Junior Hinid Translator

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No. A-120 26t2t2o2o-Estbt(FBP)/ 820

I qo
t{I{d g{-6R/Govt. of lndia l
gtk rizroqluinistry of Jal Shakti
qci €qrqq, qdt kfi-rq \tq tirn €{fiTrfrqrt
Deptt. of Water Resources,- River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation
qfl mifO Of OgtdqlOffice of the General lt/anager
E-GF@'T {{fq qffiq-{Ufarakka Barrage Project^-
d--q-root t{q, fuf,r- ERfdoK
P.O.-Farakka Barrage, Dist.-N/lurshidabad
qfHq oiq-d /,/est Bengal-742212
ffiimtDated:- a9ntnozl

Applications are invited for filling up 02 (two) posts of Junior Hindi Translator in the Pay
I\Iatrix Level-6 (Rs" 35,400-1,12,400t-) by deputation (including shortterm contract) in Farakka
Barrage Project, a sub-ordinate office under tt/oJS, DoWR, RD & GR'


The services of the post is to assist AD(OL) in implementation of official language policy in
Officers of the Central Government.....
(aXi) Holding analogous post on regular basis or
(ii) With three years regular service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on
regular basis in post in pay in the pay matrix level-S or
(iii) Witfr tive years regular service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on
regular basis in post in pay in the pay matrix level-4

(b) (i) Essential 1) Nlaster's degree of a recognized University in Hindi/English, with English/
Hindi as a compulsory/elective subject or as medium of examination at degree level;

Master's degree of a recognized in any subject other than Hindi/ English, with Hindi and English
as compulsory/elective subjects or either of the two as medium of examination and the other as
a compulsory/ elective subject at degree level;

Master's degree of , r-".ognized in ,nV ,rOj"O"fother than Hindi/ English, with Hindi/ English
medium and English/ Hindi as compulsory/ elective subject or as medium of examination at
degree level;

Bachelor's degree of a recognized University, with Hindi and English as compulsory/ elective
subjects, or either of the two as medium of examination and the other a compulsory/ elective
subject plus a recognized Diploma/Certificate Course in Translation from Hindi to English and
Vice-versa or two years experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice-versa in
Central/ State Government Offices, including Government of lndia Undertakings.

NOTE 1: The qualification(s) regarding experience is relaxable at the discretion of the

SSC/Cornpetent Authority in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes or
Scheduled Tribes if at any stage of selection, the SSC/Competent Authority is of the opinlon
that sufficient number of candidates from these communities possessing the requisite
experience are not likely to be available to fill up the vacancy reserved for them.
The period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held
immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization or department
of the Central Government shall be not exceeding 3 years.

5, AGE
The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation (including shortterm contract) shall not
be exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications'

6. The cut-off date for determining the qualifying services/experience and age of the candidate
for the post will be the last date of receipt of application'

7.Any officer once selected shall not be allow dot withdraw or refuse to join; and it shall be the
responsibility of the sponsoring authority to release the selected officers within one month of the
issue of the appointment order.

8.The officer selected will have the option to draw his grade pay plus deputation(duty)
allowance or to have his pay fixed in the scale of pay of the deputation post in terms of
Department of Personnel & Training O.lt/|. No. 6/8/2009-Estt.(Pay ll), dated 17.06.2010 (as
amended from time to time).

g.Applications with full particulars of the applicant in Annexure-l to lV should reach to the
General Manager, Farakka Barrage Project, P.O. Farakka Barrage, Dist. Murshidabad (West
Bengal) 74221-2 within 60 days from the date of issue of this circular or publication of this
advdrtisement in the Employment News whichever is later. All applications will be treated in
strict confidential. Those from Government and Public Sector should apply "Through proper
channel". Applications without full details as adked for are liable to be rejected.

lg.Application of only such officersicandidates will be considered as are routed through proper
channel and are accompanied with (i) Bio-data (in quadruplicate) in the Proforma as given in
Annexure-ll (ii) photocopies of ACRsiAPARs for the last five years duly attested by an officer
not below the rank of Under Secretary (iii) Vigilance Clearance as given in Annexure-lll (iv)
Statement giving details of major or rninor penalties imposed on officer, if any, during the last
ten years a! givLn in Annexure-lV and (v) lntegrity Certificate as given in Annexure-V and (vi)
Cadre Clearance.

