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Device names: (DDW-) DDSR xx
Device version: 1.0
Device variant: -
Document status: Original
Type of document: Operating instructions
File designation: e2132453
Document ID: 453
Document revision: rev.3.2
Date: 20-11-13
Editor: Brabender Technologie GmbH & Co. KG
Copyright: © 2020, Brabender Technologie GmbH & Co. KG
Imprint.............................................................................................................................................. 2
1. Safety ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Use of the device................................................................................................................................... 8
Intended purpose........................................................................................................................... 8
Appropriate products..................................................................................................................... 8
Suitable operating environment .................................................................................................... 9
Component groups necessary for the operation ........................................................................... 9
Component groups for weighing ................................................................................................... 9
Safety instructions............................................................................................................................... 10
Specifications for the operation of the device............................................................................. 10
Qualification of the operating personnel .................................................................................... 11
Sharp-edged components ............................................................................................................ 11
Earthing of the device .................................................................................................................. 11
Dangerous contact voltages on the device .................................................................................. 11
Definition: Disconnection of the device ................................................................................... 12
Discharge of energy reservoirs .................................................................................................... 12
Sound level ................................................................................................................................... 12
Markings on the device ................................................................................................................ 13
Residual dangers ................................................................................................................................. 14
Foreign objects in the product zone ............................................................................................ 14
Product jam .................................................................................................................................. 14
Product change ............................................................................................................................ 14
Insufficient aeration/deaeration.................................................................................................. 15
Optional quick release fastenings ................................................................................................ 15
2. The description of the device .................................................................................................... 16
Description of the device design ......................................................................................................... 17
The modules of the device .................................................................................................................. 19
The feeding device .............................................................................................................................. 20
The screw drive motor ................................................................................................................. 20
Speed monitoring......................................................................................................................... 21
The feeding screw ........................................................................................................................ 21
The vertical outlet ........................................................................................................................ 21
The trough agitator ...................................................................................................................... 22
The gear ....................................................................................................................................... 22
Shaft sealing for DDSR40, 30........................................................................................................ 23
Shaft sealing for DDSR40B, 60 ..................................................................................................... 23
The hopper .......................................................................................................................................... 24
Execution and function ................................................................................................................ 24
This chapter describes the use of the device and the safety instructions for the use of the device.
Subject Page
Use of the device 8
Safety instructions 10
Residual danger 14
Intended purpose
The “DDSR xx“ is a metering feeder for the feeding of bulk solids that can be fed by means of a twin
screw (feeding module) and a trough agitator. The product is filled into the hopper, from there it is
conveyed into the agitator trough, where an agitator rotates vertically to provide a better filling ratio of
the screw. The rotating screw transports the product to the outlet of the device from where it falls
freely into the downstream equipment. The screw is driven by a drive motor (= feed drive) that is
controlled by means of a suitable drive controller. The working point of the device, the feed rate (=
product quantity/unit of time) is adjusted by means of the determination of the speed of the feed drive.
The trough agitator is driven by the 2nd drive motor of the device and during the feeding operation it
runs with a constant speed in the standard version.
Appropriate products
An appropriate product for the operation of the device must have the following product characteristics:
• Bulk product, no liquid
• Suitable size of product particles
• Appropriate flow characteristics
• Free from contaminations, foreign bodies etc.
• There is no ignition capability due to friction or strokes.
• No explosive characteristics
• No change of the product characteristics due to
- any feeding operation of a screw feeder
- any operation of an agitator
• No inadmissibly high wear of the machine parts in contact with the product.
• An additional evaluation unit is required, if the weighing is employed as filling level monitoring
(“MS- …“).
• A feeding controller type Congrav® or a system with comparable functions is required for the
operation of a loss-in-weight feeder (“DDW-…”).
Sharp-edged components
The device contains components that are sharp-edged or that get sharp edges due to wear. There is a
risk of injuries (cut injuries) even if the drive motor is off. These are in particular
• the vertically rotating agitator and
• the feeding screw.
