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Eclipse Scripting API

Reference Guide

P1008614-003-C MAY 2015

Document ID P1008614-003-C

Document Title Eclipse Scripting API Reference Guide

Abstract This document provides information about using Eclipse Scripting API, version 13.6. This
publication is the English-language original.

Manufacturer Varian Medical Systems, Inc.

3100 Hansen Way
Palo Alto, CA 94304-1038
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European Varian Medical Systems UK Ltd.

Authorized Oncology House
Representative Gatwick Road, Crawley
West Sussex RH10 9RG
United Kingdom

Notice Information in this user guide is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of Varian. Varian is not liable for errors contained in this user guide or for
incidental or consequential damages in connection with furnishing or use of this material.
This document contains proprietary information protected by copyright. No part of this document
may be reproduced, translated, or transmitted without the express written permission of Varian
Medical Systems, Inc.

FDA 21 CFR 820 Varian Medical Systems, Oncology Systems products are designed and manufactured in
Quality System accordance with the requirements specified within this federal regulation.

ISO 13485 Varian Medical Systems, Oncology Systems products are designed and manufactured in
accordance with the requirements specified within the ISO 13485 quality standard.

CE Varian Medical Systems, Oncology Systems products meet the requirements of Council Directive
MDD 93/42/EEC.

IEC62083 Eclipse™ Treatment Planning System is IEC62083:2009 compliant.

EU REACH SVHC The link to the current EU REACH SVHC disclosure statement can be found at
Disclosure http://www.varian.com/us/corporate/legal/reach.html.

HIPAA Varian’s products and services are specifically designed to include features that help our customers
comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). The software
application uses a secure login process, requiring a user name and password, that supports role-
based access. Users are assigned to groups, each with certain access rights, which may include
the ability to edit and add data or may limit access to data. When a user adds or modifies data
within the database, a record is made that includes which data were changed, the user ID, and the
date and time the changes were made. This establishes an audit trail that can be examined by
authorized system administrators.

WHO ICD-O codes and terms used by permission of WHO, from:

International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, (ICD-O) 3rd edition, Geneva, World
Health Organization, 2000.
ICD-10 codes and terms used by permission of WHO, from:
International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth
Revision (ICD-10). Vols 1-3, Geneva, World Health Organization, 1992.

CAUTION: US Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.

Trademarks ARIA® Oncology Information System for Radiation Oncology, Varian®, and VMS® are registered
trademarks, and Eclipse™ and BrachyVision™ are trademarks of Varian Medical Systems, Inc.
Microsoft®, Windows®, .NET ®, Visual Studio®, Visual C#®, and IntelliSense® are registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Copyright © 2011-2015 Varian Medical Systems, Inc.

All rights reserved. Produced in Finland.

Chapter 1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 5
Who Should Read This Manual ............................................................................ 5
Visual Cues ............................................................................................................. 5
Related Publications.............................................................................................. 6
Contacting Varian Customer Support ................................................................. 6
Get Online Customer Support ........................................................................... 7
E-Mailing Varian ................................................................................................ 7
Ordering Documents by Phone ......................................................................... 8
Chapter 2 About the Eclipse Scripting API ............................................................. 9
Features .................................................................................................................. 9
System Requirements ......................................................................................... 10
Version Compatibility .......................................................................................... 10
Upgrade to ESAPI 13.6 ........................................................................................ 11
What Is New in Eclipse Scripting API 13.6 ........................................................ 11
Supported Script Types ...................................................................................... 12
Chapter 3 Eclipse Scripting API Object Model ..................................................... 14
Eclipse Scripting API Concepts ......................................................................... 14
Coordinate System and Units of Measurement .............................................. 14
User Rights and HIPAA................................................................................... 15
Working with Several Patients ........................................................................ 16
Overview of the Object Model ............................................................................ 16
Chapter 4 Installing the Eclipse Scripting API in a Developer Environment..... 21
Install the Eclipse Scripting API ......................................................................... 21
Chapter 5 Getting Started with the Eclipse Scripting API ................................... 24
Chapter 6 Using Example Scripts .......................................................................... 25
Copying Example Scripts.................................................................................... 25
Compiling Example Scripts ................................................................................ 25
Chapter 7 Creating Scripts ..................................................................................... 26
Creating Plug-in Scripts ...................................................................................... 26
Creating Single-File Plug-ins with the Script Wizard ...................................... 26
Creating Binary Plug-ins with the Script Wizard ............................................. 26
Creating Single-File Plug-ins Manually ........................................................... 27
Creating Binary Plug-ins Manually .................................................................. 27
Storing Plug-in Scripts ........................................................................................ 28
Creating Stand-alone Executable Applications ................................................ 28

