Model Validation Article
Model Validation Article
Model Validation Article
Zeliade Systems SAS Zeliade Systems
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Conclusion 11
In July of 2009, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision issued a directive [21]
requiring that financial institutions quantify model risk. The Committee further stated
that two types of risks should be taken into account: “The model risk associated with
using a possibly incorrect valuation, and the risk associated with using unobservable
calibration parameters”. The resulting adjustments must impact Tier I regulatory cap-
ital, and the directive must be implemented by the end of 2010.
On the surface, this seems to be a simple adjustment to the market risk framework,
adding model risk to other sources of risk that have already been identified within
Basel II. In fact, quantifying model risk is much more complex because the source of
risk (using an inadequate model) is much harder to characterize. Twelve months away
from the deadline, there is no consensus on this topic. There is fortunately a growing
body of literature, both from the academia and the industry, and the purpose of this
paper is to summarize the development of the notion of “model risk” and present the
current state of the art, before outlining open issues that must be resolved in order to
define a consistent framework for measuring model risk.
Financial assets can be divided into two categories. In the first category, we find the
assets for which a price can be directly observed in the financial market place. These are
the liquid assets for which there are either organized markets (e.g. Futures exchanges)
or a liquid OTC market (e.g. interest rate swaps). For the vast majority of assets,
however, price cannot be directly observed, but needs to be inferred from observable
prices of related instruments. This is typically the case for financial derivatives whose
price is related to various features of the primary assets, depending on a model. This
process is known as “marking-to-model”, and involves both a mathematical algorithm
and subjective components, thus exposing the process to estimation error. Beyond this
generic observation, the notion of Model Risk has been interpreted in at least three
• A first interpretation of Model Risk stems from the observation that various mod-
els can be calibrated to perfectly price a set of liquid instruments, but produce in-
consistent estimates for an exotic product. If one accepts that there is one “true”
model, then model risk refers to the risk of mis-specification.
• A second interpretation focuses on the operational use of a model, that is used not
only to compute a price, but equally importantly to compute risk indicators for
dynamic hedging. In a perfect world where the true process for each risk factor
is known, and where hedge instruments are readily available, we know that to
• Well publicized events in the banking industry have highlighted a third manifes-
tation of Model Risk. When liquidity is low, how should a product be “marked to
model” so as to minimize the risk of discrepancy when a transaction can finally
be observed? To quote Rebonato [23]:
In summary, Model Risk can lead to both mis-pricing and mis-management of the
hedging strategy. Mis-pricing clearly will have the most spectacular consequences,
but mis-hedging is an equally serious issue.
The importance of Model Risk has gradually emerged in the industry: in first-tier
banks, Model Validation teams have been created as an independent power besides
front-office trading/quant teams. These organizations are now briefly reviewed.
These teams are usually organized by asset class (equity, commodities, FX, fixed in-
come in a broad sense, credit, cross-currency). The day-to-day duty of all these model
validation teams is to qualitatively and quantitatively validate the models used by the
front-office. A closer look, however, reveals that their roles vary widely across institu-
– do not use local volatility models for pricing Cliquet options since they will
be sensitive to the forward volatility which the local volatility models do not
– do not use the SABR time-slice approximation for small strikes because it
will yield artificial arbitrage opportunities.
• A still wider interpretation of the role is to validate not only the model imple-
mentation, but the whole process where the model comes into play:
– What the model is used for: either getting a delta from a calibrated price
for short-term arbitrage, or providing a reference price for an exotic product
which is to stay in the book; whether the complex product at hand is hedged
in various ways with indicators provided by the model. In fact the right
point of view is very often to validate not a model, but a strategy performed
by a market actor which involves model-computed quantities at some stage.
A typical example in the Vanna-Volga strategy, mostly used on FX markets,
which is not a model in the traditional sense.
– The market data and other data sources on which the strategy depends: do
you calibrate your models on the right data? For instance there are several
different fields in Bloomberg for an option price: do you use the right one?