Sound level
The sound level of the device is < 70dB (acc. to DIN45635)
Before the start of any work the device has to be disconnected from the mains and
protected against unauthorised reconnection.
In case of non-respect there is a considerable danger of injuries caused by active
component groups and dangerous voltages.
Sharp-edged agitator
• The operation of a freely accessible agitator is not allowed.
• Never put hands or arms into a rotating agitator.
Product jam
Effects • Operational failures
• Damage of the device
Measures » The free product flow into the device and out of the device has to be guaranteed.
» Stop the operation of the device if connected equipment on site is troubled.
Product change
Effects • Operational failures
• Damage of the device
Measures » Operation only with approved products
» Management of product/device equipment
» Required modification has to be carried out properly
Insufficient aeration/deaeration
Effects • The product discharge (feeding) causes a negative pressure in the hopper.
• Product supply (refilling) causes an overpressure in the hopper.
• Pressure loads may cause operational failures or damage of the device.
Measures » The device must only be operated with an adequate aeration.
» Cleaning intervals of ventilation filter units have to be adjusted to the degree of
» Stop the operation of the device if connected equipment on site (e.g. vacuum
systems) is disturbed.
This chapter describes the construction and the individual component groups of the device.
Subject Page
Description of the device design 17
The modules of the device 19
The feeding device 20
The hopper 24
The weighing system 26
Technical data 28
The figure shows the structure of the DDSR40 with the following markings:
No. Meaning
1 Hopper cover a Inlet pipe b Vent pipe
2 Hopper
3 Agitator drive motor
4 Screw drive motor
5 Twin-shaft gearing
6 Base plate
7 Vibration isolation mounting pads
8 Downstream connection point
9 Flexible connection (here: step bellow)
10 Screw pipe with vertical outlet
11 Twin screw
12 Agitator (one-piece)
The figure shows the structure of the DDSR60 without hopper with the following markings:
No. Meaning
1 Agitator drive motor
2 Screw drive motor
3 Cover toothed coupling
4 Twin-shaft gearing
5 Screw pipe
6 Vertical outlet
7 Front screw bearing
8 Cover vertical outlet
9 Twin screw
10 Cleaning hole
11 Agitator (two-piece)
12 Agitator trough
No. Standard
1 Screw drive motor (three-phase current)
2 Speed monitoring (proximity switch)
3 Screw
4 Screw pipe
5 Vertical outlet
6 Agitator trough
7 Agitator
8 Agitator drive motor (three-phase current)
Speed monitoring
The speed monitoring is an inductive proximity switch that scans a pulse generator mounted on the
drive shaft. The pulses of the proximity switch are evaluated by a suitable electrical unit. The speed
monitoring has the function to monitor the specified limit values, minimum and maximum speed.
NOTICE! With an execution that is not equipped with a vertical outlet the protection has to be
achieved by the connection/installation on site (e.g. safety distance).
The gear
The drive shafts of the twin screw are driven by the drive motor via a twin-shaft gearing. The
transmission of the gear determines the working range of the device and is part of the dimensioning of
the device. The gear features lifetime lubrication and a mounting flange connects the gear to the screw
trough where the twin screw operates.
No. Description
1 Agitator shaft sealing
2 Screw shaft sealing
Hopper fastening
• The hopper is screwed to the agitator trough.
• Sealing material is employed between both components.
• The sealing is obtained by an appropriate tapering force.
Hopper lid
• Protection against foreign objects
• The refill method determines the execution
Refill method Carried out by Execution of the lid
Manual refilling operating personal • removable or foldable
Automatic refilling feeding controller • fixed mounting
• connecting branch for the product supply
• connecting branch for the ventilation
• sealing via the flexible connection to the
equipment on site
Protective grid
The hopper is equipped with a protective grid, if
• the hopper cover is not screwed tightly (e.g. loose and/or flap function) and
• the construction size of the hopper cannot prevent from reaching into rotating components.
