The First Voyage

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The First Voyage

Around the World

By: Antonio Pegafetta
Group 1
P resent ed t o:
M r. K en P . Corro
P resent ed by :

A ndrea P alom eras

H ency R om
K ennet h J asper Fort aliza
M ae H y acint h A dv ent o
Shella M ae Llorag
About The Author
 Antonio Pigafetta Also known as Antonio Lombardo
 Born on Vicenza, Italy, around 1491
 A famous italian traveler
 Studied navigation, geography, astronomy, and
 He joined the historic Magallanes-Elcano expedition,
which started in August 1519 and returned in
September 1522.
 He had a written journal titled "The First Voyage
Around the World" that
 is considered one of the most important primary
sources for Magellan's expedition.
Ferdinand Magellan
 Ferdinand Magellan was Born in
1480 in Sabrosa Portugal by a half
aristrocat family
 Lost his parents when he was 10
years old
 Became a page boy for Quenn
 Magellan was a Portuguese
explorer who went to Spain after
the King/Queen denied his
request to explore
Treaty of Tordisellas
The Purpose of the Expedition
The Route of the expedition
The mutiners
Reaching the Mar Pacifico
The native in Guam
Treaty of Tordisellas
At that time there is a Line between
Portugal and Spain that would
divide and limit them if what just
the Portuguese can and explore and
what just the Spanish can explore.
Venus has a beautiful name and is the
second planet from the Sun. It’s terribly
hot—even hotter than Mercury—and its
atmosphere is extremely poisonous. It’s the
second-brightest natural object in the night
sky after the Moon
The Mutiners

The fleet faced several challenges,

01 Overview including treacherous storms in the
Atlantic Ocean, which damaged one
of the ships, the Santiago.
Additionally, Magellan had to deal
with discontent and mutiny among
his crew members, who were
03 Features
concerned about the long and
arduous journey ahead.
March 16 1521 - Antonio
Pigafetta together with
Magellan and other crew
landed on Zamal (Samar)
March 31, 1521 - The First mass
in the Philippines was held in
Limacaw (Limasawa).
April 7, 1521 - Magellan and his
men entered the port of zulu.
April 15, 1521 - A mass were
held with Raja Humabon and
his people attending the
ceremony baptising some
filipino men in that day.
April 26, 1521 - According to Zula,
a chief of the island of mactan,
Cilapulapu refused to obey the
king of spain.

April 27, 1521- the battle was

Content Presentation an
 The kind of document that Pigafetta made
is a manuscript or journal.
 It is the most cited document by historians
who wished to study the pre-colonial
 Pigafetta's account was considered as the
"purest" in pre-colonial society.
 Description of Pigafetta to the natives.
 He always mentions how the natives welcome them.
 Pigafetta emphasized the nakedness of the natives
"They have many wives as they wish
but one of them is the principal wife"

"When they saw the captain's

courtesy, they presented fish, a jar of
palm wine which they called uruca".
"Before we left, the king kissed
our hands with great joy".
"They have very black hair
that falls to the waist and use
daggers, knives and spears
ornamented with golds". "He
wore two gold earrings and
many gold armlets on their
“The captain told them that God
made the sky, the earth, the sea, and
everything else, and that He had
commanded us to honor our fathers
and mothers, and that whoever did
otherwise was condemned to eternal
fire; that we are all descended from
Adam and Eva, our first parents; that
we have an immortal spirit; and
many other things pertaining to the
"And to say that they would be more satisfied
with us, for he (and his men) had come to the
island as friends and not enemy".
"The king told him that he was welcome but
that it was their custom for all ships that
entered their forts had to pay a tribute". "The
interpreter told the king that since his master
was the captain of such a great king he did
not pay tribute to any seignior in the world.
"The captain told them that if they
wished to become Christians, they
must burn all their idols and set up a
cross in their places".

"Then our captain had all the chiefs

of the king called, and told them that
unless they obeyed the king, he
would have then killed and would
give their possessions to the king".
“He requested the captain-general to
send him only one boatload”, “The
captain-general decided to go with
either three boatloads”.
“Then, trying to lay hands on a sword,
he could draw it out but halfway,
because he had been wounded in the
arm with a bamboo spear”.
IV. Contribution and Relevance of the
Document in Understanding the Grand
Narrative of Philippine History:
 It enables historians to gain insight into the
perspectives and experiences between European
travelers and the natives of the Philippines.
The account is also of historical significance
since it sheds light on the earliest interactions
between the Europeans and Filipinos.
The story also provided a visual depiction of
the country Philippines at that time: the scenery,
the Philippine people's clothing/customs, and
even a description of the inhabitants of the
Philippine islands in the 16th century.
● The account is a valuable cultural heritage resource, letting modern-day
Filipinos have a relationship with their ancient ancestors and learn
about the Philippines' unique cultural legacy.
● It aids in maintaining and developing cultural identity and dignity.
● The account offers proof that the world is not flat, which at the time
disproved their theory.
● The world's geography and cartography have been altered and have
been used until now.
● Antonio Pigaffeta's account may also be utilized as a teaching tool to
inform students regarding the earliest meetings between Europeans
and Filipinos and the Philippines' historical setting.
● It promotes historical understanding among younger individuals by
developing an appreciation of the nation's fascinating past.

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