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Instruction Sheet A029M353 (Issue 1) Installation Instructions For Powercommand Controller Upgrade Kits

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Instruction Sheet

A029M353 (Issue 1) 7−2009

Installation Instructions for PowerCommand Controller

Upgrade Kits


This Instruction Sheet describes how to upgrade Part Description Qty.
the controllers in the PowerCommand 1.x, 2.x, and PCC 3300 (PowerCommand 3.x controller) 1
3.x families. PowerCommand 3.3 operator manual 1
FAE interconnect harness 6
These instructions only apply to upgrading existing AUX 103 6
controls that have been installed with all proper set- Mounting screws 10
tings for a particular genset and application. It does Multiple-source warning label 1
not include complete controller setup information
The installation procedure consists of these parts:
as it is assumed that the existing settings will be
transferred to the new controller. • Verify the compatibility of the new compo-
• Get the required tools.
New controls may come with additional customer
• Save the existing controller settings.
connections that provide additional functionality.
• Remove the existing controller.
These kits and these instructions do not provide
wiring for these customer connections. • Attach the new controller.
• Upgrade the PowerCommand operator panel
and/or bargraph (if desired).
The following parts are included in the various kits.
• Load the existing settings into the new control-
TABLE 1. CONTROLLER UPGRADE KIT: • Test the installation.
Part Description Qty. Read these instructions completely and become
PCC 2300 (PowerCommand 2.x controller) 1 familiar with safety warnings, cautions, and proce-
dures before starting the installation.
PowerCommand 2.2 operator manual 1
Mounting screws 6 WARNING Incorrect installation, service, or
parts replacement can result in severe person-
al injury, death, and/or equipment damage. Ser-
vice personnel must be trained and experi-
TABLE 2. CONTROLLER UPGRADE KIT: enced to perform electrical and mechanical
POWERCOMMAND 2.3 component installations.
Part Description Qty. CAUTION A generator set control must be
PCC 2300 (PowerCommand 2.x controller) 1 serviced only by technically qualified person-
nel. High voltages are present. These voltages
PowerCommand 2.3 operator manual 1
can cause electrical shock, resulting in person-
Mounting screws 6 al injury.

E2009 Cummins Power Generation, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 26

Even with power removed, improper handling gas given off by batteries, causing severe per-
of components can cause electrostatic dis- sonal injury. Arcing can occur when a cable is
charge and damage to circuit components. removed or re-attached, or when the negative
WARNING AC voltages and currents present
(−) battery cable is connected and a tool used to
connect or disconnect the positive (+) battery
an electrical shock hazard that can cause se-
cable touches the frame or other grounded
vere personal injury or death. Incorrect instal-
metal part of the generator set. Always remove
lation, service, or parts replacement can result
the negative (−) cable first, and reconnect it
in severe personal injury, death, and/or equip-
last. Make certain hydrogen from the battery,
ment damage. Only trained and experienced
engine fuel, and other explosive fumes are fully
personnel are to perform the following proce-
dissipated. This is especially important if the
battery has been connected to a battery char-
Turn off or remove AC power from the battery char- ger.
ger and then remove the negative (−) battery cable
from the set starting battery. This is to make sure WARNING Ignition of explosive battery gases
the set will not start while working on it and to avoid can cause severe personal injury or death. Arc-
circuit board damage, caused by voltage spikes ing at battery terminals, light switch or other
when removing and replacing circuit board con- equipment, flame, pilot lights and sparks can
nectors. ignite battery gas. Do not smoke, or switch
trouble light ON or OFF near a battery. Dis-
CAUTION If present, always disconnect a bat- charge static electricity from body before
tery charger from its AC source before discon- touching batteries by first touching a grounded
necting the battery cables. Otherwise, discon- metal surface.
necting the cables can result in voltage spikes
high enough to damage the DC control circuits VERIFY THE COMPATIBILITY OF THE
of the generator set. NEW COMPONENTS
WARNING Accidental starting of the genera- 1. Verify the new controller is compatible with the
tor set while working on it can cause severe HMI operator panel and HMI bargraph. If you
personal injury or death. Prevent accidental will upgrade the HMI operator panel or HMI
starting by disconnecting the starting battery bargraph as well, check the compatibility of the
cables (negative [−] first). controller with the new HMI operator panel or
HMI bargraph.
Make certain the battery area has been well-
ventilated before servicing the battery—Wear 2. Verify the new controller is compatible with the
goggles—Stop the generator set and discon- generator set. Contact Cummins Accessories
nect the charger before disconnecting battery for a list of generator sets and their compatible
cables. Arcing can ignite explosive hydrogen controllers.


