Whitepaper Structural Bolting and Use of Fasteners 1
Whitepaper Structural Bolting and Use of Fasteners 1
Whitepaper Structural Bolting and Use of Fasteners 1
Introduction 01
Customised items 08
Strength description for fasteners made of stainless steel acc. ISO 3503-1 11
The purpose of this guideline is to increase your basic
understanding of fasteners.
Common types of fasteners
This section covers the most common type of fastening elements.
ISO 14399 / DASt-Richtlinie 021
ISO 14399 for bolts ≤M36.
Threaded Rods
Welding Base Nut
Press nut
Rivet nut
Plain and locking washers:
Schnorr® Lock Washer
Gluing, liquid
It is common to secure a joint with glue.
Customised items
Some items are not defined as standard parts but are steel A2 or A4 (A4 is also known as acid resistant).
instead customised for a specific purpose.
This includes clamping plates and distance bushings, The surface protection is a kind of offering materi-
which are described in this section. al that dissapears over a couple of years resulting
in corrosion of the bolt. The lifetime of the surface
Clamping plate: treatment depends on different factors such as wa-
A clamping plate is beneficial to include in a multiple ter, salt, chemicals, temperature etc.
hole joint with round or oblong holes.
A clamping plate is a kind of load distributer and If you are in doubt, please ask the supplier about
ensures better load distribution in the joint. I would fastening elements.
recommend that the thickness of the clamping plate
is minimum the diameter of the bolt. Electroplating acc. ISO 4042:
This type of electroplating is the most common
You must always use a washer on top of the clamp- corrosion protection in which zinc is the main com-
ing plate to avoid imprint from the bolt or nut. ponent.
Most of these fasteners can be used indoor. The zinc
Distance bushings: is applied in an electrolytic process.
A distance bushing is beneficial if you want to in- This surface treatment can’t be used on fasteners
crease the clamping length of the joint. property class 12.9 and above due to high risk of
NB! Do not cut the pipe seeing that the strength embrittlement.
is insufficient if the bolt is torqued to its nominal
torque. Hot dip galvanizing acc. ISO 10684:
Also referred to as TZN (Thermal Zink) HDG (Hot dip
A general rule is that the total thickness of the wall galvanizing).
across the bushing must be at least equal to the di- It is customised galvanizing for fasteners. The fasten-
ameter of the bolt -1mm. Furthermore, the bushing er is dipped into a liquid zinc bath and afterwards
must be made of S355. In all cases, the strength of connected to the surface of the fastener. If it is a
the bushing must be equal or higher than the bolts. normal size bolt, it is produced with a “U” after the
material description.
An example: This type of galvanize is recommended for outdoor
- M10 10.9 bolt use only.
- Wall thickness in the bushing (10-1)/2mm=4,5mm
- Clearance in bolt hole 1mm However, there are som limitations using this kind of
- Dimension of bushing: ø11/ø20 surface treatment:
- Fasteners less than M8
Always use a washer on top of the clamping plate to - Fasteners with an internal hole such as hexagon or
avoid imprint from the bolt or nut. hexaboular
- Fasteners property class 12.9 and above due to
Surface treatment: high risk of embrittlement.
In general, fasteners are made of steel. Therefore, it
is often required to apply surface protection on the
bolts. An alternative is fasteners made of stainless
Zinc-flake coating acc. ISO 10683:
An organic coating which is applied either by spray
or dip. This type of coating can be used on nearly all
kind of fasteners.
If a fastener is categorised as “black” it has no sur-
facetreatment. It is either blank or black due to a
phosphating process in the manufacturing process of
the bolt.
Strength descriptions for steel
fasteners acc. ISO 898-1
You can find out the strength of the bolt by looking at the numeric code on top of the bolt head.
Bolt 8.8, 10.9 and in some cases 12.9 are the most common used bolts for construction of machines.
There is a connection between the strength of the fastener and the possible surface treatment.
The stronger the bolt is, the less chance of selecting different surface treatments.
11 Bolt class 12.9 shall be avoided, and is not allowed in lifting tools and in structure with dynamic load
Strength description for fasteners
made of stainless steel acc. ISO 3506-1
The most common fastener is produced in austenitic steel and marked with an “A” on top of the bolt.
The most common type of stainless steel is A2 or A4 (Also referred to as acid resistant).
Regarding stainless fasteners, the strength is normally described by number “50”, “70” or “80”. The most
common is “50” or “70”.
The mark on top of the bolt can for instance be “A4-70” (acid resistant tensile strength 700 MPa).
