Walking Machin Check

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The undersigned certify that they have read and hereby recommend for acceptance by
Arba Minch University a thesis entitled:Design of Modification of walking traing machine
for mechanical trial, in fulfilment of the requirements for the bachelor of science degree in
Mechanical Engineering of Arba Minch University.


Name: Dr solomon………………………

Date: ………………………


Dean of the Faculty:

Name: AtkiltMulu (M.Sc.)

Date: ………………………



We declare that this thesis is our own original work and that it has not been presented and
will not be presented to any other University for a similar or any other degree award.

1. Name: ………………………………………

2. Name: ………………………………………

3. Name: ………………………………………






TABLE OF CONTENT.............................................................................................................v

CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................1

1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................1

1.1 BACK GROUND.............................................................................................................1

1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT AND JUSTIFICATION......................................................2

1.2.1 Problem Statement....................................................................................................2

1.3 OBJECTIVE.....................................................................................................................2

1.3.1 General Objective......................................................................................................2

1.3.2 Specific Objective.....................................................................................................2

1.4 SCOPE AND LIMITATION...........................................................................................3

1.4.1 Scope of the Project...................................................................................................3

1.4.2. Limitation of the project...........................................................................................3

CHAPTER TWO........................................................................................................................4

2. LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................................................4

2.1 Ancient Origins............................................................................................................4

2.2 20th Century Developments.........................................................................................4

2.3 Life Span TR8000i Medical Treadmill........................................................................6

2.4 Anti-Gravity Treadmill................................................................................................7

2.5 MIRAGE HUMAN UNDERWATER TREADMILL.................................................8

ended 2” drain but Mirage Human Underwater Treadmill............................................9

CHAPTER THREE..................................................................................................................10

3 MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY..........................................................................10

3.1 Material Selection...........................................................................................................10

3.1.2 Engineering Materials for Components..................................................................10

3.1.3 Components and their Specific Materials...............................................................11

3.2 METHODOLOGY.........................................................................................................15

CHAPTER FOURE..................................................................................................................17

4. ANALYSIS OF WALKING TRAINING MACHINE....................................................17

4.1 DESIGN OF BELTS..................................................................................................17

4.2 V-BELT DESIGN......................................................................................................19

4.3 Design of the nut........................................................................................................21

4.4 Design of vertical column.........................................................................................23

4.5 Design of cantilever beam..........................................................................................25

4.6 Design of the bottom supporter.................................................................................28

Design of circular handle.................................................................................................31

Bearing Selection.............................................................................................................32

Design of key....................................................................................................................33




Walking machines have been attempted since the beginning of the technology of
transportation machinery with the aim to overpass the limits of wheeled systems by Looking
at legged solutions in nature. But only since the last part of the 20-th century very efficient
walking machines have been conceived, designed, and built with good performances’ that are
suitable for practical applications carrying significant payload with relevant flexibility and

The worldwide feasibility of walking machines is presented by discussing the activity at

LARM: Laboratory of Robotics and Mechanics in Cession (Italy) as concerning with low-
cost easy-operation solutions that can really make the walking machines available to non-
expert users for many applications.

All human being can have many goals and many aims .but on the way of accomplishing these
goals there is many obstacle and attacks like diseases .Thus it needs to recovers from these
diseases .The ability to walk has been started to be one of the most important goals of
rehabilitation for patients .As study shown the recovery of walking ability occurs in 95% of
patients within 11 weeks after storks.

The time and degree of recovery are related both to the degree of the initial loss of walking
disability and to severity of lower extremity paresis. Clinical walking training machine is one
of the most important training machines for some patient’s but not for all patients.

A walking training machine is a machine used to train walking for walking disabled patients
who are attacked by different diseases like nerves problem, paralyzed patients, heart
problems, lung problem patients, and etc. This training enables them to walk normally by
themselves after recovery training .The trainer can control the velocity of the machine as he
or she want and also can start and stop it at any time. Since the patients may not stand by her
or himself it needs to have a supporting elements that can be adjusting at different level or


1.2.1 Problem Statement

our country is a developing country there is a scarcity of clinical equipment One of clinical
equipment is the walking training machine .this scarcity is because of this equipment is not
manufactured in our country. There are many clinics in our country but this machine can be
found in a few clinics. And there is war in some part of our country many solder are injure
there leg, those injured have to be recover healthily so this machine is use full for this kind of

Depending on this we went to design this clinical walking training machine to asses to all
clinics in our country by doing this we went to help walking disabled patient to recover to
their normal life condition and work their best in their life. This in the other hand helps our
country to increase efficient and healthy productive (working) person which enable the
country to develop.

Even if this machine is available now a day it is so costly and rear .Because of this It is
impossible to train for a patient who have money (for only rich person ).This problem should
be avoided and simplified from our country within a short period of time. It should be
accessible to all clinics and for all patients at any time.


1.3.1 General Objective

The general objective of this project ti to design and modifying existing walking machine for
impartial leg disable person.

1.3.2 Specific Objective

Some of the specific objectives but not all to our design project are

 To collect required date from existing machine.

