Superior Institute of Sciences and Distance Education
Superior Institute of Sciences and Distance Education
Superior Institute of Sciences and Distance Education
It is affirmed that grammar and vocabulary are the engine of English language learning.
1.2 Methodology............................................................................................................3
2.1. Reading...................................................................................................................4
2.2 Vocabulary...............................................................................................................5
4. CONCLUSION..........................................................................................................9
This research deals with the relationship between reading and vocabulary in the
Inglesa has as its main objective to justify the importance of reading by elucidating one
of its consequences: vocabulary. Data were collected for analysis in a classroom where
students learn English as a subject mandatory in the school curriculum. The observation
of the class was of relevant importance for the acquisition of information about the
The Word Grammar means different things to different people. To the ordinary
citizen, it connotes to correctness or incorrectness of the language that he or she speaks.
To a school student, it means an analytical and terminological study of sentences.
Knowledge of grammar helps the student in the correction of mistakes and improvement
of written work. A person can’t learn a foreign language accurately only through a
process of unconscious assimilation.
Grammar is a sure ground of reference when linguistic habits fail us. So grammar
is indispensable for the student.
Faced with the importance of the role of vocabulary and the discrimination that
studies related to the lexicon have suffered for so long in the history of language
Given the lack of studies on the subject, this research aims to investigate what is
the importance of grammar and vocabulary in English language teaching and learning?
1.2 Methodology
Starting from the gap found in the literature and given the need and relevance of
studies in the area, the present study proposes to investigate the importance of grammar
and vocabulary in English language teaching and learning.
According to THIOLLENT (2000), the role of theory is to generate ideas,
hypotheses or guidelines to guide research and interpretations. From this theoretical
perspective, the bibliographic review of the present study aims to investigate the
psycholinguistic foundations of research on the acquisition of vocabulary in a second
language, through:
2.1. Reading
For Almeida (2002) the English language as reading can be learned with different
purposes and approaches, however few know this fact. O complete command of the
English language, which requires the development of listening, speaking, writing and
reading skills, is a time-consuming process, between six and eight years of studies and
dedication. Already the reading, we can master in a term considerably shorter, between
six months and a year, depending on our interest and motivation. The English language
is used in various fields such as advertisements, music, information technology,
businesses that are allies of discipline at school.
2.2 Vocabulary
According to Holden and Rogers (2001), the learning tendency of a new language
starts in ascending order: we learn word families and we mentally associate their use,
this association possibly takes place when we have a purpose. Vocabulary in a foreign
language is oral practice of linguistic theory.
Vocabulary expansion activities are offered by the teacher and depend on the
student's acceptance to add will and dedication. “It is important to enrich students'
vocabulary, but it is even more It is important to provide means for them to discover the
meanings on their own. of words.” (HOLDEN; ROGERS, op.cit., p. 40)
According to Barros Filho (2006), the major problem for students is the limited
vocabulary. To improve this, it is important that he has daily contact with the tongue.
Readings for 15 to 30 minutes a day are a good strategy, i.e. practice outside the
classroom, even for a few minutes a day, is extremely important for the improvement
and expansion of vocabulary.
2.3 What is Grammar
Grammar is the study of words and the ways words work together; an invisible
force that guides us as we put words together into sentences. Any person who
communicates using a particular language, consciously or unconsciously becomes
aware of the grammar of that language. But in this context I would like cite a wonderful
example as described “A writer has given a beautiful analogy to illustrate the use of
knowledge of Grammar. Imagine two car drivers. The first driver knows only driving
and nothing about the working of the engine. He feels helpless whenever there is some
trouble with the machinery. The second driver knows driving and also understands the
working of the machinery. The person who knows grammar is like this second driver. In
case he doubtful about the correctness of a particular thing, his knowledge of grammar
comes to his rescue (Kohli, 116)”. Therefore, to speak in a clearer and more effective
manner we have to study grammar. For the person who has unconscious knowledge of
grammar, it may be sufficient for simple language use. But the persons who wish to
communicate in the artistic manner with well-defined structures must go for the greater
depth of understanding and proficiency what the study of grammar offers.
