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Design Compiler
Student Guide
10-I-013-SSG-002 2009.06

Synopsys Customer Education Services

700 East Middlefield Road
Mountain View, California 94043

Workshop Registration: 1-800-793-3448

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Copyright © 2009 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. This software and documentation contain confidential and
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Document Order Number: 10-I-013-SSG-002

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Student Guide

Synopsys Customer Education Services

Table of Contents

Unit i : Introduction & Overview

Introductions .................................................................................................................... i -2
Facilities ........................................................................................................................... i -3
Workshop Goal ................................................................................................................ i -4
Target Audience ............................................................................................................... i -5
Workshop Prerequisites ................................................................................................... i -6
Curriculum Flow .............................................................................................................. i -7
Agenda ............................................................................................................................. i -8
Workshop Objectives: Day 1 ........................................................................................... i -9
Icons Used in this Workshop ......................................................................................... i -10

Unit 1: DC-T Physical Elements

Unit Objectives ................................................................................................................ 1-2
Why DC-Topographical................................................................................................... 1-3
DC-Topographical ........................................................................................................... 1-4
DC-T Timing Correlation to Layout ................................................................................ 1-5
DC-T Area Correlation to Layout .................................................................................... 1-6
DC-T Power Correlation to Layout ................................................................................. 1-7
Measuring DC-T Results ................................................................................................. 1-8
Inputs and Outputs ........................................................................................................... 1-9
DC-T Physical Inputs ..................................................................................................... 1-10
Milkyway Library .......................................................................................................... 1-11
Technology File (.tf file) ................................................................................................ 1-12
TLUplus file ................................................................................................................... 1-13
Mapping File .................................................................................................................. 1-14
Floorplan ........................................................................................................................ 1-15
Checklist – Physical Files to Ask For ............................................................................ 1-16
Typical DC-T Flow: Preparing to Compile ................................................................... 1-17
Typical DC-T Flow: Post-Compile ................................................................................ 1-18
Interfacing with DC-T.................................................................................................... 1-19
Key GUI Elements: TopLevel Window ........................................................................ 1-20
Key GUI Elements: LayoutWindow .............................................................................. 1-21
DisplayingTopLevel and LayoutWindow...................................................................... 1-22
Cross-Window Probing.................................................................................................. 1-23
GUI: Displaying Reports ............................................................................................... 1-24
Summary ........................................................................................................................ 1-25
TFU ................................................................................................................................ 1-26
Additional Ways to Increase Correlation ....................................................................... 1-27
Lab 1: Examining DC-T Physical Elements .................................................................. 1-28

Synopsys 10-I-013-SLG-001 i Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop

Table of Contents

Unit 2: Setting Up and Running

Unit Objectives ................................................................................................................ 2-2
Input Files to Provide ....................................................................................................... 2-3
Creating Milkyway Design Library ................................................................................. 2-4
Add TLUplus Files .......................................................................................................... 2-5
Add Optional Floorplanning Information ........................................................................ 2-6
Create Seed Script ............................................................................................................ 2-7
Configure Your Seed Script ............................................................................................. 2-8
RMgen Files .................................................................................................................... 2-9
common_setup.tcl ........................................................................................................ 2-10
dc_setup.tcl .................................................................................................................... 2-11
./dc_scripts/dc.tcl (reading) ............................................................................................ 2-12
./dc_scripts/dc.tcl (transforming) ................................................................................... 2-13
./dc_scripts/dc.tcl (writing) ............................................................................................ 2-14
./dc_scripts/dc.tcl (reporting) ......................................................................................... 2-15
Checking Your Input to DC-T ....................................................................................... 2-16
Summary ........................................................................................................................ 2-17
Lab 2: Running DC-Topographical ............................................................................... 2-18

Unit 3: Typical Flows

Unit Objectives ................................................................................................................ 3-2
Conventions used in teaching the three flows.................................................................. 3-3
Flat Flow with Test and Power ........................................................................................ 3-4
set_ignored_layers .......................................................................................................... 3-5
extract_physical_constraints ............................................................................................ 3-6
set_power_prediction true ................................................................................................ 3-7
Test Ports in RTL and in Floorplan ................................................................................. 3-8
Reports ............................................................................................................................. 3-9
Before moving to the next flow… ................................................................................. 3-10
Test and Power Flow: If you need a .def file ................................................................. 3-11
Supported DCT Physical Constraints ............................................................................ 3-12
Defining Relative Core Shape: Aspect Ratio................................................................. 3-13
Defining Relative Core Size: Utilization ....................................................................... 3-14
Defining Exact Core Area .............................................................................................. 3-15
Defining Relative Port Sides .......................................................................................... 3-16
Defining Exact Ports, Macros, Bounds, Blockages, Wires........................................... 3-17
Before moving to the next flow… ................................................................................. 3-18
Sometimes a Hierarchical Flow is Necessary ................................................................ 3-19
Interface Logic Models (ILMs) ..................................................................................... 3-20
If Your Flow is Hierarchical .......................................................................................... 3-21
Before moving to Common Methodologies… ............................................................. 3-22
Methodologies Common to all Flows ............................................................................ 3-23
Drive Synthesis with Realistic Constraints .................................................................... 3-24

Synopsys 10-I-013-SLG-001 ii Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop

Table of Contents

DCT Automatic High Fanout Synthesis (AHFS) .......................................................... 3-25

DCT Automatic High Fanout Synthesis (AHFS) .......................................................... 3-26
Black-Box Support in DCT ........................................................................................... 3-27
Before moving to lab… ................................................................................................. 3-28
Summary ........................................................................................................................ 3-29
Lab 3: Variations: Running DC-T ................................................................................. 3-30

Unit 4: Handling Congestion

Unit Objectives ................................................................................................................ 4-2
What is congestion? ......................................................................................................... 4-3
How does DC-G calculate congestion ............................................................................. 4-4
Ensuring accurate congestion analysis............................................................................. 4-5
How do you analyze congestion? .................................................................................... 4-6
Report_congestion and worst hot spot ............................................................................. 4-7
Report_congestion and Percent GRCs ............................................................................. 4-8
Comparing Congestion Numbers ..................................................................................... 4-9
Fixing Congestion .......................................................................................................... 4-10
The GUI: Bringing up the Congestion View ................................................................. 4-11
The GUI: Using the Congestion View ........................................................................... 4-12
The GUI: Interpreting the Congestion Map ................................................................... 4-13
RTL Code Influencing Congestion ................................................................................ 4-14
Tracing from GUI back to possible RTL source ........................................................... 4-15
Recommended Congestion Fixing Flow ........................................................................ 4-16
compile_ultra -congestion ............................................................................................. 4-17
Summary ........................................................................................................................ 4-18
Lab 4: Congestion .......................................................................................................... 4-19

Unit 5: Ensuring the Integrity of Results

Review Elements, Flows, Congestion ............................................................................. 5-2
Unit Objectives ................................................................................................................ 5-3
Additional Options and Techniques................................................................................. 5-4
Name Matching: Why is it necessary?............................................................................. 5-5
Name Matching: Actions you can take ............................................................................ 5-6
Viewing a floorplan prior to compile_ultra ..................................................................... 5-7
Manually Matching DC-T and ICC Settings ................................................................... 5-8
Automatic Compare of Environment Settings ................................................................. 5-9
Consistency Checker Report: Variables ........................................................................ 5-10
Consistency Checker Report: Commands ..................................................................... 5-11
DC Graphical: Some additional power .......................................................................... 5-12
Concurrent Multi-Corner Multi-mode (MCMM) .......................................................... 5-13
Summary ........................................................................................................................ 5-14

Synopsys 10-I-013-SLG-001 iii Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop

