08 - Heat and Gas - Exercise

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HKAL Exercise : Part 2 Matters

Chapter 8 Heat and Gas

8.1 Boyle’s Law

Ideal gas
1. For smoke particles undergoing Brownian time between collisions.
motion in air, the motion of the smoke C. Collisions with the walls of the
particles is mainly caused by container and with other
A. the interaction between oxygen molecules cause no change in
and nitrogen molecules. the average kinetic energy of
B. air convention currents. molecules.
C. collisions between air molecules D. Attractive forces between the
and smoke particles. molecules are significant.
D. collisions between smoke
particles. 4. Which of the following is NOT a basic
assumption of the kinetic theory of an
2. Which of the following statements about ideal gas ?
an experiment showing the Brownian A. All molecules are particles that
motion with smoke particles in air is/are have physical size.
correct ? B. All collisions are perfectly
(1) The motion is caused by collisions elastic.
between smoke particles. C. All molecules do not exert force
(2) The motion is irregular because the on one another except during
motion of the air molecules is collisions.
irregular. D. All molecules are in random
(3) The experiment makes it possible to motion.
see the motion of the air molecules.
A. (1) only 5. Which of the following descriptions about
B. (2) only ideal gas is/are correct ?
C. (1) and (2) only (1) The molecules of an ideal gas have
D. (2) and (3) only sizes.
(2) An ideal gas obeys Boyle’s law.
3. Which of the following is NOT an (3) The internal energy of an ideal gas
assumption in deriving the kinetic theory consists of potential energy only.
of gases ? A. (1) only
A. The volume of the molecules is B. (2) only
negligible compared with the C. (1) and (2) only
volume of the gas. D. (2) and (3) only
B. The duration of a collision is
negligible compared with the
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6. (Essay) What is an ideal gas from the macroscopic point of view ? Under what conditions
would a real gas behave like an ideal gas ? (2 marks)

Temperature and thermometer

7. The electrical resistance of a certain

device is given by R = a + bt2, where t is
the temperature indicated by a Celsius-
scale mercury thermometer, and a, b are
constants. If the device is calibrated at 0
and 100 , how will its performance,
when used as a thermometer, compare The variations of properties P, Q and R of
with that of the mercury thermometer ? three different substances with
A. It will read the same temperature temperature may be used to define three
for all temperatures. different temperature scales. The
B. It will never read the same variations of P with R and of Q with R are
temperature. shown above. Which of the following
C. It will give a lower reading for is/are correct ?
temperatures between 0 and (1) Temperature scales defined in terms
100 . of Q and R will agree at all points.
D. It will give a lower reading for (2) Temperature scales defined in terms
temperatures above 100 . of P and R will agree at all points.
(3) Temperature scales defined in terms
8. The emf of a thermocouple E is measured of P and Q will agree at all points.
at a number of Celsius temperatureθ. E A. (1) only
andθare related by B. (2) only
E = aθ + bθ2, where a and b are C. (1) and (2) only
constants. D. (2) and (3) only
The above relationship can most easily be
verified by plotting a graph of
A. E againstθ.
B. log E against logθ.
C. E/θ againstθ.
D. E/θ2 againstθ.
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10. The calibration curve of a resistance determined
thermometer against a constant volume
gas thermometer is given below : The Celsius Temperature

When the resistance thermometer is left in

a room, its resistance is found to be The graph shows the variations of the
1.30Ω. Find the value of room lengths of the liquid columns of two
temperature on both the resistance liquid-in-glass thermometers with the
thermometer scale and the gas temperature being measured on the ideal
thermometer scale. gas scale. What are the Celsius
Room temperature Room temperature on temperatures obtained with these liquid-in-
on the resistance the gas thermometer glass scales which correspond to 60 on
thermometer scale scale/ the ideal gas scale?
/ Thermometer P Thermometer Q
A. 36 36 A. 56 60
B. cannot be 36 B. 56 70
Determined C. 60 60
C. 36 52 D. 60 70
D. 52 cannot be
12 (Essay) Explain what is meant by a scale of temperature for a thermometer. (3 marks)

