Gobeyond L2 EndofYearTest TeachersGuide

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The Go Beyond Level 2 Midterm and End-of-year Tests cover vocabulary, grammar, and three
core skills (Reading, Listening, and Writing) of Go Beyond Level 2. Each test (all four sections)
can be completed in a one-hour class, according to the following suggested time guidelines.
Section Time Number of items Number of
Vocabulary and Grammar 20 30 30
Reading 10 10 10
Listening 10 5 5
Writing 15 1 5

Features of the Go Beyond Midterm and End-of-year Tests

In keeping with the approach adopted throughout Go Beyond, all the target items tested in the
Vocabulary and Grammar Tests are contextualized, making the use of language more natural
and meaningful. All texts, recordings, and questions in each Midterm and End-of-year Test are
carefully written so that students are required to use the material introduced in Units 1-5
(Midterm) and Units 6-10 (End-of-year).
The Vocabulary and Grammar Section
The Midterm Test tests vocabulary and grammar in Units 1-5. The End-of-year Test tests
vocabulary and grammar from Units 6-10. Allow students 20 minutes to complete this section.

Listening Section
The Midterm Test tests listening comprehension from topics, vocabulary, and subskills in Units
1-5. The End-of-year Test tests material from Units 6-10. Dialogs are recorded twice on each
track, so it is easy for students to listen a second time. Allow eight to 10 minutes to give this

Reading Section
The Midterm Test tests reading comprehension and subskills in Units 1-5. The End-of-year Test
tests reading comprehension and subskills from Units 6-10. Allow students 10 minutes to
complete this section.

Writing Section
The Midterm Test tests writing ability on topics and subskills in Units 1-5. The End-of-year Test
tests writing ability on topics and subskills in Units 6-10. Allow students 15 minutes to complete
this section.

General Grading Guidelines

There are a total of 50 points for the Midterm and the End-of-year Tests. To convert this score
into a percentage, use the following formula:
(student’s total score) x 2 = percentage score

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© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.

Writing Guidelines
Use the following description of performance as a guide to grading the Writing Section.
Description of Performance Points

No answer is written, or the student has not understood the question, and he or she has 0
answered a different question completely. The student has not written eight or more
sentences, and what is written is unintelligible and does not convey the intended meaning
or show any awareness of the appropriate tenses and language to be used in the response.
The student has shown a partial or rudimentary understanding of the question and has 1
made an attempt at answering it. Fewer than eight sentences, or several partial sentences,
are present, but there are serious inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the language,
specifically the grammar and vocabulary the student has used. Ideas are not linked
together in a logical and clear manner, and meaning is not conveyed in satisfactory terms
due in part to issues with sentence construction.
The question has been partially or almost fully understood. The student has written a 2
response of eight or more sentences. If there are specific points the student must cover in
his or her answer, the student may have covered some or all of the points, but only partially.
There are some issues with sentence construction and inconsistencies and inaccuracies in
the grammar (such as inappropriate tenses) and vocabulary (spelling and false cognates)
that impede meaning. The student’s response does not form a cohesive whole, and
meaning is only partially conveyed or communicated awkwardly.
The question has been almost fully understood, and the student has written around eight 3
(or more) sentences in his or her response. If there are specific points the student must
cover in his or her answer, the student has made a reasonable effort to cover each point.
The student has responded with appropriate tenses and demonstrated a fair command of
relevant grammar and vocabulary, although frequent errors are noticeable. Meaning is
conveyed reasonably clearly, and the sentences follow a logical train of thought, though
cohesive devices may not have been used.
The question is fully or almost fully answered in eight or more sentences. If there are 4
specific points the student must cover in his or her answer, the student has made a
reasonable effort to cover each point. The student has demonstrated a good command of
the appropriate language and used relevant grammar and vocabulary accurately, although
there may be occasional, noticeable errors which do not impede understanding in any way.
There is sound progression from one sentence to the next and, where relevant, cohesive
devices such as linking expressions and sequencers have been used.
The question is fully answered in eight or more sentences. If there are specific points the 5
student must cover in his or her answer, the student has covered each point fully. The
student has used accurate and appropriate grammar and vocabulary with very few, if any,
errors. There is a natural or logical progression from one sentence to the next, and meaning
is completely understood. The student shows a good command of cohesive devices, such
as linking expressions and sequencers.

This page has been downloaded from www.macmillangobeyond.com.

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.

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