Table of Contents

Unit CS: Customer Support

Synopsys Support Resources ........................................................................................ CS-2
SolvNet Online Support Offers..................................................................................... CS-3
SolvNet Registration is Easy ........................................................................................ CS-4
Support Center: AE-based Support ............................................................................... CS-5
Other Technical Sources ............................................................................................... CS-6
Summary: Getting Support ........................................................................................... CS-7

Synopsys 10-I-013-SLG-001 iv Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop

Design Compiler


Synopsys Customer Education Services

© 2009 Synopsys, Inc. All Rights Reserved Synopsys 10-I-013-SSG-002

Introduction & Overview i -1

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009

 Job Responsibilities
 EDA Experience
 Main Goal(s) and Expectations for this Course

i -2

EDA = Electronic Design Automation

Introduction & Overview i -2

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009

Building Hours Phones

Emergency EXIT Messages

Restrooms Smoking

Meals Recycling

Please turn off cell phones and pagers

i -3

Introduction & Overview i -3

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Workshop Goal

Use Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical

to bring physical constraints into logic
synthesis, thereby increasing correlation and
decreasing iterations with physical tools.

i -4

Introduction & Overview i -4

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Target Audience

Engineers familiar with Design Compiler

using wireload models

i -5

Introduction & Overview i -5

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Workshop Prerequisites

 You should have experience in the following areas:

 UNIX and X-Windows
 A Unix-based text editor
 Writing scripts using Tcl
 Setting up and running Design Compiler with wireload
 Analyzing Design Compiler results

i -6

Introduction & Overview i -6

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Curriculum Flow
IC Compiler 2: CTS

IC Compiler 1 IC Compiler 2: HDP

The Power
Power of Tcl
The PowerofofTcl
3 workshops Tcl
3 workshops
Design Compiler 1 atat333skill
at 3skill

Design Compiler ere

You are h

PrimeTime 2: PrimeTime 2:
PrimeTime 1 Debugging & Constraining
Debugging Constraints
Custom Clocks

Signal Integrity

DFT Compiler 1 TetraMAX 1 TetraMAX 2: DSM

i -7

The entire Synopsys Customer Education Services course offering can be found at:

Synopsys Customer Education Services offers workshops in two formats: The “classic”
workshops, delivered at one of our centers, and the virtual classes, that are offered conveniently
over the web. Both flavors are delivered live by expert Synopsys instructors.
In addition, a number of workshops are also offered as OnDemand playback training for FREE!
Visit the following link to view the available workshops:
(see under “Tool and Methodology Training”)

Introduction & Overview i -7

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009

1 DC-T Physical Elements

2 Setting up and Running

3 Typical Flows

4 Handling Congestion

5 Ensuring Integrity of Results

Synopsys 10-I-013-SIG-002 © 2009 Synopsys, Inc. All Rights Reserved i -8

Introduction & Overview i -8

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Workshop Objectives: Day 1

 Successfully load physical element files into DC-T

 Configure, generate, and adapt ‘seed’ scripts to a
 Modify scripts for common DC-T flows
 Analyze and handle congestion
 Access powerful supporting features and

i -9

Introduction & Overview i -9

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Icons Used in this Workshop

Lab Exercise ! Caution

Definition of

For Further Reference Question

“Under the Hood”

Group Exercise

i - 10

Lab Exercise: A lab is associated with this unit, module, or concept.

Recommendation: Recommendations, tips, performance boost, etc.
For Further Reference: Identifies pointer or URL to other references or resources.
Under the Hood Information: Information about the internal behavior of the tool.

Caution: Warnings of common mistakes, unexpected behavior, etc.

Definition of Acronyms: Defines the acronym used in the slides.
Question: Marks questions asked on the slide.
Group Exercise: Test for Understanding (TFU), which may require you to work in groups.

Introduction & Overview i -10

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009

1 DC-T Physical Elements

2 Setting up and Running

3 Typical Flows

4 Handling Congestion

5 Ensuring Integrity of Results

Synopsys 10-I-013-SSG-002 © 2009 Synopsys, Inc. All Rights Reserved 1- 1

DC-T Physical Elements 1-1

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Unit Objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

 Describe the problem solved by DC-T
 Describe physical elements you provide DC-T
 Describe where DC-T fits in the design flow
 Describe the internal flow through DC-T
 Navigate the DC-T GUI

1- 2

DC-T Physical Elements 1-2

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Why DC-Topographical
Problem: Too many iterations
 Net delay is major component of path delay
 Wireload-model-based net delay calculations do
HDL Coding
not correlate with post-layout net delay
 Timing violations and congestion not visible until
after layout, resulting in excessive iterations
 Time to market
Physical Design

Need: Correlation & predictability

 Identify and correct problems during logic
1- 3

DC-T Physical Elements 1-3

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Requires DC Ultra

 Uses “virtual placement” to calculate net RC

 RC calculations based on routing
 Correlated Results
Timing & Area Power Test
Design  Shared Techology
with ICC

 Reduces iterations

 Easily adaptable into

IC existing design flows


1- 4
There is no DC-Topographical License.

DC-Topographical requires licenses for:

DesignWare Foundation
(V) HDL Compiler

DC–Topographical GUI requires licenses for:

Design Vision
DC Graphical

DC-T Physical Elements 1-4

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
DC-T Timing Correlation to Layout

19% of designs have same timing as layout


Average 2.8%

80% of designs correlate to within 5% of layout

2008.09 Timing Correlation to Layout

# of Designs

1- 5

DC-T Physical Elements 1-5

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
DC-T Area Correlation to Layout

47% of designs correlate to within 5% of layout


Average 5.8%

# of Designs

1- 6

DC-T Physical Elements 1-6

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
DC-T Power Correlation to Layout

1- 7

DC-T Physical Elements 1-7

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Measuring DC-T Results
HDL Coding

Functionally  Realistic DC-T results may look

Correct? worse than wireload-based results
 But, DC-T provides physical tools
with realistic starting place, ensuring
Physical Design
 Overall TTR improves
 Meaningful QOR measurements are
Final Analysis taken after layout (ICC place_opt)
1- 8

DC-T Physical Elements 1-8

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Inputs and Outputs
 RTL design
 Although an existing gate-level netlist can
also be used, RTL enables greater
RTL Constraints optimization

 Timing and optimization constraints

 If WLM are specified, they are ignored
Design  Logical library – Liberty (.db) format
Physical Topographical
Library  Physical library – Milkyway format
Floorplan Outputs
Synthesized  Design in DDC or Milkyway format
 Will contain annotated net RC based on
Topographic technology
 Design in Verilog format (simple netlist)

1- 9

DC-T Physical Elements 1-9

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
DC-T Physical Inputs


•For the most realistic synthesis, provide physical information

•From the ASIC vendor
•Physical cell libraries
•A technology file
•Min and Max TLUplus files
•A mapping file, which maps the technology file layer
names to the TLUplus file layer names
•From your floorplanner
•A floorplan

1- 10

DC-T Physical Elements 1-10

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Milkyway Library

 Milkyway Library: A database consisting of a unix

directory structure
 2 types of Milkyway libraries:
 Reference Library: provided by your ASIC vendor
 Contains data specific to a given technology
 Is a DC-T input
 Design Library: created by you
 Contains data specific to a given design
 Contains pointers to Reference Library
 Is a DC-T database that can be handed off to ICC
1- 11

DC-T Physical Elements 1-11

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Technology File (.tf file)

Technology {
 Describes metal layer name = "cb1314 "
technology for the physical cells dielectric = 3.73e-05
unitTimeName = "ns"
timePrecision = 1000
 Number and name designations unitLengthName = "micron“
for each layer/via …
 Dielectric constant for technology Layer "METAL" {
layerNumber = 14
 Physical and electrical maskName
= "metal1"
= 0.41
characteristics of each layer/via defaultWidth = 0.16
minWidth = 0.16
 Design rules for each layer/Via …