Eclipse Scripting API Reference Guide 3

Creating Stand-alone Executables with the Script Wizard ............................. 28
Creating Stand-alone Executables Manually .................................................. 29
Chapter 8 Launching Scripts .................................................................................. 31
Launching Plug-in Scripts .................................................................................. 31
Launching Stand-alone Executable Applications ............................................ 31
Adding and Removing Favorite Scripts ............................................................ 31

4 Eclipse Scripting API Reference Guide

Chapter 1 Introduction
Eclipse is used to plan radiotherapy treatments for patients with malignant or benign
diseases. The users of Eclipse are medical professionals who have been trained in
radiation dosimetry. After an oncologist has decided that radiotherapy is the suitable
treatment for a patient, the medical professionals use Eclipse to plan the treatment for
the patient. Eclipse can be used to plan external beam irradiation with photon,
electron, and proton beams, as well as for internal irradiation (brachytherapy)
treatments. Eclipse is part of Varian's integrated oncology environment.
The Eclipse Scripting Application Programming Interface (Eclipse Scripting API or
ESAPI) is a programming interface and a software library for Eclipse. It allows software
developers to write scripts to access the treatment planning information in Eclipse. The
scripts can be integrated into the Eclipse user interface, or they can be run as stand-
alone executables.

Who Should Read This Manual

This manual is written mainly for medical/technical personnel who wish to write custom
scripts to be used in Eclipse. It is assumed that you are familiar with:
Eclipse Treatment Planning System
Radiation oncology domain and concepts
Software engineering practices
Microsoft Visual Studio development environment
Microsoft Visual C# programming language and object oriented development

Note Before creating your own scripts, familiarize yourself with the Eclipse
user documentation, especially any safety-related information,
cautions, and warnings found throughout the documentation.

Visual Cues
This publication uses the following visual cues to help you find information:

WARNING: A warning describes actions or conditions that can result in

serious injury or death.

CAUTION: A caution describes hazardous actions or conditions that can

result in minor or moderate injury.

Eclipse Scripting API Reference Guide 5

NOTICE A notice describes actions or conditions that can result in
damage to equipment or loss of data.

Note A note describes information that may pertain to only some conditions,
readers, or sites.

Tip A tip describes useful but optional information such as a shortcut, reminder,
or suggestion, to help get optimal performance from the equipment or

Related Publications
RT Administration Reference Guide P1008617-001-A

Beam Configuration Reference Guide P1008610-001-A

BrachyVision Instructions for Use P1005650-001

BrachyVision Reference Guide P1005651-001

Acuros BV Algorithm Reference Guide B504878R01A

Eclipse Photon and Electron Algorithms Reference Guide P1008611-003-C

Eclipse Cone Planning Online Help B504830R01A

Eclipse Ocular Proton Planning Reference Guide P1005367-001-A

Eclipse Photon and Electron Instructions for Use P1008620-001-A

Eclipse Photon and Electron Reference Guide P1008621-001-A

Eclipse Proton Reference Guide P1008623-001-A

Eclipse Proton Instructions for Use P1008622-001-A

Eclipse Proton Algorithm Reference Guide B504886R01A

Eclipse Scripting API Online Help P1008612-001-A

Contacting Varian Customer Support

Varian Customer Support is available on the internet, by e-mail, and by telephone.
Support services are available without charge during the initial warranty period.
The my.varian.com website provides contact information, product documentation, and
other resources for all Varian products.

6 Introduction
Get Online Customer Support
You can browse the my.varian.com site without having a Varian account or logging in.
However, you must have a Varian account to get online customer support and to
access product information for products at your institution or clinic.
1. Go to http://my.varian.com.
2. Click Contact Us at the top of the window to display customer support and training
options, and international e-mail addresses and telephone numbers.
3. Choose an option:
If you do not already have an account, click Create New Account and follow
the instructions. Establishing an account may take a few days.
If you have an account, go to the next step.
4. Enter your user name and password.
5. Browse the information and then click the link that corresponds to what you want
to do:
Fill out and submit a support request.
Find documents. Online documents in PDF format include customer
technical bulletins (CTBs,) manuals, and customer release notes (CRNs).
Send an e-mail to Varian support. You can browse for international e-mail
addresses and telephone numbers by geographic area, and for oncology-
specific contacts such as for brachytherapy.
Find parts and services by geographical area.