Regarding dividends and repos on equity markets, where does your data
come from? How do you handle implied dividends and/or repos stemming
from the call/put parity in force on the vast majority of equity indices?
– At which horizon do you use the model which have been calibrated on 3-
years market data? How is the model extrapolated?
– At which frequency do you re-calibrate your model? How do you handle
the discrepancy between the implied volatility/correlation markets and the
historical ones?
– What happens in case of a Credit event for one of the counterparties?
The academic literature has also recognized the issue early on, starting with contri-
butions by Merton and Scholes themselves [18], shortly after the publication of the
Black-Scholes model. Academic contributions to the analysis of Model Risk can be or-
ganized into three strands of literature. The first strand provides a typology of the
Derman classification
An early description of Model Risk is due to E. Derman [8]. In this paper, Derman lists
6 types of risk:
2. Incorrect model: the risk of using a model that does not accurately describe the
reality being modeled. This is the most common interpretation of Model Risk.
5. Badly approximated solutions. This risk appears when numerical methods are
used to solve a model.
Derman’s recommendations for coping with model risk are mostly organizational: use
a comprehensive approach to model validation, test exhaustively, create good inter-
faces to minimize user error, etc. This typology of model risk is the foundation of the
processes used by auditors and consulting firms to validate the use of models inside
financial institutions. It also forms the framework, and provides a series of tests to be
used for assessing model risk from a legal perspective [17]. Most importantly, these
categories have inspired regulators. In the paper “Supervisory guidance for assessing
It further states the need to assess a valuation adjustment that will reflect model risk
([21], 718(cxi-1)):
For complex products including, but not limited to, securitisation ex-
posures and n-th-to-default credit derivatives, banks must explicitly assess
the need for valuation adjustments to reflect two forms of model risk: the
model risk associated with using a possibly incorrect valuation methodol-
ogy; and the risk associated with using unobservable (and possibly incor-
rect) calibration parameters in the valuation model.
Auditors finally use the same categories to describe best-practice guidelines [22].
One area where the qualitative assessment of model risk is of major importance is
that of very illiquid assets. This covers most of the structured Credit asset-back-type
securities, like ABS and RBMS and their derivatives, as well as hyper-exotic tailor-
made hybrid products. In such cases it is already a challenge to identify the various
risk factors. Among these the vast majority will be non-tradeable so that the pure
model price is the only benchmark. The model parameters will often be very roughly
calibrated to dubious-and-not-always-meaningful data.
In such situations, a parsimonious model with economically meaningful parameters
is an adequate tool (cf [12]). The qualitative behavior of the product payoff and of
the product price with respect to the model parameter is then key to the assessment
There is a large body of literature on the empirical assessment of Model Risk, start-
ing with contributions by Merton and Scholes themselves [18]. The general idea is to
simulate the pricing and hedging policy of a derivative product under a number of
assumptions in order to provide an empirical measure of the associated risk.
In 1985, Rubinstein [25] used this simulation method to document a major challenge
to the Black-Scholes model, which is the empirical observation of a “volatility smile”.
Among many other publications, we note the paper by Bakshi, Cao and Chen [3] which
performs a comprehensive assessment of ten years of development in pricing models
for equity derivatives, covering stochastic volatility models, models with jumps and
with stochastic interest rate. Interestingly, they find that the most sophisticated model
is not the most effective tool for hedging:
Also of interest is the range of tests that the authors apply to compare models:
Following the development of the local volatility model, which allows to calibrate all
the available vanilla quotes with a single model (which may have a complex functional
form), a perfect model calibration to a set of vanilla options has become the expected
standard in the industry.
This apparent success, however, still leaves a number of fundamental issues open:
1. The vanilla quotes on a given day are only a part of the available information,
which contains at least the history of the underlying, and also the history of the
vanilla quotes.