Operator Panel Bargraph

Controller HMI HMI

x.1 x.2 x.3* x.3* 112−01 112−02 HMI 114
(kVA) (kW+PF)
PowerCommand 1.x X X X
PowerCommand 2.x X X X X
PowerCommand 3.x X X X

* − The x.3 operator panel is available without the circuit breaker buttons for the PowerCommand 2.3 and
with the circuit breaker buttons for the PowerCommand 3.3

A029M353 (Issue 1)
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GET THE REQUIRED TOOLS 3. Disconnect the battery charger (if equipped).
Remove all electrical supply sources.
Aside from basic tools needed for fasteners, In-
Power is required to transfer the settings from the 4. Disconnect the genset negative (−) battery
existing controller to the new controller. The follow- cable.
ing tools are required for InPower.
5. Disconnect all wiring connections to the con-
• Computer with an RS-232 port troller.
• RS-232 to RS-485 adapter
6. Remove the six screws that hold the controller
• InPower Software place.
• InPower Cable
7. Remove the controller.
• Latest InCal Files (found at http://www.cum-
Download the latest calibration file from the web. This procedure depends on the new controller to
For assistance, refer to the Web-InCal User Guide in which you are upgrading.
the program menu, under User Guides next to In-
Power. Attach a PowerCommand 2.x Controller

SAVE THE EXISTING CONTROLLER 1. Find the bolt pattern in the control box that
matches the new controller.
Create a capture file of the settings in the existing If the control box control box does not have a bolt
controller. This capture file will be used later to load pattern for the new controller, contact Cummins Ac-
cessories to see if there is a different kit for upgrad-
the proper settings into the new controller. ing the controller on the generator set.
1. Connect to the existing controller using In- 2. Mount the new controller using the provided
Power. If this does not automatically generate mounting screws. Use the mounting screw
a capture file, right-click on the controller in the nearest the ground wire to secure the ground
tree, and select Capture to File. After the file terminal.
is created, a message box will appear.
CAUTION To prevent damage to equipment in
2. Expand Capture Files in the tree, and find the the control box, mount the new controller so
recently generated capture file. Double-click that the heat sink fins are vertical.
the file to open it.
3. Connect all wiring harnesses to the new con-
3. Disconnect InPower from the existing control- troller the same way they were connected to
ler, and remove the physical connection. the existing controller. See Figure 1 for refer-
If you plan to upgrade other components, do not
1. Press the STOP button on the HMI operator connect the existing components at this time.
panel to make sure the control is in the Off
mode. 4. For any new customer connections that were
not available in the existing controller, see the
2. Activate the E-stop button, and wait one min- wiring diagrams at the end of this instruction
ute. sheet.

A029M353 (Issue 1)
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J22 J12 TB15
J18 J11


