TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section
1: To Understand Various Grades of
Concrete and their Composition and Good
Concrete Requirements
2. To Understand the Ingredients of
3.To Understand the Process of Concreting CONCRETE
4.To Understand Various Tests Conducted TECHNOLOGY
on Concrete.
5.To Understand Why Reinforcement and R.C.C.FLEXURAL
only in the form of Steel is provided and the SECTION
Role of Steel in R.C.C.
3. Cement should be of sufficient quantity to produce the required water tightness and strength.
4. The water used for mixing shall be free from organic materials and deleterious material
7. Concrete should fill every part in the forms. This is done by ramming and puddling
8. Until the concrete is thoroughly hard it is necessary to keep the temperature above freezing point to
avoid retarded hardening.
Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand, aggregate mixed in a specific proportion with water. The concrete mix is
generally referred to as 1: X: Y wherein 1 refers to the weight of cement, X refers to the weight of sand and Y refers
to the weight of aggregate. The mixes are designated as Mz wherein Z refers to the strength of the concrete mix.
Hence M 20 Grade concrete is one of which a 150mm cube of concrete cured for 28 days under
standard testing conditions will yield at a compressive stress of 20N/mm².
The different grades of concrete along with their proportions are mentioned as under.
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section Compiled by Ar.Arthur Cutinho, Ar.Prashant Joshi
Characteristic Strength means the strength of material below which not more than 5% of the test results are
expected to fail.
Group Grade Specified Characteristic Proportion Mix
Designation Compressive Strength of 150mm
cube after 28 days curing
Ordinary M 10 10 1:3:6 For P.C.C base below
footings and load bearing walls
M 15 15 1:2:4
M 20 20 1:1.5:3
M 30 30 e.g. Used in
M 35 35 Pre-stressed Concrete
M 40 40
M 45 45
M 50 50
M 55 55
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section Compiled by Ar.Arthur Cutinho, Ar.Prashant Joshi
ground to a fine powder which is called cement. It is stored in tall structures called silos. The cement is then
packed in water-proof bags and sold in markets. When cement is mixed with water, it becomes hard over a period
of time. This is called setting of cement. Gypsum is often added to Portland cement to prevent early hardening or
"flash setting, allowing a longer working time.
What are Different Grades of Cement?
The grade 33, 43 and 53 in cement mainly corresponds to the average compressive strength attained after 28 days
in N/mm² of at least three mortar cubes (area of face 50cm², i.e. cubes of sides of 70.6mm) composed of one part
Cement, 3 parts of standard Sand by mass and Water ((P/4) + 3) percent of combined mass of cement and sand,
where P is the percentage of water required to produce a paste of standard consistency. Cubes after moist curing
of 24 Hours are submerged in water (Changed after every 7 days) and cured for 28 days
1. 33 Grade Ordinary Portland cement: This ordinary 'Portland' cement is used maximum in our country. It
is more suitable cement for masonry and general concrete works where the members are not taken to
very high stresses. It is not suitable where ‘Sulphate’ is in the soil or in the ground water.
2. 43 Grade Ordinary Portland cement: 43 grades of cement are used where high early strength in 1 to 28
days range is required. These days the ‘Structural Engineers’ propose these cements mainly for RCC works
where a member takes high tensile stress.
3. 53 Grade Ordinary Portland cement: 53 grades of cement are used where high early strength in 1 to 28
days range is required. These days ‘Structural Engineers’ propose these cements mainly for R.C.C. works,
where a member takes high tensile stress.
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section Compiled by Ar.Arthur Cutinho, Ar.Prashant Joshi
c) Coarse Aggregates: Aggregate most of which is retained on 4.75mm I.S. Sieve and containing only so much
finer material as is permitted for the various types described in the standard.
Types: Coarse aggregate may be described as:
i. Uncrushed Gravel or stone which results from natural disintegration of rock,
ii. Crushed Gravel or Stone when it results from crushing of gravel or hard stone
iii. Partially Crushed Gravel or stone when it is a product of the blending a and b
Properties: Aggregates shall comply with the requirements of IS 383. As far as possible one should prefer
natural aggregates. Other types of aggregates such as slag and crushed over-burnt brick or tile, which may be
found suitable with regard to strength, durability of concrete and freedom from harmful effects may be used
for plain concrete members, but such aggregates should not contain more than 0.5 percent of sulphates as SO,
and should not absorb more than 10 percent of their own mass of water.