13. (Essay) Explain why there may be disagreement in temperature measurements between
thermometers using different physical thermometric properties. (2 marks)

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8.2 General Gas Law
General Gas Law
14. ‘The volume of a fixed mass of an ideal 17. A cylinder containing air is fitted with an
gas at constant pressure is proportion to its airtight, frictionless piston maintained at a
temperature.’ The statement above is true constant temperature. The piston is moved
only when very slowly inwards, until the volume of
(1) an absolute temperature scale is used. the cylinder has halved. Which of the
(2) the gas is at a very low pressure. following quantities has doubled?
(3) the gas is at a very high temperature. (1) The average force exerted by the gas
A. (1) only molecules on the piston.
B. (3) only (2) The average momentum of the gas
C. (1) and (2) only molecules in the cylinder.
D. (2) and (3) only (3) The average speed of the gas
15. molecules in the cylinder.
A. (1) only
B. (3) only
C. (1) and (2) only
container X container Y D. (2) and (3) only
Container X holds N molecules of a certain
gas at atmospheric pressure. Container Y 18. Two closed vessels X and Y contain equal
has the same volume as X and holds 4N masses of an ideal gas. X has a smaller
molecules of the same gas. Both volume than Y. When the temperature T
containers are at the same temperature. changes, which of the following represents
The ratio of the average number of the variation of the pressure P of the gas in
collisions per second with the walls in X to each vessel with temperature T ?
those in Y is A. B.
A. 1 : 2.
B. 1 : 4.
C. 2 : 1.
D. 4 : 1.

16. The pressure of an ideal gas in a container C. D.

is P. If the number of gas molecules is
halved, the volume of the container is kept
constant and the temperature is doubled,
the pressure will be
A. P/4.
B. P/2.
C. P.
D. 4P. 19.
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of gas pressure P with gas volume V ? (i
represents initial state; f represents final
A. B.

The graph shows the relation between the

pressure P and the absolute temperature T
of a fixed mass of an ideal gas, which
changes from state A to state B along the
path AB. Which of the following C. D.
statements is/are correct ?
(1) The volume V of the gas decreases.
(2) The graph shows that P is directly
proportional to T.
(3) All the points on straight line AB

satisfy the relation = constant.

21. An inexpansible vessel contains 1.6 kg of
A. (1) only B. (3) only gas at 300 K. What is the mass of gas
C. (1) and (2) only expelled from the vessel if it is heated
D. (2) and (3) only from 300 K to 400 K under constant
pressure ?
20. An ideal gas is contained in a cylinder A. 0.25 kg B. 0.4 kg
fitted with a light piston as shown below : C. 0.75 kg D. 1.2 kg

22. An inexpansible vessel contains air at 25

. What percentage of air remains in the
vessel if it is heated to 50 under
constant pressure ?
Initially, the piston is held fixed and the (You may take the ice point to be 273 K)
gas is heated. Afterwards, the piston is A. 92% B. 91%
pushed inwards slowly. Which of the C. 82% D. 50%
following graphs represents the variation

Absolute Temperature
23. Theoretically, the zero on the absolute temperature scale is the point where a fixed mass of an
ideal gas has
(1) infinite density.
(2) infinite volume.
(3) zero pressure.
A. (1) only B. (3) only C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only
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Universal gas constant R
24. The equation of state for mass m of an 25. What is the order of magnitude of the
ideal gas may be written pV = mrT. With number of molecules in 1 m 3 of air in an
reference to this equation, atmospheric pressure of 106 Pa and at
(1) the value of r depends upon the room temperature ?
particular gas used. (Given : Universal gas constant = 8.31 J
(2) r depends of m. K-1 mol-1
(3) if R is the molar gas constant, then Avogadro constant = 6.02 × 1023
the mass of each mole of this gas is R mol-1)
/ r. A. 1031
A. (1) only B. (3) only B. 1026
C. (1) and (3) only C. 1020
D. (2) and (3) only D. 1017