CAUTION! The protective grid does not replace a hopper cover (= protection against foreign
» The device must only be operated with a closed hopper cover.
The illustration shows the design of a possible weighing system (here: DLS)
No. Description No. Description
1 Transport catch 4 Downstream connection point
2 Hood (protection of load cell) 5 Flexible connection (step bellow)
3 Vibration isolation mounting pads 6 Vertical outlet
A mounted transport catch B loosened transport catch*
*push the front transport catch forward, rotate the transport catch through 180°.
The type of the weighing system is determined by the load cell employed.
Type Load cell
MD x, DLS x digital load cell (x = construction size, weighing range)
MS x analogue load cell (x = construction size, weighing range)
H1_, H3_ NOTICE! Please observe the separate description of the weighing system!
Execution • Red metal elements (number/shape depend on the design of the device)
Use • Always fix or loosen all elements completely.
• Are kept within reach of the place of use of the device.
Fastening • Before the start of the
- transport of the device
- storage of the device
- maintenance/repair work
Loosening • Before the start of the feeding operation
Feeding device
Sound level: < 70dB(A)
Feeding module: Twin screw
Gear: Lifetime lubrication
Screw Agitator
Drive: Three-phase motor Three-phase motor
Drive controller: Frequency converter Optional
Speed monitoring: Pulse scanning r -
Scanning distance: d = 1 mm -
Operating range: 2% - 99% x nominal speed Nominal speed (= standard)
This chapter describes the specifications for the place of the installation of the device or the storage
after delivery.
Subject Page
The place of the installation 30
The storage 31
The device is to be transported suspended.
• Danger caused by inadmissible fixing of the carrying aid (belts etc.)
• Risk of tipping during lifting/transport
» Fix the carrying aid to the transport eyelets (if available).
» Avoid causing any damage with the carrying aids.
» Observe the centre of gravity of the assembly.
Storage conditions
Storage conditions for the storage of the device or of individual assemblies:
Storage preparations
For a delivered device:
• Put down the device at the storage place with a suitable packaging.
This chapter describes the mounting work required to make the system ready for operation.
NOTICE! The descriptions were formulated in a very general manner and only take into account the
standard assemblies of the manufacturer.
Subject Page
Mounting instructions 33
Mounting work 34
Electrical mounting 36
Connection work has to be carried out with active supply media.
• Danger caused by dangerous life voltage
• Danger caused by uncontrolled actions during the connection of the supply medium
» All connection points have to be disconnected by the corresponding supply medium.
» Supply media must only be connected after completion and checking of the work (see “commissioning“).
Interruption of assembly
In case of an assembly interruption the following measures have to be taken:
• Close opened component groups of the device.
• Protect the device against foreign bodies.
• Mark that the device is partly mounted.
• Protect the device against an unauthorised commissioning.
NOTICE! For a secure product flow in and out of the device the following dimensioning of the line
cross-sections on site is allowed:
1. Slide the step bellow (3) over the connecting branch (5).
2. Fix the step bellow by means of tightening strap (4).
3. Slide the tightening strap (2) over the step bellow.
4. Slide the step bellow over line (1).
5. Fix the step bellow by means of tightening strap (2).
Connection of aeration/deaeration
The assembly of the aeration/deaeration equipment is a function of the corresponding execution.
Please find below the activities for the standard executions:
NOTICE! For the dimensioning of the suction the following rule has to be
complied with: “Only as strong as necessary and as light as possible!”“
Working with voltages that are hazardous upon contact
• Hazard caused by open junction boxes
• Danger caused by improper execution of the work
» Employ only trained and qualified electricians.
» After the connection work or in case of any interruption of the work the junction boxes have to be
closed correctly.
Junction boxes
The connections of the electrical component groups of the device are cabled in our works with the
junction boxes of the device. The equipment of the junction boxes is a function of the electrical
execution of the device or the corresponding use:
• Connection to an external control cabinet/box
The cabling between the junction boxes and the control cabinet/box permits to connect the device
with the corresponding electrical assemblies in the control cabinet/box.