 To design the part drawing of each component parts.
 To select standard dimension of each part of machine.
 To select material used to design machine
 To calculate strength, bending moment, buckling, etc
 To assemble the part drawing and simulating using solid work.
 To work cost analysis of machine.


over of all we get great knowledge on how to work project and ,understand more about the
reasons of persons becoming disable and how they can solve,and return to their normal life.
This machine is useful for the person's suffer with disables and other disess like lunge ,heart
patients, that is easy design with less cost so, it can available every where, many hospitals
and clinic can have it easily a society with less economic and knowledge can use it simply
and modernize the hospitals of our country.
If the machine manufacture in mass production and make market with other African counters
help the country economic currency.


1.5.1 Scope of the Project

The scope of this project is to design and modified Of Walking Trailing Machine For People
With Leg Disability.The design includes material selection, dimensional analysis, strength
analysis,buckling analysis, component selection and solid work design only. The machine
designed have ,nut, column,speed control , belt, pulley ,v-belt,dc motor,and cost analysis with

1.6 Limitation of the project

 Limitation of computer access

 This kind of machine are not available near so that complex to design easy
 Knowledge gap especially in solid work
 Limitation of time



2.1 Treadmill Test (TMT) System

The Gemini series is a heavy-duty medical treadmill designed specifically for stress Test. It is
primarily used in Hospitals, cardiology clinics, and physician practices for monitoring the
electron cardio graphic data of patients during exercise.

Special Features:
 Dual working of Acquisition box - Stress ECG & Resting ECG.
 User friendly software with-editable protocols, online/PDF printing, RR analysis, PVC
detection, and many more options.
 Optional – Automatic NIBP measurement in AM model.
 Unlimited no of Protocols (Standard and User Defined).
 Online update allows user to download the latest software from Allergens server.
 Maintenance free 3 phase AC motor
 A stress test is a cardio logical test that measures the heart's ability to respond to external
stress in a controlled clinical environment. It typically involves walking on a treadmill
while medical devices monitor breathing, blood pressure, heart rate, and heart rhythm.
 This test helps to diagnose various heart conditions during times when it’s working its
hardest. It helps to determine doctor if your heart receives enough oxygen and proper
blood flow when it needs it most, such as when you are exercising.
And have other furthers;
Operating System Any Microsoft Windows based

Treadmill Speed 0.8 to 16 K mph (can be increased up to 20 K mph)

Treadmill Grade 0 to 22% (can be increased up to 25%)

Treadmill Walking Area 1500 mm x 500 mm

Treadmill Dimension 2000 mm x 700 mm

Treadmill Max. Load Up to 200 Kg

Treadmill Test (TMT) System

2.2 Glide Track

is the most comprehensive, versatile and affordable High Percentage Body Weight Support
Treadmill Training (Hp-Bwstt) technology for your patients and your clinic. Hp-
Bwstt alleviates harmful joint impact, allowing patients to enjoy safe, pain free exercise, long
period-fast gait training, and stellar sports performance enhancement workouts. Glide
trak therapeutic exercise can offer accelerated recovery times for Pri and Post Operative knee
and hip surgeries with impact free and pain free, full-range movement not possible with over
the ground therapy. simple design will fit over your existing treadmill in minutes, converting
It Into a High Percentage Body Unweighted Training And Therapy System That Is Great For

physical therapists have utilized body weight supported treadmill therapy for many years for
gait training to improve and accelerate neurological rehabilitation outcomes. therapeutic
successes with are well supported by numerous studies, many of which can be found at the us
national library of medicine (.gov, search ). but because of the low percentage unweighted
capabilities of standard harness based lifting systems, orthopedic and sports performance
applications have been minimal.

High Percentage Body Unweighted technology offers a tremendous new advancement in

Orthopedic injury and surgery rehabilitation, sports performance enhancement and general
aerobic conditioning by allowing more athletes and clients to train for longer periods with
fast and repetitive movement within their pain-free range of motion. Additionally, clients
recovering from neurological conditions may move beyond the limitations of their

pathological to experience more rapid movement in a corrected gait pattern with significant
functional carryover to their unaided over the ground gait.unique and comfortable pelvic
suspension system is the first of its kind. This revolutionary seating concept lifts clients by
the pelvis without placing any pressure on sensitive perinatal tissues, or relying on
constricting, uncomfortable and time-consuming harness systems used by other devices. The
desired amount of weight bearing may be achieved then, by simple strap adjustments or by
using the treadmill incline/decline feature from partial to touch down weight bearing with
100% unweighted between steps.

Glide Track

2.2 20th Century Developments

In 1911, Claude Lauraine Hagen filed a patent in the US for a ‘training-machine’ which
featured a treadmill belt. The patent was eventually granted in 1913 and is surprisingly
detailed and forward-thinking for the time. For example, Hagen had envisaged his machine as
having the ability to be folded up, allowing it to be easily transported. He accounted for users
of varying heights by including movable side rails and even made efforts to reduce the noise
the machine would make by attaching four outer posts to essentially raise the belt off the
ground – this also allowed the incline to be adjusted.