(Minimum wire widths and wire-to-

wire spacing, etc.)
 Units and precision for electrical

1- 12

DC-T Physical Elements 1-12

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
TLUplus file

 Contain C and R look-up tables

 Model UDSM process effects
 Conformal Dielectric
 Metal Fill
 Shallow Trench Isolation
 Copper Dishing:
 Density Analysis
 Trapezoid Conductor

# TECHNOLOGY=1314max
# CONDUCTOR cm4 { THICKNESS=0.90 WMIN=0.44 SMIN=0.46 RPSQ=0.060}
# CONDUCTOR cm3 { THICKNESS=0.35 WMIN=0.20 SMIN=0.21 RPSQ=0.081}
# CONDUCTOR cm2 { THICKNESS=0.35 WMIN=0.20 SMIN=0.21 RPSQ=0.081}
# CONDUCTOR cm { THICKNESS=0.26 WMIN=0.16 SMIN=0.18 RPSQ=0.109}
# CONDUCTOR poly { THICKNESS=0.18 WMIN=0.13 SMIN=0.20 RPSQ=10.965}

1- 13

DC-T Physical Elements 1-13

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Mapping File

 The Mapping File maps the .tf (MW technology file)

layer/via names to the TLUplus layer/via names.
TLUplus file
# TLUplus File
# TECHNOLOGY=1314max
# CONDUCTOR cm4 { THICKNESS=0.90 WMIN=0.44 SMIN=0.46 RPSQ=0.060}
# CONDUCTOR cm3 { THICKNESS=0.35 WMIN=0.20 SMIN=0.21 RPSQ=0.081}
# CONDUCTOR cm2 { THICKNESS=0.35 WMIN=0.20 SMIN=0.21 RPSQ=0.081}
Tech file # CONDUCTOR cm { THICKNESS=0.26 WMIN=0.16 SMIN=0.18 RPSQ=0.109}
# CONDUCTOR poly { THICKNESS=0.18 WMIN=0.13 SMIN=0.20 RPSQ=10.965}
Technology {
name = "cb1314 " Map file
dielectric = 3.73e-05 cb13_4m.map
unitTimeName = "ns" ::::::::::::::
timePrecision = 1000 conducting_layers
unitLengthName = "micron“
… poly poly
} metal1 cm
Layer "METAL" { metal2 cm2
layerNumber = 14 metal3 cm3
maskName = "metal1" metal4 cm4
pitch = 0.41
defaultWidth = 0.16
minWidth = 0.16

1- 14

DC-T Physical Elements 1-14

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009

Floorplan elements enable more realistic synthesis


Macros such as
memory cells

Placeable core area

for standard cells

Hierarchical blocks such as ILMs or

.ddc files
1- 15

DC-T Physical Elements 1-15

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Checklist – Physical Files to Ask For
Physical shapes
– used by placer
 From the ASIC Vendor
 Physical library Layers, routing rules,
unit tile – used by
 “Associated” Files placer

 Technology File
Refines net UDSM
 TLUplus files RC calculation
 Mapping File
Maps layer
 Optional – from your floorplanner names

 Floorplan Constrains Virtual

Placing performed by

1- 16

DC-T Physical Elements 1-16

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Typical DC-T Flow: Preparing to Compile

create_mw_lib -technology $TECH_FILE \

-mw_reference_library $mw_reference_library \
open_mw_lib $mw_design_library
Identify where the four
set_tlu_plus_files -max_tluplus $TLUPLUS_MAX_FILE \
-min_tluplus $TLUPLUS_MIN_FILE \ needed and one optional
-tech2itf_map $MAP_FILE physical file types are being
set_svf ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.svf

define_design_lib WORK -path ./WORK

analyze -format vhdl ${RTL_SOURCE_FILES}
elaborate ${DESIGN_NAME}
write -hierarchy -format ddc -output ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.elab.ddc


extract_physical_constraints ${DESIGN_NAME}.def

set_fix_multiple_port_nets -all -buffer_constants


1- 17

Extract_physical_constraints -- floorplan
Set_tlu_plus_files – tluplus, mapping
create_mw_lib – tech file, physical files

DC-T Physical Elements 1-17

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Typical DC-T Flow: Post-Compile
Identify the three commands used
specifically for DC-T
change_names -rules verilog -hierarchy

write -format ddc -hierarchy -output ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.ddc

write -f verilog -hierarchy -output ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.v

write_physical_constraints -output

write_parasitics -output ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.spef

write_sdf ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.sdf
Why is write –format ddc
set write_sdc_output_lumped_net_capacitance false especially good for DC-T?
set write_sdc_output_net_resistance false
write_sdc -nosplit ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.sdc

report_qor > ${REPORTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.qor.rpt

report_timing -transition_time -nets -attributes -nosplit >

report_area -physical -nosplit > ${REPORTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.area.rpt

report_congestion > ${REPORTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.congestion.rpt


1- 18

the .ddc file contains floorplan data

Write_physical_constraints, report_area –physical, report_congestion

DC-T Physical Elements 1-18

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Interfacing with DC-T
Compared with wireload-based DC:
 Same shell as always, with a few extra commands
 Same GUI as always, but with:
 A few additional commands
 Greater information-gathering capability Requires
Design Vision
 Invoke with License
 unix> dc_shell –topographical

 dc_shell-topo> start_gui

1- 19

DC-T Physical Elements 1-19

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Key GUI Elements: TopLevel Window
Choose what part of logical To bring up To bring up
hierarchy is displayed TimingAnalysisDriver LayoutWindow


1- 20

DC-T Physical Elements 1-20

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Key GUI Elements: LayoutWindow
Requires DC-G
Zoom License

Read-only Window: For Analysis


To display

1- 21

DC-T Physical Elements 1-21

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
DisplayingTopLevel and LayoutWindow
Display both at once, or, toggle between them
with control back-tick (ctrl`)

1- 22

DC-T Physical Elements 1-22

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Cross-Window Probing

You can select a logical view Select in TimingAnalysisDriver,

display in LayoutWindow
and display a physical view
Other possibilities:
Select: Path Histogram
Display: LayoutWindow

Select: Schematic Window

Display: LayoutWindow

Select: Logical Hierarchy

Display: LayoutWindow

1- 23

DC-T Physical Elements 1-23

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
GUI: Displaying Reports
 Use the shell window, which remains open during GUI use

1- 24
What is typed in the shell is echoed in the GUI, and vice versa

DC-T Physical Elements 1-24

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009

 DC-T increases correlation with physical tools

 Uses physical information to calculate RC
 From the vendor
 Physical library
 Associated files
– Technlogy file
– TLUplus file
– Mapping file
 Optional – from your floorplanner
 Floorplan (.def file) or physical_constraints.tcl

1- 25

DC-T Physical Elements 1-25

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009

 The lab will enable you to work with the actual

 Quiz now: what are the five physical files and their

1- 26

DC-T Physical Elements 1-26

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Additional Ways to Increase Correlation

 DC-T, utilizing physical input, increases correlation

with downstream tools
 Other approaches:
 Scripting recommended by experts
 Shared setup scripts among logical and physical tools
 More information next module…

1- 27

DC-T Physical Elements 1-27

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Lab 1: Examining DC-T Physical Elements

Learning Objectives:

30 minutes  Explore the physical elements read

into DC-T
 Bring up and explore the DC-T GUI
 Explore the scripting approach for loading
physical elements into DC-T

