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Design: William W. Connors
Editing: Dori "the Barbarian" Watry
Product Coordination: Timothy B. Brown
Cover Art: Robin Wood
Interior Art: Robert Klasnich & Stephen Fabian
Typesetting: Gaye O'Keefe
Production: Sarah Feggestad
owned by TSR, Inc. RAVENLOFT and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
ISBN 1-56076-351-5
TSR, Inc. TSR Ltd.
POB 756 120 Church End
Lake Geneva Cherry Hinton
WI 53147 Cambridge CB1 3LB
U.S.A. United Kingdom
Origins of Ghosts 16 Allergens 51
Anchors 22 Magical Spells 52
Triggers 24 Personal Effects 59
Conclusion 25 Special Weapons 60 vM
Forged Weapons 60
Chapter II: Ordinary Powers 26 Enchanted Weapons 60
Insubstantiality 26 Specially Constructed Weapons 61
Invisibility 28
Rejuvenation 28 Chapter V: Speak with the Dead 62
Immunity 29 Types of Mediums 62
Magic Resistance 29 Focus Mediums 62
Biological Spells 29 Guide Mediums 63
Unique Immunities 31 Host Mediums 63
Racial Abilities 31 Regression Mediums 64
False Mediums 68
Chapter III: Extraordinary Powers 32 Locating and Hiring a Medium 70
Accelerate Aging 32 Through Recommendation 71
or as long as mankind has kept should seek their every lair and see to it that
written records, the comings and these monsters were destroyed. I did not
goings of spirits have been noted. understand the scope of my quest then. To
Some are described as lights or track down and destroy all the vampires in all
recognizable shapes in the the worlds that I now know of is an impossible
darkness. Others seem to be real, task—but I have never hesitated.
but are nothing more than images No single man can do all that 1 have set forth
of light—as incorporeal as they are to do. It is my hope, however, that, by placing
unliving. They come in all manner what I know in a series of books, 1 will aid those
of shapes and sizes. They who would follow me on my quest. If you have
undertake macabre missions and seen the eyes of death looking at you, if you
have any number of motivations. have heard a feral hiss in the darkness, if you
Most are evil, some indifferent, and have known the terror that awaits, then you
a few good and kind. know the importance of my work. I offer you
In this work, 1 shall examine my heart, my prayers, and—most
them all. I shall share with you importantly—my knowledge.
what 1 can of my sparse knowledge In the three decades that have passed since
and pray with all my heart that it the death of my wife and child, 1 have traveled
may be enough to keep you alive. If it is not, much. I have seen horror in all its shapes. I
then I pray even more that this knowledge shall have faced monsters that could only have
be enough to allow you to rest in true death and issued forth from the deepest pits of evil. In
not to rise and haunt the night as an apparition every case I have been tempered by the
have lived a long life. If I am lucky, it shall would 1 be as short-sighted in a future meeting.)
not end soon. 1 am in good health, despite Those that defeated me—and there have been
all the storms I have weathered. Still, I know many despite my undeserved reputation for
that the black shroud of death will one day fall invincibility—have left me stronger for the
across me. When it does, I will look back upon wounds inflicted upon me.
a life that was long and hard, but not without its How many times have 1 been driven to
rewards. 1 have done much good—of this 1 am death's door by the creatures of darkness? 1
certain. I shall face the grave with no regrets cannot say. But in every instance 1 was
and but one sorrow. Let me recount it for you. determined to battle back from the injuries 1
My first encounter with the undead was with suffered and to have my revenge. I am a
the horrible vampire who called himself Baron peaceful, merciful man, but such vengeance is
Metus. When that fiend stole my beloved son sweet indeed.
Erasmus and then murdered my dear wife
Ingrid, I vowed I should devote myself to the
utter annihilation of all his diabolical kind. The Thundering Carriage
The sorrow, of course, is that 1 have become ow did 1, a devoted vampire hunter, come
what I have become at the cost of losing my to be an enemy of the incorporeal undead
family. At that time, however, I was a much as well? The inclusion was not a difficult
younger man. I meant only that I should battle one. It began on a cold autumn night in
the dread vampire in all his shapes—that I Lamordia. 1 was close on the trail of a vile
creature that I call the child vampire. The details
of my encounter with that dark beast are
presented elsewhere (see RR1, Darklords), so I
shall not dwell on them here. While researching
the creature, 1 happened upon a lonely country
inn, the Thistle & Bonnet. The place was so
charming and the darkness approaching so fast
that I bade my companions stop. We discussed The boundaries which divide Life from
the matter briefly, and then decided to spend Death are at best shadowy and vague.
the night. Who shall say where one ends, and
The innkeeper, a cheerful fellow with the where the other begins?
unlikely name of Bellikok, saw to our every
need. He presented us with a great feast of a — Edgar Allan Poe
dinner, saw to it that our glasses were always "The Premature Burial"
full, and never seemed at a loss for some clever Tales of Mystery and Imagination
comment or anecdote to move the
conversation along at a merry pace. In all, a
perfect hosteler.
All that changed, however, as the gleaming
copper clock on his mantle rang ten. No sooner
nightmarish wagon. Gaunt and thin, but these "My God," was all I could say.