Evidence that Hagen turned this design into a working prototype is hard to come by,
however, it is a patent that is still cited to this very day in modern patents and designs for
treadmills. Throughout the 1920s and 30s, models of treadmills came to the fore that were
manually operated. They lacked a motor and required the user to manually move the wooden
slats to create momentum, vastly different from the continuous rubber belt we’re used to

The first mortised treadmill was co-invented by cardiologist Dr Robert A Bruce, dubbed The
Father of Exercise Cardiology, in 1952, and was used to diagnose heart and lung conditions
and diseases. Dr Bruce achieved this with a cardiac stress test, now known as the Bruce
Protocol. Patients were hooked up to an electrocardiograph machine (ECG) while walking
and running. Every few minutes the speed and incline would increase allowing Dr Bruce and
his research partner Wayne Quinton to see if and where heart and lung defects were taking

Prior to this test, patients would be observed via an ECG while lying down, and at rest.
Another alternative was the Master’s two-step test. Named after cardiologist Arthur M.
Master in 1935, patients would have their ECG readings taken at rest, then another after
stepping on and off a small platform. This proved unreliable as many patients found it too
difficult a task to even complete. With the accessibility of a treadmill and the ability to
accurately control speed and incline, it’s easy to see how the Bruce Protocol became the

2.3 Life Span TR8000i Medical Treadmill

The TR8000i professional treadmill pairs robust construction with specific medical fitness
capabilities to form the best health and rehabilitation treadmill available. An impressive 5
HP, permanent-magnet AC motor combines with a spacious 22” x 62” running surface and
heavy-duty frame to ensure stability and long-term dependability. Features include exclusive
Life Span technology, as well as industry leading, medically-appropriate proficiency. Reverse
belt motion, 3% decline, and full-length medical handrails guarantee perfect functionality in
medical or rehabilitative settings.

A gentle starting speed of 0.1 mph benefits those with limited mobility, while a maximum
speed of 12 mph allows for a full range of programming and diverse styles of use. Reverse
speeds of up to 3 mph aid in professional therapy and injury rehabilitation, while extended,
full-length medical handrails provide support for all users. Fully extended to the rear of the
belt, the handrails also provide support during entry and exit from the deck on rehabilitation
treadmill. Housing a widely-capable 5 HP permanent-magnet AC motor, the TR8000i

medical treadmill provides tremendous torque at low speeds for walkers, and smooth,
continuous power at high speeds for athletic training sessions. The heart of your product,

Combining a low maintenance/high mileage belt, 1,000 pound thrust incline motor and 3”
crowned rollers, the TR8000i medical treadmill easily handles hours of daily use in the most
diverse of environments. No workout is off limits with both incline and decline, speeds up to
12 mph, and all-steel construction

A functional powerhouse, the TR8000i physical therapy treadmill’s capabilities include

dynamic performance training as well as therapeutic rehabilitation. Capable of both decline
and incline, users can vary terrain from -3% to 12%, depending upon personal requirements.
The on-board Rock port Fitness Assessment guides users through sub-maximal VO2
calculation to determine total aerobic fitness in an academically sound, safe manner.

 Gentle Starting Speed of 0.1 MPH

 Reverse Speeds of Up to 3 MPH
 Full-Length Medical Handrails

A gentle starting speed of 0.1 mph benefits those with limited mobility, while a maximum
speed of 12 mph allows for a full range of programming and diverse styles of use. Reverse
speeds of up to 3 mph aid in professional therapy and injury rehabilitation, while extended,
full-length medical handrails provide support for all users. Fully extended to the rear of the
belt, the handrails also provide support during entry and exit from the deck on your
rehabilitation treadmill.

Life Span TR8000i Medical Treadmill

2.4 Anti-Gravity Treadmill

The Alter G Anti-Gravity Treadmill® is a trusted, leading-edge rehab and training equipment
using NASA Differential Air Pressure technology. It was originally created for astronauts at
the International Space Station to help enable them to exercise for hours each day to combat
the loss of bone mass and muscle in micro gravity. The Alter G enables individuals to walk or
run at a lower percentage of their body weight and perform rehabilitation with less pain. This
is great for patients looking to gain mobility, strength, natural movement and fitness, while
also minimizing stress on the body or on injury.

The Alter G Anti-Gravity Treadmill uses air pressure to help unweight the patient. Specific
shorts are worn, generally over the top of shorts or tight leggings. The patient then steps
inside the chamber of the machine, similar to a large bubble and is zipped inside. This allows
the lower body to be enclosed and supported by the air pressure. Once the machine has
calibrated to the individual, the body support percentage can be adjusted as desired. From
there, the treadmill operates like a regular treadmill with speed adjustments for walking or
running. Both the sides and back of the bubble are clear to allow the physical therapist to
observe mobility and mechanics for better treatment. The Alter G Anti-Gravity Treadmill can
be used to restore normal walking and running mechanics while also supporting the healing
tissue. It can be used to assist in recovery from fractures, stress fractures, knee or hip surgery

or replacement, as well as for weight loss. Overall, the use of this can help facilitate
rehabilitation, improve recovery times and optimize rehab.

Anti-Gravity Treadmill


HydroWorx’s patented underwater treadmill is revolutionizing physical therapy, sports

medicine and conditioning. This proprietary feature comes standard in all of our therapy
pools. The powered underwater treadmills are integrated into the pool floor and feature a
polished stainless steel frame that is professionally welded for durability and safety. Our
endless rubberized treadmill belts offer excellent traction and may be utilized with bare feet
or shoes. These aquatic treadmills smoothly accelerate from .1 up to 8.5 miles per hour and
allow the user to correctly simulate land-based walking, running or sports-specific activities
but without the body weight and joint impact an individual experiences on land. Exercises
such as walking, retro-walking, sprinting, shuffling, back-pedaling and psychometric
activities are easily performed on the large, cushioned treadmill surface. Walking, running
and exercising underwater has never been easier

Older adults with joint and muscle pain may find relief with underwater treadmill therapy.
Even though people with chronic conditions like osteoarthritis will often avoid activities such
as walking and exercise, these activities can actually make some of the pain disappear.