J18 J12 J22

TB1 J25

J17 J20


CT2 TB1 J25

TB7CT1 J12 J22 TB8

TB9 J20


TB10 TB8 TB5 TB3 TB1
A029M353 (Issue 1)
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Attach a PowerCommand 3.x Controller 8. For any new customer connections that were
not available in the existing controller, see the
1. Find the bolt pattern in the control box that wiring diagrams at the end of this instruction
matches the new controller. sheet.
If the control box does not have a bolt pattern for the
new controller, contact Cummins Accessories to UPGRADE THE POWERCOMMAND
see if there is a different kit for upgrading the con- OPERATOR PANEL AND/OR BARGRAPH
troller on the generator set.
If you plan to upgrade the PowerCommand opera-
2. Mount the new controller using the provided tor panel and/or bargraph, perform that installation
mounting screws. Use the mounting screw before continuing.
nearest the ground wire to secure the ground
CAUTION To prevent damage to equipment in
the control box, mount the new controller and This procedure depends on the existing control-
the AUX 103 so that the heat sink fins are verti- ler from which you are upgrading.
Upgrade from the PowerCommand 1.x
3. Find the bolt pattern in the control box that Controller
matches the AUX 103.
1. Reconnect the battery charger (if equipped).
4. Mount the AUX 103 using the provided mount- Reconnect all electrical supplies.
ing screws.
2. Reconnect the genset negative (−) battery
5. Attach the provided multiple-source warning cable.
label in a location easily seen when approach-
ing or opening the control box. 3. Connect to the new controller using InPower.

6. Connect all wiring harnesses except J11, J17, 4. Select Device > Initial Calibration....
and J18 to the new controller the same way
they were connected to the existing controller. Make sure you have downloaded the latest version
See Figure 1 for reference. of the firmware, as explained in Get the Required
Connect J19-14 to chassis ground.
5. Navigate through the pop-up windows until the
7. Make the connections to the new controller downloading begins. Do not select any fea-
and AUX 103 as shown in Figure 2.

6. Right-click on the new controller, and select

Compare. This should open the Compare

7. Drag the opened capture file of the existing

controller onto the right-hand (empty) column.

8. Select File > Compare.

This may take a few seconds. Then, the

compare window will show all of the parame-
ters in each controller. Red text indicates a dif-
ference between the existing controller and
the new controller. Figure 3 shows an example
FIGURE 2. AUX 103 CONNECTIONS FOR POWER- when a PowerCommand 1.1 was upgraded to
COMMAND 3.3 a PowerCommand 3.3.
A029M353 (Issue 1)
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9. Manually record the names and existing val- 13. Enter the recorded settings into the new con-
ues of paramters that are in red. Ignore the fol- troller.
lowing types of parameters:
In InPower, use Ctrl + F to activate the Find function
• Volatile values (for example, voltage read- and F3 to find the next occurrence.
14. Unless you plan to change the current trans-
• Calibration and adjust values formers as part of the upgrade, make sure the
• Controller model and serial numbers Genset CT Secondary Current is set for 5A.
• AVR gain settings Otherwise, enter the primary and secondary
current values of the new current transform-
• Values with no counterpart in the new up- ers.
10. Identify the parameters that have a unit of 15. To set the proper AVR gains for the upgrade
measure of half-cycles in the existing control- control, right-click on the new controller, and
ler and seconds in the new controller. Convert select Update Features. Then, find the feature
these paramters from half-cycles to seconds, for AVR gains for the generator set model. If
as shown in Figure 4. you still have to adjust the AVR gains, see the

If you cannot find this feature, make sure INCal is

halfcycles up-to-date. If it is, the generator set might not be ap-
seconds =
2 frequency proved for operation with the new controller. Con-
tact Cummins Accessories for assistance.
16. Right-click on the controller, and select Save
11. Close the Compare Utility window. 17. Disable setup mode.
12. Put the new controller into setup mode. The Upgrade from the PowerCommand 2.x
controller has to be in setup mode to change Controller
many settings and parameters. While the con-
troller is in setup mode, all outputs are forced 1. Reconnect the battery charger (if equipped).
off, so the genset cannot start. Reconnect all electrical supplies.
A029M353 (Issue 1)
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2. Reconnect the genset negative (−) battery 3. If fault code 2814 (Genset CT Ratio Too Small)
cable. is still active, the current transformers are im-
properly sized for the upgraded AmpSentry
3. Connect to the new controller using InPower. protection. See Troubleshooting Fault Code
2814 below.
4. Select Device > Initial Calibration....

Make sure you have downloaded the latest version 4. Test the installation by starting the genset and
of the firmware, as explained in Get the Required verifying proper operation. Make adjustments
Tools. to the speed, voltage, and frequency adjust as
5. Navigate through the pop-up windows until the
downloading begins. Do not select any fea- 5. Disconnect the computer from the control.