Size of Aggregate: The nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate should be as large as possible within the
limits specified but in no case greater than one-fourth of the minimum thickness of the member, provided
that the concrete can be placed without difficulty so as to surround all reinforcement thoroughly and fill the
comers of the form.
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section Compiled by Ar.Arthur Cutinho, Ar.Prashant Joshi
For most work, 20mm aggregate is suitable. Where there is no restriction to the flow of concrete into sections
40mm or larger size may be permitted. In concrete elements with thin sections, closely spaced reinforcement
or small cover, consideration should be given to the use of 10mm nominal maximum size.
For heavily reinforced concrete members as in the case of ribs of main beams, the nominal Maximum size of
the aggregate should usually be restricted to 5mm less than the minimum clear distance between the main
bars or 5mm less than the minimum cover to the reinforcement whichever is smaller.
Slab and Beams – 12mm to 18mm to 25mm size aggregate are used.
Coarse and fine aggregate shall be batched separately. All-in-aggregate may be used only where it is specifically
permitted by the engineer-in-charge.
d) Water:
Water used for mixing and curing shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalis,
salts, sugar, organic materials or other substances that may be deleterious to concrete or steel. Potable
water is generally considered satisfactory
As a guide the following concentrations represent the maximum permissible values: To neutralize 100ml
sample of water, using phenolphthalein as an indicator, it should not require more than 5ml of 0.02
normal NaOH
To neutralize 100ml sample of water, using mixed indicator, it should not require more than 25ml of 0.02
normal H2SO4.
The pH value of water shall be not less than 6.
Water used for mixing shall also be good for curing of concrete. However this water used for curing
should not produce any objectionable stain or unsightly deposit on the concrete surface. The presence of
tannic acid or iron compounds is objectionable.
Too much water will result in segregation of the sand and aggregate components from the cement paste. Also,
water that is not consumed by the hydration reaction may leave the concrete as it hardens, resulting in
microscopic pores (bleeding) that will reduce the final strength of the concrete. A mix with too much water will
experience more shrinkage as the excess water leaves, resulting in internal cracks and visible fractures (particularly
around inside corners) which again will reduce the final strength.
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section Compiled by Ar.Arthur Cutinho, Ar.Prashant Joshi
e) Properties of Concrete
Increase of strength with age. Where it can be shown that a member will not receive its full load within 28
days after the casting of its member the characteristic strength of the member may be increased by
multiplying with a factor e.g. factor for loading after 12 months is 1.2
Tensile Strength: The tensile strength of concrete may be obtained from the formula given as, Flexural
Strength fct = 0.7√fck N/mm².
Elastic Deformation: In the absence of test data the value of EC = 5000√fck
Shrinkage of Concrete :
The total shrinkage of concrete is dependent mainly upon the total amount of water present in the concrete at
the time of mixing and to a lesser extent on the cement content. The approximate value of shrinkage strain
may be taken as 0.0003.
Creep: This is defined as a time dependent deformation at elevated temperature and under constant stress.
For concrete creep depends on 1. Constituents 2. Size of the member 3. Environmental conditions. 4. Water 5.
Stress in concrete 6. Age at loading. 7. Duration of loading.
Thermal Expansion: Value may range from 0.6 x 10-⁵/⁰c – 1.3 x 10-⁵/⁰c
3.a1.3 The overall process of Concreting shall include
1) Mixing
2) Making of Formwork
3) Transporting Concrete
4) Placing Concrete in the Formwork
5) Compacting
6) Curing
7) Stripping of Formwork and removal of Props
1. Mixing of Concrete: Concrete is mixed by any two methods, based on requirement as per quality and quantity
of concrete required. Normally for mass concrete, where good quality of concrete is required, mechanical
mixer is used. Mixing by hand is employed only in specific cases. The mixing shall be continued until there is a
uniform distribution of the materials and the mass is uniform in color and consistency. If there is segregation
after unloading from the mixer, the concrete should be remixed. Mixing time shall be at-least 2 minutes or as
per manufacturer’s instruction.
Batching of Concrete: The constituents should be mixed by the weight of each constituent. Quantities of the
materials for the production of the required quantity of Concrete (of given mixture proportions) can be calculated
by the “Absolute Volume Method”.