E-Mailing Varian
Send e-mail inquiries through the my.varian.com website.
Alternatively, you can use a support e-mail address that corresponds to your location
or interest:

Location E-mail Address

North America [email protected]
Latin America [email protected]
Europe [email protected]
Australia and New Zealand [email protected]
China [email protected]
Japan [email protected]
South East Asia [email protected]
Brachytherapy Systems [email protected]

Eclipse Scripting API Reference Guide 7

Ordering Documents by Phone
You can order documents by phone by calling Varian Medical Systems support.

Location Telephone Number

North America + 1 888 827 4265
Global Call your local Varian office.

8 Introduction
Chapter 2 About the Eclipse Scripting API
The Eclipse Scripting API is a Microsoft .NET class library that gives you read access
to the treatment planning data of Eclipse. It allows you to create scripts that leverage
the functionality of Eclipse, and lets you retrieve plan, image, dose, structure, and DVH
information from the Varian System database. The data is retrieved from the Varian
System database also in stand-alone Eclipse installations. You can integrate the
scripts into Eclipse, or you can run them as stand-alone executables.

WARNING: The authors of custom scripts are responsible for verifying the
accuracy and correctness of the scripts after developing a new
script or after system upgrade for the existing scripts.

By using the Eclipse Scripting API, you can:
Write custom scripts and integrate them into the Eclipse user interface.
Write stand-alone executable applications that leverage the Eclipse Scripting

You can access the following information with ESAPI scripts:

Image and structure models, including their volumetric representations.
Plans, fields, and accessories.
IMRT optimization objectives and parameters.
Doses, including their volumetric representations.
Dose volume histograms.
Optimal fluences.
DVH estimates.

The Eclipse Scripting API provides you also the following:

A wizard that makes it simple to create new scripts.
Patient data protection that complies with HIPAA.
Support for user authorization used in Eclipse and ARIA Radiation Therapy
Management (RTM).
API documentation.
Example applications.
Full 64-bit support.

Eclipse Scripting API Reference Guide 9

System Requirements
The basic system requirements of the Eclipse Scripting API are the same as those of
Eclipse. For more information, refer to Eclipse Customer Release Note.
To create scripts with the Eclipse Scripting API 13.6, you need:
Eclipse 13.6 or later.
A license for the Eclipse Scripting API 13.6.

Note: Microsoft Visual Studio is not needed for creating scripts. However, some
features described in this document assume that Microsoft Visual Studio
2010 has been installed.

Version Compatibility
ESAPI 13.6
The Eclipse Scripting API 13.6 is compatible with Eclipse 13.6.
Varian Medical Systems provides no guarantee that scripts written with this version
of the Eclipse Scripting API will be compatible with future releases.
ESAPI 13.5
The Eclipse Scripting API 13.5 is compatible with Eclipse 13.5.
Varian Medical Systems provides no guarantee that scripts written with this version
of the Eclipse Scripting API will be compatible with future releases.

ESAPI 13.0
The Eclipse Scripting API 13.0 is compatible with Eclipse 13.0.
Varian Medical Systems provides no guarantee that scripts written with this version
of the Eclipse Scripting API will be compatible with future releases.

ESAPI 11.0
The Eclipse Scripting API 11.0 is compatible with Eclipse 11.0.

Incompatibilities between ESAPI 11.0 and ESAPI 13.0

The type VMS.TPS.Common.Model.Types.VRect has been changed to
immutable. Scripts that use the set accessors of VRect properties are incompatible
with the Eclipse Scripting API 13.0.
The type VMS.TPS.Common.Model.ExternalBeam has been marked as
obsolete. It is replaced by the
VMS.TPS.Common.Model.ExternalBeamTreatmentUnit type.
The property VMS.TPS.Common.Model.Beam.ExternalBeam has been marked
as obsolete. It is replaced by the
VMS.TPS.Common.Model.Beam.TreatmentUnit property.

10 About the Eclipse Scripting API

Note If you use an obsoleted type, property, field, or method, the compiler shows
a warning. In this case, the compilation of a single-file plug-in fails. If the
script is a binary plug-in or a standalone executable, the compiler shows an
error. This happens only if the “Treat warnings as errors” project setting is
turned on in Microsoft Visual Studio.