6. Drag the opened capture file (created in Save 6. Set the control to the desired operating mode.
the Existing Controller Settings onto the
new controller, and release it. Troubleshooting Fault Code 2814
7. Navigate through the pop-up windows until the The upper and lower limits for the primary CT ratio
operation is finished. are calculated from many pieces of information. If
fault code 2814 is active, make sure that the Gen-
8. Select Device > Save Adjustments, and click set Power Ratings, Frequency Range, Nominal
Save in the pop-up window. Frequency, Nominal Voltage Limits, and Genset
Secondary CT Current are setup correctly. One
TEST THE INSTALLATION way to do this is to use the OEM setup screens.
1. Deactivate the E-stop button.
1. In InPower, right-click on the control, and se-
2. Activate the fault reset to clear any inactive lect Genset OEM Setup ... from the pull-down
faults. menu as shown in Figure 5.


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2. In the Genset OEM Setup screen, click En- ample, voltage, frequency, etc). While the con-
able Setup mode to put the controller in setup troller is in setup mode, all outputs are forced
mode. off, so the genset cannot start.

The controller has to be in setup mode to 3. Click on the Alternator OEM (1 of 2) tab as
change many settings and parameters (for ex- shown in Figure 6.


4. Make sure that the Genset Power Ratings, K1 sets the overall AVR gain. It is a true proportion-
Frequency Range, Nominal Frequency, Nomi- al gain which is multiplied against the voltage error
nal Voltage, Nominal Voltage Limits, and Gen- signal.
set Secondary CT Current are setup correctly. • K1 should be adjusted to meet the specifica-
tion for percent off rated voltage during load
5. Check the CT Primary Upper and Lower acceptance and to prevent large voltage over-
Ranges to ensure the current transformers are shoots during offloads and genset startup.
suitable. If they are not, use these values as a • In general, K1 increases in value with increas-
guide for selecting the proper replacements. ing generator size.

6. When setup is complete, click Disable Setup K2 controls the recovery shape of voltage tran-
mode. sients during large-load acceptance and rejection.
This is a true integral gain which is multiplied
7. Return to step 4 in Test the Installation. against the sum of all previous errors.
• If K2 is too high, the voltage performance is un-
APPENDIX: GENSET TUNING stable. If K2 is too low, the voltage perfor-
mance is slow or has steady-state voltage-off-
The automatic voltage regulator (AVR) uses a four- set errors.
coefficient PID algorithm that runs five hundred • In general, K2 decreases in value with increas-
times each second. ing generator size.
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K3 affects high-frequency characteristics of the rithm. It is set for basic stability. In general, it should
AVR algorithm. It is set for basic stability. In gener- not need to be adjusted.
al, it should not need to be adjusted.
Table 5 and Table 6 provide standard values for
K4 is a calculated value. You cannot adjust it. It is K1−K4 and damping terms for Cummins Generator
set for basic stability. Technologies (CGT) alternators at 50-Hz and
60-Hz operation.
The damping term is used to calculate K4. It affects
high-frequency characteristics of the AVR algo-
Output Power < 200 kW 200 kW − 400 kW > 400 kW
Open-circuit Time Constant <=1.2 sec 1.3 sec − 2.2 sec >= 2.3 sec
K1 3.50 4.5 5.0
K2 1.00 0.80 0.50
K3 84.0 84.0 84.0
K4 12.48 (calculated) 12.48 (calculated) 12.48 (calculated)
Damping 78.0 78.0 78.0
Shunt Gain Multiplier 1.5 1.5 1.5

Output Power < 200 kW 200 kW − 400 kW > 400 kW
Open-circuit Time Constant <=1.2 sec 1.3 sec − 2.2 sec >= 2.3 sec
K1 3.50 4.5 5.0
K2 1.00 0.80 0.50
K3 86.0 86.0 86.0
K4 11.06 (calculated) 11.06 (calculated) 11.06 (calculated)
Damping 79.0 79.0 79.0
Shunt Gain Multiplier 1.5 1.5 1.5

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