in Fig.
4.25, when the system has rated power (4000 rpm / 46 kW). The THD of the
voltage is 34.7%, while the THD of the current is 0.6%. Both results are improved
compared to the harmonic analysis of the 3-level drive in Fig. 4.9 that has shown
a phase voltage THD equal to 54.7% and current THD of 1.8% .
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
1005 4005
1000 4000
995 VC3 3995
990 3990
1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.1 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.1
Time [s] Time [s]
(a) (b)
Fig. 4.23: Simulation results of (a) the dc-link capacitor voltages and (b) the total dc-link
voltage when feedforward-based voltage balancing is used
0 10
Real Real
-5 Estimated Estimated
Id1b [A]
Id2b [A]
-20 -20
1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.1 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.1
10 20
Id3b [A]
Id4b [A]
Real 5 Real
Estimated Estimated
-5 0
1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.1 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.1
Time [s] Time [s]
Id5b [A]
1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.1
Time [s]
Fig. 4.24: Simulation results of the dc currents of the grid-side NPC converter at rated
power of the generator (4000 rpm / 46 kW) when feedforward-based voltage
balancing is used
4.5. Electric Drive Design using 5-level NPC Converters
0 0
Vgen a
-2000 Igen a
1.4695 1.47 1.4705 1.471 1.4715 1.472 1.4725 1.473 1.4735 1.474
Time [s]
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Frequency [kHz]
5-level generator-side VSC, THD =0.6%
Generator Current IgenA [A]
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Frequency [kHz]
Fig. 4.25: Simulation results of the 5-level generator voltage and current at rated power
(4000 rpm / 46 kW) when hardware voltage balancing is used: (a) time-domain
analysis and (b)-(c) FFT of the voltage and current
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
NPC converters cannot have 5-level shape, since some specific switching states
of the converter are not used. On the other hand, the hardware-based voltage
balancing works effectively under every operating condition, but an additional
dc/dc converter needs to be installed.
One solution would be to combine the advantages of both balancing techniques,
the hardware- and the SVM-based, and build a new balancing converter with
reduced number of components which will operate only when the redundant states
of the NPC converter are not enough to keep the dc-link capacitors under control.
The circuit diagram of the generator drive studied here is shown in Fig. 4.26.
Compared to the diagram in Fig. 4.19, the balancing converter which is used
here has only two stages, regulating the capacitors C1 -C2 and C3 -C4 . The voltage
balancing strategy depends on the modulation index. The grid side converter
is operating at an almost constant modulation index m̂grid ≥ 0.5, whereas, the
generator side converter has variable modulation index m̂gen . The control structure
of the whole electric drive system (an NPC converter connected to the grid and
another converter at the generator side of the power plant) can be summarized in
the flowchart of Fig. 4.27.
When the modulation index m̂gen is at Regions 0 and I, the capacitor voltages
VC4 Tb2'
Id 4a Id 4b
Three-phase C3 VC3 Tb2 Grid
PMSG 5-level NPC Id 3a Id 3b Grid
5-level NPC Filter
Generator- N Grid-side
C2 VC2 Tb1
Id 2a Id 2b
C1 VC1 Tb1'
Id 1a Id 1b
Stage 1
VC 1÷4
Fig. 4.26: Power circuit of a five-level generator drive with a 2-stage voltage balancing
converter at the dc-link
4.5. Electric Drive Design using 5-level NPC Converters
are balanced only from the control system at the generator-side converter and the
grid converter is controlled with conventional SVM [127]. The balancing converter
does not need to operate during that time.
When the generator-side NPC converter is operating at the Region II of the space
vector plane, the redundant states are not enough to control the capacitor voltages
and at the same time to keep 5-level voltage. Therefore, the dc/dc converter at
the dc-link is activated to keep the VC1 equal to VC2 and the VC3 equal to VC4 .
The voltage potential at the middle of the dc-link N is controlled by injecting
zero-sequence voltage as described in the next paragraph.
Fig. 4.27: Flowchart of the dc-link voltage balancing algorithm in a 5-level generator
The currents of the middle clamping point Id3a and Id3b , are controlled by the
SVM-blocks of both NPC converters using zero-sequence injection. Zero-sequence
injection is used in 3-level NPC converters for balancing their capacitor voltages
in [102] and can also be applied here using a similar control structure. Fig. 4.28
shows the block diagram of the zero-sequence controller that has been implemented
for both space vector modulators of the back-to-back connected NPC converters.
Input of the zero-sequence injection controller is the voltage difference between
the two upper capacitors C3 and C4 and the two lower capacitors C1 and C2 .
This error voltage contains 3rd harmonic components, which are filtered by a
notch filter tuned at three times the fundamental frequency. The filtered signal is
multiplied with the sign of the active power that goes through the NPC converter.
Then, the error voltage goes through a PI controller and the output parameter k
is the input of the SVM.
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
m̂ SVM
VC1 with
+ 0
+ 0-seq.
k injection
+ x PI
VC2 + Notch filter for -
limit within
- 3rd harmonic [-1, 1]
VC4 sign
Fig. 4.28: Block diagram of the zero-sequence controller for regulating the potential at
the middle point N of the dc-link
The switching sequence of the upper triangles from (4.14)-(4.15) for both NPC
converters changes to
+[1 1 1] +[1 1 1] (4.38)
+[1 1 1] +[1 1 1] (4.39)
4.6. Summary
4.6 Summary
This chapter has presented the design process and the simulation analysis of 3-level
and 5-level generator drives. Drives with 5-level converters can have operating
voltage up to 4 times higher than the systems with 2LCs, without using series-
connected power switches. A further advantage of the 5-level converters is the
decrease of the voltage and current harmonics at their ac side, compared to
converters with less number of levels, as shown by the FFT analysis in Figs. 4.9
and 4.25. Simulation results of a 3-level drive have shown that the generator
current and phase voltage THD are 1.8% and 54.7%, respectively. For a drive
system with 5-level converters, the THD of the current decreases to 0.6% and
the THD of the phase voltage to 34.7%, when the same operating conditions are
simulated. The reduction in harmonics that are observed in multilevel drives has
also a positive impact on the performance of the electrical machine, as presented
in 5 where the torque ripple and core losses of a PMSM were drastically reduced
by using multilevel converters.
The voltage drift of the dc-link capacitors is a serious problem in electric drives
with 5-level NPC converters that can be solved by various voltage balancing
strategies. Three effective voltage balancing methods have been described in
Section 4.5 providing also simulation results on a sample 50 kW generator drive for
each of these methods. Each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages,
as described below.
Firstly, it has been shown that the redundant states on the 5-level space vector
plane of the NPC converter’s modulator can be utilized to balance the four dc-link
voltages. This method is an extension of a similar control technique that is also
applied on the 3-level NPC converters, where zero sequence voltage is used to
control the two capacitor voltages of that topology. However, contrarily to the
3-level converter, the redundant states are not enough to control all the four
capacitor voltages when the 5-level drive operates at the outer regions of the space
4 G. Mademlis, Y. Liu, and N. Saadat, "Combined voltage balancing techniques of the DC link
in five-level medium voltage NPC back-to-back converters for offshore renewable generation",
in Proc. 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’17 ECCE
Europe), 2017, pp. P.1-P.10.
5 G. Mademlis, Y. Liu, and J. Zhao, “Comparative Study of the Torque Ripple and Iron Losses
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
vector plane. One way to overcome this problem, is to switch the converter in
3-level mode avoiding the use of some switching states, as shown in Subsection
4.5.1. The capacitor voltages are kept balanced in that case, but the ac voltage
of the converter has maximum 3-levels, which results to increased harmonics at
the ac side. The main advantage of this balancing technique is that it does not
require any additional hardware for the control of the dc-link voltages, since the
suitable selection of the redundant states of the converter regulates them.
Another way of balancing the dc-link voltages is the use of dedicated dc/dc
converters. This method is the most expensive, since it requires the use of an
additional converter and, thus, the cost, losses and complexity of the system
are increased. The dc/dc converter can either be controlled open-loop by just
switching with constant duty cycle without any feedback of the capacitor voltages
or a more complicated feedforward-based closed-loop control system can be used.
The open-loop control has the simplest structure, while the closed-loop controller
has better dynamic performance and balances the capacitor voltages with smaller
steady state error. The SVM of the NPC converters is not utilized in this case
for the dc-link control, which makes the redundant states of the NPC converters
available to be used in other control strategies, such as in loss and noise reduction
of the ac/dc converter [134].
The third method proposed in this thesis is the combination of the two previous
voltage balancing techniques. The SVM-based voltage balancing method is clearly
advantageous when the converter operates with low modulation index, while it
should be avoided when high modulation index is used. The dc/dc balancing
converter can be activated in this case, while in all the other cases it can remain
idle. Zero-sequence injection can also be used to limit the number of components
of the balancing converter, as described in Subsection 4.5.3. This method is the
most complicated out of the three previously mentioned, since it includes the
control for the additional dc/dc converter as well as the optimal selection of the
redundant states of the modified SVM. However, the 5-level drive can operate
without any limitation, unlike in the first method. Also, the additional hardware
needed is less compared to the second method.
The advantages and disadvantages of the voltage balancing techniques that have
been discussed previously are summarized in the following Table 4.8. The compar-
ison of the system complexity in the table refers to the complexity of the control
in each voltage balancing scheme. The third method has the most advantages,
because it balances successfully the dc-link capacitor voltages, without increasing
considerably the cost of the system, while having higher complexity in the control
4.6. Summary
and the hardware design. However, the optimal choice of the voltage balancing
technique depends on the exact needs of the application where the drive is intended
to be used.
Chapter 4. Multilevel Converter Topologies and Modulation Techniques
Chapter 5
Chapter 5. Design and Testing of Medium Voltage PMSM Drive
3-phase 3-phase
M1 DC-link Grid-side VSC M2
Gen-side VSC
2.8/0.4 kV (+)
Grid Tm (+) M3 Grid
IM 5
400V YNd11
Igen VC1...VC4 I S’ V S’
θgen ωgen
(as described in DC
Section 2.3) DC
Gate Gate Gate
Drivers Drivers Drivers
Fig. 5.1: Schematic of the prototype medium voltage power conversion system including
the power converters and the control boards
system are needed in order to control the converters. The generator and grid
currents and voltages are measured with the measurement blocks M1 and M2 . The
voltage of the capacitors at the dc-link is also measured with another measurement
block M3 . The measured signal is sent to the MCU through the "MCU and
Measurements Interface". Three MCU boards from Texas Instruments with
product code TMS320F28379D are used to control the two NPC converters and
the dc-link balancing converter.
The following Section 5.2 describes the design process of the power converters
and the measurement devices and Section 5.3 presents experimental results of the
multilevel generator drive.
5.2. Prototype PMSG Drive Design
temperatures compared to the Si power switches [135, 136]. Thus, SiC switches
allow the construction of more compact converters due to the higher switching
frequency and the resultant decrease of the grid filter size, as well as lower cost for
cooling, because of the lower switching losses and higher allowed temperatures.
The main disadvantage of these switches is that they have at the moment higher
purchase cost compared to the Si IGBTs and MOSFETs. However, their cost is
constantly declining, as the SiC technology becomes more mature.
