Soccer Unit Plan

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The unit plan focuses on developing students' basic soccer skills like dribbling, passing, and shooting through various activities over 5 days. Formal and informal assessments are used to check students' comprehension of skills and content.

The unit plan focuses on developing students' basic dribbling skills on day 1, passing skills on day 3, and applying skills through modified game play on day 4. Cues for proper techniques are also emphasized.

Assessments included are teacher questions, a soccer performance rubric, pedometer recordings for physical activity, and a unit exam. Formative assessments check understanding throughout while the exam serves as a summative assessment.

Elementary Physical Education Unit Plan

Age Level: 5th Grade

Dates: December 10, 2014

Unit: Basic Soccer Skills/Games



Provide a brief
rationale as to why
this standard was



Specific Objective
Indicate the main focus
of the activities
(psychomotor, cognitive,
and or affective) write
one main objective for
each day!

Standard 1 - The
physically literate
competency in a
variety of motor
skills and
movement patterns.
Students will be
working on basic
dribbling skills
during activities.

Psychomotor: After the

coordination dribbling
activity, the students will be
able to maintain control of
their soccer ball while

Standard 2 - The
physically literate
individual applies
knowledge of
strategies and
tactics related to
movement and

Cognitive: During the Red

Light/Green Light warm-up,
the students will be able to
monitor whether or not
theyre controlling their
soccer ball by stopping and
dribbling under control.

Learning Activities w/ brief description


Safety Issues

Indicate the name of the main activity.

Highlight lesson plan of chosen day. Also,
highlight chosen cues sheet to chosen day as

what you will
be assessing,
and how.
assessments to
chosen days.

List out all safety

considerations for
any/all activities

Intro: Introduce topic of dribbling and why it is

important when playing soccer.
Activity- Coordination dribbling
Students will practice dribbling with their dominate
foot first from one cone to another, first at a short
Students will then try alternating feet so that they
become comfortable using both their dominant and
non-dominant foot.
Students will then dribble through cones to practice
accuracy and keeping the ball close to them.
Main: Musical Soccer Cones
Closing: Asking students the cues used in dribbling a
soccer ball to check for understanding. Push ball gently
ahead, using inside of the foot to control the ball, and
stop ball by placing foot on top of the ball.
Intro: Red Light/Green Light
Students will practice dribbling throughout the
When the music stops they will find a hula hoop and
trap the ball in the hula hoop
The students must work quickly because there will not
be enough hula hoops for the amount of students in the

Pedometer log
and 0-4 scaling

Talking about the

safety issues when
dribbling, how to
watch out for others
and tripping over the
ball and not kicking
it at classmates.

Pedometer log
and 0-4 scaling

Be aware of other
students dribbling
the ball around you
and do not push and
shove to get into a
hula hoop. Have
good spatial
awareness when
dribbling around.

Elementary Physical Education Unit Plan

The students will
be applying
concepts from day
1 lesson into
advanced dribbling



Standard 1 - The
physically literate
competency in a
variety of motor
skills and
movement patterns.
Students will be
working on basic
passing skills
during activities.

Psychomotor: After the

partner passing activity, the
students will be able to
accurately kick the soccer
ball to their partner using the
inside of their foot.

Standard 3- The
physically literate
demonstrates the
knowledge and
skills to achieve
and maintain a
level of physical
activity and fitness.
Students will be
using pedometers
to measure activity
level, specifically
in soccer passing

Psychomotor: The students

will be able to implement the
basic principles of dribbling
and passing during a game of
soccer passing challenge
showing their understanding
of manipulative skills related
to kicking.


