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Quantum Mechanics I, Sheet 3, Spring 2013: I. The Gaussian Wave Packet

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Quantum Mechanics I, Sheet 3, Spring 2013

Responsible for this sheet: P. Guarato ([email protected]), office 203, Sciences I

March 12, 2013 (EP, Auditoire Stuckelberg)

Prof. D. van der Marel ([email protected])

Tutorials: P. Barmettler ([email protected]), P. Guarato ([email protected])


Consider an initial gaussian wave packet

(p − p0 )2
2 2 −1/4
ϕ(t = 0, p) = (πσ h̄ ) exp − .
2σ 2 h̄2
The equation of motion is given by the Schrödinger equation of a free particle

∂ p2
ih̄ ϕ(t, p) = ϕ(t, p) .
∂t 2m
(a) Find the Fourier transform ψ(0, x) of ϕ(0, p), at t = 0.
(b) For t = 0, show that ∆x∆p = h̄/2.
(c) Show that the spatial width of the wave packet at time t is given by

t2 σ 2 h̄2
1 1
(∆x(t)) = + .
2 σ2 m2

[Hint: to calculate some integrals in this exercise, it could sometimes be useful to try to ma-
R +∞ 2 R +∞ 2 −ax2
nipulate the standard Gaussian integral, −∞ e−ax dx =

a . For example, −∞ x e dx =

R +∞ −ax2 ∂
pπ 1

− ∂a −∞ e dx = − ∂a a = 2 a3 .]


(a) Consider the observable  of a physical quantity A, and its normalized (and orthogonal) eigen-
functions ψn (r) associated to the eigenvalues an (n = 1, 2). Calculate the variance (∆A)2 =
hA2 i−hAi2 when the wave function of the system is: (i) ψ1 (r) (ii) ψ(r) = c1 ψ1 (r)+c2 eiφ ψ2 (r) ,
where c1 , c2 and φ are real constants, and ψ(r) is normalized. [Hint: two eigenfunctions ψn (r)
and ψm (r) are orthogonal when ψn∗ (r)ψm (r)d3 r = δn,m .]

(b) Consider a particle in a one-dimensional system. At the time t = 0, the state of the system
is described by the wave function ψ(x, 0), and one measures the position x of the particle
immediately after t = 0. This process is repeated 10 times, and one finds the following results
(in nm) : 550, 478, 539, 498, 541, 497, 455, 496, 500, 479.

(i) Calculate the expectation value hxi and the variance (∆x)2 of the position. Since the
probability law |ψ(x, 0)|2 is unknown, we will use the following formulas:
1 X 1 X
hxi = xi , (∆x)2 = (xi − hxi)2 (1)
N N −1
i=1 i=1

(ii) One repeats the experiment, but immediately after every measurement of the position,
one performs a new measurement of the position. What are the results for the expectation
value and the variance after this series of measurements?


A particle of mass m moves in one dimension under the influence of a potential V (x). Suppose it
2 x2 /2
is in an energy eigenstate ψ(x) = (γ 2 /π)1/4 e−γ with energy E = h̄2 γ 2 /(2m).
(a) Find the mean position of the particle, hxi.
(b) Find the mean momentum of the particle, hpi.
(c) Find V(x) by using the time-independent Schroedinger equation.


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