Suitable application regions for each of the available semiconductor devices are
shown in Fig. 5.2, namely SiC power switches can substitute IGBTs in applications
with power between 1-500 kW and switching frequency higher than 10 kHz. In
applications with even higher power the power switches made of Si are expected to
remain dominant in the future. The graph of Fig. 5.2 was presented by Infineon
Fig. 5.2: Recommended application ranges for Si, SiC and GaN devices [ISiCPEAW 2016
- presented by Infineon Technologies AG 2016]
Chapter 5. Design and Testing of Medium Voltage PMSM Drive
(a) (b)
Fig. 5.3: (a) SiC MOSFET SCH2080KE and (b) SiC schottky diode C3D10170H
5.2. Prototype PMSG Drive Design
HFBR-2522Z Gate Driver
3.3V IXDD609PI SCH2080KE
Iout = 9A (peak)
-2.7V D3 20Ω Gate
20Ω Distance
20V -2.7V
24V 5V D1
Vin 24V 2.7V
DC -10V
1.1kΩ 3.3V 470Ω 47kΩ
Linear Regulator 20V
10 kV isolation (Positive)
DC 278.4Ω -2.7V Source
24V Ground
DC 240Ω
5V -5V
Linear Regulator
10 kV isolation (Negative)
Fig. 5.4: (a) Picture and (b) schematic of the gate driver for the SCH2080 SiC MOSFET
Chapter 5. Design and Testing of Medium Voltage PMSM Drive
the source of the MOSFET, while the primary side is at the voltage potential of
the MCU. Therefore, dc/dc converters with reinforced isolation voltage of 10kV
need to be used.
Linear regulators modify the output voltage of the dc/dc converters in order to
produce −2.7 V and 3.3 V in respect to the ground, which is the source of the
MOSFET. The gate resistor is equal to 20 Ω for turning on the switch and 10 Ω
for turning off. Lower resistance is used for the turn-off operation in order to
increase the speed of the gate driver. This is implemented by using a schottky
antiparallel diode D3 in parallel to the turn-on resistor [138]. Zener diodes D1 and
D2 and a large resistor of 47 kΩ are used between the gate and source outputs of
the gate driver board in order to protect it from overvoltages.
The distance between the outputs of the gate driver IC up to the gate and source
of the switch is very critical for the optimal design of both the gate driver and the
inverter PCB. Parasitic inductance occurs due to the loop between the gate driver
output and the ground return traces as can be seen on the right side of Fig. 5.4(b),
which can create voltage ringing in the gate drive waveform [138]. The voltage
ringing is defined as unwanted oscillations during a step change of a voltage signal,
because the parasitic inductance does not allow the current flowing on that loop
of the system to change rapidly its value. Ringing on the power switch can cause
unwanted turn-on and turn-off of the switch, which creates additional switching
losses and could eventually destroy the switch if these voltage oscillations surpass
its maximum voltage ratings. The longer this distance is, the larger the parasitic
inductance becomes and more severe oscillations can occur on the power switch.
The voltage oscillations due to the ringing usually have high frequency at MHz
level, which create EMI noise that can easily interfere with other sensitive devices
of the system, such as measurement devices and the MCU.
In order to decrease these oscillations, the following solutions are available to the
designer of the PCBs. First, the distance between the gate driver and the power
switch has to be minimized. A wider trace for the gate signal can also limit the
parasitic inductance. Surface mounted devices (SMD) are also preferable compared
to through-hole devices, since they can deal better with EMI and their reduced
physical dimensions can limit the parasitic inductance and allow closer placement
of the components [139]. In case the problem cannot be solved, capacitors have
to be placed close to the gate pin of the switch and on the gate driver PCB in
order to filter out the unwanted oscillations. The filter frequency can be optimized
by placing multiple capacitors of different capacitance value, which have different
resonant frequency.
5.2. Prototype PMSG Drive Design
Fig. 5.5(a) shows the experimental measurements of the gate to source voltage VGS
at the terminals of the switch with switching frequency of 5 kHz. The switching
frequency of the prototype converters used in the experimental results in later
sections is equal to 20 kHz. A closer look of the VGS voltage can be seen in Figs.
5.5(b)-(c), which validate that the voltage created by the gate driver is within the
recommended range mentioned in the MOSFET datasheet [140], namely maximum
VGSS−surge ∈ [−10, 26] V.
-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2
Time [ms]
25 25 X: -0.09947
X: -0.1994 Y: 19.5
20 Y: 23.02 20
X: -0.1989
15 Y: 19.82 15
10 10
5 5
X: -0.2002 0 X: -0.09746
0 Y: -3.54
Y: -3.54
-5 -5 X: -0.09921
-0.2005 -0.2 -0.1995 -0.199 -0.101 -0.1
Y: -4.5
-0.099 -0.098 -0.097
Time [ms] Time [ms]
(b) (c)
Fig. 5.5: Experimental results of (a) the gate-source voltage of SCH2080KE MOSFET
with switching frequency of 5 kHz; zoomed-in gate-source voltage (b) during
turn-on and (c) turn-off transient
Chapter 5. Design and Testing of Medium Voltage PMSM Drive
heat from the inner copper layers [142]. The substrate of the PCB needs to be able
to handle the differential voltage between the top and the bottom copper layer.
The substrate (prepreg) used on the developed prototype by the manufacturer of
the PCBs is the FR-370HR with dielectric strength of 54 kV/mm [143].
Proper design of the traces on the PCB is very important in order to avoid Corona
discharges or a direct arc. Sharp edges and corners on the copper traces should
be avoided, because high electric field occurs there, which can initiate Corona.
Smooth and round curves should be used wherever possible for the traces and
the pads of the PCB [141]. Also, the minimum creepage distances should be
kept between the components placed on the PCB and between the traces of the
same layer. A rule of thumb of 100 V/mm for the creepage distance between the
components has been considered for the design of the prototype.
Due to the high operating voltage of the prototype, longer distances are, therefore,
required between the power switches of the converters and the dc-link capacitors
of the system. Since the dc-link capacitors operate as a quite stiff voltage source,
the parasitic inductance of the PCB traces can cause high frequency voltage
oscillations of the switches, which is called ringing. Proper design of the traces in
the PCB is very important, as mentioned also in Subsection 5.2.1. The parasitic
inductance of the circuit can be reduced in order to limit the ringing by increasing
the width of the traces of the PCB as much as possible. Also, the drain and
source traces of the power MOSFETs as well as the anode and cathode traces
of the schottky diodes should be placed directly over each other, which reduces
the parasitic impedance [139]. Resistor-capacitor (RC) snubber circuits are also
installed in parallel to each MOSFET and diode of the NPC converter, as can be
seen in Fig. 5.7(a). The RC snubber consists of a small capacitor and a small
resistor connected in series that suppress the rapid rise in voltage (dV/dt) of the
switching device to a value that will not trigger ringing.
5.2. Prototype PMSG Drive Design
Fig. 5.7: PCB of a single phase 5-level NPC converter with the gate drives connected to
the switch terminals: (a) top and (b) bottom view
Chapter 5. Design and Testing of Medium Voltage PMSM Drive
C1 C2
Connections to
other dc-link
Voltage boards
Fig. 5.9: Schematic of the dc-link PCB design, red→top copper layer and blue→bottom
copper layer
4 capacitors) are installed in total on the PCBs of the power converters through a
special board which is shown in Figs. 5.8-5.9. Therefore, the equivalent capacitance
of the dc-link becomes 590 · 24 = 295 µF. The rated current of each capacitor is
79 A(rms), which is enough for the specific project.
This dc-link PCB serves as the base for connecting the three-phase NPC inverter
and the balancing converter to the dc-link of the system. As can be seen in Fig.
5.2. Prototype PMSG Drive Design
Fig. 5.10: Schematic diagram of the whole prototype power conversion system
5.9, this board has enough connectors for 3 converter boards and 4 capacitors.
Therefore, three of these PCB are needed to accommodate the two B2B-connected
NPC converters and the balancing dc/dc converter [Fig. 5.18(b)]. Fig. 5.10 shows
also the schematic diagram of the whole power conversion system, which is the
same with the schematic of the simulated system in Fig. 4.19.
It is important to make sure that the distance between the dc-link terminals of the
power converters and the pins of the capacitors is the shortest possible and that
the traces on the dc-link PCB are wide in order to keep the parasitic inductance
low. The traces connected to the plus and negative poles of each capacitor are also
placed over each other, as explained also in Subsection 5.2.2, which can reduce
the parasitic inductance even further.
Chapter 5. Design and Testing of Medium Voltage PMSM Drive
LV 25-P
IPN : ISN = 10 : 25
V1 R1
± 10 mA
VCC [0, 3] V [0, 4095]
N 12bit
HV- +15V
RG RM 1.5V
M ± 25 mA for ac
for dc
-15V measurements
Fig. 5.11: (a) Laboratory prototype and (b) schematic diagram of the dc and ac voltage
measurement PCB
5.2. Prototype PMSG Drive Design
where the variable gain depends on the ratio between the primary and secondary
side of the measurement device and on the resistor RM .
Similar Hall-effect sensors are used for measuring the currents of the system. More
specifically, the following current measurements are needed (see Fig. 5.1): three-
phase currents of the PMSG Igen , three-phase grid currents Is and the current of
the three dc inductors IL . The current transducer LA 25-P from LEM is used for
the current measurements and similar methodology to the voltage sensors is used
for receiving the measured signal in the MCU.
Chapter 5. Design and Testing of Medium Voltage PMSM Drive
Fig. 5.12: PCB collecting all the measurement signals of the drive before routing them
to the MCU
Hardware Protection
Reference signal generator
4 MHz trip zone
VRef H1
VRef H2
VRef H3
VRef L1
VRef L2
VM1 VRef H1 - JK flip-flop
VRef PRT = 3V: No error
VM3 L1 +C
2 PRT = 0V: Error
3.3V K
Q D1
VRef H12 -
OR12 J Q error N.C.
VRef +C
24 signals PWM2
3.3V K
Q D12
(from MCU)
5.3. Experimental Results
The PMSG is tested first at no-load conditions in order to evaluate the back-
EMF and the cogging torque and, afterwards, load-tests are implemented. The
a b
e 3
Fig. 5.14: PMSG (a)+(b)Stator windings, (c) stator, (d) rotor and (e) the whole machine
test-bench: 1) IM, 2) the medium voltage PMSG mounted on the bench, 3)
connection box for the stator cables of the PMSG, 4) terminal for connecting
the encoder and temperature sensors of the PMSG
Chapter 5. Design and Testing of Medium Voltage PMSM Drive
following voltage probes are used for the following experiments of this section: the
HVD3106A voltage probe with up to Vpeak =1500 V measurement range [7] and
the CP150 current probe [8].
No-load test of the PMSG is implemented by having the terminals of the generator
open-circuited and operating the IM in motor mode. The measured L2L voltage is
equal to the no-load back-EMF of the machine, which is shown in Fig. 5.15(a) for
rotor speeds equal to 1600 rpm up to 1200 rpm. Fig. 5.15(b) shows one mechanical
period of the no-load EMF voltage and the cogging torque for rotor speed 200 rpm.
The torque waveform has 12 positive and negative peaks in one mechanical period
of the PSMG, which is the 12th harmonic generated by the slots and poles of the
PMSG. There is also 6th harmonic component in the torque waveform generated
by the cogging torque of the IM.