The basic properties are:
Recommended sizes of bolts and screws
To make it more easy to navigate in the jungle of where. Though, it is not a standard size, which can
bolts, I have created a table in which I have divided make them more expensive compared to the bolts
the bolts into three categories. NB! This is from a from the green category.
commercial perspective, so always check with your
supplier. Red category: You may be lucky to find these bolts
at your local supplier but due to the size they can be
Green category: Recommended sizes which make quite expensive.
them easy to find and cheap to buy.
Yellow category: You can find these bolts almost any-
Design of a bolted joint
You can prevent many issues related to fasteners The following factors are the main contributors to a
by selecting the right fastener elements from the bolted joint:
beginning. - Type of load
This section describes some guidelines, which can - Clamping length
help you along the way. - Clamping ratio
First, I want to explain some of the thermology’s, - Vibrations
which occures in this chapter. - Number of contact surfaces
- Conditions of contact surfaces
- Clamping length: The distance between the bolt- - Stiffness of the clamped material, soft material
head and the nut or threaded part.
- Clamping ratio: Clamping length divided with the
bolt diameter.
The clamping length is defined as the length from tional securing of the joint.
the bottom of the bolthead to the beginning of the
thread engagement. If the joint is exposed to high frequency or vibra-
tions, a mechanical lock washer or chemical bonding
A reliable bolted joint must have a certain minimum is recommended. By adding a nut with a nylin, it will
clamping ratio. If the joint is dynamic loaded, the in some cases not be able to resist the vibrations and
clamping ratio is recommended to be minimum 5. will loosen or even fall off. The risk can be reduced
However, if the joint is static loaded, the clamping by increasing the clamping length by adding bush-
ratio is recommended to be minimum 2 (in some ings.
cases, you should use smaller bolts).
Number of contact surfaces Surface treatment such as hot dip galvanizing or
You must avoid too many contact surfaces in a bolted metallizing are possible before mounting of the bolt.
Normally, only one main contact (contacts in the For further information, please have a look at the
joint) surface is present. The contact points in the Eurocode EN/DS 1090-2.
washers does not count as a main contact surface.
Commonly, you can have one or two main contacts Stiffness of the clamped material, soft material:
in a joint. If the joint consists of two soft materials, for exam-
If you have 3 or 4 main contact surfaces, there is a ple plastic or rubber, you are not able to tighten
risk that the bolt can loosen or the pretension can the bolts normally. Instead you must use a reduced
increase dramatically. A way to prevent this is to in- tightening force.
crease the clamping ratio and/or make a retightening Furthermore, a securing of the joint is recommend-
of the bolt after 48 hours. ed. This can be achieved by using a prevailing nut
(ISO 7040) or by securing the joint chemically.
I can’t recommend using 5 or more contact surfaces
in a joint. Basic joints:
The most common joint is a hexagon bolt with a
Conditions of the clamping surfaces: shaft acc. ISO 4014, a nut acc ISO 4032 and washer
It is important that the contact surfaces are clean acc. ISO 7089/7090, connecting the two parts using
and dry to secure the integrity of a bolted joint. a through going hole.
The picture shows the most common type of bolt
Liquid or solid corrosion protection and paint must connection. When tightening the bolt, it is very
always be removed from the actual joint. Roughness important that the bolt is going fully through the nut.
and flatness are important factors as well as if the As a minimum, the length from the nut to the end of
joint is of “primary”. In this case, the contact surfaces the bolt must be LU min 2-3 x thread pitc.
should be have a roughness of maximum 16 Rz.
In some cases, a distance bush can be added to obtain the compression forces from the bolt. A bush-
reach the recommended clamping length. If you use ing like the one below is quite expensive so I recom-
a bushing, you must design a customised one. The mend using a smaller bolt instead.
wall thickness of the bushing must be sufficient to
Blind hole joint: If you consider this solution, you must be aware of
In this case, the thread is placed on one of the joined the strength of the threaded material as well as the
parts. thread runout of the bolt.
The thread runout “Lu” of the bolt is the chamfer
at the end, where the thread nut is expected to be
For this reason, the thread is not calculated as a part
of the load transferring in the joint.
The thread is complete at a distance of 2-3 x P from
the bolt end.
Counterbore bolt connection: This type of joint is widely used in workshop ma-
A counterbore is often used if several parts needs chines.
to be assembled in a sequence or a part must be
replaced without disassembling the whole assembly.
The joint have a full clamping force but use less
space than a normal Hex bolt.
Counter sunk connection: bolt tip in the threaded hole. In addition, the end of
This type of connection is widely used if the top must the tap will include a conical hole due to the shape
be levelled and/or the connecting part is thin of the drill bit.
and the upper side must be levelled e.g. walkways.
Though, this can’t be recommended as a primary
Due to the shape of the head, this screw has limited In the table below, you will find different thread
loadability. lengths depending on the material proporties.