11. The details of advertisement and the application forms can also be downloaded from the
FBP's website- www.fbP.gov. in

(Manish Rathore)
Superintending Engineer(Goord)


1 Name of Post lunior Hindi Translator
2 Number of Posts 02 (Two)
3 Classification General Central Service Group'B' Non- Gazetted
4 Pay Matrix Level-6 (Rs. 35400-7,L2,4001)
5 Period of deputation The period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held
immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some
other organization or department of the Central Government
shall ordinarily not exceed 3 years
6 Duties and responsibilities of The services of the post is to assist AD(OL) in
the post implemerrtation of official language pqlLryUlEp
7 Pay & Allowances The officer selected will have the option to draw his grade
pay plus deputation (duty) allowance or to have his pay fixed
in the scale of pay of the deputation post in terms of
Department of Personnel & Training O.M, No. 6/8/2009-
Estt,(Pay II), dated L7.06.2070 (as amended from time to
B Qualifications, Experiences and Officers of the Central Government
Eligibility required for the post (aXi) Holding analogous post on regular basis or
(ii) With three years regular service in the grade
rendered after appointment thereto on regular
basis in post in pay in the pay matrix level-S or
(iii) With five years regular service in the grade
rendered after appointment thereto on regular
basis in post in pay in the pay matrix level-4
(b) (i)Essential 1) [/aster's degree of a recognized
University in Hindi/English, with English/ Hindi as a
compulsory/elective subject or as medium of examination
at degree level OR [t/aster's degree of a recognized in any
subject other than Hindi/ English, with Hindi and English
as compulsory/elective subjects or either of the two as
medium of examination and the other as a compulsoryl
elective subject at degree level OR Master's degree of a
recognized in any subject other than Hindi/ English, with
Hindi/ English medium and English/ Hindi as conrpulsory/
elective subject or as medium of examination at degree
level OR Bachelor's degree of a recognized University,
with Hindi and English as compulsory elective subjects, or
either of the two as medium of examination and the other
a compulsory/ elective subject plus a recognized
Diploma/Certificate Course in Translation from Hindi to
English and Vice-versa or two years experience of
translation work from Hindi to English and vice-versa in
Central/ State Government Offices, including Government
of lndia Undertakings
9 Age The maximum age limit for appointment on deputation
shall be 'Not exceeding 56 years' as on the closing date of
recer of the a ication

1. Name and address (in Block Letters) :

Telephone Number:

2. Date of Birth (in Christian era) :

3. Date of retirement under Central Government Rules

4. EducationalQualifications:

5. Whether educational and other qualifications required

for the posts are satisfied (if any qualification has
been treated as equivalent to those prescrlbed in the rules,
state the authority for the same)

Qualifications / Experience Qualificatio ns / Experience possessed by the Oficer


6. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above, you meet the
requirements of the post.

7. Details of employment in chronological order (enclose a separate sheet, duly authenticated by

your signature, if the space below is insufficient)

Office/Institution/ Post held From To Pay in the Pay Nature of

Organisation and service / Matrix and duties
cadre to classification
which it of post

8. Nature of present employment, i.e

(i) Ad-hoc basis

(ii) Regular / on temporary basis
(iii) Pay in the pay matrix

9. In case the present employrnent is held on deputation / contract basis, please state:

(a) The date of initial appointment:

(b) Period of appointment on deputation / contract
(c) Name of the parent office/organization to which you belong

10, Additional details about present employment. Please state whether working under:
(a) Central Government
(b) State Government
(c) Autonomous organization
(d) Government undeftaking
(e) Universities

11. Are you in the revised pay structure? if yes,

give the date from which the revision took place
and also indicate the pre-revised scale

12. Total emoluments per month now drawn

13. Additional information, if any, which you would like
to mention in support of your suitability for the post'
enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insqfficient' t"

14. Whether belonging to sc/st

15. Remarks

Signature of the candidate


It is certified that information furnished by the applicant is

verified with his/her service record
and found correct.

Countersigned with office seal by the authorized signatory of

the parent office

Signature of the competent authority




Certified that no vigilance case or disciplinary proceedings or criminal proceedings is

pend,n ,;:',;[1,T,
"::": ": conle,:1,:o
*n" "nn:i,,,00,,"?, ,o,^
in the
on deputation basis

(Authorized signatory)
Name & Office Seal:



Certified that no minor/major penalty has been imposed during the last ten years on Dr
/Shri/Smt./tt/r. . "-i... , who has applied for the

on deputation basis

(Authorized signatory)
Name & Office Seal:


After scrutinizing Annual Confidential RePort of Dr. /Shri/Smt./Mr.

who has applied for the post of
in the
on deputation basis, it is certified that his/her
integrity is beyond doubt.