0 0 0
-1000 -100X: 0.04716
Y: -154 -200
X: 0.09854
-2000 -200 Y: -153.2 -300
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Time [s] Time [s]
(a) (b)
Fig. 5.15: Experimental results of the medium voltage PMSG no-load test: (a) no-load
EMF voltage for various rotor speeds and (b) cogging torque for 200 rpm
rotational speed
The PMSG is tested also with a resistive load RL , as shown in Fig. 5.16. The load
is three resistor banks connected in Y connection and can vary its resistance from
0.4 Ω up to 3 Ω. The PMSG is connected to the resistive load through a step-down
transformer and its active and reactive power in each case are determined by the
combination of the equivalent resistance and inductance of the load, since it is not
controlled by a converter.
Experimental results of this test are presented in Fig. 5.17 for two different
operating points. In Figs. 5.17(a)-(b) the load is RL = 3 Ω with ngen = 2000 rpm
and the apparent power is S = 6.42 kVA, while in Figs. 5.17(c)-(d) the load is
5.3. Experimental Results
2.8/0.4 kV RL
Grid Tm (3-ph. Y)
Igen Vgen
θgen ωgen
(as described in
Section 2.3)
Fig. 5.16: Schematic diagram of the PMSG load test with direct connection of the
generator to the resistive-inductive load
RL = 0.8 Ω with ngen = 2700 rpm and the apparent power is S = 12.27 kVA.
The parameters of the PMSG are shown in Table 5.2, where the inductances in
the d- and q-axis have been measured based on the method described in [145, 146].
Specifically, step-change of dc current was applied towards the d- and q-axis of
the machine and the inductance was calculated from the response of the current.
10 1000
Vgen [V]
Igen [A]
0 0
Ia Vbc
-10 -1000
Ib Vca
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Time [s] Time [s]
(a) RL = 3 Ω, ngen = 2000 rpm (b) RL = 3 Ω, ngen = 2000 rpm
10 1000
Vgen [V]
Igen [A]
0 0
Ia Vbc
-10 -1000
Ib Vca
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Time [s] Time [s]
(c) RL = 0.8 Ω with ngen = 2700 rpm (d) RL = 0.8 Ω with ngen = 2700 rpm
Fig. 5.17: Experimental results of the medium voltage PMSG with resistive-inductive
Chapter 5. Design and Testing of Medium Voltage PMSM Drive
Table 5.2: Rated values and control parameters of the PMSG and the IM
Generator-side Converter
Experimental results of the generator-side NPC converter are shown in Figs. 5.19-
5.20. The PMSG operates in generator-mode with 650 rpm and has reference
current equal to Igenq
= −4 A. The total dc-link voltage is 670 V during this test.
The FFT analysis of the voltages and currents is also shown and specifically the
THD of the current is 3.997%, while the THD of the phase voltage is 37.338%.
When compared to the simulation results of Fig. 4.25 in Subsection 4.5.2, it can
5.3. Experimental Results
(a) (b)
Fig. 5.18: (a) Laboratory set-up of 1) the MCU and measurements board, 2) the power
converter cabinet, 3) the 2.8/0.4 kV three-phase transformer 4) the machines
test-bench; (b) closer view of the power converter cabinet with 1) the grid
side 5-level converter, 2) the dc-link balancing converter, 3) the generator-side
5-level converter and 4) the dc inductors for the balancing converter
Generator Voltage [V]
X: 403.7 X: 419
500 Y: 698.2 Y: 697.2
0 0
VgenBC IgenB
-500 IgenC
400 410 420 430 440 450 400 410 420 430 440 450
Time [ms] Time [ms]
(a) (b)
Fig. 5.19: Experimental results of the generator-side NPC converter when the generator
operates at 650 rpm and current Igenq
= −4 A: (a) three-phase L2L generator
voltage and (b) current
be seen that the phase voltage THD is very close to the simulated value. However,
the THD of the current is higher at the experimental results and this is explained
due to the lower amplitude of the current there.
Chapter 5. Design and Testing of Medium Voltage PMSM Drive
THDVgenAB = 16.395%
Vgen AB [V] 80
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Frequency [kHz]
Phase Voltage Vgen AN [V]
THD = 37.338%
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Frequency [kHz]
THDIgenA = 3.997%
Igen A [A]
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Frequency [kHz]
Fig. 5.20: Experimental results of the generator-side NPC converter when the generator
operates with 650 rpm and current Igenq
= −4 A: FFT analysis of the (a) L2L
voltage VgenAB , (b) phase voltage VgenAN and (c) stator current IgenA
Grid-side Converter
Experimental results of the grid-side converter are shown in the following figures.
The three-phase transformer shown in Fig. 5.1 is not used here, because low
voltage tests are implemented. Instead, the grid converter is connected to the
400 V-grid through a series-connected inductor with inductance Lf = 2 mH. The
grid-side converter control parameters are shown in Table 5.3.
The current controller of the grid current Is is tested and experimental results
5.3. Experimental Results
6 500 6
Grid Voltage VsConv [V]
Grid Current Is [A]
of the phase A current IsA and the phase voltage at the output of the converter
VsConvAN are shown in Figs. 5.21-5.22. The grid phase voltage is defined as
the differential voltage between a phase of the converter and the middle point of
the dc-link, marked as N . Specifically, step-change of the Isd
is applied and the
converter is sending active power to the grid in Fig. 5.21(a)-(b), while it receives
power from the grid in Fig. 5.21(c)-(d). Similarly, q-axis current Isq
is applied in
Fig. 5.22 and the grid converter is exchanging reactive power with the grid.
Chapter 5. Design and Testing of Medium Voltage PMSM Drive
6 500 6
The dc-link controller of the grid-side NPC converter is tested in Fig. 5.23 with a
step-change of the reference voltage, which changes from 670 V to 600 V at the
time instant 85ms. The individual voltages of the four dc-link capacitors in Fig.
5.23(b) follow the change of the total dc voltage. They remain balanced with each
other with a small error during this transient. This error can be explained due to
the use of open-loop control for the balancing converter, as mentioned previously.
Therefore, larger errors between the capacitor voltages are expected compared to
the closed-loop control scheme shown in the simulation results of Subsection 4.5.2.
The amplitude of the L2L grid voltage at the output of the converter VsConvAB
changes as well, as can be seen in Fig. 5.23(c), since it varies between +Vdc tot
and −Vdc tot . The converter voltage is approximately 40 V higher than the dc-link
voltage due to the ringing on the power switches. The grid voltage VsAB is also
shown in the same figure, which is in phase with the converter voltage. The
d-axis grid current Isd in Fig. 5.23(d) is calculated by the dc-link PI controller.
A limiter of 6 A is applied on the reference d-current, which is reflected on the
actual current.
5.4. Summary
550 140
50 100 150 50 100 150
Time [ms] Time [ms]
(a) (b)
500 Y: 713.6
Y: 635.4
Y: 6.29
0 X: 85.38
VsConvAB Y: 0.5703
50 100 150 50 100 150
Time [ms] Time [ms]
(c) (d)
Fig. 5.23: Experimental results of the grid-side NPC converter with a step-change of the
dc-link voltage Vdc tot from 670 V to 600 V: (a) dc-link voltage, (b) dc-link
capacitor voltages, (c) grid voltage and (d) d-axis grid current
5.4 Summary
In this chapter, the design process and test results of a novel 5-level NPC-based
PMSG drive have been presented. Firstly, the hardware design and component
selection of the NPC converters and the balancing circuit are described. Special
care has been taken so that the power converters are designed with the potential
to operate at medium voltage level, with up to 4 kV at the dc-side. Therefore,
large creepage distance has been kept between the power components in order to
avoid failures due to the high operating voltage and the control and measurement
boards are highly insulated from the power circuit of the converters. The parasitic
inductance on the converter boards is also minimized as much as possible and
snubber circuits are used in parallel to some of the power switches to further reduce
their voltage overshoot during the switching transient. The prototype multilevel
drive uses 1.2 kV SiC power switches in order to decrease the converter losses.
Suitable gate drive boards have been designed for the specific switches.
Experimental results of both converters of the drive are shown in order to demon-
strate the functionality of the system under various operating conditions. DC-link
voltage up to 670 V and current of 5 A have been tested in this chapter.
Chapter 5. Design and Testing of Medium Voltage PMSM Drive
Chapter 6
Chapter 6. Power-HIL Testing of High-Power Electrical Machine Drives
6.1. Electrical Machine Emulator
where the measured dq-axis voltage of the IUT is the input of the model and the
estimated machine current is the output. High-bandwidth current controllers and
use of FPGA is necessary to implement this machine emulator.
Another aspect of study is the type of control used for the machine emulator VSC
in order to generate the correct PWM voltage that would emulate the physical
machine, which are briefly shown in Fig. 6.1. The standard method is to use
closed-loop current control for the emulator VSC. The measured three-phase
voltage of the IUT ve abc is the input of the controller and the reference voltage
for the emulator VSC vem abc is the output variable. However, this would cause a
conflict with the current controller of the IUT, since both inverters have the same
current flowing through their ac terminals. This issue can been solved by using
PI-regulators with higher bandwidth for the emulator-side current controller that
would respond faster than the IUT-side controller [147]. In order to ensure faster
dynamics for the emulator converter, significantly higher switching frequency is
required, which can be three or more times the switching frequency of the IUT [156].
Increasing the switching frequency so much can be challenging for high-power
industrial inverters, which can be alleviated by applying sequential switching [156]
or using SiC devices that have lower switching losses [149]. High-bandwidth model
predictive controller can also be used for current control of the emulator converter
[149]. FPGA is also necessary in these cases to implement the control and model
the machine current with high fidelity emulating even the current harmonics of
the IUT.
The "inverted" machine model is another control approach for the machine em-
ulator, where the emulator converter is controlled in open-loop mode. To avoid
the need for a high-bandwidth current controller, the reference voltage for the
emulator converter that represents the voltage response of the machine is calculated
3-phase Ze 3-phase
3-phase Ze 3-phase
machine machine
IUT Electrical
emulator ve abc IUT
ve abc v* ie abc v (2.7)-(2-8)
ve* abc em abc ve* abc
em abc
(a) (b)
Fig. 6.1: Simplified control diagram of the machine emulator set-up using (a) individual
high-bandwidth current control for the emulator VSC or (b) open-loop voltage
control using the "inverted" machine model
Chapter 6. Power-HIL Testing of High-Power Electrical Machine Drives
analytically with the torque and voltage equations of the machine. "Inverted"
machine modeling has been used in [150, 154]. The main disadvantage of this
method is that only the fundamental current and voltage of the machine can
be emulated and not the current harmonics or the torque ripple. Low switching
frequency can be used for the emulator converter that allows the use of CPU-based
DSP instead of FPGA. Also, there is no need to measure the PWM ac voltage of
the inverter in order to implement this control. FEM data can still be utilized in
order to consider the variation of the stator inductance due to core saturation.
Inverter under test Machine emulator
TA+ TB+ TC+ (+) Re Le TC+ TB+ TA+
Vdc + +
- -
mode choke
( not used here)
gate 6 gate limit applied
ie abc 010 110
SVM Voltage k at ma=0.75
010 110
ie abc Reference 011
100 (6.9)
Current 001 101
controller θr SVM - +
θr ω r
001 101
ie dq with 0-seq. PI-
ie abc controller
Speed Machine model: compensation
Current reference - +
controller TL Torque/Speed
ωr generator i0
emulated Calculation
Look-up-table a
load torque 0A
b 1/3
Fig. 6.2: Schematic of a PMSM emulator showing the circuit diagram of the topology
and the structure of the control system
6.2. Common Mode Voltage Control
The flux linkages ψd and ψq are again defined by 2-dimensional look-up-tables for
different d- and q-current combinations.