Mixture of gases from two chambers

26. pressure/Pa volume/m3
A 7 × 105 11 × 10-3
B 3 × 105 18 × 10-3
When the tap connecting the two cylinders
is opened, what will be the final pressure
A and B are two identical containers in the vessel ? You may assume that the
connected by a tap S initially closed. A temperature remains constant.
contains an ideal gas at a pressure P1 and a A. 3.0 × 105 Pa B. 4.5 × 105 Pa
temperature T1. B contains the same gas at C. 5.0 × 105 Pa D. 7.0 × 105 Pa
a pressure P2 and a temperature T2. The tap 28.
S is then opened. If the temperatures of the
containers A and B remain constant at T1
and T2 respectively, the final pressure of
the gas mixture will be
A. (P1 + P2) / 2. Two metallic containers X and Y of
B. (P1T1 + P2T2) / (T1 + T2). volume V and 5V respectively are
C. (P1T2 + P2T1) / (T1 + T2). connected by a narrow tube as shown.
Initially the tap S is closed and an ideal
D. gas is contained in X at a pressure of 500
kPa while container Y is evacuated. The
27. An ideal gas is contained in two metal tap S is then opened and when equilibrium
cylinders A and B connected by a tap, is finally reached
which is initially closed. The volume and A. the product of pressure and
pressure of the gas in the cylinders are as volume of the gas in X is equal
follows : to that in Y.
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B. the gas pressure in X is 417 kPa. D. the gas molecules in Y on
C. the density of gas molecules in average move faster than those
X is greater than that in Y. in X.

29. Two vessels of equal volume both contain an ideal gas and are connected by a tube of
negligible volume. Initially both vessels are at temperature T0 and pressure P0. One vessel is
maintained at T0, while the temperature of the other is raised to T. The new pressure is then
given by.
A. T0 P0 / T. B. 2 T P0 / (T + T0) C. T P0 / (2T + 2T0) D. P0 (T + T0) / (2 T0)

(Structural question)
30. (a) The density of a particular gas at standard temperature and pressure (273 K and 1.01 ×
105 Pa) is 1.52 kg/m3. What is the mass of 1 mole of the gas ? (The molar gas constant R
may be taken to be 8.31 J mol-1 K-1.) (2 marks)

(b) A cylinder of compressed gas of volume 0.40 m 3 is initially at a pressure of 16 × 10 5 Pa.

This is used to inflate a non-elastic balloon to a volume of 2.0 m 3 at a pressure of 105 Pa.
Assume that the temperature of the gas does not change.
(i) What would be the final pressure in the cylinder ? (3 marks)

(ii) What is the maximum volume to which a non-elastic balloon could be inflated at the
pressure of 105 Pa. (2 marks)

(iii) Is the assumption that the temperature of the gas remains constant justifiable ?
Explain briefly. (2 marks)