2. The vanilla quotes are in theory equivalent to the marginal distributions of the
underlying under the market implied probability measure. This said, they con-
tain no information on the joint laws of the underlying process, whereas most of
the payoffs of exotic structured products will be highly sensitive to functionals
related to these joint laws.
The first issue is partially dealt with in mixed historical/market calibration procedures
where an historical prior is used in the market calibration strategy. Nevertheless, there
is plenty of room for research on robust calibration algorithms that exploit the whole
information available.
The second issue has been discussed in deep empirical calibration studies, mostly con-
ducted on the equity market. In [27], Schoutens and alii study the relative behavior
of several models which calibrate equally well to the vanilla quotes, and show that
they yield vastly different results when pricing path dependent or moment derivatives
such as variance swaps. The same kind of work has been performed by Dilip Madan
and Ernst Eberlein in [11], who have pioneered the class of Sato processes as a natural
choice for the joint dynamics underlying the primary asset process.
The distribution of the Profit and Loss arising from a dynamic hedging simulation, or
the range of prices for a structured product within various ’perfectly’ calibrated models
are of primary interest to empirically assess Model Risk.
The mis-specification risk of the Black-Scholes model has been well understood since
the late 70’s: if the actual volatility that is experienced while delta hedging a derivative
is lower than the pricing volatility, then the replicating portfolio will under-perform
the derivative, and vice-versa. This result was expanded in a rigorous analysis by El
Karoui and al. [13]. The authors show that for Call and Puts, and more generally for
convex payoffs, the option seller will make a profit as soon as the selling and hedging
volatility is larger than the actual realized volatility, which can bear any kind of stochas-
ticity. Moreover, the Profit can be computed: it will be proportional to the accumulation
of the running option Gamma times the difference of the squared volatilities.
This property has been known in practice for a long time and it has played a crucial
role in the practical usage of the Black-Scholes formula. The robustness of Gaussian
hedging strategies in a fixed income context has been studied in [1].
This very nice robustness property does not hold in general for exotic or non-convex
payoffs (as a basic call-spread). In 2 simultaneous seminal works, Avellaneda et al.
[16] and T.Lyons [15] solved the related problem of finding out the cheapest (resp.
highest) price of a super-replicating (resp. sub-replicating) strategy given the fact that
the volatility is unknown - with the assumption that it lies in a given range.
This Uncertain Volatility Model is in some sense the right generalization of the Black-
Scholes model, in so far as it extends the previous robustness property to any kind
of payoff. This comes to some cost of course: the corresponding ”super price” solves
a (fully) non-linear PDE. Even if can be efficiently solved in a basic trinomial tree al-
gorithm, this non linearity is a fundamental matter and the management in the UVM
framework of a book of derivatives is a quite tricky matter.
This largely accounts for the relatively cold reception made to the UVM model by the
practitioners, coupled with the fact that the ”super price” is in general very high as a
consequence of the generalized robustness property. Note that it seems that the UVM
approach applied to correlation uncertainty (as presented in [26]) is used for pricing
purposes in practice.
Even though the UVM ”super price” may not be pertaining for trading purposes, yet
the UVM ”super price”, or more precisely the UVM ”super price” minus the ”sub
price” is a very pertaining model risk indicator.
More recently, the Basel II market risk framework ([21], 718(cxi) and 718(cxii)) explicitly
mandates a valuation adjustment, that impacts Tiers I regulatory capital, to account for
model risk. Therefore, one needs to design a method for measuring model risk that is
both a coherent risk measure, and can be expressed in currency terms. To frame the
issue, it is useful to consider the analogy with the VaR method for computing market
risk. The calculation of VaR involves two steps:
• The identification of the market risk factors and the estimation of the dynamic of
these risk factors: the classical VaR framework assumes a multivariate log-normal
distribution for asset prices
What would be the equivalent when considering Model Risk? In this case, the risk fac-
tors include the risk of model mis-specification (leaving out important sources of risk,
mis-specifying the dynamic of the risk factors), and the risk of improper calibration,
even though the chosen model may be perfectly calibrated to a set of liquid instru-
ments. The second step involves defining a reasonable family of models over which
the risk should be assessed. The family of models is restricted to the models that can
be precisely calibrated to a set of liquid instruments. This constraint alone still defines
such a large set of models that further restrictions need to be applied. Intuitively, one
needs to define a meaningful notion of “distance” between models, in order to define
a normalized measure of Model Risk. Recent research is attempting to provide a rig-
orous answer to these challenging questions. Rama Cont [5] frames the problem as
• Let I be a set of liquid instruments, with Hi∈I being the corresponding payoffs,
and Ci∈I the mid-market prices, with Ci∗ ∈ [Cibid , Ciask ].