1- 28

DC-T Physical Elements 1-28

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009

1 DC-T Physical Elements

2 Setting Up and Running

3 Typical Flows

4 Handling Congestion

5 Ensuring Integrity of Results

Synopsys 10-I-013-SSG-002 © 2009 Synopsys, Inc. All Rights Reserved 2- 1

Setting Up and Running 2-1

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Unit Objectives

After completing this unit and labs, you should be able to:
 List the physical input files you need to provide
 Describe how those files are read in
 List the actions to be taken on the design
 Configure and generate ‘seed scripts’ validated by
 Modify those ‘seed scripts’ to a particular design

2- 2

Setting Up and Running 2-2

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Input Files to Provide

 Physical files
 Physical Library
 Associated files
– Technology file
– TLUplus file
– Mapping file
 Optional: floorplan
 You read all physical files into the database for
the chip you are designing: your Milkyway
Design Library.
2- 3

Setting Up and Running 2-3

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Creating Milkyway Design Library

 Three steps
 Create it
Tech File
 Open it once
 Check it Physical

create_mw_lib -technology $TECH_FILE \

-mw_reference_library $mw_reference_library \
open_mw_lib $mw_design_library Design Lib

check_library You open

every time
Check you run DC-T Common naming
once convention is

2- 4

Setting Up and Running 2-4

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Add TLUplus Files


 Mapping file (maps TLUplus metal layers to Tech File

metal layers)

set_tlu_plus_files -max_tluplus $TLUPLUS_MAX_FILE \ files
-min_tluplus $TLUPLUS_MIN_FILE \
-tech2itf_map $MAP_FILE

2- 5

Setting Up and Running 2-5

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Add Optional Floorplanning Information

 Specify Floorplan
 DC-T extracts data from it
extract_physical_constraints ${DESIGN_NAME}.def

 Specify physical constraints with Tcl
source physical_constraints_${DESIGN_NAME}.tcl

2- 6

Setting Up and Running 2-6

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Create Seed Script
https://solvnet.synopsys.com/rmgen/ Correlation

Configure it
Or use the

2- 7

Setting Up and Running 2-7

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Configure Your Seed Script

Choose the

2- 8

Setting Up and Running 2-8

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
RMgen Files

Shared by DC-T & ICC For DC & DC-T

Specifies Milkyway Sets up Milkyway
Design Library, search Your run
Reference Libraries script
and associated files, paths, target libraries,
logical libraries, etc link_libraries, RTL
source files, etc
2- 9

Setting Up and Running 2-9

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
set DESIGN_NAME "" ;# The name of the top-level design

set DESIGN_REF_DATA_PATH "" ;# Absolute path prefix variable for library/design data.
# Use this variable to prefix the common absolute path to
# the common variables defined below.
# Absolute paths are mandatory for hierarchical RM flow.

# Library Setup Variables A list of
# For the following variables, use a blank space to separate multiple entries # Example: set
TARGET_LIBRARY_FILES "lib1.db lib2.db lib3.db"

set ADDITIONAL_SEARCH_PATH "" ;# Additional search path to be added to the default search path

set TARGET_LIBRARY_FILES "" ;# Target technology logical libraries

set ADDITIONAL_LINK_LIB_FILES "" ;# Extra link logical libraries not included in

set MIN_LIBRARY_FILES "" ;# List of max min library pairs "max1 min1 max2 min2 max3

set MW_REFERENCE_LIB_DIRS "" ;# Milkyway reference libraries (include IC Compiler ILMs here)

set MW_REFERENCE_CONTROL_FILE "" ;# Reference Control file to define the MW ref libs

set TECH_FILE "" ;# Milkyway technology file

set MAP_FILE "" ;# Mapping file for TLUplus
set TLUPLUS_MAX_FILE "" ;# Max TLUplus file
set TLUPLUS_MIN_FILE "" ;# Min TLUplus file
Often defined by
P&R Team
2- 10

Setting Up and Running 2-10

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
source -echo -verbose common_setup.tcl


You define RTL files
set mw_reference_library ${MW_REFERENCE_LIB_DIRS}
set mw_design_library ${DESIGN_NAME}_LIB

if {[shell_is_in_topographical_mode]} {

# Only create new Milkyway design library if it doesn't already exist

if {![file isdirectory $mw_design_library ]} {
create_mw_lib -technology $TECH_FILE \ Script is
-mw_reference_library $mw_reference_library \ conditional
} else {
# If Milkyway design library already exists, open it
set_mw_lib_reference $mw_design_library -mw_reference_library $mw_ref_lib

open_mw_lib $mw_design_library

set_tlu_plus_files -max_tluplus $TLUPLUS_MAX_FILE \

-min_tluplus $TLUPLUS_MIN_FILE \
-tech2itf_map $MAP_FILE
} 2- 11

Setting Up and Running 2-11

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
./dc_scripts/dc.tcl (reading)
set_svf ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.svf

define_design_lib WORK -path ./WORK Read

analyze -format vhdl ${RTL_SOURCE_FILES} design
elaborate ${DESIGN_NAME}
write -hierarchy -format ddc -output
${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.elab.ddc Extract
link data

extract_physical_constraints ${DESIGN_NAME}.def

set_ignored_layers -min_routing_layer ${MIN_ROUT_LAYER}

set_ignored_layers -max_routing_layer ${MAX_ROUT_LAYER}
Runs on what was defined
Calculate RC based on in common_setup.tcl &
actual number of dc_setup.tcl
metal layers
2- 12

Setting Up and Running 2-12

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
./dc_scripts/dc.tcl (transforming)

set_fix_multiple_port_nets -all -buffer_constants


set uniquify_naming_style "${DESIGN_NAME}_%s_%d"

uniquify -force

change_names -rules verilog -hierarchy compile_ultra

(not compile) is

Runs on what was defined

in common_setup.tcl &
2- 13

Setting Up and Running 2-13

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
./dc_scripts/dc.tcl (writing)

write -format ddc -hierarchy -output

write -f verilog -hierarchy -output

write_physical_constraints -output

write_parasitics -output

write_sdf ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.sdf

set write_sdc_output_lumped_net_capacitance false

set write_sdc_output_net_resistance false }
write_sdc -nosplit ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.sdc

Runs on what was defined

in common_setup.tcl &
2- 14

Setting Up and Running 2-14

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
./dc_scripts/dc.tcl (reporting)

report_qor > ${REPORTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.qor.rpt

report_timing -transition_time -nets -attributes -nosplit
> ${REPORTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.timing.rpt

report_area -physical -nosplit >


report_congestion >


Runs on what was defined

in common_setup.tcl &
2- 15

Setting Up and Running 2-15

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Checking Your Input to DC-T
Catches incorrect
TLUPlus files

Consistency check
between logical and
 check_tlu_plus_files physical libraries

 check_library Lists physical

constraints that
 report_physical_constraints you have read in

 compile_ultra –check_only Quick Powerful Check

 Tests that TLUPlus files exist
 Checks that key floorplan elements exist
and have a defined location
 Performs checks on hierarchical blocks

2- 16

Setting Up and Running 2-16

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009

 RMgen creates three scripts

 Common_setup.tcl – commonly populated by P&R team
 dc_setup.tcl – you populate
 ./dc_scripts/dc.tcl – runs based on setup files
 Checking your inputs
 check_tlu_plus_files – most highly-leveraged check
 check_library – consistency between logical and physical
 report_physical_constraints – textual output of floorplan
 compile_ultra –check_only – big time-saver

2- 17

Setting Up and Running 2-17

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Lab 2: Running DC-Topographical

30 minutes

Learning Objectives:
After completing this lab, you should be able to:
 Run the RMgen utility
 Adapt the seed scripts to your design
 Run Design Compiler Topographical
 Describe the benefits of using Reference
Methodology scripts
2- 18

Setting Up and Running 2-18

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009

1 DC-T Physical Elements

2 Setting Up and Running

3 Typical Flows

4 Handling Congestion

5 Ensuring Integrity of Results

Synopsys 10-I-013-SIG-002 © 2009 Synopsys, Inc. All Rights Reserved 3- 1

Typical Flows 3-1

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Unit Objectives

After completing this unit and labs, you should be

able to:
 Describe three frequently-used DC-T flows:
 Classic flat (top-down) with Power and Test with .def
 Classic flat (top-down) with Power and Test without
.def file
 Hierarchical (bottom-up) flow
 Describe the choices and list the commands
used in those flows
 Describe DC-T methodologies common to all
3- 2
Licenses required for power and test flows:
DFT Compiler
Power Compiler
BSD Compiler

Typical Flows 3-2

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Conventions used in teaching the three flows

 In the following flows, commands shown are those

exclusively for DC-T.
 Familiar DC commands from wireload-model DC are
not shown.
 Where you would provide guidance for DFT or
Power, placeholders are provided.

