EDUC 122 - Lesson 1 To 5
EDUC 122 - Lesson 1 To 5
EDUC 122 - Lesson 1 To 5
Determine your dominant educational philophy/ies by answering a short survey. Read each
statement thoroughly. Rate yourself 4 if you strongly agree with the statement, 3 if you only
agree about it, 2 if you disagree about the statement, and 1 if you strongly disagree with its idea.
Please check the box that corresponds to the number of your rating per statement.
1. There is no substitute for concrete experience in learning.
2. The focus of education should be the ideas that are as relevant
today as when they are first conceived.
3. Teachers must not force their students to learn the subject matter
if it does not interest them.
4. Schools must develop the student’s capacity to reason by stressing
on the humanities.
5. In the classroom, students must be encouraged to interact with one
another to develop social virtues such as cooperation and respect.
6. Students should read and analyze the Great Books, and the
creative works of history’s finest thinkers and writers.
7. Teachers must help students expand their knowledge by helping
them apply their previous experiences in solving new problems.
8. Our course of study should be general, not specialized; liberal, not
vocational; and humanistic; not technical.
9. There is no universal, inborn human nature. We are born, exist,
and then freely determine our essence.
10. Human beings are shaped by their environment.
11. Schools should stress on the teaching of basic skills.
2. Based on the result, what is/are the educational philosophy/ies that you often adhere to?
Development of 4Rs
Essentialism Teachers (reading, writing, Emphasize
teach to arithmetic, and right mastery of
Focus: “transmit conduct) subject matter
Mastery of traditional Act as a role
academic values and Traditional disciplines model at all
content. knowledge such as math, natural times
for students sciences, history, foreign Be an intelligent
Frequent to become language, and literature. and morally
memorization model upright
and discipline. citizens.” professional
Teachers and
Also, they administrators decide
Use of lecture
teach for what is most important
and drill
method / students to for students to learn
master the
skills, and
Progressivism Teachers teach Skills to cope Teaching
learners to live with change, scientific method
Focus: life to the full attain progress, in solving
• Need-based NOW and and survive the problems related
and relevant not to prepare for demands of to learning and
curriculum to adult life. living. life.
Moreover, Ability for Adoption of
• Hands-on they teach problem solving, thought
mind-on students to scientific method, provoking games
hearts-on become and critical and puzzles
teaching enlightened thinking.
method and Application of
intelligent New scientific, experiential
democratic technological, learning by John
citizens and social Dewey
Direction: Complete the matrix below with the needed details. In just three statements,
summarize the highlights of each educational philosophy based on what you have learned. No
plagiarism please.
1. Constructivism
2. Essentialism
3. Behaviorism
4. Linguistic
5. Existentialism
6. Progressivism
7. Perrenialism
Direction: Fill out the table below with answers based on your actual observation or experience.
2. Behaviorism
3. Progressivism
4. Linguistic
5. Constructivism
6. Perrenialism
7. Essentialism
Formulate your own philosophy of education showing your beliefs about a learner, your profession
as a teacher, and your role in the society. Kindly use the following page.
Read carefully the sample philosophy of education written by a grade school teacher. Observe
the components and highlights of this academic work.
I believe that there are unchanging values in changing times, and these must be passed on to
every child with my modeling, values inculcation, and values integration in my lessons.
I believe that my task as a teacher is to facilitate the development of every child to the
optimum level by:
• reaching out to all children without bias and prejudice towards the “least” of the
• making every child feel good and confident about himself/herself through
experiences of success in the classroom.
• helping every child master the basic skills of reading, written and oral
communication, arithmetic, and computer skills.
• teaching my subject matter with mastery so that every child will use his/her basic
skills to continue acquiring knowledge, skills, and values for him/her to go beyond
basic literacy and numeracy.
• inculcating or integrating the unchanging values of respect, honesty, love and care
for others regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, appearance, and economic status
in my lessons.
• consistently practicing these values to serve as role model for every child
• strengthening the value formation of every child through “hands-on-minds-onhearts-
on” experiences inside and outside the classroom.
• providing every child activities meant to develop the body, mind, and spirit.
Direction: Analyze the sample philosophy of education and answer the following questions:
1. Which philosophies studied in Lesson 1 are present in the given philosophy above?
2. Do her concepts of the learner and educated person match with how she will go about her
task of facilitating every child’s full development?
Direction: Ask at least two in-service (already employed) teachers via online or offline about
their beliefs on how to properly teach a learner, what values must a learner possess, and what
teaching methods work well for them. Compare and contrast their philosophy using the diagram.
Keep your answers concise.
Teacher A Teacher B
Recall at least three teachers you encountered in your whole life that you consider as role models
in terms of character and competence. Describe how their behaviors have inspired you.
Teacher A Teacher B Teacher C
Direction: Based on the narrative you have written about these teachers, please answer the
following questions.
1. What qualities do you admire and would like to adopt from Teacher A?
2. What qualities do you admire and would like to adopt from Teacher B?
3. What qualities do you admire and would like to adopt from Teacher C?
Direction: Fill out the cluster map below with the important concepts you have learned about
our lesson. Feel free to associate these concepts to any words, ideas, or notions that relate to it.
Direction: Discuss your own viewpoint on how to apply the moral principle in your life as a future
“Do good and avoid evil” is the foundational moral principle. Discuss at least five good things
that you have to do as a teacher and five evil things you have to avoid doing.
Write a short-response essay to the following question. Answer in five sentences only.
Which Filipino traits pose obstacles to your values formation? In what way do they hinder
your character development?
Direction: After assessing your unique traits a while ago, kindly answer the following questions:
1.Are you content with your present personality as a person? Why or why not?
2.Do you welcome the idea of becoming a role to others? In what way?
Direction: Think of three values that you think you still need to clarify for your future career.
Draw a simple poster or cartoon on how you view the teaching profession nowadays.
Direction: After your drawing session, kindly clarify if the ideas or symbols used in the poster
clarify if you value the teaching profession. Write in five sentences only.
Direction: Write a short reaction about the following passage. Clarify in your writing if you value
teaching or not based on your reflection.
Lifted from the speech delivered by Dr. Josette T. Biyo, the first Asian to win the Intel
Excellence in Teaching Award in an international competition.
“Teaching may not be a lucrative position. It cannot guarantee financial security. It even
means investing your personal time, energy, and resources. Sometimes it means
disappointments, heartaches, and pains. But touching the hearts of people and opening the
minds of children can give you joy and contentment which money could not buy. These are
the moments I teach for. These are the moments I live for.”
Direction: Explain in concise statements your views on teaching as a vocation, mission, and profession.
Teaching as a VOCATION
Teaching as a MISSION
Teaching as a PROFESSION