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8.3 Kinetic Theory of Gas
Root Mean Square Speed (r.m.s. speed)
31. A piston is SLOWLY pushed into a metal than at other speeds.
cylinder containing an ideal gas. Which of 34. Mass M of an ideal gas at pressure p
the following statements is occupies volume V. The r.m.s. speed of its
INCORRECT ? molecules is
A. The number of the molecules per unit
A. . B. .
volume increases.
B. The average speed of gas molecules
C. . D.
remains the same.
C. The mass of the gas remains the same.
D. The pressure of the gas remains the same. 35. An ideal gas is at temperature T. If the
mass of a gas molecule = m, the molar gas
32. Container X holds pure oxygen gas while constant = R and the Avogadro constant =
container Y holds pure hydrogen gas. If NA, then the r.m.s. speed of the molecules
the oxygen molecules in X have the same is
r.m.s. speed as the hydrogen molecules in
A. . B. .
Y, which of the following conclusions may
be drawn?
C. . D. .
A. The gas in X has a higher pressure
than Y. 36. A fixed mass of ideal gas at S.T.P.
B. The gas in Y has a higher temperature occupies a volume of 3 m 3. The gas is
than X. heated and allowed to expand to a final
C. The gases in X and Y are at the same volume of 9 m3 with its pressure tripled.
temperature. The root mean square speed of the gas
D. The gas in X has a higher temperature molecules is
than Y. A. reduced to one third of its value.
33. The root-mean-square speed of a sample B. reduced to one ninth of its value.
of helium gas molecules, each of mass m, C. tripled.
is c. Which of the following deductions is D. increased nine times.
correct ?
A. The average speed of the 37. Two different gases A and B are contained
molecules is c. in two identical vessels. If the ratio of their
B. The average kinetic energy of molecular masses and absolute
temperatures are respectively 9 : 1 and 4 :
the molecules is .
1, the ratio of their r.m.s. molecular speeds
C. Half of the molecules travel at a will be
speed higher than c. A. 2 : 3. B. 3 : 2.
D. The percentage of molecules C. 4 : 9. D. 9 : 4.
traveling at speed c is greater 38. Two different ideal gases, A and B, are
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contained in two identical vessels. If the 41. A vessel of volume 3 × 10-3 m3 contains
ratio of their absolute temperature and the 0.17 g of an ideal gas at a pressure of 4 ×
ratio of the root-mean-square speed of the 105 Pa. The r.m.s. velocity of the gas
molecules are respectively 2 : 3 and 3 : 2, molecules is
the ratio of their molecular mass is A. 5 m/s.
A. 1 : 1 B. 4 : 9 B. 146 m/s.
C. 8 : 27 D. 9 : 4 C. 2 660 m/s.
D. 4 600 m/s.
39. The relative atomic mass of oxygen is 16.
What is the ratio of the average speed of 42. At 0 temperature and 2.00 × 105 N/m2
oxygen molecules to that of hydrogen pressure, the density of a gas is 0.132
molecules at room temperature ? kg/m3. The r.m.s. speed of the gas
A. 16 B. 4 molecules at 127 will be
C. 1/4 D. 1/16 A. 2 580 m/s
B. 2 130 m/s
40. Identical containers A and B contain C. 860 m/s
nitrogen (N2) and hydrogen (H2) D. 711 m/s
43. The r.m.s. speed of the molecules of a
certain gas X is 308 m s-1 at 342 K. Find
the molar mass of the gas X.
(Given : Universal gas constant R = 8.31 J
mol-1 K-1)
Container A Container B A. 89.9 g
Both gases are at room temperature and B. 59.9 g
atmospheric pressure. Which of the C. 41.5 g
following statements is/are true ? D. 27.7 g
In both containers,
(1) the number of gas molecules is the 44. At 100 , the r.m.s. speed of the
same; molecules in a fixed mass of an ideal gas
(2) the frequency of collision of gas is c. If the temperature is increases to 200
molecules with the walls of container , the r.m.s. speed of the gas molecules
is the same; would become
(3) the r.m.s. speed of gas molecules is A. 1.1c.
the same. B. 1.3c.
A. (1) only C. 1.4c.
B. (3) only D. 2c.
C. (1) and (2) only
D. (2) and (3) only
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45. (a) The equation of state and kinetic theory equation of an ideal gas can be written as pV =

nRT and . State the meaning of the symbols excluding pressure p and

volume V.

(b) Two identical vessels containing hydrogen and oxygen respectively are at the same
temperature and pressure. What can you say about the number of molecules, the average
molecular kinetic energy and the mean square speed of the molecules in the two vessels ?
Explain briefly. (Assume that the gases behave ideally.) (6 marks)

Distribution of molecular velocity

46. 47.

