1. Preschoolers' fears are best dealt with by using logical persuasion to help them recognize fears are unrealistic, not by ridiculing fears.
2. During the preschool period, injury prevention emphasis should be placed on education for safety and potential hazards, not punishment or limitation of activities.
3. Acyclovir is given to children with chickenpox to minimize scarring, decrease lesions, and prevent spread of disease. High risk children may receive it after exposure to prevent varicella.
1. Preschoolers' fears are best dealt with by using logical persuasion to help them recognize fears are unrealistic, not by ridiculing fears.
2. During the preschool period, injury prevention emphasis should be placed on education for safety and potential hazards, not punishment or limitation of activities.
3. Acyclovir is given to children with chickenpox to minimize scarring, decrease lesions, and prevent spread of disease. High risk children may receive it after exposure to prevent varicella.
1. Preschoolers' fears are best dealt with by using logical persuasion to help them recognize fears are unrealistic, not by ridiculing fears.
2. During the preschool period, injury prevention emphasis should be placed on education for safety and potential hazards, not punishment or limitation of activities.
3. Acyclovir is given to children with chickenpox to minimize scarring, decrease lesions, and prevent spread of disease. High risk children may receive it after exposure to prevent varicella.
1. Preschoolers' fears are best dealt with by using logical persuasion to help them recognize fears are unrealistic, not by ridiculing fears.
2. During the preschool period, injury prevention emphasis should be placed on education for safety and potential hazards, not punishment or limitation of activities.
3. Acyclovir is given to children with chickenpox to minimize scarring, decrease lesions, and prevent spread of disease. High risk children may receive it after exposure to prevent varicella.
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MCHN CHAPTER 33 THE PRE SCHOOLER nurse that they will be back to visit at 6 PM. 9. 9.
to visit at 6 PM. 9. 9. Imaginary playmates are beneficial to the
AND THE FAMILY When Ryan asks the nurse when his preschool child because they: parents are coming, the nurses best a. Take the place of social interactions. 1. Which accomplishment would the nurse response is: b. Take the place of pets and other toys expect of a healthy 3-year-old child? a. They will be here soon. c. . c. Become friends in times of loneliness. a. Jump rope b. b. They will come after dinner. d. Accomplish what the child has already b. Ride a two-wheel bicycle c. . Let me show you on the clock when 6 successfully accomplished. c. Skip on alternate feet PM is. d. Balance on one foot for a few seconds d. I will tell you every time I see you how 10. Which characteristic best describes the much longer it will be. language of a 3-year-old child? 2. In terms of fine motor development, what 6. A 4-year-old boy is hospitalized with a a. Asks meanings of words could the 3-year-old child be expected to serious bacterial infection. He tells the b. Follows directional commands do? nurse that he is sick because he was bad. c. Can describe an object according to its a. Tie shoelaces. The nurses best interpretation of this composition b. Use scissors or a pencil very well. comment is that it is: d. Talks incessantly, regardless of whether c. Draw a person with seven to nine parts. a. A sign of stress. anyone is listening d. Copy (draw) a circle. b. Common at this age. c. Suggestive of maladaptation. 11. 11. By what age would the nurse expect 3. 3. In terms of cognitive development, the 5- that most children could understand d. Suggestive of excessive discipline at home. year-old child would be expected to: prepositional phrases such as under, on top a. Use magical thinking. of, beside, and in back of? 7. 7. In terms of language and cognitive b. Think abstractly. a. 18 months development, a 4-year-old child would be c. Understand conservation of matter. b. 24 months expected to: d. Be able to comprehend another persons c. 3 years a. Think in abstract terms. perspective. d. 4 years b. Follow simple commands. 4. 4. What is descriptive of the preschoolers c. Understand conservation of matter. understanding of time? 12. A useful skill that the nurse should expect a d. Comprehend another persons perspective. a. Has no understanding of time 5-year-old child to be able to master is to: b. Associates time with events 8. 8. Which type of play is most typical of the c. Can tell time on a clock a. Tie shoelaces. preschool period? d. Uses terms like yesterday appropriately a. Solitary b. Use a knife to cut meat. b. Parallel 5. 5. The nurse is caring for a hospitalized 4- c. Hammer a nail. c. Associative year-old boy, Ryan. His parents tell the d. Team d. Make change from a quarter. c. Using logical persuasion to explain away d. Varicella zoster immune globulin their fears and help them recognize how (VZIG) 13. The nurse is guiding parents in selecting a unrealistic the fears are 20. Vitamin A supplementation may be day care facility for their child. When d. Ridiculing their fears so they understand recommended for the young child who has: making the selection, it is especially that there is no need to be afraid a. Mumps. important to consider: b. Rubella. a. Structured learning environment. 