• Let Q be a set of models, consistent with the market prices of benchmark instru-
Q ∈ Q ⇒ E Q [Hi ] ∈ [Cibid , Ciask ], ∀i ∈ I (1)
Define next the upper and lower price bounds over the family of models, for a payoff
The risk measure is finally the range of values caused by model uncertainty:
µQ = π(X) − π(X)
Note the analogy with the UVM framework: in fact the UVM Model Risk indicator
sketched in the previous section perfectly fits this framework, with Q the set of models
with a volatility in a given range. The crucial aspect of this procedure is the definition
of a suitable set Q. There are many ways of defining it:
• Choose a class of models, and construct a set of models by varying some un-
observable parameters, while ensuring that each model calibrates to the set of
benchmark instruments.
The first approach is followed by Dumont and Lunven [10]. They tested the method on
basket options, priced in a multivariate log-normal framework. The model is calibrated
to vanilla options on each element of the basket. This leaves the correlation undeter-
mined. The authors compute an historical distribution of this correlation matrix, and
sample it to construct the set Q. The optimization is finally performed heuristically.
The second approach is followed in [27], [11] where numerous mainstream academic
equity models are dealt with. As expected [9], model mis-specification induces more
variability than calibration error.
It is clear that the variability of models forming the set Q needs to be normalized. In
the same way as one computes “99.5% VaR for a 10 day holding period”, one needs
a normalizing factor to qualify model risk. In other words, one needs to define the
aforementioned notion of “distance” between models. A possible approach could be
found in [2],[6] and [19], where the relative entropy between two processes is used
to regularize the calibration problem. For payoffs that are not path dependent, one
can measure the relative entropy of the two distributions at expiry. This provides a
measure of distance that is independent of the nature of the underlying process.
Contrasting with the above analytical approach, Kerkhof and al. [14] develop a method
for accounting for Model Risk, using a data-driven method: They estimate an empiri-
cal distribution of model outcome, using historical data. The same information is used
to compute market risk and model risk, and model risk is expressed as an adjustment
(multiplicative factor) to the VaR estimate.
As this brief survey suggests, the quantification of Model Risk is under active study. As
with the other sources of risk, the crucial issue is to define a normalized measure that
will enable a comparison among exotic products, and ultimately among asset classes
and financial institutions.
Model validation encompasses a variety of disciplines and issues. The role of model
validation teams has been recognized to be crucial in the recent turmoil. They can
tackle at the same time the validation of well-defined components and the validation
of a whole business process and meanwhile contribute to a much better understanding
of the risk profile of the strategies conducted by the front office.
Under the pressure of the regulators, Model Validation teams will be asked to compute
standardized Model Risk indicators, spanning all asset classes, in a documented and
• A simulation framework that enables to quickly test new models, payoffs and
strategies in a standardized and reproducible manner.
More broadly, the derivatives industry will ultimately need to develop a set of stan-
dardized methods for measuring Model Risk. Given the complexity of such measures,
their credibility will require an independent calculation framework with the ability
to provide transparent, reproducible and auditable results, for internal Model Validation
teams, auditors and regulators. This will ease the way towards the practice of mean-
ingful prices and sane risk policies with a quantified impact of model uncertainty.
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