The above graph shows the distribution of

speeds (v) of the molecules in a constant The graph shows the distribution of
mass of gas. Which of the following molecular speeds c for a gas at room
statements is/are correct? temperature. N(c) represents the number
(1) The value v = c at which the peak of of molecules ΔN in a small range of
the curve occurs increases when the speeds c to c +Δc so that ΔN = N(c)Δc.
temperature rises. As the temperature is increased,
(2) Provided that the temperature does A. the peak position will move to the left
not change, the kinetic energy of each and its height will increase.
molecules is fixed. B. the peak position will move to the left
(3) The peak of the curve drops when the and its height will decrease.
temperature rises. C. the peak position will move to the
A. (1) only B. (3) only right and its height will increase.
C. (1) and (2) only D. (1) and (3) only D. the peak position will move to the
right and its height will decrease.

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48. Which of the graphs best represents the distribution of molecular speeds in a gas at 450 K if
the dotted curve represents this distribution for the same gas at 200 K ?
A. B. C. D.

Translational Kinetic Energy

49. An ideal gas is enclosed in a container at 51. Which of the following properties of
absolute temperature T. The absolute molecules of an ideal gas is/are the same
temperature is now raised to 2T, whilst the on the moon as on the earth, if the
volume is kept constant. Which of the temperature and volume of the gas are
following statements is/are correct ? unchanged ?
(1) The average speed of the molecules (1) The average force acting on a
is increased by a factor of . molecule when it rebounds from a
(2) The average kinetic energy of the wall of the container.
molecules is doubled. (3) The weight of a molecule of the gas.
(3) The average separation of the (2) The average kinetic energy of a
molecules is doubled. molecule of the gas.
A. (1) only A. (1) only
B. (3) only B. (3) only
C. (1) and (2) only C. (1) and (3) only
D. (2) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only

50. A fixed mass of gas at s.t.p. occupies a 52. Given :

volume of 1 m3. The gas is heated and Avogadro constant = 6 × 1023 mol-1
allowed to expand to a final volume of 3 Boltzmann constant = 1.38 × 10-23 J/K
m3 with its pressure tripled. The average Molar gas constant = 8.31 J mol-1 K-1
speed of the gas molecules is If a mole of an ideal gas is heated under
A. reduced to one ninth of its initial constant pressure from 20 to 80 , the
value. total kinetic energy of the gas molecules is
B. reduced to one third of its initial increased by
value. A. 831 J. B. 748 J.
C. increased three times. C. 499 J. D. 249 J.
D. increased nine times.

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Internal energy of an ideal gas
53. According to the kinetic theory of gases, at a given temperature, the molecules of all gases
have the same
(1) average momentum change when they rebound from a wall of the container.
(2) average kinetic energy.
(3) average intermolecular potential energy.
A. (1) only B. (3) only C. (1) and (2) only D. (2) and (3) only

54. The internal energy of an ideal gas at 55. 1 mole of an ideal mono-atomic gas
expands at a constant pressure of 2 × 10 5
temperature T is , where C is a
Pa from a volume of 0.01 m 3 to a volume
constant. Given that R = the molar gas of 0.02 m3. The increase in internal energy
constant, NA = Avogadro constant, k = of the gas is
Boltzmann constant, then for an ideal gas A. 1 000 J. B. 2 000 J.
containing N molecules, the constant C is C. 3 000 J. D. 6 000 J.
equal to
A. NR / NA. B. Nk / NA.
C. NAR. D. NAk.

8.4 Real Gases

van der Waals equation
56. Which of the following statements (3) above which the substance in its
concerning a real gas is/are correct ? gaseous phase cannot be liquefied by
(1) Collisions between molecules and the the application of high pressure.
wall of container are perfectly elastic. A. (1) only B. (3) only
(2) The volume of the molecules can be C. (1) and (2) only
neglected. D. (1) and (3) only
(3) Intermolecular forces can be
neglected. 58. When a gas is below its critical
A. (1) only B. (2) only temperature, which of the following is/are
C. (1) and (2) only correct ?
D. (2) and (3) only (1) Collisions between molecules are
57. The cirtical temperature of a substance is perfectly elastic.
the temperature (2) Intermolecular forces are significant.
(1) below which the substance in its (3) The gas can be liquefied by applying
gaseous phase can be liquefied by the pressure alone.
application of sufficient pressure. A. (1) only
(2) at which solid, liquid and gaseous B. (1) and (2) only
phases of the substance can exist C. (2) and (3) only
together in equilibrium. D. (1), (2) and (3)
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8.5 Thermodynamics
Work done by a gas
59. isothermally at absolute temperature T
from volume V1 to volume V2. The work
done by the gas is