16. 16. A normal characteristic of the language c. Measles (rubeola) b. Socioeconomic status of children. development of a preschool-age child is: d. Erythema infectiosum. c. Cultural similarities of children. a. Lisp.. d. Teachers knowledgeable about b. Stammering. 21. When is a child with chickenpox considered development. c. Echolalia to be no longer contagious? d. Repetition without meaning. a. When fever is absent 14. The parent of a 4-year-old son tells the b. When lesions are crusted nurse that the child believes monsters and 17. 17. During the preschool period, the c. 24 hours after lesions erupt the boogeyman are in his bedroom at night. emphasis of injury prevention should be d. 8 days after onset of illness The nurses best suggestion for coping with placed on: this problem is to: a. Constant vigilance and protection. 22. 22. The nurse is performing an assessment a. Insist that the child sleep with his parents b. Punishment for unsafe behaviors. on a child and notes the presence of Kopliks until the fearful phase passes. c. Education for safety and potential hazards. spots. In which communicable disease are b. Suggest involving the child to find a d. Limitation of physical activities. Kopliks spots present? practical solution such as a night-light. a. Rubella (varicella) c. Help the child understand that these fears 18. 18. Acyclovir (Zovirax) is given to children b. Measles (rubeola) are illogical. with chickenpox to: c. Chickenpox d. Tell the child frequently that monsters and a. Minimize scarring. d. Exanthema subitum (roseola) the boogeyman do not exist. b. Decrease the number of lesions. c. Prevent aplastic anemia 23. Which statement best describes a child 15. 15. Preschoolers fears can best be dealt d. Prevent spread of the disease. who is abused by the parent(s)? with by which intervention? a. Unintentionally contributes to the a. Actively involving them in finding practical 19. 19. Which medication may be given to high abusing situation methods to deal with the frightening risk children after exposure to chickenpox b. Belongs to a low socioeconomic experience to prevent varicella? population b. Forcing them to confront the frightening a. Acyclovir c. Is healthier than the nonabused object or experience in the presence of b. Vitamin A siblings their parents c. Diphenhydramine hydrochloride d. Abuses siblings in the same way as b. The childs sense of learned 29. Which common childhood communicable child is abused by the parent(s) helplessness disease may cause severe defects in the c. The parents interactions and fetus when it occurs in its congenital form? 24. A common characteristic of those who responsiveness to the child a. Erythema infectiosum sexually abuse children is that they: d. Attending a preschool program b. Roseola a. Pressure the victim into secrecy. c. Rubeola b. Are usually unemployed and 27. A 4-year-old child tells the nurse that she d. Rubella unmarried. does not want another blood sample drawn c. Are unknown to victims and victims because I need all my insides, and I dont 30. 30. Which is the causative agent of scarlet families. want anyone taking them out. Which is the fever? d. Have many victims that are each nurses best interpretation of this? a. Enteroviruses abused only once. a. Child is being overly dramatic. b. Corynebacterium organisms b. Child has a disturbed body image. c. Scarlet fever virus 25. Which statement, made by a 4-year-old c. Preschoolers have poorly defined d. Group A b-hemolytic streptococci childs father, is true about the care of the body boundaries. (GABHS) preschoolers teeth? d. Preschoolers normally have a good a. Because the baby teeth are not understanding of their bodies. 31. Which is probably the most important permanent, they are not important criterion on which to base the decision to to the child. 28. Parents tell the nurse that they found their report suspected child abuse? b. My son can be encouraged to brush 3-year-old daughter and a male cousin of a. Inappropriate parental concern for his teeth after I have thoroughly the same age inspecting each other closely the degree of injury cleaned his teeth. as they used the bathroom. Which is the b. Absence of parents for questioning c. My sons permanent teeth will most appropriate recommendation the about childs injuries begin to come in at 4 to 5 years of nurse should make? c. Inappropriate response of child age. a. Punish children so this behavior d. Incompatibility between the history d. Fluoride supplements can be stops. and injury observe. discontinued when my sons b. Neither condone nor condemn the permanent teeth erupt. curiosity. c. Allow children unrestricted 26. 26. In providing anticipatory guidance to permission to satisfy this curiosity. parents whose child will soon be entering d. Get counseling for this unusual and kindergarten, which is a critical factor in dangerous behavior. preparing a child for kindergarten entry? a. The childs ability to sit still