Upgrade to ESAPI 13.6

Stand-alone scripts that have been compiled using older versions of Eclipse Scripting
API do not work after upgrading to the Eclipse Scripting API 13.6. Additionally, binary
plug-ins do not compile after the upgrade.
To make the scripts work with ESAPI 13.6, you need to update the Visual Studio
projects to reference the new ESAPI 13.6 assemblies.
Do the following:
1. Open the Eclipse Script Visual Studio project.
2. Expand the References item in the Solution Explorer. You should see the existing
references to VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API and
3. Remove both references from the project.
4. Add new references to the ESAPI 13.6 assemblies.
5. In the Add Reference dialog box, select the Browse tab. You should find the
ESAPI 13.6 assemblies from C:\Program Files
6. Add references to both VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API.dll and
7. Recompile the project.

What Is New in Eclipse Scripting API 13.6

You can now add favorite scripts to the Eclipse menu and define keyboard shortcuts
for them. See Launching Scripts.
The following new properties, functions, and classes have been added or changed in
ESAPI 13.6. See the detailed documentation in Eclipse Scripting API Online Help.
VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API.Course: added properties Diagnoses,
Intent, and Patient.
VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API.PlanningItem: changed the type of the
property Dose from VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API.Dose to
VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API.PlanSetup: added properties Series,
SeriesUID, PlanIntent, and VerifiedPlan.
VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API.PlanSum: added properties Course and
PlanSumComponents. Added functions GetPlanSumOperation and

Eclipse Scripting API Reference Guide 11

VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API.Beam: added properties BeamNumber, Dose,
and ToleranceTableLabel.
VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API.ControlPoint: added properties
TableTopLateralPosition, TableTopLongitudinalPosition, and
VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API.Dose: added properties Series and
VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API.Structure: added property
Class VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API.Dose is now a base class. New derived
classes are: VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API.PlanningItemDose and
A new class VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API.PlanSumComponent was added to
provide information about component plans of plan sums. See the new property
A new class VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API.Diagnosis was added to provide
information about the diagnoses that have been attached to the course. See the
new property VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API.Course.Diagnoses.
A new struct VMS.TPS.Common.Model.Types.StructureCodeInfo was
added to provide information about structure codes that have been assigned to a
structure. See the new property
Class VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API.ScriptContext: added properties
ApplicationName and VersionInfo.

Supported Script Types

Eclipse supports two types of scripts: plug-ins and executable applications.

Plug-ins are launched from the Eclipse user interface. After the launch, the plug-in
gains access to the data of the currently open patient.
Eclipse supports two types of plug-ins:
A single-file plug-in: A source code file that Eclipse reads, compiles on the fly,
and connects to the data model of the running Eclipse instance.
A binary plug-in: A compiled .NET assembly that Eclipse loads and connects
to the data model of the running Eclipse instance.
Eclipse creates a Windows Presentation Foundation child window that the script code
can then fill in with its own user interface components. The plug-in scripts receive the
current context of the running Eclipse instance as an input parameter. The context
contains the patient, plan, and image that are active in Eclipse when the script is
launched. The plug-in scripts work only for one patient at a time in Eclipse.

Executable Applications
A stand-alone executable is a .NET application that references the Eclipse Scripting
API class library. It can be launched just like any Windows application.

12 About the Eclipse Scripting API

Stand-alone executables can be either command-line applications, or they can
leverage any .NET user interface technology available on the Windows platform.
While the plug-in scripts are restricted to work for one single patient opened in Eclipse,
the stand-alone executable can scan the database and open any patient.

Eclipse Scripting API Reference Guide 13

Chapter 3 Eclipse Scripting API Object Model
The Eclipse data model is presented in the Eclipse Scripting API as a collection of
.NET classes with properties and methods. The class hierarchy is an abstraction over
the ARIA Radiation Therapy Management (RTM) data model and uses similar
terminology as the DICOM object model. None of the properties or methods makes
any changes to the data in the Varian System database. This fact guarantees safety
against any unintended or erroneous script code.
The classes of the object model hide all the details of interacting with the database and
creating the in-memory representations of the Eclipse data. Because the Scripting API
is a .NET class library, all details of managing the memory and other low-level
resources are also transparent to you when you create scripts.

Eclipse Scripting API Concepts

The most important concepts of the Eclipse Scripting API are described below.

Coordinate System and Units of Measurement

The Eclipse Scripting API uses the following coordinate systems and units of

Distances and Positions

In all methods and properties that work with distances and positions, the unit of
measurement is millimeters. The positions in 3D space are returned using the DICOM
coordinate system. Note that this differs from the Planning Coordinate system used in
the Eclipse user interface, where the unit of measurement is centimeters. In addition,
when the coordinate values are displayed in the Eclipse user interface, the following
are taken into account:
The possible user-defined origin of an image.
The treatment orientation of the plan.
The axis definition of the planning coordinate system.