A. B.

C. D.
A fixed mass of an ideal gas goes through
the three processes from P to S indicated 61. One mole of an ideal gas is contained in a
in the above p-T diagram: (1) : P → Q, (2) cylinder fitted with a light, frictionless
: Q → R, (3) : R → S. During which of the piston. The gas is heated under constant
above processes is work done by the gas pressure P so that its volume increases
on the surroundings ? from V to 6V and the initial temperature is
A. (1) only B. (3) only T. If R is the universal gas constant, the
C. (1) and (2) only work done by the gas is
D. (1) and (3) only A. RT/6 B. 5RT/6.
C. 5RT. D. 6RT.
60. One mole of an ideal gas expands

62. Distinguish the terms heat, work and internal energy. Illustrate your answer by describing the
energy conversions in a steam turbine. (4.5 marks)

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The indicator diagram
63. D. PV/T is constant for all the points on
the two curves.

The figure above shows two curves for a

given mass of gas at temperature T1 and An ideal gas undergoes the processes
T2. If the symbols P, V and T stand for the marked abc in the above p-V diagram. If
pressure, volume and absolute temperature the total heat energy supplied to the gas
of the gas, which of the following during the processes is 800 J, the change
statements is FALSE ? in internal energy of the gas will be
A. Temperature T1 is twice temperature A. -1 000 J.
T2. B. 1 000 J.
B. No work is done by the gas when it C. 700 J.
changes from state A to state C along D. 600 J.
the line AC.
C. To take the gas from state A to state
C, 100 J of energy is needed.
First Law of Thermodynamics
65. External work W is done on a real gas and slowly to 60% of its original volume.
no heat energy is allowed to enter or leave While the gas is being compressed, there
the gas. If the change in internal energy of is a heat energy transfer of 6 000 J. Which
the gas is ΔU, then of the following statements is/are correct ?
A. 0 < ΔU < W. B. ΔU = W. (1) Work done on the gas during
C. W < ΔU < 2W. D. ΔU = 2W. compression is equal to 6 000 J.
66. The first law of thermodynamics can be (2) Heat energy is transferred into the
expressed asΔU = Q + W. When an ideal system.
gas is expanded while keeping its pressure (3) The internal energy remains
constant, which of the following holds ? unchanged.
Q ΔU W A. (1) only B. (3) only
A. negative negative negative C. (1) and (3) only
B. negative negative positive D. (2) and (3) only
C. positive positive positive 68. A fixed mass of an ideal gas is enclosed in
D. positive positive negative a cylinder by a piston. When the piston is
67. An ideal gas inside a container without pulled quickly out of the cylinder, which
thermal insulation is compressed very of the following physical properties of the
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gas will decrease?
(1) internal energy
(2) temperature
(3) pressure
A. (1) only
B. (1) and (2) only
C. (2) and (3) only A fixed mass of an ideal gas undergoes the
D. (1), (2) and (3) process ABC as shown in the pressure-
69. In which of the following cases will heat temperature diagram. Which of the
always flow away from a body X ? following deductions from the diagram is
(1) X is in thermal contact with another incorrect ?
system at a highr temperature. A. Heat energy is extracted from the gas
(2) X is in thermal contact with another when it changes from A to B.
system which has a smaller amount B. Heat energy is transferred to the gas
of internal energy. when it changes from B to C.
(3) X is changed from its liquid state to a C. No work is done by the gas when it
solid at freezing point. changes from A to B.
A. (1) only B. (3) only D. Work is done by the gas on the
C. (1) and (2) only surroundings when it changes from B
D. (2) and (3) only to C.