• Connection to a serial bus system
The junction boxes contain the electrical component groups for the operation of the device (feeding
controller, drive controller etc.). The connection terminals are required for the connection of the
bus system, the supply voltage etc.
Connection plans
In the following the connection plan for a simple control of a three-phase motor for a volumetric
operation (= constant default speed) will be illustrated. For other executions the connection plans are
enclosed as a separate document of the documentation provided. For instance:
• General description of connections in the technical manual of the feeding controller that is included
in the scope of supply.
• General description of connections in the technical manual of the drive controller that is included in
the scope of supply.
• Connection plans as component of the scope of supply (e.g. for a control cabinet).
Volumetric operation
In “volumetric” operation the feed drive (M) is
controlled via a frequency converter (A2) that
permits to adjust the operating speed via a
potentiometer (P1). The device will feed with this
operating speed as soon as it is enabled (switch S1).
The frequency converter is no component of the
device but is mounted in a control cabinet or similar
and connected on the device to the feed drive via
the junction box (JB2).
This chapter describes the activities required for the commissioning of the device.
NOTICE! The descriptions were formulated in a very general manner and only take into account the
standard assemblies of the manufacturer.
Subject Page
Instructions for commissioning 41
Commissioning of the device 42
Check and compare the weighing 43
(NOTICE! Does not apply for a device without weighing)
Commissioning of the feeding 45
Product with hazardous characteristics
• Hazard caused by leakages or malfunctions of the device
• Hazard caused by necessary adjustment work
» Employ a replacement product with non-hazardous, otherwise identical product characteristics.
» Take all necessary security measures, if no replacement product is available.
Interruption of commissioning
NOTICE! In case of an interruption due to corrections of the assembly
» Disconnect the device.
» Comply with the specifications for the assembly.
» After the execution start the new commissioning with step 1.
First filling of the hopper
• Leaky connections
- Contamination of the environment
- Formation of an explosive mixture (dust/air mixture)
• Malfunctions e.g. by cabling, product supply etc.
» The refill process has to be stopped immediately.
» The reason for the malfunction has to be eliminated taking into consideration the specifications.
Inadmissible operating behaviour
• Danger for the operating staff and the environment
» Immediately stop the operation of the device.
» Locate and remedy cause and repeat the test.
The discharge rate [kg/h] is computed from both values – measuring time and product quantity.
“Gauging” runs down as follows:
1. Choose a suitable collecting receptacle with a known empty weight.
2. Place the collecting receptacle under the outlet.
3. Adjust the speed (setpoint).
4. Start the feeding operation for the measuring time (e.g. 2 min.).
5. Stop the feeding operation after expiry of the measuring time.
6. Weigh the collecting receptacle and compute the product weight (weight - empty weight).
7. Calculate the feed rate [kg/h] (here: product weight x 60/2).
NOTICE! “Gauging” permits to find the feed rate for the corresponding speed. The determination of
the feed rate of different speeds results in a characteristic line (speed – feed rate) for a speed range.
Inadmissible modifications
• Danger for the operating staff and the environment
• No proper use
» Obtain the approval from the manufacturer.
» Make sure that the modification is tied to the operating conditions.
NOTICE! If the cabling that has been provided in the factory is to be changed on site, this requires an
approvement by the manufacturer (protective functions provided by the cabling!).
This chapter describes the two main operating modes and the way they run.
Subject Page
The volumetric feeding operation 50
(The feed rate will not be seized and controlled.)
The gravimetric feeding operation 51
(The feed rate will be seized and controlled.)
With volumetric product feeding the feed drive is driven with a constant default speed (fixed working
point). The feed rate will not be controlled. I.e. feed rate variations e.g. caused by a variating filling
degree of the feeding module will not be detected and corrected. The field of application of a volumetric
product feeding are feeding processes that are not affected by variations of the feed rate (e.g. refill
device for a loss-in-weight feeder (execution “DDW-“)).