If someone wants to learn English, they might wonder how essential grammar is
to learn the language. The truth is that grammar is critical for learning any language.
Grammar is a set of rules that dictates how a language works, making it easy to
comprehend. Without proper grammar, one would have no idea how to speak or write in
English. It helps us make sense of our words. It also dictates rules regarding how words
are used and when they should be used. Without knowing this information, it would be
impossible for us to understand anything or say anything at all!
Grammar is not just about learning how to use words correctly; it’s also about
understanding the patterns in languages worldwide (including in our own country). If
learners see how these patterns work, they can use them and form sentences without
worrying about forgetting rules such as subject-verb agreement or gender agreement.
Understanding these rules makes it easier for learners to comprehend other people’s
sentences when they speak English on television or read books aloud.
Grammar is an essential part of learning English. It is the foundation for speaking
and understanding English. Learners need to know English grammar rules to use the
language appropriately. Here’s why grammar is important:
If learners want to learn something well, they must practice it often. If they’re
going to speak fluently, they should converse in the language and listen carefully.
Listening is perhaps even more important than speaking as it helps one understand what
people are saying, which is better than talking. Learning grammatical rules will help
learners to communicate appropriately when talking is required, such as while ordering
food at a restaurant or making plans with friends. If learners want to use their new skills
to converse with native speakers quickly and easily, they must take time to practice
speaking the language daily.
Grammar helps one understand the English language by helping them understand
the way words work together as a system. Understanding grammar can be one of the
essential skills learned as an English language student.
Grammar is a vital part of any language. It’s essential to allow learners to express
their thoughts adequately and form and communicate precise ideas. Grammar is not just
about spelling or punctuation. It is an integral part of a language because it allows them
to construct sentences and write coherently.
The importance of grammar cannot be emphasized enough because it helps us
know what is being communicated and how we can respond appropriately. If learners
want to improve their English skills, they must start by learning the grammar rules and
then practising them until it becomes a habit.
The primary purpose of grammar is to improve the speaking and writing skills of
the learner. In addition, grammar can help them become a better communicator.
Grammar studies the rules and structure of language, including parts of speech,
sentence structure, and punctuation. Learning grammar is essential because it helps one
communicate clearly and effectively with others in any situation.
The key to good grammar is consistency, ensuring that the writing follows a
uniform set of rules. For example, if learners want to use a single quote mark to
emphasize something, follow that style throughout the text. If they use double quotes
instead, ensure that’s the punctuation mark they use throughout the text consistently.
The better they get with their hold of grammar, the more confident they will feel
when speaking or writing in English. It will also help them avoid common mistakes that
may cause confusion or annoyance for others listening to or reading what they say.
It was observed through the answers of the students in a questionnaire referring to their
opinion in relation to the English language, which the vast majority consider the
language very important for the personal and professional growth of the individual.
What is noticed when observing a foreign language class is that despite of being aware
of the importance of knowing an internationally spoken language, most students are not
very participatory during classes, some due to difficulty in learning or pronouncing
words that differ greatly from Portuguese or perhaps even because they think they will
never need to know speak another language.
As for the vocabulary issue, generally students learn the words in isolation (traditional
approach) and because they read very little or do not practice outside the classroom end
up forgetting what they learned by being that reading outside the classroom and daily
contact with the language are very important for vocabulary improvement.
ALMEIDA, Rubens Queiroz de. The most common words in the English language. São
Paulo: Novatec, 2002.
HOLDEN, Susan; ROGERS, Mickey. The teaching of the English language. São Paulo:
Special Book Services Livraria, 2001.
ROCCO, Maria Thereza Fraga. The importance of reading and the role of the school in
this context. São Paulo: FD, 1994. Available at <>. Accessed on
March 20. 2006.
ZILBERMAN, Regina. Reading: History and Society. São Paulo: Série Idéias, 1988:
Available at <>. Accessed on March 25th. 2006.