For those with chronic pain conditions, the natural hydro static pressure of water helps with
the healing process. Patients can bear as little as 20% of their body weight while chest-deep
in the water. Not only does the water reduce swelling and aid relaxation, but it also relaxes
joints, improves strength and boosts flexibility.

for older adults, the benefits of aquatics are innumerable. During a 12-week study of 38 OA
patients in their mid-sixties, it was found that muscle strength and flexion improved by 18
percent in the knees and by 12 percent in the hips with underwater treadmill therapy.
Abduction and abduction rose by 25 and 13 percent, respectively. In another study comprised
of 71 OA- afflicted sexagenarians over a six-week period, 72 percent experienced reduced
pain and 75 percent enjoyed reduced joint stiffness due to aquatics. After these studies, the
confidence gained from warm-water exercises led to improved on-land activity among the

ended 2” drain but Mirage Human Underwater Treadmill



3.1 Material Selection

The selection of a proper material, for engineering purposes, is one of the most difficult
problems for the designer. The best material is one which serves the desired objective at the
minimum cost. The following factors should be considered while selecting the material:

1. Availability of the materials

2. Suitability of the materials for the working conditions in service, and
3. The cost of the materials

The important properties, which determine the utility of the material, are physical, chemical
and mechanical properties. We shall now discuss the physical and mechanical properties of
the material in the following articles.

3.1.2 Engineering Materials for Components

The common engineering materials used in making machine components include;

 Gray cast iron

 Rubber belt
 AISI 1020 cold-drawn steel.
 V-belt
 Dc motor
 Mdf

Therefore, the right materials for the design of the medical treadmill parts should be selected.
Selection requires one to consider the following factors which give the best material to fit for
the design job:

A) Specific strength and mass

It is preferable to select a material of high yield stress with ability to carry load without
failure. Therefore, the material selection process should aim to maximize the quantity termed
as the specific strength.

B) Resistance to abrasive wear

Most of engineering materials in contact with one another are subjected to surface wear due
to relative motion. It is therefore desirable to select a material from the candidate materials
with low wear rate or capacity to resist abrasive wear.

C) Availability, Cost and affordability

It is also preferable to choose a material with the highest affordability rating. Relative cost of
the materials is used in finding or calculating the affordable rates. Therefore, the availability
of the material and the cost of processing the material into the finished product need to be
taken into account and considered as supporting information when making the final choice of
the material.

D) Hardness.

It is a very important property of the metals and has a wide variety of meanings. It embraces
many different properties such as resistance to wear, scratching, deformation and mach
inability etc. It also means the ability of a metal to cut another metal. The hardness is usually
expressed in numbers which are dependent on the method of making the test. The hardness of
a metal may be determined by the following tests

3.1.3 Components and their Specific Materials

The goal of material selection is to come up with an appropriate material that best meets the
design requirements. The approach is to identify the connection between functional
requirements and the material properties we want to get for the design.


A shaft is a rotating machine element which is used to transmit power from one place to
another. The power is delivered to the shaft by some tangential force and the resultant torque
(or twisting moment) set up within the shaft permits the power to be transferred to various
machines linked up to the shaft. In order to transfer the power from one shaft to another, the
various members such as pulleys, gears etc., are mounted on it. These members along with
the forces exerted upon them causes the shaft to bending. In other words, it is aid that a shaft
is used for the transmission of torque and bending moment. The various members are
mounted on the shaft by means of keys or spines. [1] Shafts are used in all kinds of

machinery and mechanical equipment .all though elementary theory for a circular shaft with
static torsion lodes in use full. Most shafts are subject to fluctuating load of combined
bending and torsion with various degree of stress. for such shafts the problem is
fundamentally one of fatigue loading. in the case of the shaft is subject to torsion and shear
and bending. Due to the basis of strength are material of the shaft is carbon steel of grade
45c8 (τ=350N/mm2)

2. Bolt and nut

The material that we select for bolt and nut are Grey cast iron. It is an ordinary commercial
iron having the following compositions: Carbon = 3 to 3.5%; Silicon = 1 to 2.75%;
Manganese = 0.40 to 1.0%; Phosphorous = 0.15 to 1%; Sulphur = 0.02to 0.15%; and the
remaining is iron. The Grey colour is due to the fact that the carbon is present in the form of
free graphite. It has a low tensile strength, high compressive strength and no ductility. It can
be easily machined. A very good property of Grey cast iron is that the free graphite in its
structure acts as a lubricant. Due to this reason, it is very suitable for those parts where
sliding action is desired. The Grey iron castings are widely used for machine tool bodies,
automotive cylinder blocks, heads, housings, flywheels, pipes and pipe fittings and
agricultural implements.