The final reference voltage of the emulator v∗em is sent to the SVM block that
generates the corresponding PWM signals.
ref. load
Flux Linkage torque T ωr Voltage *
dr Reference vem d
ie abc abc ie dq ψd Te θr θe
dt Calculation *
dq ψq (2.5) (2.4) ωr p
vem q
ie dq
Fig. 6.3: Block diagram of the PMSM model as implemented in the "inverted" machine
Chapter 6. Power-HIL Testing of High-Power Electrical Machine Drives
of the plane. The active vectors contribute mainly to the fundamental frequency
of the voltage, while the zero vectors create only zero sequence or else common
mode. The 2-level space vector hexagon is divided into 6 triangles and all the
three vectors of each triangles become active sequentially during each switching
period, as presented in Subsection 4.3.2.
All space vectors of the SVM plane contribute to both the Vαβ voltage components
and to the zero-sequence, as listed in Table 6.1. The values of these voltage
components originate from the Clarke transformation, when applied on the abc
phase voltage of each switching state. For example, the switching vector V 1 =
[1 0 0] creates the following phase voltages [Va Vb Vc ] = [ 12 Vdc − 12 Vdc − 12 Vdc ],
which can be transformed into the αβ-domain as Vα = 23 Vdc , Vβ = 0 and V0 =
− 16 Vdc . By multiplying these voltages with their corresponding duty cycles and
the dc-link voltage Vdc , the average output voltage of the inverter for one switching
period can be calculated.
An example is shown in Fig. 6.4(b) for reference voltage v̂∗ = 0.585 pu and
fundamental frequency 200 Hz. The duty cycle of phase A dphA is shown with
blue curve, while the duty cycles of the voltage vectors dE and dF are shown in red
and green, respectively. It can be observed that the duty cycles of both vectors
dE and dF have a dc and third-harmonic component that creates common mode
voltage equal to − 16 Vdc dE and 16 Vdc dF , respectively. The switching harmonics are
not considered with this calculation, since the above voltages are averaged within
one switching period.
The common mode voltage component of the long vectors V1 - V6 creates circulat-
ing current in the P-HIL test bench, as seen in the equivalent circuit of Fig. 6.5.
The two inverters can be represented by the common-mode-voltage sources Ve 0
6.2. Common Mode Voltage Control
𝑽𝟑 𝟎𝟏𝟎 𝑽𝟐 𝟏𝟏𝟎
Duty Cycle
𝑽𝟕 𝟏𝟏𝟏 D E
𝑽𝟒 𝟎𝟏𝟏 𝑽𝟎 𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝑽𝟏 𝟏𝟎𝟎 0.5 dphA
V dE
3 dF
𝑽𝟓 𝟎𝟎𝟏 𝑽𝟔 𝟏𝟎𝟏 Vˆ * 0.5Vdc 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
Time [s]
(a) (b)
Fig. 6.4: 2-level space vector modulation indicating (a) the eight available switching
states, the reference voltage vector v̂∗ and with dashed circle the limit between
normal operation and overmodulation; (b) the duty cycles of phase A and of
the space vectors E and F for v̂∗ = 0.585 pu
dc Ve 0 ac ac Vem 0 dc
+ + Re /3 Le /3 + +
- 3ꞏi0 = (ie a + ie b + ie c)
- Rdc -
Rdc i = (idc + + idc -)/2
Lm 2 0
Chapter 6. Power-HIL Testing of High-Power Electrical Machine Drives
order to achieve average common mode voltage equal to zero during one switching
period. However, a different distribution of the zero vectors duty cycles can be
imposed in order to cancel out the the circulating current in the P-HIL test rig.
The circulating current is suppressed in the motor emulator of [152] through a
PI-controller that creates a reference common mode voltage v∗0 P I . This reference
voltage can adjust the distribution of the zero vectors in order to cancel the
circulating current. A similar approach has been followed in[157] to limit the zero
sequence current in parallel-connected 2-level inverters.
The circulating current dynamics depend on the series inductance of the circuit.
Therefore, the proportional and integral gains of this controller are selected as
kP 0seq = α0seq Le , kI 0seq = kP 0seq /3 (6.5)
where α0seq is the bandwidth of the control loop.
Since the purpose of the P-HIL set-up is to emulate the same operating conditions
for the IUT as if it was used with a real machine (i.e. same phase voltages
and currents), the standard SVM, as in (4.24), is used for the modulation of
that inverter. The common mode voltage is controlled only by the SVM of the
6.2. Common Mode Voltage Control
eq. (6.7) (6.8) d1
v0* PI
i0* 0 A
kI 0seq
+ x
iabc a - kP 0seq + /
+ 1/3
Vdc 0.5
and ensure stability in the system. The total injected per-unit voltage for the zero
vectors of the emulator converter is
k = −v∗0 P I + (v∗0 SV M em − v∗0 SV M IU T ) (6.7)
A limiter is applied on k with values of [-1,1] and the final duty cycles of the zero
vectors d1 and d2 are defined as
dD dD
d1 = (1 + k) , d2 = (1 − k) (6.8)
2 2
and the duty cycle dD is not enough to fully compensate the total amount of
zero-sequence that flows in the circuit.
This is shown with the simulation results of a PMSM emulator in Fig. 6.7. Voltage
reference V̂em
= 0.49Vdc is used in the subplots (a), (c) and (e), whereas higher
voltage reference V̂em
= 0.53Vdc is used for the remaining (b), (d) and (f). The
variable k approaches the limits of [-1,1] in the first case, while it seems to get
saturated in the second case. While in the first case the circulating per-phase
current i0 remains under control, in the second case it becomes larger and almost
equal to the system where only a PI-controller regulates the common mode voltage.
In order to avoid such a condition that could cause instability in the common
mode voltage control of the inverter, the injected common mode voltage is reduced
at the high-voltage region as follows
k 0 = −v∗0 PI + c(v∗0 SV M em − v∗0 SV M IU T ) (6.9)
Chapter 6. Power-HIL Testing of High-Power Electrical Machine Drives
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
800 801 802 803 804 805 806 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506
Time [ms] Time [ms]
(a) (b)
40 40
20 20
i0 [A]
i0 [A]
0 0
-20 -20
proposed SVM proposed SVM
SVM with PI-control SVM with PI-control
-40 -40
800 801 802 803 804 805 806 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506
Time [ms] Time [ms]
(e) (f)
Fig. 6.7: Simulation results of PMSM emulator with zero-sequence voltage compensation
when V̂em
= 0.49Vdc in (a),(c),(e) and when V̂em
= 0.53Vdc in (b),(d),(f)
c = 1 , for V̂em
∈ [0, 0.5Vdc ]
√ ∗
1/ 3 − V̂em /Vdc Vdc (6.10)
c= √ , for V̂em
∈ (0.5Vdc , √ ]
1/ 3 − 0.5 3
6.3. Comparative Results of PMSM drive and Machine Emulator
inverter DC
supply Le a
Le c
Le b AC
PMSM Load inductors
under PMSM
Heat emulator Le
test exchanger inverter
(a) (b)
Fig. 6.8: Laboratory set-up of (a) the 60 kW PMSM test bench and (b) emulator of this
PMSM drive using the same power converters
Chapter 6. Power-HIL Testing of High-Power Electrical Machine Drives
The two machines are identical and both controlled with FOC. Specifically, speed
control is applied on the machine-under-test where the input variable is the speed
reference ωr∗ . Torque control is used for the load machine with control input
being the reference torque Te2 ∗
. Look-up-table-based current reference generation
is applied that utilizes offline calculated data from FEM simulations. The optimal
stator currents Ie d and Ie q are shown in the machine torque-speed operation
map of Figs. 6.10(a)-(b), when the stator copper losses are minimized. The
resultant stator voltage and machine efficiency are shown in Figs. 6.10(c) and
(d), respectively. The mechanical losses of the efficiency subplot are calculated
by considering viscous damping equal to 3.8 · 10−4 Nm·s rad and the stray losses are
equal to 0.75% of the machine active power.
The parameters of the PMSM test-bench and the control variables of the two
inverters are listed in Table 6.2.
The dynamic response of the PMSM drive has been tested with the experimental
results in Fig. 6.11, showing that the controllers of the machines are stable and
follow their reference. The load machine operates in torque control mode as a
generator and the machine-under-test controls the rotational speed of the set-
up and operates as a motor. The speed of the system is set to 1000 rpm and,
then, at 1.194 sec the load torque increases in a ramp. Specifically, Fig. 6.11(a)
shows the reference ωr∗ and actual rotor speed ωr with blue color, the reference
electromagnetic torque for the load machine Te2 ∗
and for the machine-under-test
Current θr Current 011
011 100
controller controller
001 101
001 101
ie* dq ie*2 dq SVM
Fig. 6.9: Schematic of a PMSM test bench showing the circuit diagram of the topology
and the structure of the control system
6.3. Comparative Results of PMSM drive and Machine Emulator
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 6.10: Simulation results of the (a) d-axis current, (b) q-axis current, (c) stator
terminal voltage amplitude and (d) efficiency map when stator copper loss is
applied on the tested PMSM
Chapter 6. Power-HIL Testing of High-Power Electrical Machine Drives
60 100
ie d [A]
ie q [A]
Torque [Nm]
800 40 50
400 0
200 0
X 1.194 * *
Te2 Te
Y0 r r
0 -50
0 XY 0.1945
2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time [s] Time [s]
(a) (b)
Fig. 6.11: Ramp test of the PMSM drive with speed set to 1000 rpm and reference load
torque Te2
= 40 Nm
400 400
Stator voltage ve2 ab [V]
Stator voltage ve ab [V]
200 200
200 200
100 100
0 0 0 0
-100 -100
-200 -200
-200 -200
-400 -400
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Time [s] 10-3 Time [s] 10-3
(a) (b)
Fig. 6.12: Measured stator line voltage ve ab and phase current ie a from the (a) PMSM
under test and (b) the load machine with ωr = 2500 rpm and Te2 ∗
= 100 Nm
6.3. Comparative Results of PMSM drive and Machine Emulator
Reference ωr ωr ωr ωr ωr
load 1000 2500 1000 2500 1000 2500 1000 2500 1000 2500
torque rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm
Te2 Te∗ [Nm] Iˆe (1) [A] V̂e (1) [V] Pe1 [kW] Pe2 [kW]
[Nm] ref. torque fundamental fundamental input power input power
PMSM 1 ph. current ampl. volt. ampl. PMSM 1 PMSM 2
0 1.01 5.29 3.17 13.68 27.30 66.46 0.1 1.17 0 0.01
20 25.94 27.41 53.46 55.98 28.84 66.48 2.29 5.49 -1.89 -4.90
40 50.80 54.24 93.24 97.57 34.39 76.51 4.75 11.11 -3.80 -10.07
60 76.07 79.30 129.63 133.22 38.86 87.41 7.25 16.67 -5.47 -14.92
80 98.88 103.45 162.41 167.54 43.77 97.43 9.87 22.33 -7.14 -19.71
100 121.24 125.23 195.15 198.97 47.88 108.12 12.53 28.04 -8.76 -24.56
(a) (b)
Chapter 6. Power-HIL Testing of High-Power Electrical Machine Drives
effectively with the common mode voltage control presented in Subsection 6.2.2.
the losses of the load machine, the losses of the two inverters and the core losses
of the PMSM-under-test. These losses have not been considered in the model of
the machine emulator and a difference can be seen between the values of Te∗ for
the same load torque in Table 6.3 and Table 6.4.
