1PS0 Grade Characteristics FINAL

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GCSE Psychology (1PS0)– Grade

On the 18th of March the Secretary of state announced that the 2020 exam series in England
would be cancelled to help fight the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). Exam boards will be
contacting schools, colleges and other exam centres asking them to submit:
 a centre assessment grade for every student in each of their subjects (the grade they
would most likely to have achieved if they had sat their exams and completed any
non-exam assessment)
 the rank order of students within each grade for each subject (for example, for all
those students with a centre assessment grade of 5 in GCSE maths, a rank order
where 1 is the most secure/highest attaining student, and so on)

This document has been created to provide guidance on the key characteristics we would
expect to see students display at specific grades, in order to help you make informed
decisions when you review your students work in a subject.

Holistic approach to grades

You will need to grade your students using all the evidence available to you to determine
what grade they would have most likely achieved had they sat the examination in the
summer. To reach this decision you and all the teaching staff will want to consider a wide
range of information where it is available. This may be through mock examinations results,
non - examined assessments (NEA) and other general records or evidence of performance
across the course of study. It is only through reviewing all evidence available that you will
be able to form a holistic view of likely candidate performance based on professional

GCSE Psychology_Grade characteristics_May20

 Keep in mind there are lots of different ways a student could make up the marks needed
to achieve a grade, a student who performs very well on paper 1 and poorly on paper 2,
may achieve the same grade as a student who has a solid performance on both papers
 We are unable to show student examples of a specific grade due to the number of ways
a grade can be achieved. However, each year we release indicative grade boundaries for
each paper and NEA that give an indication of a student’s performance on that part of
the qualification.
 Past papers, mark schemes and indicative grade boundaries are available on our
qualification subject pages

Grade Characteristics

We have worked closely with our senior examining team to get their expert views and
review student work at key grades for GCSE Psychology. We have used this expertise to
develop grade characteristics for students at Grade 7 and 4 for GCSE and International GCSE
qualifications and Grade A and C for A levels and International A levels.

We have provided three descriptions for each of these grades, highlighting characteristics of
students who are high achieving within the grade, securely with the grade and those who
have only just achieved the grade. This will enable you to start to place students within
grades and also allow you to start the process of rank ordering your students.

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GCSE Psychology - Grade 7 Characteristics

Grade 7  Demonstrates relevant and comprehensive knowledge and

Most secure understanding of psychological ideas, which could be shown
students within short-answer questions through detailed and fully
accurate responses to 2019 1PS0/01 Q14; 2019 1PS0/02
Q10/Q17/Q24/Q31/Q38; and within extended essay writing 2019
1PS0/01 Q24 and Q25; 2019 1PS0/02 option unit 9-mark essays.
 Applies psychological ideas correctly to both familiar and
unfamiliar contexts using accurate psychological terminology, for
example successfully using psychological ideas in novel
scenarios, as seen in 2019 1PS0/01 Q4(a) and Q7; 2019 1PS0/02
 Demonstrates relevant and comprehensive knowledge and
understanding of research methodology, which could be shown
within short-answer questions 2019 1PS0/02 Q1(b) and within
extended essay writing 2019 1PS0/02 Q7.
 Applies research methodology correctly to both familiar and
unfamiliar contexts using accurate psychological terminology, for
example drawing on methodological skills in 2019 1PS0/02 Q6(d)
to correctly identify key features of an investigation; or correctly
suggest how research methodology may be implemented in an
investigation 2019 1PS0/02 Q1(c).
 Uses a range of mathematical skills relevant to research methods
in psychology, which would include the accurate interpretation of
data 2019 1PS0/02 Q2(d); a wide range of correct calculations
such as 2019 1PS0/02 Q6(a)(b)(c);correct plotting of graphs and
charts 2019 1PS0/02 Q1(d)(ii); and an accurate understanding of
mathematical concepts 2019 1PS0/02 Q4 and Q5.
 Makes well supported justifications using theories, concepts or
research evidence, for example comprehensive explanations that
are fully supported with accurate justification from a relevant
theory 2019 1PS0/01 Q11(d); 2019 1PS0/02 Q13/ Q20/ Q34/ Q41;
or relevant research evidence, such as 2019 1PS0/01 Q21(b);
2019 1PS0/02 Q20; and within extended essay writing 2019
1PS0/01 Q24 and Q25; 2019 1PS0/02 option unit 9-mark essays.
 Critically analyses and deconstruct psychological information,
providing sustained lines of reasoning, for example drawing
appropriate conclusions that are supported with strong