If it is mounted in a through going hole, it is recom-
mended to tighten the nut and use the hex hole on Thread overlap:
the screw as counterhold. If the bolt is mounted in a blind hole or a thread is
If you use more countersunk holes in a part, you made in one of the parts in the joints, it is important
must control the tolerances between the holes. to ensure that the thread engagement is sufficient to
NB! Always check your supplier’s recommendation retain the clamping and mounting forces of the bolt.
related to load and torque.
In general, the stronger material, the less thread
Tapped hole: engagement is required.
The design of the tapped bolt connection depends
on the strength of the plate where the bolt hole is The following recommendations are from VDI 2230
drilled into. and I have added the recommendation for the practi-
The length of the thread must be a minimum re- cality of the joint.
quired length to ensure that there is no rupture of
the thread and prevent the bolt from failing due to
rupture of the thread.
There must be at least 2P of free thread below the
An overlap L / D ≥ 2.0 is not recommended seeing In the following table, you can find an overview of
that the bolt can lock itself due to the elongation in the most common overlaps of materials.
the thread relative to the thread tolerances.
As the thread nut is complete at the end of a bolt or
screw, an additional distance must be added if the
bolts are mounted in a blind hole. The additional
length is 2-3 Pitch on the bolt.
Multiple holes:
If you need to include more bolts in a joint, you must
take some minimum and maximum dimensions
between the holes and from the edges into consider-
This way, you ensure that all bolts are loaded as well
as prevent the material between the bolts to be
ripped apart because of insufficient material in this
“D” is the bolt diameter and “t” is the smallest mate-
rial thickness in the joint.
Clamping forces for the different sizes
The obtained clamping force in a bolted joint de- A low friction is not necessarily the obvious choice.
pends on different parameters. I recommend to find a stabile lubricant which have
a low scatter effect and fulfills the other needed
The internal friction inside the thread and beneath requirements.
the bolt head is one of the main drivers to obtain the
right clamping force in a joint. For this reason, it is The table on page 25 contains some of the typical
very important to lubricate the bolt on all the sliding maximum values and a tightening factor αa which
surfaces. Normally, this is the thread part and below can reduce the value of the clamping force.
the bolt head or at the contact surface on the nut. The torque and the clamping value changes slightly
at different friction values.
The preferable lubricant depends on several factors The table below is an example of how the values can
such as environmental, temperature, approved for be extracted from the table:
food, interational to corrosion protection etc.
1. Select the "M-size" and grade
List of selected lubricants: 2. Decide the minimum of friction which gives you
Kema: Never Seez RG 1100 (preferred at R&D) the clamping force in kN
Molycote: Molycote 1000 3. Use the previous friction coefficient to determine
Rocol: Anti-Seize compound the applied torque
Statoil: Multi Dope Yellow
Tightening methods of fasteners
As you design a bolted joint, you must consider how By using the αa factor, the clamping force is reduced
to tighten the bolt. to detect a minimum clamping force on the bolts.
Direct tension is also a possibility, especially if the
bolt has a clamping ratio of 5 or more. It is mainly Elongation measurement:
used on larger bolts such as M30. There are several elongation measurement methods.
Though, the bolt must be at least an M20 or larger
Some of the typical αa factors are listed in the follow- and minimum 200 mm long.
ing table (values from VDI 2230 Blatt 1). We have summed up the three most common meth-
ods, including benefits and disadvantages:
1. Mechanical:
It can help determine the preload of the bolt and the
system does not require any additional equipment.
Though, the system requires special preparation of
the bolt and can only be used to detect whether the
bolt is loose or not.
2. Ultrasonic transmitter:
The system is able to control the preload of the
bolts, including on a long-term basis. Furthermore, it
enables full traceability of the bolt.
You need to invest in additional equipment.
3. Ultrasonic measurement:
You can use the system to detect the preload when
tightening the bolt as well as to control the tighten-
ing process. As a bonus, the system stops automati-
cally when the right pretension is obtained.
Full traceability of the bolts is possible.
It is a cheap and flexible method compared to the
above-mentioned methods. Furthermore, it does not
require any special preparation of the bolt.
Additional equipment is required.
Control of a bolted joint
There exists a wide range of methods. However, I will and retighten it or replace it with a new bolt.
only point out the most common methods.
In my opinion, it is a very reliable method.
The most common method is to retorque the bolt,
using the initial mounting torque and detect whether Depending on the type of elongation measurement,
the bolt rotates or not. it is also a quite effective method. Our Bolt-Check
If you know the mounting torque, it is a straightfor- system is a good example hereupon.
ward method.
Though, the method relies on the chosen lubricant
which must be active at the time of the control.
Smart selection table
The following table gives you an overview of the most common sizes and availability of dimensions.
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