3. Bearing

The selection of a particular type of bearing metal depends upon the conditions under which
it is to be used. It involves factors relating to bearing pressures, rubbing speeds, temperatures,
lubrication, etc. A bearing material should have the following properties:

 It Should Have Good Warning Quality

 It Should Have Ability To Withdrawal Bearing Pressure

 It Should Have Ability To Operate Satisfactory With Suitable Lubrication Means At The
Maximum Rubbing Speed

 It Should Have A Sufficient Manes Point

4. Pulley

The pulleys are used to transmit power from one shaft to another by means of flat belts, v-
belts or ropes. Since the velocity ratio of is the inverse ratio of the diameters of driving and

driven pulleys. Therefore the pulley diameter should be carefully selected in order to have a
desired velocity ratio. The pulley must be in perfect alignment in order to allow the belt to
travel in a line normal to the pulley faces. The pulleys may be made of cast steel or pressed,
steel, wood, paper. The cast materials should have good friction and wear characteristics. The
pulleys made pressed steel are lighter than cast pulleys. But in many cases they have friction
and may produce excessive wear. The pulleys should not be too close together in order that
the area of contact on the smaller pulley may be as large as possible .the pulley should not be
so far apart as to cause the belt to weigh heavily on the shafts thus increasing the friction load
on the bearing.

5. Belts

Belt drives are being most widely used in industries for transmission of power from one shaft
to another over considerable distances. It is successfully competing with individual drives in
which the machine is directly couple to the shaft of his own motor. The flexibility of the belt
helps in arranging the shafts of the driving and the driven pulleys in any manner and in using
as many pulleys as possible. The materials of the belts to be used for transmission must be
strong in tension, flexible and pliable, durable, relatively light in weight, and have good
frictional surfaces. The most commonly used materials are: Leather Fabric and canvas belts
Rubber belts.

The rubber belts are made of layers of fabric impregnated with rubber composition and have
a thin layer of rubber on the faces. These belts are very flexible but are quickly destroyed if
allowed to come into contact with heat, oil or grease. One of the principle, advantage of these
belts is that they may be easily made endless .For this reason we select this type of materials
belt .then we select rubber belts.

6. v-belt

To select the type of belt for this design considering the above specification and other
characteristics of belts, we select a V-belt drive.

Center to center distance is small

The drive is positive b/c the slip b/n the belt and the pulley groove is negligible.

Since the V- belt is made of endless and there is no joint trouble, the drive is smooth.
The operation of the belt and pulley is quiet

7. Motor

AC motor works on the concept of alternating current whereas DC Motor works on the direct
current. The main source of the AC motor is current coming from the three-phase or the
single-phase supply mains. The sources of the DC motor are batteries and cells. In AC motor,
the commutation process is absent hence, there is no use of carbon brushes, whereas in a DC
motor the commutation process takes place and thus the carbon brushes are used.

Both three-phase and single-phase supply are used in an AC Motor but in DC Motor only a
single-phase supply is used .In AC motor, there are three input terminals known as RYB
(Red, Yellow, and Blue). In DC motor, there are only two terminals, these are known as
Positive and Negative.AC motors are not self-starting, and thus, it requires some external
equipment to start the motor initially. DC motors are self-starting motors.

The armature is stationary, and the magnetic field rotates in the AC motor but in DC motor
the armature rotates, and the magnetic field is stationary.AC motor is suitable for large and
industrial applications whereas DC motors are used for small and domestic applications.

The maintenance cost of the AC motor is more as compared to that of a DC Motor. By those
reasons we select Dc motor for our design.

8. Frame

Treadmill frames are usually made of either steel or aluminium, with the former being used
more. While steel is considered stronger than aluminium and can bear more weight, on the
other hand aluminium is lighter than steel and helps in easier movement of the machine.
However, on a broader perspective both frames stand on an equal pedestal. Whatever, be the
material of the frame make sure it has an anti-rust coating in order to make it last long.
Aluminium frames are mostly used in treadmills for commercial purposes, which are
obviously more expensive. then we chose AISI 1020 cold-drawn steel.

9. Column

A column is a structural member that carries an axial compressive load and that tends to fail
by elastic instability, or buckling, rather than by crushing the material. Elastic instability is
the condition of failure in which the shape of the column is insufficiently rigid to hold it
straight under load. The tendency for a column to buckle is dependent on the shape and the
dimensions of its cross section, along with its length and the manner of attachment to
adjacent members or support


While we are doing our final project (thesis) we need to referee and search difference source
of knowledge. These source may be difference web site goggle face book YouTube
difference design books, difference machinery mechanisms and etc. Not only this but also we
can get helps from our advisor Dr Solomon, and from other teacher and partners. In this
project we will also use different software for analyzing the effect of stresses on parts of the
machine during design, to draw the 2D and the 3D drawings, and also we may use matt lab to
solve a complex equations if we face some complexity in the future design process.
The methods we will employed to achieve the objectives of this thesis are the following:

Primary data collection:

 By observation machines related working mechanism with our machine

 By Interview

Secondary data collection:

 By reading related books

 Searching data From internet access
 Using different software(solid work)
 Literature survey of relevant materials to walking training machines(treadmill)
 Watch videos about working principal of treadmills

There are much software which uses to draw model of machine like
ANSYS, CATIA, SOLIDWORK and CAD. But we will select one which is
advanced on modelling. Then each part of the machine will sketch and finally
they will assemble. Each parts of the machine are subjected to many types of
loads. With those connected loads of parts the machine will request to
operate properly. But due to variable properties of the materials and
amount of load some parts can be faille. So in order to save the part from
failing the part should design properly by studying how much load is
subjected to and how much lode can carry and what type of fail could happen
on the part. As it had expressed previously, the machine is for Ethiopians or
for those which have no capacity to offer easily, the materials which are used
to manufacture should available simply and have low cost, During the
operation if any part fails it is preferred to be maintained in any workshops

which are found in small nearest towns in order to decrease maintenance
cost. So since small workshops could not have high quality material unless
cheap materials which can found easily, it was prefer the machine to be
made from low grad materials and good strengths.