No monitoring of the feed rate
• Permits a feeding operation without product. Damage of the device by radial deflections of the
screw in the screw tube.
» Refill the hopper before reaching the minimum allowed filling level.
» Increased attention during a feeding operation with a high speed.
NOTICE! This is how the manual operation by the operating personnel runs. In an automatic process the
functions of product feeding (start/stop, default feed rate) are integrated into the feeding process.
During gravimetric product feeding the feeding operation is started with a determined discharge rate
(product quantity /time unit). During feeding the feed rate will be measured and controlled via a control
circuit. The control circuit modifies the control of the feed drive and thus tries to correct variations– e.g.
due to a fluctuating filling degree of the feeding module - promptly.
Parameterisation of the feeding controller
• Malfunctions by inappropriate parameter setting
• Firm connection of the feeding controller to the device
» Be sure to observe the documentation of the feeding controller.
» Adjust the parameters according to the connected device.
This chapter describes the activities required for the care/inspection and for the maintenance/servicing
of the device.
Markings used
In the following descriptions important activities and warnings are identified by symbols
(see left) with the following meaning:
NOTICE! In the descriptions you will only find the symbols that are required for the corresponding
Residual product in/on the device (loose and adhering)
• Product contact during disassembly of the device /individual assembly groups
• Reactions during cleaning (cleaning agent, friction etc.)
» Please observe the product data sheet!
- Take suitable safety measures.
- Properly remove residual product.
- Correct disposal of residual product.
Removal of defects
Allowed possibilities for the removal of identified defects:
1. Damaged component is professionally repaired.
2. Damaged component is replaced by a new component.
NOTICE! The time specifications are average estimations based on experience and have to be
adapted to the corresponding operating conditions.
Care work
Time Activities
W Clean the filter bag/deaeration (if available)
2W Clean the device.
- Dust and loose contaminations have to be removed by means of an industrial vacuum
- Solid impurities have to be removed with a (damp) cloth.
No. Description
1 Agitator shaft sealing
2 Screw shaft sealings
Deposit Activity
None None
Product Exchange radial packing ring(s)
Oil Exchange the gear
No. Meaning
1 Screw drive motor
2 Spur gear
Speed monitoring
3 Proximity switch
4 Cover (coupling)
5 Toothed coupling
6 Twin-shaft gearing
7 Bearing cover, shaft sealings
8 Shaft sealings (screw)
9 Bearing block
10 Agitator trough
11 Twin screw
12 Sealing
13 Screw pipe
14 Sealing
15 Front screw bearing
16 Vertical outlet
17 Cover vertical outlet
18 Cleaning hole
19 Agitator
20 Agitator drive shaft
21 Shaft sealing
22 Bearing cover, shaft sealing
23 Agitator drive motor
Screw bearing
5 Labyrinth sealing 7 Bearing housing
6 Groove ball bearing
The illustration shows a possible structure of the screw bearing at the vertical outlet. If the screw is
mounted, the assembly steps are as follows:
1. Disassemble the shaft bearing at the vertical outlet.
2 Clean and check the components, exchange damaged components.
3. Slide on the screw pipe and the vertical outlet and fasten it.
4. Assemble the shaft bearing at the vertical outlet.
The figure schematically shows the disassembly of the agitator, if the cover of the cleaning access also
serves as front plate of the agitator trough. With this execution the following additional activities are
required before opening the cover:
1. If required, disassemble the hopper.
2. Disassemble the vertical outlet with the screw pipe.
3. Disassemble the screw.
4. Undo the screwings of the cover.
Mount/demount components
NOTICE! See chapter “Maintenance“ for mounting/demounting of individual component groups of
the device.
Subject Page
Specifications for cleaning 69
Cleaning methods 70
Cleaning place
The cleaning place must be suitable for
• the safe execution of the cleaning of the device.
• the correct neutralization and disposal of the resulting wastewaters.
Cleaning quality
For a consistent cleaning quality during the cleaning sequence be sure to observe the “Sinner’s circle“.
