This curriculum vitae provides information about Garanta Simon Singkali, including personal details, travel documents, certificates of competency and proficiency, and work experience. Some key details include:
- Garanta was born on October 23, 1981 in Wasuponda and resides in Jakarta, Indonesia.
- He holds several certificates including an Engineer Class I certificate issued in November 2016 and offshore safety and medical certifications.
- His work experience consists of over 10 years serving as an engineer on vessels of different types including tankers, tugs, and offshore support vessels. His most recent role was as Chief Engineer on the Singapore-flagged tugboat Sun Orchid from January to March 2018.
This curriculum vitae provides information about Garanta Simon Singkali, including personal details, travel documents, certificates of competency and proficiency, and work experience. Some key details include:
- Garanta was born on October 23, 1981 in Wasuponda and resides in Jakarta, Indonesia.
- He holds several certificates including an Engineer Class I certificate issued in November 2016 and offshore safety and medical certifications.
- His work experience consists of over 10 years serving as an engineer on vessels of different types including tankers, tugs, and offshore support vessels. His most recent role was as Chief Engineer on the Singapore-flagged tugboat Sun Orchid from January to March 2018.
This curriculum vitae provides information about Garanta Simon Singkali, including personal details, travel documents, certificates of competency and proficiency, and work experience. Some key details include:
- Garanta was born on October 23, 1981 in Wasuponda and resides in Jakarta, Indonesia.
- He holds several certificates including an Engineer Class I certificate issued in November 2016 and offshore safety and medical certifications.
- His work experience consists of over 10 years serving as an engineer on vessels of different types including tankers, tugs, and offshore support vessels. His most recent role was as Chief Engineer on the Singapore-flagged tugboat Sun Orchid from January to March 2018.
This curriculum vitae provides information about Garanta Simon Singkali, including personal details, travel documents, certificates of competency and proficiency, and work experience. Some key details include:
- Garanta was born on October 23, 1981 in Wasuponda and resides in Jakarta, Indonesia.
- He holds several certificates including an Engineer Class I certificate issued in November 2016 and offshore safety and medical certifications.
- His work experience consists of over 10 years serving as an engineer on vessels of different types including tankers, tugs, and offshore support vessels. His most recent role was as Chief Engineer on the Singapore-flagged tugboat Sun Orchid from January to March 2018.
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Full Name : Garanta Simon Singkali
Place Date Of Birth : Wasuponda, 23 Oktober 1981 Coverall :M Email : [email protected] Safety shoes : 39/5 Religion : Cristian Height : 162 Contact Number : +62 82 346 729 058 / 0411 552909 Address : Swasembada Barat 20 no 18Jakarta Utara/Asr Yon Air Jl.Sena II No.9 TRAVEL OF DOCUMENT Name Of Document License No. Place Date Of Issued Date Of Expiry Passport B8922136 Makassar, 16 jan 2018 16 jan 2023 Seaman Book D 034429 surabaya,04 april 2015 09Sep 2019 Medical petronas B1 59630 Kula lumpur 30 march 2014 Offshore safety passport D Kuala lumpur 30 march 2014 Bosiet/Opito ( Code 5707 ) 939257072401155287 indonesia 23 Januari 2015 Panama certificat 927891 Singapore 08 sept 2015 Marlins certificat 56C3BDD42A5A8005 Jakarta 27 August 2015 CERTIFIKAT OF COMPETENCY Name Of Document Certificate Number Place Date Of Issued Engineer of class 1 6200190920T10416 14 november 2016 Engineer of class 11 (EOC) 6200190920T20414 Jakarta, 04 March 2014 Endorsement Class II ( END II ) 6200190920TB0414 Jakarta, 18 March 2014 Engineer Of Class III ( EOC III) 6200190920TC0410 Jakarta, 04 Feb 2010 Endorsement Class III ( END III ) 6200190920TC0410 Jakarta, 10 Feb 2010 CERTIFIKAT OF PROCIENCY Name Of Document Certificate Number Place Date Of Issued Basic Safety Training 6200190920010417 Makassar, 04 jan 2017 Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boat 6200190920040415 Makassar, 23 july 2015 Advenced Fire Fighting 6200190920060417 Makassar, 14Oct 2017 Medical First Aid 6200190920070417 Makassar, 06 jan2017 Medical Care on Board Ship 6200190920080417 Makassar, 04 jan 2017 Tanker Familiarization 6200190920090409 Makassar, 26 Nov 2009 Oil Tanker 6200190920100110 Jakarta, 02 August 2010 Ship Security Officer 6200190920240415 Makassar, 03august 2015 Engine room resource management (ERM) 6200190920270613 Makassar, 14 September 2017 WORKING EXPERIENCES Name of vessel Name of company Eng type Type of Rank Period of Flag kw/hp vessel Service MVJayaTresure PT. Samudra Prima Mitsubishi General Cadet 03.09.2006- Indonesia kw 4000 cargo 09.09.2007 MV Norteo PT.Mitramaritim Cummins AHTS 3rdeng 03.03.2010- Indonesia Kw4368 DP 1 10.07.2010 MTCosmic 5 Cosmic Hansin Tanker 2ndeng 07.05.2011- Singapore kw 3000 20.05.2012 MVAlpha PT.indrapura Caterpilar AHTS 2ndeng 29.05.2012- Indonesia KW 5215 DP 1 01.09.2012 SV Bintang PT.Colindoasia Yanmar SUPPLY 2ndeng 03.09.2013 Indonesia Kw3000 08.01.2014 MV Ewan Adventure Tropical Shipping Yanmar AHTS 2ndeng 25.03.2014 Singapore &Trading.pte ltd hp5449 DP 1 25.06.2014 MV Gallant Posh Nigagta ASDT Chief eng 20.11.2014 Singapore hp 4000 28.12.2014 MVGentel Posh Nigata ASDT Chief eng 28.12.2014 Singapore hp 4000 10.04.2015 MV Britoil20 Britoil Yanmar AHT Chief eng 07.05.2015 Singapore Hp 3600 10.08.2015 MV Vallianz cheetah Vallianz offshore cummins UTILITY Chief eng 12.10.2015 Singapore hp 4050 12.12.2015 MV Marina PT.Marina perkasa Yanmar AHT Chief eng 01.12.2015 Indonesia KW4000 05.03.2016 MV Badang MTT Yanmar AHT Chief eng 20.02.2017 Malaysia Hp 4000 07.08.2017 MP Nautical adlin Nautical Returns Nigata hp6000 Work Boat Chief eng 03.09.2017 Malaysia Sdn Bhd DP 2 20.12.2017 MV Sun Orchid Mosestide.pte ltd Cummins TUG Chief.Eng 05.01.2018 Singapore Hp 2500 BOAT 06.03.2018