The PMSM torque would have been calculated more accurately, if the torque on
6.3. Comparative Results of PMSM drive and Machine Emulator
(a) (b)
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
Drive pe1 Emulator pe1 Drive Pe1 Emulator Pe1 Drive qe1 Emulator qe1 Drive Qe1 Emulator Qe1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time [s] 10-3 Time [s] 10-3
(c) (d)
Fig. 6.14: Comparative results of the PMSM drive and emulator with ωr = 2500 rpm
and reference torque Te∗ = 100.43 Nm (for the emulator) and Te∗ = 103.45 Nm
(for the real PMSM drive)
Emulated ωr ωr ωr ωr
load 1000 2500 1000 2500 1000 2500 1000 2500
torque rpm rpm rpm rpm
TL Te∗ [Nm] Iˆe (1) [A] V̂e (1) [V] Pe1 [kW]
[Nm] ref. torque fundamental fundamental input power
emulated PMSM ph. current ampl. volt. ampl. emulated PMSM
0 0.76 0.80 2.42 2.71 31.49 75.26 0.11 0.30
20 21.65 21.66 45.23 45.36 39.28 89.35 2.29 5.94
40 40.50 40.48 78.57 78.64 46.47 107.52 4.75 11.55
60 60.46 60.43 108.26 108.43 51.03 119.27 7.25 17.03
80 80.43 80.42 137.10 137.44 54.18 127.40 9.87 22.44
100 100.43 100.43 166.22 166.69 56.46 132.17 12.53 27.76
the shaft of the machine Tshaf t had been measured with a torque sensor. Then,
the measured Tshaf t would be similar with the load torque of the emulator TL .
However, this has not been possible during this project.
Chapter 6. Power-HIL Testing of High-Power Electrical Machine Drives
When operating points with the same reference torque Te∗ are compared, the
current of the IUT in the machine emulator is almost identical with the real
PMSM current. However, there is a discrepancy between the emulator and the
drive voltage, with the first one being slightly larger. This can be attributed to
error in the compensation of the voltage drop across the inductor Le and also to
wrong estimation of the machine flux linkage, since FEM data are utilized which
vary from the real PMSM flux linkage. For example for the plotted operating
point in Fig. 6.14, the fundamental current amplitude is 166.69 A for the emulator
and 167.54 A for the drive (a difference of 0.5%), whereas the fundamental voltage
amplitude is 132.17 for the emulator and 97.43 V for the drive. More accurate
estimation of the inductance value Le and measurements of the flux linkage of the
PMSM could reduce this error in the voltage.
6.3. Comparative Results of PMSM drive and Machine Emulator
t 0.01115
20 i0 14.27
50 10
t 0.01466
0 0 I0 -3.519
-50 -10
Phase A
Phase B -20
-100 Phase C
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
Time [s] Time [s]
(a) (b)
t 0.003608
50 10 t 0.002465
i0 1.415
0 0
-50 -10
Phase A i0
Phase B -20
-100 Phase C I0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time [s] 10-3 Time [s] 10-3
(c) (d)
Fig. 6.15: PMSM emulator phase current ie a and zero-sequence current i0 with no control
of the common mode voltage when (a)-(b) ωr = 500 rpm / Te∗ = 41 Nm and
(c)-(d) ωr = 3000 rpm / Te∗ = 61 Nm
Zero-sequence current [A]
t 0.001786
150 i0 19.07
Stator current ie a [A]
100 SVM2
t 0.002273
10 i0 4.133
50 t 0.003188
I0 0.000708
0 0
-50 -10
-100 -20
SVM1 i0 I0 SVM2 i0 I0
-150 -30
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
(a) emulator phase current ie a 10-3
TimeA[s] Time [s]i0 and average
(b) zero-seq. instantaneous I0
1 1
Standard SVM
Duty cycle dphase A
0.8 SVM1
SVM2 0.5
0.2 SVM1
0 -1
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time [s] 10-3 Time [s] 10-3
(c) duty cycle of the emulator converter (d) common mode ref. voltage k (in per-unit)
Fig. 6.16: Comparative results of the "SVM1" and "SVM2" when ωr = 3000 rpm /
Te∗ = 61 Nm and modulation index of emulator inverter ma em = 0.66
Chapter 6. Power-HIL Testing of High-Power Electrical Machine Drives
-50 -10
-100 -20
SVM1 i0 I0 SVM2 i0 I0
-150 -30
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
(a) emulator phase A[s]current ie a 10-3
Time Time [s]i0 and average
(b) zero-seq. instantaneous I0
1 1
Standard SVM
Duty cycle dphase A
0.8 SVM1
SVM2 0.5
0.2 SVM1
0 -1
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time [s] 10-3 Time [s] 10-3
(c) duty cycle of the emulator converter (d) common mode ref. voltage k (in per-unit)
Fig. 6.17: Comparative results of the "SVM1" and "SVM2" when ωr = 3000 rpm /
Te∗ = 81 Nm and modulation index of emulator inverter ma em = 0.69
Zero-sequence current [A]
150 t 0.001724
Stator current ie a [A]
20 i0 14.73
100 SVM2
10 t 0.002092
50 i0 3.2 t 0.002685
I0 0.1933
-50 -10
-100 -20
SVM1 i0 I0 SVM2 i0 I0
-150 -30
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
(a) emulator phase
current ie a 10-3 Time [s]i0 and
(b) zero-seq. instantaneous average I0
1 1
Standard SVM
Duty cycle dphase A
0.8 SVM1
SVM2 0.5
0.2 SVM1
0 -1
0 1 2 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Time [s] 10-3 Time [s] 10-3
(c) duty cycle of the emulator converter (d) common mode ref. voltage k (in per-unit)
Fig. 6.18: Comparative results of the "SVM1" and "SVM2" when ωr = 4000 rpm /
Te∗ = 31 Nm and modulation index of emulator inverter ma em = 0.79
6.3. Comparative Results of PMSM drive and Machine Emulator
Chapter 6. Power-HIL Testing of High-Power Electrical Machine Drives
t 0.003342
-10 -0.5
-300 -20 -1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time [s] 10-3 Time [s] 10-3
100 10 0.5
0 0 0
-100 -10 -0.5
-200 -20 -1
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time [s] 10 Time [s] 10-3
200 20 1
Stator current ie a [A]
100 10 0.5
0 0 0
-200 -20 -1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time [s] 10-3 Time [s] 10-3
6.4 Summary
This chapter has presented the design process and control of a P-HIL set-up with
2-level inverters for emulating the operation of a PMSM. The P-HIL set-up consists
of two identical converter, named as inverter-under-test (IUT) and emulator VSC,
that share the same dc-link and are connected also at the ac side through a
three-phase inductor.
The "inverted" machine modelling approach has been followed, where the machine
is modelled with its analytical voltage, speed and torque equations. The machine
response is modelled by the resultant voltage which is generated by the emulator
6.4. Summary
converter. The modelling process of the PMSM has been explained and experi-
mental results on a test-cases PMSM emulator are shown in comparison with a
real PMSM drive. The current of the PMSM for each individual torque/speed
point is emulated with high accuracy with error as low as 0.5%. However, the
terminal voltage of the PMSM is emulated with larger error, which is attributed
to inaccuracies of the imported machine parameters and the voltage drop across
the inductor that exists in the P-HIL set-up.
A control technique is also presented for suppressing the zero-sequence current
that naturally flows in this P-HIL topology. The proposed controller consist of a
combination of a PI-regulator and on-the-fly compensation of the common mode
voltage in the SVM block of the emulator converter. Experimental results have
verified the effectiveness of the proposed control, which is also compared with a
simpler common mode voltage controller consisting only of a PI-regulator. The
proposed control scheme limits the zero-sequence current amplitude to 3.3% of the
main phase current amplitude, when active power of the PMSM equal to 42 kW
and its base speed are emulated.
Chapter 6. Power-HIL Testing of High-Power Electrical Machine Drives
Chapter 7
Chapter 7. Electrical and Thermal Design of Automotive SiC Inverter
where vvehicle and vwind [m/s] are the forward speed of the vehicle and the wind,
g [m/s2 ] is the gravitational acceleration and α = tan−1 ( 100 ) [rad] is the
road angle of inclination. Cd is the aerodynamic drag, Cr the rolling resistance
and A [m2 ] the effective cross sectional vehicle area, which are parameters specific
for each vehicle. The parameter A depends on the frontal area of the vehicle and
for this study it is set equal to A = 86% · height · width, as referenced from [162].
There are many testing procedures suitable for light-duty vehicles, as described
in [163–165]. The vehicle-under-test, modelled with (7.1)-(7.5), can be simulated
when these tests are applied. The acceleration test determines the maximum
acceleration and the maximum speed that can be maintained by the electric
drive of the vehicle for different road slopes. Similarly, deceleration tests would
determine the response of the vehicle to the road load force.
Standardized tests with legislative driving cycles is another method of examining
the vehicle operation, when it operates with a predefined speed profile. These
cycles represent the average driving pattern of the users and traditionally they
have been used to calculate the fuel consumption and emissions of non-electric
vehicles. In the case of electric vehicles, these cycles can be utilized to simulate the
7.1. Design Specifications
low speed medium speed high speed low speed high speed
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Time [s] Time [s]
(a) (b)
Fig. 7.1: China automotive test cycles (a) for passenger vehicles (CLTC_P) and for (a)
for large heavy-duty vehicles (CHTC_TT)
load of the electric drive, as well as the aging of these components. There are many
cycles suitable for light-duty vehicles, such as the Worldwide Harmonised Light
Vehicles Test Cyle (WLTC) [166], which is currently the main drive test procedure
in many countries, the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC), the ARTEMIS [167],
etc. A new standard has also been developed by the China-Automotive-Test-Cycle
program, and has been implemented in China in May 2020. New driving cycles are
introduced by this standard for each vehicle category and the one corresponding
to the passenger vehicles is named CLTC_P [168]. The speed profile of that cycle
is shown in Fig. 7.1(a) and will be further studied in this chapter.
Chapter 7. Electrical and Thermal Design of Automotive SiC Inverter
100 km/h. This test-case has been studied with more details in 1
Typical driving conditions of large trucks can also be modelled with suitable
driving cycles, such as the CHTC_TT, shown in Fig. 7.1(b).
Electrically Excited Synchronous Machine compared to PMSM for High-Power Traction Drives",
in Proc. 24th International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), August 23-26, 2020, pp.