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interpretation of data for 2019 1PS0/01 Q9(a); 2019 1PS0/02;
making appropriate suggestions for improvements to
investigations in 2019 1PS0/02 Q3(c);and within extended essay
writing 2019 1PS0/01 Q24 and Q25; 2019 1PS0/02 option unit 9-
mark essays such as Q21.
 Developed and substantiated judgments are well expressed and
relevant, such as giving comprehensive strengths or weaknesses
for 2019 1PS0/01 Q17; 2019 1PS0/02; or giving accurate
reasoning in 2019 1PS0/02 Q25; and within extended essay
writing 2019 1PS0/01 Q24 and Q25; 2019 1PS0/02 option unit 9-
mark essays.
 Critically evaluates and deconstructs psychological ideas,
providing well-evidenced arguments developed from competing
viewpoints, for example strong comprehension of issues and
debates as a psychological concept within extended essay writing
2019 1PS0/01 Q24; well synthesized synoptic skills, accurately
drawing from relevant cross-topic content well in 2019 1PS0/01
Q25; and strong application to novel content combined with
theoretical ideas, such as 2019 1PS0/02 option unit 9-mark
 Critically evaluates and deconstructs research methodology,
providing well-evidenced arguments developed from competing
viewpoints, for example demonstrating comprehensive
methodological evaluation skills that draw on understanding and
make connections to the novel study presented within extended
essay writing 2019 1PS0/02 Q7.

Grade 7  Demonstrates relevant and comprehensive knowledge and

Secure understanding of psychological ideas, which could be shown
students within short-answer questions through accurate responses to
2019 1PS0/01 Q14; 2019 1PS0/02 Q10/ Q17/ Q24/ Q31/ Q38; and
within extended essay writing 2019 1PS0/01 Q24 and Q25; 2019
1PS0/02 option unit 9-mark essays.
 Applies psychological ideas correctly to both familiar and
unfamiliar contexts using accurate psychological terminology, for
example mostly successful use of psychological ideas in novel
scenarios, as seen in 2019 1PS0/01 Q4(a) and Q7; 2019 1PS0/02
Q12/ Q19/ Q26/ Q33/ Q40.
 Demonstrates relevant and comprehensive knowledge and
understanding of research methodology which could be shown

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within short-answer questions 2019 1PS0/02 Q1(b) and within
extended essay writing 2019 1PS0/02 Q7.
 Applies research methodology correctly to both familiar and
unfamiliar contexts using accurate psychological terminology, for
example drawing on methodological skills in 2019 1PS0/02 Q6(d)
to identify key features of an investigation; or suggest how
research methodology may be implemented in an investigation
2019 1PS0/02 Q1(c).
 Uses a range of mathematical skills relevant to research methods
in psychology which would include the accurate interpretation of
data 2019 1PS0/02 Q2(d); a range of correct calculations such as
2019 1PS0/02 Q6(a)(b)(c); correct plotting of graphs and charts
2019 1PS0/02 Q1(d)(ii); and an understanding of mathematical
concepts 2019 1PS0/02 Q4 and Q5.
 Makes supported justifications using theories, concepts or
research evidence, for example explanations that are mostly
supported with accurate justifications from a relevant theory
2019 1PS0/01 Q11(d); 2019 1PS0/02 Q13/ Q20/ Q34/ Q41; or
relevant research evidence, such as 2019 1PS0/01 Q21(b); 2019
1PS0/02 Q20; and within extended essay writing 2019 1PS0/01
Q24 and Q25; 2019 1PS0/02 option unit 9-mark essays.
 Critically analyse and deconstruct psychological information,
providing mostly sustained lines of reasoning, for example
drawing conclusions that are supported with appropriate
interpretation of data for 2019 1PS0/01 Q9(a); 2019 1PS0/02;
making suggestions for improvements to investigations in 2019
1PS0/02 Q3(c); and within extended essay writing 2019 1PS0/01
Q24 and Q25; 2019 1PS0/02 option unit 9-mark essays such as
 Developed and substantiated judgments’ that are usually well
expressed, such as giving mostly strong strengths or weaknesses
for 2019 1PS0/01 Q17; 2019 1PS0/02; or giving appropriate
reasoning in 2019 1PS0/02 Q25; and within extended essay
writing 2019 1PS0/01 Q24 and Q25; 2019 1PS0/02 option unit 9-
mark essays.
 Critically evaluates and deconstructs psychological ideas,
providing mostly well-evidenced arguments from competing
viewpoints, for example good comprehension of issues and
debates as a psychological concept within extended essay writing
2019 1PS0/01 Q24; well synthesized synoptic skills, drawing from
relevant cross-topic content well in 2019 1PS0/01 Q25; and