14 Eclipse Scripting API Object Model

Figure 1 DICOM Coordinate System Figure 2 Standard Planning Coordinate

The Eclipse Scripting API has methods that convert values from the DICOM coordinate
system to the same representation that is used in the Eclipse user interface.
For more information on the display of 3D coordinates in the Eclipse user interface,
refer to Eclipse Photon and Electron Reference Guide.
For more information on the DICOM coordinate system, refer to the DICOM standard.

Dose Values
In the Eclipse Scripting API, dose values are always represented with the separate
VMS.TPS.Common.Model.Types.DoseValue type. In addition to the actual floating
point value of the variable, this type also holds the measurement unit of the dose. The
measurement unit can be Gy or cGy, depending on the selected clinical configuration.
It can also be a percentage if relative dose is used.

Treatment Unit Scales

All methods and properties of the Eclipse Scripting API return the treatment unit and
accessory properties in the IEC61217 scale. This feature allows you to create scripts
despite the scale interpretation differences between treatment unit vendors.

User Rights and HIPAA

The Eclipse Scripting API uses the same user rights and HIPAA logging features as
Eclipse. When a plug-in script is executed, the script applies the same user rights as
were used to log into Eclipse.
If you execute a stand-alone executable script, the script code must provide a valid
user name and password to authenticate itself to the system, or it can invoke the
interactive login dialog of Eclipse.
According to HIPAA rules, a log entry is made for each patient opened by a standalone
script. Additionally, the Eclipse Scripting API follows the rules of department
categorization of ARIA RTM.

Eclipse Scripting API Reference Guide 15

Working with Several Patients
The context of the running Eclipse instance is passed to plug-in scripts. They work only
for the one patient that is selected in that context. In contrast, stand-alone executables
can open any patient in the database. However, only the object model of a single
patient is available at a time. The previous patient data must be explicitly closed before
another patient is opened. If you try to access the data of a patient that has been
closed, an access violation exception is generated.

Overview of the Object Model

The following diagram gives an overview of the Image-related objects in the Eclipse
Scripting API.

Figure 3 Image Data Model

The diagram contains the following objects:

A Patient that has a collection of Study, StructureSet and Registration objects.
A Study that has a collection of Series objects.
A Series that has a collection of Image objects.
A StructureSet that has a collection of Structure objects.

16 Eclipse Scripting API Object Model

Another important section of the Eclipse Scripting API is the model of Plan-related
objects shown in the diagram below.

Figure 4 Plan Data Model

The diagram contains the following objects:

A Patient that has a collection of Course objects.
A Course that has a collection of PlanSetup and PlanSum objects. Each of
them is derived from the common PlanningItem base class. Each PlanSetup
object is either an ExternalPlanSetup or a BrachyPlanSetup.
A PlanningItem class that has a direct (but nullable) relationship with a
PlanningItemDose class.
A PlanSetup that has a collection of Beam objects. Beam has a direct (but
nullable) relationship with a BeamDose class.
A PlanSetup that has a direct (but nullable) relationship with the Fractionation,
StructureSet and EstimatedDVH objects.

Eclipse Scripting API Reference Guide 17

The object model related to Plan optimization is visualized in Figure 5.

Figure 5 Plan Optimization Data Model

The diagram contains the following objects:

• A PlanSetup that has an association to the OptimizationSetup.
• An OptimizationSetup that has a collection of OptimizationParameter objects.
Each OptimizationParameter object is an
OptimizationExcludeStructureParameter, OptimizationIMRTBeamParameter,
or OptimizationPointCloudParameter.
• An OptimizationSetup that has a collection of OptimizationObjective objects.
Each object is either an OptimizationPointObjective,
OptimizationEUDObjective, OptimizationLineObjective or

The next diagram shows the objects related to an individual Beam:

18 Eclipse Scripting API Object Model

Figure 6 Beam Data Model

The diagram contains the following objects:

An MLC and a ControlPoint collection of the Beam. Note that for proton
beams, the control points are not currently supported and an empty collection
is returned.
An Applicator, a Compensator and a collection of Blocks and Wedges if
defined for the Beam.
A collection of FieldReferencePoint objects for the Beam.
An ExternalBeamTreatmentUnit object that represent the treatment unit.