Calculations of masses of individual components for M25 Grade Concrete
Assuming Bulk Densities as follows:
Cement - 15kN/m³,
Sand - 17kN/m³
Aggregate - 16.5kN/m³
The mix proportion of 1:1:2 by dry volume of materials is expressed in terms of masses
Cement = 1 x 1500 = 1500, Sand = 1 x 1700 = 1700, Coarse aggregate = 2 x 1650 = 3300
Hence ratio of masses w.r.t cement will be 1: : = 1 : 1.13 : 2.2
Ratio of masses of cement, sand and coarse aggregates = 1 : 1.13 : 2.2
In other words if you take 1 Ghamelas of Cement, Take 1.13 Ghamelas of Sand and 2.2 Ghamelas of Coarse
The water to cement ratio = 0.45
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section Compiled by Ar.Arthur Cutinho, Ar.Prashant Joshi
(@ 140 Ghamelas of 400mm dia and 100mm height will give 1cubic meter volume of material)
Volume of Concrete Produced with one bag of cement for Concrete Grade M25:
Now we will calculate the volume of concrete that can be produced with one bag of cement (i.e. 50 kg cement) for
the mass proportions of concrete materials.
Thus, the absolute volume of concrete for 50kg of cement
Volume of Concrete = + + .
+ .
(Specific gravity of cement is 3.15 and of coarse and fine aggregate are 2.6)
. . .
Vc = + .
+ .
+ .
Thus, for the proportion of mix considered, with one bag of cement of 50kg, 0.102m³ of concrete can be produced.
2. Formwork: Formwork (shuttering) is a temporary mould to provide support to fresh concrete when placed in
structural member until the concrete has set. This helps the
structural member to gain sufficient strength to carry its
self-load and load from other members.
There are many types of structural formwork or shuttering
based on its material, their use and the type of structural
members. They can be named based on that. However,
core functioning of the formwork remains the same. They
are accordingly called Footing Forms or Column Forms or
Wall Forms or Floor Forms. The detailing of each is based
on the pressure exerted by wet concrete in each case
I am talking only about Column Forms here.
Refer to the sketch shown here
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section Compiled by Ar.Arthur Cutinho, Ar.Prashant Joshi
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section Compiled by Ar.Arthur Cutinho, Ar.Prashant Joshi
Removal of props
1. For Slabs Spanning up to 4.5m 7 days
2. For Slabs Spanning over 5.5m 14 days
3. For Beams Spanning 6m 14 days
4. For Beams Spanning over 6m 21 days
The number of props left under, their sizes and disposition shall be such as to be able to safely carry the full
dead load of the slab, beam or arch as the case may be together with any live load likely to occur during curing
or further construction.
Where the shape of the element is such that the formwork has re-entrant angles, the formwork shall be
removed as soon as possible after the concrete has set, to avoid shrinkage cracking occurring due to the
restraint imposed.
Very Important: This gets us to one of the most important points in Concrete Construction. Given optimum
conditions of Material availability, Labor and all other technical support required, a careful analysis will show that
one floor of a R.C.C Building including Columns Beams and Slab will take at least a month to be completed.
Defects in Concrete and how to make them good
i. Segregation in concrete:
Definition: Segregation in concrete is a case of particle segregation in concrete applications, in which
particulate solids tend to segregate by virtue of differences in the size, density, shape and other properties
Segregation usually implies separation of: (a) coarse aggregate from fine aggregate, (b) paste from coarse
aggregate, or water from the mix and the ingredients of the fresh concrete no longer remain uniformly distributed.
1) Poorly graded aggregate & excessive water content is the major cause of segregation.
2) A badly proportioned mix, where sufficient matrix is not there to bond and contain the aggregate cause
aggregates to settle down.
3) Insufficiently mixed concrete with excess water content shows a higher tendency for segregation.
4) When height of dropping of concrete is more (ex. In case of concreting long column) it will result in
5) If a mixer used for mixing concrete is badly designed or a mixer with worn out blades, then the concrete shows
a tendency for segregation.
6) If a high slump concrete or pump able concrete are not compacted with sufficient care then it is likely to result
in segregation of concrete.
7) Immediate working on the concrete on placing, without any time interval is likely to press the coarse
aggregate down, which results in movement of excess matrix or paste towards the surface.
8) Chances of segregation are more when concrete is to be placed under water.
How to Avoid Segregation:
1. The concrete mix should be properly designed with optimum quantity of water i.e. not too wet nor too dry.
2. Make sure the concrete is properly mixed at the correct speed in a transit mixture for at least two minutes.
Regularly check the performance of mixer with respect to adequate uniformity of distribution of constituents
in each batch.