Isothermal Process
71. The internal energy of an ideal gas always 72. One mole of an ideal gas of volume V1 is
changes when at an initial pressure P1 and temperature
(1) its temperature increases. T1. If the gas undergoes an isothermal
(2) it is compressed in an insulating expansion, so that its volume increases to
container. V2.
(3) it is expanded in an insulating (1) the external work done is equal to
container. P1V1 ln(V2 / V1).
A. (1) only (2) there is no heat exchange between the
B. (3) only gas and the surroundings.
C. (2) and (3) only (3) the internal energy of the gas
D. (1), (2) and (3) increases.
A. (1) only B. (3) only
C. (1) and (2) only
D. (2) and (3) only

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73. For an ideal gas expanded isothermally,
A. the heat energy transferred to the gas is zero.
B. the internal energy of the gas remains unchanged.
C. the work done on the gas is equal to the heat energy rejected by it.
D. the work done on the surroundings is zero.

Isobaric Process
74. The energy which must be supplied to 1 mole of gas initially at absolute temperature T,
pressure p and volume V, to raise its temperature by 1 K, is Q1 at constant pressure and Q2 at
constant volume. The value of Q2 is
A. Q1 + pVT.B. Q1 – pV/T.
C. Q1 + pV/T. D. Q1.

75. An ideal gas is taken through the series of C. (1) and (3) only
changes shown. D. (2) and (3) only
76. A fixed mass of an ideal gas undergoes a
cycle ABCD in which its pressure p and
volume V change as shown in the p-V
diagram below.

Which of the following statements is/are Which of the following statements is/are
correct ? correct ?
(1) The gas has the same temperature at (1) From A to B, work is done by the gas.
B and at C. (2) From B to C, the internal energy of
(2) No net work is done by the gas in the gas decreases.
completing one cycle. (3) From C to D, heat is extracted from
(3) The work done by the gas during the the gas.
change AB is small than that done on A. (1) only
the gas during the change CD. B. (1) and (2) only
A. (1) only C. (2) and (3) only
B. (2) only D. (1), (2) and (3)
(Structural question)
77. (a)

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Figure 1
Figure 1 shows the apparatus used for the measurement of the specific latent heat of
vaporisation of water. Under steady state conditions, the following data were obtained:
voltmeter reading = 10 V, ammeter reading = 8 A, time interval = 40 min,
mass of water (condensed vapour) collected = 83 g
(i) Estimate the specific latent heat of vaporisation of water. (2 marks)

(ii) A student argues that the result obtained is inaccurate because the heat absorbed by
the vacuum flask has not been taken into consideration. Explain whether this
argument is correct. (2 marks)

(b) At a temperature of 100 and a pressure of 105 Pa, 2.00 kg of steam occupies 3.35 m 3,
but the same mass of water occupies only 2.09 × 10 -3 m3. For a system consisting of 2.00
kg of water changing to steam at 100 and 105 Pa, find:
(i) the heat supplied to the system; (1 mark)

(ii) the work done by the system; (3 marks)

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(iii) the increase in internal energy of the system. (3 marks)

(c) What happens to the internal energy absorbed during the vaporisation process? (2 marks)

78. Quantitatively, the first law of thermodynamics can be stated as :
ΔQ = ΔU + ΔW
(a) Explain this relationship in words.

(b) ‘A compressed gas in a hollow, steel cylinder expands and lifts a weight; it cools in the
process and is then heated by conduction through the cylinder.’
Describe the above change in terms of the first law of thermodynamics and hence explain
whether you can determine that there has been any change in internal energy of the gas.
(5 marks)

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HKAL Exercise (KEY) : Part 2 Matters
Chapter 8 Heat and Gas