Eclipse Scripting API Reference Guide 19

The next diagram shows the data model for brachytherapy plans:

Figure 7 Brachytherapy Data Model

The diagram contains the following objects:

A BrachyPlanSetup is derived from PlanSetup. The BrachyPlanSetup has a
collection of Catheters, BrachySolidApplicators, and SeedCollections. Note that
BrachyPlanSetups can be accessed through the Course in the same way as
A BrachySolidApplicator has a collection of Catheters.
A Catheter (applicator channel central line or needle) has a BrachyTreatmentUnit
and a collection of SourcePositions.
A SeedCollection has a collection of SourcePositions.
A SourcePosition has a RadioactiveSource.
A RadioactiveSource has a RadioactiveSourceModel.
The properties of each object are described in detail in the Eclipse Scripting API Online

20 Eclipse Scripting API Object Model

Chapter 4 Installing the Eclipse Scripting API in
a Developer Environment
You can install Eclipse Scripting API libraries and components in a separate Windows
developer environment with the Eclipse Scripting API installer. The ESAPI installer
installs the Eclipse Script Wizard, the Eclipse Scripting API Online Help, and the DLL
files needed for creating and compiling scripts. Once these components are installed,
you can create and compile standalone and plug-in scripts without having the Eclipse
treatment planning system installed. Executing scripts in this developer environment
requires Eclipse to be installed.

Note Do not use this installer for updating the installed Eclipse Scripting API on
any clinical system. Varian prohibits the use of the installer for this purpose.
Only authorized Varian service personnel is allowed to change the
installation on clinical systems.

Note A full Eclipse installation is needed to be able to run ESAPI scripts.

Installing the Eclipse Scripting API in a developer environment has the following
• Provides easier access to the Eclipse Script Wizard and the Eclipse Scripting API
Online Help.
• Allows you to preview new ESAPI releases.
• Allows you to create and compile scripts on workstations that do not have Eclipse
installed (as is the case with local workstations in Citrix environments).

Install the Eclipse Scripting API

1. Save the installer (Varian_Eclipse_Scripting.msi.) on your local computer.
2. To start the installation process, double click Varian_Eclipse_Scripting.msi.
3. Click Next and follow the instructions in the wizard to complete the installation.

Eclipse Scripting API Reference Guide 21

Figure 8 Eclipse Scripting API Setup Wizard

A folder called Varian is added to the desktop and to the Windows Start menu.
This folder contains the subfolder Eclipse Scripting API, which includes a shortcut to
the Eclipse Script Wizard and to the Eclipse Scripting API Online Help:

Figure 9 Folder Structure of the Installed Eclipse Scripting API

The installer also adds libraries needed for running the Eclipse Script Wizard and for
compiling ESAPI plug-in and stand-alone executable scripts in folder C:\Program Files

22 Installing the Eclipse Scripting API in a

Developer Environment
The Eclipse Script Wizard creates Visual Studio project files that reference these
libraries so that ESAPI projects can be compiled on the developer workstation where
the Eclipse Scripting API is installed.

Figure 10 Installed Libraries for the Eclipse Scripting API

Eclipse Scripting API Reference Guide 23

Chapter 5 Getting Started with the Eclipse
Scripting API
To get quickly started with the Eclipse Scripting API, you can:
1. Copy the code shown below to a file.
2. Save the file with a .cs extension on the hard disk of your workstation.
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API;

namespace VMS.TPS
class Script
public Script()
public void Execute(ScriptContext context)
if (context.Patient != null)
MessageBox.Show("Patient id is " + context.Patient.Id);
MessageBox.Show("No patient selected");

Figure 11 Sample Script Code

3. In Eclipse, select Tools > Scripts.

4. Select the Directory: [path_to_your_own_scripts] option.
5. To locate the script that you created, click Change Directory.
6. In the Scripts dialog box, select the script from the list and click Run. The script
displays a message box which contains the ID of the patient that is open in

24 Getting Started with the Eclipse Scripting API

Chapter 6 Using Example Scripts
The Eclipse Scripting API includes example scripts for each of the supported script
types. You can first copy the example scripts by using the Script Wizard, and then
compile them by using Visual Studio.
If you do not have Visual Studio available, you can compile the examples with the
MSBuild program, which is included in the Microsoft .NET framework.

Copying Example Scripts

To copy the example scripts to your own location:
1. From the Start menu, select Varian > Eclipse Scripting API > Eclipse Script
2. Click the Copy Example Scripts tab.
3. To select a location for copying the example scripts, click Browse.
4. Click Copy. The example scripts are copied to the specified location.