3. Transport the concrete mix correctly. Choose the shortest route for transportation of concrete mix.
4. Place the concrete in its final position as soon as possible. Never place a concrete from large heights.
5. Formwork should be water tight so that no paste should leak from the forms. Do not vibrate formwork
6. Do not allow concrete to flow
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section Compiled by Ar.Arthur Cutinho, Ar.Prashant Joshi
7. Use the vibrator correctly and never use the vibrator to spread a heap of concrete over a large area. Also
Vibrate for just the right time-not too long, not too less
8. Use chemical admixtures such as air entraining agent in the mix. Entrained air reduces the danger of
9. If any segregation is observed in concrete, remixing should be done so to make it homogeneous again
ii. Bleeding:
Definition: Bleeding in fresh concrete refers to the process wherein free water in the mix is pushed upward to the
surface due to the settlement of heavier solid particles such as cement and water. Some bleeding is normal but
excessive bleeding can be problematic.
Effect of Bleeding on Concrete Stability:
As mentioned above, water move upwards in bleeding, sometimes with this water certain amount of cement
moves along with water to the concrete surface. When the top surface is worked up with the trowel, the
aggregate goes down and cement paste forms at the top surface this is called ‘Laitance in concrete. Due to the
formation of Laitance, structures may lose its wearing capacity and decreases its life.
Water while moving from bottom to the top, forms continuous channels. Due to these channels, concrete
becomes permeable and allow water to move, which forms water voids in the matrix and reduces the bond
between aggregate and the cement paste.
Forming of water at the top surface of concrete results in delaying the surface finishing.
Concrete becomes permeable and loses its homogeneity.
Excessive bleeding breaks the bond between the reinforcement and concrete.
Measures to Control Bleeding:
Bleeding in concrete is controlled by Adding minimum water content in the concrete mix.
Encouraging the use of air en-training admixtures in the mix.
By adding more cement in the mix
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section Compiled by Ar.Arthur Cutinho, Ar.Prashant Joshi
3.a1.4 Tests for Concrete: Tests for checking quality of concrete should be done for the following possible
1. To detect the variation in quality of concrete being supplied for a given specification.
2. To establish whether the concrete has attained a sufficient strength or concrete has set sufficiently for
stripping, stressing, de-propping, and opening to traffic etc.
3. To establish whether the concrete has gained sufficient strength for the intended purpose
Remember many of these tests are carried on a day to day basis when the construction period of a
project stretches over many years. This assures constant quality and strength.
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section Compiled by Ar.Arthur Cutinho, Ar.Prashant Joshi
We will detail out two most popular tests • Slump Test •Compressive Strength Test
1. 1 The reasons for the selection of slump test in practice for quality control testing of concrete are
Slump tests also checks for variation of construction materials in mix, mainly water-cement ratio.
Slump test is easy and fast to determine quality of concrete before placement based on recommended slump
values for the type of construction.
Slump test is most economical because it is done at site and does not require any laboratory or expensive
testing machine.
Slump tests is done before the placement of concrete, so the quality of control is high as rejected mix can be
discarded before pouring into the structural member. So, dismantling or repair of defective concrete members
can be avoided.
The concrete slump test is used for the measurement of a property i.e. Workability / Consistency of fresh concrete.
The test is an empirical test, more specifically, it measures consistency between batches. The test is popular due to
the simplicity of apparatus used and simple procedure.
The slump test result is a measure of the behavior of a compacted inverted cone of concrete under the action of
gravity. It measures the consistency or the wetness of concrete.
Slump cone, Scale for measurement & temping steel rod - 16 diameter & 600 mm long
Procedure of Concrete Slump test:
1. The mould for the slump test is a hollow frustum of a cone, 300mm of height, base dia. 200mm and top dia.
2. The base is placed on a smooth surface and the container is filled with concrete (whose workability is to be
tested) in 3 layers.
3. Each layer is uniformly temped 25 times with a standard 600mm long 16mm dia. steel rod, rounded at the
4. When the mould is completely filled with concrete, the top surface is struck off (leveled with mould top
opening) by means of screening and rolling motion of the temping rod.
5. The mould must be firmly held against its base during the entire operation so that it could not move due to
the pouring of concrete and this can be done by means of handles or foot - rests brazed to the mould.
6. Immediately (within 5 - 10 seconds)
after filling is completed and the
concrete is leveled, the cone is slowly
and carefully lifted vertically - An
unsupported concrete will now slump.