The design analysis of our project which is walking training machine begins from the
identification of each part of the machine and the advantages of each part for the machine.
Also it is basic to identify the working mechanism of the machine. Depending on the
mechanistic inter connection of the parts we can analyse the effect of the load on each parts
of the machine.
The main parts of the machine are the following:
 base frame
 the columns
 motors
 running belt
 running board
 keys
 screw
 roller shaft


To design the belt first we need determine the dynamo speed and power based on the speed
variation we need from 1km/h – 15km/h,

so from this the running belt radius can be assumed as follows.

Assumption:-Determine roller drol=7.5cm

Length of running belt = 140cm

From the centre of rotation

From this we found the diameter of the belt and the speed variation we need is minimum
speed 1km/h and maximum speed 15km/h

Circumference of the belt can be calculated as follows:

2x + (½2ᴨrol + ½2ᴨrol) = 2ᴨrbelt

2x + 2ᴨrol = 2ᴨrbelt

2(132.5) + 2ᴨ(3.75cm) =2ᴨrbelt

R belt = 46cm But, 140-2r = x

140-(2*3.75) =x


So, that diameter of the running belt=92cm and

Minimum speed (v min)=1km/h=0.278m/s

Maximum speed (v max)=15km/h=4.167m/s

V=2pN1/60, for v max =4.167m/s

N1 =v*60/2ᴨ

N1 =4.167*60/2ᴨ

N1 =39.75rpm

From velocity ratio formula: N1/N2=D2/D1



Where N1=rotational speed of the running belt=39.79rpm

N2=rotational speed of the roller

D belt =diameter of running belt=92cm

d1=diameter of the roller=7.5cm and

from velocity ratio N2/N3=d3/d2

Assumption d3=40mm

d2=120mm so,



Where, N2=rotational speed (revolution) of the roller means is equal to the rotational speed

d2= diameter of the the roller

N3=rotational speed of the dynamo

d3= diameter of the dynamo shaft

From this we get the power (kw) of the dynamo


Power (p) = (2π*N3*T)/60


P=4.599kw ≈ 4.6kw≈5kw

But, T=force * radius of dynamo shaft

Torque= weight of the user*radius of dynamo shaft


T= (1500*0.04)/2 = 30Nm


The power of the dynamo we get by calculation is equal to 5KW

Speed of motor = 1464 rpm; output speed = 488 rpm

Compute the design power. , for a normal torque electric motor running 24 h daily driving a

elevator, the service factor is 1. Then the design power is 1.30(6.5hp) = 8.54hp.

Compute the nominal speed ratio:

Ratio = N1/N2= 1464/488 = 3


 Specify a trial center distance.

We can determine a nominal acceptable range for C:

D2<C< 3(D2 + D1)

Where D2=diameter of the rare shaft

D1= diameter of the of dynamo shaft

120mm < C < 3(120mm + 40mm)

120mm < C < 480mm

In the interest of conserving space, let's try C = 400mm

 Compute the required belt length

L = 2C + 1.57(D2 -D1) + (d2-d1/4c )^2

L = 2(400mm) + 1.57(120mm - 40mm) + (1200mm-40mm)^2


Select a standard belt length from Table 7-2, and compute the resulting actual center distance

In our case, the nearest standard length is 925.6mm. Then, from Equation (7^),

And c= B+√ B2 −32 ¿ ¿

2697 √ 32 −(120 −40)


 Compute the angle of wrap of the belt on the small sheave.

(D 2− D1)
θ 1=180 0 − sin−1 ❑
2∗ C

(120 − 40)
so , θ 1=1800 −2 sin− 1
2 ∗ 400

Then y1 =174.26°

Determine the correction factors from . 0 – 174.26°,

Cy = 0.94. For L = 100 in, CL = 0.96.

Compute the corrected rated power per belt and the number of belts required to carry the
design power: Determine the rated power for the 5V belt that we have selected at 1464 rpm,
the basic rated power is 3.1 hp.

Corrected power = Cy *CL*P = (0.94)(0.96)(3.1hp) = 2.7hp

Number of belts = 6.5/2.7 = 2.4 belts (Use 3 belts.)

4.3 Design of the nut


 Number of threads in engagement is found

 Height of the nut is determined

 Shear stress produced at the threads of the screw at the core diameter and at threads of
the nut at the major diameter is studied

 For safe design, these shear stresses are compared with the allowable stress

Bearing pressure is exist at surface of contact b/n two member of a machine part that are in
relative motion.


