Life Long Learning For Teachers 3rd Year Level Assignment

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Name : Sibusiso

Surname : Mnguni
Stud No : 2020252223
Module : LSPT3605
Assessment : Assessment 2
1.1) Physical Education
It is education that involves physical movement of the body. It aims to develop students’
physical competence and knowledge of movement and safety, as well as their ability to
use these in many ways to develop an active an healthy lifestyle. It also develops
students’ confidence and generic skills, more especially those of collaboration,
communication, creativity, critical thinking and aesthetic appreciation.
(Education Bureau 2022:Online)

1.2) Physical Activity

As defined by the World Health Organization, it is any form of bodily movement that
comes about the contraction and relaxation of the skeletal muscles through the usage of
energy (Cambridge Dictionary n.d:Online).

1.3) Sport
Sport is a game, competition, or activity needing physical effort and skill that is played or
done according to rules, for enjoyment and/or as a job.
(Cambridge Dictionary n.d.:Online)..

1.4) Play
Play is any physical or mental activity that has no purpose or objective outside of pure
enjoyment or amusement (National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability

2. What precautions would you suggest a Physical Education Teacher should

take to avoid negligence and assure learners’ safety during physical training or
- Make sure that the learners bring their civil clothes, so they can be able to be more
flexible throughout the activities.
- Make sure all the learners warm up before doing the activities to avoid injury
- Also make sure that the learners warm down after the activity has ended,
- Teacher should check all equipment if its fit for use before the usage of it.
(Education Bureau 2022:Online)
3. Identify an indigenous game that is played in South Africa. Describe how this
particular game is played. Discuss the importance of this game in learners’
social, physical, as well as cognitive development.
The name of the game is called Diketo. Diketo is usually played by two players and can be
played with pebbles or marbles. The player throws a stone called "mokinto" into the air
and then tries to take out as many stones as possible from the circle before they catch it
again with the same hand. Then they put the stones back into the hole one stone at a
time, until all ten stones are back in the hole. The player can only move a stone while
the "gho"/"mokinto" is in the air and before catching it again with the same hand. The
player then takes out all the stones again and puts them back in the hole now two at a
time and so on. If the player fails to catch the gho, it is the next player's turn. The player
who has manages to do ten rounds of taking the stones out and systematically placing
them back in first, wins the game. (Western Cape Government n.d.:2023)
The game helps learners build the skills of socializing with others humans as it involves
multiple players, thus in one aspect it helps the learners socially (Netwerk24
For the fact that the learners have to throw the gho in the air whilst trying to drag the
stones or pebbles out of the drawn circle at the same time, mean that the participants
exercise their motor neuron skills, and thus this account for physical activity.
According to Moloi, helps to concretize concepts such as linear equations,
conceptualizations of independent and dependent variables. Circles visualized in Diketo
can be arranged in such a way that it illustrates the area of the circle. Thus this aspect
accounts for the cognitive development of the game (Netwerk24 2015:Online).

4. Explain how a Physical Education Teacher can modify a game/sport to suit

learners’ physical and developmental abilities. In this case ONLY soccer will be
used as an example of how modifying a game/sport should be done.
In order to make the sport (soccer) to more inclusive of learners with disabilities, special
equipment in some cases is necessary. Additionally, some more general adaptations
that can be made are; Usage of kinetic teaching, employing the buddy system,
modifications of game rules and the usage of visual aids or hand signals.
To also further elaborate and illustrate how the adaptations can be made, also for more
specific disability conditions, the following is described below:
For learners that have a hearing impairment.
- The buddy system can work quiet well. As the buddy with the impairment will be
paired with a learner that can hear.
- Establishing basic hand communications prior to the game starts, is helpful as
For learners other health or physical impairments, the following modifications can be
- Having the sport being played in a not cold and dust free area can be very helpful
to learners who have asthma.
- For learners who are on a wheel chair, the game rules can be modified to say
that they can use their hands instead to ”kick” the ball, as well as the footrest of
the wheelchair to dribble the ball.
( Adapted Physical Education n.d:Online)

Physical Education Lesson Plan

Educator’s Name: Date:

Grade: 5 Number of learners: 30

Lesson focus: (1) Dribbling, passing and Lesson duration:

shooting 45min
Resources: (1) Basketballs, Hula Hoops to store basketballs at each station, Dots, Circle-

Lesson Objectives: (2)

By the end of this lesson learners should be able to demonstrate mature form of manipulative
skills of dribbling and shooting within their given time frame.

Introduction of the lesson: (2)

Some inclusive warm ups are;

- Arm swings (holding your arms straight out to the side, and then swing them
and cross them in front of your chest)
- Shoulder rotations (holding your arms straight out to the side, and move your
arms in a circular motion, making bigger circles each time,)
Body of the lesson: (2) Game/Sport modification:
Basketball Skill Stations:
1) Dribbling - Students will dribble in and out of the circle-cones pathway.
2) Lay-Ups - Students will dribble from the established line and attempt to lay it up
into the basket.
3) Bounce Pass - Students are placed on specified dots and bounce pass back and
forth with a partner.
4) Chest Pass - Students are placed on specified dots and chest pass back and
forth with a partner. (Learners on wheelchair are the only ones that can still use their
hands for the chest pass’)
5) Jump Shots - Students will dribble to a designated spot and attempt to shoot a
jump shot from the spot.
6) Overhead Pass - Students are placed on specified dots and overhead pass back
and forth with a partner.
** The teacher can establish hand signals or writings at each station for learners who are
hearing impaired.

Conclusion: (1)
Let all the learners go for a slow walk around the field or a certain area to cool

Method of assessment: (1)

Teacher Checklist addressing the dribble, lay-up, bounce pass, chest pass, jump
shot, and overhead pass.

Education Bureau. 2022. Physical Education. Hong Kong: Education Bureau
Retrieved 19 July 2023
Cambridge Dictionary,n.d. Cambridge: University of Cambridge.
Retrieved 19 July 2023
National Center on Health Physical Activity and Disability,n.d. Discover Leisure
Education. Birminham: University of Alabama
Retrieved 19 July 2023
Western Cape Government. 2023. Indigenous Games Promotion and Training.
Western Cape: Western Cape Governement
Retrieved 19 July 2023
Netwerk24. 2015. Diketo Explained. Pretoria:Netwerk24
Retrieved 19 July 2023

Adapted Physical Education, S.D. 2008. Adapting Soccer Instruction-Inlcuding

students with Disabilities in Physical Education. Spring: Manchester College
Retrieved 19 July 2023

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