3- 3

Typical Flows 3-3

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Flat Flow with Test and Power
set_ignored_layers -min_routing_layer ${MIN_ROUTING_LAYER}
set_ignored_layers -max_routing_layer ${MAX_ROUTING_LAYER}
extract_physical_constraints ${DESIGN_NAME}.def Adds clock-tree estimation to
Low Power Flow: report_power
set_power_prediction true
Supply your standard Power Intent; enable power optimization: leakage and dynamic
DFT Flow:
include test ports in RTL code & physical constraints, if possible
compile_ultra –scan –gate_clock
DFT Flow: Recommended if test ports
create_port ScanPortName are not in the RTL
set_port_location -coordinate {x y} ScanPortName
Set your standard DFT constraints and specifications
insert_dft (uses placement-aware scan stitching)

compile_ultra –scan -incremental; # place new cells created by insert_dft

write_physical_constraints -output ${RSLT_DIR}/${name}.map.physical_constraints.tcl
write_parasitics -output ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.spef
report_area -physical
write_milkyway –overwrite –output ${DESIGN_NAME}_DCT
Low Power Flow:
Standard write commands, including report_power
DFT Flow:
Standard write commands

Handoff 3- 4

Typical Flows 3-4

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009

 Often, not all of the metal layers in a given process are used
 Tell DC-T to ignore the unused metal layers Ask the
 set_ignored_layers physical team
 -min_routing_layer ;# ignore all layers below this layer which layers
 -max_routing_layer ;# ignore all layers above this layer are unused
 Makes RC estimation and congestion analysis more realistic

set_ignored_layers –max_routing_layer METAL4

dc_shell-topo> report_preferred_routing_direction

Layer Name Library Design Tool understands

METAL Horizontal Not Set Horizontal
METAL2 Vertical Not Set Vertical
METAL3 Horizontal Not Set Horizontal
METAL4 Vertical Not Set Vertical
METAL5 Horizontal Not Set Horizontal
METAL6 Vertical Not Set Vertical

dc_shell-topo> report_ignored_layers
Ignored layers in congestion analysis and RC estimation: METAL5 METAL6

Min_routing_layer: METAL
Max_routing_layer: METAL4

3- 5
Ignoring metal layers can also impact QoR and Correlation.

Typical Flows 3-5

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009

 DC-T actions:
 Extracts physical constraints from .def file
 Applies to design
 Saved when .ddc is written out
 You can view constraints:
 In the GUI layout window
 With report_physical_constraints
Both report… and write…
 You can write out to a .tcl file: display only what you
read in.

You cannot pass

a .Tcl floorplan
to ICC.

3- 6

Typical Flows 3-6

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
set_power_prediction true
 Increases power correlation of report_power
command by including clock-tree power
 Specify before the last compile: compile_ultra or
compile_ultra –incremental
1. set_power_prediction true #; no power constraints
2. compile_ultra If you specify power constraints,
power prediction is automatically
3. report_power
1. set_power_prediction true To save run time:
2. insert_dft enable power
prediction only
3. compile_ultra –scan –incremental for final compile
4. report_power

Affects report_power, not the netlist

3- 7

Typical Flows 3-7

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Test Ports in RTL and in Floorplan

 Interface in RTL and Floorplan should be the same

 Preferred method:
 Include the test ports in the RTL code
 Everything downstream from RTL will have same
 Recommended alternate method: (prior to
insert_dft and compile_ultra –incremental -
 Provide interface information (new ports) with
 Provide floorplanning information (location) with

3- 8

Typical Flows 3-8

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009

write_physical_constraints -output
write_parasitics -output
${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.spef Performs virtual route
if compile_ultra
report_area -physical was done without the
report_congestion –congestion option

write_milkyway –overwrite –output ${DESIGN_NAME}_DCT

Low Power Flow:
Standard write commands
DFT Flow:
Standard write commands

3- 9

Typical Flows 3-9

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Before moving to the next flow…

 For the first flow (Flat with Test and Power):

 Name three ways to examine the objects in a floorplan
 What is the easiest way to keep the interfaces (ports) in
RTL code and floorplans aligned with each other?

3- 10

Put the complete set of ports into the RTL so that everything downstream is in agreement with it
GUI layout window, report_physical_congestion, write_physical_congestion

Typical Flows 3-10

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Test and Power Flow: If you need a .def file
Create a Netlist for Floorplanner
Specify what
set_ignored_layers -min_routing_layer ${MIN_ROUTING_LAYER} you know
set_ignored_layers -max_routing_layer ${MAX_ROUTING_LAYER}
source -echo -verbose ${DESIGN_NAME}.physical_constraints.tcl

DFT Flow:
Include your test ports in your RTL code, if possible
Save run time at this
Low Power Flow: early stage of design
set_power_prediction false
Supply your standard Power Intent; enable power optimization: leakage and dynamic

compile_ultra –scan –gate_clock

Standard netlist write for your floorplanning tool

ICC calls this Pass 1 of a 2-pass Floorplanning Flow:

Pass 1:
DC-T: using minimal physical constraints, synthesize netlist
Handoff ICC: using the netlist, create a floorplan
Pass 2:
DC-T: using the floorplan from ICC, synthesize again

3- 11

Typical Flows 3-11

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Supported DCT Physical Constraints

Core Area Ports

Relative Constraints Relative Constraint
set_aspect_ratio and set_port_side
set_utilization Exact Constraint
Exact Constraint set_port_location
set_placement_area or
Placement Blockages
Exact Constraint
Macros create_placement_blockage
Exact Constraint create_net_shape
set_cell_location create_wiring_keepout
Multi Voltage Design Placement Guidance
create_placement_area Exact Constraint
create_voltage_area create_bounds

Exact constraints have higher precedence

3- 12
List of DCT supported floorplan constraints

Typical Flows 3-12

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Defining Relative Core Shape: Aspect Ratio

 Aspect ratio is the height to width ratio of a block

 Defines the block shape
 Default aspect ratio is 1

width width


set_aspect_ratio 1 set_aspect_ratio 0.5

3- 13

Typical Flows 3-13

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Defining Relative Core Size: Utilization

 Utilization dictates how densely you want your cells

to be placed within the block
 Increasing utilization reduces the core area
 Default Utilization is 0.6

set_utilization 0.6 set_utilization 0.85

3- 14

Typical Flows 3-14

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Defining Exact Core Area

Defining a Rectangular Defining a Rectilinear

Core Area Core Area

(0,400) (600,400) (0,400) (300,400)



(0,0) (600,0) (0,0) (600,0)

set_placement_area \ set_rectilinear_outline \
-coordinate {0 0 600 0 600 200 \
-coordinate {0 0 600 400}
300 200 300 400 0 400}