(To be signed by an officer of the rank of Deputy Secretary or above)

Name & Office Seal.
\5 +Tfqtr s{fi]q i

Ec €rftf, F'zl@
EFI PE-.E, q* ft=@T-€ qq =I,1T E-{&iui- . ,Er-T
EielgqnEr* GT erehq
Etwr eqrre q-ffi-rEl ,:L-
-urvc,.tr' a:l .. i-t-,- i-F.lT'laJc.: t(

Ti€E;i qqTe - 742712

ffim 0K f 11 ,t zazs

ATfq' E=l.ic. --_=;1 perf.f yE .l-:T1 -IiTEt-q fa"il1 ri 94, stffio.sg q;;qj17q
rF,{c,rcF,r eqr- q-f*qrS=-i p;lffirqt ry q +E?ffi fu e /5 S:<oi-11?4J*/-} q
qr;?E Hi er:e64 q;l r r* i !E s,Fdl'+J.rad leenaf* {{fuqr q1'iicl ryq 3; 1ai
Gfiq-Ei arTrfid fu .=rc S i

2 cfr lq c$ $ tft ql ci ! l--l tct

gfi- q< fl. E-<tRE qr{f,#i q1lv qRzrwrT t

+t *.qrcfr rrfrErw {Tfr +
@i-qi<q{ fr q6qo FrePro (n--qrql) +i qile-dT o'mr t t

3 qT7lf,I qn-{s

cn-q rJrcr,T{ qT {Icq {J{qrT{ qT ?b-d anfun q-t{il a q"flT{J.I q1 ql(iqft*6 e},
d sqq,-q, srfuB-o7 d +rEroti:

0 fi?Tfrc" GTTIIT{ rl-t TrSeT q-E LTTrUT 6fiT. qT

q q'i \cI rnr-S
(ii) W {ff/fraTFr q A-rr;r tiQeT {'f,q-4 (s zssoo-81100/-) s qrqaT
(s 2s2oo-.s23aa / -) q e qt' of ffid qFf, e-qT d HIe; 3fu faxfr
ffi.qroq fr ffi rsi q.d t

4. arffi qt'.q-frT
ffi qr-zraT nq ffieiroq e fiFdl/affi d qrrgq Bfi nalT M raq q{
a=ffirrG=fr a#rqidt Miqo f{qe qT qfim .nT qitqq ra e} t


ffit qr;qf,T qlE ffiqrdq * ffiZsrrffi d fiI'q ffii fr faqq t qr{fl{

ffi oerr M rsq qr fA=*/s--$fi arH-fl?tZffi faqq {€ eT, ulqtri q * f-o
rr-tinr. 6T slErq {ET d ai-i R.siT arMZi-+e'+ frqq rET di t


ft-rfi qrqnT qlw Maerce Q fi-ct,z3{'m t fat{e $ faqq t

ffi/atffir qTrqq qt qri* { fM o";r ffi r+q qq eri'fr/F-fi Gifiql"i/ffidq-*,
frqq ql q-fteiT eT qrryq rai" d I


qr;q"dT qFd ffi * t-{dq Mi f}rir-{ ffi 3*E affi

aiMZffi faq-q qE rt qT qlEi it e qe q'Se',T B-T ErlqE rET Et dx qsfl"

orFrqrdZffieo flqq 16r Ei 3il-i q+rer fr frFfr t er-,ffi q 3il-i c-ffi .1 p'fr t
oITilE 6[ qF1qdt q[K ffiqT rtww_vd q]qqry sTalcIT ddl-q/{rw eron d
**1"C q, 6a$ 3ffiT qgd rfiox d sqfi-q fr t, frd t 3r-ffi t 3il-i 3rffi t
ffi t Gr-Jqrq ord or d qd or 3rg'ld I

frqufr:- qqq 3rlqt{ sT lfeTq qrffi d fraoqe-x

Gilgqq vrqtfi ar&dT otrqtr
qeIT ii oq frTl*d at w
GT-$x1-6 qrfrd sfl{ cEiIPrd rnq-wffi d GTlqrf#i of
t wq d fr,fi qmq qr 6-ffi a+q GnqY'r sT H&rq Hffi of qo srq
"*fi "-fiGTTikd frfrfr-q} d ,r{i A fuq sr+tsn Gi-5crq {si qrd B-t eSou\
t fu g-q-d ftI
d srrqtf#i d qqikl {itqr fr gq6q d-i qi rr+Tr+rT .r$f t t