Try to be the first one to a hula hoop!
The activity will increase in difficulty
We will allow three players in a hula hoop
Then two players in a hula hoop
Then one player allowed in a hula hoop
Closing: Have students pick up hoola hoops and put
away the balls. They will then walk around the gym
and be asked a series of questions to review the cues
given to them on day 1.
Intro: Teacher will demonstrate both how to pass and
stop a ball. Partner passing: Students will find open
area with partner and pass ball back and forth by using
the inside of their foot to (push) the ball towards their
target. The student receiving the pass will need to stop
the ball by using either foot to absorb the ball.
Walking Pass: Students will walk with partner while
passing back and forth maintaining control of the ball
and also leading their partner.
Main: Non-Stop: Students will pass a ball around in a
group after a few minutes groups will combine and
extra soccer balls will be added until the whole class is
in a circle.
Closing: Put away all equipment and jog around the
gym twice before making their way back to half-court
and have a student demonstration on proper techniques
of passing and stopping a ball.
Intro: Giving a demonstration on how to properly use
a pedometer and have them put them on.
Pass Connection: Students will get into three teams and
will have to do a passing relay and pass the ball to each
other 8 consecutive times before sitting down.
Main: Soccer Passing Challenge
Closing: Have students put away equipment and grab
pedometer worksheet that is spread out on the baseline
to fill out on an overview of how to use pedometers.

Pedometer log
and 0-4 scaling

Pedometer log
and 0-4 scaling

Have plenty of room

between groups
kicking (spatial
awareness) around
you so that students
receiving the ball
dont get a ball to
the face. When
passing keep the
balls on the ground
do not kick it up in
the air.

Students getting hit

with a ball. Students
crashing into each
other, make sure you
are paying attention
to where others are.
Keeping head up
and not running into
each other.

Elementary Physical Education Unit Plan


Standard 1 - The
physically literate
competency in a
variety of motor
skills and
movement patterns.
Students will be
working on basic
shooting skills
during activities.

Psychomotor: The students

will use proper shooting
skills during the warm-up
and drills preparing them for
the final activity of
bombardment. This is
characterized by kicking the
soccer ball with the inside of
the foot to direct the ball
towards the pins in the other
groups areas.

Intro: Introduce the topic of shooting with a

demonstration of the different techniques of how to
shoot with video!
v=RmeEVsRv5xA (Inside foot, follow through, and
keep the ball on the ground. Knockdown: Two teams
will be shooting at their own set of ten pins. The team
to knock down their ten pins first wins.
Main: Bombardment: There will be four team split into
four different corners of the court. The teams will have
four pins set up in their area. Once all pins are knocked
down, the only way to set them back up is to do a
specified exercise. Modifications will be added to
game throughout.

Pedometer log
and 0-4 scaling

Be aware of the pins

that you dont trip
and fall over them.
Watch out for
classmates so you
dont collide with
them. Watch out for
flying balls so you
dont get hit in the

Closing: Put all equipment away and bring students to

the center court to do a stretching cool-down and then
ask students to demonstrate proper form of shooting a
soccer ball.



Standard 2 - The
physically literate
individual applies
knowledge of
strategies and
tactics related to
movement and
The students will
be applying
concepts from day
5 lesson into
advanced shooting
Standard 4 - The
physically literate
individual exhibits
personal and social
behavior that

Affective: The students will

comprehend the importance
and health benefits of
reaching their goal of 20
minutes in their MVPA by
the end of the class period,
after the lesson on shooting.

Intro: Ghostbuster Soccer

Main: Shooter And Goalies: Students are designated as
shooters or goalies. Goals are set up around the
perimeter line of the gymnasium. Each goal is a
different color so the students can distinguish each goal
from the next. Shooters will dribble from goal to goal
throughout the center of the gymnasium and try and
score a goal on the goalie. If a goal is scored, students
will change positions with that goalie. Students will all
get a chance to be both a shooter and a goalie.
Closing: Students will put away equipment and will
then do a group stretching session.

Pedometer log
and 0-4 scaling

Watching out for

others when
dribbling and not
running into anyone.
Protecting yourself
from the ball and
not getting hit in the
face when being

Psychomotor: The students

will be able to implement the
basic principles of dribbling,
passing, and shooting during
a game of sideline soccer
showing their understanding

Intro: Relay: Students dribble the ball to a cone and

leave the ball, running back to the group. When that
student crosses the starting line, the next one runs to
the cone and dribbles the ball back to the group. The
next player dribbles the ball to the cone and returns to
the group. The next player runs to the ball and dribbles

Pedometer log
and 0-4 scaling

Students watch out

for others and not
tripping over the
ball or getting hit
with a ball. Students
pushing each other

Elementary Physical Education Unit Plan


respects self and

others. The students
will be asked why
sportsmanship and
teamwork is
important after the

of manipulative skills related

to kicking.

