3.7 - Egg07 - Iag 2008

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Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation

IAG Commission 2: Gravity Field, Chania,

Crete, Greece ,23-27 June 2008

Edited by

Stelios P. Mertikas


30 ACE2z The New Global Digital Elevation Model 231

P.A.M. Berry, R.G. Smith, and J. Benveniste
31 Ocean Dynamic Topography from GPS - Galathea-3
First Results 239
O.B. Andersen, A.V. Olesen, R. Forsberg, G. Strykowski,
K.S. Cordua, and X. Zhang

32 Filtering of Altimetric Sea Surface Heights with a Global Approach 247

A. Albertella, X. Wang, and R. Rummel
33 Coastal Sea Surface Heights from Improved Altimeter Data
in the Mediterranean Sea 253
L. Fenoglio-Marc, M. Fehlau, L. Ferri, M. Becker, Y. Gao,
and S. Mgnudelli

34 On Estirnating the Dynamic Ocean Topography -

A Profile Approach 263
W. Bosch and R. Savcenko

Part IV Geoid Modeling and Vertical Datums 271

35 Evaluation of the Topographic Effect using the Various

Gravity Reduction Methods for Precise Geoid Model in Korea . 273
S.B. Lee and D.H. Lee

36 Analysis of Recent Global Geopotential Models

Over the Croatian Territory 283
M. Liker, M. Ludii, B. Bari5ii, M. Repani6, I. Grgi6,
and T. Ba5ii

37 On the Merging of Heterogeneous Height Data from SRTM,

ICESat and Survey Control Monuments for Establishing
Vertical Control in Greece: An Initial Assessment
and Validation 289
D. Delikaraoglou and I. Mintourakis

38 Implementing a Dynamic Geoid as a Yertical Datum

for Orthometric Heights in Canada 295
E. Rangelova, G. Fotopoulos, and M.G. Sideris

39 Evaluation of the Quasigeoid Models EGG97 and EGG07

with GPSflevelling Data for the Territory of Bulgaria 303
E. Peneva and I. Georgiev

40 Combination Schemes for Local Orthometric Height

Determination from GPS Measurements and Gravity Data . 309
A. Fotiou, V.N. Grigoriadis, C. Pikridas, D. Rossikopoulos,
I.N. Tziavos, and G.S. Vergos
4l EUVN_DA: Realization of the European Continental
GPSfleveling Network 315
A. Kenyeres, M. Sacher, J. Ihde, H. Denker, and U. Marti
Chapter 39

Evaluation of the Quasigeoid Models EGGIT and EGG0T

with GPS/levelling Data for the Territory ol Bulgaria

I. Peneva and l. Georgiev

{bstract The paper discusses the comparison ofthe New improved global geopotential models became
--resigeoid models ECG97 and EGG07 for rhe rerri- available based on the CHAMP and GRACE mis-
:,n of Bulgaria with GPS/levelling data. The models sions (Denker, 2005b). New national digital terrain
-.ie been compared with precise GpS and levelling data sets or improved old data, became available
-r..asurements from National Geodetic
Network with (Denker, 2005a). Improved techniques for process-
-"sular distribution of stations. Height anomaly
differ- ing of data and of geoid undulations were imple-
: r.--es between the models and GPS/levelling are in the mented too, these improvement lead to initiation of
-.nee of 0.693 m for EGG97 and 0.666 m for EGG07.
the European Gravity and Geoid Project (EGGp) in
-ie comparison is made with CMpGS program, devel- the IAG Commission 2. The project was planned
r,cd by H. Denker. A bias as well as bias plus tilt fit fbr the period of 4 years - fiom 2003 to 2007
,:e done. The rms of the unit weight after the fitting (Denker et al., 2005). The final product of the
. - 0.094 m. EGGP project is the new European quasigeoid model
In EGG07 there was practically no gravimetric
39.1 lntroduction and GPS/levelling data fbr Bulgaria (Denker et al.,
2008). In 2007 year in Bulgaria was starred a project
at the National Geodetic, Cartography and Cadastre
l:e European gravimetric quasigeoid model EGG97 Agency (NGCCA), ro collecr and analyze all avail-
".i computed in 1991 at the Institut fiir Erdmessung able gravimetric data, which were provided for the
-f ), University of Hannover, Germany, operating as EGGP pro.ject. The new National GpS network of
-.: computing centre of the International Association Bulgaria enabled us to obtain a ser of high preci-
: Geodesy (IAG) Subcommission for the Geoid in sion GPS/levelling data, which was used to evaluate
:-rope (Denker and Torge, 1997).
EGG97 is based on the EGG07 and EGG97 quasigeoid models for the
-"; EGM96 geopotential model and gravity and terrain teritory of Bulgaria.
-.-',,Jels. For western Europe gravity and terrain data
o ith good coverage was used which
made possible the
-:.llization of high-resolution undulations (1.0,
x 1.5,
ldt. In the easrern part (25 N-77 N and 35 W-67 E)
'-.e quasigeoid undulations
are with lower resolution 39.2 GPs/Levelling Data
x 15'.
The National GPS Network of Bulgaria was cre-
ated in order to serve the renovation of the
:. Peneva (X) National Geodetic Network and is tied to the
:.iculty of Geodesy,
Department of Geodesy, University of European Reference System. The National GpS
1-r--hitecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy,
Sofia, Bulgaria Network includes t12 lst order and 353 2nd order
:':lril: [email protected] points.