3- 15

Typical Flows 3-15

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Defining Relative Port Sides

 Port side dictates along which side a port is placed

 Valid sides are left (L), right (R) top (T) or bottom (B)
 DC-T places the port at any location along the specified


set_port_side –side {R} Port_N

set_port_side –side {B} Port_M

3- 16

Typical Flows 3-16

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Defining Exact Ports, Macros, Bounds, Blockages, Wires
create_bounds \ set_cell_location \

-name my_area \ -coordinate {400 140} \

-coordinate {0 0 500 500} \ -orientation {N} –fixed RAM

create_net_shape \
-type wire \
set_port_location \
-net VSS \
-coordinate {0 40} PortA1
-layer METAL6 \
-origin {0 40} \
-coordinate {12 12 100 100} \
-length 10 \
-layer “METAL2”
-width 4
-name “my_keepout”

create_placement_blockage \

-name Blockage \
Blockage RAM
-bbox \
{50 160 300 280} (400,140)
PortA: (0, 40)
3- 17

Typical Flows 3-17

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Before moving to the next flow…

 For the 2nd flow (If you need a .def file)

1. Name three relative constraints that you might specify if
you do not yet have a .def file.
2. What exact constraints do you think you might use if
you do not yet have a .def file?

3- 18

Core placement area is a possibility; so is cell location (for a key RAM or two). 2.
Aspect ratio, utilization, port side 1.

Typical Flows 3-18

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Sometimes a Hierarchical Flow is Necessary
To partition the workload among designers
Separate synthesis runs
Sub blocks
Top Level
Types of synthesized blocks
Top Level Design



3- 19

Typical Flows 3-19

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Interface Logic Models (ILMs)







Internal logic is removed; interface timing is retained.

3- 20

Typical Flows 3-20

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
If Your Flow is Hierarchical
if { ${DDC_HIER_DESIGNS} != ""} {
At the top-level:
remove_design -hierarchy ${DDC_HIER_DESIGNS}
if { ${DC_ILM_HIER_DESIGNS} != ""} {
remove_design -hierarchy ${DC_ILM_HIER_DESIGNS}
if { ${ICC_ILM_HIER_DESIGNS} != ""} {
remove_design -hierarchy ${ICC_ILM_HIER_DESIGNS}
Can read DC-T ILMs or DC-T .ddc
foreach design ${DDC_HIER_DESIGNS} { files with read_ddc
read_ddc ${design}.mapped.ddc
foreach design ${DC_ILM_HIER_DESIGNS} {
read_ddc ${design}.mapped.ILM.ddc set mw_reference_library \

Link loads ICC ILMs from the foreach ICC_ILM_NAME ${ICC_ILM_HIER_DESIGNS} {
Milkway library. dc_setup.tcl lappend link_library ${ICC_ILM_NAME}.ILM
set_physical_hierarchy [sub_instances_of -hierarchy -of_references
Tell DC-T:
extract_physical_constraints ${DESIGN_NAME}.top_level.def Do not optimize
Do propagate the timing
compile_ultra –scan –gate_clock
Handoff 3- 21

Typical Flows 3-21

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Before moving to Common Methodologies…

1. What is the difference between loading a DC-T ILM

and an ICC ILM?
2. After reading a .ddc subblock into a top-level DC-T
run, what guidance must you provide DC-T before

3- 22

Tell DC-T not to optimize it using set_physical_hiearchy 2.

create_mw_lib must be extended to include he ICC ILM.
with create_mw_lib and then linked in with link. That is, the paths pointed to with
DC-T ILM is read in with read_ddc; ICC ILM , located in the Milkyway library, is pointed to 1.

Typical Flows 3-22

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Methodologies Common to all Flows

 Automatic High Fanout Synthesis
 Black boxes

3- 23

Typical Flows 3-23

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Drive Synthesis with Realistic Constraints

 Eliminate over-constrained margins in DC-T Synthesis

 Expected DC-T/ICC Correlation
 Timing (wns): 5%
 Area: 5% 2008.09
 Power: 10%

 Constraints evolve over the life of the design

 Update with the latest floorplan as it becomes available

3- 24

Typical Flows 3-24

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
DCT Automatic High Fanout Synthesis (AHFS)

WLM buffer tree Topographical buffer tree

Location of fanout
influences buffering

 DC-T performs layout-based Automatic

High Fanout Synthesis
 By default, nets with fanout above 100 are synthesized with
layout-based AHFS
 Except for
Recommendation: allow DC-T to perform the
default AHFS.
 DRC-disabled nets
ICC then automatically performs incremental
– Clocks
– Constants AHFS as needed during placement.

 By default, DCT synthesis will:

 Not perform AHFS on clock networks
 Automatically buffer all other high-fanout nets like Reset, enable
 Honor user constraints like dont_touch, dont_touch_network or
3- 25

Typical Flows 3-25

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
DCT Automatic High Fanout Synthesis (AHFS)

 For improved correlation to ICC, you can configure AHFS to

use the same options as ICC
 Use set_ahfs_options to fine tune AHFS options

-hf_threshold [Integer] ( default: 100)
-mf_threshold [Integer] ( default: -1)
-remove_effort [none(default)|medium|high]
-enable_port_punching[true(default) | false]
-default_reference [ buffer_lib_name]

 These settings are saved in a .ddc file

 Passed on to ICC

3- 26
By default, if buffers exist on HFNs, they will be removed only if the path is critical and new
AFHS trees will be built.
-remove_effort high removes all buffers/inverters from HF nets and builds new AHFS tree

Default_reference specifies library buffer cells preferred for AHFS optimization

Typical Flows 3-26

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Black-Box Support in DCT
 DC-T creates temporary physical library cells for:
 Missing logical library cells that are instantiated in Design
 Includes Leaf cells and Macros Typical application:
 Empty hierarchy cells or black-boxed modules memories may not be
available early on –
 Unlinked or unresolved cells use black boxes to
 Unmapped cells continue design effort.

 Warning message is issued when DCT creates physical library cells

Warning: Created physical library cell for logical library %s

 DC-T applies timing information from logical library

- Black Boxes can impact QoR and Correlation

• Should be used cautiously and only as a flow enabler
- Rerun DCT when complete Design and physical
library become available
3- 27

Typical Flows 3-27

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Before moving to lab…

1. What changes must you make to the default AHFS

and black box behavior?
2. Which of the methods is most important to revisit
as your knowledge of the design becomes more

3- 28

become available.
Black box is most important – you want to replace them with complete components when they 2.
None 1.