4 qfrfugk at or-{E

qftFqfrf, of cmfu, d-q qrso-x d rrqn qr ffi erq qjrroq/fd'qrrT '} ge'
qE q{ qftFlgk ftt
FERfl t gid q-6-A ilfto fiffi er;q qrqq q-E G'ffi-Csi)
GT-qB q]'tro s q{ t 3rBo rfr etfr t

5. snrg

qfrffi (ero-orfi-< I1EET g1trd) sRT Frgfu A fa{ 3lEft-nq org $'m
srrlr HF *i o1 furfR-d 3lfrq ffifU a-o so qS fr 3lfuo rS e)-fr t

6. gq qE d fr\ 3Tqaff of qra t--+7erjro sfl-q eng .hT frqr{"T ant d fuq
Gfftq frfU Gil-iq-{ urw e}t of 3ifrq <rfts d-'ft t

ilw{ di ererqT .iqT TE,T zF-{i

7. frr{ft fi 3rffi d "qfr-f, Eti d otq Grdq-q -f,{i
t u6ri o-{i q,t 3{-jqfr T€i Ett; eilq q6 e,tfu-f, qd qrPr-rfr et 6-4=rq
qrer frs (ilH d w qI6 d erqq
E).ft fu q_e aqfr-.d"3rffi @) Fqk se.,
orzffi o< t

B. 3Tffi d qnr 4.TH-d' \'q qRreT"r fd'qTq d ft-r-rd' fi.06.201a d or.sl'

*. a/a/zoos-enu-<1 $c-<- rr) (wq-rrw
qr serT q-qtHa) d or-gun srqqr .)-s
qfrFqfrn d qq a fuqITq t
a-na 3il-i qfrFgfrfl (q{E) o* *en-o ffi 31e1a1
Grrrfl affi ftqfRd @sdrt or kos ti'n t

frry, d qE qRq-d qNI E\-i

e. srJd-J-{n-rfr ryt 3il-tffi d w r+rer 3il-nE-{
sTatcrT tqq* .,r'zTN
q-a ft--arq-{ ,r.,ftm Eti @t drftq' q} tfi qrE ii S},
t oo
qxcrfi-I q{lul, fu--dT- SRrdIqK
ft-{ d .r-fl q-fln-firffi, Fq.rf,r ett.f, qffiaqT, ft.er.
(qtrdq e.Trc{) 742212 q,\ q-gq uIr;IT I {flfi sTia-E_6i qrt aTFrfiT-ft IqT {di
"TBq "sfr-f, q,qq t" 3il-k{ 6{=TI
r*=ft | E-{6Ift ail--q erffio ei{ d 3{Iaqfi\ @\
r qr,}
frflq-q fr uv vrX"f dt
d fr-rT fu\ 3ilt-fi s.{E fu\ rni qrofr d

",fr- qrq'TT, s)- s-fu( qTETq t

10. qn tq\ Glffi/er.q?ff d sTla-fi qq-q ft-.m ftflr
*i;1 .Tq d Gil-{ ffi sTeT g 3il-{arqir-z R\ rrg qq, q fr-cm gfl (qri qfr) (i)
q-.qTfr"-a frrrf, d_d q"s ot
3tcN r{H-q 3Telcir s$-d u"* a *. d 3Tffi t
V$ux7qfr\Gilq o1 qfrf&fr (iii) en-gdJwr-3 q ft\ qqr t q-ndnT {@ (ir)
"! otqc.q6-4 d qry d ergvx ffi cs sd d +iry aqK .Tq, qR oti d, qS qr
Et-& arfud mr d-"{r 3flr (") crgdrffp'-s d srSrn e-.qFET qrrm qz f,erT (vi) qiq-{
r=ffi wa.q E}r \

i1. fr-"alq-{ eitq sl

Gtr+fi qrsq F{.FFT e-Enn qffiqfl rht d-q r{r{e-fbp.gov.int
€T-s-r-dls fr fu-qT qr H-m-il t t