? llertikas (ed.), Gravity, Geoid and Earth Ob.servation,lnternational Association of Geodesy Symposia 135, 303
,JI 10.1007/978-3-642-10634-'7_39, O Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
304 E. Peneva and l. Georgiev

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Fig.39.1 GPSflevellingpoints

The lst order National GPS Network has mrnr- EGG07 models. The GPSilevelling points are shown
mum distance of 30 kilometers between the points. It in Fig. 39.1. The points are covering almost evenly
is created for realizing and maintaining the European the country with exception of the highest mountain
Tertestrial Reference System 89 (ETRS89) on the areas.
territory of the country using the GPS technology.
Besides practical activities, the 1st order network is
also intended for research activities in the field of
39.3 Comparisons
geodesy and Earth sciences -as monitoring tectonic
The measurements of the 1st order points of the For the comparison of the height anomalies we use

National CPS Network were perfbrmed in 2004 by the CMPGPS program developed by Denker (1998).
the Milrtary Geographic Service of the Bulgarian This program compares a set of interpolated quasi-
Army. The analysis of the measurements and obtain- geoid undulations, from EGG?T and EGG07, with
ing the final coordinates were done at the Central GPS/levelling data. A bias, as well as a bias plus tilt
Laboratory of Geodesy of the Bulgarian Academy of are estimated. The bias plus tilt fit is based on three
Sciences (CLG-BAS) in 200512006 (Georgiev et al., datum shift parameters. Considering the accuracy of
2005,2001). The accuracy of the obtained coordi- GPS heights and normal heights we came to the con-
nates is within 5 mm and exceeds significantly the clusion that the accuracy of GPSilevelling should be
requirements, set by the technical task. We could approximately *0.01 5 m.
state that the accuracy of the ellipsoidal heights is
within l0 mm.
At 328 points of the National GPS Network precise
levelling was perfbrmed by the Military Geographic 39.3.1 The Comparison Stotistics
Service to obtain normal heights. Normal heights are
in Baltic system with accuracy within 5 mm. These The final results are given in Table 39.I for EGG97 and
points are used fbr the evaluation of EGG97 and in Table 39.2for EGG07.
39 Evaluation of the Quasigeoid Models EGG97 and EGG07 305

Table 39.1 Statistics of differences between GPS/levelling and Table 39.2 Statistics of differences between GPS/Ievelling and
EGC97, [ml EGG07, [m]
(cps - (cps (cps (cps - (cps (cps -
(eccqr after bias lil after bias +tilt lEccor (sccor (ecco;
No. of pts 328 328 328 atier bias lit after hias +tilt
RMS +0.279 + 0.1 14 + 0.1l2 No. of pts 328 328 328
Min. - 0.122 - 0.371 - 0.38-s RMS *0.287 + 0.105 + 0.093