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strong application to novel content combined with theoretical
ideas, such as 2019 1PS0/02 option unit 9-mark essays.
 Critically evaluates and deconstructs research methodology,
providing mostly well-evidenced arguments from competing
viewpoints, for example demonstrating strong methodological
evaluation skills that draw on understanding and make
connections to the novel study presented within extended essay
writing 2019 1PS0/02 Q7.

Grade 7  Demonstrates relevant and comprehensive knowledge and

Borderline understanding of psychological ideas, which could be shown
students within short-answer questions through mostly accurate
responses to 2019 1PS0/01 Q14; 2019 1PS0/02 Q10/ Q17/ Q24/
Q31/ Q38; and within extended essay writing 2019 1PS0/01 Q24
and Q25; 2019 1PS0/02 option unit 9-mark essays.
 Applies psychological ideas correctly to both familiar and
unfamiliar contexts using accurate psychological terminology, for
example use of psychological ideas in novel scenarios, as seen in
2019 1PS0/01 Q4(a) and Q7; 2019 1PS0/02 Q12/ Q19/ Q26/ Q33/
 Demonstrates relevant and comprehensive knowledge and
understanding of research methodology which could be shown
within short-answer questions 2019 1PS0/02 Q1(b) and within
extended essay writing 2019 1PS0/02 Q7.
 Applies research methodology correctly to both familiar and
unfamiliar contexts using accurate psychological terminology, for
example drawing on methodological skills in 2019 1PS0/02 Q6(d)
to identify key features of an investigation; or attempt to suggest
how research methodology may be implemented in an
investigation 2019 1PS0/02 Q1(c).
 Uses a range of mathematical skills relevant to research methods
in psychology which would include the interpretation of data
2019 1PS0/02 Q2(d); a range of correct calculations such as 2019
1PS0/02 Q6(a)(b)(c); correct plotting of graphs and charts 2019
1PS0/02 Q1(d)(ii); and mostly accurate understanding of
mathematical concepts 2019 1PS0/02 Q4 and Q5.
 Makes some supported justifications using theories, concepts or
research evidence, for example explanations that are mostly
supported with some justification from a relevant theory 2019
1PS0/01 Q11(d); 2019 1PS0/02 Q13/ Q20/ Q34/ Q41; or relevant