(qfiq {d-{)
orefter"r oTft-{rdT 1s1qqo)


1 qE Ctrl qrii ofrE ffi orgqrrfr t"

2 qdi et +cqT 02 (o
J qrff=finT HFnar ffi-q t-qT E{a 's' il-nqqBo 3rj{rErftq
4 t tBwr +{d - o (s ss+o o-ttz+oo / -)
5 qfrFgfu of Grqg qfrfugfu of omiq, gs i{rron 3TelcII d-q rrrorq d frxft
er;q rrrrd{ qr furnq t gq ffi d g_{,i qrd sIIftf, or-.q
d-st-erqq qfrFqfu
w et qd cilqB v+trd HT{RcI: a d
Grtso rS d,ft r

6 q-{ d o--f.q vq {s qq et e--qTC or setrq w{fiFl q{rq qMq-qT i

flfr{T {rqqlqT ffi A oTqhq-{ fr eaq6 fr+pTo (innum) ot
T{6Rrdr o-rfl t I

7 a-d-{ \ti q-t qqi fuq w 3rffi @i, orffi-fi \'q qtrreTq fr'qTrT d
fa-ilo 17.06.2010 d flqid-q grw lr-cqT
a / a / zooe-{arqfl (iilq- r r) (vr+u-wrr q{ qer-qvt}B-f,)
of pTnT d rgew GrtFr .is q oflr qfd@r (qqd) ,r-dr
GTTaRf, .nri aiemr qfrFBfu qE A +-dqqrq q 3Tq-rT t-il{
ft-q-a oiTi or ft-o-oq d-,rr t

B *.?rf,r, ci-$rq olk ffiq {rq-6n d t{i orffii t q\,
qq d ftT silqqq-o (mX) u) rrgaT qE qxq fuq
Eq B,
(i) {f, rrq-{i/ftrrTrT q ft-{ tEffi ro{ 5 (s
2s2oo-sz3oo / -) Gil-i
-t ssr M q fia qd ffin
+qT @t E\,

(iii) {d. ZAulq q n-n-{ tftr {n( 4 (s

25500-81 too / -) Gil-i M-i sn ffi fr qt-q q{ ffif,
d--qT ftt E\.
ftxft ffiilrf,q U p-fr/ot-ffi ii qrqsq
qr=q-or qlw
6r; oen ftrfr ffi-q w 31.)_$7ffi erffi7ffiro frsu
qr .rfre+r of qlrqq va t) t

ftrrft qrarn qlw tilnn,-u t fr=fi23r-ffi t

ft-q frr{ft fr frq-q q qrw{ M flalT M rfl{ q{
pa7ca,ffi aft-mdZffio frqq {t e}, qr qH ft
Tfi' qften m-t qrtrrq {fl E} Gfl-{ $ffi erMZd-o-qo
frqq rtT dl

ft;qfi qrarnr qlq tilnn,-o d ft=fl/Gr-i\fi t

ft.{ frr{fr fiftq-q g 647erffi qtrqq r} qnrq M
oen fufr rfl{ rr{ cri}fr2trq efi-qrdZffiqo frEq qr
qfren or qlurq -seT
E\ t

frr{ft qr-qdT qrw ffiqro-q A-a-fl{tqT EH

ffi 3t-i GFffi erFrqr$Zffio frq-q {B El
qfr qftnt o.r qEqr{ {il 6\ 3ilq {q-tT 3rfrild
frqq {6r E} eil-r l1Tad fr frd t en-nfr t 3il-{ 3rffi t
ffi fr eryflq @I qFTqdT qrq Mqr qql{Ir-{i, qqqfrq
ffiq/ {l\rtl {{am-Nr\ d ffTffi n, ffi
qr{a {]-{fiN -} q) sq4-q *tr 7 frd t
ai-trS t
oil{ Gt-}-S t
ffi q 3T54rE ord qI d qd qI 3i-Jqq

I srg Er-{r
ftf* a-o qd t 3TBm. Tsi
qrK of fqt fkd s{ftq so


d-ffi-15 sre l.

