Gender Equality Excerpt From Grade 10 Civics

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L E S S O N 3
Gender Equality

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: men and women equally. Some people think that
 describe the importance of gender equality. the right place for a woman is at home taking care
of the children and performing other household
 explain the constitutional response to gender activities such as cooking.
equality in Ethiopia.
These days we see many changes. There are
 respect gender equality. strong women political leaders in the world.
There are famous women in the military. There
Have you ever observed your parents treating are women in all types of work. So it is important
you and your brother/sister differently because to understand that men and women are equal.
you are of a different gender?
Changes in terms of gender equality are also
Discuss this issue in the class. growing in Ethiopia. The Federal Constitution
has recognised equality of women and put
You have seen in the previous lessons, the
mechanisms in place to promote the enjoyment
importance of equality to promote peace, stability
of their rights. This is clearly stated in Article 35
and development. One of the dimensions of
which states:
equality is gender equality. Gender equality is
concerned with the equality of the sexes. It means 1. Women shall, in the enjoyment of rights and
that men and women are equal. protections for by this Constitution, have equal
rights with men.
This has always been a problematic issue in
many countries because women are considered 2. Women have equal rights with men in marriage
inferior to men in many cultures. For example, as prescribed by this Constitution.
many mothers order their daughters to do work 3. The historical legacy of inequality and
in the house. They do not expect their boys to do discrimination suffered by women in Ethiopia
the same. This comes from thinking, wrongly, taken into account, women, in order to
that girls, and not boys, are supposed to work in remedy this legacy, are entitled to affirmative
the house. This shows that boys and girls are not measures.
seen equally. 4. The State shall enforce the right of women to
The same is true with men and women. Some eliminate the harmful customs. Laws, customs
people still believe that women are not capable of and practices that oppress or cause bodily or
doing the jobs that men can do. So they do not see mental harm to women are prohibited.



Gender Equality
feed their children and maintain hygiene in a
better way. They help their children to get the right
education. When women get training and credit
services and are actively engaged in economic
activities, they can make a greater contribution to
their country and improve their lives and the lives
of their families.
Woman preparing dung on the farm
Women’s contributions increase when they All these are important in promoting
have equal access to education, job opportunities, development and reducing poverty. Thus, we have
and political and economic participation. When to fight gender inequality to increase women’s
women get more education and training they can contribution in development activities and poverty
help their family in many ways. Educated women reduction.

Women’s role in productive activities
Dorze is a place located in Gamo Gofa Zone in
Southern Regional State. Most of the men in Dorze
are weavers. Many of them work in towns far away
from home. Dorze women engage in different farm
activities. They fertilize farm plots with dung, which
is important to get a higher yield. They walk for an
hour or two to transport the dung to the farm plots.
Dorze women do this in groups. Men sow the seed.
Weeding and harvesting are the tasks of women.
Women transport the crop from the farm to home.
Women also take care for the enset plant, which is
the main source of food in the Gamo highland.

Discuss the following points as a class.

 List the economic activities of Dorze
women and discuss the contribution of
each activity.
 List economic activities of women in your
area and compare them with those of the
Dorze women.
 Do you think that we can achieve rapid
economic development without the active
participation of women? Dorze woman processing enset


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