Typical Flows 3-28

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009

 Describe three frequently-used DC-T flows:

 Classic flat (top-down) with Power and Test with .def file
 Classic flat (top-down) with Power and Test without .def
 Hierarchical (bottom-up) flow
 Describe the choices and list the commands used
in those flows
 Describe DC-T methodologies common to all flows

3- 29

Typical Flows 3-29

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Lab 3: Variations: Running DC-T

30 minutes

During this lab, you will:

modify basic flat (top-down) Reference Methodology
scripts to provide a floorplanner an initial netlist from
which to create a floorplan
modify hierarchical Reference Methodology scripts to
run a hierarchical (bottom-up) flow in which three sub-
blocks have been previously compiled with DC-T

3- 30

Typical Flows 3-30

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009

1 DC-T Physical Elements

2 Setting Up and Running

3 Typical Flows

4 Handling Congestion

5 Ensuring Integrity of Results

Synopsys 10-I-013-SSG-002 © 2009 Synopsys, Inc. All Rights Reserved 4- 1

Handling Congestion 4-1

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Unit Objectives

After completing this unit and labs, you should be

able to:
 Ensure the most accurate congestion analysis
 Quantify congestion with a textual report
 Qualify congestion using the GUI
 Describe a recommended fixing flow

4- 2

Handling Congestion 4-2

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
What is congestion? Requires DC-G license

 Routing needs exceed

routing capacity
 Visible after global
 Visually displayed as
‘hotspots’ on layout
 Can cause design Identify congestion prior to P&R
iterations: Reduce design iterations

 Modify floorplan
 Resynthesize DC-Graphical
 Recode RTL Can optimize netlist to handle congestion

4- 3

Handling Congestion 4-3

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
How does DC-G calculate congestion

 Divides routable area into a

grid of Global Route Cells
 Based on tech file data,
calculates available routing for
each edge
 Performs global routing
Global Route Cell (GRC)
 Compares wires routed For each edge:
Required/available crossings
across each GRC edge with Hot colors indicate heavier
available routing congestion

 Flags an overflow when

actual wire crossings exceed
4- 4

Handling Congestion 4-4

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Ensuring accurate congestion analysis

Apply the most complete physical constraints

 Latest floorplanning data (.def file or .tcl file)
 Metal layer utilization
 In addition to set_ignored_layers (ignore entire Use the
layer), add info about percent of a layer that is available same
 set_congestion_options setting as

 -availability ;# what percent of this layer is

available for routing

report_congestion_options -all
4- 5

Handling Congestion 4-5

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
How do you analyze congestion?
Requires DC-G license
Quantify it with report_congestion

dc_shell-topo> report_congestion

Report : congestion
Design : ORCA_TOP

Both Dirs: Overflow = 6158 Max = 41 (1 GRCs) GRCs = 1476 (12.20%)

H routing: Overflow = 3685 Max = 33 (1 GRCs) GRCs = 826 (6.83%)
V routing: Overflow = 2473 Max = 35 (3 GRCs) GRCs = 773 (6.39%)

Overall Congestion Worst Hot Spot GRCs with violations

4- 6

Handling Congestion 4-6

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Report_congestion and worst hot spot

Most overflows How many GRCs

for a single GRC had an overflow of
this size

Both Dirs: Overflow = 6158 Max = 41 (1 GRCs) GRCs = 1476 (12.20%)

H routing: Overflow = 3685 Max = 33 (1 GRCs) GRCs = 826 (6.83%)
V routing: Overflow = 2473 Max = 35 (3 GRCs) GRCs = 773 (6.39%)

Overall Congestion Worst Hot Spot GRCs with violations

In how many directions did this

cell have overflows?
4- 7

Handling Congestion 4-7

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Report_congestion and Percent GRCs

Number of GRCs Violating GRCs as a

with any overflow percent of total GRCs

Both Dirs: Overflow = 6158 Max = 41 (1 GRCs) GRCs = 1476 (12.20%)

H routing: Overflow = 3685 Max = 33 (1 GRCs) GRCs = 826 (6.83%)
V routing: Overflow = 2473 Max = 35 (3 GRCs) GRCs = 773 (6.39%)

Overall Congestion Worst Hot Spot GRCs with violations

Why is this number less than the sum of H routing: and V routing:
a. It is a bug
b. A GRC with overflows in both directions sums to a single violating GRC

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Handling Congestion 4-8

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Comparing Congestion Numbers

Both Dirs: Overflow = 6158 Max = 41 (1 GRCs) GRCs = 1476 (12.20%)

H routing: Overflow = 3685 Max = 33 (1 GRCs) GRCs = 826 (6.83%)
V routing: Overflow = 2473 Max = 35 (3 GRCs) GRCs = 773 (6.39%)

Overall Congestion Worst Hot Spot GRCs with overflows

A revised synthesis may result in:

increased or decreased overflows
better or worse hotspots
with other
Best way to compare runs:
Average overflows per congested GRC
Both Dirs: 6158/1476 = 4.17
Horizontal: 3685/826 = 4.46
Vertical: 2473/773 = 3.20

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Handling Congestion 4-9

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Fixing Congestion

 Three ways to fix congestion

 Re-code the RTL
 Re-do the floorplan
 Use the –congestion option to compile_ultra
 How to decide on a fix
 Pinpoint the congestion areas before choosing a fix
 Use the GUI to pinpoint the congestion areas

4- 10
compile_ultra –congestion requires DC-G licensing.

Handling Congestion 4-10

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
The GUI: Bringing up the Congestion View

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Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
© 2009 Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop
4-12 Handling Congestion
Congestion map can be generated with report_congestion, or by pressing the Reload button
Objects – control what is displayed in floorplan; apply -- must be pressed after selecting objects to
view; white arrow – select mode; + and – magnifying glasses – zoom mode; layout window –
which window are we in; list cells in congested region – a way to pointpoint the exact cells in a
selected region; row of colored boxes – can check and uncheck these, displaying just the violations
you are interested in
4- 12
What is the purpose of each circled item?
button can generate a congestion map
Either report_congestion or the Reload
The GUI: Using the Congestion View
The GUI: Interpreting the Congestion Map

Congestion around macro Congestion in the placeable

edges: floorplan issue core area: RTL issue

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Handling Congestion 4-13

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
RTL Code Influencing Congestion

Concentrated areas with much data throughput

 Lookup table logic
 Coded as case statements
 Create highly-connected structures in the netlist
 Large MUX trees
 Many ways to select
 Large busses
 Cause many high-fanout nets
 Large sums of products (ROMS)

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Handling Congestion 4-14

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Tracing from GUI back to possible RTL source

1 Click

2 Select

3 Apply

4 Examine module & cell

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Handling Congestion 4-15

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Recommended Congestion Fixing Flow

Performs virtual global routing

and restructures the netlist

1. Try compile_ultra –congestion – if it fixes the

congestion, you are done.
2. If compile_ultra –congestion does not give
you the results you want, talk with your RTL coder
or floorplanner, sharing what information you have.

1. DC-T can do virtual placement, so what is the most obvious way

for a compile_ultra -congestion to address
2. Why would you not use the –congestion option by default?

4- 16

Spreading the cells out can affect QoR 2.

same effect – it spreads the cells out.
It would spread the cells out. Sometimes it duplicates and divides the logic, which has the 1.

Handling Congestion 4-16

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
compile_ultra -congestion



Grid A

compile_ultra –congestion

Grid B

Grid A

Grid C

4- 17
Congestion Optimization capability primarily helps address scenarios where the design's RTL
logic structures result in congestion. This standard cell congestion is often caused by the topology
of the netlist. Minimizing the resulting congestion for such designs often require significant netlist
topology changes that can not be performed during place and route stage. For this design,
significant slicing of the muxes is needed to make big improvements in congestion and this is best
done early in the flow .i.e. during synthesis.
The Congestion-based Optimization in Design Compiler Graphical minimizes the impact of
congestion due to design RTL choice and constraints by performing congestion-aware logic-based
netlist optimizations during synthesis with minimal impact on other QoR aspects like timing and
area. Also, there is no need to change user constraints or restrict cell selection as this feature is
tuned to work with all available target library cells and identify the optimal structure and mapping
to generate a netlist topology with reduced congestion. The Design Compiler Graphical congestion
optimization feature is enabled by the -congestion option of synthesis command compile_ultra.
The congestion optimization capability is supported in conjunction with Test and Power flows.