- 0.073
Max. + 0.-571 + 0.316 + 0.292 Min. - 0.3-39 0.3 l7
Adjusted Max. + 0.593 + 0.327 + 0.261
bias + 0.2-55 +0.006 Adjusted
Std. dev. bias + 0.266 +0.006
of weight Std. dev. of
unit + 0.1l3 weight unil * 0.094

the lack of gravimetric data in Bulgarian both models

Considering the number of points and standard (Fig. 39.a).
deviation of unit weight in comparison of EGG97 and In order to improve the quasigeoid model accuracy
EGG07, we could state that the results are satisfy- of Bulgaria more than 400 gravity points fiom the
ing. Apparently fiom the statistics in Thbles 39.I and base gravity network of Bulgaria are handed over for
39.2 the two models EGG97 and EGG07 are nearly the EGGP project. These data should be taken into
at the same accuracy. The differences are mapped on account in the next realization of EGG model. The
Fig. 39.2 for EGG97 and Fig. 39.3 fbr EGG07. Both GPS/levelling data used here will be also delivered to
models are showing the same behaviour. This is due to EGGP pro.ject too.

Fi9.39.2 Differences
betweeen GPS/lev. pts and
EGG97, [m]
E. Peneva and l. Georgiev

Fi9.39.3 Differences
betweeen CPS/lev. pts and
EGG07, Im]

Fig.39.4 Model EGG07 fot

Bulgaria, [m]

Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank for sup- References

plying with GPS/levelling data to the Bulgarian Military
Ceographic Service, for supplying gravity data to the National
Geodetic, Cartographic and Cadastre Agency, and Heiner Denker, H. (1998). Evaluation and improvement of the EGC:-
Denker fbr his assistance with software. data and recommenda- quasigeoid model for Europe by GPS and levelling ;-;
tions. In: Reports of the Finish Geodetic Institutre, 98:4. Nla..i
pp. 53-6 I .
39 Evaluation of the euasigeoid Models EGG97 and EGG07

Denker, H. (2005a). Evaluarion of SRTM3 and GTOpO3O ter_ Denker, H., J.-P. Barriot, R. Barzhagi, D. Fairhead, R. Forsberg,
rain data in Germany. In: IAG Symposia. Springer Verlag, J. Ihde, A. Kenyeres, U. Marti, M. Sanalih, and LN. Tziavos
New York, pp.218-223. (2008). The development of the European gravimetric model
Denker, H. (2005b). Improved modeling of the geoid in Europe EGG07. In: Proceed. IAG Symposia No. 133. Springer
based on CHAMP and GRACE results. In: IAC Symp. Verlag, New York, pp. 177-18-5.
Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions GGSM2004. Georgiev, I., P. Gabenski, G. Gladkov, T. Tashkov, p.
Porto, Augusr -3O-september 3, 2004, CD_ROM
'ri,. -Euiope- Danchev, and D. Dimitrov (2005). National CpS
D.*tke&, aria w. Torgi tis97l. gruui Network. Processing the observations of the main order.
metric quasigeoid EGG97. In: proceed. IAG Symp. No. I 19, In: Geodesy, Vol. 18. Military Geographic Survey
Geodesy on the Move. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New at Bulgarian Armed Force, Sofia, September 200-5,
York. 1998. pp. 245-254. p.190.
Denker, H., J.-P. Barriot, R. Barzhagi, R. Forsberg. J. Ihde, Georgiev, I., P. Gabenski, G. Gladkov, T. Tashkov, p. Danchev.
A. Kenyeres, U. Marti, and LN. Tziavos (2005). Status of and D. Dimitrov (200'7). National GpS Network. processing
the European Gravity and Geoid project EGGp. In: proceed. the observations of the secondary order. In: Geodesy, Vol. 20.
IAG Symposia No. 129. Springer Verlag, New york. Military Geographic Survey at Bulgarian Armed Force,
pp. l2-s-130. Sofia, January 2007,p. 190.

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