7. The decrease in the height of the
center of the slumped concrete is called
8. The slump is measured by placing
the cone just besides the slump
concrete and the temping rod is placed over the cone so that it should also come over the area of slumped
9. The decrease in height of concrete to that of mould is noted with scale, usually measured to the nearest 5mm
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section Compiled by Ar.Arthur Cutinho, Ar.Prashant Joshi
In order to reduce the influence
on slump of the variation in the
surface friction, the inside of
the mould and its base should
be moistened at the beginning
of every test, and prior to lifting
of the mould the area
immediately around the base of
the cone should be cleaned
from concrete which may have
dropped accidentally.
Types of Slump
The slumped concrete takes various shapes, and according to the profile of slumped concrete, the slump is termed
1. True Slump - Correct slump - This concrete will be adopted for use & also for further tests.
2. Zero Slumps - Dry range - No variation can be detected between mixes - Concrete not workable.
3. Collapsed Slump - Concrete is too wet - Slump test not appropriate.
4. Shear Slump - Invalid test - Temping not uniform - Fresh sample to be taken - Test repeated.
0 - 25 Very low Very dry mix - Used in road making, vibrated by power operated machines.
Low workability mix - Used for foundations with light reinforcement, Roads
25 - 50 Low
vibrated by hand operated machines.
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section Compiled by Ar.Arthur Cutinho, Ar.Prashant Joshi
as per days
1 3 7 14 28
M20 3.2 8 13 18 20
The reason for testing the cube on the 28th day is that the compressive strength of concrete does not show any
significant rise in strength after the 28th day.
Procedure to determine Compressive Strength of Concrete Cube
Compression testing mould - A cube of 150 mm, Testing Machine:
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section Compiled by Ar.Arthur Cutinho, Ar.Prashant Joshi
Number of
At least three
preferably from
different batches
shall be made for
testing at each
selected age.
Cured specimens
shall be tested
immediately on removal from the water and while they are still in the wet condition.
1. Place the specimen in the testing machine
2. The maximum load applied to the specimen shall be recorded and the appearance of the concrete and any
unusual features in the type of failure shall be noted.
The measured compressive strength of the specimen shall be calculated by dividing the maximum load (N) applied
to the specimen during the test by the cross sectional Area (22,500 mm2), shall be expressed to the nearest
N/mm2. Average of three values shall be taken as the representative of the batch provided the individual variation
is not more than +/-15 percent of the average.
Difference between Compressive strength & Characteristic strength
Compressive strength is the applied pressure at which a given concrete sample fails.
Characteristic strength: Suppose you take a certain number of samples from a particular batch of concrete.
Characteristic strength would be that compressive strength below which not more than 5% of the samples are
expected to fail. Thus at least 95% of the samples have higher compressive strength than the characteristic
iii. NDT for Concrete: (Just an Introduction) Non-destructive test is a method of testing existing
concrete structures to assess the strength and durability of concrete structure. In the non-destructive
method of testing, without loading the specimen to failure (i.e. without destructing the concrete) we can
measure strength of concrete. Now days this method has become a part of quality control process. This
method of testing also helps us to investigate crack depth, micro cracks and deterioration of concrete.
Non-destructive testing of concrete is a very simple method of testing but it requires skilled and experienced
persons having some special knowledge to interpret and analyze test results
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section Compiled by Ar.Arthur Cutinho, Ar.Prashant Joshi
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section Compiled by Ar.Arthur Cutinho, Ar.Prashant Joshi
2. To Distribute Load along the longer span in a slab, also to bind the Main Steel and keep it in position, take
care of Temperature Stresses and Shrinkage in Concrete. This is provided in the form of Temperature or
Distribution Steel of bars of smaller diameter generally in a Uniform mesh transverse to Main Steel. This
Steel also prevents Cracks in Concrete
3. To Strengthen the Concrete to resist Compression as in the case of Columns. This Steel is called Main Steel
or Longitudinal Bars located at corners and running Longitudinally along the faces
4. To Prevent Buckling of Longitudinal Bars in a Column and this is provided in the form of Links or Lateral
Ties or Spirals.