For example
Lookup table logic (coded as case statements) can create highly connected sub graphs in the
netlist with its many-to-many mapping topology
Large MUX structures (many ways to select, large busses) cause many high-fanout nets

Handling Congestion 4-17

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009

This module described how to:

 Ensure the most accurate congestion analysis
 Quantify congestion with a textual report
 Qualify congestion using the GUI
 Execute a recommended fixing flow

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Handling Congestion 4-18

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Lab 4: Congestion

30 minutes

After completing this lab, you should be able to:

Bring up and interpret congestion reports, both textual
and graphical
Decide whether to fix a congestion problem in the RTL
code, the floorplan, or with a compile optimized for

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Handling Congestion 4-20

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009

1 DC-T Physical Elements

2 Setting Up and Running

3 Typical Flows

4 Handling Congestion

5 Ensuring Integrity of Results

Synopsys 10-I-013-SSG-002 © 2009 Synopsys, Inc. All Rights Reserved 5- 1

Ensuring the Integrity of Results 5-1

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Review Elements, Flows, Congestion

 What are the five physical files you provide DC-T?

 What is a utility that provides you with seed scripts
optimized for flow, correlation, and predictability for
specific versions of specific products?
 What is a recommended approach to using black
boxes for missing physical designs?
 What are three ways to fix congestion – how do you
decide which approach to use?

5- 2

appropriate file: RTL or floorplan.

option can handle the congestion, you may be all set. Otherwise, you need to change the
Congestion: change RTL, change floorplan, use compile_ultra –congestion. If the congestion
Black box: replace it with the real design as soon as it becomes available
Utility: RMgen
5 files: tluplus, tech, mapping, floorplan, physical libraries

Ensuring the Integrity of Results 5-2

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Unit Objectives

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

 Use additional options and resources for
 Two as-needed situations
 Detailed logical/physical synchronization
 Synthesizing for multiple situations (scenarios)

5- 3

Ensuring the Integrity of Results 5-3

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Additional Options and Techniques

 Name matching: Post-compile floorplan objects to

pre-compile RTL objects
 Viewing a Floorplan prior to compile_ultra
 Manual Correlation Checking with ICC
 Automatic Consistency Checking
 Additional power with MCMM

5- 4

Ensuring the Integrity of Results 5-4

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Name Matching: Why is it necessary?

 Floorplan object names are based on post-compile netlist
 Affected by
 Compilation with automatic ungrouping
 Floorplan is read into DC-T and applied to pre-compile RTL
 Constraints on unrecognized objects are ignored

5- 5

Ensuring the Integrity of Results 5-5

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Name Matching: Actions you can take

1. Verify the problem (what objects are not recognized)

 extract_physical_constraints –verbose
 Examine log file for missing objects

2. Apply name matching Show current Specify needed

name characters
set_fuzzy_query_options -show
set_fuzzy_query_options -hierarchical_separators { / _ . } \
-bus_name_notations {[] __ ()} \
-class {cell pin port net}
set fuzzy_matching_enabled true
source -echo -verbose ${DESIGN_NAME}.physical_constraints.tcl
set fuzzy_matching_enabled false

Enable Disable after

constraints are read to
save run time
5- 6

Ensuring the Integrity of Results 5-6

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Viewing a floorplan prior to compile_ultra

 Is floorplan the correct one?
 Are there mistakes in the floorplan?

1. Load design and floorplan
2. View the floorplan prior to compiling: need
1. Linked design 2009.06
2. Physical constraints applied before opening layout view
3. Fix the floorplan if needed

 If you are not using 2009.06

 Solvnet script 026740: Viewing the Floorplan Layout in Design
Compiler Topographical Mode Before Running the
compile_ultra Command

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Ensuring the Integrity of Results 5-7

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Manually Matching DC-T and ICC Settings

 For optimal synthesis results, align DC-T and ICC

 Shared Commands
 Shared Variables
 Identify these features and their Effects
 Solvnet Doc ID: 024814 “Aligning Design Compiler
Topographical Mode With IC Compiler”

5- 8

Ensuring the Integrity of Results 5-8

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Automatic Compare of Environment Settings

 To improve QoR correlation DC-T <-> ICC, match

 Tool variables
 User variables
 Design settings and constraints
 Shared physical constraints
 Congestion options
 Preferred routing directions
 Use Consistency Checker script
 Solvnet Doc Id: 026366 “Consistency Checker -
Automatic Environment Setting Comparison
Between two Tools”

5- 9

Ensuring the Integrity of Results 5-9

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Consistency Checker Report: Variables

Found Found
Non Only Only
Variable Matched Matching in in
Group Values Values DCT_en ICC_en Total
HIERARCHY* 1 0 0 0 1
_Variable* 1 0 0 0 1
__err* 1 0 0 0 1
__mwui* 0 0 2 0 2
access* 0 1 0 0 1
alib* 1 0 0 0 1
allow* 1 0 0 0 1
annotation* 1 0 0 0 1
Total 396 9 328 430 1136

Text in blue is clickable for the HTML report; enabling to sort data,
expand table and get details on mismatches.

5- 10
Matched Values: matched count. How many variables are matched
Non Matching Values: variable with differences. How many variables mismatch
Found Only in DCT_en: variables found just in file 1. DCT_en are the first 6 characters of input
file 1.
Found Only in ICC_en: variables found just in file 2. ICC_en are the first 6 characters of input file

./cc_html/ index.html have the same format as this text table, but titles are clickable to sort, ‘…’ is
clickable to expand and <var_name>* is clickable for more details (full variable name and also
details on the mismatch).

Ensuring the Integrity of Results 5-10

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Consistency Checker Report: Commands

Found Found
Non Only Only
Matched Matching In In
Command Values Values DCT_en ICC_en Total
create_clock 0 1 0 0 1
current_design 1 0 0 0 1
remove_wire_load_model 0 0 1 0 1
set_cell_parent_cluster 0 0 0 7 7
set_dont_touch 27 0 0 0 27
set_dont_use 27 0 0 0 27
set_tlu_plus_files 0 0 0 1 1
set_units 1 0 0 0 1
Total 56 1 1 8 66

Text in blue is clickable for the HTML report; enabling to sort data
and get details on mismatches.

5- 11
Mateched Values: matched count. How many commands are matched
Non Matching Values: commands with differences. How many commands mismatch
Found Only in DCT_en: commands found just in file 1. DCT_en are the first 6 characters of input
file 1.
Found Only in ICC_en: commands found just in file 2. ICC_en are the first 6 characters of input
file 2.

./cc_html/ index.html have the same format as this text table, but titles are clickable to sort, ‘…’ is
clickable to expand and <command_name> is clickable for more details (list of mismatches).

Ensuring the Integrity of Results 5-11

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
DC Graphical: Some additional power

 With the DC Graphical license, you also get MCMM

(Multi-Corner Multi-Mode)
 Performs concurrent timing analysis for each scenario,
which is a mode or a corner or a combination of both,
made up of:
 SDC constraints
 Operating Condition
 Functional Modes

– Mission
– Test
– Standby
– Etc

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Ensuring the Integrity of Results 5-12

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Concurrent Multi-Corner Multi-mode (MCMM)

Corner Functional Modes

(Process, VDD, Temp) (Sleep, Test, Normal, etc.)

Corner N
Corner N

Compiler Graphical

Netlist optimized for all scenarios

Single Report for timing & power

 MCMM in DC Graphical allows

 Concurrent timing analysis tracked for each scenario
 Intelligent multi-scenario synthesis, optimization and reporting

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Ensuring the Integrity of Results 5-13

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009

 Name matching: Post-compile floorplan objects to

pre-compile RTL objects

 set fuzzy_matching_enabled
 Viewing a Floorplan prior to compile_ultra
 Available in 2009.06; for earlier versions,
use Solvnet script
 Correlation with ICC
 Solvnet checklist
 Automatic Consistency Checking
 Solvnet script
 Additional power with MCMM
5- 14

Ensuring the Integrity of Results 5-14

Design Compiler Topographical/Graphical Workshop © 2009
Customer Support

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Summary: Getting Support

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