7.2. SiC 2-Level Inverter Design Requirements
clean current without any harmonics. Correct sizing of the dc-link capacitor bank
in terms of current ripple capability, voltage rating and capacitance is important
in order to avoid overheating of the capacitors and to filter effectively all the
harmonics. Based on the literature [171–173], film capacitors are the optimal
choice for automotive applications compared to electrolytic ones due to their lower
ESR ratings, leading to much better handling of the fast-switching current ripple
and higher inverter efficiency. They also have smaller size and higher efficiency,
due to their self-healing capability. Ceramic capacitors can also be a candidate for
even lower ESR and better high-frequency capabilities [174, 175], however, with a
much higher cost than film capacitors.
The rms ac current of a three-phase inverter, modulated with SVM, having dc-link
voltage Vdc , line-to-line rms voltage Ve rms and ac-side power Pe can be calculated
Pe (4.8) Pe
Ie rms = √ == √ (7.6)
3 ninv P F Ve rms 3 ninv P F 0.98V
√ dc
where P F is the power factor, ninv the inverter efficiency and 0.98 is the a
maximum allowed modulation index.
The current stress of the dc-link capacitors depends on the power factor and the
power rating of the inverter. The worst-case capacitor current Ic rms for inverters
controlling a PMSM can be estimated as follows [176]
Ic rms ≈ √ Ie rms (7.7)
Considering Pe = 250 kW, ninv = 0.93, P F = 0.93 and Vdc = 800 V, the capacitor
current requirement of the inverter is Ic rms = 213 A.
The required capacitance of the dc-link is determined by the allowed voltage ripple
Ts ∆ic ripple
Cdc min = (7.8)
∆Vdc max
where ∆Vdc max = 5%Vdc is the maximum ripple of the dc voltage. The resultant
lowest required capacitance is equal to Cdc min = 77 µF for switching frequency
20 kHz.
Considering the above calculations and the stock availability at the time when
the prototype was built, automotive-graded film capacitors from KEMET with
product code C4AQQBW5400A3NJ were selected. These capacitors have ratings
1.1 kV, 40 µF, Ic rms,10kHz = 18 A and RESR,10kHz = 4 mΩ. In order to satisfy
Chapter 7. Electrical and Thermal Design of Automotive SiC Inverter
Fig. 7.2: DC-link copper bars (a) FEM simulated with COMSOL when 400 A dc current
is applied between the left and the right side of the bars and (b) the capacitor
bank after being soldered
7.3. DC-Link Capacitor Bank Design
High current density is just observed on the right side of the bars, close to the
dc-link terminals.
It is also possible to use capacitor banks that are pre-assembled in brick structures,
as seen in [178]. However, there has not been any suitable brick capacitor available
that could fit the terminals of the specific SiC power modules. A different approach
with a combination of aluminium plates and PCB for soldering the capacitors
has been presented in [174]. However, such designs are not suitable for the power
ratings of this project.
It is important to solder the capacitors with high-enough temperature, so that a
proper joint is built between the soldering material and the copper. Cold-soldering
should be avoided, since it would cause additional contact resistance increasing
the ESR of the capacitors and the joint can also break easily. Many capacitor pins
seem not to be properly soldered on the copper busbars of Fig. 7.2(b), which are
reheated and fixed at a later stage. Standard soldering material with Sn-Pb alloys
melts at around 180-190°C. Solder wire with different materials that have lower
melting point, such as indium-based alloys, can also be used.
The equivalent parallel capacitance and impedance of the final version of the
distributed capacitor bank is measured with an LCR meter and the results are
shown in Fig. 7.3 for a wide frequency range. The measured capacitance at dc
frequency is 471.6 µF, which is close to the theoretical value of 480 µF. The
impedance waveform is typical for film capacitor banks [179]. In low-frequency
regions the measured impedance decreases slowly and inversely with frequency up
to the resonance point of 408 kHz, where it reaches a minimum impedance value
| Zmin |= RESR = 6.5 mΩ. For frequencies higher than the resonant frequency,
the capacitor bank has inductive performance.
f 0.253
0.5 C 0.4716 6
Capacitance [mF]
Impedance |
0 0 f 407900
0 50 100 150 200 103 104 105 | | 0.0645 106 107
Frequency [kHz] Frequency (log) [Hz]
(a) (b)
Fig. 7.3: Measurements with LCR meter of the equivalent (a) capacitance and (b)
impedance versus applied frequency
Chapter 7. Electrical and Thermal Design of Automotive SiC Inverter
The final assembled inverter is shown in Fig. 7.4, when mounted inside a metal
enclosure for better EMI shielding. A current sensor PCB has also been designed
and mounted at the ac side of the inverter, having the Hall-effect sensors ML91208
from Melexis. The main advantage of these sensors is their small footprint; however,
they are susceptible to EMI and have lower accuracy than other closed-loop sensors.
Gate drivers
(& CAB425M12XM3 PWM
Current Coolant
sensors in/out
Fig. 7.4: Prototype SiC inverter with XM3 half-bridge power modules: (a) CAD drawing
showing its outer dimensions and (b) the final assembled inverter
Considering the above dimensions of the inverter and a peak power of 250 kW, the
resultant power density is 250kW/5.107liters = 48.9 kW/liter. The weight of the
inverter is estimated to 5.1 kg through calculations on the CAD model, therefore
the power-to-weight ratio is 49 kW/kg. These numbers are within the usual power
densities reported in [177] for SiC inverters. It should be noted that the MCU
board for controlling the switches and the housing of the inverter are not included
in these calculations.
The switching transient of the SiC MOSFETs is examined in Fig. 7.5 in order to
evaluate the inverter design. The drain-source voltage VDS of the bottom switch of
phase B is shown when 300 V dc-link voltage is applied and 148 A current passes
through. As seen in the Fig 7.5(a), there is a low voltage overshoot of 25.9 V
(8.6% of the applied dc voltage) and dv/dt equal to 7.4 kV/µs during the turn-off
switching transient. The low voltage overshoot verifies that the designed dc-link
has successfully maintained low parasitic inductance between the capacitors and
the switches. The dv/dt has been calculated with the following formula, as cited
from [180]
dv 0.8VDS peak
= (7.9)
dt tr
where tr is defined as the time required for the voltage to rise from 10% to 90% of
7.4. Design of Liquid Cooling System for Inverters
X 25.36
Y 325.9 X 33.59
X 25.35
Y 304.2 X 33.71
Y 293.8
300 300 Y 272.8
200 200
100 100
X 33.76
X 25.15 Y 21.68
Y 1.601 X 25.31
0 Y 33.93 0
X 33.77
Y -9.965
25 25.2 25.4 25.6 25.8 32 32.5 33 33.5 34 34.5 35
(a) (b)
its peak value. The measured rise time equals 35.1 ns for the turn-off transient
shown in Fig. 7.5(a). External gate resistance RG = 1 Ω (additionally to the
internal gate resistance of the module 2.5 Ω) is used for this inverter.
Chapter 7. Electrical and Thermal Design of Automotive SiC Inverter
the heatsink is connected directly to the bottom side of the second copper layer,
such as the Easy power module family from Infineon [185] and the WolfPACK
from Wolfspeed [186]. The main advantages of this structure is the reduced cost
of the device due to the absence of the thick baseplate and the better thermal
conductivity [187].
In most of the available literature, heatsinks are dimensioned for maximum load,
as in [188]. However, the inverter may never reach these limits under normal
driving conditions of a passenger BEV. Despite this, steady-state CFD simulations
are often utilized in similar thermal modelling studies [181, 189–194], which do not
represent the reality, since the load of the drive is constantly varying.
Long real-time thermal simulations of the inverter heatsink are necessary in order
to evaluate the temperatures of the designed system under transient load and to
evaluate its efficiency and reliability. These simulations are implemented with
equivalent and simplified models in [195–198], which cannot represent the thermal
behavior of the semiconductor devices and the coolant flow inside the heatsink.
Quasi-transient CFD modelling has also been used in [199, 200] in order to reduce
the computational load. However, the results are not as realistic as in the fully
transient 3D CFD approach.
The sizing of the heatsink involves a multidisciplinary approach in order to capture
all the physical properties for thermal conditioning of the electric components.
The thermal performance of the inverter can be studied more accurately with
3D Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) computations, where both fluid and solid
elements in thermal contact are handled. The turbulence of the fluid, which is a
strictly 3D mechanism, should also be modelled for accurate results. From the
above it is concluded that an effective and practical thermal design technique,
specially tuned for the cooling component of automotive SiC high-power inverters,
is missing from the technical literature. Time-varying 3D CHT modelling has also
not been utilized yet as the design tool for the inverter heatsink.
This section presents a new iterative heatsink design tool based on the transient
3D CHT computation technique, where the cooling plate geometry of the SiC
inverter in Fig. 7.4(a) is fine-tuned in order to meet the specific needs of a BEV.
7.4. Design of Liquid Cooling System for Inverters
• the pressure drop of the coolant to be kept as low as possible, since the
inverter is usually cooled in the same cooling loop with the motor. A typical
limitation for an automotive inverter can be set to 150 mbar, as referenced
from [8].
• to have uniform heat dissipation at the contact surface with the power
modules, so that the case-surfaces of all the three power modules experience
similar thermal conditions and, therefore, the same aging. Inhomogenous
cooling of the semiconductor chips would lead to a temperature gradient
[191, 201] affecting the lifetime of each switch [202].
• manufacturability with low-cost techniques [192], such as machining and
forging, without using special tools or more expensive solutions.
Cooling plates with simple straight channels extruded or machined in the aluminium
plate have been traditionally been used in commercial inverter heatsinks [191, 194].
These designs have simple structure and, consequently, low manufacturing cost.
However, they cannot be easily optimized for high power density applications
where advanced thermal characteristics with low pressure drop of the coolant are
Therefore, heatsinks with more sophisticated structure, accommodating multiple
fins, have been developed in order to enhance the heat transfer capability between
the semiconductors and the coolant. These fin geometries can be found in the
design of the baseplate for direct-cooled power modules [203], as well as in cooling
plates for power module packages with flat baseplate that require thermal grease
for better heat conductivity. There are heatsinks with straight [193] and wavy
[204] fin shapes that manage to enhance the heat transfer coefficient between the
plate and the coolant, due to increased mixing of the coolant liquid.
Plate designs with pins of different shapes and sizes have also shown to attain good
cooling performance with high convective heat transfer coefficient. Pin-fins with
round shape are studied in [205] and rectangular pins are shown in [191]. More
advanced pin-shapes are proposed by Danfoss [191] and MicroCool [192], which
also require a more special, custom manufacturing process. A certain method to
optimize the shape of the fins and inner layout of the cooling plate needs to be
followed for each study, using a parametric analysis of the key dimensions of the
design [201] or iterative optimization algorithms as in [181].
Chapter 7. Electrical and Thermal Design of Automotive SiC Inverter
G. Mademlis, R. Orbay, Y. Liu, and N. Sharma, "Designing Thermally Uniform Heatsink with
Rectangular Pins for High-Power Automotive SiC Inverters," in Proc. IECON 2020 - 45th
Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2020, pp. 1317-1322.
7.4. Design of Liquid Cooling System for Inverters
Fig. 7.6: First investigated heatsink candidate showing (a) the cooling plate (grey)
and the cooling circuit (blue) and (b) the boundary conditions for the CHT
modelling of the heatsink.
(a) (b)
Fig. 7.7: Initial heatsink design candidate with a 2-loop cooling channel and coolant flow
10 l/min.
Chapter 7. Electrical and Thermal Design of Automotive SiC Inverter
adequately in the first design of Fig. 7.8, since most of the coolant keeps flowing
in the middle channel.
