Iso 15607 2019

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Second edition

Specification and qualification of

welding procedures for metallic
materials — General rules
Descriptif et qualification d'un mode opératoire de soudage pour les
matériaux métalliques — Règles générales


ISO 15607:2019

Reference number
ISO 15607:2019(E)

© ISO 2019
ISO 15607:2019(E)


ISO 15607:2019


© ISO 2019
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ISO 15607:2019(E)

Contents Page

Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Welding procedure specification format..................................................................................................................................... 2
5 Development and qualification of welding procedures................................................................................................ 2
5.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
5.2 Qualification based on welding procedure test........................................................................................................... 3
5.3 Qualification based on tested welding consumables.............................................................................................. 3
5.4 Qualification based on previous welding experience............................................................................................. 4
5.5 Qualification based on a standard welding procedure.......................................................................................... 4
5.6 Qualification based on a pre-production welding test.......................................................................................... 5
6 Validity............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Annex A (informative) Details of standards dealing with specification and qualification of
welding procedures............................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Annex B (informative) Different phases in welding procedure qualification............................................................. 8
Annex C (informative) Flow diagram for the development and qualification of a WPS................................... 9
( 10

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ISO 15607:2019(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
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ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
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This document was prepared by ISO Technical Committee ISO/TC 44, Welding and allied processes,
Subcommittee SC 10, Quality management in the field of welding.
ISO 15607:2019
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 15607:2003), which has been technically
revised. It also incorporates the Technical Corrigendum ISO 15607:2003/Cor.1:2005.
The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:
— ISO 3834 is no longer referenced;
— titles of referenced documents have been corrected and some references have been moved to the
— references to International Standards for laser-arc hybrid welding, friction stir welding and
production welding of steel castings have been added.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards
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ISO 15607:2019(E)

Welding procedure specifications (WPSs) are needed in order to provide a well-defined basis for
planning of the welding operations and for quality control during welding. Welding is considered
a special process in the terminology of standards for quality systems. Standards for quality
systems usually require that special processes be carried out in accordance with written procedure
Preparation of a welding procedure specification provides the necessary basis for, but does not in itself
ensure that the welds fulfil the requirements. Some deviations, notably imperfections and distortions,
can be evaluated by non-destructive methods on the finished product.
However, metallurgical deviations constitute a special problem because non-destructive evaluation of
the mechanical properties is impossible at the present level of non-destructive technology. This has
resulted in the establishment of a set of rules for qualification of the welding procedure prior to the
release of the specification to actual production. This document defines these rules.
Qualification of a preliminary welding procedure specification (pWPS) by more than one method is not


ISO 15607:2019

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ISO 15607:2019

Specification and qualification of welding procedures for

metallic materials — General rules

1 Scope
This document is part of a series of standards dealing with specification and qualification of welding
procedures. Annex A gives details of this series of standards, Annex B gives a table for the use of these
standards, and Annex C gives a flow diagram for the development and qualification of a WPS.
This document defines general rules for the specification and qualification of welding procedures for
metallic materials. This document also refers to several other standards as regards detailed rules for
specific applications.
This document is applicable to manual, partly mechanized, fully mechanized and automated welding.
Welding procedures are qualified by conforming to one or more welding procedure qualification
records (WPQR). The use of a particular method of qualification is often a requirement of an application
It is assumed that welding procedure specifications are used in production by competent welders,
qualified in accordance with the relevant part of ISO 9606 or by competent operators qualified in
accordance with ISO 14732.
2 Normative references
ISO 15607:2019
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 15609 (all parts), Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials —
Welding procedure specification
ISO 15610, Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — Qualification
based on tested welding consumables
ISO 15611, Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — Qualification
based on previous welding experience
ISO 15612, Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — Qualification by
adoption of a standard welding procedure specification
ISO 15613, Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — Qualification
based on pre-production welding test
ISO 15614 (all parts), Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials —
Welding procedure test
ISO/TR 25901 (all parts), Welding and allied processes — Vocabulary

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in the ISO/TR 25901 series and the
following apply.

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ISO 15607:2019(E)

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:​//www​.iso​.org/obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:​//www​.electropedia​.org/
<welding> person or organization responsible for the welding production

4 Welding procedure specification format

The ISO 15609 series provides the technical content that shall be included in welding procedure
specifications for the following welding processes:
— arc welding;
— gas welding;
— electron beam welding;
— laser beam welding;
— laser-arc hybrid welding;
— resistance welding.
WPS for other welding processes and for special applications can be covered by specific standards, for
example: (
— for stud welding, see ISO 14555; ISO 15607:2019
— for friction welding, see ISO 15620;
— for friction stir welding (FSW), see ISO 25239-4;
— for friction stir spot welding (FSSW), see ISO 18785-4.
A WPS shall be classified as a pWPS until qualified using an appropriate method in accordance with
Clause 5.

5 Development and qualification of welding procedures

5.1 General
Qualification of welding procedures shall be performed prior to actual welding in production.
The manufacturer shall prepare a pWPS and shall ensure that it is applicable for the actual production,
using experience from previous productions and the general fund of knowledge of welding technology.
Each pWPS shall be used as a basis for establishment of WPQR qualified in accordance with one of the
methods listed in Table 1.
If the qualification involves welding of test pieces, then the test pieces shall be welded in accordance
with the pWPS.
The WPQR shall comprise all variables (essential and non-essential) as well as the specified ranges of
qualification given in the appropriate standard. On basis of the WPQR, the WPS for production welding
is developed under the responsibility of the manufacturer unless otherwise required (see Annex B).

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ISO 15607:2019(E)

Table 1 — Methods of qualification

Method based on Application
Welding procedure test Can always be applied, unless the procedure test does not adequately correspond
(see 5.2) to the joint geometry, restraint, accessibility of the actual welds.
Tested welding Application is limited to welding procedures using consumables.
The testing of the consumables shall cover the parent material used in production.
(see 5.3)
Further limitations as regards material and other parameters are specified in
ISO 15610.
Previous welding Application is limited to procedures used previously for a large number of welds in
experience (see 5.4) comparable items, joints and materials. Requirements are specified in ISO 15611.
Standard welding Similar to welding procedure test but in accordance with the limitations specified
procedure (see 5.5) in ISO 15612.
Pre-production welding Can always be applied in principle but requires manufacture of a test piece under
test (see 5.6) production conditions. Suitable for mass production. Requirements are specified
in ISO 15613.
NOTE   For the choice of a particular method, see Annexes A and B.

5.2 Qualification based on welding procedure test

This method specifies how a welding procedure can be qualified by the welding and testing of a
standardized test piece.
A welding procedure test may be required whenever the properties of the material in the weld metal
and the heat-affected zone are critical for the application.
The ISO 15614 series defines the welding procedure tests for the following welding processes:
ISO 15607:2019
— arc welding;
— gas welding;

— electron beam welding;

— laser beam welding;
— laser-arc hybrid welding;
— resistance welding.
Welding procedure tests for other welding processes and for special applications can be covered by
specific standards, for example:
— for stud welding, see ISO 14555;
— for friction welding, see ISO 15620;
— for friction stir welding, see ISO 25239-4;
— for friction stir spot welding, see ISO 18785-4;
— for production welding of steel castings, see ISO 11970.

5.3 Qualification based on tested welding consumables

This method specifies how a welding procedure can be qualified by using tested welding consumables.
Some parent materials do not deteriorate significantly in the heat-affected zones. In this case, this
method of qualification may be used.

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