Compiling Example Scripts

To compile the examples by using Visual Studio:
1. Open the Visual Studio project files.
2. Compile the examples.
After this, you can launch the example scripts.

To compile the examples by using MSBuild:

1. In the file browser, go to the directory where you copied the example scripts.
2. Open Command Prompt.
3. Enter the following information on the command line:
The path to the directory where MSBuild.exe is located.
The name of the project file.
Platform specification for x64.
For example:
Example_DVH.csproj /p:Platform=x64
4. To compile the example, press ENTER.

Eclipse Scripting API Reference Guide 25

Chapter 7 Creating Scripts
You can create scripts manually or by using the Script Wizard.

Creating Plug-in Scripts

The following sections give you step-by-step instructions on creating different types of
plug-in scripts supported by the Eclipse Scripting API.

Creating Single-File Plug-ins with the Script Wizard

To create a single-file plug-in with the Script Wizard, follow these guidelines:
1. From the Start menu, select Varian > Eclipse Scripting API > Eclipse Script
2. Enter a name for the new script.
3. Select the Single-file plug-in option.
4. To select the location for storing the script, click Browse. By default, the script is
stored in the Documents/Eclipse Scripting API folder.
5. Click Create.
6. The Script Wizard creates the following folders in the location that you selected:
Project folder: Contains a script-specific sub-folder where the Microsoft
Visual Studio project file is stored.
Plugins folder: Contains the source code file for the single-file plug-in.
The Script Wizard launches Visual Studio.
7. Edit the source code file according to your needs. You can use Visual Studio and
its IntelliSense support for editing the file, but they are not required.
8. You do not have to compile the plug-in, because Eclipse compiles it automatically
on the fly.

Creating Binary Plug-ins with the Script Wizard

To create a binary plug-in with the Script Wizard, follow these guidelines:
1. From the Start menu, select Varian > Eclipse Scripting API > Eclipse Script
2. Enter a name for the new script.
3. Select the Binary plug-in option.
4. To select the location for storing the script, click Browse. By default, the script is
stored in the Documents/Eclipse Scripting API folder.
5. Click Create.

26 Creating Scripts
6. The Script Wizard creates the following folders in the location that you selected:
Project folder: Contains a script-specific subfolder where the Microsoft
Visual Studio project file and source code file are stored.
Plugins folder: Contains the compiled plug-in dlls. From this folder, the dll
can be loaded into Eclipse.
The Script Wizard launches Visual Studio.
7. Edit the source code file according to your needs.
8. Compile the plug-in, for example, by using Visual Studio. The resulting plug-in dll
is saved into the Plugins folder. Note that you can also use the MSBuild tool to
compile the binary plug-in. For an example, see Compiling Example Scripts. For
more information about MSBuild, refer to Microsoft documentation.

Creating Single-File Plug-ins Manually

If you want to create a single-file plug-in without the Script Wizard, follow the guidelines
below. For an example of a source code file, see Getting Started with the Eclipse
Scripting API.
1. Create an empty C# source code file.
2. Add the using statements for the System and System.Windows namespaces.
3. Add the using statements for the following namespaces:
4. Add a namespace called VMS.TPS.
5. To the VMS.TPS namespace, add a public class called Script.
6. To the Script class, add a constructor without parameters, and a method called
7. Define the return type of the Execute method as void.
8. To the ‘Execute’ method, add the following parameters:
The context of the running Eclipse instance. The parameter type is
A reference to the child window that Eclipse creates for the user interface
components (optional). The parameter type is
9. You do not have to compile the plug-in, because Eclipse compiles it automatically
on the fly.

Creating Binary Plug-ins Manually

If you want to create a binary plug-in without the Script Wizard, follow these guidelines:
1. In Microsoft Visual Studio, create a new Class Library project. Select x64 as the
Solution Platform.
2. Create the source code in the same way as for a single-file plug-in. For
instructions, see Creating Single-File Plug-ins Manually.

Eclipse Scripting API Reference Guide 27

3. Use the following file name extension for the dll: .esapi.dll. In this way, Eclipse
recognizes the plug-in and can load it.
4. Add references to the following class libraries of the Eclipse Scripting API:
On the basis of this information, the dll can access the Eclipse Scripting API.
These files are located in the installation directory of Eclipse.
5. Compile the plug-in into a .NET assembly (a dll), for example, by using Visual
For more information on how to create a .NET assembly and add references to class
libraries, refer to Microsoft documentation.