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research evidence, such as 2019 1PS0/01 Q21(b); 2019 1PS0/02
Q20; and within extended essay writing 2019 1PS0/01 Q24 and
Q25; 2019 1PS0/02 option unit 9-mark essays.
 Critically analyses and deconstructs psychological information,
providing some sustained lines of reasoning, for example
drawing conclusions that are supported with interpretation of
data for 2019 1PS0/01 Q9(a); 2019 1PS0/02; making some
suggestions for improvements to investigations in 2019 1PS0/02
Q3(c); and within extended essay writing 2019 1PS0/01 Q24 and
Q25; 2019 1PS0/02 option unit 9-mark essays such as Q21.
 Some developed and substantiated judgments are present’ that
are mostly well expressed, such as giving appropriate strengths
or weaknesses for 2019 1PS0/01 Q17; 2019 1PS0/02; or some
reasoning in 2019 1PS0/02 Q25; and within extended essay
writing 2019 1PS0/01 Q24 and Q25; 2019 1PS0/02 option unit 9-
mark essays.
 Critically evaluates and deconstructs psychological ideas,
providing some well evidenced arguments from competing
viewpoints, for example, good comprehension of issues and
debates as a psychological concept within extended essay writing
2019 1PS0/01 Q24; good synoptic skills, drawing from cross-topic
content well in 2019 1PS0/01 Q25; and strong application to
novel content combined with theoretical ideas, such as 2019
1PS0/02 option unit 9-mark essays.
 Critically evaluates and deconstructs research methodology,
providing some well-evidenced arguments from competing
viewpoints, for example demonstrating very good
methodological evaluation skills that draw on understanding and
make connections to the novel study presented within extended
essay writing 2019 1PS0/02 Q7.

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GCSE Psychology 1PS0- Grade 4 Characteristics

Grade 4  Demonstrates appropriate knowledge and understanding of

Most secure psychological ideas, which could be shown within Multiple-choice
students questions where knowledge is mostly correct in answers
selected; and within short-answer questions through some
accurate, but basic, responses to 2019 1PS0/01 Q2(a)(b); 2019
1PS0/02 Q9/ Q16/ Q23/ Q30/ Q37; and brief responses with a
lack of depth within extended essay writing 2019 1PS0/01 Q24
and Q25; 2019 1PS0/02 option unit 9-mark essays.
 Applies some psychological ideas to both familiar and unfamiliar
contexts using psychological terminology, for example mostly
correct responses with basic use of psychological ideas in novel
scenarios, as seen in 2019 1PS0/01 Q11(a)(b); 2019 1PS0/02 Q12/
Q19/ Q26/ Q33/ Q40.
 Demonstrates relevant knowledge and understanding of
research methodology which could be shown with partial or brief
responses to short-answer questions 2019 1PS0/02 Q1(b) and
limited accuracy within extended essay writing 2019 1PS0/02 Q7.
 Applies some research methodology to familiar and/or unfamiliar
contexts using psychological terminology, for example
attempting to use methodological skills in 2019 1PS0/02 Q1(a)
and Q2(a) to try to identify key features of an investigation; or a
basic attempt to suggest how research methodology may be
implemented in an investigation 2019 1PS0/02 Q1(c).
 Uses some mathematical skills relevant to research methods in
psychology which would show limited skills for interpretation of
data 2019 1PS0/02 Q2(c); some correct calculations such as 2019
1PS0/02 Q2(b), Q3(a) and Q3(b); partially correct plotting of
graphs and charts 2019 1PS0/02 Q1(d)(ii); and limited
understanding of mathematical concepts 2019 1PS0/02 Q4 and
 Provides limited justifications using theories, concepts or
research evidence, for example explanations that are only
occasionally supported, and often with basic justification from a
relevant theory 2019 1PS0/01 Q11(d); 2019 1PS0/02 Q13/ Q20/
Q34/ Q41; or relevant research evidence, such as 2019 1PS0/01
Q21(b); 2019 1PS0/02 Q20; and mostly limited assessments
within extended essay writing 2019 1PS0/01 Q24 and Q25; 2019

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1PS0/02 option unit 9-mark essays.
 Some logical analysis of psychological information is attempted,
providing mostly relevant but superficial reasoning that leads to
a basic judgement such as attempting strengths or weaknesses
for 2019 1PS0/01 Q17; 2019 1PS0/02; or basic reasoning in 2019
1PS0/02 Q25; and within extended essay writing 2019 1PS0/01
Q24 and Q25; 2019 1PS0/02 option unit 9-mark essays.
 Logical evaluation of psychological ideas is attempted, providing
superficial arguments that may not always be relevant, for
example limited theoretical concepts and basic evaluative points
within extended essay writing 2019 1PS0/01 Q24; 2019 1PS0/02
option unit 9-mark essays; and demonstrating limited synoptic
skills and cross-topic understanding in 2019 1PS0/02 Q25.
 Logical evaluation of research methodology is attempted,
providing superficial arguments that may not always be relevant,
for example some generic responses or some inaccurate
methodological terminology within extended essay writing 2019
1PS0/02 Q7.