1 – 5 : CBDAB

6. Ideal gas is a gas that obeys the ideal gas equation ( = constant or

pV = nRT) or Boyle’s Law under all temperatures and pressures. 1

Real gas behaves like ideal gas under high temperatures AND low pressures. 12

7 – 10 : CCBC, 11: D

12. (a) Thermometers possess a particular physical property which varies with
temperature e.g. pressure, electrical resistance. 1
(b) Values of this property are measured at two reproducible temperatures :
(i) ice point, 0 °C - P0, say.
(ii) water boiling point, 100 °C - P100, say. 1
(c) It is, then, assumed that an intermediate temperature
P  P0
is measured as  =  100 13
P100  P0

13. Temperature measurements should agree at the fixed points 0 °C and 100 °C.

However in-between these temperatures the readings of the different thermometers

may differ if the linear relation, physical property  temperature

does not hold good for one or both of the thermometers. + 2

14 – 20 : AB, CAABA, 21 – 29 : BACCB, CBBB

30. (a) pV = nRT

= 1(8.31)(273)

m = = 0.0341 kg

(b) (i) n = n1 + n2
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pV = p1V1 + p2V2 1
(16 105)(0.4) = (105)(2) + p2(0.4) 1
p2 = 4.4  105  0.4 = 1.1  106 Pa 13
(ii) (16  105)(0.4)= (105)(V1) + (105)(0.4) 1
V1 = 6.0 m3 12
(iii) If very slow inflation permits heat exchange with surroundings 1+1 2
 temperature constant

31 – 40 : DDBBC, CACCA, 41 – 44 : DAAA

45. (a) n – number of moles

R – universal gas constant
T – absolute temperature 1
N – number of molecules
m – mass of a molecule
– mean square speed 1
(b) According to Avogadro’s law, the gases have the same number of molecules. 1
(As p, V and T are the same, n is the same according to pV = nRT.)

As pV = = nRT

= =

therefore the average molecular kinetic energy is the same in both cases since
T is the same (or p, V and N are the same). 1

As =

( mH < mo)
As the molecular mass of hydrogen is smaller than that of oxygen, the mean
square speed of the hydrogen is higher than that of the oxygen molecules 1

since their average molecular kinetic energy is the same. 6

46 – 50 : DDBCC, 51 – 60 : CBDAC, ADDAC, 61 : C

62. The (molecular) energy (either kinetic energy, potential energy or both) in
an object at a certain state is the internal energy of the object. 1

Heat is the energy that flows by conduction, connection or radiation from one
body to another due to a temperature difference between them. 1

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Work is the energy that is transferred from one system to another by a force
moving its point of application in its own direction. 1

Chemical energy in fuel is transferred to internal energy of steam in the 1

heating process. The steam then turns the turbine by doing work on it.

63 – 70 : BDB, DCDBA 71 – 76 : DABBC, D

77. (a) (i) IVt = mL 1

10  8  40  60 =

L = 2.31  106 Jkg-1 1

(ii) Readings taken at steady state 1
No (need to consider) energy absorbed by thermal flask 14
(b) (i) H = 2  2.31  106 J
= 4.62  106 J 1
(ii) W = p V 1
= 105  (3.35 - 2.09  10-3) J 1
= 3.35  105 J 1
(iii) Q = U + W 1
U = (4.62  106 - 3.35  105) J 1
= 4.29  106 J 17
(c) Used in work done to overcome the attraction between (water) molecules and
separate them further distances apart in the gaseous state.
(To increase the p.e. of the molecules) 22

78. (a) In words : The amount of thermal energy transferred into a system equals the change/

increase in the internal energy of that system plus the work done by the system. 1

(b) With the system defined as the gas inside the cylinder, ΔW is positive (i.e.
–ΔW is negative) since work is done by the system to raise the weight. 1

The internal energy then decreases (ΔU is negative) as (-ΔW) is negative and
ΔQ is zero. 1

Heat is conducted into the gas through the cylinder, so ΔQ is positive. 1

The overall change in internal energy, ΔU, is determined by combining ΔQ

and (-ΔW). Since ΔQ is positive and (-ΔW) is negative, ΔU may be

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positive, negative or zero. 5

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