(a) (b)
Fig. 7.8: Heatsink design "wave 1", with multiple fins of wavy shape.
A modified version after some more design iterations is shown in Fig. 7.9, that
achieves a more even flow of the coolant through most of the channels. This
improvement is also reflected on the sink temperatures Tsw shown in Fig. 7.9(b),
which are considerably lower compared to the temperatures of Fig. 7.8(b). However,
the same temperature gradient with the initial 2-loop design is evident here with
the Tsw1 being the highest among the three.
(a) (b)
Fig. 7.9: Heatsink design "wave 2", having multiple fins of straight and wavy shape.
Heatsink geometries with pins have also been studied and an example is presented
in Fig. 7.10. Rectangular pins are used due to their simpler and cheaper design,
since they can be machined [191], and their better thermal performance [208].
The number of pins, their positions and other parameters are optimized through
iterative simulations. The presented heatsink design has a more homogenous
temperature distribution per MOSFET patch compared to the other candidates,
as seen in Fig. 7.11(a), and has quite good thermal performance and pressure
drop, as per Figs. 7.11(b)-(c). Therefore, the heatsink with rectangular pins has
been selected for further analysis in the next subsection.
7.4. Design of Liquid Cooling System for Inverters
(a) (b)
Fig. 7.10: Heatsink designs with multiple rectangular pins and three straight fins dividing
the flow into equal sections
Module temperature Tsw [°C]
(Tsw )
20 120 0.2
Tsw1 "2-loop" design
Tsw2 "wave 1" design
10 110 0.15 rectangular pins
P [bar]
Standard deviation
5 100
rectangular pins 0.1
"wave 1" design
"wave 2" design 90
1 0
4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10
Flow speed [l/min] Flow speed [l/min] Flow speed [l/min]
(a) (b) for the heatsink with pins (c)
Fig. 7.11: Comparative simulation results of the studied heatsinks: (a) standard deviation
in logarithmic-scale showing the discrepancy between the three power module
temperatures; (b) average temperature of the power module patches for the
heatsink with pins; (c) pressure drop of the coolant (between inlet/outlet)
Chapter 7. Electrical and Thermal Design of Automotive SiC Inverter
The purpose of the Matlab/PLECS model is the calculation of the inverter losses,
which is the heat-load of the studied heatsink. An equivalent thermal network of
the inverter is also developed in order to calculate the losses of the power switches
at the correct temperature that the inverter experiences. The results from the
steady-state CHT computations of the previous subsection can be utilized to build
an equivalent thermal model of the inverter’s cooling system, which is a combined
Cauer and Foster network, cited from [202].
The variable Rth sa in Fig. 7.12 represents the thermal resistance between the
aluminium cooling plate and the coolant fluid. Rth cs is the thermal resistance
between the case and the sink, because of the thermal interface material (TIM). The
Tj th jc -
Effective area A [162] 2.2879 m 2
A [°C]
Cth j
Aerodynamic drag Cd [162] 0.35 - Jcar loss
Periodic Rth cs Rth sa Ta [°C]
7.4. Design of Liquid Cooling System for Inverters
TIM affects the heat spreading in the module and, therefore, Rth cs is important
to be included in the thermal simulation model. Rth jc is the thermal resistance
between the junction of the power switch and the case, because of the different
layers of the DBC structure of the module. The Rth jc has been calculated by a
thermal model provided by the switch manufacturer.
L Rth cs sw [209]
Rth cs = = = 4.3 · 10−3 K/W (7.11)
k Acontact nsw nsw =6
Rth sa = (7.12)
hsa Ac
where Acontact is the total area of the power modules’ baseplate, L the thickness
of the TIM. The Rth cs value is not available for the specific power modules and
instead its value is taken from [209] for IGBT power modules of similar dimensions
and current rating. Rth cs sw = 0.026 K/W is the cited case-sink resistance per
individual switch position of the inverter. Ac = 0.0604 m2 is the total surface
of the heatsink cooling channel in contact with the coolant and hsa is the heat
transfer coefficient of the heatsink with rectangular pins, which is obtained from
the CHT results of the previous subsection.
The thermal capacitance of the cooling plate is calculated as
cp Al
Cth s = cp mh ==⇒ Cth s = 1238 J/K (7.13)
where cp Al is the specific heat capacity of aluminium equal to 910 J/(K kg).
The conduction losses of the SiC MOSFETs and their body diodes are calculated
with the PLECS block periodic average, while periodic impulse average is used for
the switching losses. As seen in the schematic of Fig. 7.12, the equivalent thermal
model is a closed loop system, due to the feedback of the inverter’s temperature
in the power loss calculation and, therefore, the losses are accurately estimated at
the correct temperature for each simulated operating point.
Chapter 7. Electrical and Thermal Design of Automotive SiC Inverter
The motor accelerates at the beginning and constant torque is applied equal to
Tm max = 580 Nm. When the current controller reaches its voltage limit and
enters the medium- and high-speed operating regions, the applied torque starts to
reduce. Then, the motor operates with constant voltage equal to its maximum
value, while the current changes. At t = 5.2 s the system reaches its maximum
power and the inverter experiences also its maximum losses and temperature.
The results from the acceleration test are shown in Fig. 7.13 as obtained from
Matlab/PLECS, showing that the modelled BEV can accelerate to 100 km/h in
6 s. The semiconductor losses are shown in Fig. 7.13(c) for both tested coolant
temperatures and it can be observed that the increase of the temperature Tin
leads to higher losses of up to 16.3%.
Car accelaration [m/s2]
PMSM torque Te [Nm] 600
200 X 21.8
Car speed [km/h]
X 11.2
Y 149.9 Y 200
150 4 500
Y 100.2
100 2 400
50 0 300
0 -2 200
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Time [s]
(a) (b)
X 5.2
8000 250 Y 231.8
with Tin= 65 oC
Power losses [W]
X 5.2
Y 6198 X 4.7
6000 200 Y 179.6
with Tin= 26.85oC
(c) (d)
Fig. 7.13: Results of the (a) speed and acceleration of the BEV, (b) applied electromag-
netic torque, (c) semiconductor losses of the inverter for different inlet coolant
temperatures Tin and (d) active / reactive input power of the motor
Then, the inverter is simulated with the 3D CHT model on OpenFOAM and
input of the model is the power-loss-curve from Fig 7.13(c). The results from the
transient 3D CHT simulations are shown in Fig. 7.14 for the same acceleration
profile. The hottest temperature of the heatsink is reached at 10 s. The junction
temperatures for each individual power module Tj0 are also shown in Fig. 7.14
with dotted curves. The discrepancy between the individual junction temperatures
of the three power modules can be observed. For example, as can be seen in Fig.
7.14(a), at 10 s the temperature rise of Tj2
(with respect to the Tin ) is 7.4% and
8.8% higher than the temperature rise of Tj1 0
and Tj3
, respectively. In a heatsink
7.4. Design of Liquid Cooling System for Inverters
without uniform heat distribution, such as the one in Fig. 7.7, this discrepancy
could also be a potential cause of failure for the inverter and faster aging of the
hotter semiconductors.
2s 3s 4s 2s 3s 4s
5s 10 s 15 s 5s 10 s 15 s
(a) (b)
Fig. 7.14: 3D CHT results during acceleration of the BEV with maximum motor torque,
when (a) Tin = 26.85°C and (b) Tin = 65°C
The heatsink temperatures in Fig. 7.14, which are simulated with the proposed
transient method, can be compared with the ones obtained by the steady-state
technique (straight dashed-dotted lines), which have been shown previously in Fig.
7.11(b) for 6.8 l/min coolant flow speed. As can be seen, the sink temperature
values calculated with the steady-state simulations are higher than the ones
obtained with the transient CHT computations, throughout the whole acceleration
phase of the vehicle. It should be noted that the steady-state calculations refer
to 4 kW semiconductor losses, while the computation results by the proposed
transient 3D CHT design technique correspond to dynamic power loss of the SiC
inverter up to 6.2 kW [Fig. 7.13(c)]. Designing the heatsink with steady-state CHT
simulations to have 6.2 kW of thermal load would lead to an oversized cooling
plate, whereas the design with the new transient technique has been accurately
tailored to the exact acceleration requirements of the examined electric vehicle.
Therefore, it gives the margin for further dynamic overload with additional losses
even up to 55%. This means that designing the heatsink with transient CHT
simulations allows better exploitation of the inverter at dynamic operation.
Chapter 7. Electrical and Thermal Design of Automotive SiC Inverter
(a) (b)
Tsw [oC]
20 s 30 s 75 s
90 s 220 s 250 s
60 =52.39oC
Junction temp. [oC]
Equiv. model (tuned):
=54.05oC Equiv. model (tuned): j2
50 =51.74oC Equiv. model (tuned): j3
Fig. 7.15: CLTC_P driving cycle: results of the (a) total inverter losses and (b) heatsink
temperatures from the thermoelectric system model and (c) individual power
module temperatures obtained from the 3D CHT analysis with Tin = 26.85°C
and (d) junction temperatures of the three power modules
7.4. Design of Liquid Cooling System for Inverters
The temperature Tsw2 is the highest most of the time, except for some time
instants during the deceleration phase of the cycle such as at 50 s and at 90 s.
Then, the Tsw2 is the lowest temperature among the three. The same results can
also be seen for the junction temperatures. The highest temperature discrepancy
between the three power modules is seen at 20 s, when the temperature rise of Tj20
(with respect to the Tin ) is 6.5% and 9.3% higher than the temperature rise of Tj1
Another interesting observation is that the hottest area of the cooling plate
(pinpointed with a purple dot) is close to the middle of the device, while the
temperature keeps increasing until it reaches its peak value, such as at the time
moment 20 s when the hotspot-temperature is 43o C. Afterwards, when the temper-
ature starts to decrease, the hottest area moves towards the bottom of the plate,
such as at 30 s when the purple dot is 20 mm further down. Similar observation
can be made for the acceleration speed profile in Fig. 7.14. The consequence
of this is that, depending on the operation of the vehicle different areas of the
power modules experience the highest temperature affecting also the lifetime of the
corresponding semiconductors. Therefore, the transient 3D CHT computations
are important in order to study these thermal heterogeneities and to try to tune
accordingly the inverter design.
Chapter 7. Electrical and Thermal Design of Automotive SiC Inverter
Ploss init
CAD of the
cooling plate
heatsink design
.stl format modify
3D CHT for design
Subsection 6.4.2 constant Ploss OpenFOAM
T within
Yes No
hsa [W/m K]
Matlab / PLECS
Fig. 7.16: Flowchart of the inverter’s heatsink design process adopting an equivalent
thermal and electric model and 3D CHT analysis.
requirements of the specific application (e.g. the temperature of the inverter lays
withing the predefined safety limits), the design process moves to the next step
which includes testing of the inverter with transient load.
The results of the steady-state 3D analysis are utilized to build a simplified thermal
network model of the inverter, where the power losses at various operating points
can be calculated. Many driving patterns of the BEV can be tested here with the
modelled motor drive, such as an acceleration of the car from standstill up to its
maximum speed or legislative driving cycles. If the calculated temperatures of the
power modules during these tests lay within the recommended operating conditions
defined by the MOSFET manufacturer, the power loss profile is used by the 3D
model of the heatsink to run transient CHT computations with the same load
7.5. Inverter Efficiency Measurements
patterns, where the individual temperature of each power module can be obtained.