Grade 4  Demonstrates mostly appropriate knowledge and understanding

Secure of psychological ideas but this may be limited or lack relevance,
students which could be shown within multiple-choice questions where
knowledge is mostly correct in answers selected; and within
short-answer questions through some accurate, but basic,
responses to 2019 1PS0/01 Q2(a)(b); 2019 1PS0/02 Q9/ Q16/
Q23/ Q30/ Q37; and very brief responses with a lack of depth
within extended essay writing 2019 1PS0/01 Q24 and Q25; 2019
1PS0/02 option unit 9-mark essays
 Applies some psychological ideas to both familiar and/or
unfamiliar contexts using psychological terminology, for example
simplistic responses with basic use of psychological ideas in
novel scenarios, as seen in 2019 1PS0/01 Q11(a)(b); 2019 1PS0/02
Q12/ Q19/ Q26/ Q33/ Q40.
 Demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of research
methodology. This may be limited or lack relevance, which could
be shown with partial or brief inaccurate responses to short-
answer questions 2019 1PS0/02 Q1(b) and limited accuracy
within extended essay writing 2019 1PS0/02 Q7.
 Applies some research methodology to familiar and/or unfamiliar
contexts using psychological terminology, for example
attempting to use methodological skills in 2019 1PS0/02 Q1(a)

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and Q2(a) but may identify key features of an investigation
incorrectly; or giving a basic or irrelevant attempt to suggest how
research methodology may be implemented in an investigation
2019 1PS0/02 Q1(c).
 Uses basic mathematical skills relevant to research methods in
psychology which would show limited skills for interpretation of
data 2019 1PS0/02 Q2(c); some correct calculations such as 2019
1PS0/02 Q2(b), Q3(a) and Q3(b); partially correct plotting of
graphs and charts 2019 1PS0/02 Q1(d)(ii); and mostly inaccurate
understanding of mathematical concepts 2019 1PS0/02 Q4 and
 Some limited justifications using theories, concepts or research
evidence are made, for example explanations that are not often
supported, and the basic justification may be from an irrelevant
theory 2019 1PS0/01 Q11(d); 2019 1PS0/02 Q13/ Q20/ Q34/ Q41;
or irrelevant research evidence, such as 2019 1PS0/01 Q21(b);
2019 1PS0/02 Q20; and limited assessments within extended
essay writing 2019 1PS0/01 Q24 and Q25; 2019 1PS0/02 option
unit 9-mark essays.
 Some logical analysis of psychological information is attempted,
often using superficial reasoning that leads to a basic judgement
such as some incorrect attempts at strengths or weaknesses for
2019 1PS0/01 Q17; 2019 1PS0/02; or very basic reasoning in 2019
1PS0/02 Q25; and a lack of reasoning within extended essay
writing 2019 1PS0/01 Q24 and Q25; 2019 1PS0/02 option unit 9-
mark essays.
 Some logical evaluation of psychological ideas is attempted, often
using superficial arguments that are not always relevant, for
example some inaccurate theoretical concepts and some
irrelevant evaluative points within extended essay writing 2019
1PS0/01 Q24; 2019 1PS0/02 option unit 9-mark essays; and
demonstrating limited synoptic skills and cross-topic
understanding in 2019 1PS0/02 Q25.
 Some logical evaluation of research methodology is attempted,
often with superficial arguments that are not always, for example
generic responses or inaccurate methodological terminology
within extended essay writing 2019 1PS0/02 Q7.