Pb = π (do 2 −dc 2)n

Pb=Bearing pressure

n=Number of threads

do= Outer diameter

dc= Core diameter

p = 2200N

Pb=2200N/π/4 [(0.036m)^2− (0.033m)^2 )]n =15.05MPA

n = 3.9

We take the number of threads n=4. The height of the nut is found from following equation:


H = 4*7mm


The nut threads are subjected to crushing and shear.To check whether crushing is expected

σ N/π
crush=2200 ¿¿

σ crusℎ=13.53 Mpa

σ crusℎ≪ σ cy( bronze −90 Mpa)

From the above result, crushing is not expected because crushing stress is much smaller than
the bronze yield stress at compression.

p pitch
τ nut
π ∗ do ∗ n∗ t
but; t=

τ nut = 2200/4) π*0.036m*4*0.003m

τ nut =12.39MPa

τ nut <<τ yield (bronze −80MPa)

From the result above, the nut threads are safe against shear stress

τ screw = 2200/ (4) π*0.033m*4*0.003m

τ screw =13.52MPa

τ screw << σ yield(bronze-240MPa)

The screws are safe against the shear produced by the axial loading

Design of the various diameters

 Inner diameter of the nut collar

P =3.14/44[(D1)-(d0^2 )] = 3.14/4[(D1^2)- (0.036^2)]

D1 =0.050m(50mm)

 Outer diameter of the nut collar (D2

p= ¿

2200N =π/4[(D2)2 − (0.050m) 2]90*106 Pa

D2 = 0.56m(56mm)

4.4 Design of vertical column

Material for support is mild steel: σ c=320 MPa

Assuming a factor of safety =3
Considering the cantilever support is subjected to a buckling or crippling load, then the width
and thickness of support may be obtained by Rankine’s formula for columns.
The support must be designed for buckling load of:
For designing purpose, we select the dimension of the
Width of 60mmX40mm
With thickness of 10mm
length of column is 2300mm

Now let us check whether the column is safe or not by using Rankine’s formula
σc × A
Wcr = L
1+ a( )

Where, Wcr =critical load

σ c =crushing stress
A=cross-sectional area

L=equivalent length of column

a = Rankine’s constant

K=least radius of gyration

Table. 2 Relation between equivalent length and actual length

l 400
 Equivalent length, L= , =282.84 mm
√2 √2

Table. 3 values of end fixity coefficient (c)

For one end fixed and another end free, C=2

Table. 4 Values of crushing stress and Rankine’s constant for various materials

 Rankine’s constant, a=
P eng
Load coming at the column, P= = 2333.3KN
Area of cross section, A=(bh)-[(b-2t) ×(h-2t)] =4bt-4t 2 =23600mm 2 since b=h
3 4
bℎ 600
Moment of inertia, I= -¿= -¿
12 12
=136,958,666.67mm 4

Radius of gyration =
√ √
136,958,666 . 67
= 240.9mm

 According to Rankine’s formula, buckling load (Wcr)

σc × A
Wcr = L
1+ a( )
320 ×23600
= 1+ 1 ( 23 00 )2 = 73600N
7500 43.5
Since the load coming to the column is much less than the crushing load the design is

4.5 Design of cantilever beam

Given parameters

Material medium carbon steel

Yield strength=310 Mpa

Ultimate Tensile strength(σ ¿ =565 Mpa
Factor of safety(f.s)=2

Modules of elasticity =200*10^3 Mpa
Passion ration=0.29

We can take the shear strength ( τult ¿=half of yield strength=0.5*310=155Mpa

τult 155 mpa

Allowable shear stress= = = 77.5Mpa
f ,s 2

σ ulti 565 mpa

And the allowable beading stress due to tensile strength is = =
f ,s 2

σ all=282.5 Mpa

Moment of at point O=weight of the hook *perpendicular distance

Weight of the hook =800N

Length of the beam=600mm


800N 600mm

Reaction of force in the cantilever beam The most suitable cross sectional area for column is
rectangular hollow section; Calculate and decide least radius of gyration/K.






The bending moment of at the point O


Moment of inertia (I) along the x axis =


Know the section modules(Z) also=

Mo 480,000 Mpa
Z= = =¿ 1699.12
σ all 282.5

2 2
b h 30 h
For rectangular section of modules (Z)= = =5 h2
6 6

Where b=30mm

2 1699.12
h= = 1699.12

h=√ 1699.12


The thickness of the beam due to shear stress(τ ¿=

Where Area is= b*h=30h


h= =0.344mm
30∗ 77.5

we can take the largest h=20mm

Moment of inertia for rectangular along X axis =

3 3
bh 30∗ 20
Ixx= ==
12 12

Ixx = 20,000mm 4

3 3
W ∗L 800 ∗ 600
Total deflection ( δ ¿= =
3 ∗ EI 3∗ 200,000 ∗20,000

δ=14 mm

M∗ y
Bending stress of the beam(σ ¿ =

480,000 ∗10
σ= = 240mpa <565mpa which is safe

4.6 Design of the bottom supporter

Given parameters of this of this part

Material medium carbon steel

Ultimate tensile strength =565Mpa

Yield strength =310Mpa

Modules of elasticity =200Gpa

Position ratio=0.29

Factor of safety (f.s)=2

σ ulti 565 mpa

And the allowable beading stress due to tensile strength is = = 2
f ,s
σ all=282.5 Mpa



AX 19OO b=?