5. To Resist Diagonal Tension due to Shear, To Resist Shear and to hold Main steel in Position like in Beams.
These are called Shear Stirrups
Check the sketch on the adjoining page
1. Mild steel bars (as per IS: 432, part-I -1982) Mild steel bars are used for tensile stress of RCC. These steel bars
are plain in surface and are round sections of diameter from 6 to 50 mm. These rods are manufactured in long
lengths and can be cut quickly and be bent easily without damage. This Steel possesses a well-defined yield
point. This steel is weld able. Mild steel bars can be supplied in two grades a)Mild steel bars grade-I
designated as Fe 250- Grade 60 (Yield Strength 250N/mm²) b) Mild steel bars grade-II designated as Fe 250
Grade 40 (Yield Strength 225N/mm²)
2. High Strength Deformed Bars (I.S. 1786 – 1985).All deformed bars are rods of steels provided with lugs, ribs or
deformation on the surface and are produced in the form of cold twisted deformed bars. These bars minimize
slippage in concrete and increase the bond between the two materials. Deformed bars have more
compressive and tensile stresses than that of mild steel plain bars. These have improved Anchorages and can
be used without end hooks or bent up ends. To limit cracks that may develop in reinforced concrete around
mild steel bars due to stretching of bars and some loss of bond under load it is common to use deformed bars
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section Compiled by Ar.Arthur Cutinho, Ar.Prashant Joshi
that have projecting ribs or are twisted to improve the bond with concrete. These bars are produced in
diameters from 8mm to 50mm. In addition the strength of bonds of deformed bars calculated should be 40 to
80 % higher than that of plain round bars of same nominal size. TMT (Thermo Mechanically Treated) are high
strength deformed bars, produced with the latest technology and are used widely now.
Features of HSD Bars:
1. Low carbon value: - HSD Bars have lower carbon level, resulting in good ductility, strength and welding ability.
2. Superior Bonding strength: - HSD bars are well known for their excellent bonding strength when used with
3. Welding capability: - Since these bars have lower carbon content, they have 100% welding capability than
conventional bars.
4. High tensile strength: - HSD bars feature high tensile strength. They offer great asset in construction process,
where a lot of bending and re bending is required.
5. Wide application range: - These bars have wide application range like in building residential, commercial and
industrial structures, bridges, etc.
6. Satisfactory Malleability: - minimum weight and maximum strength and suitable for both compression and
tension reinforcement.
Two Types of High Strength Deformed bars are
1. Fe 415 - Yield Strength 415N/mm² 2. Fe 500 - Yield Strength 500N/mm²
Precautions in the use of Steel Reinforcement
1. Steel bars should be clear, free from loose mill scales, dust and loose rust coats of paints, oil or other coatings
which may destroy or reduce bond strength.
2. Steel bars should be stored in such a way as to avoid distortion and to prevent deterioration and corrosion.
3. Steel bars should not be cleaned by oily substance to remove the rust.
4. The bar should be bent correctly and accurately to the size and shape as shown in drawings.
5. Overlapping bars should not touch each other. These should be kept apart with concrete.
6. The overlap if given should be staggered. As far as possible use a full bar
7. The cranks in the bar at the end should be kept in position by using spots.
8. The steel bars should not be disturbed while laying cement concrete.
9. Required cover under steel bars should be given before laying the cement concrete.
10. No overlap is given in the bar having a diameter more than 36 mm, if required, the bar should be welded
We shall be using a Combination of M25 Grade Concrete and Fe 500 steel
Bars available with their areas is given below, 6mm is available only if Fe250
Bar Diameter Area
6mm 28mm²
8mm 50.3mm²
10mm 78.5mm²
12mm 113mm²
16mm 201mm²
20mm 314mm²
25mm 490mm²
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section Compiled by Ar.Arthur Cutinho, Ar.Prashant Joshi
3.a1.7 Typical R. C.C Flexural Section i.e. for a Slab or Beam is as follows
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section Compiled by Ar.Arthur Cutinho, Ar.Prashant Joshi
From I.S.456 as per Durability and fire Resistance Requirements the following is a summary of the covers to various
R.C.C elements we will be dealing with.
i.Slab: 15mm -20mm depending on exposure conditions, size of bar and size of aggregate.
ii.Beam: 25mm
iii.Column: 40mm
iv.Footing: 50mm
v.Retaining Walls: 50 - 60mm
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section Compiled by Ar.Arthur Cutinho, Ar.Prashant Joshi
Suggested Theory Questions: TOS 3: Unit 3a: Concrete Technology and Standard
R.C.C. Section
Write Short Notes on:
TOS 3 Unit 3a Concrete Technology & Standard R.C.C Section Compiled by Ar.Arthur Cutinho, Ar.Prashant Joshi