Grade 4  Demonstrates some appropriate knowledge and understanding

Borderline of psychological ideas but this may be limited or lack relevance,
students which could be shown within multiple-choice questions where

GCSE Psychology_Grade characteristics_May20

knowledge may be mostly correct in answers selected; and within
short-answer questions through basic and not always accurate
responses to 2019 1PS0/01 Q2(a)(b); 2019 1PS0/02 Q9/ Q16/
Q23/ Q30/ Q37; and very brief responses with a significant lack of
depth within extended essay writing 2019 1PS0/01 Q24 and Q25;
2019 1PS0/02 option unit 9-mark essays
 Applies some psychological ideas to both familiar and/or
unfamiliar contexts using psychological terminology, for example
simplistic responses with basic and sometimes inaccurate use of
psychological ideas in novel scenarios, as seen in 2019 1PS0/01
Q11(a)(b); 2019 1PS0/02 Q12/ Q19/ Q26/ Q33/ Q40.
 Demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of research
methodology. This may be limited or lack relevance, which could
be shown in brief, largely inaccurate responses to short-answer
questions 2019 1PS0/02 Q1(b) and limited accuracy or relevance
within extended essay writing 2019 1PS0/02 Q7.
 Applies some research methodology to familiar and/or unfamiliar
contexts using psychological terminology, for example
attempting to use methodological skills in 2019 1PS0/02 Q1(a)
and Q2(a) but often will identify key features of an investigation
incorrectly; or make an irrelevant or inaccurate attempt in
suggesting how research methodology may be implemented in
an investigation 2019 1PS0/02 Q1(c).
 Uses basic mathematical skills relevant to research methods in
psychology which would show very limited, if any, skills for
interpretation of data 2019 1PS0/02 Q2(c); few correct
calculations such as 2019 1PS0/02 Q2(b), Q3(a) and Q3(b); mostly
incorrect plotting of graphs and charts 2019 1PS0/02 Q1(d)(ii);
and inaccurate understanding of mathematical concepts 2019
1PS0/02 Q4 and Q5.
 Some limited and/or irrelevant justifications are made using
theories, concepts or research evidence, for example
explanations that are not supported, and are without justification
from theory 2019 1PS0/01 Q11(d); 2019 1PS0/02 Q13/ Q20/ Q34/
Q41; or research evidence, such as 2019 1PS0/01 Q21(b); 2019
1PS0/02 Q20; and very limited assessments within extended
essay writing 2019 1PS0/01 Q24 and Q25; 2019 1PS0/02 option
unit 9-mark essays.
 Some basic logical analysis of psychological information is
attempted, using superficial reasoning that leads to a basic
judgments that may not always be relevant, such as mostly

GCSE Psychology_Grade characteristics_May20

incorrect attempts at strengths or weaknesses for 2019 1PS0/01
Q17; 2019 1PS0/02; or very limited reasoning in 2019 1PS0/02
Q25; and an absence of relevant reasoning within extended
essay writing 2019 1PS0/01 Q24 and Q25; 2019 1PS0/02 option
unit 9-mark essays.
 Some basic logical evaluation of psychological ideas is attempted,
mostly using superficial arguments that are not always relevant
for example, some inaccurate theoretical concepts and largely
irrelevant evaluative points within extended essay writing 2019
1PS0/01 Q24; 2019 1PS0/02 option unit 9-mark essays; and
demonstrating very limited synoptic skills and cross-topic
understanding in 2019 1PS0/02 Q25.
 Some basic logical evaluation of research methodology is
attempted, mostly using superficial arguments that are not
always relevant for example, generic responses or inaccurate
methodological terminology within extended essay writing 2019
1PS0/02 Q7.


We understand it is an uncertain time for you and your students at the moment. Our
overriding aim this summer, as with any exam series, is to make sure that every learner
receives a grade or award that reflects their knowledge and understanding of the subject
they have studied.

We are eager to make sure that you have all the necessary information and support that
you need during this time
 there is a large range of support available via the subject pages on our website
(including exam papers and NEA with commentaries and marks)
 we will be providing guidance on rank ordering your students shortly
 you can contact us via our Ask the Expert Service

GCSE Psychology_Grade characteristics_May20

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