Storing Plug-in Scripts

If you want to make the created scripts available for all workstations, store them into
the System Scripts directory. The System Scripts directory is a shared directory on the
Varian System server.
You can access the System Scripts directory by clicking the Open Directory button in
the Script dialog.

Creating Stand-alone Executable Applications

The following sections give you step-by-step instructions on creating stand-alone
executables supported by the Eclipse Scripting API.

Creating Stand-alone Executables with the Script Wizard

To create a stand-alone executable with the Script Wizard, follow these guidelines:
1. From the Start menu, select Varian > Eclipse Scripting API > Eclipse Script
2. Enter a name for the new script.
3. Select the Standalone executable option.
4. To select the location for storing the script, click Browse.
5. Click Create.
6. The Script Wizard creates a Projects folder in the location that you selected. The
folder contains a script-specific subfolder where the Microsoft Visual Studio
project file and source code file are stored. The Script Wizard launches Visual
7. Edit the source code file according to your needs.

28 Creating Scripts
Creating Stand-alone Executables Manually
If you want to create stand-alone executables without the Script Wizard, follow these
1. In Microsoft Visual Studio, create a new project file for the executable. Select x64
as the Solution Platform.
2. Add references to the following class libraries of the Eclipse Scripting API:
On the basis of this information, the dll can access the Eclipse Scripting API.
These files are located in the installation directory of Eclipse.
3. In the main method of the executable file, use the static CreateApplication
method to create an instance of the
VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API.Application class. This class represents the
root object of the data model. The CreateApplication method also initializes
the Eclipse Scripting API.
4. Dispose of the instance when the stand-alone executable exits to free the
unmanaged resources in the Eclipse Scripting API. For more information on
disposing of objects, refer to Microsoft documentation of the IDisposable interface.
5. To the CreateApplication method, add the following parameters:
A user name and password for logging into the ARIA RTM system. If you
do not define the user name or password (values remain null), the system
shows a log-in dialog requesting the user credentials.
6. Use a single-threaded apartment (STA) as the COM threading model of the
executable. The Eclipse Scripting API must only be accessed from a single thread
that runs in the default application domain. For more information about threading
and application domains, refer to Microsoft documentation.

Eclipse Scripting API Reference Guide 29

The following is the code for a sample stand-alone executable in C# language:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API;
using VMS.TPS.Common.Model.Types;

namespace StandaloneExample
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (Application app = Application.CreateApplication(null, null))
catch (Exception e)
static void Execute(Application app)
string message =
"Current user is " + app.CurrentUser.Id + "\n\n" +
"The number of patients in the database is " +
app.PatientSummaries.Count() + "\n\n" +
"Press enter to quit...\n";

Figure 12 Sample Code for Stand-alone Executable

7. Compile the project. The stand-alone executable is ready to be run.

For more information on creating and compiling .NET applications, refer to Microsoft

30 Creating Scripts
Chapter 8 Launching Scripts
You can launch plug-in scripts from Eclipse, and stand-alone executables as any
Windows application.

Launching Plug-in Scripts

To launch a plug-in script:
1. In Eclipse, select Tools > Scripts. The Scripts dialog box opens.
2. To locate the script that you want to run, select one of the following options:
System Scripts: The scripts that are available for all users are shown on
the list.
Directory: [path_to_your_own_scripts]. Click Change Directory and
select a folder. All files with the .cs or .esapi.dll file name extension
become available on the list.
3. In the Scripts dialog, select the script file on the list.
4. Click Run.
5. If the execution of the script takes a very long time, you can click the Abort button.
The execution of the script is aborted the next time the script accesses a property
or method of the Eclipse Scripting API. Note that this procedure is meant only for
recovering from programming errors and should not be considered a normal

Launching Stand-alone Executable Applications

You can launch a stand-alone executable like any Windows application on the
workstation where Eclipse is installed. You can also debug the stand-alone executable
using normal Windows debugging tools.

Adding and Removing Favorite Scripts

You can add favorite scripts to the Eclipse External Beam and BrachyVision Tools
menu and define keyboard shortcuts for them. To add a favorite script to the menu:
1. In Eclipse, select Tools > Scripts. The Scripts dialog box opens.
2. Select the script that you want to add to the menu.
3. Click Add…
4. A dialog box is opened. You can define a keyboard shortcut for the favorite script.
5. Click OK.
To remove a favorite script from the Tools menu:
1. In Eclipse, select Tools > Scripts. The Scripts dialog box opens.
2. Select a favorite script.
3. Click Remove.

Eclipse Scripting API Reference Guide 31

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