In case the calculated temperatures or the pressure drop of the heatsink’s coolant
lay outside the design specifications, the design process is repeated, updating
accordingly the value of Ploss init in the first step of the flowchart. The heatsink
design is refined by this algorithm with the constant and transient load tests until
all the design specifications are fulfilled.
P 13.49
100 n10 98.6
P 20.62
n20 98.1
Efficiency [%]
85 fsw=10 kHz
fsw=20 kHz
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Inverter output power [kW]
(a) for fsw = 20 kHz (b)
Fig. 7.17: Experimental measurements of the inverter (a) output power, (b) efficiency at
3000 rpm, efficiency map (c) for 10 kHz and (d) 20 kHz switching frequency
with dc-link voltage 360 V
Chapter 7. Electrical and Thermal Design of Automotive SiC Inverter
The operating points on the torque-speed map shown previously in Fig. 6.10 are
tested with the PMSM emulator. However, due to the voltage drop across the ac
inductors of the topology, the points where the machine operates with maximum
stator voltage at the high-speed region cannot be emulated. Also, a slightly larger
dc voltage than the one examined in Chapter 6 has been used here, namely 360 V
instead of 300 V.
The active power at the ac side of the inverter, which has been tested here, is shown
in Fig. 7.17(a). The envelope of the torque-speed map is also shown with black
line in the same figure. The inverter efficiency in Figs. 7.17(b)-(d) is calculated as
Efficiency% = 100 (7.14)
Pac + Pinv loss
where Pac is the inverter active power at its ac side and Pinv loss is the power loss
of the inverter as measured with the oscilloscope.
The inverter efficiency has a peak value of 98.6% for switching frequency 10 kHz
and 98.1% for switching frequency 20 kHz, as seen in Fig. 7.17(b). The largest
difference between these two graphs can be observed when low power is tested,
while similar inverter efficiency for both cases can be observed when the power
increases. The measured efficiency complies with previously reported results in
the literature for SiC three-phase inverters [212, 213].
7.6 Summary
The design process of an automotive inverter has been presented in this chapter.
SiC power switches were used in the inverter in order to reduce its losses and
increase its power density. Prototypes of two inverters were manufactured that
were used in the PMSM drive which has been tested experimentally in Chapter 6.
The first step involves the formulation of the design requirements for the inverter,
as imposed by the expected capabilities of the vehicle where the inverter is intended
to be used. The modelling process of the vehicle dynamics is described, which
determines the required power of the motor drive.
The next step is the dimensioning of the inverter and the selection of its components,
based on the design specifications. The power switches and the dc-link capacitors
are the basic components that should be selected.
The last step is the design of the cooling system of the inverter and, specifically, its
heatsink. A multidisciplinary design process of the heatsink is proposed here which
7.6. Summary
consists of multiple simulation stages. The inverter losses are modelled through
circuit simulation tools, such as the PLECS toolbox on Matlab. Then, the heatsink
is designed through CAD and simulated through CHT computations, firstly with
steady-state heat-load and later with transient load considering realistic operating
profiles of the vehicle. The main advantages of the transient CHT modelling
approach can be summarized as follows:
1. Firstly, the overload capacity of the inverter can be more easily evaluated
with the proposed design method, when the maximum acceleration of the
investigated vehicle is applied. The results of the simulated test-case system
have shown that short-time overloading with an increase of the thermal heat
up to 55% still keeps the inverter heatsink temperature beneath the safety
2. The transient CHT model can reveal more accurately the temperature
discrepancies among the three SiC power modules during realistic operating
conditions, which can reach up to 9.3% for the tested automotive inverter.
3. The location of the hotspots at the surface of the sink can be more accurately
calculated with the transient 3D design method. This can allow more fine-
tuned design of the heatsink in order to reduce large temperature differences
at the surface of the sink.
This procedure has as a result a fine-tuned heatsink design that fulfills at the same
time the design specifications of the specific vehicle with the smallest possible
component size.
Lastly, experimental measurements of the prototype inverter efficiency are pre-
sented for different power and frequency operating points. When the inverter
operates with switching frequency 20 kHz and 360 V dc-link voltage, the maximum
efficiency is 98.1%.
Chapter 7. Electrical and Thermal Design of Automotive SiC Inverter
Chapter 8
8.1 Conclusions
The design and control of SiC three-phase inverters for machine drives have
been investigated in this thesis. Two background applications have been studied,
kite-based tidal power generation and battery electric vehicles. Although these
applications are very different from each other, they share similar goals and
challenges for the design of the power conversion system, namely high power
density and efficiency.
Two different approaches have been investigated in order to achieve high power
density of the power conversion system. Firstly, the increase of the operating
voltage of the machine drive, which is used in offshore tidal power systems, has
been motivated by the resultant decrease of the ac current flowing through the
undersea cables that connect the kite to the on-shore grid. Since the use of medium
voltage drives with 5-level converters can increase the operating voltage of the
system more than four times compared to standard low-voltage 2LCs, undersea
cables with smaller diameter can be used, reducing in this way the total weight
and drag of the kite system. Therefore, a medium voltage multilevel generator
drive has been proposed in Chapter 4, which consists of two B2B-connected 5-level
NPC converters and a medium voltage PMSG. The 5-level NPC converter has
been proven to be a suitable topology for medium voltage grid-connected machine
drives, because its main advantages compared to other multilevel topologies are
the common dc bus, which is convenient for B2B configurations, and the reduced
number of passive components. Conventional vector control can also be used to
Chapter 8. Conclusions and Future Work
8.2. Future Work
Chapter 8. Conclusions and Future Work
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Appendix A
The following C-code is used for generating the matrices of the SVM algorithm in
(4.25) and (4.26). Equal distribution of the duty cycles for the redundant states
d1 = d2 (here: duty[0] and duty[3]) is shown in this example, based on 4.24.
The variables from the following C-code are defined as N _layer = N − 1 and
the vectors V _D_abc, V _E_abc, V _F _abc and V _G_abc are calculated from
1 if ( ( u_ref_a_SVPWM + u_ref_b_SVPWM) >
2 ( f l o o r (u_ref_a_SVPWM) + f l o o r (u_ref_b_SVPWM) + 1 ) )
3 {
4 // upper t r i a n g l e sequence : | E F G E | E G F E |
5 duty_E = V_G_ab [ 1 ] − u_ref_b_SVPWM ;
6 duty_F = V_G_ab [ 0 ] − u_ref_a_SVPWM ;
7 duty_G = 1 − duty_E − duty_F ;
8 duty [ 0 ] = duty_E / 2 ;
9 duty [ 1 ] = duty_F ;
10 duty [ 2 ] = duty_G ;
11 duty [ 3 ] = duty_E / 2 ;
18 v e c t o r [ 1 ] [ 0 ] = V_F_abc [ 0 ] ;
19 v e c t o r [ 1 ] [ 1 ] = V_F_abc [ 1 ] ;
20 v e c t o r [ 1 ] [ 2 ] = V_F_abc [ 2 ] ;
22 v e c t o r [ 2 ] [ 0 ] = V_G_abc [ 0 ] ;
23 v e c t o r [ 2 ] [ 1 ] = V_G_abc [ 1 ] ;
24 v e c t o r [ 2 ] [ 2 ] = V_G_abc [ 2 ] ;
26 v e c t o r [ 3 ] [ 0 ] = V_E_abc [ 0 ] + 1 ;
Appendix A
27 v e c t o r [ 3 ] [ 1 ] = V_E_abc [ 1 ] + 1 ;
28 v e c t o r [ 3 ] [ 2 ] = V_E_abc [ 2 ] + 1 ;
30 }
31 else
32 {
33 // l o w e r t r i a n g l e sequence : | D E F D | D F E D |
34 duty_E = u_ref_a_SVPWM − V_D_ab [ 0 ] ;
35 duty_F = u_ref_b_SVPWM − V_D_ab [ 1 ] ;
36 duty_D = 1 − duty_E − duty_F ;
37 duty [ 0 ] = duty_D / 2 ;
38 duty [ 1 ] = duty_E ;
39 duty [ 2 ] = duty_F ;
40 duty [ 3 ] = duty_D / 2 ;
47 v e c t o r [ 1 ] [ 0 ] = V_E_abc [ 0 ] ;
48 v e c t o r [ 1 ] [ 1 ] = V_E_abc [ 1 ] ;
49 v e c t o r [ 1 ] [ 2 ] = V_E_abc [ 2 ] ;
51 v e c t o r [ 2 ] [ 0 ] = V_F_abc [ 0 ] ;
52 v e c t o r [ 2 ] [ 1 ] = V_F_abc [ 1 ] ;
53 v e c t o r [ 2 ] [ 2 ] = V_F_abc [ 2 ] ;
55 v e c t o r [ 3 ] [ 0 ] = V_D_abc [ 0 ] + 1 ;
56 v e c t o r [ 3 ] [ 1 ] = V_D_abc [ 1 ] + 1 ;
57 v e c t o r [ 3 ] [ 2 ] = V_D_abc [ 2 ] + 1 ;
58 }
68 f o r ( i = 0 ; i <=2; i ++) // 3 p h a s e s
69 {
70 f o r ( j = 0 ; j <=3; j ++) // 4 time i n t e r v a l s
71 {
72 duty_state [ j ] [ i ] = 0 ;
73 }
74 }
Appendix A
76 f o r ( i = 0 ; i <=2; i ++) // 3 p h a s e s
77 {
78 f o r ( j = 0 ; j <=3; j ++) // 4 time i n t e r v a l s
79 {
80 f o r ( k = 0 ; k<N_layer ; k++) // c h e c k t h e s t a t e
81 {
82 i f ( v e c t o r [ j ] [ i ] == k+1)
83 {
84 d u t y _ s t a t e [ k ] [ i ] = d u t y _ s t a t e [ k ] [ i ] + duty [ j ] ;
85 break ;
86 }
87 }
88 }
89 }
91 // duty c y c l e o f each s w i t c h
92 // sw1 i s t h e top s w i t c h o f t h e upper−l e g . . . sw_N i s t h e bottom
s w i t c h o f t h e upper−l e g
93 // A B C
94 // sw1 duty_phA_sw1 duty_phB_sw1 duty_phC_sw1
95 // sw2 duty_phA_sw2 duty_phB_sw2 duty_phC_sw2
96 // sw3 duty_phA_sw3 duty_phB_sw3 duty_phC_sw3
97 // . . .
98 // swN duty_phA_swN duty_phB_swN duty_phC_swN
The matrix duty_sw is the final output of the modulator and contains the duty
cycle of each switch of the 3-phase 5-level NPC converter.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix B
Fig. 1: PCB layout of the measurements and hardware protection board: red and blue
lines show the traces of the top and bottom copper layers, respectively
Appendix B
Fig. 2: PCB layout of the PWM board: red and blue lines show the traces of the top
and bottom copper layers, respectively
Appendix B
Fig. 3: PCB layout of the Gate driver for the SCH2080KE SiC MOSFET: (a) top and
(b) bottom copper layer
Appendix B
(a) (b)
Fig. 4: (a) Layout of the current measurement PCB having the MLX91208-CAV sensors
and (b) 3-D CAD drawing of the sensor board mounted on the inverter ac