1. qm Sq unr (we erert t)

tffiq qq{
2 qq frfU (ffi rrq t)
3. dq srron Frqri d ron rffi ht f,rft-s
4. Yt[k6 q)-.q-dT
5. qq-r GTTTI Err qE d ftf 3ltftrT P\eTFi-fi f,PlT 3l.l d'qolf rgn d I FR frt{ft
q\-.q-dT of ffi t
fiqiRf, 66 q|,uor $ sqg@ q'il rrqT t a\ Swd 6*
qrtsFi"T or a-du ot)

ffiffi/o{-g.rq ffi/GTgqq

6. Qqr enq qfli E-m o1 .T{ q-HfuqT d E_<'lf fr rqw uq r} B-d--s 6i fu 4qr sTTs
qE et orte+r {ft *€ B
7 " ord-mqqwx t-s.Tri d dt (qR ftt ftqr qqr qerm Grqqiw t d slqt E{flTerq
Et-iT rrfr-qlft 3TGEqrFrd 3TErt r\ go qfte $d-.q 'nt) '

/1T{€Ir//qrrd{ errkd qE 3fl.{ I\ AcF a-d-{

qtrtr q
o-rd o-r
6I ITII tqTZd-si rgs.ri
ffiuo 5q-drq
$qts=d t c{t{ qE

8. qdqlfl trqfu znl {!-sq olerfd

(ii) qerr{/ertqr{ 3iltlx q{
(ii) f.6q mffi fr AdT
e. qt'q6 uftfufro/Gr-Jqq amrr{ qq Enkf, EI-i d urqa
u-< t qqT sd-s 6t
(m) qT{fto Frgh tfi drers
(ru) qfrFgfrd/ergeu w fufro of 3m&
O srqd 5a orufau/HlTd{ 6-l nFI
ro qfqn tt-dqn d frq-q t 3rfrft-ffi frqEq:
qdtq fu oilq fttfld 3r-f,'fd orS oq € t-
(o) dq vr{dr(
(u) rrq $t-ol{
(rt) voron iirrdq
(q) rr-rorft H'Ioq
(s) ffi.ure-o

11. qqT sTIq €sfE-fl ilf,qqtq d € t ? qR er, ni rr{iltl-{ et a.ffi-s edrg f,Qn
rrtttrq $ t-d-qnrq .F-r fi sd.s .nf r

rz. qfqrq fr orrdkd q-d qTRr6 qffirui

rs. orfrfrffi qz-rT, *H d, m e]Tq SH qq d fuq 3lq-fr Bqgffiilrd sqei{ t
"e t) I qR qelrq srqqtw d ni eroq t €ftd r{a'q @.t
s-frafuo @-$iT qt;d t

M.qqT er-gqfr-d crftZq-5qfud q-t_flfr q\ de'Bf, d I

15 o1gft6qi

Gil-iqo d rsorerq

gfu of UTrfr t P6 3raqE flIT fi TI{ qan g_n-d fiqT ffi
q-a t {r.tTrfrf,
o-q d .ri B 3il-i $S qrfr q-fr €"t
qG-qd srffi d qR 6{flIer{ 3fl-i qt6-i
Xe oruic-+ A

oerq qifuot-ft d amre-q

H-d-ddr ffi rqt-ur_T{

gfu @t .mfi t fu fu d t*l*'q,ft,zgeft/ .

Mt qftfugfu d GTTETT{ qq dqqdfr\

GrlE-{ fuqT t. d frs-€ n f,} .ht-$ {rd-d-aT ffi 3relcrr G{-j?iffiF--6 sffr selcrr
GTqqrt*n off dfr*a t Gfu fr Ts fu\
q qri or ft-qn t r

(qrfr-qd Grffi)
qrq GtR o-rqtdq of +f,{

wRil q-fl-q-q.r

gfu of 'nrd) t fu fu i* /fr/ffi,21frl

tu€ti q qfrffi d erBm qq dqqdftq
GrT"nfi fuqT t, w ffi ro qff q 6N {S/B,t-& qTrRo TS dqffi q-S t r

(rtfu-qo eTffi)
flq Gfl-{ mTqfdq et +E-{


<* /+fr/4q-fr,/U*/ ffi+

{ sfr@ d enem w
........ . d ftq GTTA-fi frqT t, afi
...........d q-q
qrffi-dr rrffiq ffid ht qrm q,-G d qrq q6 q=rtFrd frqT qraT t fu B-{q,t
qr,qFgr fi ot$ vrie rS t r

(w qrfu-q GTe&rT srr$ s.n d erffi gr{r E{flr&r{ ftq1 qrqT };

fl-q Gil-{ @Tqicrq q,t +d-{
frqio :

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