We can find the reaction first then latter we can calculate the bending moment and the
bending stress of and the thinness of the beam also

The sum of force along the pink and along the roller is I can calculate like this

∑ Fx=0


∑ FY =0

Ay+BY-1500N_5N/mm*200MM/2=0 ……………………..(1)

To can calculate one reaction force take the moment at B(M)= +

∑ M B =¿ ¿-Ay*L+pL/ 2+W(L)*L/2=0 ………………………….(2)

Now substitute the given parameters at equine(1)



Now I can find the reaction force at B form equine(1 and 2)

∑ FY =0



By=750N W =0.31N/mm

P= 1500N

W=0.31 N/mm V+ +Mo

A 0 + MO

Ay L/2 V

Shear force of the beam ∑Fy=0


Ay -W*L/2-1500+V=0

V=1500+w*L/2-Ay at L=0



At L=455mm


At L=1900mm

V=1500+w*L/2-Ay at L=1900mm


Bending moment of the beam also

To find the shear force take the moment at point O

Now Ay=1044.5N and W=0.31N/mm

In order to determine maximum bending stress we need to maximum bending moment.

Simple supported beam with a point load the center of load a uniform load along as full span
will have maximum moment at the center


-Ay*L/2 + p*L/2+W(L/2)*(L/4)+Mo=0

Mo=Ay*(L/)-W L2 /8……………..4

Mo=Ay*(L/)-W L2 /8……………..at L=0,


Mo=Ay*(L/2)-W L2/ ¿/ 8¿ ……………..at L=950

=1044.5*950/2-(0.31* )



Mo=852,340Mpa this maximum bending moment at L=1900mm

We know the section modules (Z) along x axis also=

b 30
Z= =150bmm 4

Bending stress due to tensile stress is(σ all )=¿ M 0∨ Z ¿

¿ ¿
Z==¿ M 0∨ σ ¿ =¿ 852,340∨ 282.5 ¿

=150bmm 4=¿ 852,340∨ 282.5 ¿

b= =20mm
150∗ 282.5

Design of circular handle

A little consideration will show that a force applied at the end of handle will bend. Consider
maximum bending moment on the handle.
M= force applied × length of handle
M = 250 N × 1400mm
M =1120000 N-mm

 Let D= diameter of the handle

 Assuming that the material of circular handle 30C8carbon steel with mild steel:
σ c=320 MPa
A factor of safety 3,σ b = C = 106.6 MPa
 We know that the bending moment (M)
π 3
M= ×σ b × D

π 3
1120000 = ×106.6 × D

3 1 1200 00× 32
π × 106.6

D=16.45 mm ≈ 17 mm

Bearing Selection

Figure4. 1 Bearing
The bearings type selected is rolling contact bearing, perhaps there are other types of bearings
but rolling contact has preferable to grass mowers. Some advantages of rolling contact
bearings are;

 Ability to with stand momentary shock loads.

 Accuracy of shaft alignment.
 Low cost of maintenance, as no lubrication is required while in service.
 Small over all dimensions.
 Reliability of service.
 Easy to mount and erect.
There are also types of rolling contact bearings, we select ball bearings. There are also two
types of ball bearings, these are;

- Radial ball bearings

- Thrust ball bearings
We select radial ball bearings, because it is more advantageous to the machine than thrust
ball bearings.
- From principal dimensions for radial bearings, the selected ball bearing
dimension is: So, the bearing number selected is 208 with the given parameters,
Din = 45mm D outer = 55mm t = 10 mm

Design of key

A key is a piece of mild steel inserted between the shaft and hub or boss of the pulley to
connect these together in order to prevent relative motion between them. It is always inserted
parallel to the axis of the shaft.

Keys are used as temporary fastenings and are subjected to considerable crushing and
shearing stresses. A key way is a slot or recess in a shaft and hub of the pulley to
accommodate a key.

Types of Keys

The following types of keys are important from the subject point of view:

Sunk keys,

 Saddle keys,

 Tangent keys,

 Round keys, and

 Splines

Sunk Keys

The Sunk keys are provided half in the key way of the shaft and half in the key way of the
hub or boss of the pulley. The

sunk keys are of the following types:-

1. Rectangle key

2. Square key

3. Parallel key

Square sunk key: The only difference between a rectangular sunk key and a square sunk key
is that its width and thickness are equal, i.e.


For this design we select square sunk key

Forces acting on a Sunk Key

When a key is used in transmitting torque from a shaft to a rotor or hub, the following two
types of forces act on the key:

1. Forces (F1) due to fit of the key in its keyway, as in a tight fitting straight key or in a
tapered Key driven in place. These

forces produce compressive stresses in the key which are difficult to determine in magnitude.

2. Forces (F) due to the torque transmitted by the shaft. These forces produce shearing and
Compressive (or crushing)

stresses in the key.

The distribution of the forces along the length of the key is not uniform because the forces are
Concentrated near the

torque-input end. The non-uniformity of distribution is caused by the twisting of the shaft
within the hub.

In designing a key, forces due to fit of the key are neglected and it is assumed that the
distribution of forces along the

length of key is uniform.

The forces acting on a key for a clockwise torque being transmitted from a shaft to a hub are
shown in Fig.

Select a material of key

Steel AISI NO 1020 HR Sult = 380 Mpa

Sy = 210 Mpa

Sf = 1.65

τ = 63.9Mpa

 Considering shearing of the key the tangential shearing of force at the circumference of
the screw shaft.


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