Standard 3 - The
physically literate
demonstrates the
knowledge and
skills to achieve
and maintain a
level of physical
activity and fitness.
The students will
demonstrate the
knowledge of
soccer skills by
taking a unit exam.

Cognitive: During the unit

exam, the students will be
able to apply basic soccer
terminology that they
comprehended throughout
the lessons.

it back, and so on.

Main: Sideline Soccer Students will be divided into
two teams. If we are outside we will have two lines of
cones about 50 feet away from each other designated
as the sidelines. The playing area is in between the two
side lines. The students will line up in their teams on
each side line the full length of the line. We will place
the ball in the center of the playing field. Each student
will have their own number. When both sides are ready
the teacher will yell out either two (2) or three (3)
numbers. The students whose number is chosen will
run out to the playing field and play either a 2v2 or a
3v3 game. The object of the game is for the students to
try and get the ball past the OTHER teams sideline.
The students whose numbers where not chosen must
move ALONG the line from side to side and act as
goalies to protect their line. Goalies can use their
hands. Once a goal is scored that team will get a point
and the ball will go to the center once again and new
numbers will be called. Everyone is active: both
players and goalies.
Closing: Have students stretch on their own while
giving the students a study guide on soccer
skills/games. They will also be asked why
sportsmanship and teamwork is important. What
components go into teamwork?
Intro: Statues and Dribblers 2nd Activity on page.
Main: Game Play: Toward the end of the unit we will
have modified game play. 6v6, Three (3) offense, Two
(2) defense, One (1) goalie, Offensive players can go
wherever the ball goes and try and score. Defensive
players and goalie may not go past mid field. Students
may choose team names. Teams will rotate and play a
new team each class.
Closing: Students will take an exam on everything
covered throughout the soccer unit.

when trying to get

the ball. Keeping
head up and not
running into each

Soccer Unit
Pedometer log
and 0-4 scaling

Students getting hit

with a ball. Students
crashing into each
other, make sure you
are paying attention
to where others are.
Keeping head up
and not running into
each other.

Elementary Physical Education Unit Plan

Research or Resources:,d.cGU,

Formal and Informal Assessments: Teacher will ask questions and after the lesson to check for comprehension. The students will be using soccer
performance assessment, pedometer (for MVPA), and a unit exam at the end of the unit.

Adaptation of content or activities for special populations (equipment and rules):

Taking air out of some of the soccer balls to make it easier for controlling and passing, kicking a stationary ball instead of a moving ball, and verbally
demonstrating the techniques instead of actually performing.

Instructor Reflection: responses to these questions need to be included for the unit plan to be complete
1. How are your students productively engaged in the development of the identified skill-related fitness components?
Students will be productively engaged in the development of skill-related fitness by learning the dribbling, passing, stopping,
and shooting techniques of soccer. They will be demonstrating their knowledge of these techniques by performing them each
day throughout the lessons.
2. How are your students productively engaged in the development of the identified health-related fitness components?
Students will be asked to take their pedometer step and MVPA recordings after being physically active during the activities.
Taking the step and MVPA readings will show the students how many steps they have taken while being active as well as the
MVPA. The more time in MVPA you have, the more physically active you are being.
3. What informal assessment activities are planned as a formative measure to check for understanding of unit content
knowledge and affective or physical skill development?
Students will be assessed by being asked questions pertaining to the skills being used in class including: can you show me the
technique to dribbling a soccer ball? What part of the foot is used to change the direction of the ball when dribbling? What

Elementary Physical Education Unit Plan

part of your foot do you use when passing the ball? How to you stop the ball when its been passed to you? Why is
sportsmanship and teamwork important?
4. What formal assessment activities are planned as a summative measure to check for understanding of unit content
knowledge and affective or physical skill development? Students will be assessed by the soccer performance assessment
used. The students will be assessed by logging their pedometer step and MVPA recordings for the day. Lastly, the students will
be assessed with an end of the unit exam to check for complete understanding off soccer.
5. What materials are included for special populations in this particular unit?
A larger ball would be used to make it easier for students to dribble a ball around in order to perform proper techniques for
each activity. Bigger nets would be implemented in order for students to shoot at a larger target area. A teacher assistant would
also be in the classroom to aid those who need any special help.

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