The cleaning quality is defined as the total sum from the relation of the parameters temperature, time,
chemistry and mechanics.
Dry cleaning
During dry cleaning, contaminations will be eliminated without use of a liquid cleaning agent.
• Remove loose contaminations by means of an appropriate auxiliary (e.g. industrial vacuum cleaner).
• Remove adhesive contaminations by means of a cloth.
Electrostatic charging by friction
• Damage of the device caused by electrical energy
» Employ materials that do not generate electric charging.
Immediate stop of feeding
• Effects on upstream/downstream production processes
» Take suitable measures for the complete production process.
Grinding noises
• Screw diameter too big
» Change the combination screw/screw pipe.
• Product deposits in the screw pipe
» Clean the screw pipe.
• Product jam between screw and pipe wall
» Change the combination screw/screw pipe.
• Grinding noises of the agitator
» Eliminate deposits on the agitator/agitator trough.
Screw jammed
• Foreign bodies in the product zone
» Remove foreign bodies and replace damaged components.
» Eliminate the reason for the penetration of the foreign body.
• Screw diameter too big
» Change the combination screw/screw pipe.
• Screw type not suitable
» Employ other screw type.
Disconnect the device for storage or disposal.
1. Discharge the device.
2. Disconnect the device ( (see page 12)
3. Disconnect the device from all supply media, connections, etc.
4. Disassemble the device.
This chapter describes the conditions for the storage and the disposal of the device or of its individual
Storage process
• Decommission the device correctly.
• The device has to be discharged completely and cleaned thoroughly.
NOTICE! Correct disposal of residual product (product data sheet!).
• In case of a weighed execution the transport catch has to be mounted.
• If necessary, renew/touch up the protective coating of the lacquered components.
• Disassemble the following components:
- In general all sleeves and compensators have to be disassembled and have to be stored
together with the device under appropriate storage conditions.
- Components with special storage conditions
Storage conditions
Storage conditions for the storage of the device or of individual assemblies:
Disposal process
• Decommission the device correctly.
• The device has to be discharged completely and cleaned thoroughly.
NOTICE! Correct disposal of residual product (product data sheet!).
• Disassemble the device.
• Dispose the disassembled device.
The individual components of the device have to be disposed separately:
Component Disposal
Drive, gear see manufacturer's indications
Electrical cables Cable scrap
Sleeves, compensator etc. PU, EPDM, silicone or similar
Hopper, pipes, sheets Metal scrap
Insulations according to material specifications
Boards Special waste
Accumulators, batteries Special waste
Plastic Disposal of plastics
Aeration 15, 35
Aeration, filter bag 35, 55
Agitator 8, 10, 11, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 39,
52, 56, 57, 59, 61, 64, 65, 66, 73
Agitator, trough 8, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 59, 61, 65, 73
Assembly, execution 34
Connection, step bellow 17, 26, 35
Disconnection, warning symbol 11
Drive 8, 11, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 42, 59, 61, 66
Drive shaft 21, 22, 23, 59, 61, 66
Drive shaft, agitator 23, 56
Drive shaft, screw 23, 56, 59, 62
Earthing, correct 11
Gear 22, 28, 57, 61, 78
Intended purpose 10
Load cell, free movement 43, 44
Load cell, lever factor 44
Locking chain 37
Operating personnel, protection 11
Operating personnel, qualification 11
Operation, no start 73
Product outlet opening 23
Product, appropriate 8
Product, characteristics 8, 41, 45, 74
Safety grid 24
Safety switch 15
Screw 8, 10, 11, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 34,
36, 43, 46, 50, 52, 56, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66,
73, 74
Shaft sealing 23, 52, 56, 57, 59, 61, 66
Speed monitoring 20, 21, 28, 52, 59, 61, 66, 67
Use in accordance with the intended purpose 8
Ventilation 15, 25
Ventilation, filter bag 35, 55
Ventilation, vacuum system 15
Vertical outlet 17, 18, 20, 21, 26, 34, 59, 61, 62, 63, 65